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    so I’m here in what is considered to be the most obese town in the United Kingdom Britain is too fat and is getting fatter that mean figures today revealed that obesity cost British taxpayers almost 14 billion PS a year twice as much as those of a healthy weight Hospital admissions linked to obesity have doubled to more than 3,000 people a day a shocking stat that we found out was that over 80% of the population of UIL was considered obese meaning their BMI ranges from 30 or higher radical measures are needed if we are to start saving [Music] lives first thing I needed to do was to actually chat to some of the locals around here and see if they agreed with being labeled the UK’s fattest town are you from around here yes did you know that this was voted one of the UK’s most unhealthiest towns yes you did know that oh yes do you guys eat much fast food yeah cuz that’s all there is a you wait what you what what have you got there Gregs Gregs and would you say that’s a pretty popular spot around here yeah definitely it’s one of the main places in town um so do you do both of you guys live here yeah yeah I live here yeah yeah this so this place was actually voted one of the most unhealthy places in the UK would you agree with that do you think that’s fair yeah do you think it is yeah it is what what is it about this place that makes you think that so do do you think they have a problem with that as well around here you walk room 12 1:00 in the morning right and you got more sleep in the to now all right Lads cheers I appreciate appreciate your work thank you very much have a good day guys I’m not going to lie every everyone every time we bring up the fact that it’s unhealthy the first thing the first thing people think of is drugs and not the food which I think is pretty interesting crazy we uh read a study recently that this place was one of the most unhealthy places in the United Kingdom would you agree with that yeah definitely do you reckon that’s because of the drugs do you reckon it’s the food places what is it about it that might the food places there’s a lot of takeaways around you it same for you yes pretty much yeah okay great wonderful thank you thank you guys very much for your time I appreciate it oh yes hi there um there was a study done that it was the fattest City in the UK do you think that’s that’s right true fat wa 80% are either overweight or obese here do you agree with that yeah I was literally walking down the street earlier and I was thinking [ __ ] me like there’s some f [ __ ] and what do you reckon of the busiest places uh food places here McDonald’s McDonald’s is that the busiest yeah well we might have to go and check that out then thank you guys very much early on there was a common theme and that was the McDonald’s so we decided to take our investigation over there hi am I all right just to ask you a couple questions about this town no no okay do you am I all right to ask you a couple questions about this town uh yeah no so this town was actually recently voted one of the fattest towns in the United Kingdom would you agree with that bed wait are you said there’s a bunch of crackheads around here all right well we just just been been told that there’s a lot of crackheads around here maybe maybe we changed the video at this point but the world’s most depressing down crackheads and unlimited fast food to be fair that probably is a genuine reason or cause um is that obviously if somebody’s on loads of drugs it’s not like you’re going to be thinking o I need to have a healthy meal now then we just put down the heroin and pick up the celery it looks like the words gotten out here at Abu and so we’re going to we’re going ask these fine strapping young gentlemen that look very approachable about this place hi there fellas how are you nice to meet you what’s your name so um this place was actually voted the fattest town in the United Kingdom do you think do you think that’s fair it’s quite fat reasonably yeah there he’s nice nice guy though all right well I mean yeah that’s a Val that’s a fair point I suppose what do what do you think what is it about this place that makes you think that it’s unhealthy too many fast food restaurants about yeah if you were to guess how many do you reckon there are good I think there are 55 fast food places here and in total there are only 75 places here when people talk about this place being unhealthy do you think they’re talking about the younger generation or the older people a lot of child children are yeah yeah yeah but not many not many parents seem to be doing something about like amazing all right thank you very much for that I appreciate it cheers for that guys appreciate it thank you one thing I’ve noticed about eale is there’s one fresh fruit and veg shop in this entire place so far every thing is either frozen food or fast food there’s the problem kid someone want you’re lucky to get out the town alive boy so I don’t know whether they take that as a threat from them or what but they weren’t they were slightly dodgy so I’m not surprised don’t mess with those down the dark alley you know what I mean right hello right the food options in Ebu Vale were clearly a massive problem it was mainly populated with fast food chains like Gregs Kebab shops dominoes and there was a real lack of healthy food options it’s safe to say that even just like walking up and down these gas there is a big lack of Good Vibes generally this place seems like unfortunately has no ambition and a lot of the people here often you know turn to Vices in unhealthy foods and drugs exactly the fact that there is only one quote unquote healthy store says it all yeah so off we go to another food store to investigate further hi there could I order margarita with a large slice of Truth who is this guy they say that 80% of people here are either overweight do you agree with that or I have to say I would agree honestly um they tend to be building a lot more fast food so a lot of Costas a lot of draks do do you have regular customers here uh yeah yeah we’ve got quite a lot of regular customers um they come in every week actually as always on Thursday there was a cluster R here three times in a row it was two wraps and a set of cookies each day every single day it was a different W okay well at least he changed that at least that thank you man cheers have a good day yeah five quid as well that again you you want to compare that to the prices of the healthy Gaff five quid you’re getting a wrap and a drink it’s tough to compete all right now everybody loves a kebab shop and in the UK Kebab shop are like the holy gray hi there can I just ask you do you have like a lot of regular customers here yeah lots do you get people coming in multiple times a day some times really up to two times a day somebody will just come in here wow do you like it here it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] though it’s [ __ ] what don’t what don’t you like about it okay fair enough cheers mate have a good one guys someone has has let slip that we’re here and it’s gotten a bit chaotic gosh damn it that younger generation all you pesky ones oh [ __ ] oh my god oh this this place is mental everyone’s just jumped in their cars and it’s like a game of hide and seek hello hello how are you what’s going on man how are you yeah nice to meet you are the younger people overweight and obese or are they for the most part pretty good some are pretty good yeah but there are some uh wampers right like You’ go to any Cafe and it’s just loaded fats fats fats everything is there a cafe around here that you’d recommend us to go yeah mountain is I’m not sure where it is though but everyone Raves about Mountain Air really all right I think we’re going to try and head there and see if we can find ourselves a decent meal so we’re here at the Mountain Air good food great prices and actually an incredible view to be fair so hold on no entry oh [ __ ] oh yeah ah here it is had to visit Mountain a because of the mountain a mixville challenge special 16 oz pork steak 16 steak 16 diamon two chicken breasts two lamb chops four fried eggs four jimba sausages peas mushrooms onion rings chips £60 or free if you complete it on your own in an hour Mountain Air chicken served with the air of a mountain okay suppos there’s only been one man that’s ever managed to complete this Challenge and it is none other than beard Meats food sh in 34 minutes well done is that right oh you give me a r of flaws name wow wow can’t even pick up both pieces mate take a guest re yeah how much calories did you reckon was on the plate to begin with total thing chips included and in rings 6 and 12,000 I think that’s that’s all my Meats done by the way it is you know two pork gam lamb chops and then all the chicken and two sausages so what have I been doing I don’t know eating the onion rings apparently have you had your chicken as well yeah yeah so what the hell have I been doing for the last 15 minutes I really don’t know I’m behind on Old meat yeah yeah yeah everything on the plate bar the onion rings which you I you know what I’ll take these off your hands cuz you’ve covered more than I have I wonder if they uh ever lock that door M please I’m on the RO I’m on the RO this is ridiculous this is ridiculous the Beast isn’t coming alive the fact that this exists here is interesting because this is really not in the middle of nowhere but it’s um it’s quite rural I’m ready to go to sleep yeah having food coma teritory I feel sick we’ve tried the local Cuisine fantastic albeit a lot regardless we’re going to go and check out speak to a few more people and understand a little bit more about why this is the UK’s fattest town so the question that was still on my mind was why are people getting so many takeaways rather than healthier sources of food one thing I’ve noticed right we were talking about price of nutrition fruit more expensive than a sausage rolling Gregs look there’s loads of stuff there’s lots of bits of Bobs you can get here and then look yeah and then look down here funny how the stuff that has less stock are the sweets and the stuff that is full of stock is the fruit was um this this is considered one of the most unhealthy towns here but but you’ve obviously got a great spot here with loads of healthy food and so I just wanted to get your thoughts Our Generation doesn’t know how to cook where as the older generation knows how to cook and make meals from scratch we us we don’t McDonald’s is too easy yeah we rely on like frozen foods like pizzas and you know just easy ready meals heroin Foods yeah I wouldn’t be surprised talk to me look at this offer £4 for two pizzas wedges and brownies that’s like a quid a quit a piece but the fact that that’s front and center of the shop as the advertisement just goes to show how bad the nutrition is in the area right I’m not going to lie unbelievable value maybe not so great for your body but still in a place like this what do you reckon most people are buying Frozen stuff Frozen Frozen yeah definitely do you find that people choose are choosing more more healthy things recently or do you think that this is a pretty unhealthy Place unhealthy definitely like all our po STS it’s all unhealthy what I mean do you attribute that to why do you Recon that um fruit and veg just still price you if there’s one thing that you would change what would that be the price is all fruit and veg yeah definitely 110% okay amazing thank you so much really appreciate that you’re amazing she is right like it genuinely is so cheap here and in in something oh wait you look excited by something [ __ ] it’s all [ __ ] yeah mental all right cool let’s get out of here just looking promoting it’s still front and center front and center Frozen scr baby where are the carrots e to combat this epidemic Ebu had spent £5 million on a brand new gym facility so it was our turn to head in there to see if we can get an interview with any of them hi there hi we were just um making a video we’re in town here so we wanted to get some nice shots of the the facility you guys have here is that possible I need to speak the manager okay I’m so full man I feel so got marketing manager and you to get permission from no worries okay I’m not am I okay to ask one of you guys just a couple questions about the place then is that okay are we all right to ask you a few questions on here is that all right I didn’t know if you knew this but the town has been voted as yes you about this on YouTube but but the gyms a brand new facility right this trying to combat yeah from Co do you reckon it’s enough what they’re doing at the moment to combat the problems or do you reckon they need to build either more of these or it’s just not working like the people around you are lazy it’s just fat it’s just KFC McDonald’s Gregs there will everil ever come out there no there’s no there’s no chance no it probably worse no it probably go worse all right well there we go there we have it it looks like he thinks there’s no hope for this place even as a guy that works at the gym he has just said there’s no hope for for the town honestly after spending time in Ebu Vil I actually came away from it feeling a little bit sad a little bit disheartened because it really seemed as though Ebu Vil as a town as a city had kind of given up and with that in mind I at least want to do my part even if it’s just in a small little way so in the description of this video you’re going to see a list of Charities that will all help and be involved and I’m going to be donating the entirety of the proceeds from this video to those Charities I’d love it if you guys could get involved as well and choose one or choose a couple and donate as well because at the end of the day being healthier can only be a good thing


    1. As a Welshman. When you have a currupt gov and council there not much of a future in Wales anymore unless you are foreign, English or a holiday maker wanting to buy property here , we need Welsh people in our Welsh gov

    2. It's an issue all around the UK and I would assume it's similar in other western nations. Refined sugars and processed foods are the cheapest to produce and then they're rammed with preservatives to make production cheaper. That's why you'll notice a decline in the physical health of people in the north or from poorer economic backgrounds. There's no simple solution to it as the fresh and organic will always be more expensive, and out of peoples price ranges :/ People with money can choose to make healthy decisions and it's a privilege some of don't even acknowledge

    3. I understand the difference in pricing on healthy vs. unhealthy foods. Its the same here.
      But it seems a big problem is peoples laziness and lack of accountability towards working out or trying to stay in shape.
      Just because you can get 2 pizzas, some fries, and a cake for 4 dollars doesn't mean you need to eat it all at one time.

    4. Thing is lads.. not everyone has the cash to eat well.. and when shite food is so cheap it's inevitable that they pile the weight on.. so town's just have no opportunities.. meanwhile you two spend £120+ on 2 meals and waste half of it. Wind your neck in if you didn't luck out with YouTube you'd probably be eating £4 meal deals.

    5. i mean fruits and stuff are ofc becoming more expensive, because it is more expensive to grow them than the rest of shit they could get… and honestly those deals seemed so freaking crazy all that food for 4-5pounds

    6. The question is have you ever eaten from a restaurant that’s high end? If so you’ve ate frozen food that’s been defrosted and presented to look good. So saying it’s frozen doesn’t mean you haven’t eaten frozen before

    7. that town seems to be a total food desert. Haven't looked it up but from the high amt of drugs and fast-food places, it definitely looks like the governement isn't providing them much help.

    8. 10:38 She speaking facts, i struggle with eating healthy as i dont know how to cook, if we were raised to cook or have mandatory cooking classes then we will be much better off.

    9. This topic really should be handled with more care and respect for obese people. Poverty, mental health issues and obesity all go together unfortunately and as someone who's from this area I feel kill we were really done a disservice. This video is just poverty p*rn

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