Watch News at Ten as Joe Biden has attacked Donald Trump at a rally a day after the president’s “shocking” performance in a head-to-head debate.

    “I don’t walk as easy as I used to, I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to but I know what I do know,” said President Biden. “I know how to tell the truth.”

    His performance in the debate against Trump on Thursday night was described as an “unmitigated disaster” by some in his own party after he paused and stumbled his way through, prompting calls for him to step down

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    [Music] it’s 10:00 this is Sky News at 10 our top story a defiant Joe Biden admits his weaknesses after a disastrous TV debate as he’s backed by senior figures in his party I don’t de debate as well as I used to but I know what I do know I know how to tell the truth here Rishi sunak says Nigel farage has questions to answer after one of the party’s activists used a racial slur when my two daughters have to see and hear reform people who campaign for Nigel farage calling me an effing it hurts and it makes me angry in Kenya a family’s grief at the first funeral of a protester shot dead during anti-government protests I’m not going to lie she’s a fantasy of mine I mean she’s a fantasy lot she shown in court the moment police arrested the man accused of plotting to kidnap Holly Willoughby and what about the music what happens when real life intrudes at the country’s biggest Music Festival th will take a first let look at tomorrow’s front pages in our press preview from 10:30 right through to [Music] midnight good evening when you get knocked down you get back up Joe Biden’s defiant message to voters tonight after his stumbling performance in the first head-to-head debate before the US presidential election more than 50 million people tuned in to the Prime Time Event to see him spar with Donald Trump and as Mr Biden walked off stage some of his supporters were already openly considering whether he should be asked to step aside tonight as his former boss Barack Obama tweeted his support and his wife wore a dress urging people to vote for him there is no sign he’s listening our us correspondent James Matthews has our first report from Atlanta the morning after the debate before and the Mist hung heavy over Atlanta it didn’t Cloud a clear eyed and cold assessment that chilled the Democratic party 90 minutes had been a long watch in politics years the president found Comfort among friends at a rally in North Carolina different setting different Biden Joe Biden what a dress that said vote team Biden said the message is he’s staying in the Rings I know I’m not a young man State the obvious I don’t walk as easy as I used to I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to I don’t de debate as well as I used to but I know what I do know I know how to tell the truth I know like millions of Americans know when you get knocked down you get back up the debate between two old foes had put the question of infirmity Center State the performance of an 81y old president put it stage right with the uh with with the co excuse me with um dealing with everything we have to do with uh look if a question on immigration ended like this I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence I don’t think he knows what he said either Joe Biden went for waffles after the TV debate not before a quick stage appearance with his wife the first lady it wasn’t as awkward as the TV debate but perhaps not far off Joe you did such a great job you answered every question you knew all the fact 48 million Americans tuned in to the evening debate thank you he wasn’t afterwards public faces of the democratic movement fronted up their concerns he had to prove to the American people was that he had the energy had the stamina uh and he didn’t do that the um Universal reaction was somewhere approaching Panic he didn’t do well at all uh he he did not do well at all the TV debate was triggered by team Biden designed to Showcase strength and offer reassurance about the abilities of a Democratic president rather it has imbued the party with a sense of Crisis Democrats who previously wouldn’t listen to questions around infirmity are now openly calling for change at the top of the ticket concerned at how bad Biden was and how bad he might get old influential friends sought to steady the ship former president Barack Obama tweeted bad debate nights happen trust me I know but this election is still a choice between someone who’s fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself it was messaging to keep a party and public on site in Atlanta it seems the difficulty isn’t so much connecting with the message but the messenger uh he was definitely off very off in what way um just didn’t know his subject matter seemed like he was tired and out of it I think that people should focus more on substance rather than the paste of delivery we had someone who was speaking pretty much incoherent and we can’t understand what he’s saying and then someone who’s just awful and spewing lies so it’s not a good look for the American people it it really breaks my [Applause] [Music] heart at a Friday rally in Virginia Donald Trump took a bow thank you hello Virginia did anybody last night watch a thing called a debate as bad a night as it was for the president the Biden campaign insists he will absolutely not be stepping down the president has styled himself as the man to beat Donald Trump in spite of party concerns in these circumstances losing would be quite the Legacy James Matthews Sky News in Atlanta Georgia so just how easy would it be to replace Joe Biden well the short answer is it would be very difficult so close to November’s presidential election voters have already overwhelmingly selected Mr Biden as their candidate a decision due to be formalized at the Democratic National Convention in August party delegates could choose to back someone new at that point but that’s unlikely Joe Biden has strongly rejected pulling out of the race in the past there is a slight possibility though that he could be persuaded to pull out if he did it before the convention there would be a messy free-for-all with several people vying for the party’s nomination and if he stood down after August just two months before the country votes the chair of his party can call an emergency meeting to elect a new nominee by majority vote among those likely to be considered vice president Kamala Harris who is polling worse than Joe Biden Minnesota Governor Gretchen Whitmer who’s proven she can take on the right and win and the governor of California Gavin new who backed the president immediately after the debate our us correspondent Martha Kellner has been speaking to voters in Los Angeles about whether they think the President should step aside what they’re talking about I the Tik Tock generation is digesting a debate between two members of the geriatric generation you would be 82 at the end of your second term and a performance by President Biden that’s already spawned a thousand memes I think it sounds like a drunk blackout conversation they’re having at 3:00 a.m. I think um Joe Biden is cognitively declining and I think he was never fit to be president and I don’t think he is now and I think there’s a clear obvious answer to who is fit in this part of California they voted for Biden in 2020 but some are staggered by how much older he seems this time round how did it make you feel knowing that that that’s your choice if she wants to vote Democrat for laoren not good despairing has President Biden’s performance last night given you food for thought in terms of who you might vote for in November clearly bad Food For Thought food poisoning maybe at our age we’re the same age yeah so maybe at our age we’re a little slower to articulate what we’re thinking but I think he’s he’s still viable and and he has has the mental capacity to do the job I just my concern is the energy level President Biden is insistent that he will still run in November but chatter is now intensifying about possible Alternatives including the governor of this state California Gavin Nome is a rising star in the Democratic party tipped as a successor to Biden but he’s standing squarely behind the leader for now we got to have the back of this President you don’t turn your back cuz of one performance what kind of party does that it’s been a master class 15.6 million uh uh jobs that’s eight times more than the last three Republican presidents com by Gretchen Whitmer is another potential candidate she is the governor of Michigan a crucial swing state in California Democrat voters wonder if a fresh face could give their party a Lifeline have you got anyone in mind different candidate yeah Gavin Nome he’s a very uh powerful Presence at least in California it would be in their best entrance to get you know Biden to step down and have somebody else Run for the Democrats Because by the looks of it it’s not it’s not looking good have you got anyone in mind I don’t I mean I just know I would vote for anyone but Biden anyone but Biden or Trump Martin is one of the double haters voters who are dismayed that Biden or Trump is likely to be their choice after last night’s debate those double haters May well have swelled in number Martha Kellner Sky News Manhattan Beach let’s take you live to Atlanta now our us correspondent there James Matthews and James Joe Biden came out fighting tonight at the rally that he spoke at earlier but did he do enough hi Julian well it’s a start it’s a step on what is now a comeback trail from Joe Biden after a horrendous night for himself and for his party um he didn’t slip up certainly he was among friends he had the comfort of an adoring adoring audience who gave him Applause and cheers and adulation at the end of a sentence um but the difficulty is that that audience and the audience at large was waiting and scrutinizing Joe Biden to see if he would falter and that is his problem between now and November whatever he says wherever he goes he will be closely scrutinized for durability for for longevity uh and that’s a problem because that creates an obstacle between a candidate and the electorate you know voters who perhaps don’t want to vote for Trump are looking for an excuse to vote for Joe Biden um they’re looking for durability they want to trust in his longevity and suitability for office he didn’t deliver that last night not by a long way and it’s creating concern very much within the Democratic party there is of crisis in the party Democrats I’ve spoken today who are looking for reelection in November and Beyond they’re making the point that what they want to talk about with voters is themselves their opponents their agenda their plans but what they are being sucked into is the most awkward conversation about a president who didn’t look fit for office last night and their concern is that Joe Biden through stubbornness and ego and an unwillingness to step back from his candidacy they’re concerned that that will cost them victory at the election and that will deliver a trump presidency James thank you it’s rare to see the Prime Minister get as emotional and as personal as he did today he was talking about his two daughters and how hurt and angry he was that they’d have to hear an activist campaigning for reform using a racial slur to describe him Mr sunak used that PE key word in his interview with journalist saying it was important to call it out for what it was tonight Nigel farage repeated his claims that the secret recording was a deliberate attempt to smear his party that’s been denied by all those involved as our political correspondent Darren mcaffrey reports looks very yummy do you think I can take some home with me no oh no campaigning today in a teeside school an emotional prime minister confronted headon viewed as a very personal racist attack on him and his family yeah when my two daughters have to see and hear reform people who campaign for Nigel farage calling me and effing it hurts and it makes me angry and I think he has some questions to answer and I don’t repeat those words lightly you know I do so deliberately because this is too important not to call out clearly for what it is off camera later rishy claimed he hated repeating that RAC and slur but felt it was necessary in reaction to a reformed canvasser filmed by an undercover reporter making a series of racist remarks always been a vot what annoys me is we got in what as good as he you tell me you know it’s just wet what so now hello after earlier describing the comments as horrendous and appalling nigah farage tonight went on the the offensive claiming time and again that the story was a setup I’m not going to apologize for what for what and we’ll find out the full truth but I promise you what happened over the weekend what was on the front page of a times today is a set up a deliberate attempt to smear us it’s almost when you look at it what he said it’s almost unbelievable a constant stream of invective and he does this for a living he does it professionally and he came along in his ego and did it it’s wrong those claims have been repeatedly denied by Channel 4 and the man himself who said he was just a volunteer he told Sky News I still use old words there’s no racism at all in it I still support Nigel farage that support by people accused of racism has dug Nigel farage for lots of his political career this election has been no different with problems around the vetting of candidates one this week was suspended for previous membership of the BMP and despite attempts by reform campaigning today to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the story it is making people in Battleground basilon think again reform I can’t even talk about after what was said today as well disgraceful that’s not on that’s not what we’re looking for we’re looking for a party to come in and actually start looking after the people that live in England whatever color had nothing to do with reform he was a volunteer so all doing is throwing things to try and make things stick both political parties have had to confront racism in recent years including the conservatives but for reform it appears to be a continuing problem and one that seems certain to cost them votes next week Dar mcaffrey Sky News t-site it’s the moment the man accused of plotting to kidnap rape and murder TV presenter Holly Willoughby is confronted by police caught on an officer’s body camera security guard Gavin Plum admits fantasizing about the start today as the video was shown in court he described her as a celebrity crush but insisted his plan which he posted online was just a way to pass the time Sabah chadri reports police stay where you are the moment Gavin Plum’s socalled fantasy became reality you’re under arrest The Conspiracy to Holly Willoughby think those arrested for plotting to kidnap rape and murder the TV presenter Holly Willoughby I’m not going to lie she’s a fantasy of I mean she’s a fantasy of lot she in police custody after his arrest as his house was being searched he tells an officer I can pretty much guess what they’re looking for Plum denies all the charges speaking in court For the First Time Plum said Holly Willoughby was his celebrity crush and that the highly sexual and graphic things he said he was going to do to her were simply a fantasy online chats and nothing more for his gratification he told the cor he was just passing the time chatting and that the police discovery of this kidnap kit as it was called by prosecutors was not meant to be used to attack Holly Willoughby instead he said his sex toys were for someone who is consenting when details of his alleged kidnap plot were read to him Mr Plum said his 25 to 30 stone weight would have prevented him from carrying out the attack he said he was sorry heartbroken and disgusted his chats have come out the defendant Gavin Plum says that his online conversations were just Pure Fantasy but the prosecution’s case is that his intent was very real and not just the ramblings of a fantasist the Yury heard he was previously convicted for attempted kidnap and false imprisonment the trial is expected to come to a close in the coming days Holly Willoughby isn’t expected to take the stand sub chowri Sky News in Chelmsford to Kenya now where the first funeral was held today for a protester killed while storming the country’s Parliament Ibrahim wuku was 19 years old he was shot twice in the neck one of around 27 people who died during a week of violence our Africa correspondent yra elbir has been speaking to his best friend and to grieving families preparing to bury their dead it’s a look of sheer resolve the weight he’s carrying is not just a loved one but a symbol of a nation in mourning this is the first funeral in Nairobi of a protester killed in the violent Crackdown in the casket is ibraim wanjiku he was only 19 years old there’s grief but there’s also a lot of anger here and just by the very nature of how he died this isn’t Just A procession it’s also a protest we feel embarrassed but Allah yeah we feel embarrassed but Allah you feel embarrassed cuz whatever they have done it’s not fair this is our brother we were doing peaceful demonstration but they decided to shoot our like bullets but in Allah will for us he’s laid to rest but around him there’s unrest the disturbing way he died two shots in the neck can never be buried fighting protesting for our country ibrahim’s best friend was marching with him the day he was killed B he tells us it could have been him instead and here is disappeared the message came at home that is dead found at the mo in Nairobi that’s the story we had now we are here buing our friend it’s so sad Kenya has changed forever it is never going to be the same again uh the genzies have lost their innocence Community organizers scrambling to identify bodies and alert families we’re heading back there now to get the results for the five uh autopsies that were being undertaken they move from the cemetery to the city Mory we we stand with them I’m telling them their son their brother has died a hero of this country we had ma fighting for Independence but these are ma fighting for the independence again do you feel like young people should keep protesting we should keep fighting for we never in an Embrace of support between two hurting siblings here to send off their older brother he comes out in Cold Steel and on their faces is the shock of families across the country Sky News Nairobi police in tenar say a largescale search for British teenager Jay Slater will take place tomorrow in the village of masca dozens of volunteers will scar the rocky area close to where he went missing on the 17th of June the 19-year-old from Lancashire disappeared while walking back to his accommodation after missing a bus Princess Anne has been discharged from hospital after being treated for concussion the Princess Royal spent five nights at Bristol South me hospital doctors say she’d suffered injuries consistent with being kicked or headbutted by a horse she’ll spend some time recovering at home before returning to public duties four major UK banks have apologized after thousands of people were unable to access their online accounts HSBC Barclays Nationwide and virgin money customers had issues sending and receiving money for several hours the issues have now been resolved eight nurses are suing their NHS trust for sexual harassment and discrimination over a policy allowing trans women to use female changing rooms when they raised concerns with their employers they say they were told they needed to be re-educated Shadow Health secretary West streeting has now offered to meet them as Alice Porter reports these are some of the nurses who say they don’t feel safe sharing changing rooms with a trans colleague it’s degrading it feels humiliating humiliating yeah yeah it’s an open changing room um there aren’t anywhere there’s nowhere to hide in there and we all have to get changed out in the open um so we’re vulnerable one of the nurses who wishes to be anonymous has experienced sexual abuse and has PTSD she says she finds having a transwoman in the changing room triggering others have objected on religious grounds we have Muslim women we’ve got Christian women and and we’ve we’ve heard about women you know wearing clothes underneath their uniform so that they don’t have to actually get completely undressed in the changing room um and to wear a vest and um leggings under your uniform in the in the heat at the minute it’s just absolutely unacceptable yeah 26 nurses wrote a letter to their trust a meeting then happened with their Ward manager and HR she was kind of told that your staff need to be re-educated the situation has now escalated politically with the shadow Health secretary West streeting tweeting I support the nurses and I’m horrified that they’ve had to resort to legal action we’ve got to find a better way through this and I’d be happy to meet them we’ve got to find a way through that treats trans people with respect and respects Women’s Safe spaces the conservatives want to amend the equality act so that Single Sex spaces like changing rooms can’t be accessed by by someone who’s biologically male but identifies as a woman labor hasn’t backed the plans but K says he’s committed to protecting Single Sex bases but transgender activists say people should be able to access facilities according to their gender identity a path forward through those conversations to acceptance because ultimately including transgender people isn’t hurting anyone uh what’s hurting people is this fear that has been stirred up and that’s not just hurting transgender people it’s hurting everybody County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation trust say they are investigating the nurse’s allegations but can’t comment further because of the legal action women’s rights and trans rights have been a heated topic throughout this election campaign with no resolution in sight Alice Porter Sky News to glastenbury now a festival with a very different feel this year that’s because real life is intruding looming elections war in the Middle East even the Euros so what about the music Sky Entertainment correspondent Katie Spencer has been finding [Music] out running at glastenbury if ever there was a sign of something being a little off kilter this year warding off hangovers before Headliners not everyone’s sober for opening act Fitness phenomenon Joe Wicks I’m pretty convinced there was a lookalike in the crowd that look just like me and he hadn’t had he hadn’t had a wink asleep cuz he was um he’s holding a beer and he’s up and down on the spot like giving it that and I just admire anyone that’s willing to like have a workout you know after a big boozy night hour a strange year at worthy Farm All Things Considered with plenty of real world distractions the looming elections Gaza protests climate change frustration not forgetting the football CO as well like people got out of the habit of going to gigs it just means the escapism is even more necessary but it’s hardly surprising that this event is distracted from the music when the industry as a whole is in the same position this year’s Headliners may be a bit underwhelming but how is glassenbury supposed to impress when the whole music business is struggling to produce new stars the cost of touring lack of remuneration from streaming and AI just some of the challenges facing the industry and reflected here in its favorite playground unlike other festivals glastenbury at least is not at risk of closure unlike the 50 events that had to pull the plug so far this year but that doesn’t mean Financial pressures aren’t being felt at least one act pulled out citing the cost of the event versus the lack of reward as they hadn’t been selected for a televised set I don’t blame artists if they can’t afford to play that’s fair enough I have made a lost Glon B before not this year it is quite tough for many people in the industry particularly people starting out it’s difficult making the break from amateur to professional much more uh difficult than it was in my day of course there’s still huge amounts here to keep audiences entertained if what’s been officially announced doesn’t float your boats only a handful of people privy to know who’s playing the so-called secret sets there is um going to be some big surprises around the site doing some very small slots caban Kings of Leon pulp and Charlie XX those are the more likely ones we have heard of some very interesting things some surprises still to come and let’s face it who wants to focus on industry issues when there’s so much fun to be had but once this weekend is over it could well be time to face the music Kat Spencer on worthy Farm well that was Sky News at 10 coming up we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s newspapers in the Press preview tonight we’re joined by political journalist Zoe grenald and political commentator Benedict Spence amongst the stories we’ll be discussing this on the front of the financial times it’s headline Biden defies calls to bow out we’ll be right back do stay with us [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] this is Sky News in just a moment the Press preview a first look at what’s on the front pages as they arrive but first our top stories President Biden has admitted he cannot debate the way he used to but still intends to win despite a faltering performance against Donald Trump last night the Prime Minister has said he’s hurt and angry after a reform UK activists referred to him using the PW and the man accused of plotting to kidnap rape and murder Holly Willoughby has told the court it was a fantasy that he never intended to carry out [Music] you are watching The Press preview a first look at what’s on the front pages as they arrive it’s time to see what’s making the headlines with political journalists Zoe grenald and political commentator Benedict Spence they’ll be with us from now right up until just before midnight so let’s see what’s on some of the front pages for you well Biden defies calls to bow out that’s the lead story St in the financial times amid concerns that Joe Biden might not be fit to run in November’s presidential election based on his worrying performance in last night’s TV debate with Donald Trump the guardian 2 says there’s pressure for him to quit after a shaky performance last night but according to the telegraph Democratic officials and party donors have given Mr Biden a week to Stand Down The Daily Star sums up the hold debate with this headline man baby beats up doter old bloke on live TV the racist slur directed at Prime Minister Rashi sunak by a reform UK supporter leads the express with Mr sunak expressing hurt and anger that his daughters had to hear it meanwhile former business secretary kmy Bok tells the times that Nigel farage is only in politics to be a celebrity and doesn’t care if reform candidates are ra or misogynists the mail has been speaking to former PM Boris Johnson who insists it’s still possible to avoid a labor Landslide on Thursday and what he calls starmageddon the says the UK public have overwhelmingly backed the paper campaign for both major parties to clean up the country’s Water Supplies whichever one wins the election a friend of missing teen Jay Slater tells the mirror he saw J sliding down rocks on the morning he disappeared on the holiday island of tener and reminded that by scanning the QR code you’ll see on screen during the program you can check out the front pages of tomorrow’s newspapers while you watch us and we are joined tonight by political journalist Zoe grenald and political commentator Benedict Spen welcome to both of you we’re going to start with the Ft front page and uh their headline there Biden defines call defies call sorry to bow out after what’s been described as that disastrous uh debate with Donald Trump last night Benedict I mean it’s uh filtered through even this side of the pond that it was not the proudest moment uh for Joe Biden it did not come across particularly well he did not perform very well and it was sort of laid bare for everybody to see what has been hinted at for a while which is that the president is not in the best shape and as you can see now we’re getting the reaction for the week leading up to this debate actually a lot of the lines that were coming out of uh uh Democrat mouthpieces members of the press was actually this is all being overaged he’s just you know he works very hard he’s not as fast as he used to be but there’s a lot of you know propaganda you know fake news out there that he’s lost it that you know that this is coming from the conservative press it’s not true now the tone has very much changed and this is what it says on the front page of the FD which is that Biden is uh resisting calls uh to step back but you know if anybody glanced at say the opinion section the New York Times today actually was fairly clear uh that the attitude the mood has swung very firmly H in quite a somber direction away from Joe Biden people saying that this is the worst debate performance they’ve ever seen that he can’t actually stay the course many people saying that it would be the best in his best interest and the party’s best interest and of course if you’re a Democrat the country’s best interest to step aside it would I think be unprecedented uh at this point uh quite how you would swing this past people um in the party and then be able to you know do it in a democratic way and then have a new candidate who would go against Donald Trump um with So Little Time relatively that would have to be a rare very rare candidate with you know big sort of a public appeal public awareness um could it be Camala Harris she’s not polling particularly well even you know compared to Jo B yeah so they are really in a very difficult situation and I think it’s it says something I think about the US ecosystem political media ecosystem that so many Democrats seni new Democrats were prepared to believe oh this is something that we can fight our way through that actually he will be fine when it comes to it in the end it almost appeared as if Donald Trump was slightly pulling his punches at the end of the debate because it was so one-sided and I think you might see something unprecedented in the next couple of weeks donors apparently are urging um people with uh with links to the president to say look don’t do this tell them it’s time to step aside people are saying that Obama or Bill Clinton need to talk to him need to persuade him a lot of people saying the only way that you’ll get through to him is if his wife Joe Biden says it’s it’s time to go but really I mean what a sea change in the space of just 24 hours yes and we we do have a tweet in from Bill Clinton as you uh mention him uh which I think we can bring up uh what what he’s actually said is I’ll leave the debate rating to the pundits but here’s what I know facts and history matter Joe Biden has given us three years of solid leadership steadying us after the pandemic creating a record number of new jobs making real progress solving the climate crisis and launching a successful effort in reducing ing inflation all while pulling us out of the Quagmire Donald Trump left us in that’s what re that’s what’s really at stake in November so that intervention from Bill Clinton there um do you think this will make any difference as Zoe or will this possibly fall on on death ISS because the damage has been done I I think it hints at what Benedict was saying which is that actually there is a feeling or has been a feeling that it’s just it’s it’s too late now to change course that the candidate is Joe Biden that’s what Biden wants to do and we had to fall in line behind him and I think what we’re going to see now are divisions amongst the Democrats as to whether or not actually they are just going to you know head for Wipeout if they carry on with Biden I actually it’s it’s a it’s much better to cut their losses and and try and find a new candidate but obviously they have to convince Biden that that’s the best option and with that you need those influential voices there in a way I know we’ve we’ve moaned incessantly and and completely reasonably in my view about the amount of Tory leaders we’ve had over the past uh three years is but when you look at something like this when you see that there is a push from the party to change leaders when you think about what it could mean for the state of uh of us politics having mechanisms in place to force for example a vote of no confidence or to you know have a party stand up and say actually this isn’t best for the party this isn’t best for the country can actually be quite helpful um otherwise you get situations like this which as Benedict says is completely unprecedented but but there is a a mechanism it would be very very difficult but there is I think a window of about 5 days or so in which they could put somebody else forward let’s look at this the star as we discussed this um their headline manbaby beats up do old bloke on live TV Fair description I think it was actually and I think you know let’s be clear Donald Trump was not actually at his sort of fiery bur it wasn’t sort of magnificent rhetoric or jokes or anything like that it was just him up against somebody who he joked about Joe Biden not knowing what he just said two minutes ago but genuinely a lot of people including a lot of Democrats was out there going there might be some truth to that um it’s honestly though I mean this is going to be the difficult thing because what we will see in the next week is as always says it’s going to be sort of very tumultuous will he won’t he change course will there be somebody else will it be Gavin Nome could it be somebody else what you will also see though because of the slightly iffy and unprecedented nature of that I suspect is paranoia from the Republicans which will be our look they’re trying to steal it again and that will be the line that you’ll see coming out from the man baby that’ll be the sort of the classic ah it’s rigged ah it’s a steal if they try to change if the Democrats try to change the candidate now that will be the new attack line from the Republicans which is look they’re trying to stitch it up they know that doter old Joe or sleepy Joe whatever they’re going to call him isn’t up to it so now they’re going to try and force somebody new on you at the last minute they’re going to pretend that you know they think that you’re stupid that you’re not going to see what’s going that’s what you’ll see a lot more of and that is the sort of the ramping up of the of the I would call it paranoia that it’s a steel that it’s a deep state conspiracy we’ve all heard it before from Trump you’ll see a lot more of that if the Democrats do go in that direction let’s just uh SPO through the uh Guardian I think in the telegraph also covering the the story but Z wondered what you um thought of his performance this evening at at the rally because it was a totally different Joe Biden uh very spirited uh performance obviously different circumstances he had a a teleprompter and a very um fawning audience as well I think that’s that’s the point it was it did feel like a different Biden you know he seemed a lot more um alive awake where raring to go um a lot more enthused but you say there was far more support for him there and actually the really important thing is whether he can beat Trump and if he’s going head-to-head with Trump and it really is his to steal you know this is Trump is a convicted fell you know he’s got a track record for um all sorts he’s got terrible track record and there’s so many things that Biden can throw at him and if out of that Biden comes out looking worse well that’s that’s game over really um so yes it’s it’s one thing doing a speech and doing a rally and being able to be very kind kind of personable and you know he’s got a lot to speak of for his success as a president but really it comes down to how he is against Donald Trump and I think that is the thing that’s going to be concerning his party yeah indeed let’s move to the express and uh our domestic politics and uh Rishi sunak uh really Furious um the the the the most angry that you know our reporters are saying that they’ve seen him on these uh racial slurs made by a reform UK uh supporter and you can imagine you can understand entirely why he would be furious at this and you know it’s I think it’s a very difficult moment for Rishi sunak to sort of have to look at the way that reform have been able to siphon off support from the conservative party uh at this election and then to sort of hear this sort of language whether or not it’s an individual or a couple of individuals or whether or not it’s widespread it must be incredibly painful actually to sort of put your uh your your your career on the line to sort of throwing yourself into the firing line to try to the best thing for your party and to be rewarded not only with people leaving and not supporting your party but these kind of attitudes and to think actually has there been that much progress again as I say this is only a few people it’s not necessarily representative of all reform voters or even a large minority of them but you can sort of sense the anger um the tricky thing of course though is which we all sort of have to face up to is how much does this end up actually damaging or affecting the outcome of this election is it going to stop niga farage from winning in CLA and I suspect it probably isn’t um and part of that whether or not individuals are saying reprehensible things is because of the performance of the government itself is that so many people are so disillusioned that actually people activists they can get away with saying awful things and that many people are still so resigned to the state of the country that they’ll go eh what are you going to do it’s not that big a deal it’s one person it’s two or three people that’s a really sad Place actually that we’ve got to in any political cycle actually where you can have a story like this and the response is probably that the dial in the polls isn’t going to shift and that’s not because people are racist it’s because of a general sense of political apathy so you think that this story will affect Nidra farage’s chances um I I think it well it should absolutely and you know it’s ABS the the language that has been used is appalling and I think um it was it was really good to see richy Su come and come out today and really condemn that language and and talk about how damaging it is um and and and talking about this corrosive indivis Behavior I think Benedict’s right in that so many people are have abandoned the conservatives because they feel let down and there’s very little that can bring them back now um whether they vote for reform whether they vote for labor whether they choose not to vote at all I think that ship is sailed there is nothing the conservatives can do to bring that back and unfortunately I think rishy sunak showed a really strong side of himself today responding to this and if he’d been able to show that part of him earlier I think that would have actually gone down really well with the voters um but you know frage does have this almost um fanatical following of people who really believe him and believe everything he says and thinks that he is the politician to bring the country out of its misery I mean it’s not it’s not the case but that is he’s almost got that sort of trumpian appeal to him and I don’t think and as it should I just don’t think this is going to um really impact his poll ratings I mean as you say that sort of trumping element there’s been a lot of Reform activists coming out today saying ah it was a plant it was a setup that you know we all know we’ve heard that sort of thing before Oh don’t believe Your Lying Eyes actually said himself that he’s an actor yeah but I would say just very briefly I think the one missed opportunity for Rishi sunite throughout this election campaign is he’s not had the opportunity to debate Nigel farage actually farage has been stealing all of the support from the Tories at no point has sunak been able to go on a stage with him and go do you know what much like sunak been starm Sor has been able to take chunks out of me on a debate stage I can have a go at him I can actually push him on the language used by campaigners on your policies he’s not had that opportunity it’s been an open run for farage to just take that support away and sunak hasn’t had really a a Level Playing Field to counter it interesting uh let’s uh talk about Boris Johnson he’s saying that uh the country can swerve a starmageddon sorry yes uh he is although I Tried reading it and I couldn’t quite figure out what the point of this peace was which is very uh very Boris Johnson esque way of writing um I think essentially what he’s saying is he’s is is he says it’s an impassioned plea to stop the country lurching to a socialist Supremacy um we’ve heard lots of warnings from the Tories today that starma could be in power forever and you know you’ll never not see a labor government um but he sort of saying that a long time I know forever is a long time um but you know this idea that you would give K St a blank check and you just basically imploring all those voters who were 2019 Tory voters who are now not sure that they can give their vote to the conservatives anymore but not sure where they can put it to come back to trust that their their vote is safer with the Tories um and you know Boris Johnson still has quite a big following mostly with Daily Mail readers so it’s not a surprise he’s made this intervention um and whether it will be helpful whether it will shift the polls I I doubt it okay sorry and bened it we must leave it there to take a break more coming up including this story in the telegraph about Labor’s plans to rash middle class access to Services stay with us for more on that [Music] [Music] welcome to Glass super [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I’m David bevens and I’m senior Ireland correspondent I’m based in Belfast a city transformed by peace but still struggling with its past politically the two sides are as far apart as ever and it’s over that question of who has sovereignty in Northern Ireland the very issue that’s been the source of tension here for Generations it takes 60 Minutes to cross the Irish sea it took the British Monarchy a century I’ve spent 25 years reporting the journey from conflict to peace the political parties of Northern Ireland have reached agreement we help you understand the world with us today we have reached an agreement with the conservative party on support for government in Parliament we already know what the government gets out of this deal what exactly does the dup get out of it well 1.5 billion welcome to Winterfell it’s an iconic location in this globally acclaimed drama ailia was the most powerful hurricane this far eastn the Atlantic on record oh my God you can’t live in a place like this and not appreciate the environment [Music] welcome back you are watching The Press preview still with me political journalist Zoe grenald and political commentator Benedict Spence and we’re going to take a look at the telegraph uh and this story about um well the headline saying a labor plan to ration middleclass access to Services explain Benedict so this is this is already a law for for anybody interested this is a law that’s just not been enacted or interpreted a certain way this is the equality act in 2010 passed by Gordon Brown uh which uh once labor back in power uh this has been suggested based on a reading of their Manifesto uh will lead to the labor party using this law to uh look to redistribute uh money uh based on socioeconomic factors uh rather than anything else so it’ll mean effectively that priority is given to poorer areas in certain Services over wealthier are it’ll also lead to more money uh being drawn from things like council tax so wealthier areas might have to end up paying more council tax for their services it’s if you like it’s a form of leveling up which you know is something that’s been heard elsewhere but what the telegraph is saying is that basically it’s going to mean that the middle classes go to the back of the queue that their services aren’t quite as good as people in poor areas and that’ll be down to things like uh Healthcare it’ll be bins it’ll be police turning up to burglaries that sort of thing it may or may not be the case we have no idea actually until Labor come into power but what I would say is if lab labor are smart they would not immediately bring in a sort of a system where people who are already squeezed in the middle classes feel actually that their services who many of those middle classes are voting against the conservatives because they feel that those Services have been getting worse that the labor party would then turn around to those people and say and guess what they’re going to get even more you know badly run because we’re going to give even more resources to people in other areas I don’t think that that would be a particularly smart uh social or political move if it does happen then they would deserve to lose support but for that reason I don’t think it is going to happen I suspect that this is just a little bit of fear-mongering based on an interpretation of something that’s in the manifesto but we wait and see maybe the middle classes will be persuaded by this maybe this will happen so are your thoughts yeah I mean I think uh social mobility and leveling up is a is a kind of key part of Labor’s plan and what they really want to do is make sure that those who um are struggling and those who don’t have access to Services should get it and I think part of that is redistributing uh wealth but it’s also redistributing access to resources and I think it’s actually makes a lot of sense to me I’m surprised people would would argue with the idea that actually those who are in poor areas or those with in areas of more social deprivation should get slightly more State support I think that sort of thing the middle classes would quite like I mean as I say the conservatives have been leading on the I know they haven’t actually done anything with it but they were leading on the idea of leveling up and you know sort of trying to improve under under results and deprived parts of the country they weren’t very successful at it but presumably that sort of thing is very popular because a lot of people voted for Bor Johnson on that basis so it can’t be completely you know Bonkers which is you know sort of the suggestion here yeah it’s a widely popular idea and I I think Benedict is right that I don’t think that means K star is about to come along and say actually you guys aren’t going to get I’m sure it’s not that I’m sure it’s more about redistributing and making sure that those poorer areas are getting the support they need Benedict you’ve got about 30 seconds to tell us do we payar UK Elric UK households pay more for electricity than all of the EU I know that sounds awful U that’s LLY this is because we’re not doubling down on Renewables that’s according to one person is a myriad of reasons obviously Parts different parts of Europe they use different things uh Germany is able to burn coal very cheaply which obviously we’re not able to do France is able to use uh nuclear power very cheaply because it invested in nuclear power a long time ago we haven’t done any of these things we haven’t upgraded our grid and that’s why we’re paying more because it’s very expensive well done you can take breath now Benedict and Zoe thank you very much for taking us through the papers we’ll see you at the top of the hour

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