Test riding the all new Yamaha Tracer 9 GT for the first time. Live first impressions and commentary/review.
    This bike is from CMC Motorcycles (no affiliation with myself) in Newport, Wales – so if you’re interested in checking this exact one out, here is the Google Maps location:

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    00:00 – Leaving the Dealership
    00:35 – Nearly getting doored
    01:00 – First impressions
    02:57 – Little Walkaround
    04:00 – Full Power Mode
    07:20 – Riding as slow as possible
    08:30 – Full/Long Walkaround the bike
    13:26 – Riding
    15:40 – The Handling
    16:30 – More Riding
    17:15 – The Sound & Exhaust
    18:36 – Open Roads & Misc Rambling
    23:37 – Fixed The Mirror!
    24:05 – One Final Rip Through The Lanes!
    26:10 – Wind Noise?
    27:00 – Misc Ergonomics
    28:40 – Summary

    yeah that’s mine over there oh the the ninja yeah yeah love me safe everybody we’ll do back in about an hour or so yeah yeah yeah see in a b straight away the SE position it’s like a bloody armchair come on birdie you’re going to open a door on me what the what a dumb [Music] wow the quick shifter is so good like unbelievably good the quick shifter boys this mirror is a bit Jank but all right well um we’ll give the seam position a little while yeah this is like probably the most comfortable bike I’ve ever been on what the hell is this it’s like sitting on an armchair boys even my arms are like super relaxed and uh not stressed at all you know like the handle bars are almost a shoulder height for real the clutch is insanely smooth like it doesn’t take any effort to pull this clutch at all how the brakes one finger break easily possible that sounds all right we’re right toote two at the moment which is like the more relaxed kind of riding mode apparently get used to the bike in that mode I [Music] guess the brakes come on very quickly which is good I feel like you’d be really safe on this bike it’s quite a high up bike you know all right let’s uh let’s put it into the fast mode straight up let’s just put it the fast mode yeah let’s have a little look at the bike yeah that’s cool as hell I think that is it looks it looks the business don’t it that exhaust looks really restrictive if I get one of these I would definitely put an aftermarket exhaust on there boys the uh the thing looks really like uh how do you say constrictive restrictive these headlights are mad aren’t they look this is the running light that’s the high beam and these are like cornering lights that’s really weird ain’t it and down there I guess are like fog lights oh oh my God this is a yeah it’s like your commanding you know you’re like King in the castle kind of thing you know oh bit shaky taking a bit of getting used to this so This is actually adjustable as well manually adjustable look at that nice and simple there we go full power mode is where it’s at boys trust don’t want to fall on this uh hble road though the quick shifter is amazing as well as expected of a new motorbike not bad not bad actually boys you know I’m only using a little bit of the throttle cuz obviously like you know it’s not my bike I’ve just got on it 2 minutes ago and uh you know what it’s actually pretty good it’s actually like I can feel the tor let’s rip it here [Music] though all right not too bad actually like it’s not a slouch put it that way yeah not a slouch of a [Music] bike the biggest thing I’m taking away right now is how Bloody comfortable this thing is you can literally ride ,000 miles on this and it won’t even won’t even get tired I would love to have a little test ride with the misses on the back but by the the field of the bike and the weight of the bike I can tell it’s made for that kind of thing right cuz the wheel base is quite long I I I feel at the back the swing arm is quite long and it’s so you can get extra support for like uh you know going full up luggage a passenger on there and all that that kind of stuff it’s definitely oh God yeah it’s good man the power is pretty good too actually even though I’m used to riding my ZX 10r right now which like 180 horsepower I think this is like 130 horsepower maybe it’s a 900cc engine from the mt9 I’ll have to have a look later when I do the whole proper review kind of thing oh the clutch is so smooth awesome awesome effortless I to say all these newer bikes are just so refined guys you know like all all the little wrinkles have been at like ironed out coming from me who’s been riding really old bikes from the 1990s and early 2000s this is uh this is something I think we turn right here to go to the seaw wall yeah we do uh look at this horrible blind Corner boys all right we’re fine I tell you what though at low speed so have a little go at low speed yeah so I’m going to put the rear brake on a little bit I’m going to fether the clutch yeah I’m going a little bit Wiggly but that’s cuz I’m not used to the bike look at that it’s like it’s so easy to ride a low speed there’s no stress at all on my arms or anything on the ZX10R that’s a pain in the ass to do let’s try this quick shifter here up up up wow awesome even the downshifts are really nice and smooth as well yeah no complaints from me so far I’m starting to get used to the seating position now as well as you guys probably know if you jump onto another bike straight away it takes like it takes a little bit getting used to you know all right we’ll go have a look at the seaw wall and have a little walk around the bike again so yeah definitely suited for like a taller Rider directly in line with my balls which means when you stop your legs are like my legs 32 inine seam is on my Tippy Toes by there though obviously it would take some getting used to yeah but first thought I think about the height of this bike I would like it to be a tiny like an inch lower just so I can flat foot it but that’s just me that might just be me cuz uh you know the bikes I’ve been riding high booer that x10r I can flat foot those cuz they’re very low bikes yeah so that’s just my opinion but hey you’re watching my vide so you’re going to get my opinion aren’t you um what I would say is if you’re like short be a bit careful about this bike unless you’re used to riding like big bikes you know um we’ve got pretty thick thick rear tire there which is which is fantastic it’s uh what is it it’s a 180 that’s pretty standard these days that’s a good Tire the passenger seat looks really comfy as well look nice and soft I wonder yeah it’s got metal pegs that might be a pain in the ass for a passenger well a pain in the foot yeah after a while it might vibrate a lot and uh you know send vibrations up your legs but you know if you’re buying this bike you can probably just get aftermarket rubber ones like that like the the driver pegs it’s not really an issue let’s see see if I can get on the back that’s quite easy as well yeah guys the seat’s really comfy the seat is actually really comfy is there’s stuff to hold on to though yeah it’s like right under your ass though it’s kind of hard to hold on to I would say um well it’s not the worst thing in the world cuz it’s quite an upright position it’s quite comfy so I don’t see having much of an issue it’s very easy to get on as well put it that way so easy for a passenger to get onto there the seats like not much higher than than the than the driver seat the rider seat uh yeah I reckon that’s that’s okay for two U riding not too bad look and this is where all the uh the boxes go on to and they’ll come off the side here and obviously you can have a box on the back here as well so if you do have a Pon and you have all the boxes it might even be more comfortable cuz I’ll have more things to lean on impressed of the motor so far yeah it feels really smooth the the gear changes are amazing they’re very very smooth uh it’s got a center stand as well look at that yeah nice Center stand I’m not going to bother putting it on the suspension looks really cool see how it’s like sideways looks really cool they put really good ones on the bikes these days as well what do you reckon guys do you like the look of it looks pretty good yeah let’s go for a ride on that yeah as long as [Music] youve see even even the ladies like the looks of the bike so it’s not too bad yeah it’s it’s quite nice look at it yeah even got like handguards standard up here by the way this this really is one finger breaking um yeah the handu are good for keeping cold air off you in the in the winter are these heated grips I don’t think so that would be a good benefit if you put some heated grips on them I don’t see any what’s that that’s fog lights right so that button will turn those fog lights on okay yes yes if you like comfiness the throttle is a little bit it’s very smooth down at the at the at the low end it’s very upright it’s very very stable at low speed all right well let’s go front of a Little Ride oh my God the quick shifter guys it’s almost like riding an automatic where you don’t even have to shift gears it is effortless I don’t even have to do anything by the way I’m not riding with my ear plugs in and there’s not a lot of wind noise there’s a little bit more now but I feel like this uh on the highest and pushes the air right over my head so hopefully you guys will be able to hear me all right cuz you know when I when I try to talk through the helmet on the ninja you get loads of wind noise but on this I think it’ll be much much clearer cuz there really not a lot of wind noise coming through right now very relaxed throttle at the beginning of the Rev [Music] range in [Music] in the power’s Good Guys the power’s good you’re not really going to buy these bikes full power anyway right um but you know if if you want the power it is there it is there boys it’s just uh you know you got to ring its neck a little bit but again that’s from my perspective riding big boy bikes hooligan bikes this is a very adult sensible bike if you want it to be yeah this is cool as hell this bike is really cool so where am I riding today then I am around gold Cliff area in Newport that’s cuz this bike comes from CMC C CMC rails or CMC new CMC CMC yeah yeah all right I’m let’s have a look wow what the hell is this it turns so easily it turns so easy what the hell is that I think it’s cuz it’s uh it’s quite topheavy not top heavy topheavy you know but like it is a little bit topheavy cuz it’s really tall right but it’s just flicking n this this has no business being this flickable what the hell is this I’m impressed with that I know it’s got new tires on as well but this is very easy to ride put it that way man I wish uh as you can see all these all of these Corners look we have loads of hedges around right um not really suitable for absolutely hooning it around corners here uh just wish I had a few Corners to try it out on cuz I I reckon this can this kind of bike nice new modern tires on it will give you the confidence to like absolutely smash Corners especially if you’re not pretty good at cornering I reckon it will I don’t like these bloody mirrors though but I guess if if you’re tying this up properly yeah well I know it’s subjective oh god um well here’s the thing from the engine itself literally right here the the noise is is fantastic it is deep and growly cuz remember it’s a uh it’s um it’s an mt9 right it’s an M9 engine I’ll have to look up later if they’ve like adjusted the tuning for this bike or or anything like that but you know it’s a grunty triple yeah so it’s going to sound bloody fantastic now the thing is like I me mentioned earlier the exhaust on it seems pretty like chunky and [Music] [Music] restrictive yeah the exhaust seems pretty chunky pretty restrictive so that’s the first thing I would do if I bought this bike I would I would look up all the different exhausts that are made for this bike and I would put a awesome aftermarket system on it and just let it breathe more just let it breathe give me that nice noise at the back yeah I can’t find the indicators [Music] though there’s a lot of buttons here there’s like a lot of buttons I’m just saying there a lot of stuff I’m not used to it I’m really not used to like technology on motorcycles you know hey this is really comfy I’m so relaxed on this now I did see another one exactly the same as this like a couple years older model though at the dealership it was a customer bike and they put an extra um like an extra toring wind screen on the top of here um so you know there are like extra aftermarket parts if you’re a bit of a taller Rider than me and uh the wind screen buffered in your face a little bit was it right the indicator if you have a look is it’s like tucked in there it’s like tucked in I guess you won’t hit it accidentally put it that way be nice to it you know is there a time on here somewhere there’s got to be a time right 12:30 okay yeah we got an extra half hour to mess around with this do a quick turn around of Purity thing [Music] it does pull it does pull it sounds good as well like I said though I I want I want a different exhaust on you I’ll just give you that hooligan that hooligan aesthetic the sound you know of an m209 [Music] engine yeah we can kind of just Cruise along a 50 and six gear here I I reckon you can even go down to like 40 m hour and six and I W have an issue let’s have a look still not bogging down see how low it can go without bogging 30 even 30 and six gear guys I mean it’s very easy to ride like I would assume if uh if you’re just cruising along let’s on a nice big open a road you can just Chuck it in Sixth and then just go and just leave it in six unless you need to stop I suppose that’ll be really good on the fuel economy as well that’s Ching along and hey if you get one of these you’ll save money on spark plugs you only free cylinders do they well this is the This Is The Annoying Thing do they sell spark plugs in threes you know what I mean you might have to you might have to buy 12 in a in one go and just keep them for a while I don’t know someone let me know do they sell spark pugs in [Music] freeze oh flip it there’s a nasty bump in the road there what the hell is that one of these tree uh routes just under the road I think um well they took the bump pretty well I didn’t feel it all up in my spine just in the ass yeah that’s a nasty one there too it’s all these trees look well okay well it’s good to know I’m going to actually going to pull over here so I can resn the camera all right yeah I’m getting comfy with the bike now not any hard bike to ride come on you bastard there we go all right boys welcome back I’ve just fixed the mirror I figured it out this is like the titaner thingy V Jiggy so if you just like tighten that you can actually move the mirror around so all this like 40 minutes we’ been riding around a na mirror and it’s just me yeah that’s what I meant when I I said earlier hey if it’s your bike you can probably like fix figure out how to fix the mirrors like this is definitely the one to get right like if you get the Tracer 7even you’ll probably eventually be annoyed that that you didn’t get the 9 I I feel like anyway [Music] um this nine is probably going to hold its value a little bit more than the Tracer 7 as well right cuz big bikes usually hold the value a little bit better unless you’re talking about 125s right but that’s a tacticality we going to talk about that yeah if you’re going to choose I would say get the Tracer 9 GT bigger is better so yeah guys uh who should buy this bike I would say someone who wants a comfy bike with enough power to get you places and um reliability you know it’s a nice modern new Yamaha with the Creature Comforts and modern bikes come with so what we got we’ve got all these cool lights on the bike uh we’ve got loads of bloody Rider modes and all this kind of stuff we’ve got uh ABS I think we got yeah we got traction control we got Andy Andy lift and that’s Andy weavy basically um cornering lights are really cool this display is very easy to to read and stuff look at it it’s just really cool and uh like the guy like Matt at CMC said earlier you can go through all of the settings in here and you can change them all to your liking so you know customizable a little bit a little bit customizable for the display just looking at the display it’s very easy to see at what speed you’re doing um you know the wind screen’s actually decent it’s been a while since I jumped on a bike and I’m like ah no wind noise yeah there’s like obviously a very small amount of wind noise but uh no it’s it’s really good it’s very quiet compared to other bikes that I’ve been riding yeah um um I actually prefer that it’s a very manual wind screen adjustment that’s not a downside that’s an upside yeah you don’t want bloody fiddly electronics and all that kind of stuff in a wind screen when you can just grab it and just do this yeah up or down there you go sorted if you need any extra you can probably get an aftermarket one which would be taller or like I said earlier just Chuck another one on top a little attachment yeah yeah uh what else we got ergonomics so the handle bars are in a perfect position already but as you know or as you may not know hold on these are nice houses on there bloody hell lad look at that jeez wish I wish I had enough money to live there hey boys if you subscribe and like the video maybe one day I can live in one of these bloody mansions look at that what the hell man that’s not fair um anyway what was I saying ergonomics handlebars so the handlebars look at them they’re not clipons yeah not clipons like I’m used to you can um you can undo this and you can adjust them so you can actually raise them from from here if you wanted to even more Comfort make it even more easy to ride but for me relax my shoulders got a very slight Bend in my in my back here um basically sitting on an armchair right and uh yeah if you have a look at my my arm here it’s just very like in line with the handlebars so it’s uh as it comes it’s pretty good look at these cows yeah so the cows aren’t scared of the bike as it comes stock barely even noticed me though um summed up modern comfortable [Music] practical convenient it’s quite fun as well it’s quite fun [Music] yeah that’s that’s about it really right well I’m just going to head back to the dealership now so it’s time to say goodbye to this bike boys I liked it I liked it a lot I liked it a lot thanks for watching guys make sure to give the video a like and if you want to see more videos subscribe to the channel see you next time


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