Today after taking the van ahead to the South Oxford canal at Napton and cycling back, we head up the Stockton Flight, joined by a hire boat. Everything went well until halfway up the flight, when all hell broke loose and we got some serious canal rage, with another narrowboat coming down the flight, that could end up in a fight.

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    will it reach yeah I think it is huh yeah I think I can reach it you be respectful don’t say that to me so a couple of days ago unfortunately I crashed my thir drone into a tree now I did try to recover it but it was so high up I was going to need to buy an extendable flag pole to do it so there it sat for 3 days until dad got back from work with the flag pole in the van and we headed out that evening back to limited spa and we parked as close as we could and walk down to the aqueduct with the pole fully erected it still wouldn’t reach I think I’m holding it right it really hurts to look up H oh yeah why did you get the 12er could have done with the T already was it okay now we have to try and extend it even the 10 m prob won’t reach it you could have got a 12 m one that’s 90 qu this one’s 50 so we called it a day and said we come back tomorrow with some additional things you me got lovely barbecuing weather this week as well 20 odd degrees Sunshine but it’s not on us no we’ve lost the sun yeah but it’s been a beautiful few days yeah the weekend’s been lovely again like last weekend but um I suppose not the weekend now is it no it’s Mandy today but the last two days have been really nice we got this for the barbecue this time yeah MTI pack chicken wings we’ got sausages Tika sweet chili Chinese style Texas barbecue style I think that was was it how much $5.99 or something yeah it’s quite expensive I suppose yeah for some chicken wings but to make all the co yourself takes time yeah sausages couple of burgers sausages homemade burgers chicken burger for Mom yeah pretty much it that’s it I could have made cold SL but we’re going to have that for cold stuff one night we cold stuff’s back cold stuff’s back we like our cold stuff up like a boiled egg and Co SLO and homemade homemade Co SL homemade potato salad don’t we oh we’ve actually got some Jersey oils actually yeah which were very expensive having a barbecue cup of tea at L this little life you can life everyone loves them when they come by in the boat boats oh look at that ginger cat yeah Indie came out for a little bit didn’t you Indie you need to get your balls shopped off first sh doesn’t come out of a table like a side table there a thing there a seat there maybe use that last week I had to get the wooden table out as well Mom oh why thr to pit stuff on oh okay we got this how cheap we are instead of getting burger buns and hot dog buns we it’s got burger buns yeah we just cut it in half Delight the same thing though yeah the wind’s picked up a bit so hoping we go down today the Drone might be even on the floor oh smash though I have got spare parts M from the old Wing breaks new propellers on as well cuz they got smashed a bits probably the propell them see I know ducklings aren you Ducks aren oh God you you must have been you must have been early I got a lovely homemade burgers H Burgers by Mom Mom’s got chicken God the face chicken burger chicken steak got chicken chicken wings I think we’re going to have a few chicken wings left over guys with the barbecue over we headed back to limited spa and this time we meant business you know how determined I am I was not going to let that drone go to waste even if I did have insurance and coverage he’s up there you got it it still won’t reach with a 3 m fishing pole on it last thing we have is the ladder when it reach yeah I think it is H yeah I think I can reach it just hit it twice guys but then the unthinkable happen it’s back guys did it everything looks all right hell and it didn’t get caught anywhere else know the battery goes in this one oh yeah I see oh my God it actually did it even the blades look all right everything that looks all right wow it’s back I might I might oh there you go what that’s working it’s charging that’s all good but had the fo done any damage to the Drone wow that was an outstanding no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] apart from a couple of gimbo issues it was totally fine but don’t expect anything brilliant at the moment my confidence has been knocked for six hello welcome back it is can’t remember what day it is today 22nd 21st 21st M I’m not sure who track uh 21st yeah it’s about half two left it too late here cuz it’s the morning rush really busy um had a few problems back W my bike out we dropped the van ahead this time the left it may look like we just arrived and got on the bike straight away but we were here for about an hour trying to S our mom’s bike we got there in the end and then we headed along the South Oxford and uh the top path leav something to be desired really it is terrible oh my God why is it this overgrown as we got towards napton Junction there was actually a little lane you could take parallel to the canal so that’s what we did he’s got fish oh he’s got in his mou is that his m I think it’s trying to feed its chick it’s on its back Mom Oh I thought something was on his back something was on saw something in the water great Chris Crees do that like uh [Applause] swans Road this is summer some sort of flood in here I think there was damage done but we didn’t realize yeah well what it is the mom’s wheels back wheels been buckled slightly and so because V brakes it rubs at a certain point every time every rotation and I can’t do it if I do it too loose then it won’t grip and uh then mom’s front brake get your handle of it snapped so I had to box that together a bit of wood and a couple of screws um just and her pedal was on two Tight cuz I upgraded her pedals but I hit one of them twoo tight on but then Som don’t know somehow it was all right I did try but I didn’t really have a spinner but I’ve only got like one frub break which ain’t very good so got back in one piece toe buff on the uh oh toe a bit tight as well really narrow I felt like doing the ne me toe passs foots they were lovely like that but good news is uh about yesterday day before we tried to me and Dad went down and tried to get the Drone back but it just went the pole wasn’t long enough a 10 m pole I bought wasn’t long enough I reckon it crashed at about 15 16 M that’s how high it was what I was going to do is going to join the poles together which I did but then it were too heavy then thankfully we had dad’s fishing rod and the step ladder and then I could just reach it and it fell down and uh as you can see there’s no damage to it I just flew it is crazy um yeah we dropped the van ahead to the farmers c [Music] f we dropped the vane head to Clay uh no brick brick yard Lane just before naped on the hill about yeah we dropped it up there cuz a nice little bit of Armco there that you can get on and uh when we were there someone was actually more on there and then they moved so that’s why I’m leaving a little bit earlier just so I can try and get that spot um cuz otherwise I think we get grounded we try and wild more we’re heading up to Stockton now Stockton locks there’s a flight there I think it’s about 18 locks to do today so another reason why we’re leaving a little bit earlier cuz we would like to do evening coming back again but anyway um yeah let’s get up on stock and up onto South Oxford enjoy right so here is a map of the UK Canal Network everything in red is what we cruised before now we’re here down on the Grand Union Canal at bcot so today we’ll be making our way to the 10 Stockton locks we’ll make our way up there and then along a nice level section before we get to the free calott locks and and on to the South Oxford Canal where we head down towards napton and more up at the old Brickyard where the van is making it about 7 miles and 13 locks let’s do it that’s where I usually hang it or you hang it [Music] as he get to Stockton you greeted by two pubs both on opposite Banks of each other which one do you choose that’s a tough choice slight miscalculation um it’s 13 locks not 18 it’s because I was supposed to more at Welsh Welsh Lane and but we did those extra five blocks didn’t we last time um so yeah not so bad as M was about to do the pedal I noticed that the ABC boat back at the P was making a lot of movement it looked like they were about to set off so I said Mom open the gates again we’ll let them come in with us cuz it is a lot easier with a lot more crew [Applause] well I bet that bat has a few leagues don’t it there’s also another very attractive Pub here I think this one looks the most inviting up [Applause] although I don’t show any footage of it I went up to the next lock and the two panels were open to empty and then I noticed one was open to fill it and then I noticed a boat coming out the next lock and I knew straight away what happened the hir who we were with was trying to steal the lock from the boat coming down which is a big no no the boat coming down could not have taken any worse you be respectful you don’t say that to me no he just told me that and I’m going to tell him right back you be respectful you guys you stop swearing stop swearing M just walk are you can hear me am I swearing you swear if he for me and then I oh yes he did pay attention just walk away on you what did you say we off way at the flight and um I noticed that there’s a paddle open on one of the locks cuz the guy goes ahead on the other boat next to us he goes ahead and empties the lock but then I’d say oh there’s another pad open to make fill it up I look up and there’s a boat coming out in the next lock and I had to quickly shut that panel so someone’s gone ahead and filled it for themselves and the guy comes down he’s aeran oh my God he loses at me I tried explaining to him that it was the high Boer who didn’t shut the panel or I if I went up there I would have opened the lock for him to come in but um he wasn’t happy at all he started have a good at me I told him that it was that guy snitched on him but I’m not taking the blame um and then he lost it as you saw from that clip uh luckily managed to dismiss it without any um without any hitting or fighting but um that’s what it gets like on the lock sometimes but um I said to him I said yeah if that was me who went up mate I would have opened it for you and uh would let you come in but um yeah the H but went up and uh he’s right though the guy coming down but there’s no need to get like that he got really angry um but there’s no need to get like that and uh yeah cuz he was in the right but um yeah it was a high butter so I felt a bit you know aned that he was able to go me anyway it’s dismissed and uh we’re going on now the These are nice people though doing the flight of us boat coming down one com Bo coming what that used to be r no pump engine than I don’t know where this pump is he looking for let say at the top of the stock flight now and there a bit of excitement on there was it yeah first of all we got to the flight and then I saw the ABC got back from the par and they look like they were setting off so I was like come back Mom open the gate let them come in with us yeah waited quite a while for them to come in but it’s a lot of work when the flight is against you and I tell you what it fills up easier quicker as well yeah cuz there’s two boats yeah I said just let them come in mom and then you know it’ll be a lot less worth for you yeah really nice people really nice people aren’t they yeah I know your experience however is we you know they even went in tand she went in tanding with Dad and I said oh good she thankfully we got away with no bruises or whatever yeah we all make mistakes don’t we everyone makes mistakes like we’ve been on for three and a half years and we still make mistakes but and they’re experienced High about us so they still make mistakes can’t be out but he did kick off a bit yeah and having to go at me when it’s nothing to do with me he started on the guy with a gr top and then his mate came over with the cowboy at oh my God we thought yeah just walked up and done the paddle quickly click record I thought this was going to be good um didn’t kick off but uh thankfully yeah we got diffused and uh why does it smell like Tire around here tires rubber tires or something that smells like anyway we’re going to head over to cot now head up the free locks at cot we had a good day apart from apart from that but I just don’t like confrontation my stomach does also Andy’s used to it working on the door but I just don’t like it think about me God Canadian this is the Nelson arm and it used to be an arm which led to a cement Works own by Charles Nelson obviously the cement Works have been completely demolished and now it’s just a private moring armor you have to admit this is suuk Vans would make a pretty cool micro conversion [Music] [Music] GTI GTI be worth [Music] [Music] it think so [Music] [Music] you on the back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah cat’s at the helm look at him not the rain now [Music] [Applause] [Music] my got there [Applause] looks like they used to use the remains of this old narrow lock here but they no longer do and it’s so silted up that Silk must be like I don’t know 6 7 foot deep and just like that we are done with the hard work of the war canal Lo we’re now on to narrow loocks again C mom fish big bream before anyone uses this as evidence that we don’t blast our horn we did most of the time I cut out the horn blast because I don’t want to deafen you oh she’s going completely the opposite the way I wanted to I [Music] know that’s the lovely napin on the hill over there with a beautiful field of buttercups no we dad B waste of money [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well this is the remains of the old Brickyard here and this is where the van is so we’re just going to Mo up past the bridge and oh great there’s a boat where want a more we have a wild more in front of it but what I didn’t know at this time was there a little just R the corner yeah such a popular little spot it’s taken already more up at the old Brickyard on the St fox now now yeah a little bit of arm we wanted to get on there’s someone on it it’s funny cuz we saw it this morning I always known about that spot but I know how busy it gets and how popular a spot it is it’s a beautiful spot there was a boat on it and they just left when we got here and I was like oh it’s not going to be there someone’s going to M AR they there someone M there um which means going on the front the back’s a bit Yeah back’s grounded cuz there’s only strip of Armco there and here it’s just the ox can is very shallow yeah um so we’re like we we are stuck on a bank at the back I think so but hopefully they go in the morning fingers crossed cuz I can’t see any solar barels well they’re probably flat solar B yeah if if they go if they go we’ll probably move up there w we probably we will yeah we definitely will get the only bit us lovely yeah just over there on the oood now yep and it’s raining it’s raining I don’t think it’s going to stop till tomorrow dad’s all right he’s gone and done done us fish and ship so all right thanks for watching like subscribe guys and we’ll see you next time head up naum flight of nine [Music]


    1. So please you got your Drone back, I bet that Made your arms ache holding that pole.😊 Those two chaps didn't seem to be agreeing on something in the lock.😮 Not road Rage but canal rage.

    2. Wow so exciting this week guys sometimes I have found it hard if the lock has a low bridge on exit to see if a boat is coming wanting to come up
      At once I had just shut the lower gates and set off
      When a boat came round a bend when a man with a face like a sack of spanners !! Said hey why didn't you leave the gates open I said I didn't know you were coming some people 😳
      But that must have scared the hire boat crew !!

    3. I've noticed a couple of times now, Josh, I've gone to add to a part comment I've made and all comments have disappeared from the page. If this is happening to others that are commenting on your page you might be losing comments.

    4. Best news I heard all day, Diane making hot dog rolls outta burger rolls 😉 but seriously, glad you retrieved your drone Josh! Nice to see Andy back, what with the lock rage incident, this ones got ALL the drama!

    5. Nice food and got the drone out of the tree,👍👍👍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

    6. So glad you got your drone down. Ok too. Isn’t it strange you can have 99 really nice people and then along comes one who is not quite so nice or in your case two. Never mind Josh. You have all your lovely family and now a new little nephew and niece. And the cats. And the summer and lots of barbecues. 🐈🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈

    7. Hooray you managed to get your drone back. It pays to never give up and be a determined person. Well done. I always love your drone shots.

    8. Hi Josh et all! I had to deal with an American (1st time hire boater) who stomped up to me at the lock at Welsh Lane (?) after I secured my boat, opened the gate before he got off his boat then while I was heading back to take my boat in he insisted he was there 1st (with lock in my favour). Being a solo boater I tried to explain how locks work but HE just didn't understand how saving lock water works. After 10 minutes he backed down but I really didn't like the confrontation. After that there was confrontation at the staircase lock from a boat I was travelling with who just couldn't understand the shuffle to save water! I just kept calm laughing at the stupidity of cc'rs and hireboaters wrath! Lovely to see the footage you did of this trip to remind me of what a blast I had on this stretch! Well done Josh for getting your drone back, I take my hat off to you all for persevering! xx L&R

    9. Grit & determination for the drone after your last loss! Well done 👍
      Well I’ve noticed grumpy along our way but not aggressive .. cold shower 😎

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