Hello folks and welcome back once again! This week I am rounding off the training block with a classic century ride, just over. I’m also redeeming myself after a disaster last week, so repeating the route and finishing it.

    Also a great chance for me to test/tweak more fuelling strategy ideas and it is going very well.

    0:00 Intro
    7:38 On Bike Fuelling
    12:14 Salisbury
    15:54 Dieting

    This ride – https://www.strava.com/activities/11667142292

    Insta – https://www.instagram.com/andyc_ultracycling?igsh=dTg4eWFzODZybWQ0&utm_source=qr

    I’ve actually also got some pretty exciting updates for the channel one wrong move and it’s very messy bath time [Music] oh [Music] [Music] good morning friends welcome back to the channel and another Ultra cycling related video if you’re one of those I chat to in the comments then welcome back and if you’ve never watched before I’m Andy I’m ultra cyclist on the south coast of England the videos I make are about Ultra cycling training kit and Adventures so subscribe for more videos like this on the cards for today we call this one a Redemption ride I went out last weekend and had a really good route planned managed to get halfway through and if you watch last week you’ll see it didn’t exactly go to plan so today I want to go out finish this route see Solsbury come back through the New Forest and have a better week than last week and that said I’ve got exactly the same conditions really quite a strong headwind out and then hopefully a pretty good Tailwind back so I think I’ll be on the aob bars most of the way to Solsbury I’ve actually also got some pretty exciting updates for the channel if you following my Instagram you’ll have seen I’ve received a package this week at the moment there are two possibly three brands that are interested in helping the channel out as I’m sure you can imagine the financial outlay racing across the entire continent is pretty high really thankful there are a few brands that are going to help me out with that and some quite good stuff too so let’s go get this headwind dealt with get out to Salsbury hopefully you be able to hear me a bit better afterwards and I’ll run through a few things with you some of those interesting updates and also they actually tie in really well with nutrition and given I’m about 5 weeks away from the Transcontinental race if you don’t know it 4,000 km France to Turkey right now nutrition and diet is a pretty big Focus for me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] [Music] so far so good getting pretty close to where the tire slash happened last week now almost breaking new ground cross your fingers the road was called Stony batter Lane covered in Stones so I’m going to be pretty careful going through there [Music] [Music] hey the joys of rural English living no thanks I’ll take the car alarms and the engines [Music] revving so diet and nutrition I’m climbing it’s 11% it’s bear with me but always either climbing or descending so climbing is probably easier to talk to you probably nice if you few times while I make this video so here we are the first thing I’ll say if you don’t like all the chatter there’ll be chapters below so you can skip it the next thing I’m not qualified to talk about nutrition so this is what I do and what works for me feel free to use it to see what sort of things you could try but it’s not advice so do your own research I was thinking about it on the way here and for me there’s two categories I think nutrition and diet nutrition being fueling my rides and that starts before the day before and goes into the following day to recover the other category diet ongoing rest of the week what do I put in my body to reach my goals and my goal right now is to get in some pretty good shape before the TCR so it’s quite a timely video to make actually you’ll have seen recently I’ve been toying with different strategies for fueling on the bike carbs per hour was too low so I’ve increased it recently to aim for 60 G an hour of carbs on the bike and that’s kind of personal to me so I think if you are in a really hilly area and your energy expenditure is higher than mine maybe you need more than 60 G an hour but I felt kind of all right at 40 I had a flat spot at All Points North no energy whatsoever so trying 60 G an hour at the moment and it’s going pretty well so that’s on going through the ride set an alarm on my Garin to remind me every 20 minutes eat 20 G outside of that big meal the night before lots of carbs fats carb loading basically calories energy in the system in the tank before the ride and then a good breakfast in the morning overnight oats oats berries yogurt all the lovely all that nice stuff really good breakfast strong coffee get on the road so so in terms of fueling on the bike that’s roughly it the following day whatever my calorie deficit was day of the ride I try to make up big chunk of that the following day that can be my recovery seems to work quite well I just change up what I have pre-ride carbs fats energy post- ride try to get a bit more protein for recovery and a bit more rest before I get back into training on Tuesday and on the bike that 60 G an hour for a while now I was using Supermarket bars creps from Co-op whatever I could really find and I had no idea how low and carbohydrate they were so I contacted a couple of Brands to try to see if I get some kind of support on adequate fueling for this kind of riding mil 150 Mi when I can carry all the food with me so right now I’m trying a couple of different products see if I like them if I get on with them and then hopefully they’ll be willing to support me us with some really good fueling and get through these rides a little bit more successfully the neat and dry Supermarket bars but I’m testing it this week by next week I should be a to tell you how it went I think that’s the climb over so that’s how I feel the rides during before and after recovery actual diet through the week I getting too shortly because I’ve got goals to hit before I get on the start line of the Transcontinental race so got to be mindful of what I eat through the week as well but I get into that shortly there we are so far so good made it further than last week anyway how much further let’s see I’m sure we’ll be fine it’s only a few miles to Salsbury now maybe stop there for a coffee and then we’re going home via the New Forest so we should have a St Tailwind through there all I get a [Music] way we have found a winner no doubt wow just leaving Salsbury now that was quite fun today in England is Father’s day so I’m imagining that’s an event butt on for Father’s Day managed to arrive just in time for the Rev off I love loud cars it’s when cars punishment pass rev the hell out of their engines makes me jump it’s not good but the joke’s kind of on them I love loud cars I’m currently sweeping around to head home and that headwind slowly turning from headwind into crosswind Tailwind it should be pretty strong I hope oh let’s going to have some fun I love riding through this place and right now I think this section it’s got to be up there with one of the best best places I can ride in some of the best conditions close to where I live it’s quite high up and exposed but with the Tailwind little bit of sun it’s gorgeous [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the two things I’m testing at the moment I mentioned earlier on one of them’s nutrition it’s all the fuel and stuff to get through a ride the other’s a supplement I feel like I got more stash to work through and try it it’s feeling pretty conclusive so far I feel a bit too good I’m right now I’m 87 mi into this ride my heart rates almost at threshold up this climb it’s thin it threshold lower end of that a lot and it feels pretty easy to push on past that just generally feeling really good this is the last last training ride before my rest week usually by now I need a rest I I do but honestly during this ride I feel bloody great I’ll get through more of the stash do more testing and then about that later 90 m in now can you hear the wind I’m sure you can I’m just heading in go see my dad I’m sure you appreciate me turning up Father’s Day stinking but think it’s coming Tuesday except we talk about diet so I’ll go through what I do and if you the first thing I’ll say if you have any kind of propensity to focus on diet because you want to look a certain way then I’d say if that’s your goal your priority it’s do some more of research really it shouldn’t be that high on the priorities I think there’s a real Trend in Road cycling to look as thin as possible to look like T Pacha thin as anything I think it’s nice to be lean that should be a byproduct of the process body dysmorphia is a real thing I fluctuate through the year in the winter I’ll be around 77 kilos maybe 78 and in the summer I get down to about 70 bear in mind I’m a little over 6t moving in toward Bean Poole territory I get a lot of comments in the summer aren’t you skinny you don’t need to D it you’re so thin and the worst one it’s all right for you you’re thin when actually it’s quite a lot of work to be to be leaner and the same in the winter I put 10% of my body weight on and people will say you put on a bit of Timber that sort of thing can be a bit damaging and if you are conscious of that sort of thing then just be conscious of body dismorphia and uh your reasons for wanting to change your body composition should be for the right reasons so be careful as I said for me in the summer I do push myself a bit to get pretty lean entering Bean Poole territory as I said I put up a picture of my legs from last summer if I could dig it out reached a point when shaving my legs one wrong move and it’s a very messy bath time so when it comes to leanness and dieting the sport like most things is personal as to what works for you for me when I get out of winter I start cutting a few things out February March my way gets down to a pretty workable level by May and then at some point depending on what I got what I got happening I need to make a real conscious effort to shift a little bit more Timber but for me there’s a point when I have to work to get the last bit of fat off I find my performance in the bike is helped I have more energy I feel a bit more py if you’re already lean and you try to go too lean or too lean too fast it will compromise your riding for sure for me personally like most things it was trial and error and learning from my mistakes to see what worked I tried eating just very little thinking let’s get the fat off see how it goes lose weight too fast and just feel terrible tired can’t train I get ill not good instead for me I can monitor my calories using whoop very accurately for the whole day not just training all calories burn through the full 24 hours all I need to do is make sure I’m a couple hundred calories under that when a very slight deficit most days not all days then you will lose weight that’s just the way it goes you’re not put enough calories in to sustain that fat obviously on training days recovering from training you got to be a little bit smart about it but it does work and that’s what I do you got to find out what works for you and then on top of that how lean do you get well that’s personal no one has the answer for you but I found out for myself once I get down to a certain body fat level I start feeling very good if I go beyond that very quickly feel very bad so there is a crossover in line with the law of diminishing returns there comes a point it’s not worth getting leaner and leaner and then a point it will just hinder your training so there you go I feel like I’m squeezing a lot into this video and not going into matters of detail because as I said it’s personal to me if you’re interested and getting Lena for riding just be very careful about it do lots of research do it in a measured way and do it for the right reasons don’t do it cuz you want a six-pack don’t do it CU you want to be lean in your lier because you’ll just look terrible in a shirt like I do I work in an office I like a sack of potatoes tied up in the middle because there’s not a lot under my shirt sadly and last thing to add from an ultracycling perspective pushing to lose the last 500 gr of fat before a big event thousands of kilometers or whatever is it worth losing that extra 500 gr risking getting ill kind of cost as we ride really not that important weight is a factor if you’re not careful and you’re packing far too much but I don’t think it’s as much of a factor as a lot of people think it is back into the headwind again just sat at my parents house for 2 hours and I am stiff I gone about 10 mil to get home just about to hit 100 miles got about 10 more roughly before I get home got get some nice food I’ve got a yogurt a huge Greek yogurt in the fridge I’m going to demolish [Music] [Music] we’re back in Hors smoth and back into the headwind rough but this been a great ride a very good Training ride I’m feeling bloody good still 108 mil so I finished at about 110 I wouldn’t mind getting out of the headwind but i r 170 still managing to hold threshold it’s crazy but I hope this has been useful and not boring hopefully at least I managed to get around this time without destroying any tires so hope you all have a good week sign off again for another week I’ll see you all in the next one take it easy


    1. Wow Andy that’s brilliant news regarding sponsorship for the channel well done.. 😊 awesome info on the diet and nutrition front to 🚴🏻👍💪😊🚴‍♀️have to admit I suffer with body dysmorphia have done for years.. Pete

    2. A great ride and another great video Andy, with some awesome advice on the nutrition topic. Thanks for sharing!

      It is so important for cyclists to separate their fueling for the bike (before/during/after rides) vs. the general areas of diet and nutrition as you noted in your video. For me, I like to use the term "fueling" when I am talking about ride/event calorie consumption vs. "nutrition" or "diet" when I am referring to my general day-to-day eating. From a ride performance standpoint, it is a huge mistake for cyclists, especially endurance cyclists, to try and use their rides & eating during the ride as a place to cut calories. Far more 'damage' is done to our health, weight and appearance by our eating habits away from the bike.

      I will definitely be interested in hearing your reviews of the nutrition/supplement products you are trying! Kudos to the companies for being willing to lend a hand to you and the channel!

    3. I always feel a bit more (ego) Pro on a frame that's 'a hair' to small for me. However, that 54 seems just right for you?

    4. Have you considered making your own version? Using maltodextrin and fructose ? Far cheaper than gels and just the same ingredients.

    5. When the video started I thought to myself, wow Andy is looking trim! I've been on a weight loss journey and learning all the same mistakes, ill 3 times in the last 2 months and I had already come to the conclusion its through trying to lose weight too quickly, so good to see that you agree that is a danger. I have learned that even 2KG of weight makes a huge difference to performance over a middle distance, and I could really do with losing another 15KG so excited to see where that goes but have realised I can't lose that at the rate I lost the last 30 odd KG. Anyway, great to see you out enjoying the sun and looking forward to seeing what the sponsors bring to the mix. 👌

    6. I think you definitely need to be careful with weight loss for ultra distance riding. I know successful ultra distance rider Angus Young, who lives down the road from me, and I understand he will actually deliberately fatten himself up in the final weeks before big endurance challenges. Ultimately once you start these rides you are going to be in pretty massive calorie defect every day, so it helps if you are carrying some fat reserves.
      I think it’s good to trim down in your training, but then in the final month don’t do it, and build yourself back up a bit. You will soon lose it again once you start.

    7. I use a mix of the Sports Energy Bars, some Gels, Mini Pork Pie for a savoury and a Mars Bar when I need a psychological boost, I have to vary them to keep my gut happy, oh and skittles for emergencies. I would also consider when you eat and being on those tri-bars, bent over my not help digestion. ELECTROLYTES…keep them topped up.

    8. I always use 1-1.5g of carbs per kg of body weight pre riding and then 40-60g of carbs per kg of body weight per hour during riding. Post riding at least 25g of protein and 1-1.5g per kg of body weight of carbs 😉

    9. Good one Andy! Nice route and nice weather. Interesting and useful thoughts.
      Great to hear the sponsors are knocking on your door!

    10. Love your videos! I don't understand why people can be so rude by making comments on other people's weight. Mind your own business peeps and keep your opinions to yourself!

    11. I had a decent sized bowl of muesli with milk in the morning, if i did not drink all the milk the night before. If i did, then it was warm water that was left over from the coffee making that went into the mueslii. This lasted a fair few hours. But i would still stuff my face all day long though. Deep inside belgium i scoffed down a small tub of nutella with a baguette before lunch. I was starving. I frequently ate pastries in little chucks. I had bags of them hanging off the back so i can get to them easy. This was all in addition to whatever was in the bottle. I use High 5 since it is a UK made product. I like the berry. Its neutral and easier on the gut than the acidic citrus they make. I had a little podsacs waterproof bag with a handle that fit a small tub of high 5. That was also hanging off of the back.

      The first 3 days accross the UK i survived on ham, chedder and jam sandwiches cut into 8ths that were stored in a mussette bag.. The long cloth handles make it easy to tie the bag up so it does not get into the spokes. And they weigh next to nohitng. I used morrison's cheese covered baps. I liked that so much that i repeat this now when i go for multi day tours. Not for everybody but you have to eat once an hour or so, or your body starts running a deficit rather quickly if you ride all day long for days on end. So you gotta eat even if you d not want to. Apart from that you are getting some real food in.

      Bars are expensive but you can make them on your own. An oat based bar mixed with honey or lyles golden syrup willl do the job but keep in mind that this is weight you will need to carry. In my case, no thanks. Patries are lighter and taste better. Bakeries can be found all over. The closer you get to turkey the more balaklava you wil see and that is good shizzle.

      I rode from about 7 am till it was getting dark and then piched the tent. I did stop a few times a day for food and rest but it was never more than 20-30 min.

      My suggestion is you seriously watch your caffeine intake. I am a junkie and i ove coffee. This messed with my sleep.

      My feeble attempts are help 🙂 At least it is coming from somebody who did ride seriously long distances.

    12. nice one Andy, strong ride and some good insights, I'm with you on the body dysmorphia side of things, it can be a real issue for some folks…however, after a ride like that one, heading back into Pompey I would have gone straight to kens kebabs and a pint! MTB mentality rather than ultra road 🙂 all the best mate

    13. Hey! Just found you and I started doing the same thing – Giving coaching advice WHILE riding the bike and it's so much fun! Been podcasting since 2005 (not kidding) and the video addition is really cool. Congrats on the sponsorship! And to other people asking about making your own fuel vs. being sponsored, the answer is it's nice to have both. Make your own for all the endless hours of training and know what good fuel is made of. But having it prepackaged and ready to go with different flavors and such is also fun and a nice treat on race days. And also gives you something to talk about and some $ to keep the show going. Middle approach and all. 😉

    14. Another great video Andy (music you choose by the way is great👍). Good to hear you’ve got a few brands on board that will help you and are as you said related to what you do and believe in. Be interesting to see how these work for you. Regarding the Timber, I agree, there is a point where the body feels just right, not too “heavy” & not too “lean” and it’s defo a line that can impact your capabilities. Also something I found out, rapid weight loss can also cause gallstones for some people so it needs to be a controlled weight loss. Anyway, another great video with some useful personal tips, look forward to the next one as always 😊.

    15. How do you train for sleep deprivation Andy? I read that the body can function quite well with very little sleep over a few days but the trans-continental is a long way and more than a few days.

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