The cyclist who was hit and killed by a truck Friday in Cambridge has been identified as her death renews a conversation about safety for cyclists.

    we now know the identity of the latest cyclist to die after being hit by a car in Cambridge the death of the 24-year-old MIT student is now raising major safety concerns wbz’s Laura hailly spent the day in Cambridge talking with cyclists about this tragedy these flowers left here to honor the memory of a 24-year-old MIT student who died riding her bike through Cambridge now her community is demanding the city do more to help cyclists 24-year-old minty win was hit by a truck and killed Friday morning biking through the Cambridge intersection of Hamshire and Portland Street shocking neighbors I come down this intersection all the time so it’s a little freaky to hear that the middle sex County DA’s office says a box truck was turning on to Portland Street and collided with the young woman we got all these bike Lanes which are great but like people Park in them all the time and pull into them all the time sometimes it feels unsafe Cambridge participates in Vision zero a program aiming to reduce R roadway fatalities to nothing Cambridge is implementing 20 mph speed limits prohibiting right turns at red lights and is improving bike Lanes including a project along Hampshire Street completed in the last few months and already a fatal accident it’s just really heartbreaking Cambridge vice mayor Mark McGovern says City Car ownership is down while cycling is becoming more popular by the day and infrastructure changes may not be enough to make a difference we have a lot of people using our road in lots of different ways and our roads really aren’t built for a lot of that uh usage we need to slow down we need to be more attentive to know that as somebody who’s 24 a PhD student at MIT with her whole life ahead of her is really it’s just so heartbreaking Cambridge bike safety group volunteer Christopher Kasa suggesting pedestrian Islands to slow drivers and increase visibility through intersections in hopes of protecting people on two wheels drivers are usually going on the turns just a little bit too quickly and they can’t see people I couldn’t believe it happened again it’s really a tragic heartbreaking incident a vigil will be held tomorrow here on the corner of Hampshire and Portland Street officials say this is still an open investigation in Cambridge Laura hafley WBZ News


    1. She was so beautiful, RIP. It very well could have been the truck at fault, but looking both ways while crossing any street is common sense for EVERYONE on the road. I dont care what you’re on or in, you look both ways before crossing a street.

    2. Cyclists and walkers should start using common sense when on road and not blindly depend on pedestrian laws. Also, keep your earphones out of your ears, don't walk while chatting or surfing on phone.

    3. It's a reasonable request, to ask that bike riders on normal days of no extraordinary risk, not be ended by your city, so early in their lives, as they work to do the right thing for their health and the environmrnt…..

    4. I have a suggestion from personnel experience driving tens of thousands of miles a year through cities and towns, a bicycle hand book be created that reminds them they are vehicles stop at stop signs and red lites do not shift lanes with out signaling do not in groups take over an entire lane stay in dedicated cycle lanes realize you are a slow vehicle and let people pass. Beware that distracted driving is a fact, I cannot tell you how many times in my routes have I seen drivers on cell phones texting driving in wrong lane going through stop signs and red lites etc. on a bicycle you cannot assume or play chicken you loose. I will say on thing I have learned cyclist hate to stop at lites and stop signs they think by hugging curve they can avoid the disruption to their speed racing.

    5. First I want to say that this is an accident, and accidents happen. Now just a month ago this same News Channel was taking interviews people on the street about how dangerous e-bikes are and how Many Moore fatalities come from e-bikes then a regular bicyclist that's all I'm going to say……

    6. Happened to Dr. Anita Kurmann (endocrine surgeon) back 2015 in Boston MA too. Same exact case. Was cycling alongside a truck and cyclists think theyre invincible. Forgot trucks have blind spots in all of their sides. The driver wasnt charge at all. This will have the same outcome.

    7. Yes, it’s dangerous and it’s always going to be dangerous because cars and bicycles are very different. The solution is don’t bike on the road i.e. don’t put yourself in a dangerous situation. It’s stupid to put all the responsibility on drivers when cyclists put themselves in a dangerous situation. Cyclist need to be responsible for their own safety and find an appropriate place to ride. Expecting everyone else to be responsible for you is narcissism.

    8. you can't be hit by a truck if you are on the other side of the road where you can see the traffic trying to hit you. once again government stupidity gets people killed.

    9. As gun owners suffer new infringements daily, find more ways to take drivers licenses away from mental cases, drug addiction and crimes of violence then require more take periodic training. Also no one notices delivery trucks have no hands free while drivers are more likely to be on the phone coordinating work.

    10. Liability = Distracted Drivers. They should be fined heavily and need to retake driving class. License on Probation. Heavily fined while phone/personal belongings investigated

    11. Very sorry to hear of this death. A lot of car drivers hate cyclists because cyclists blow through stop signs and even red lights. They ride in the middle of the road and block people from turning right at intersections. On pathways, they go smoking past people at high speeds. I'm not justifying injuring anyone. I am saying they can do a lot better at not flaunting traffic laws and polite behavior toward others.

    12. how about stop riding on the roads where 5000lb steel machines can easily crush your tiny, fleshy, weak body 🤡🤡🤡 play stupid games, win stupid prizes

    13. Given the tragic loss of life on Cambridge streets due to bikes sharing the road with cars and trucks, its a good time, AGAIN, to demand the City of Cambridge REQUIRE a minimum of high visibility devices be present on EVERY CYCLISTS AND THEIR BIKES!!! SO many times you encounter "bike yahoos" whizzing up and down Cambridge streets who are often virtually invisible until they are right on top of you and you have to quickly adjust your right of way to avoid colliding with them….remarkably, EVEN AFTER NIGHTFALL!!!! These comprise the population of reckless bikers who ought to be cited at every turn to stem the flow of these tragic fatalities. The student involved in the recent accident may or may not have contributed to her collision…we all grieve for her loss. However, local politicians need to adapt to the reality, it is not always the car or truck drivers fault when collisions occur. Municipalities need to establish minimum safety equipment requirements on ALL cyclists operating within their jurisdictions…DO IT NOW!!!!

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