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    In this week’s Off The Court, With the Super League Grand Final just around the corner, Tamsin sits down with Manchester Thunder head coach, Karen Greig to talk about their huge clash against Loughborough Lightning.

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    [Music] welcome to this week’s off the court and it’s here it’s the Grand Final preview we can’t believe we’ve made it this far I’m joined by none other than Karen Greg head coach of Manchester Thunder um big week ahead Greggy but even bigger than that I’ve got to be finishing half an hour because B your fiance is just about to cook your dinner is that right yeah he just popped his head in how long have a got so yeah we’re on a we’re on a countdown I’m hope I’m hoping he does a bit of a cameo I’m hoping he comes in and joins us at some oh God he’ll get me in all kinds of trouble to if he comes in with his netball opinions oh we love it we absolutely love it um well listen really appreciate you joining us because we know it’s a busy one but first of all Grand Final you’re there you’ve made it how how special was that win against Stars at the weekend oh it was super special you know and I think you know you’ve said it before I’ve said it before semi-final days always the toughest days the year um you do everything you can in the first 18 rounds or however many we play these days um to get over the line and then that day comes and you know it can just shatter everything in in a in a Warner so um we knew that stars had absolutely nothing to lose um you know and and everything to go for to create history for themselves so um we certainly didn’t take them lightly um and you know they they did do that they pushed us all the way they came out and threw some questions that was in that third quarter especially and uh made us work really hard for it so to get over the line um but you know to to still kind of put out a really decent performance we had some really good stats I think we only lost possession I think 15 times overall the whole game when our Target is to be set below 20 it’s you know it’s pretty good so um yeah we we were right up there with where we needed to be and um yeah there were things that we definitely need to tidy up but but happy I’m relieved to get through that and hit the final well yeah I mean I think most of those errors as well probably came in the third quarter because it was a 6354 win and you were pretty comfortable at halftime lost that third one 1712 but came back with a huge fourth quarter and just showed your quality coming off the back of the disappointment of last year of losing in the semi and having been live at the lra game watching pulse lose and it’s fair to say see some pretty devastated players um how how have you guys bounced back from that from year because I think once you out of the semi-final you think oh my God we’ve got another year to go before we get that opportunity again what is the reset button like I mean it’s tough and I think there’s always kind of open and honest conversations there’s a lot of um soul searching a lot of digging into kind of what went wrong and you know I think in overall yes we wanted to be in the final last year absolutely and it was a great semi-final with lra it was played like a final it was just probably a laps of concentration for a few minutes that that turned us over really but to look at what we achieved last year when we lost three players in the first half of the season with season ending injuries um and the young Defenders that we had to kind of bring in throughout we had to bring emov back from retirement and yeah you know there was there was a lot of upheaval throughout the season so to kind of get over the line and still come out with the medal was something that we were definitely really proud of um but not something that we were necessarily happy with in terms of you know where we want to be we want to be at the top of the tree and and you know a lot of a lot of soul searching a lot of where can we strength in coming into this season you know what areas of the Court do we need to make tweaks um what does that look like in terms of our options for us so we’re not onedimensional um and yeah you know that that recruitment window was was key for us to make sure we got it right um and I think it’s like you you’ll know it’s not just about getting the players that we know can do a job on the court it’s about the players that can do a job for you off the court as well in that culture piece and and how you know they they blend together as a group so um so far so good I think we pulled a really good group of players together and they’ve definitely done the job so far well they they’ve looked impressive now I I’ve got to do an apology because last week I said you were unbeaten I’m gonna blame Taylor here for not going no we were we weren’t we lost to love bride stupidly written down in my notes you were un beaten to stars and and got carried away as you know once I start chatting I don’t shut up um but you have lost once it was only to lra which ironically now has become the final so it’s going to be the matchup of the year you versus lra lightning in the final take me back to that loss then because it was kind of uncharacteristic it it was a 12 goal loss you know when you’re expecting Thunder to lose it’s it doesn’t usually blow out like that um but what did you learn I got to be completely honest it yeah do it do it that’s what I want I might get myself in trouble if I’m completely honest never it was um it was don’t get me wrong it was a tough game it was very very frustrating and I think luer definitely came out with a game plan and one that they absolutely executed you know our changes that we made throughout didn’t impact where we would want I think you look at that first quarter and we annihilated them in the first quarter our ball speed the way we spread the ball and we opened up them up in the circle and we played some great net ball they came out in quarter two and let’s just say their penalty count in Quarter Two And how that was managed was not where it should have been and I know that and I’m not just saying that I know that because I’ve had those conversations you know like we do we put in questions to the officiating and um whilst as disappointing it is we we definitely took a lot from it we definitely learned but I think the Umpire has learned a lot in that game too and I think there’s been a lot of reflecting HP that has happened off the back of that um that has definitely impacted the way the game’s been unpaired since I want to talk I want to talk on this thing cuz we’re going to go down memory lane on certain things and I remember um I remember playing a game against Jamaica where I was literally at one point thrown to the ground like physically thrown to the ground and it was like okay this is how we’re going to play but I remember coming off and the coaches going oh you just got to get away from them so they can’t throw it to the ground I was like dudes I was on the edge of the circle I’m not sure there’s a lot else I could do here and I I I’ve done this before you know I played my career a lot where people were always in my face it was always obstruction it was always advantage of struction so you had to learn to play around it but how does it affect your coaching because I I remember we we tried to do things like the physicality you’re going to approach and I’ve seen it happen this game when penalty counts have been way skewed for one team and the other and it’s quite clear that’s a tactic and I’m I’m not against the tactic I’m not against it I’m against it if you don’t own it so if you want to play that way I’m absolutely fine for it but then own that that’s what you’re doing that’s the way you want to play because there’s an attacker that’s been like gone out before in ways I just think You’ got to own how you want to do it but how does that affect your coaching because it’s something that I’ve really tossed with for a long time in my kind of coaching career do you do you fight fire with fire or do you play players around do you protect players because it not only has an impact on the player that’s getting hit it has an impact on the player throwing the ball yeah and and that there massive discussions that we’ve had as a coaching team and with the players because you know Nat met car playing the same position as you like she has had games this season where she has been I you know I even said to the umpires at one point um they’d be in prison for less than that you know and and and that was just me speaking probably a little bit frustrated but completely honest as well and um you know you know there’s going to be players that are targeted and again as you say it’s not just about that player taking the hit my when my players are turning around to me and saying I don’t feel like I can give her that ball because I’m scared she’s going to get hurt that then I’m like oh gosh like how you know how do we deal with that do we take that player off for a bit so it changes the Dynamics of the game so it gives that Defender something else to think about um you know and I think that’s kind of what we did a little bit on Saturday you know I think it got to a point where we started playing quite narrow um kind of help mode came in some more physicality came in and it was just like right let’s change this picture let’s open up this space let’s um try and protect what that looks like um so I think that’s definitely um one that us as coaches need to make that decision too by let’s change the picture let’s pull that player out of it let’s give you know the the attackers something else to think about the Defenders something else to think about but also just kind of freshen freshen that up a bit and try and release that pressure a little bit so definitely on the coaching in terms of do you leave that player out there or do you do you change it up or is it just a case of tweaking the information that you’re giving as to how that can then impact that game well I think the luxury of of the depth in your squad has been apparently year as well to be able to sort of rest people for different reasons to mix it up to give the opposition different things to think about one of the things I do want to talk about uh before we get into finals memory week is your rotating Circle because this have been quite intrigued with right because you’ve you’ve messed around with the lineup a little bit mainly in the circle but it’s quite unique for a team to be comfortable with a rotating Circle and comfortable with the feeding Circle and that also helps that you got that met and Amy Amy who can feed anything that you want them to do but I want to just talk about the little bit the confidence of that because Paige is sitting on 90% Lois Pearson 89% Elmer Ray 91% and usually in itself that they come on and off and they can still perform like that but also like Elmer Ray and paage between them on 800 and 88 goals I think which would take them up there with Mary so you can see the impact that they both have whether they’re on together off oneon-one off how much influences your style of net ble help because you weren’t the tallest shooter in the world gregy you were a rotating shooter you could shoot from anywhere but I mean there massive confidence to go no I’m not going out there for my big giant shooter I’m quite happy with a rotating Circle as well yeah I think for me it was key as I say in that recruitment window where can we make the most impact and I think that shooting unit for us was definitely where I wanted to have that biggest impact um and I think the most exciting thing as a unit is I’ve got four shooters that can give me more than one position you know all of them can give me more than one position and I think that makes it exciting that you can play around with it and I think more so in that that first half of the season when El maray came into us she hadn’t played netball for six months she’s coming off the back of an injury we very much started to look at what that goal shooter game looked like for her what her hold looked like where she wanted the ball where the you know the feeders understanding what that felt like and then as we were building a fitness up gradually was just having the ability to then factor for the odd bit of time at goal attack as well because you you you’ll remember this one t when I when I was playing and I was go shooter and we had Janelle Lawson out the front of goal attack and it was almost flip reverse of having your big shooter coming in and and the change of the timing of what that brings so as you know the shooter comes out we got um the goal attack coming in to be able to post up on a different angle with different timing or take on that drive and and that was something that I kind of was really fond of when I played it was just knowing that that can really work but then on the flip as well like when I played with Tracy and and what Tracy and I could do together as two shorties and that ball speed is kind of um what we’re looking for with with Lois and and Paige and don’t get me wrong I think they’re you know they’re great I think probably better than me and Tracy potentially everwhere in that unit but the understanding of how they can overload Defenders playoff Defenders bodies and when to seal the circle to allow the Center Courts play in behind them to just open up and pick people off and um you know we working relentlessly on that in trading so they’re really understanding uh the signals of of the timing of what that looks like and um I’ve just been really pleased with how the girls have have grasped and understood their role like not one of them at any one point has been annoyed at not playing 60 Minutes or not starting and then impacting so every single one of them has really took it on board to understand what their role is understand the matchups against the opposition and what they need to bring you know and whilst Elma does a great job as a holding S as a holding shooter she’s not necessarily always that best matchup for the keeper but probably a better match up for the gold defense coming in late so it’s us as a coaching group just understanding what that looks like so really happy that I’m I’m able to kind of stamp my own style in that Circle and and understand what it feels like to play in both that Speedy rotation or that delayed hole coming in a little bit later and I think that’s definitely worked in our favor especially in this second half of the Season well it’s a a memory that I REM remember all too well sadly so I played with Janelle Lawson out at the Firebirds and I I love Janelle she’s amazing and when she came over to England it was so good for her to to have that opportunity uh 2012 we’ll do a trip down memory lane then was the first Thunder title so I was in my first year of player coach we got through to the final uh El Carwell was still playing goalkeeper at this point I think y y and you two were in the circle SAR Francis bamon was on your team I mean it was a cracking final we’re at some sports house in Essex I think it was it was like an airport hanger I just remember it just being this huge space with a bright blue floor yeah well I remember uh we were sponsored by feat at the time I remember that and I remember afterwards being in the changer room on my own with the team hamster and that is a lasting memory I’ve got as I loved a Hairspray across the room and this Vinnie the hamster just sat there going what the hell is going on but that’s another story but you guys were incredible um incredible that day can do you remember much about that final um I remember it being up and down I just remember the amount of the amount of times that the lead switched between the two teams throughout was was mental I mean I don’t know if top of my head how many times it was but we would find ourselves one or two up then you’d find yourself one or two up and it was just literally like a game of chess throughout the whole game I do remember um to tering maaf after nine minutes and I’d already told Tracy at this point that it was me last me last ever match and I was retiring and at that point I was like I am not coming off um so I just remember hobbling through the next the next 50 odd minutes and not being able to walk for two weeks afterwards but hang on a second you’ve massively just insulted me there so not only did we have a young El cwell coming up goalkeeper you played through half halfheartedly on a flipping into your car and you still beat us is that what you’re telling me I I um I use my strength of my timing and then popping out to open so you know but yeah it I my calf was black and blue the next day and I couldn’t put my foot down so it was but yeah I wasn’t coming off nothing was bringing me off and I just remember it just being like that that chess game up and down up and down like the first time we’d ever played in a final and we had a you know a relatively young group obviously I I wasn’t young but you know Laura Mals it was her 21st birthday um Beth Cobden I think at that point was only 2021 as well and obviously Elena was 18 and emovie was in her early 20s so that that group of players um that were kind of on their start of their career as I was coming to the end it was a really fitting way I think to kind of bed them in as this is what it feels like to play in a final and and ultimately lift that trophy so definitely a lasting memory for me I’ve so got me dress um although I look at it and think how I ever fitted in it but it’s definitely won’t ever be coming out again no that need that needs to come out there needs to be some kind of Thunder end of season retro dresses um so we did both have young groups and I had a very young Amy Flanigan there was a Katy Holland now Katy Hughes we had Hannah Knights um I mean both sides had major battles over the next few years so the next time was 2014 in Worcester that’s when I made Helen house be famous that’s what I’m calling it anyway and I remember that game in particular um we were up going into last quarter about seven up and I am going to say it now because I can’t even remember who was on paring but there was some tendous calls on Rachel done in the last quarter that got us back to goal for goal and I still remember now cat ANS was running down the court it was our sent pass with 30 seconds to go and I think right I’m going to get out here turn wait lob it into R we’ve won the game and just as I stepped and change she threw it off the sideline down the other side and I was like oh dear God no and then I was thinking we’re not going to win this ball back we’re not going to win it we’re not going to win it Helen howby steps up winner um I mean I was pretty devastated that match cat a was blesser she when we when we won the following year she was like oh God I had to get that out of my system um I mean it must have been a very different feeling for the Thunder Thunder team at that point yeah I me that was my first year as assistant coach as well that year so that was um kind of did a little bit of technical coach in 2013 I didn’t want to jump straight from one role into the next I really wanted to have a little bit of Separation probably because a lot of those players were still my friends and I just wanted to kind of find myself in that assistant coach role so um yeah that I just remember being sat on the bench and cat throwing unfortunate for her throwing that ball away jod I think jod ran um go TA down really hard was it pam pam yeah can’t remember um Joe I just remember remember Jody running really hard and that ball going off the sideline no it was Katy Harris we didn’t have Pam until the following year in the third fourth playoffs yeah yeah yeah um yeah because she did do ailles yeah for bath um and I just remember jod picking up that ball and it was almost like we have practiced this we know what our roles are on Sidelines whether it’s back our front half we know where the options are going to be we know where they wanted to come from and it was almost textbook like those players in that moment knew exactly where they needed to be and what they were offering and they you know they couldn’t have nailed a a deep a deep sideline any better than what they did and obviously Helen stepping up on the pretty much the final buzzer of the game to nail it was definitely an unforgettable moment and probably still an unforgettable moment for for the girls when we got back to Manchester city center afterwards and people were dancing on um dancing on post boxes which is an interesting one yeah I I do remember your celebrations after the game and it it was espe look it was what Finals should always be about it’s just nicer when you’re on the other end of it yeah so it took another five years then to get the next one so that was 2019 that was wasps so wasps had come off the back of two back-to-back wins um Mel Mansfield was in charge at that point and I was calling it for sky and I remember it being such a random game because we talk about goal swings I mean it just changed from end to end where you could score about seven goals down one end and 18 down the other like that was a crazy final yeah again another mental one where I think we were five down then we were five up at halftime then we were five down going into the last quarter and it was a wasp Center pass and it was just like oh God like how is how is this going to go and I don’t really remember much about what I said to the players to be honest in that game it was it all is very much a blur obviously Joyce went down with nine minutes to go um we were just starting to Peg was back and Joyce went down and in came Elena Cardwell and and didn’t miss a shot so she absolutely came on and um kind of found a found a feet and I think for Elena that was a real turning moment in in her career because at that point she’d always been there and thereabouts and to come back to thunder that year her and Laura from a couple of years at stars and for me when they spoke to me in the buildup to coming back I had really good honest and open conversations about W if you want to get in this team you’ve got a lot of work to do like you’re not just walking back in and just picking up you know because you are we know you’re decent players and and fair play to him like Ellena rode a Time on the bench she impacted when she needed to impact and void did she impact with nine minutes to go in that final and um definitely did the job so yeah again a roller coaster of emotions but another another great final so talk to me about the last one then 2022 the Dream Team year that was unbeaten right that was definitely unbeaten thank you um did you know at the start of the year right because I say 2015 for S storm I figured we were going to win we’ made so many semifinals we’d gone through so much the team had matured we understood certain things the recruitment piece had come together and even though we weren’t perfect at the start I kind of I kind of knew and I actually remember in 2015 we won our semi-final against Yorkshire Jets and we came upstairs watched Thunder get beaten by Mavericks which is a real shock and at that point I was like this finals ours like I’ve I’ve got no worries about us beating Mavs the following week did did you know in 2022 did you know it was going to be a special year um I think we thought it could be U but again it was another mental year behind the scenes like people probably look at it and go oh my God Thunder R this amazing 2022 one beaten and it was and it was perfect it was far from it you know we we only had our full squad for one game that whole year you know we had carry out with a concussion then we had carry out with I think an ankle we had shine out for half the season we didn’t have shadine at the end shur half before the end of the season and we ended up turning Millie Rosco into a goal defense from a goal shooter because that’s how thin on the ground we were defensively so like these you know Millie Rosco was a training partner as a goal shooter Millie Sanders was a training partner as a Defender and um both ended up playing in the final you know and and at no point if you’d have said to me at the start of the year you’re going to be playing Millie Rosco and Millie Sanders and they were brilliant All Year by the way and that’s no disrespect to those two but if if somebody said to me you’re gonna have to play them and run them out in a final and you’re gonna win it I’d be like okay you know because because just because of the lck experience but the work that we had to put in defensively um in that game was immense you know and think just to get to that point the semi-final for us we run Laura Malcolm at Gold defense in that semi-final against sdl because we were like we haven’t got anybody who plays gold defense that can tag a player like Laura Malcolm can tag a player and we threw and at that point it’s like you’ve got to do all you can to get over the line and and that’s it it was like Laura you’re just going to have to do it for us and you know what she went on and she did it she was absolutely gassed at the end of that game but she went on she did a job and that’s all we needed to get through to the final and then it was obviously just okay it’s a different game with u Ella Clark and obviously sadly for she went down injured in the first few minutes um or or an em aaka who were both more you know taller rangier players not as quick and nippy as an sdl so we knew we could run out and probably do a half decent job with those players in that position in that game but um I think we had an idea with the group that we had we could definitely um go all the way um but with the trip ups that we had throughout it was almost kind of is it going to happen is it going to happen and then you know as every game kind of come along it was like yeah we can do this yeah we can do this and obviously yeah to Come Away with a win it was pretty special and um obviously Laura captain in um and that was kind of the last time we obviously had that group together and I think when you have such a formidable group that we had that year you know after that we we kind of knew the following years were’re going to have to a rebuild you know Ellena had smashed it she was going out to Australia Laura had took an opportunity to go out to New Zealand so a Joyce and then when you lose three players like that you go well you know what let’s just go for it and just rebuild what does that rebuild look like so off the back of a really special year I think we then found our next cycle which is exciting I think it’s something the Thunder have always done well as well though because you always keep the youngsters ticking along and your pathway and your Club system everybody at the field is a part of Manchester Thunder it seems is always much bigger than the club which is I think has been credit to what you guys have created let’s focus then on finals week because it is a big week and you can’t get away with it do do you have sleepless nights do you do you dream about it at all I used to dream about it I do I have really I have really random dreams and oh hang on are these like all right dreams we can share yeah I had a dream honestly I was telling Laura and gabs on the bus to a game one I said it was bizarre right so um I think it was before our last lra match actually and um the Umpire sent off a lra player I won’t say who um and the Umpire sent off the player but then she didn’t leave the court and they let her play on so I then had a massive go at the umpires and then I got sent off from the bench for having a massive go at the umpires and it was just but then one one half a net ball was in one building and the other half was in another building so when I was allowed back to the court I couldn’t find the court it was really I don’t I mean I just used to dream about winning but I’m I’m all down for this playing like Matrix neet honestly honestly I woke up like that was just random where did that even come from so but yeah I do I mean to be honesty I love my sleep I anyone will tell you like I I I’m up at half eight in the morning and and no one’s waking me up before then unless I’m going on me holiday so um yeah I I try to get as much sleep as I can and like people often ask me about prep and I just say try and have a lie in I love having a big lie in on game day and just feeling fresh well I think everything has to be done by then doesn’t it and I think when you’ve been in this position so many times you don’t have to tweak major things who who’s your safety blanket in finals week who’s the person you rely on the most um I think as a staff group you know obviously gabs has been with me now for God seven or eight years I think seven years she’s been my assistant so she’s kind of kind of been through through everything with me she’s won those titles back in 2019 and and and 2022 so she’s a real voice of reason um she’s a got a real sensible head on her as gabs you know she’s she’s definitely my sense Checker um when I’m when I’m thinking different things and I think like Aur just brings in that little bit of a different Dynamic she’s excited but excited nervous but what she brings as a player because she’s played a lot more recently to me she has that real good connection of expectations on what what you know what that buildup as a player looks like so definitely great to have those two to kind of lean on going into this final week but we try and give as much responsibility to the playing group as well you know we’ve we just I’ve just got off a PA session we’ve just done an hour with the girls and that sets us up nicely for the week they know exactly what to expect cross training this week um know what themes we are we’re going to be targeting and um letting them take some of that responsibility and make ensuring that they’re doing their extras as well and that leads that group really really nicely and I know that I can throw some at at now and she’ll make sure it’s done so it’s just having that trust in that group so you don’t have to give me all your secrets forra but when you’re targeting a team so I talk a lot about this about analysis are you going at individuals is this very much about your style and what you can bring is it attacking them as a unit like what what will be the focus this week um obviously I think you know we attack we attack them as a unit I don’t think we can NE necessarily attack them as individuals because we’ve got to make sure we’re connected right across but we do highlight what the strengths and the weaknesses are of of our opposition and say well with within within our targets and what we’re trying to achieve and how we want to break them down we know that we can do X to this player to break her down we know we can do that we know we know they’re going to try and stop this so we need to make sure that we’re recognizing that setup early so that we can do x y and Zed so whilst we look at how we can break them down as a full unit is taken into account what the strengths are of their individual players as well as to how we can stop them or how we can force them into errors um how we can expose them and so on just want to pick up quickly before we we get to the the quick fire a bit you talked about Gabby and M being you like sense Checkers I want to talk about the changes because um the changes in the semi-finals for me were Brave in both games because I was like who okay you’re like I think you’re eight or nine up at half time and you made some some bold changes imemo was having what I would say was the game of her life she came off and I I you know you never CH the coaches do I understand why everyone does what they do pulse pulse I thought they needed to do something changing that didn’t work for them especially changing their whole kind of style um is it about being brave in finals is it like literally get there roll the dice because you only get to play it once and the worst you can do after a finals go should have would a cutter yeah I think you need to know exactly what every player can do in that in those moments and um you know we have rolled the dice pretty much in every game this season there hasn’t been very many where we haven’t given players opportunity and you know for us Taylor’s impacted really well across the year and you know she can do things that imemo can’t you know and Amy can do things that Taylor can’t and you know for us it’s like well what does it look like in those different moments and how can they come on and potentially bring something a little bit different a little bit special um it didn’t quite work for us and it doesn’t it doesn’t always you know and I thought Taylor impacted well but she got blown out she was riding the players she was getting pinged out she was being penalized and what we’ve Hamed home all season and something that we’re really proud of is that we’ve been the least penalized team Across The League All Season we’ve not had touchwood any any warnings um and that’s something that we’ve really thrived on is we keep all of our players in the game because soon as you stood out was 6V s so you know we want to make sure that we are um in the game and she just came on and just got pinged out a few times she had a penalty Advanced on her and it’s just like if this is just going to keep happening we’re going to end up just being exposed in that attacking end so we made that flip back to get himo in there um in the attack end I think um not just started tiring a little bit and I think when Nat starts tiring she goes into help mode and she starts playing quite narrow to the ball and um you know that’s just her way of of contributing which you know is she’s a absolutely great player and I know how much she love a um so um I think at that point we just needed to change that picture in that attack end and just open up the space and I think that’s what Lois does so well um is just really you know draw and drop on the players she can open up that space and she’s really comfortable on the ball and like just changing up that timing of the entry of goal attack into the circle and the dynamic of what um Elmer can bring in um and you know I felt like the attack changes really worked and especially with injecting IMO into that Center in the last quarter again she’s a player that you can just spray ball to she’ll get on the end of it you know you can really open up and get this ball moving and she can just inject that little bit of magic so um and then obviously Amy back into Wing defense she can track like you know like no other at Wing defense so um I felt those changes really worked for us and and turn the table in that last quter and I was I was happy and with what that looked like it was just us figuring out that maybe what was happening in the third quarter for that 5 six minute window wasn’t quite it and wasn’t okay you know and I said to them at quarter time going from 12: to 4: is not okay not in games like today and you know in in other games we’re going to get more than punished so did you panic did you panic at all was there a minute moment I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t say I panicked I was just kind of in my head going this can’t happen you know you’re just like this cannot happen we cannot lose this game like and I said to the players at three quter time that is not okay you have got all the tools you you know exactly what you need to do and you need to step on the court and do it for yourselves we can’t do this for you anymore like you’ve got to make sure you’re adapting and using the information and that that we’ve already given you throughout the training week throughout the whole season and I thank God they went on and did it so yeah all right well quick quick filing to finish it off because your hello fresh will be about ready I reckon will you like you’re lying at the weekend that’s fine we know you’re going to be doing that What’s um what’s your other tradition you got anything anything that you have to do anything where you’re like oh I’ve got to put a sock on first or I’ve got to do this I’ve got to do that I still lay me clo clothes out like I’m playing oh that is amazing so I literally in the spare bedroom I have all my kit lied out and like you know my knickers my socks my bra my t-shirt and baz is like what are you doing I’m like I’ve got my clothes laid out so when I get out the shower I’m ready to go and I’m like and I’ve done that ever since being a player I would get in the changing room I would have a shower I would have my clothes laid out so when I got out the shower in the changing room my my kit was ready to go on um yeah and and I still do that so that’s probably a bit weird um and we also write little cards um you’ll see little credit cards like this but there’s nothing on that one um that I write little um notes on for the players just key focuses so I like to get those cards written before we leave the house so that I know that done yeah you got you got a song we have a song that we sing when we win right um pregame we the girls mix it up so honestly there’s been all kinds going on so they’ll do where you know they go around the circle and everyone on on the on an eight count someone’s got to do a move and then the next count somebody else has got on your All Copy some of the dance moves that come out a bit mental let me just say but um it’s good for Nat likes to keep them going they tend to choose a different song every week for their last song before team talk but they always keep it um they always keep it vibrant let’s just say that um and then yeah hopefully when we get back in the Chang of moons we’ve had our debrief we sing Our yellow Thunder Dream song and bang some trainers against the wall so yeah nice well final one then have you heard from Tracy Nev do you know what I haven’t um I haven’t heard from her I know I know um I I haven’t heard from her since semi-finals but I know she’s probably got a lot on a plate after um the result that she had at the weekend she’s probably not happy with what that looked like so she’ll definitely be be be nailing those girls down out in Australia but I’m sure we’ll definitely have a catch up at some point this week cool so final question then are you gonna win it t I’m going to say yeah cuz I’m confident I’m like yes we are going to win it perfect well you know what we are looking forward to it gregy it’s been um an absolute pleasure watching your group this year and and Love’s group and I think it’s well deserve finless I think when you’re talking about matchups this one’s got everything I think players are at their very best at the moment the emergence of some of the talent from yours I think Lois Pearson’s had a standout season I think imagin at her very best at the moment the way they’re working in the circle and the changes you’ve got with your Josie shadine your ELO and I think it’s been impressive and as for lufra um I’m sure when you’ve been doing your analysis best was outstanding the the grow of nat P’s game in the attack end um I think Nicholas Smith has come on Leaps and Bounds as well so I mean it’s got the makings of an absolute cracking final and for uh first time in in a long time I can sit back and have no allegiance to anyone and be like oh bring it on so I literally can’t wait um I’ll be intrigued to see whether you get to see your wi winning song at the end gregy but um it’s been an absolute pleasure good luck this weekend we are we are hoping for a goal for goal final I’m sure you don’t want that no I abolutely don’t want a goal for goal final but if we’ve got to do it that way we’ll we’ll do we’ll take it any way we can perfect well enjoy and we’ll see you at the weekend thanks gregy thank you

    1 Comment

    1. I was at that game in Dagenham, Tamsin threw her medal on the chair and looked fuming.. the games on YouTube
 loved watching karen and Janelle playing. Great interview and love the honesty.. the game is very physical now, even at social level it’s physical with less contact called than super league.. looking forward to the new rules being implemented
 good luck karen at the final.. looking forward to a great game

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