Isabeau Courdurier is the fastest woman in Enduro and rides the fastest wheels, the Zipp 3 ZERO MOTO. This week on Making You Faster, Chas takes a trip to the south of France to get some trail tips from the EDR Champ and go for a ripper of a ride on her local trails. Isabeau breaks down the importance of the tech behind the 3 ZERO MOTO and why the TyreWiz is such a valuable tool for racing. Can Chas keep up with Isabeau? Tune in and find out!

    #zippspeed #LaPierre #enduro

    hey what’s up Chaz here we are in the south of France to hang out with isabo from the lair zip Collective she won the ews which is now the UCI World Cup so let’s go check in with isabo and see what makes her [Music] faster up in the sleeve one move I’mma let out the check out the crease blow like I’m big foot step on the beat make man’s run step when the whole place screen got to get out what’s up how’s it going good and you oh I’m doing great hanging out welcome Mom thanks for having me um what’s on the plan today so today basically we are at my home spot in south of friend and we’re going to go check where I basically train almost every day and ride some cool Trails sick let’s do it thanks and this is my uh racing bike for the 2024 season could you walk me through what do we got going on so this is a new frame from laier it’s basically the new Spicy so still in the Prototype version but uh pretty much what we will race this season also it cames with the new flight attendant Z and also Vivid Cod for me with the flight attendance system as well and then uh I basically kept the same component than last year but just updated the version let’s say so I’m on the news T type version for the wheels I’m still on my try zip free zero motor wheels and same tires as last year as well on the chainson I think when you’ve got a good setup that has been proven through everything then I’m super happy to keep it what do you like about the 30 Moto like what what makes this a different Rim than other mountain bike RS that you been so for me it’s clearly different than any other Wheels I ever been on and I think what is super important for me is the ability of the wheel to kind of works so you can feel it it’s a bit flexible on some kind of sections but also super Dynamic when you need the wheels to really keep the speed and I think they call it ankle support like the like the when your foot Bend like that right yeah that’s it from the the zip engineer and I totally feel it when I ride also it’s um single World rim which is inspired from the Moto that’s why it’s so different from any other things and you can see also it’s very flat and wide I think it’s 30 mm wide and I think it gives the tire on it uh this shape and if you put the tire on another wheel you can see it’s different it makes the tire kind of uh like putting support through everything and I think in Corners you can totally feel it I’ve been trying this winter to change a bit the tension into the spokes and it was super interesting because it also affects the way the wheel FS so you can not only adjust the tension but the pressure so you have two different things to adjust to kind of dial in the bike for whatever whatever race you’re doing yeah so I definitely adjust the pressure of my tires depending on the racing but most of the time uh it’ll be 1.25 on the front wheel and on the back I’ll be around 145 but uh I can go like a bit higher or a bit lower depending of the condition one last thing you were saying that last season you race without a lockout uh which is crazy cuz for those of you that don’t know there’s actually a lot of climbing in Ura racing uh but now you have the flight attendant so what is it like having it all taken care of for you right this just this takes care of your suspension without you having to think about it this is actually quite crazy and I was very looking forward to try it so we’ve been pulling on this winter on a rock shock tuning camp and straight away I was so mind blown by the system because it’s so sensible and really adjust the more you use it the more it will kind of understand okay this is how she writes this is a power she puts because it works with um a power then it works with the fork it works with the shock and also you have to connect your deror so it will kind of learn from your riding and then switch into lock when it feels it’s really smooth okay she’s putting a lot of power so she definitely needs the support from the bike and then it will open to Pedal when it can feels like okay this is a bit bumpy but she’s still putting a lot of power into it so probably it’s better to have traction with the shock the fork a little bit open and then it will completely open when it feels like I’m going down and I’m like having does it know when you’re in mid air like if you leave a jump I have not checked yet while I’m jumping if it’s open or not but I guess it will remains open as as soon as you eat an impact and you’re not pedaling it will open so I’m going to show you my home tray where I basically train every single time we are not going to do the crazy TIY one because I’m a bit tired after this week I’m also a bad mountain biker so but I’ll show you the the best one we have okay sick thank you so what do you got going on here what are you doing I am connecting my tire wheel to my new bike into the excess app so this is the one I want to put on the back so can you tell by squeezing it or do do you need the tire wiist you’ve been doing this a long time yeah yeah I’ve always uh use the tire with because it’s so easier on it set up so this is one that was not on my bike before so I’m going to adjust it and set it up so you can actually tell it so I can basically say that this one was on my front wheel because the the gauge I was trying to up Define the objective so you can choose okay this is the pressure I want so on the back I pretty much want 1.4 and then I can Define by how many it will ah like how much go above or below Yeah so basically my goal now is to have 1.4 on the back whe and I can tell now it’s too low it’s 1.2 so I actually you need to ah pop it up some more yeah there is a flashing light on it so it will basically flash slow red if I’m too low it will flash green if I’m okay right in the pressure I want and it will flash fast if I’m above so basically when you’re on a race day it’s so easy because I just have to check okay what color is it flashy and if I I can immediately tell okay something is happening I need to like go down or go up because pressure is really changing through the day depending on the weather conditions if it’s cold if it’s hot and so many times I actually adjust the pressure during a race day so when it flashes green that’s when you know you’re good you’re good to [Music] go all right just hanging out in this parking lot in the middle of nowhere with isabo what’s up yep so we are on my home spot really in south of France and it’s basically the mon where I trained since 10 years maybe so there is about eight different trails from Super Ticky steep technical stuff to fast and flowy So today we’re going to go on The Fast and flow and we still going to eat some uh rock garden section so you can see the wheel in action ISO who’s this what’s going on so this is Lily our newest team member and it’s actually funny because we met just there on One D and I was riding around training and I met her and she was like how can I follow you and she followed me down the trail and I was like okay who’s this girl who’s capable of following me I was quite surprised and we get to talk and I’ve seen she was racing too and so this after this and now she’s on the team with us that’s an excellent Story how long have you been racing with the team so I joined the team last year and uh I did the last two races with us uh with them and uh now uh the season uh is quite uh this is coming up right I’m going to try and keep up with Lily and isabu on their home Mountain it’s probably not going to happen but we’re going to see exactly how fast the ladies of laier zip can go I’m not a big mountain biker obviously this GoPro on my head I’m riding an ebike which is cool but I really you know I don’t really know what Enduro is so isabo what is Enduro what’s the format of racing that you’re doing so basically it’s like car rally so we are doing some transitions which are the climbs to the top of the m and then we race the stages which are the Dil that will take us back down and then we go back again and we do this multiple times during the day a race is generally between five six hours can go up to seven yeah what yeah and depending where we are we can use the lift to get a bit of help and otherwise we pedal and so what counts what makes the difference are the stages the Don so they going to add every stages together to have a total time like accumulative time just for the downhill time just for the downhill can you take your time on the uphills or is there like a time limit a time you have to respect so if you miss the start of your stage what happens you have a penalty so definitely you lost the race as soon as you’re late but uh what is very important is uh you have to be fast on the D so that’s the main point so that’s why the wheels help so much as they make you fast on the downhill so this is iso’s Mountain she trains here but Lily you live out there yeah just just the top of the mountain right there nice so you come over here and hang out at EO Mountain she goes to your Mountain swap Mountain sometimes yeah and he [Music] off yeah ow [Music] yeah y’all think too small I got Big Dreams you just start them way ahead at the in scenes started reading and dodging all of the quick schemes money like your Spotify boy I got 10 streams and I’m still looking for more my people they got aore I’m putting that on the L ain’t accepting ignore just kicking down all the doors guarantee you boy if I ask for this got to be real big I got to make it just for my kids and for they kids kids that’s worth years and years promise my brother soon as he out to finish this B we F to do it bigger than anybody ever did the just real big job just real big S trying a little my God is real big stayed up on the ground on the cars just real big I got to do it big the only way that I can live and I promise I’m trying to before you count me out homie let me remind you they was blocking the shine I think it’s my time to C them dollar signs like lights they’ll blind you let me rewind to back when I was broken I couldn’t acquire two sents and now I got two R they was sleeping on me homie must have got to Big my phone I be like who this damn right hell yeah I’m brand new smell like can I’m fresh forever I can’t try tell me what I can’t do I want to see the world my vision on sh that mean I got gos that’s real big that’s real Big Y off for too little sorry my soul is real big coming into the ring with blows that’s real big I got to do it big that’s the only way I can live I got to do it big I got to do it big I got to do it big got to do it big that’s the only way to live got to do it big I got to do it big I got to do it big got to do it big it’s the only way to Live come on all right we just got done shredding with ler zip we got isabo we got Lily we got the coach Cedric this is Chaz make sure to like make sure to subscribe but for now this is zip L here zip making you faster

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