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    Madam I told you already you’re wasting your time he’s probably blocked you on all platforms by now so T wants to break up with you and he sent you and you came I’ll take my leave where you there sit down I don’t understand you madam you need to reduce your voice while in public okay I’ll reduce my voice send to come break upday you today you be see Madness you so they sent you to come no no [Music] no [Music] my bro Al were you all day gu C me you go thank God say see me like this Hospital but if everything go as it’s supposed to go today what happened gu so I got this client when tell me say make I help and break up with bab right can you imagine say this babe she cheats but she still want propose on top are you serious I’m telling you are you serious yeah I didn’t tell you bro but wait how would all of this have landed you in the hospital BR make I give you the gist now so usually um when I break up with babe are they used to the range of emotions you know she feel cry she yell she she any they do anything they even beg well you know this bab do my brother this carry bottle break she kill everybody she break bottle like bab break bottle I say she break bottles let be play bro my life flashed before my eyes I’m telling you the truth do R bro I not Tire see I did dedicated to this thing and I’m not going rest till I read the streets of all these [ __ ] and all the things that they do and pay them back in their own coin no so yeah so that’s why you missed our important appointment today oh [ __ ] you might have start heartbreaking as a full-time job now ah even speaking of that hold on now if you want play hold on so I to show you now break fast is sub my brother don’t judge me my client your DM yeah you a mad man my client your DM hold on call hello yeah t here yes of course uh how may I be of [Music] service this one a mad [Music] man guy come play [Music] now it breaks my heart to do this I’m not sure I can f princess that’s okay that’s what I’m here for I promise you for consider it done it’s not need to cry no no but don’t don’t don’t so don’t I don’t think I can of course you can this is a woman that made you feel inadequate for the best part of s years it’s time to get it done she deserves so much better it’s not her fault but when you do it just tell her I really really love her and I want the best for her and she will suffer if she’s with me listen to me no matter what any woman has made you feel there’s absolutely nobody better than you can you hear me there’s nobody better than you but it’s told me can I please get a details thank you okay now here’s what you’re going to help me do you’re going to go into your phone you’re going to delete her and block her everywhere you can’t let my good works go to waste come on let’s do it Mr Timmy you know what I’m going to help you Francis no no no no no no Francis blocked deleted Here We Go sir you deleted I deleted it and it’s going to be fine I promise you you know what you can’t be in your feelings right now let’s let’s let’s brainstorm let’s think about bad things let’s think about her bad habits and the things you didn’t like about her U let’s make a list give me one give me one she SNS loud she SNS loudly that’s one but I find cute okay listen listen listen listen you are stealing your feelings let’s let’s think about something else um her cooking skills it tastes really bad exactly she’s she makes really nice oh my God she’s still a bad cook Mr timy you eat bad meals your children are not going to be able to brag about their mother being a bad cook and that’s terrible for you terrible okay I don’t want to hear it no butts absolutely no butts I promise I’m going to take care of this thing and it is going to be fine as a matter of fact let’s let’s have a mantra let’s say goodbye Francis on three you with me one 2 3 yes yes yes [Music] goodbye ex you know what I thank you thank you I’m going to [Applause] [Music] go Miss Francis I’m as human yes Jimmy sent me I’m guessing you’ve been trying to call his number and it’s not going through yes I’m I’m his girlfriend was you see Jimmy sent me here to break up with you he thinks the relationship is no longer working for him and you should move on this must be some sort of Madness who the hell are you like I said Jimmy sent me if if you prank stars think this sick joke of yours is going to end a 7ye relationship think again my boyfriend ex boyfriend for avoidance of doubts I don’t have any you know he hates the way you snore he says you sound like an elephant he also detest your cooking jeez my question is how can a woman who cannot cook make a grown man feel invalid in his own house H wow move on wait wait um did did did Jimmy say off that I don’t leave with your ex-boyfriend now do I move on oh Jimmy cannot [Music] hello Jessica Jessica listen please it’s over like I’m serious this time it’s over just let me be now [Music] uh-uh why you make I make I cry bro how many times have you tried to break up with that babe guys since the last two weeks and you rather stress yourself than support my hustle which hustle you’re just pain you’re not hustling guy my breakup they average 100% success rates why you true okay know make I do small for you freeb I break up with a girl for you if I succeed you recommend me to your friends D I’m Begg you I get Bonanza for you call you Bonanza Bonanza my last name I’ll make her run now Correy I need some privacy where go not conc you where you go guy come now sure guy my God princess I just I came as soon as you called us are you okay what happened like I I thought it was a prank why would you just break up with you out of the blue 7 years that I’ve invested in this relationship what do I have to show for it and and the hard things he said to me oh I got I can’t believe this I need to speak to him myself why would he do this Jimmy blocked me everywhere everywhere everywhere why could have possessed him to do this I you know what I’m going to call him to call him it’s fine my life is over your life is not over my whole life it’s ringing did he at least give you a reason what did he say the problem is what went wrong did you fight what did he not say that I snore like a peak you’re joking Jim would never apparently you never know a [Music] man that’s right right oh he’s never complained about anything ever and now all of a sudden he’s finding faults he said and I I make him feel less of a man me how dare he princess me I mean you should be grateful you put up with him all these years he’s broke ass oh please please don’t call him names can you still be defending him francess this man doesn’t deserve you what did I do to deserve this what did I do where did I go wrong I know I know I’m not the best cook huh and I’m not the best cook but I put in my everything everything because I love him [Music] sorry Mo this it’s a swort of character everything’s going to be fine okay everything’s going to be fine I’m not going to forgive him for this fine fine I never forgive him for what he did to me never daddy daddy you told Jessica about the abortion where would you now what’s wrong with you I almost choked what wrong with you did she call you did she call me she sent a text if it’s you would you be able to call me then that’s good now way you rushing down here I thought broken my perfect record my guy what’s going on and you told me that you don’t want her to call and I delivered her not you delivered Daddy what’s wrong with you why are you so insensitive daddy bro The end justifies the means what are you talking about no he doesn’t no it doesn’t Dy you know how much I love this girl and the fact that we had to go separate does not mean I have to hurt her deeply bro do you think these women care if they hurt us or not bro women are very very selfish it’s time we pay them back in their own coin H daddy you are hot you don’t want to heal you’re not trying to heal you’re not doing anything to make yourself better bro this is not about me this is about you breaking up with your klepto girlfriend it’s not about me no it’s not it’s about you and what Z not did to you it’s been a year bro what’s your problem you you’re trying to drag everyone along with you what’s your problem I am not trying to do anything I’m not taking anything out on anybody yes you are you know what that’s it you [ __ ] up big time you see this one you mess [Music] [Music] up sis are you sure about this I’m sure fa I’m sure I’ve tied my life around Jimmy all these years I need to make something out of myself but this city is big enough for you to do that I need change and besides your boyfriend will be back anytime soon so normally I’ll cool off at Jimmy’s Place but now I’ll just be a test you know we don’t mind come on I need a fresh start Jimmy and I have planned our life here we’ve built everything here everything and everywhere reminds me of him I I know this might sound selfish but what am I supposed to do without you here you know I don’t want to either now besides i’ I’ve been burdening you with my grief too of course not what say you practically missed your workout all week come on princess you and my both know that I definitely don’t mind that I don’t want to be the reason you’re out of shape that workout is important to you okay just know that I’m going to be calling you every single day every single minute texting you asking you where you put the salt and everything because you [Music] know I have [Music] to no F [Music] no [Music] this guy where have you been I’ve been looking for you on morning boy well I still back to see Jess did you say Jess wait like klepto Jess are you serious gu I beg I beg I beg stop calling my girlfriend names your what wait come this guy you will so guy feel me make I feel you now you know thanks to you I had to go beg that girl and I still can’t believe that she forgave me you know you’re not joking I’m not joking so we decided to work out our issues in therapy Oh my days oh my God see listen I know that you’re not happy about losing a client well that shouldn’t disturb you now since you’re on your way to break another heart why why are men so weak have you ever asked yourself that question why are men so weak it’s a breakup why should you care how the other person fails because we are humans bro it’s a breakup break up when something breaks it’s never fun it’s not sweet guy listen um not everyone gets to share in your experience and you should understand that my condolence to wherever you’re going to meet right now trust me that baby is in needed because it’s seems that women have not found a loophole in my system so from today hence forth It’s Tit for Tat back to back you get me I’m out help me Jo you you excuse you come I just want to tell you something come okay come close what do you want I just want to tell you something okay then say what you have to say why do I have to come close to you okay that’s fine since you took away to you from my life I’m going to make sure I take away your [Music] life leave me alone I know say ritual is there but this one will you keep Qui [Music] you alone now [Applause] don’t think you can get away with hitting him just because you’re a woman besides he’s only been accused nothing has been proven yet hold this one to join see them now they look alike I am a bar and solicitor of the federal republic of Nigeria and I would advise you all not to do anything funny there are women in this group so I suggest we all go to the bathroom with her and verify her go okay I I Talk Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] in Tuesday what you want do with check W your big head say you get today my brother supposed to get not mood uhh don’t tell me you’ve not recovered from yesterday incident recover bro my entire life flashed before my eyes yesterday they almost burnt me alive but you know see it’s quite ironic that n still woman still save you see that babe not be woman now fullblown Angel tell but the ACC heavy J daughter J that girl that same bab when cheat on her boyfriend come propos give him are you serious yes no well actually it’s quite crazy you know the mag the har things you have to do to her for her to react like that bro that one normally not about the har things I she when I go break up with her she go carry B to break up say oh she want kill she want Mur everybody one day I don’t know why me the Mad people because your line of work is crazy guy that one but you know I regret from the other day I supposed tell that babe thank you and I couldn’t oh you crazy one do you have sense which one is the crazy I’m talking about the babe that saved me you know how these angry mobs can be now they don’t see reason they could have bundled both of us together and and I don’t know burn to us maybe you know it’s actually true um that get inel you this like twice in his lifetime brother pH hey ah oh your client yeah the travel to don’t give her feedback by now tell her say you know free now the guy don’t pay me money now but the door give me details about the baby tell me I reach there send me the important details okay say just try has to the bab you understand bro I not go I don’t Lear are you serious so you want tell me now say this small incident now don’t change you bro not me say the small incident don’t change me but that guy real bad guy he get entire family for abroad usgb runs are you serious yeah you joke I tell you you know you always complain that you know women are wicked women are wicked now I don’t see say men also are wicked forget this wickedness thing both men and women see that level now come on follow me perfume come on pleas tell me you want give me your day you better go do your deal where is this guy no [ __ ] hey hey remember me the weird woman incident the other day all right yeah yeah hey can I sit sure wow this is a tiny world you know I looked for you everywhere but couldn’t find you oh I I was in a hurry to get back to work gotcha yeah listen I’m so sorry about the whole thing oo listen hands down that was the most traumatic experience of my entire life I literally saw my life flash before my eyes but I have you to thank you saved me literally oh don’t mention it I’m glad I could help you know you C is a wild place right the rate of jungle Justice is alarming and right know these false accusers they just manipulate the ignorance of the people so exactly but nonetheless thank you so much I appreciate you without you I wouldn’t be here today you’re welcome it’s fine empty seats so I got to ask are you waiting for someone yes yes I am really what a douche that he kept you waiting so long such an angel who’s the angel [Laughter] you uh you are you waiting for someone yes and no so I’m supposed to meet up with my business partner here and he’s supposed to send me more details speaking of the devil there he goes let me check it [Music] out is is everything okay yeah everything is [Music] perfect your phone yeah yeah my phone uh uh one second I need to get [Music] that just one [Music] moment uh D is [Music] coming hello how far Victor how far now I be bro I need your help uh what happened look I don’t get too much time to explain them but I just ran into the lady that saved me oh our Angel what’s up though yes she’s the one whose heart I’m supposed to break what Victor I beg help me the guy keeps calling he’s at the airport ready to leave why can’t he just ghost her I mean he’s afraid that she might stalk him now desperately and maybe contact his family okay um what do you want me to do okay I’ll forward her details just call her text her whatever she deserves to know the truth well you know I don’t know how to make woman cry now please don’t hurt her tell her in the best way possible okay are you okay what’s the best possible way to tell a lady that her boyfriend is married Victor please now at least try Okay um do you know what just stay around her and don’t make her do anything stupid you know how woman can be when are hot yeah yeah yeah yeah of course of course my bro I owe you one I bet check your WhatsApp I be get out I beg so how do I do this [Music] now hey hi hey hi you’re guest still hasn’t shown up have you tried to call him I’ve been trying but I the number is not reachable okay uh if you don’t mind I’ll just like to chill here for a bit keep your company I’m not trying to replace your guest I’m just saying we could speak and if the person comes I [Music] dip excuse me hello excuse me this is ridiculous are you okay is everything good everything’s fine it’s just a it’s a prank call gotcha yeah should we get some food maybe drinks anything it might be rude to order before my guest gets here totally get you [Music] [Music] I guess you’re not the only one getting stood up today I’m sorry to hear that you know what it’s fine good rid to bad rubbish right let’s just order yeah I [Music] you’re joking my brother I wish I were I’m telling you yep women women are dangerous bro I’m telling you see we here judging my client not knowing that they were beds of the same feather no relax relax facts the fact that she did not react in a certain way does not mean that she’s B of A Fe who says good redance when they’ve just been broken up with that’s shows one thing either she’s two timing or even three timing what am I saying exactly think about it let’s just say they deserve each other okay okay let tell the reason I penetrate that [Music] b you a mad man you don’t start why how I tast that now you know my spec be that now all those bab when they form set guy I like to enter their space break them down but now okay this bab is literally going through a heart break right now which Heart Break somebody that had lunch with me wholeheartedly as a matter of fact I am expecting a call from her relax now it’s going to be suspicious if you call her I mean her boyfriend ex-boyfriend give you a number for business Reon you can’t use it for your own agenda bro this is a babe that gave me her number wholeheartedly without hesitation I’m telling you it’s a lie yes women I’m never wrong about these things I’m telling you now relax I mean you hear some women women are bad now how is Jessica oh Jessica um she’s fine I’m actually happy you know seeing her become the woman that I dream oh dear Jesus okay relax now see tell you the truth is I know say she don’t Jaz your head and but I’ll give you like one month you’ll be right back here heartbroken and I’ll say I told you they watch him relax see people change like people can actually change go ahead people change someone can you know change I swear fris that bastard is not even taking his calls anymore can you imagine you know those were my exact words the one thing I regret is actually not breaking up with him immediately I found out he was cheating on me like what imagine Fran is a whole ass married man family man playing me like I I’m some sort of side piece that you can just have fun with h The Audacity Of This man who never cease to amaze me me okay your silence is very definite I don’t need you to feel sorry for me you know I don’t like that where that what that I I’ll find his location and beat him to a pop I mean it P myself I might do that [Music] Francis I believe in love okay always have always will I’m not going to let some idiots just make me change my mind on something so beautiful you know all these men are so funny I can’t even believe that Jimmy would even do something like that excuse me to say what how can we help him I don’t wait hold on I hope you’re not thinking of trying anything funny it’s very good so what what did you want ah good for him great great I’m happy for him and he can finally feel like the man that he he he he didn’t feel like before his insecurities might be sorted I don’t know I don’t care great for him yeah yeah let me just I don’t know just going to watch something on TV and just clear my head really talk to you later bye ala this double take means that the person has read na yeah it means it has delivered she might probably be on that app shift now on another app with another man see how this BBS okay you you know if you actually put this much energy into cracking code We’ll Be Millionaire right now I have found a way to make my Millions by making women cry listen after this entire experience I’m going to write a book a bestselling book oh let me guess the name of the book how to make women cry you see my problem with you is that a prophet is never appreciated in his own home is it not somebody with even less experience than me that wrote this book what’s it called um act like a woman Think Like a Man and did you know that that book is about helping women not get played by men exactly I’m going to do the exact opposite because this world is all about women women women people are catering to women emotionally physically everything who caters to the Man I mean we get heartbroken too we get dumped too we get left we get betrayed everything but nobody caters to the man and I am here to switch up and change the narrative um the truth is um this would actually make sense and it would be a noble mission if you were not getting off women’s bro The end justifies the means okay and I going to dedicate my life to it hence forth says a man you can’t even get a message in he don’t say that I I will make you eat your words with tears but guy relax see calm down the truth is this I’m happy that my girlfriend and I we in a better place better place same can you it you can’t now red he left you on red didn’t leave me on red you told me that that me that me delivered not red oh true [Laughter] red good they left you un R you told me you told me that I just delivered you told me she hasn’t read it oh okay [Laughter] true gu I have finally cracked the code yes yes you finally cracked the code let me see hey what are you talking I’m talking about the girl code what are you talking about see listen I’ve been reading some psychological books and I’ve finally been able to decode that bab see now you know I can’t believe you’re actually me waste my excitement over this at least hear me out now okay look at this report for instance according to this report there are two types of babes the type that likes the wild goose chase and the other type babes that do the chasing so let me guess she is the time that loves to chase exactly and now you’re willing to invest your time in chasing oh ding ding ding ding ding I know say why you they carry first for school are you okay F easy now easy easy see I’m here to show you that my theory has started I’ve sent this baby a few messages and some loving texts and emojis and according to my theory if I’m correct she should be picking up on the next call I swear PR no peek hold on first now uhuh as a matter of fact you’re going to need to give us some space it might take a while yeah hey fa it’s TDY [Music] okay uh sure that’s fine bye [ __ ] why love you know it’s going to take a long time so you have to give me no see when she calls me back this I’ll prove to you that I’m the master of this game for now you can go back eating your jolof rice but I’ll be back please crackled for us now I have to give me some [Music] space you awake must have been tough staying up all night you keep quiet I on a real wish and if she make I chase her I go chase her what if she slept off or she’s with another man the way you run your mouth you regret when I finally B that this [Applause] you you want the gym that one not concern wait so you want a gym come here so you want a g m one go [Music] g guys SC this go now anony he’s just player good morning hi hi good morning hey uh how how did you find me here you know when a man is intentional finding out anything becomes a breeze do you even know how that makes you sound right now I’m sure but you know sometimes we say things that are not pretty but they the TRU have you been stalking me let me think about it so last night someone was supposed to call me back and did not so I was awake and very bored and I did a few things look I’m I’m sorry I’m really sorry I actually meant to call you back but I was I got so carried away with work and I fell asleep right after I get it and I’ll leave you when you agree to have lunch with me are you finding a way to wiggle out already no no no no no no that it’s not that I I’m actually a socker for eating up but I’ve had way too much fast forood in the past few days so I mean look at me trying to burn off all the cars that’s fine how about I take you to a movie instead well that’s actually not a bad idea but I have to check my schedule and get back to you that’s absolutely fine this is this something you do every day unfailingly ooh yeah I hope you can keep up ah it’s my new hobby I got you guys stay well stay relax now see calm down I B me send good to G just relax stop can you imagine or launch date you cannot secure go to J yeah I now relax and see she hasn’t gotten back to me about the movie day so stop talking rubbish she’s clearly not interested in you now oh God this guy oh wait wait wait my phone hold on hold on hold on talk talk louder I hear you who this this girl is just full of surprises I hear you are big you apologize to me just give me a second hello hi yeah yeah of course just send me the address and I’ll come get you okay good night you want talk you want to do this thing or Not Jesus my [Music] phone you see him you see for people get you see him let me prank bab yeah hello babe [Music] well you’re the one that said it was your new hobby yet you were nowhere to be found today is that your way of saying that you missed me let’s just say I don’t think I fancy inconsistent men oh my gosh what are you doing here I am here to take you to work but is this why you didn’t come exactly hey hi how are you good well I thought you could use a nice comfortable ride after working out is this why you didn’t come you know what my God I feel so guilty right now no I wanted to but if I had worked out i’ been too tired to get ready and come and take you to work so I skipped it forgive me no no no no no please don’t do that you’re making me feel worse forgive you no that’s not my intention trust me then what is my intention is to choke you with love if you let me D is okay [Music] I just to call I yeah I just to call on you let me do it all you yeah she the girl in my Visions Now That I Found You I’m feeling for all your [Music] attention help with your body just to make you happy [Music] I thought I was perceiving a nice Aroma and the kitchen looks messy where the food go I sent it to f everything i b you this guy so your bab now deserve food but your guy no deserve food you don’t turn into boy you just a f s with you not be me I’m elevating my game to the next level and that’s what that’s about I thought you in a good place guy which good place the only good place I want to be is her bed and she’s wasting my time you be really hard guy my brother this good boy that I’ve been playing for the past few weeks is nauseating the hell out of me I mean I’ve been burning my fall in this economy so wait let me understand how does cooking for her now you know packing all this food giving it to her would get into her this is the part where you chill watch the master walk mad man wait don’t tell me put love portion in her food this boy be really JJC I swear don’t you know that women can be very easy why you talk like that what I don’t understand is how would she get into your bed because of food I mean women are not that dumb guy women are actually dumber than you think they like to pretend to men that they are not whereas they are I guarantee you that today she invites me to her house over the weekend after she gets the food you didn’t doubt me you want beds BS now 50k no do 100 you go 100K okay 100K run back 100K 100K correct make I call um the dispatch should be at her house she call me soon what I tell you hey F come on babe it’s nothing really just I was thinking bu you I wanted to send it over you know I you don’t have to pay me back all I want is your time okay I’m I don’t need much I’m very simple man this weekend I’m not really sure about this weekend though you know what fine if you insist I’ll come over this weekend all righty bye don’t don’t don’t say it where my money relax not saying I’m going my ubn account I have account so you type it in there why now you why you type 50 now 100K be that now oh so you know my pin now I hope this doesn’t disappoint you I didn’t expect you to be here so soon that is what every world class shf say before they give you mindblowing food world class share yes mindblowing who says I’m a good cook I promise you you are and even if you’re not it’s the effort that matters to me so no matter how this tastes I will appreciate it and enjoy it okay yes looks super good by the way okay first bite what what is it is it good how how how does is it good it’s perfect yeah yeah I I didn’t get a chance to try it ear this entire thing is for me do not share my food I want to enjoy every piece of this it’s not you know your fig is perfect you like it that much I love it so much okay thank you very much I’m just yeah this is so it’s so good can I at least have some juice have some juice a thank you you’re very kind mhm thank God that J actually changed her mind about sleeping over she literally just left here now bro you know sping me this girl is trying to form that she’s a tough not to crack we’ll see what if she was actually sincere about the emergency which dir emergency she probably called one of her numerous lovers and now they in her house I hope she serves them that tasteless food that she served me and let them Purge wait so that means you actually agree that your theory is wrong and that she actually likes some other man I don’t care who she likes as long as she doesn’t have Smart me look at you with all your theory you thought you were right about J and I I mean look at us now I mean we waxing strong going well meanwhile guy what my refund I mean you literally chased out like a petitive in F’s house you don’t intend to keep my 100K now I don’t go talk I they come let me get my account number for you my account number I don’t want yes to whe know this only day temporary I’ll get that money back well before you get the money back I’m sure I would have accumulated enough interest to buy another watch speaking of my watch did you see my watch that table was empty when I got here now didn’t you just say your klepto girlfriend just left here guy mind yourself mind [Laughter] [Music] yourself a Jesus this put this you asistance all clust that together he hi um I didn’t expect to run into you today what do you mean I do this every day I told you yeah you said you had a meeting with your boss right yeah right you don’t believe I had a meeting do you F if you tell me that you had a meeting then I believe that you had a meeting why are you doing this okay I’m trying my best at least read the writing on the wall what writing listen I’m just a man who knows what he wants I’m too blinded by that to read any writing on the wall for you t do you think I don’t want you to you’re my thoughts every single day no matter how hard I try I just I can’t help it well you see this it’s it’s too good to be true TDY you’re you’re too perfect you mean you’re trying too hard I you’re not real okay you’re not you this whole morning workouts picking me up doing me favors it’s it’s you’re going out of your way too much is supposed to show you how much that I care about you no no I want to know you the real you okay I want see flaws I want mistakes I don’t I don’t want a fairy tale and if I’m supposed to love a devil then at least I’d like to know that he’s one I don’t want a fairy toil I don’t want to camouflage listen the day that we met at the restaurant I I was actually there to confir my ex right I just like you he was too perfect okay he was a perfect father and husband to his family and a perfect boyfriend to me here I actually found out days before and I bald my eyes out and then I finally must have the courage to confront him him but he didn’t show up he broke up with me over the phone so I’m sorry I I didn’t even know look TDY I don’t want a fairy tale right I like you yes but I I don’t want you to pretend to enjoy working out when you depend on painkillers or to enjoy the taste of my food when I forget to put salt wait I was I was following a recipe online before you came and you came earlier than expected so I I’m sorry I just I I I like I just never thought I’d see the day where I eat food with us I pretend to like it God I’m sorry okay stop it so what do we do now just be you can you do that I can try I’ll take it easy on you this time bro sorry you need this after the shock bro see this it’s just crazy I was so sure I mean how can I be so sure and so wrong at the same time I guess that’s why you should never judge a book by its cover h my brother I’m thinking the best thing to do be to remove myself from her life I don’t want to add any pain that she’s been caused before and you think just leaving her like that would not add much pain to her see listen um I think you’ve been so harsh on yourself life has a way of dealing with us and it’s all for a worthy cause trust me something good might actually come out for this do I even know what it means to be good anymore bro I can’t even remember how it feels to be sincere or anything but it’s there it’s there man he had a sweet kindhearted sweetheart Head Daddy wow it’s still there you just suppress it over the years because of your experience bro for you deserves a better man she does last time I check there’s no man Nam better if you think she deserves a better man then be better for her uhuh wisdom hold on [Music] please lovers quarrel maybe you know how would have loved to say that your theory is wrong I mean considering fath Revelation today but so many women exist to prove you right I thought I could actually help her overcome this but that you know girls just see men as Rags I feel like you should I feel like you should talk to her bro how what man I forgotten that she’s a thief and a liar I don’t I don’t I don’t want her telling me more lies it is um I think I should just get ready for work eh take care of yourself what am I doing what am am I doing I should tell this guy the truth [ __ ] o easy easy I’m going to take your shoe off okay ow okay oh sorry your socks as well [Music] mind okay hold on just I want to check if it’s a spray or no let me know if it hurts okay okay anything not really I just yeah it’s fine actually sorry I think it was a harmless fall so you think well thank God for that right mhm yeah I hope you out to little it sorry these dumb shoes oh shoot I’m going to make you late for work well you don’t have work today yeah I meant you hold on what don’t tell me you’re some crazy Rich ass CEO looking for a damsel in distress to spend his fortune on you actually need to stop watch your romantic films I work remotely mostly M mhm that’s another way of phrasing uh I’m still exploring my options do you know how a cake you sound right now but seriously what is it that you do you never talk about it uh there actually nothing too serious so but it’s legit right I mean as long as you’re not stealing or causing people [Music] pain right yeah right so me and my buddy Victor we do some it gigs he yeah we do it nothing too Grand nothing too serious that sounds pretty serious to me yeah he recently got a full-time position and I’m still working remote As a matter of fact I haven’t done any serious gig in a while it’s okay you know it’s weird but like seeing you just being sincere and honest is it actually makes me happier than if you were crazy rich as CEO wow kind of weirdo are you who doesn’t like a rich man oh don’t get me wrong I love money yeah but I don’t want a fairy tale sincere man is enough for me [Music] you’re still up yeah man you know say I told you say fa forwarded me some opportunities oh yeah you mentioned ask me m one of them got back to me so I just I’m trying to hop on that okay this looks good actually just just try my brother I’m just hoping that one of them turns into like a permanent opportunity that’s all definitely man I mean it definitely come true you know it’s good when you have a supportive woman in your life my bro you need to chill on that it just work just work mhm really someone sits down compile a list of opportunities for you for them to you and you say it just work okay so as you have offered to put out a good word from me should I be suspecting your feelings come on well seriously though I mean if you get this job and she wants you to move in with her I mean I can let that happen talk go sleep that’s no [Music] know oh my gosh Daddy this is so beautiful yeah you know I can’t have you sleeping and falling at the gym so yeah that is so thoughtful like I don’t I don’t know how I can repay this you do not need to repay me for anything that I do for you all you need to do to make me happy is wear these on your pretty little feet and I’ll be happy still this is a lot I mean you played a big part in me getting the gig and I thought my first salary should be put to good use and this is not the only thing I have planned wait please don’t tell me there are any more gifts no more gifts but I wanted to take someone out for food at a fancy restaurant or something but you’re such a bush girl you like to eat only at home oh so are you coming in right now I want to but first I have to go buy some ingredients you know I don’t want a situation of no [Music] salt I’m never going to leave that down am I never in my life I promise okay let’s go no no no no no I was planning to go alone that’s not happening all right yeah at least um do you know the ingredients you want to buy or do I need to call my sister please let’s go what are you trying to do what is it good mhm I’ll let you know let’s go do you even hear how you sound right now Francis this guy said all sorts of mean things to you left you high and dry and now all of a sudden he wants you back of course you don’t care about my opinion since you’ve already gotten back together with him you’re just calling to inform me right no no no no no no no no no no no I will never ever forgive him for treating you like that bye Francis hey hey you know I couldn’t help but over here that is everything okay my sister is about to make the worst decision of her life and I can’t just sit by and watch she happen M how can she get back together with her [Music] ex is he married no but he doesn’t deserve her okay is he abusive no he was he was just so mean to her when he he broke up with her and that’s actually very unlike him fair enough has he had a chance to explain to your sister his side of things well I don’t care knowing my sister she’s definitely going to buy anything that he says to her you know they’ve practically been in love with each other their whole lives babe this is your sister you have to be rational about it yeah and that’s why I will never forgive anybody who’s hurt my sister I get it I really do but I’m not asking you to forgive him at least not right now but because the whole situation involves your sister you have to take your emotions out of it and listen to the facts of the case objectively h I’m afraid if I hear my out I will sympathize with him and I how could he do that to her your feelings are valid they are but think about it this way if you don’t listen to him now and everything turns out to be wrong what next [Music] h fine I’ll hear him out I’m not going to stand in the way of my sister’s happiness don’t do that you know what I think I just discovered why I am drawn so strongly to you it’s your heart it is so kind and so pure and it’s just difficult to be inin here around you you know I I think sincerity comes naturally to you that’s why it feels so odd when you act otherwise thank you for being sincere about your intentions from day [Music] one [Music] Al sh what’s going on did you see Jessica outside bro there’s nobody outside is this about the watch she stolen words from you now you don’t understand like I don’t think you understand I I really really love this girl and maybe all this would heartless if I if I don’t love her this much bro it is we’re going for therapy man and I was paying for it you know I I thought we were making progress and all the promises that she made to me you know it’s not about the fact that she stole a watch from me it’s the fact that why can’t she at least constrain herself a little bit a little bit man at least for the love that she claims she has for me okay bro I need to tell gu please just chill I understand that you sympathize with me and I sincerely sincerely appreciate that but I don’t want us to talk about this matter again Jessica is dead to me just BR me and [Music] beg [Music] God Dam [Music] it hello oh yes good day sir T here oh okay okay sir that’s fine 8: a.m. sharp I’ll be there thank you sir thank you yes have you seen my phone who was that bro I got the interview you got it I got the I tell you so um when are you going to tell no I’m not going to tell them now first yeah makes sense makes sense so it it will be a double celebration you tell her about the job and then you tell her about your feelings for her what don’t want me now you want to pretend for your guy yeah don’t be make up full your shirt like this make up full your [ __ ] and you tell this bab how you feel now stop all these things you like this babe gu please please just iron your shirt for tomorrow you get interview tomorrow I hear you where’s my [Music] phone what happen for you I’m say you don’t call me the package guy you don’t tell me say we get party we not get party get promotional exam so I help and get some food they lock dis will gu you finished man like you don’t finish what I do forget one no I finished so let me get it straight all this is because he want to make it up to her right I told you I felt bad now I think the word is guilty H let the word be guilty now but still I was wrong and I can that so yeah I can see she’s bringing back the old sweet beautiful taddy you don’t start to talk rubbish I’ve told you I just want to make it up to her that’s all I yeah now I forget say be bad guy not forget give me R keep rice from you just cover that one like that justop I blame Play No best bro your phone oh it’s the interview guys bro ala your phone are come it’s it’s I don’t know but it sounded really really serious I think she’s in the hospital what [Music] yeah [Music] now wa um what make um I be it see send me the address make I take your phone now sorry sorry um s see your legs wait what your today you you a finished man this don’t finish your life this are you you get sense at this age prank s sleep as where you [Music] were bro if you try this thing again I promise you I willice you yeah no calm down you said quick but on a serious note um the interview guys left you and let’s just hope that it’s a good news and also think that you should get something thoughtful and tell this girl how you feel you can’t keep doing this you talk rubbish if you don’t take your time I tell for you before I tell you about my RO I get you finish why you do like this now which which who say you that kind work now not do that again love boy but honestly I think you should tell her how you feel I you Wicked my oh my [Music] feelish my real guy my realest guy I find now T you know somebody told me to get a meaningful gift if I got a positive meal and now it looks like there’s going to be what’s up you know I thought to do some cleaning today I wish I hadn’t Victor please you know at first I thought maybe the watch must have sleept and Fallen but on a closer look it looked well hidden Victor I wanted to tell you tell me what tell me what exactly that in your desperation to prove a stupid theory of your you watch me waste the way daily while I blame an innocent girl huh listen man I’m sorry I should have told you you should have told me I didn’t it became too real I didn’t Daddy just listen to yourself daddy you be my friend no scratch that you’re someone I considered blood how could you do this to me how I wanted to tell you I’m sorry man wanted to tell me that you a demon a filthy demon you know nothing about love and you don’t deserve love don’t touch me you know you just H bent on wallowing in this stupid pain of yours dragging the world around you dragging them down with you and I pray I desperately pray that fa finds out who you really are that she run away for our [Music] life you’re damage you’re damage Beyond repair and you don’t deserve [Music] love beautiful as always beautiful as always so your sister I love you yeah they just show up out of the BL dying to meet you he’s here [Music] you you wait you know each other you what you what the hell is going on you harassing my guest what say is is this the guy you’re seen the the Tedy yes this is Tedy he I need to speak to you please I need to have any word with you please no there is no word to be had what exactly is going on here can somebody tell me exactly what’s happening here oh I can I can tell you that douchebag over there is the one who concocted lies about me to Francis what how when where he’s a professional sorry scratch that he’s an amateur Heartbreaker a bloody charlatan excuse you Jimmy could not break up with me so he HED this guy’s Services all I asked was for just one thing one thing a clean breakup nothing else joh H her I pleaded with you man I pleaded with you man but no when did I ever tell you that she made me feel less of a man when I said I felt inadequate I felt inadequate because I could not take care of her I felt inadequate but then somehow you manipulated that simple information into whatever Prive Jesus Christ but you’re a bloody salatan Jesus but Francis you said you said Jimmy broke up with you yeah I was I was too embarrassed to admit that I heard those horrible things from a complete [Music] stranger um so you’re saying that Jimmy didn’t say any of those things to you and that taddy here made a profession out of hurting people and ending their relationships terrible one it was always at their requests decides that’s in the past okay so why didn’t you tell me who are you I need you to hear me out please I can’t I can’t do this I need to clear my head I can explain I promise I’m [Music] sorry pH please please I’m not that person anymore oh my God T so you’re the reason my sister left this whole time professional [Music] [Music] Heartbreaker please tell me it was a coincidence you were there the day my relationship ended hey you I I got a call I need you to hear me out how can I listen to you when everything you say is a lie okay okay okay I don’t even know who you are I will tell you the truth I will tell you the whole truth I [Music] promise I I was contracted to break up with you but then I came in and I recognized you from the incident the other day and I I called somebody to do it for me and uh so you felt sorry for me and decided to date me no I was I was curious and decided to see it [Music] through it was an [Music] experiment all of this has been a lie not all an experiment to help you brush up your heartbreaking skills not all of it I how do you separate a lie from a truth when they all mixed up together truth is still alive I love [Music] you this thing out you say such a sick joke how does somebody who’s made a profession out of destroying love think he’s in love I’m I’m not the same person that I was Fe I promise you I’m not the same person that I was before okay so at what point did you stop from experimenting to Loving [Music] [Music] Her initially I just wanted to find out why you didn’t react normally to the breakup and I thought you and your ex were birds of a feather but getting to know you changed me I’m not the same person that I was so you deceived me up until and who says he isn’t still doing that the guy lies for a living I am not the same person that I was I need you to believe me please no scratch that your worse than the devil you know I thought my ex was the best and pretending but no take the crow bab please please bab don’t you [Music] [Music] dare [Music] [Music] what’s wrong is right cuz I never [Music] [Music] you want me [Music] only night [Music] [Music] after [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] my bro I called Jessica and told her the truth now I don’t know if I’m too late but I just had to let her know that everything was my fault Victor I know I do not deserve forgiveness for what I did but you’ve been my brother through my best and my worst times and even though I do not deserve forgiveness I would like it if you give it to me anyway I was foolish when I let pain dry drive me to do some really really stupid things but I’m ways I know so I’m here to ask for your forgiveness please Victor okay I’m sorry man I really am [Music] yeah I’ve missed you so much so so so so much I mean if you go out now I could you know just tell you everything that has been happening to me yeah it’s beautiful actually a yeah yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s beautiful like I said so where would you want to go to where are you serious so you’re trying to tell me that all this thing happened while I was away but you and I know that you miss me [Laughter] [Music] more yeah that mean if you give me a minute please um food yeah I mean I miss those video though but you know I love you now come on it’s me right bro for real thanks appreciate you thanks i t she better thank your stars man if Jessica didn’t forgive me I would have gone to look for apartment once I inspires I God just save you so last pick before me see this one you the reason now consolation F be this in all sweet no salt no no nothing I don’t blame you now I blame you not be you hunger wire your life don’t be bread the chop like say you be player bro I’m telling you but um seriously though what happened why were you crying a long face up and down did something happen between you and F because I know I know say you know enough is because of me did you tell her everything [Music] well her sister came back and her sister’s boyfriend is an ex client of mine and they got back together they got together like together are you serious you see why I hat beef Jesus pile up everywhere so what did he do I didn’t do anything she hasn’t spoken to me since then and you’ve not tried to explain to her I haven’t had the chance to because I’m not allowed in your house anymore wait wa wait so you’ve not even tried to block her on the road or anything no you’re talking about wait let me understand something so the girl that you love is sleeping out of your fingers and you’re not doing anything to win over just de chop like wolf are [Music] youc last last actually you’re right you’re right you’re right I should come come no come back sh food no come and eat now what’s going on here who let you in here he asked to see you he so desperate so I just thought you should at least hear him out I’ve heard enough I don’t I I hurt you f I hurt you and I acknowledge that I hurt you and I am so so sorry but I need you to know that I wasn’t always like this that’s always the excuse it’s not an excuse something horrible happened to me and I let it consume me I know I should have done better but I surrendered to my pain fear I wasn’t always this cold hearted soulless devil I too was once in love and I believed deeply in love but I now Jesus Christy what happened I tell you go this G I tell you this was a bad idea from the start see your face of course where she left me Z she left I tell you may leave this babe now Just Let It Go no no no it has to be a dream I’m going to get wa just let go maybe this one of no no see Guy you guys you guys just collect yourself just comport yourself just stay you Jes your face guys she’s married don’t say she’s married don’t say she’s married we the past 4 years the money want spend foration does it make sense no [ __ ] Daddy stand up stand up stand up i b stand up now I told you not to go sorry I ended countless relationships on behalf of my client I’m sorry I was too blinded by pain at the [Music] time I mean you should have seen Jimmy on the day that he asked me to break up with you he was was so broken but I I had already decided to blame everything wrong with the world on women and I couldn’t see past that for I need you to know that I’m not that person anymore I want now I need you to believe me [Music] V I have a question for [Music] you I need you to be honest anything ask me anything you have my [Music] honesty [Music] you said you were curious right I need to know exactly what your plan [Music] was your plan was to have your way with me and leave F that was before I I knew who you were and if you hadn’t realized who I was if the opportunity to have your way with me you’d have taken it would you like I said that was [Music] before [Music] see yourself [Music] out I think she needs some time Sate think you should [Music] go thank [Music] you [Music] oh Francis I just want to sleep please but you know you believe him and what does that change this guy was ready to use me without butting an eye you were there I asked him he said it that was before he knew you now he does Fe he loves you love I mean we both know that that word is something that doesn’t mean a thing to men right they throw it around carelessly just to get anything that they want F when did you start talking like this when I had enough experience to get me out of La La Land Fe you’re doing the same thing you are condemning him for he acted out of hurtful experience he had what makes you different from him now okay first of all I’m not deceiving anybody right I’m not leading anyone on with the sole intention of getting between their legs and leaving them high and dry so yeah that’s the difference now please can I get some sleep my room go to your room go to your room ah Jesus oh God now where you think think you’re going to f is about to go for a j so listen I know that it was my idea that you pursue this babe relentlessly but guy you need to prioritize your health now I’m okay Dr Victor I’m fine you’re not you’re not fine I mean you still have the bruises from yesterday and your Moses ache you and I know how much he hates to run be dead as it me I told her that I’ll let her suffer me as much as she wants she hasn’t said that she’s not going to forgive me so that’s a good thing what do you have to be alive to suffer guy please let’s just easy now down you boy love don’t finish your life let me press sit down first you me press some now you know I work tomorrow Jesus ah Jesus why don’t you just use your pink kers now my brother I took the last do yesterday you you won’t kill [Music] yourself for just like use your pink [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] hey sis yes um did I anybody come looking for me today like like who anybody at all I was home all day nobody came looking for [Music] you hello AA why you calling me with a different number okay I’ll check it [Music] [Music] sh oh it’s you hi so um here to see my girl he’s here for me hey babe beautiful we’re going to the movies yeah nice have fun yeah all right bye what’s [Music] wrong [Music] where have you been where have you been you said you going to let me punish you but you I wanted to come I could barely move I was in so much pain I know I know I’m sorry it’s my fault I don’t have an excuse I should have why did you run so much when you don’t have the stamina for I’m sorry okay I’m sorry your plan was to make me worry right oh congrats you sueded sorry now was it listen it wasn’t my plan I was supposed to go to the hospital immediately after I seen you today is it that serious yes that doesn’t matter to me [Music] f you have become like air to me and I love you so much I love you too I missed you you miss [Music] [Music] you nervous nervous nervous nervous nervous nervous [Music] [Applause] [Music] nervous oh my God please you look beautiful you hell I’m nervous francess the truth is you’ve been a ray of light in my once dark and bit life for every time of try to do good you’ve actually done better and for that I’m grateful you see There’s No Me Without You And there’s no you without me and that’s why [Music] I that’s why I want to ask if you do me the [Music] honor okay my [Music] wife yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I is [Music] [Music] this [Music] uh hey your aister she’s a Jimmy assister you sure mhm okay but I miss doing this with you I miss it too you know I wish this day would never end do you want to stay over you know that is a dangerous question and I can’t promise to be a gentleman if I do I you let me worry about [Music] that hold on something I should have done this is so beautiful oh it looks expensive well it might be expensive but it’s not too much because your man just got a new permanent G what yes I was so happy for you thanks babe you deserve this deserve everything good thank you for coming into me my life and changing things for the better even when I was almost hopeless okay I’m going to need to say that again what oh God okay fine thank you for picking me up when I was almost Hess I said it mhm no why don’t you say that to me with something more than what ooh oh yeah yeah [Music] h


    1. My dearest bestiessssss 💝💝💝 Today was hectic to say the least but God is good! Our movie is finally uploaded! You will enjoy this one besties! It’s different in a great way! Put your feet up, grab your snacks and let’s watch 🥰🥰🥰 Can’t wait for your reviews 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
      Please remember to share with everyone. This one is special 🎉🎉🎉

    2. You know !!, it's very perplexed to understand, how two people would struggle to relate later they broke up, hmmm ? Then am asking , what is the essence of having relationships ?

    3. But I think I have something to say to it, B4 commitment, verify the person, say your likings and your dislikes genuinely if the understanding is sure then you start dating, I know it's not going to be easy but you need each other's assistance to get aquented

    4. Great movie and great actresses but the highlight for me is the bromance in it. You never get to see that often. I'm glad I got to see this movie in the mens mental health month. Let's prioritize mens mental health just as we do for our fellow women. ♥️♥️♥️.

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