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    Mark a really challenging day to open up this Toral France can you just talk me through were you how are you feeling were you feeling a little bit of sickness or is it just the heat no thing the heat think a lot of people feeling it yeah but like look we know what we’re doing just it’s not easy like I’d always say like if you got my body type now don’t start cycling cuz that them days have gone um but we what we’re doing doesn’t mean it’s easy we’re not riding around talking that was so hard that was so hard but we had a plan we stuck to it and okay thing goes out I like to stay one more climb with the Pelon but what we’ve seen Stars really so hot but we’re happy maker we’re okay and uh and yeah on to stage two so calculated as well with the time cut Mark you’re well inside it at 39 minutes and you had a great support around you with so many riders of of your team yeah like wait it’s not like we don’t go easy to do that we just know what we you you can work on out what the front guys are going to do and then you work out what you can do work out what you need to do to get in the time limit on each CL that’s all you do really it’s a bit uh it’s a bit boring um that’s the way Cy’s gone and so we kind of know it makes a nice story to be close to time limit and that but um the time limit should really it’s not really there to put people out to try and get people out of the race it’s there to you know when people are sick and injured to stop them carrying on um obiously it makes a nice story we’re close to it always and but yeah like I said we we kind of had it under control sadness for the team though with Michael godso going home and having to abandon and his gr he to of France debut sad for the team to to lose him I haven’t really heard what’s happened to him he was just with us and then he wasn’t with us hope he’s all right is he all right yeah you know as much as us then yeah cheers mark thank you very much thank you take [Music]


    1. What a selfish individual, was supposed to retire from TDF last year, but couldn't be content with sharing the record with the legend Merckx. All at the of expense of most of his teammates in stage 1.

    2. That wasn't his stage, and he and his team knew it. Too much climbing. He got in 10 mins under the time limit, and he's keeping his powder dry until Monday.

    3. As I said, in my post, no disrespect! But have you followed his trainwreck of a season so far? Too many excuses to take him seriously against the real sprinters who don’t get dropped, like Mads Petersen.

    4. Cavendish, you clearly didn't heat acclimatize. If you're not going to train for something so important, just go away…. and spare us your child-like crying and blubbering.

    5. Cat 5 Cav should be relegated to the dust bin after all the carnage he has caused over the span of his "career". I believe he holds the record for having ended the careers of the most riders with his lousy sprinting. Doubt he'll finish this tour….

    6. "We had a plan, We know what were doing"? So puking on numerous occasions & your whole team hanging back pouring water over you was the plan?

    7. Never great to see a rider / sports person in a situation when they look as though ended them selves & not really with it, however I’m sure Mark will recover fast & continue to try & get that final stage win… even though other sprinters won’t hand a stage too him, however can’t imagine anyone single rider begrudging him that elusive stage to break away from Eddie Merx’s joint record.

    8. No team ever worked so hard to attain the last 8 [edit: seven, not 8] spots in the GC rankings!

    9. Let’s not forget he is one of the best sprinters the world has ever seen and done England proud and he hasn’t got to prove anything to anyone anymore, he wants this so bad the last stage win of his career let’s keep our fingers crossed 🤞 and I’ll be shouts at the tv screen every time he sprints on this last tour

    10. Maybe his team has a bad nutrition plan at the start? Cav was sick..the other rider, to me, looked like he cramped up but the team was helping Cav and couldn't also help him so he was forced to drop out. But they got through. I'd be surprised if we see anything like this happen again to this team.

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