Ultrahuman were kind enough to send me out their new Ring AIR to try out. I have had great fun with it over the past few weeks and not only learnt a lot but also become healthier.
    It is an awesome little device that monitors your sleep, movement, heart rate and other stats to help you improve your sleep, concentration and overall health.
    If you fancy getting one of these there is a link below and a discount code
    Discount link: http://ultrahuman.com/CustomCans
    Discount code: CC10

    00:00 Intro
    01:44 Unboxing
    06:47 T.L.D.R and initial thoughts
    09:32 a close up look at the ring
    10:19 an in-depth look at the app and my journey
    10:33 Sleep index
    13:06 Dynamic Recovery
    13:28 Movement score
    15:14 Stress Rhythm
    17:03 Stimulant Permissible Window.
    22:23 Breathwork and workouts
    26:25 Heartrate and VO2 Max
    30:10 Smart Goals
    31:34 Final thoughts

    what up fellow nerds it is Jason here from Custom cans and today I got something a bit different um basically it’s some people don’t know what the point of their life is they they’re aimless they don’t know where they’re going in life but I’m not like that I know exactly what the point of my life is and it is twofold one is to increase the amount of happiness in the world if you can just every time you smile at someone or whatever you know just you you increase the amount of happiness in the world marginally we are try and do that whenever possible and the other is to increase my own happiness by having cool toys I’ve never seen the point of having loads of money but having cool toys is where it’s at yeah I know a lot of people who they’ got high paid jobs and they’re deeply unhappy I’m like take some of that money spend it on cool toys you’ll be happier what are you playing at money is not the end goal happiness and toys that’s what you want speaking of which ultrahuman reached out to me and said would you like a go on our cool new toy the ultra human ring air and I’m like wow that seems like an unusual jumble of words that you’ve just used there but yeah basically I’m a gadget Fiend I love gadgets and uh if someone wants to give me a free toy I yeah but also this is pretty cool I don’t have a smart watch or a Fitbit or anything like that and this is going to give me some cool data I am a nerd at heart and I love looking at charts and graphs I can now take some graphs from myself so anyway without further do the plan is I’m just going to do a quick unboxing video then I’m going to put this thing on and I’m going to wear it for a week or so and just see what data I can get off it what information I can learn from this cool thing see how comfortable it you know just live with it for a bit so nice packaging cardboard box I like the typography on here it’s uh very nice what’s it say accurately measure sleep recovery and movement to provide actionable Health insights daily well that’s good I think of myself as a relatively healthy person you know I’m I’m like nearly 50 years old but I still get out and uh walk to work skateboard BMX that kind of thing really interested to see what kind of data you get off this cuz I think I sleep all right you know I go to bed and I just fall asleep within 12 minutes I know this cuz I set an audio book timer for 12 minutes audio book turns off I hardly ever hear it turn off so I fall asleep pretty quickly and I wake up without an alarm clock every morning I’ll wake up just when the sunrises and uh well in the summer when the Sun rises at the moment I’m waking up at like 4:00 in the morning which is a little bit annoying so that’s when the sun comes up and then in the winter I normally wake up about 6:00 but how good is my sleep what’s the quality of my sleep like I don’t know I often feel tired uh I remember someone it was they said when you’re a grownup your work is pretty much just working and sleeping but for some reason you’ve never got any money and you’re always tired and uh yeah I I I get it so I’m hoping to get some insights from my circadian rhythms and things and see what what that’s all about so let’s uh let’s get this bad boy out and have a look so I’ve gone for a size 10 as I have relatively fat sausage fingers um ooh oh it’s very light it’s very light I’ve gone for the titanium color and yeah it looks like it’s got a load of sensors and it should it fits me perfectly I went for the right index finger um but this size 10 should also fit on my left index finger and I couple of others as well yeah most of my fingers are the same kind of size this one oh just yeah yeah yeah I thought a right index finger seems to be the right place to put it you’ve got a flat spot on the bottom I suspect you have to put that the right way up what else do we get in the Box we got a little oh a little stand and again all this packaging is cardboard I’m giving extra points to everyone who’s got cardboard packaging at the moment this is the future when I was doing product design they were very keen on us designing stuff uh to be sustainable and one thing that I didn’t think about cuz I like oh hang on we got a bit of foam here could have done away with that bit of foam but I suppose it’s protecting the the ring but I don’t think you needed quite that much foam a small square of foam above the ring would have saved you materials and save the environment I don’t know what that foam is it’s a weird feeling foam schol that’s weird like a memory phone kind of thing is there anything else in here oh no it doesn’t come apart yeah nice nice box could have done with less foam in there maybe um probably could have done with away with the foam but generally it’s cardboard most of it is cardboard I’m still giving them points uh yeah no plastic insert so yeah just a USB C Cable in there so this is your little charging station you just get your ring plunk it on M oh yeah it’s say it’s the right shape and then that charges up so that’ll be good I wonder if they have to have different size charging things cuz that seems pretty close fit on there I wonder if they’ve got got different yeah size 10 charging station so so for every size they’ve got to have a different charging station that’s what I was thinking cuz um like a smart watch or a Fitbit you could basically make one size with an adjustable strap and it’s going to fit everyone for these smart Rings they’ve got to make different size rings for everybody so you got to have an inventory of all kinds of different sizes and colors which means that you need you know rather than having five different colors you’ve suddenly got to have 50 different variations because you got different sizes and different colors and then you’ve also got going to have you know 10 or 12 different docks to to choose from so yeah from an inventory point of view smart rings are very expensive for custo for companies to make I expect so just thinking of the economics of the product design here so yeah so that’s just a basic unboxing video and what I’m going to do now is I’m going to go off I’m going to live with it I will report back I’m going to try some stuff like later on today working on a race car fixing a race car with a friend and uh generally much as I it’s great fun hanging out and playing with cars again expensive toys change money for happiness it’s also very stressful you’ll get in like a bolt won’t come under or you’ll do something and something will snap or I don’t know but generally working on cars initially you’re like hey this is like a 10-minute job and then two hours and ,000 late you’re like oh I I never want to own a car again but uh anyway so I’m seeing how stressful situations and and uh joyous situations such as driving a race car uh will affect my heart rate and body temperature and stuff like that be really interesting to see if you can get some some graphs and and stuff up uh yeah interested to see how my Cadian rhythms rythms are and yeah anyway so leave it with me I’m going to go off and have a good old play with this thing well I’ve had this on my finger for the past few weeks I meant to leave it for a week and then do a video but life got in the way but it’s very interesting because obviously I got to get more data everyone wants more data so uh if I just do a quick tldr and then I’ll go into more detail about what I’ve leared and how it’s been so basically yeah it’s I I get it I get it it’s cool it’s like it’s very lightweight you’d hardly even notice it is there most of the time it means that you can wear a nice looking watch occasionally without having to have a silly smart watch or a Fitbit kind of thing and it’s just unobtrusive you can get all that data without having to have various things strapped you uh yeah so I think as far as unobtrusive Ness it’s good it seems to work very well they say you get a 4 to 6 day battery life which I would say is fair and the app the app is where all the magic happens it’s quite a nice like the ux the design of the app is quite nice I’ll go through that in a bit and it gives you all your basic stats that you need it seems quite geared up towards getting a good night’s sleep which is good you know gives you tips on how to do that and obviously the normal exercise kind of stuff and um I’ve been kind of enjoying it cuz I’m one of those people that is a complete iist I want to get the best night sleep I can to get the highest score and I want to be like do all the exercise see if I can get a better V2 Max or a lower resting heart rate that kind of thing I learned a lot I learned that I’m I’m not very fit uh turns out I don’t do like any cardio work really and uh I don’t know I always I think I’m I’m one of those people who blessed with good jeans on my mother’s side everyone’s long-legged athletic types and my father’s side it’s all rogish men so yeah so like I don’t I can eat puddings with every meal and not get too fat and I just thought that meant probably pretty healthy but uh but no it turns out I need to do some cardio some running and uh this app has shown me that and it’s got me into running I now go for a run in the mornings it’s uh it’s pretty cool so anyway Let’s uh let’s go over the app and some of the things I learned slash the journey I went on to become slightly more Ultra human I’m going to live with this for a few more months and I reckon by the end of the the summer I probably developed psychic powers SL be to fly I don’t know I’m going to I’m going to every superhero has an origin story in mine maybe and then one day Jason put on the ultra human ring and bit like saitama from one punch man where he did a 100 sit-ups 100 Push 100 squats and went for a run every day worked so hard he went Bal but then developed superpowers I’m pretty certain I could develop superpowers but we’ll see we’ll see I’m not 100% I will report back in a month or two and let you know if I developed any psychic powers or or anything like that so let’s have a look at the actual ring itself so pretty cool it’s got a little light in there uh shines various colors to measure your blood oxygen level uh it’s got non contact temperature sensors so it’s a bit like one of those laser temperature sensors so that even when you’re doing the washing up that kind of thing it doesn’t think that your body temperature changed I don’t know how that how that magic happens but yes if I’m in the bath or doing the washing up or something where I would have thought that the ring itself would be heated up or cooled down quite considerably it doesn’t show a huge change in your body temperature so that system seems to work quite well uh but yeah there’s loads of cool little jobbies on the inside that you can see and I assume the battery is around the edge here but anyway let’s have a look at the app okay so let’s just uh get the app out now one thing that I’m impressed with app you can always tell when they’ve designed the app relatively well it runs on my phone cuz I have a square screen and uh a lot of apps get really upset by that so let’s uh let’s go okay so we might as well just start at the top and you’ve got your sleep index uh which I found quite interesting obviously it’s difficult to get you know up your scores on that one because I’ve managed to get 98 which is a pretty good actually it tried to Gaslight me it gave me 99 when I first woke up and then it dropped it down to 98 I don’t know what I did wrong but it deducted a point from me nearly got 99% leap score uh and if we tap on that you can see last night I was in bed for 8 hours and 38 minutes and uh 8 hours and 13 of those I was asleep that’s pretty good it’s pretty good uh so managed to sleep over eight hours which is unusual for me uh with 96% efficiency an average high rate of 59 BPM and I think that’s where I lost my scores so down here it shows you what made up your score uh and my heart rate did not drop early enough I I don’t know what I can do to fix that but uh that’s that’s what that’s what knocked me down last time uh shows you that you had 99% blood oxygen saturation average and then what I like down the bottom is a little graph that shows you when you were uh like in deep Sleep REM sleep when you were like just woking up for a second and then went back to bed uh I’ve got children and stuff they come in in the middle of the night and go like oh monsters and uh yeah you can see that on the graph and uh yeah and it’s just interesting seeing how long it took me to go back to like get back to deep sleep after being disturbed in the night it also shows your movement and how much you tossed and turned in the night and uh again I don’t know what that is but it’s quite interesting seeing a number I got 17 one night and another night I only got like five or six so yeah it’s interesting seeing how much you roll around obviously at the moment it’s the summer here is not that comfortable in bed I’m probably not getting the best sleep I could get my lowest heart rate in the night was 48 BPM which I anything under 50 I’m like it’s pretty good when I started having the app it was above 50 it was like 52 53 I maned to get that resting heart rate down by uh running and stuff due to tips it gave me in the air and my hvr and heart variability rate is nothing I’d never heard of it before I started doing this but apparently higher is better and uh I’ve been been trying to make it better by doing things like relaxing which I’m very bad at uh temperature measures your skin temperature I don’t know against the summer I don’t have a lot of control over the we don’t have air conditioning and stuff in the UK you just get hot at night that’s just how it is so so the next one is Dynamic Recovery and a lot of that is just metrics that we just covered in the sleep thing so it’s uh skin temperature hvr resting heart rate sleep index all that kind of stuff conglomerated and it tells you like how much you’re you’re kind of recovering from all your exercise that you’ve been doing in the other ABS I believe uh movement this one is easy to to get 100% on it basically wants like 11,000 steps out of you and 20 minutes of exercise what I have discovered is if you going for a walk it will count that as a walk yeah if I go into my stress Rhythm it will show me on a little chart when I’m doing workouts and when I’m walking and all that kind of stuff so if you go for a walk it’ll pick up that you’re walking but if you want to get maximum points you have to tell it you’re going for an out you’re working out and outdoor walking CU then that’ll count towards your activity time which has to be 20 minutes and uh if I walk to and from work that’s 20 minutes if I do any working out other than that you know who cares I’ve already got the scores it’s all about getting the top score so what was I movement movement score uh so yeah so it wants 11,000 steps out of you as standard I think you can change that in there and uh that was quite interesting cuz I work from home a lot so I don’t probably do that many like I discovered that I’ll would probably do you know 7 or 8,000 steps in a day so if I’m working from home home I have to then you know if I want to get maximum scores I have to then go for a walk uh lunchtime or first thing in the morning or something like that and we’ll come on to that in a in a second but yeah I got um so far I’ve had 10 active minutes and I’ve burned 1,000 calories this is another thing that the calories uh certainly if I’m keep if I’m trying to get 100% on all of this stuff and working out sometimes I’m burning like 4,000 calories in a day and I’m like God damn it I’m have to eat some more in order to keep up with this thing cuz I I think I lost two kilos in the first week just trying to keep up with the with the movement score uh yes so you have to eat more to make sure you you replenish those calories that you burn uh stress Rhythm this is this one I I cannot get I don’t know I seem to start off every day obviously on N High 90s and I can’t work out whether I’m supposed to be more stressed or less stressed but it gradually seems to drop down during the day no matter what I do I I don’t I don’t get it I don’t know I don’t know what it was for me uh yeah so it gives you a little graph showing you when you were active like when your heart rate up when you’re feeling a bit if I I did uh I had to go to some meetings I’m a little bit shy and it was really interesting seeing on the on the little stresso meter like oh and definitely a bit more stressed because of this meeting and meeting strangers and having to go to a weird town and uh yeah so I’m like oh yeah it can tell when I’m a bit more stressed cuz it definitely uh had a little Peak just before the meeting and then it dropped down just afterwards I’ve also found going for a spirited drive in the country because I’ve got I like driving I like driving on twisty roads and seeing how fast you can go roundabouts and stuff like that and that that’s as good as a run as far as this app’s concerned like I’d get good exercise I suppose you’re like using your core to stop yourself from falling out of the car and uh yeah get gets the heart rate up so yeah so stress Rhythm I still haven’t nailed that at the moment I’m on 97 but I suspect by the end of the day it’ll be you know I don’t know I’ve managed to get it just above the 90s by uh I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing I need to do some more research figure out how to get the maximum score on my stress Rhythm yes so there’s lines there the one that says stressed I don’t know whether I have to stay on that line above that line below that line or have some kind of Rhythm where I’m going above and below and above and below I don’t know I tried contacting them by email they’re like oh have you tried doing breathing exercises I’m like yeah we’ll go into that in a minute the next one’s the toughest one this is the stimulant permissible window and uh I love I love a cup of coffee like I love a cup of coffee it gets me going in the morning but it’s not a cup of coffee you know if I didn’t have coffee at home I wouldn’t have a coffee you know I wouldn’t go to a coffee shop and have a coffee it’s the process of making the coffee I grind the beans and the smell of the beans comes off and then I like unscrew the coffee grinder quick sniff on the beans that gets my gets my taste buds going and then I’ve got a lever coffee machine so I have to you know wait for that to heat up it makes all the noises I then pull on the lever really hard until coffee comes out the whole process takes probably 10 or 15 minutes to make a cup of coffee and during that there’s all kinds of noises and smells and stuff like that that’s just part of my process and clears my head ready for the day the actual drinking of the coffee it’s kind of almost secondary to the process of making the coffee and uh and yeah not being able to do that first thing in the morning I found really tough it was like I was just hanging around for 2 hours uh cuz it wants you to basically have two hours between when you wake up and when you have your first stimulant and I like to get going early and get get stuff done you know if I’m not out the door within an hour I feel like I’m just hanging around wasting time which stresses me out and I get a lower score on the stress Rhythm probably uh so yeah so it is difficult but the app did change my life ever so slightly because I’m like uh when you wake up it gives you a little countdown saying uh oh if you do some exercise with than the next hour I’m going to give you five extra points and I’m like okay and to like get you know your circadian rhythms going but it’s like it wants 1,700 steps from you and some daylight first thing in the morning and it’ll give you five bonus points on your movement score and I’m like obviously I want maximum points and because I’m not allowed to have a coffee I would just be pacing around the house getting slightly grumpy at the fact that I can’t have a cup of coffee so instead what I’m doing is I’m getting out getting my uh y yeah you’ve only got a short window between to get these steps in so I’m getting out getting my stuff on having a quick drink of water and then going for a run that’s good because I I’m built for running like you know genetically I think I’ve come from a a line of Runners but I don’t really run but I’ve started running and I’m like hey this is pretty good and luckily even though I live in the ghetto I am rich people adjacent uh which means that around me there’s lots of large Rich lot of large houses with rich people in and uh beautiful Parks everywhere like loads of them so I can go out in the morning as the sun’s Rising go for a lovely run there’s uh look at this and go look at that and and you got the pitville pump rooms here which has stairs so I can do that Rocky thing where you and then on my route there’s like a giant play area for children and obviously at 5: in the morning morning there’s no one there so you can use the various equipment to get more swrl then yeah just keep running beautiful see the sun coming up through the trees generally uh yeah living my best life so that could be my new rout routine so rather than the whole coffee blah blah blah blah blah may be a nice run you know check out the wildlife see the beauty around me and uh yeah that to be honest I do love a cup of coffee and some mornings like this morning when I’ve got to be in the office at like by 6:00 in the morning I got no time for that I can’t I just can’t fit it in in the morning I can’t go for that run but I think probably every other day I could get that in and uh and fit within my stimulant window so much as I hate the stimulant permissible window because I love to have a cup of coffee in the morning during the day not bothered but that first cup of coffee in the morning just gets my mind in the zone uh so yes I I fought the stimulant POS but I worked with it and I discovered new things and I think you know even though I hate to admit it it maybe made my life a little bit better and having that coffee later within the stimulant permissible window does mean that you don’t crash later on so when the coffee wears off you don’t suddenly go all I would do then is have another cup of coffee um but yeah I get it but it does me it has reduced my sleep score uh if I do it my way where I have my cup of coffee in the morning SP you know dye at lunchtime have another cup of coffee coffee I then die again at bedtime and I just sleep like a baby uh it’s difficult you know I don’t know but I’m going to stick with it for another month or two and just see if I can really kind of get it right get my scores up so anyway stimulant permissible window if you click on that it gives you a list of stimulants that you could drink now so as you’re coming up towards bedtime obviously you don’t want to be having a cup of coffee at bedtime CU it keep you awake so it gives you other suggestions of things that you might might have like a Coca-Cola would be permissible at this time and that kind of stuff so the caffeine will wear off before bedtime you can have a nice night’s sleep so the whole point is it’s telling you when you can have which stimulants uh the start of the day have whatever you want you know you want crack for breakfast you go for it uh but no crack after lunch or you’ll have a bad night’s sleep and then we get down to uh the next section where you’ve got breast work and workouts now workouts is all good like if you want to get your maximum score uh I would traditionally kind of work out while I was working as I said I work from home quite a lot and what I’ve got is I’ve got a weight bench next to where I work and then every time I get up to go to the toilet or go and do a thing I’ll smash out a few reps and just kind of work it into my day I don’t normally have like a 20 minute workout or something like that I’ll do you know just just little bits throughout the day uh you know press UPS while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil that kind of thing and if you don’t tell it you’re doing a workout it just thinks that you’re having a terribly stressful time sometimes so uh yeah so say you’re doing press UPS your hand isn’t moving so if you don’t tell it that you’re working out it’s just like my God his heart rate is just shot up he’s having the worst day ever I’m going to knock him down on some uh some kind of scores somewhere so yeah so you must tell it you know if you want to get the maximum scores you’ve got to tell it when you’re working out and again I’ve had to change my schedule a little bit so rather than doing that I am now doing like a 15 minute workout maybe once or twice a day rather than doing two or three minutes in between other things uh yeah so again I’ve had to change my schedule some sometimes and that might be the right thing but it probably is the right thing to do uh and the other one is breath work and this is when as I said when I was trying to get my stress Rhythm score they the the guys recommended that I try doing breath work and I’ve discovered that I’m terrible at relaxing so the idea is You’ got various different uh ways of breathing it talks you through it so like box breathing deep breathing diaphragm breathing and uh you try those and then of breathing in holding breathing out doing that uh in the the idea is that you relax and that but I am a very I have to be achieving something all the time and I’ve discovered that I cannot relax it’s not my thing I don’t enjoy relaxing it stresses me out uh and because I should be doing something else I should be achieving something and I’m not I’m just breathing so all of these breathings I’ve tried them like I’ve been doing them every day and I just can’t get it uh I do the breathing and my heart rate just keeps going up I’m just getting more and more wound up by sitting there breathing stupidly I’m not good at relaxing I did manage it one day one day I found like the the sun was coming through and I found this little little bench in a park in a beam of sun and I lay on that bench and I did the breathing and my heart rate dropped and I’m like I can do this but generally in most situations my heart rate just starts off quite relaxed and then by the end of the breathing exercise I’m up to 120 BPM I’m tingling in the finger from hyperventilating is not it’s not for me I think I need more practice ractice at relaxing I’m not good at that but yeah there’s loads of them loads of them on here uh loads of different things you can try at the moment it’s not for me I don’t like relaxing I uh it’s not I do occasionally feel relaxed you know I listen to music I do a bit of DJing it chills me out uh drive driving I love driving I love tinkering with cars building stuff most of my life is just doing the things I enjoy and uh being happy and uh relaxing does not make me happy I I like to be doing something um yeah so might be for you I haven’t got to grip to it yet I’m going to keep trying over the next months I’m determined to kind of as I said I have to get the top score on everything and the breath work is annoying me because I cannot get my heart rate to drop uh it only seems to go up when I do breath work this is the heart rate it’s relatively real time it updates every few minutes obiously this has only got a tiny weeny battery in so it’s not constantly updating the phone uh but yeah that that updates every often but when you’re doing a workout if you tell it you’re doing a workout you’ll get a a screen up with your heart rate and uh hvr and all that kind of stuff in real time so it puts the ring in a different mode that basically updates more often it drains your battery quicker which is why I think there 4 to 6 days is is right if you do a lot of workouts on this if you tell it you’re working out or doing breath work or something like that it I think it drains the battery in the ring a little bit more cuz it’s updating more in real time uh oh yeah the other thing is if you’re doing the workouts if you’re doing running or something like that it plots it on GPS it gives you a little route shows you how fast you’re running shows you how far you’ve run all that kind of stuff which is great unless it loses the GPS signal or your phone goes into a low power mode or something because your batter’s low and then it’s like oh yeah you ran here and then you just teleported back and like no I didn’t I’ve just run three kilometers and you’ve done me out of a kilometer there curse you uh the app is still getting updates all the time and I think it’s partially down to my phone but there was a couple of times where it short changed me on a run and I’m like screw you guys I run much further than that look at the plot on the map I went all the way yeah anyway I got sure changed uh but yeah as long as I keep my battery uh as long as it doesn’t go into low power mode and stop it from running in the background then uh then yeah I get my full score on that so that’s something I had to like there was a couple of times where I got back and yeah I’ve run I’ve run at this like I’ve got up at 5: in the morning gone for a really long run come back and it’s like oh you’ve done 1.7 kilm no I haven’t I’ve done a lot more than that damn you sorry me as you can tell me in this app we’ve been I’ve been working with it but occasionally I’m like screw you up um that’s more of a me thing than an ultra human thing uh my V2 Max is a 46 and that uh yeah it was interesting cuz I was going to as I said I was going to do this after about a week of doing it but then I got stinking cold I still sound a little bit grotty uh got a cold and it was really interesting seeing on here like my V2 Max dropped right down to like 40 when I had a cold and generally it was telling me that I was uh dying and yeah I’m like yeah I feel like I’m dying and the app greas which is good and my temperature was up and all this kind of stuff and I think there should be an option on here to tell it you’ve got a cold cuz otherwise it’s just like oh suddenly you’re very unfit and uh get back at it J I’m dying I’m dying Leave Me Alone um yeah so you should have an I think maybe a button on here for saying I’ve got a cold and then it goes into another mode where it’s just just about recovery you know we can’t be running every day uh what have we got so hvr is something I didn’t really but yeah it’s like the difference in timings between your heartbeats and more is more good or and mine is very low I I did manage to get that up when I was running every day and obviously when I got when I got a cold I wasn’t running and it dropped back down again so I still need to do that resting heart rate this is while you’re asleep so it’s cheating a little bit it’s not your resting heart rate during the day like if I can get my resting heart rate during the day down to like 59 I’m happy if it’s below 60 I would like to get that lower again I’m going to be doing some more running trying to get a better cuz as I said I don’t really do a lot of cardio so hopefully that can improve um and then we got smart goals so I need to do so this is how you get your good scores I think is looking at your smart goals so steps I’ve done nearly 3,000 out of 11,000 active hours 2 hours out of 10 hours so it’s just like not being lazy during the day moving around uh active minutes that is your workout minutes so you have to tell it that you’re doing a workout I think and then you get 30 I’m sure it used to be 20 minutes maybe it thinks I’m fitter and I should be doing 30 minutes now but yeah 10 out of 30 minutes in the day so three 10minute workouts or 10 minute runs or 10 minute you know if you as I said you can put it if you walk to work you can say I’m doing an outdoor walking workout and then you get your your minutes so uh just cheat cheat code for you guys uh go to sleep early wake up early sleep duration workout minutes all that kind of stuff oh no sorry workout minutes is yeah workout minutes is 20 minutes I’ve got 24 minutes cuz I took the long work long way to work this morning uh active active minutes ah it’s got me there that must be like you have to get your heart rate up over a certain level to get that but uh well we’ll smash that don’t you worry later in the day um and then you just get stats about the you know you can see where your batter’s at mine’s at 36 so it needs charging uh so that’s the app it works like the ring is cool it’s just got loads of sensors just the companion app and uh what I was worried about is that if you didn’t have your Bluetooth running or you didn’t have your phone on you you might lose that data but it does buffer it all up in the ring and then download it to the phone later cuz I often just don’t have my phone on me during the day I’m working on projects stuff like that I don’t need my phone so I leave it leave it somewhere uh yes but yes it will save up all that data and download to your phone later it takes quite a long time to download I suspect obviously it’s a very low powered device because it’s only got a tiny weeny battery and uh yeah it’ll take take a little while if it hasn’t been near your phone to download and update all of your stats on there occasionally it just seemed to give up downloading uh and turning off my Bluetooth and turning it back on it seemed to start up again I don’t know whether that’s just my phone or whether it’s one of those things where it’s still occasionally it would just kind of stall during the download and you’d have to kind of restart it but generally it works pretty well it just takes a little while you know you could be looking at two or 3 minutes while it downloads all the data if it’s been away from like when you wake up in the morning it’s got all that data from your sleep takes takes a few minutes for it to download and update all your stats on there and you just have to kind of deal with that that’s just that’s just how it is it’s not real you know it’s not super quick uh if it’s been away from your phone for a little while but yeah overall I’ve really enjoyed it I’ve never had any kind of Fitness tracker or anything like that that before and uh yeah it was it was really interesting seeing how different situations I ended up in affected my heart rate and temperature and all that kind of stuff how the breathing did not relax me my heart rate and temperature just kept Rising the whole time so I know it’s been a bit longwinded uh but yes it’s quite an interesting thing obviously if you’re considering buying something like this it’s good to go through all the all the stuff you get but yes certainly uh I think that this has probably made me a fit healthier person owning this uh it’s given me that little impetus the the push push I needed to maybe do some more running which I’d never really which I didn’t really do you know occasionally went cycling skateboarding that kind of stuff but I’d never just go for a run uh unless I wanted to get somewhere quickly you know if I’m late for work I would run to work but I would not run just for running sake whereas that’s probably good for your heart so this has given me a a push in the right direction it’s relatively comfortable uh like it’s got a slight Edge to it like if I rub my eye I will occasionally catch the ring on my eye and it really hurts uh 99% of the time it’s super comfortable when I’m driving it pinches a little bit but I put it on a different finger and it’s fine if I put it on put it on my whatever the ring finger is on your right hand it’s much more comfortable for driving uh I just like the look of it on the index finger I think that’s where it looks looks best but this these are the breaks so yeah if uh let let me know what you think have you tried have you had a similar experience with any kind of Fitness device where you put it on and suddenly you’re like hey uh living healthily is actually pretty good but yeah I think it’s really that obviously that that’s you just want the app but that is the least intrusive way I think of getting that data from your body to the app I think that just doesn’t get in the way in life you know I I yeah I’m not that’s why I ever gone for a Fitbit or anything I don’t want that rather tacky looking watch so uh yeah I wouldn’t it’s not something that was kind of on my radar I don’t think I really knew that these ring type Fitness jobbies existed or that they would work so well it does seem to you know I just thought I just thought there’s no way that can work but it does seem to work pretty well so before I don’t think I would have considered kind of buying one but now I’ve lived with one for a few weeks I’m like yes this is cool I think it’s made a genuinely positive impact on my life I think maybe I’m slightly fitter maybe I will live a little bit longer maybe my adenosine uptake will be better in the morning thus causing me not to crash later because it’s convincing me not to have a coffee first thing and go for a run you know I could have done those things without the ring but I think that having the because I like the scores it has made a positive impact on my life which I probably wouldn’t have done without the reminding so yes I think I would buy such a thing now and I’m half considering one buying one for my wife uh obviously having a wife who is fit and will live for longer is advantageous but also I’m very competitive and I and my wife is younger than me so I’d really like to get find out what her scores are and the various heart rate and all that kind of stuff and then try and beat them probably more because I’m super competitive and I want to feel that even though my wife if is like seven or eight years younger than me I can still get my heart rate lower and my hvr higher and that kind of stuff I would like to beat her basically you know uh make me feel good about myself knowing that even though I’m re old I can beat a young person anyway um I don’t know whether you found that interesting I know it’s not really headphone related but you know someone offers you cool toys you can’t say no and that was cool I like really I really enjoyed playing with that I think that was a cool toy I probably should have bought myself but someone offers me one free for testing I’m 100% going to take them up on that so uh yeah put links in the description below if you’ve got any questions i’ you know just ask I will try and answer them and uh yeah let me know if you had any kind of Fitbit or anything like that which is you you thought it wouldn’t do anything and then you go oh actually yes this has given me the motivation to change my life ever so slightly but anyway uh yes it’s been super awesome hanging out out and I’ll see you guys again


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