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    Super happy to have the following brands support me and my ol’ cycling adventures. So you will see some of their products I choose to use in my content 🙂

    greetings to another video right today was kind of following on from I guess the inclusivity that I was talking about in the last video If you haven’t seen that I’ll link it below but one of the things that I will always promote and talk about is you do not need to spend tens or like thousands and thousands of pounds to have a really nice bike to ride I will always say that and specifically you do not need to get into debt to be able to ride a nice bike and I think that’s sometimes the feeling that we feel like we should always have like the latest newest most expensive bike and that is absolutely not the case I mean it’s always nice to have like new bike date but there are other ways of having that without having to get into debt or spend crazy amounts of money and one of those are places like bicycle which is a website a bike sell service it was sell bicyc is four cyclist and there are like I think there are like 20,000 bikes on there so there’s going to be something that you but at a really good price and also and I’ll chat to you now about it is it’s a really good way of selling bikes as well so I because I’m of what I do I do get given bikes as part of contracts and I don’t need these bikes when these contracts end so I’ve got a Ribble frame that I’ve had from 2019 that I do not need anymore I wanted to give it a new home right so how it works and I guess how it is different is that bicycle is is the the middle person the kind of trusty like holder of the funds and make sure that everyone the seller and the buyer are happy it is free to list the bicycle take 1.5% of the overall um bike fee at the end so yeah you put your your photos up people from I think it’s 30 different countries um are able to purchase that bike if you want packaging to post your bike cuz that’s basically how it works um you get the bike box in the post delivered to your address so you don’t have to go and find a bite box from somewhere to be able to post it so you get the bite box you pack it all up and for me I’m selling a frame so I’ve packed that all up I bubble wrapped it the cardboard inserts that’s making it all secure you tape it up you then get sent a shipping label which just um sticks onto the side of the box and a courier will come and collect it today they are coming to collect the bike from me and then once the Courier has collected the bike you then get the pay and I just think it’s a really good way of being able to reuse bikes that we’re not use anymore but are still amazing bikes and amazing frames and like I love that frame and I think it’s a really great frame I think someone’s going to really enjoy the bike build and then the actual bike at the end of it I’ve sold bikes elsewhere and it is hassle for instance one of the times I sold a bike I had to well I didn’t have to I was kind of going that way it was was it near norf I can’t remember it was a long way out from where I was going and it took me like a couple of hours detour to take this guy this bike the other time I met really locally I took this uh bike and when I got there we had all these messages and then we got there and then the guy was like oh yeah um to be honest he was only quite young and he’s like oh my mom’s not sent me the money over and I didn’t know this before and I was like uh okay he’s like can you can you give me the bike and I’ll send you the money next week and I’m like that is not happening anyway I was there for about an hour he rang his mom he transferred the money it was just kind of a bit of a weird awkward situation I guess for both of us I will leave all the links to B tle below if you want to buy or sell they have sponsored this video they did sponsor a video a while back when I was showing just a site I think it’s genuinely a really good way of buying and selling and sustainably keeping bikes in the cycle I mean that’s such a Cheesy way saying it but you like in this actually just riding because there are so many amazing bikes they one of the other bikes that I really love I bought this second hand God I drove a long way I think I drove to the coast it was like 2 and 1 half hours to go and get this bike it’s a specialized um car MAAC um also what I will say because I going to say that the reason that I went there was cuz I wanted to check because it’s a carbon bike um one of the things that you can get through bicycle is a carbon check so you can pay for um the bike to go and get like checked to make sure it’s fully okay and sound and then the other thing is if you are not fully happy as a buyer if the bike comes and it’s not as you um saw it online then obviously you can dispute that and then you get your money back so there’s lots more protection in place than say just buying it off eBay or Facebook Marketplace or somewhere like that so I think that’s a really good thing to keep in mind hello L just finish filming and then the guys come up to pick the B hello hello okay yes are you I printed I printed two off cuz I wasn’t sure if you need one or two uh just one but I up a little bit thank you bye although actually I’m a little bit sad oh did anyone else get like this I knew I needed to say it like I don’t need that frame anymore but a bye bike when I was packing it in the back tou oh I’m going have to wave when I was packing it in the box I like patted it and was like thank you so much for all the adventures oh my God why am I getting upset I love that bike I think I had so many Adventures on that bike but it’s going to like this is how I need to see it sorry this chair is really squeaky I had so many Adventures but the new person is going to have equally more adventures and I sometimes I used to feel bad when I used to see my giant cuz I used to keep it in my mom and dad’s for safekeeping I’d feel sad that it was just sat there not this is like a uh a glimpse into my into my cycling mind that I’d feel sad that the bike wasn’t having adventures and that I did feel bad that that other bike wasn’t doing stuff I almost feel like do like how Toy Story how the character will come to life I sometimes feel like when I go to sleep oh you’re all going to think I’m crazy but I’m going to go with it cuz maybe some of you feel like if you feel like this as well let me know in the comments um that like they were all like oh yeah I went on this adventure today and they they like they tell each other I’m like my gravel bikes like oh my God I went on this thing and it was really good and we camped out at this place and then the road bikes going oh my God that sounds amazing like I’d love to be able to do that one day maybe maybe Kat is going to dat one day anyway that bike is going to have lots more adventures with somebody else so I just need to let it go if you if you are okay with letting go of some of your bikes then that’s a nice way to do it okay thank you again so much for watching and thank thanks to bicycle for sponsoring this video I really appreciate it I think they’re a great brand company doing great things to keep bikes moving and keep people having Adventures on great bikes um so yeah thanks again goodbye goodbye goodbye squeaky chair I what can I do for that squeaky chair it’s so annoying


    1. Never sell a bike that you love, especially frame only, as you can build it up again one day. This is the massive advantage of rim brake bikes with mechanical gears – so easy to transfer parts over. Personally I've never had an issue with Ebay but will give buycycle a look.

    2. Sold many a bike, frame and components over the years that I wish I hadn’t, we don’t however make decisions in hindsight. Moreover, never had anything given to me either, my advice is stop watching videos and go and enjoy what you’ve got.

    3. Currently still riding 2008 Bionicon Golden Willow Scandium MTB & 2016 FELT VR30 Gravel. Getting to age where I'm considering eMTB due to dodgy legs, but can't see day when I'll sell the others as I've had so many memorable times with them!

    4. Good video a bike is a bike no matter what bike you have you have to pedal it to move i had lots of bikes over the years and i see no difference and i am 63 nowadays i have giant hybrid i travel all over Ireland on it and it's a great bike.

    5. In 45 years of cycling I've had exactly 3 "real" bikes (I'm not counting the various banana seat bikes I had as a kid). The first was stolen, the second was partly damaged in an accident and it just didn't make sense to fix it, and the third I'm still riding and hope to keep doing so for years to come as it's a keeper. I built it up myself from quality parts, all new, and it's just as good as the day I first rode it.

      So I've never experienced having to sell an older bike. But I am somewhat of a hoarder with other things that I find hard to get rid of. Not actual junk, but mostly electronic devices that I keep telling myself I might need someday (and which I doubt that I ever will). And books, but who gets rid of those who has the room for them? But I totally get the angst of getting rid of something that once meant something to you but which you don't use or need anymore. Hell, I still have some parts from my previous bike.

      I do think that if you're just getting into cycling and don't have an unlimited budget, looking at good used bikes might be a good way to get a quality bike that's much better than anything you'd buy new at the same price. Especially with the price of new bikes these days.

    6. Can’t bring myself to sell my road bike (2015 Trek Domane) so I get it Christmas presents every year instead. So new wheels then new pedals then a new cluster then a new saddle then new tires then a new crankset then new electronics then a new chain (and another..) then a new seat bag then new lights then new latex tubes then new handle bars then newer new wheels (first full carbon set) then TPU tubes then new tires again….so, all that’s original is the frame, fork and stem

    7. I sold a bike that was tough to say goodbye to as well. It was about 10 years ago, my wife and I needed to raise some cash to buy airline tickets to Madagascar to visit our son (he was in the Peace Corps), so I sold my custom Seven titanium bicycle to cover the cost of the tickets. We got a great trip and adventure from it, and I did not need that bike any longer. But, there was a twinge of regret, which I think is normal.

    8. I have sold a couple of bikes in NZ an S-Works Tarmac and a TCR advanced but I love my TCR advanced T-Mobile team replica and I just cannot bring myself to sell it so the frame hangs in my home office where I gaze at it occasionally and think about rebuilding it with period correct components.

    9. I bet you're like that with teddy bears as well? I could understand that. I love working on and riding my bikes, but they are just machines at the end of the day. I think as long as i have something i can ride I'll be happy.

    10. My biggest regret was selling my first touring bike a Dawes Super Galaxy that would have been 46 years old. I sold it because I was told 15 years ago I’d never be able to cycle again. They were wrong! I don’t mind selling a bike if O don’t like it or in the case of one of my bikes was slightly too big a reach. I didn’t sell it as I kept on getting crap offers so I gifted it to a charity instead!

    11. lol, i do a that with my jogging trail running hiking shoes too. so many miles of adventure and long running days. they become like your companions on a journey in keeping fit and having fun adventures. i run them down, save the laces if they are still good, then a quick brush-clean and final words, thank you for all the good times, then placed neatly into the trash bin. next i unbox a new pair and dream of bigger adventures… 🙂

    12. Everyone to their own, I couldn't get rid of my old Apollo 1998 MTB (first adult bike) so he is retired & set up as a 'dumb' indoor trainer in the shed now 😊

    13. Come on, Katie – It's JUST A BIKE!! It's not like you're losing a boyfriend or a husband; it's a bike (frame)! Having said that I am a little attached to my beautiful Teschner Ingresso from earlier this century. It's not as though I keep it in my bedroom (for one thing, there isn't enough room for it!) but it does 'live' in my kitchen, which isn't very big at all. Still, its response to strokes on the pedals will always be the thing I will remember, should I ever sell it. (Not going to happen!)

    14. Glad to know your Buycycle seller experience was really good. My experience purchasing my Pinarello Dogma F10 through them was excellent! A great bike, a great price, great service, all with great confidence. No better way to get an Italian bike from Belgium through Netherlands and Germany to Indiana USA. Thanks for sharing!

    15. I lovw that your bike can now go on new adventures, the Toy Story reference made it real for me. You're awesome, keep making great content. I'm a late starter (43) but you and people like you motivated me to start riding and I love it. I feel like a kid again!

    16. Can we all take a moment to appreciate what a thoroughly decent, lovely and beautiful lady KK is. I could listen to her accent talking bikes all day. One of THE best bike channels on the tube.

    17. I don’t have the whol Toy Story thing going but i definitely talk to my bikes – like if I’m going into the garage for something else and I see my bike hanging there..

    18. I bought a bike from a woman who lived 5 miles away, rode it to a new freelance job and she happened to work there! She was delighted to see her old bike still on the road and I loved riding my 'new' bike there every week.

    19. Bought a Dawes Galaxy 30yrs old on Gumtree two years ago for £160. It was in excellent condition and I added the parts I wanted to suit me. I do lots of Audaxes on it and ultras. Just need to keep your eyes open for bargains.

    20. That's a really cool "Service' , I don't think we have anything like it in NZ . I clicked on your vid because I thought it was about you selling a motorcycle ! Hilarious that I feel the same-way about my bikes (motorcycles) when I'm somewhere else and they're all covered-up at home having no 'Adventures' . Every time I sell a bike I'm always sad to see it go too… I appreciate nice push-bikes also , I have a couple of mountain-bikes (one flash-one ) and a nice old vintage racing-bike that needs some love…… Dave nz

    21. Cool plug for a “ middle person “ style online bike marketplace. Very good point about carbon assessment, we could judge steel fairly well back then, but not effectively carbon today.

    22. Hey friends! We recently started a YouTube channel where we document various biking/kayaking adventure and camping trips, with one of our last videos from a kayaking trip around a wee island near my hometown in Scotland.I hope these videos will encourage more people to get outdoors, be active and enjoy nature. If you liked these videos please 'like' and subscribe for future updates, it's a huuuge work in progress but there will hopefully be many more adventures to come, thank you thank you! 😍

    23. I have 7 bikes (used to have a lot more) and I ride the one I've owned the longest the most… It's a 1983 Trek that I bought new… Many parts were replaced as I wore them out! Of the 40-50 bikes I've had over the decades that bike is the most comfortable bike I've ever owned. I've used it for riding single track, rail trails, commuting, multi-month touring, as well as road and urban cycling. I've still got dedicated touring, mountain, and urban bikes but more often that not it's that 1983 Trek that you'll find under me. I got rid of all the road racing (Reynolds 531, Campagnolo, tubulars) stuff years ago. With the mindset that cycling is a lifetime sport, find and keep the bikes that you really like and you'll be happier than always looking for the next one!

    24. Love my 2nd hand 2011 CAAD 10 105 hoping to do my first 100 mile charity ride tomorrow…. still use my 1994 mtb as my gravel bike…. love them both

    25. I bought a Gennis Aluminium Road Bike for £220 from my local bike last year for the 2024 St Peter's Charity ride.
      Great value for money.
      Sadly the local bike has closed.
      The shop has gone online.

    26. A LBS near me has an annual used bike sale. You take your bike to the shop, the staff inspects the bike and tells you the price you can expect. The shop has a one day sale of fairly priced bikes that actually are in good repair. As a seller you can get either – a check or a shop credit. If your bike doesn't sell – you pick it up the next day or it is donated to a local organization that gets bikes to those who can't afford one. That is your call. I've done it twice with bikes I no longer used and both were sold. I got some new bike parts, tires and kit – bikes are being used by someone who was told what they were getting. This shop has been around for a long time and has a very good reputation. Win – Win as near as I can tell.

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