Anthony Gordon sits down with press ahead of England’s last 16 Euro 2024 clash.


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    and how we doing good see you yeah not far uh going back to the bike now you’ve been really lucky haven’t you the last time I went over a handle B I mean I was eight and up 23 like uh like you but I broke my arm you you’ve been really lucky you could have suffered serious damage potentially yeah I could have actually with the speed I was going um and I was actually going down a hill so I could have ended up anywhere funny enough I was on a golf course and managed to level on uh land on only B gravel there was so I was surrounded by grass and end up landing on the gravel so really lucky in some instances and and unlucky in some others and on the on the football as well just talk us insid your frustration because you know guys at home certain parts of the media have been screaming for you to come on were you screaming inside to get on it took you the best part of three games to get there I’ll always be like that that that’s just the way I am that’s my mindset I think frustration is probably the wrong way it’s more of a want um it’s a want to play and want to perform on a Bigg stage and that’s just comes from me self-belief I feel like I can impact any game in a positive way so a lot of people have used frustration the past week or so about about me minutes but I think that’s that’s the wrong word thanks GRE and John hi anony um just on that you mentioned that self-belief there and clearly clear it’s a good thing you’re not short of self-belief but has it been any stage in your career when you have doubted yourself me maybe early on when it didn’t go up go off greatly at Newcastle has there been any time when you’ve doubted yourself that you’re going to get to this sort of level yeah similar to what I said before everyone doubts thems everyone doubts thems you know before every training session before every game but it’s uh noticing when you’re doubting yourself and realizing that you know you’re having a war in your head and it’s not really real you’re good enough to do anything um there’s been plenty of time sure in my career you know I went alone in Preston and didn’t didn’t play a minute really um there’s plenty of times that everything I couldn’t break through obviously me started Newcastle wasn’t great um but that’s that’s a key part of any any good like good good athlete really is that you’re resilient and you can come back from things like that okay Dave hi Anthony it feels like everyone’s just waiting for this team to click especially in an attacking sense in your opinion what needs what needs to sort of spark that play how have you guys s of worked so how what have you discussed with that in mind it’s difficult to say one thing really I think you know a team just has to come together has to um perform when when the pressure’s high and you know now we’re into The Knockout stages so there’s no more next game next year we have to get now we really have to step her up and and be the team we can be and that’s on us you know we’re the ones on the pitch we’re the ones who can make an impact and change things so I think that as players you just got to take responsibility and accountability do you feel that sort of Do or Die pressure can actually be harnessed in quite a good way yeah but that’s good that’s what football’s about that’s why you want to be in these these games because the pressure is the highest and if you win these games you know that that’s where that feeling is that we Chase every day so I think that’s a positive okay Paul and then Charlie Anthony ezri kza said yesterday that if you score you might do a bike ride celebration is that something that you’ve is that is that true is he been egging you out to do that no he’s just spung that on me um I’ll put them stabilized next to the pitch maybe you can say credit for the celebration I’ll do it though I will do definitely a c celebration if you go you got me word yeah and um just on the sort of level of competition that that’s in the forward places do you all do you all sort of help each other out is how how does that sort of competition work that it doesn’t tip over into anything sort of I want him to fail cuz I could could play can you talk a bit about the balance that maybe goes on there well the reality is we play team sport so I think if you think like that you’re not going to get too far um it’s a team sport and everyone has a role within that I have a different role at my club than I than I do here obviously I played you know every game this year for for Newcastle but it’s about knowing your role and trying to be the best you can possibly be in that role so every day in training I’m trying to be the very best I can be to one give the manager a headache and two push the lads in my positions and that’s making me better while it’s also making them better because they’ve got to keep performing to to stay in the team Charlie um there’s obviously been a huge debate at home o over who could come in and who should come in and you’re obviously featuring quite highly on that does it feel a bit surreal that that you know back home there’s this big debate you know get get him playing get him starting when you think maybe three years ago at the last Euros you obviously were much younger but all of a sudden you know a lot of people in the country on the phone inss um on TV and radio just talking about you how does that feel yeah good that’s what I want I think six months ago would have been crazy because I think the opinion of of me compared to now is very different but I’ve worked hard to to be in this position and that’s what I want I want people to be calling for me because like I said before that’s all I’m doing in training I’m I’m giving me very best to to cause headaches for for selection and that’s that’s all I can do um the rest is is out of my control finishing mic all um can I just ask about Luke Shaw who we’ve not seen any yet um how’s he looking in training have you kind of come up directly against him and that kind of thing he’s progressing really well actually um especially in the past week or so I think he’s been involved in in every session um he’s good lad he’s very professional and there’s never any doubt that he’d be fit at some point it was just about you know making sure he was right and um I was injured at the start with him so I seen his rehab and he he done it all to a very high standard and now I seeing a result of that okay guys we end it there thanks for your time thanks guys h


    1. Not giving this man a chance when we clearly need someone to go in behind is a direct sign that southgate doesn't know what he's doing. Why do so many managers not know what they are doing man, whoever was giving these guys their coaching badges is clearly blind asf

    2. lol… if he squares up to Southgate looking like that and aggressively demanding a place… you know he’s a shoe-in for every game thereafter! 😂

    3. I'd play him ahead of Foden. He has more about his game. Foden is not a natural winger. He is more effective in field building up the general play. He speaks very well too compared to some other players. Confident is his ability without being overly arrogant.

    4. I want to see Gordon in that starting 11 against Slovakia along with Palmer and Mainoo. They deserve their opportunity to represent the squad and its long overdue. Kane, Bellingham and Saka need to be dropped.

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