Join me as I ride my Royal Enfield from Biarritz, through challenging terain in the Pyrenees with amazing scenery along the way and arriving safely in the pilgrimage town of Lourdes

    so here we are in the uh city of barit and um yeah just walking down into the uh center now so it’s was about a 2 km walk from uh the dorm room which is nice and handy but uh yeah we’ll see what the town’s like [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] ah [Music] get let’s go back the go [Music] how’s this for a view the Bay of bisc looking out to the North Atlantic Ocean [Music] [Music] yes I’m just leaving uh baretz and uh going to uh town city something I can’t remember what it’s called but um where they start the Camino walk uh that goes 700 km down by uh Malaga but um just having a detour there uh one of the guys in the hostel uh recommended it and it’s sort of on my way to Lords um slight detour add another rout on my journey I think but uh yeah it’s a little bit wet it’s it’s not supposed to be heavy rain today uh we’re coming up to some good weather in a couple of days time but um yeah I might just put my uh rain rain suit on anyway and um yeah supposed to be dropping down to 13° today 13° today and in 2 days time it’s going to be 25 so yeah I might as well uh put it on even if it doesn’t rain it’ll be good wind protection anyway there we go that’s quite well [Music] [Music] [Music] so I’m in the um town of uart size so um I stopped here for a bit of a noisy and it’s uh it’s uh Market day [Music] here and I didn’t actually get any um dinner last night so I wonder if I got food here otherwise I’ll walk into town to the calf and uh get something to [Music] eat like everyone’s getting their cheeses here yeah they really support the markets in France um taking a bit of money away from the supermarkets it’s good uh the L’s having a bit of problem with the heating so I don’t think things arey C so we’ll go down under town and have a look uh it’s going to be lots of uh restaurants so [Music] of course I don’t understand uh half the things on the French menus anyway so uh we’ll have a look around so good old Google translator G so I’m going to have oh there we go belly local sausage egg fries per kilos yeah uh can I show when when the open can I have the of course yes no problem thank you so kitchen’s open in 10 minutes so € 18 for that with a Double Espresso so not too bad I mean I didn’t uh didn’t eat last night because uh other restaurants close in the afternoon and couldn’t be bothered going out at half 6 I had a bag of uh nuts and raisins with me but uh yeah very nice [Applause] [Music] [Music] this place is quite neat isn’t it [Music] [Music] 1722 foreign spee [Music] it’s so time to get Ruby another two hours to go to get to Lords [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man made it we’re in Lords wow what a what a ride today had had a bit of of everything oh going over that big pass with all the uh the fog and it was uh straight drops on the other side so uh but uh great ride loved it and um I’ve got parking here as well and uh Hotel L man so hope you enjoyed that video and uh join me on the next one when I discover what uh what’s going on on Lords and What miracles we can find and also if you do like the video if you can uh hit the like button and subscribe help my channel grow I really appreciate it thanks very much


    1. Bonjour Benjammin….. enjoying your travels and looking forward to seeing Lourdes. The French towns look quite clean and do have a certain "charm" about them. Hope the coffee has improved since I was there. Cheers … Keith in Kanchanaburi, Thailand (at the moment).

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