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    ⛵️ IRONMAN 70.3 Les Sables d’Olonne-Vendée
    🗓️ Saturday, June 29 | 6.30AM CET / 4:30AM GMT
    📺 Live & For Free | proseries.ironman.com, YouTube, Outside Watch and DAZN

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    [Music] [Music] a [Music] h [Music] [Music] the are new and welcome to the IR man 7.3 L sa Deon voni this is the beautiful Atlantic coast of Western France here this is the Bay of bisque where the athletes will be swimming today the Western French Coast is also known as the coir and it is the first Iron Man 70.3 L Von D race since 2019 it’s the 10th event of the IM man Pro Series seventh Iron Man 70.3 in the series there Joe yes Greg thanks uh for having me on the show tonight uh this event boasts strong Pro Fields with 25 female and 44 male Pros including defending female champion sha Charlene clavel and Maya stage Nelson who is currently ranked seventh in the point standings and Julie Amo currently ranked 17th notably Rico Bogen and Gustaf Eden are making their first starts in the Iron Man Pro Series yes 2500 points today go to the Pro male and pro female winners here today and the weather Joe looks pretty good presented by Roa yeah not too bad it’s a good racing temperature there 62° Fahrenheit which is 17° C it’s a little cloudy right now uh FS uh around 62 and U 62 degre fenit a little bit of wind out the Northeast uh not much sun to speak of and the humidity is quite high but expect to drop off as the clouds sort of dissipate there is M and also CL they are boyfriend girlfriend they hail out of nce France in southern France they are training out of the area there and uh that is also where clemont hailes from so they are looking good let’s go over and take a look at our Men’s Pro notables today let’s start out with the 70 point3 world champion from 2023 Ric Bergen from Germany off to a great start of the year as well Gustaf Eden welcome back Gustav the Iman world champion Clem Alon from France also Arnoldo and then we have Nicholas quet from South Africa who’s currently residing in Boulder had a good start to the season uh Nicholas man uh having a great start also camworth is finally actually showed up to a race which is great to see he’ll be there Tasmanian fellow Tasman exactly like me uh Rasmus vingson after his win at Iron Man South Africa early this year is back to race the 70.3 Geor Goodwin and Yuri Clen as well who recent win in Singapore yeah good to see Yuri kulin racing again had a race in Singapore but he’s been out since then all right in their female Pro notables today let’s start out with Emily morier from France and then also maeline Pierre and there is Kate C from the United Kingdom May th neelson is having a good year so far there Joe and one of the favorites today yeah and also we have uh charene and clavel uh Pam olera who watched for her in the swim she’s a very very fast swimmer uh Daniel Daniela blel from Germany very strong biker bartler as well very good on the bike and the Run Caroline Caroline pole also a very good swimmer watch for to get out early in the swim and Louisa IGN Pratt also the Italian a very very good swimmer yes look out for them they’re going to be swimming in the bay abis today 1.9 km 1.2 miles it is going to be really super nice look at there the bay out there in Western France right now you can see it’s pretty flat out there welcome again everybody to the the Iron Man 70.3 L de Alon Von and it is going to be a cracker of a race today Joe Joe gambles welcome uh good to have you back in studio and outside right now athletes are warming up WS are on just about to get underway yeah no it’s going to be an exciting day of racing we’ve got a really great uh 70.3 men’s and women’s field today uh namely obviously the current uh IM man 70.3 world champion Rico bgen uh and he’s going to have his work cut out with a lot of other athletes going to be push him all the way to the line yeah exactly and this 20 race man Pro Series they’re getting after the points and that’s going to be very very important at the end of the year you know they’re getting after that $1.7 million of bonus pool money there’s maral joli just getting ready for the start here today A little bit of Chop on the water but here we go let’s uh take a look at how it works the IM man 70.3 2500 points go out to the each of the winners in the men’s and female Pro side of things and 5,000 points at the world championship and then the world championship in the Iron Man uh it is 3,000 points and then 6,000 points for the world championship as well yeah and from those points so um actually for every second they’re behind the first lead they lose one point so we’ll come back to that we plenty of time to talk about that later but looking at the bonus po allocation for the men and women it’s a first place prize for the series win of $200,000 for the female and male winner and that go all the way down to 10th and then looking right at the bottom there 11th through 50 still get a $5,000 bonus so definitely worth being part of this series Greg yes absolutely I think Joe you’re going to you know take those flipflops off and your little French beret and get yourself back out there on the start line I have been tempted all right anticipating a start here the Roa swim course on the western coast of France it’s absolutely gorgeous today it is going to be a nice day for racing here we’ve got a little bit the cloud cover right now some of our age group athletes getting after it and just putting their final touches on what promises to be a great day some of the athletes they getting after World Championship slots some of the athletes getting after prize money in the all important Pro Series points all right we’re going to run off to our first break here today welcome to Western France this is L Deon voni introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike courses from the Iron Man Pro Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at full gas.com you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m man 7.3 L sub Delon voni here on the West Coast of France we are expecting a fantastic race here today it’s a great swim course an even better bike course and the Run course is so good for the spectators out there let’s go over Joe and take a look at our Men’s Pro Series standings right there no change at the top however mattye Hansen hung on to it last week with 10,693 but the big mover in the field up five slots was Jackson laundry yeah no uh I was going to be catching Matt Hansen anytime soon he’s really come out this season with all guns blazing so fantastic to see him right at the number one position but yeah Jackson laundry uh very consistent uh inching his way uh towards the top there but uh looking really good so far Colin Su in third place there he went up two spots as Patrick Langer went down two the so the two-time Iron Man world champion down a couple Chris lifer men’s are well actually he went up sixth there and Fifth Place Jackson uh sorry Justin real had a great race up there in mtra blah Nick Thompson in seventh there’s Marky had a good race as well just fading at the end there on trom Andre Lopez and Braden Curry over there in cans a couple of weeks ago in second spot over to our women’s Kylie Simpson no change at the top there and finel langri hanging on the second place yeah no they’re long way in front right now obviously you can see that they’ve raced two of the IM man which carries more weight in the Iron Man points so no surprise there but great starts of the year as we reach the halfway point of the SE season uh then we’ got L Williams and Hannah Barry are doing very well from New Zealand Daniel Lewis some great 70.3 races there she’s locked racked up three races already and in sitting in Sixth and Maj St Nelson also looking really good there as well yeah Maya she’s racing today as well so look for her to go up the rankings Alice Alberts and Ellie Sal house Emma palent Brown rounding out the top 10 there Emma down two spots but expect her to go back up a few when she starts again she’s in a little bit of a break right now she had a really big start to the a look at these beautiful overhead shots that’s the Atlantic Ocean this is the Bay of bis and what’s really cool about this course Joe is that they swim the first path in the open water here then they go down the canal now the canal here is just so unreal it’s sort of reminiscent of what they do up in clarenford at the IM man Austria when they swim down the canal and then they exit the water all right there is the uh long awaited return of Gustaf Eden uh from Norway there he’s just getting ready for his race here today so let’s go over and take a look at our course Maps right now we’ll start out with the Roa swim course yeah the Roa swim course the 1.9 km 1.2 mile swim is a as Greg said a point-to-point ocean swim swim starts on the beach in front of Los anas with athletes competing the historic vendy Globe Canal the vendy globe canal is the starting and finishing location of the vendy globe the round World round the world yacht race that began in 1989 so interesting place to have a trap on there an amazing great for a swim yeah absolutely then uh way back down into the marina where they get out of the boat ramp there run up into the transition a nice little run up there onto the full gas bike course 90 km or 56 Mi they will start it’s only a one Lupa full gas bike course takes you east of the of the city and into the AL for and then beyond the breathtaking French country side is the challenging Rolling Hills and uh the elevation gain on this one Joe is 600 M so it is going to be a challenge on the far end of the bik course there and then once they get to the 80 km marker or so dead flat all the way back into Leon Von yeah and from there they jump straight into the Run hoker Run course the 21.1 km or 13.1 mile it’s a two- Loop flat course this year the athletes will will complete two laps to reach the 21.1 km uh distance of the hoker Run course competitors will run on the prominade along the tane Lake and across the Finishing Line in the center of town athletes will then run the 200 meters along the grand Plage Beach to the Finishing Line exactly right down there in the center of town there and then we’ll have the end of the race there so that is the course out there today the swim bye and run right here in Iron Man 70.3 L Delon Von D so Pro male introductions coming up here pretty soon on the other side of the break you’re looking at the beautiful overhead shots of this incredible voni region here we got a lot to get through today in 70.3 racing the IMM Pro Series heats up it is the halfway point of the 2024 IM man Pro Series and right after the break we’ll have all the action from the western coast of France your new vehicle Mr law the VIN fost vf8 all the latest tech precisely wa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the VIN fast yeah it’s got action 402 horsepower old whe drive over a updates and a 10year unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for Joey open up the SK cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the station to [Music] go here’s Elizabeth in the middle of The Perfect Workout for her to create it we analyzed her Biometrics and genetics her recovery rate injury risk and aerobic potential her recent training sessions at temperature humidity and elevation the demands of her next race and billions of data points from athletes just like her with tri dot Elizabeth gets faster faster and what does she have to do I just open Tri do and did my workout Tri dot we do the technology you do the training the 2024 L Deon Von D race is just about set we are just about ready to get underway here we’ve got a stellar field here today Joe and uh they’ve all come for one reason and that is to get the points you know for the end of the year bonus uh rankings and uh Point score and also the big price Pur the $1.7 million we’ve got our men’s introductions coming up here pretty soon followed by our female introductions there’s May stage Nelson from Denmark she’s racing very well this year and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she’s going to be one of the leaders out there on the bike here today as the athletes are now just getting ready to uh get their day underway a nice little run it’s about a 75 M run on the beach down there you can see the big Tides here look at that no that’s uh going to be quite interesting to to see how this race starts out if they have that much of a run at the start uh that will give someone that is maybe not the strongest swimmer but a good runner the chance to maybe position themselves in in a good spot to capitalize on uh maybe getting some fast feed out there so it’ll definitely make a difference that beach start today true that and there is no wav so they’ll uh just have to Wade uh get their legs out of the water to this side which uh is synonymous to you know ocean racing swim racing in Australia uh as and I know very well and the athletes will then get underway with their swim but like you said their heart rate is just going to be through the roof and pumping out of their chest you know as they get in there so it will benefit some of the swimmer uh the non-swimmers uh like you said so just getting those two caps on the water temperature is at uh set at where the athletes can wear wet suits out there today so that’s going to really help them uh the non-swimmer as well so just going through the last minute preparations there we can see a lot of our female and male athletes down there on the Waters Edge they are our pro athletes the age groupers are up there still on the the grand Plage just getting ready on the esplanad as they wait their opportunity to get their day underway Maya stage Nelson just coming in the shot right there big smile on her face and she’s just about ready to go I I think that she wants to go now she looks great no she looks super relaxed it’s a good sign when you look that relaxed going into a big race you’re confident in the training you’ve done and you’re and you’re ready to go but yeah at that for a beautiful aerial shot of the race start the swim start here today uh on the for the Roker swim course yeah you can see the sun’s already up there behind the clouds at the moment so we got good conditions to get the race underway here today like you said Joe in the ROK of weather report it was only about 3 km an hour out of the Northeast the wind so that’s really not much to speak of the bay did have a little bit of Chop on it but it’s not going to be an issue because once they get into the canal they are going to get pushed down anyway there’s not really any current to speak of at the moment and there will not be any texture or waves you know going through the canal as well yeah no I think this will be a very fast swim course especially with the likes of Rico ban on the start list who’s one of the if not the best swimmer in 70.3 racing so watch for some low 22 minute swims maybe today uh here today in the Vera swim course yeah yes that’s for sure I mean Rico he reminds me a lot like Yan frino doesn’t really have much of a weakness he’s a great swimmer very very good biker and and a great Runner he’s a tall kid and I tell you what for as young as he is he’s very very mature I saw him a couple of weeks ago actually had a nice long chat with him and talking about everything but he’s he’s got everything plotted out which I really really like and that’s a you know the sign of a great Champion is somebody who can just actually say it how it is and instead of just saying well you know I’m going to go to this race and if things don’t go so well they just drop and pick up the next one n not not really I’ll go back to the drawing board that’s what I’ll do I got my plan a plan B and plan C but seems to be just staying on plan a which is incredible all right there’s clont minion and melene P jol just getting ready for her race today and you can see these beautiful overhead shots of the West Coast here in France and they are just about ready to get their day underway here just moments away this is where the nervous energy kicks in Joe yeah no this is definitely where your heart rate s to kick kick up a notch and uh it’s becomes very real very quickly when you get down on get your s feet on the sand and you’re like okay it’s go time so you can see you can feel the tension down here even from the studio here but uh these athletes are all fit and healthy and ready to race uh so what you’ll notice is um the majority of the pro men and women are wearing silver caps there are 10 uh colored caps both in the male and female and they’re there for us to identify some of the swimmers that we were watching for that some of the stronger swimmers and one maybe some of the swimmers that maybe are stronger bike and Runners so we’ll Point those out when the race gets underway but majority will be in silver swim caps yeah exactly that’s a great point you know we need to identify them out there it gets a little difficult when they’re swimming in you know large groups out there but today we can tell you that the colored caps we’ll give you those colored caps in just a second when we go through our Pro aete introductions here but this is the 10th race of the IR man Pro Series Joe and uh you know when we talk about the back half we’re getting a good indication of who’s doing what at the Iron Man Pro Series all right let’s go to the Iron Man 70.3 lonon the male Pro introduction this is wearing number one today he is the 2023 IR man 70.3 world champion Rico Bogen from Germany and wearing number two in M2 is Gustaf Eden who is from Norway and this is actually his first Pro Series race he’s the 2022 Iron Man world champion and two times 70.3 world champion it’s great to see him back on the uh the start line after a little injury there wearing M3 three is Clon M from n France he finished third at the Memorial Herman Iron Man Texas this year and looking forward to see him right up there in the lead of this race as well and wearing M4 is Arnold gu he’s from France and finished second at the 223 IR man Lees Alon voni uh so last year so obviously knows this course well and does well on this course wear number five from South Africa is Nicholas Ken and uh from South Africa finished fourth in the 2020 three IM man Lea Von D last year and currently 34th in the Pro Series standings there Joe yeah he’s doing really really well this season so far and in M M6 we have Nicholas man from Germany uh which this is his second Pro Series race he actually is coming off a win at the Iron Man 70.3 mayorca so he’s one of my uh favorites today I think I’d be very surprised if he doesn’t G to the podium all right double fist kiss there that is Matia Cheri from Italy 25th in the Pro Series standings at the moment finished sixth place in last year’s Le Al Von and looking forward to seeing the Italian have a strong race absolutely weli and I think this is Thor Bendix Madson from Denmark this is his first Pro Series race uh he’s his swim will be the telling factor I think today he’s a very very strong biker and Runner but if he has a good swim watch out for him today well yeah I mean he looked there was some nerves on that face that’s for sure but you’ll get out there and get the job done wearing M10 France lka from Germany and this is also his first Pro Series race of the year so got a couple coming in there at around about halfway into the year but this is lbl Deon uh Von D and we expect a great race with a very strong field today absolutely well she and number 12 is Matas Peterson also another Dane in the field this is his second Pro Series race he will second at this Iron Man 70.3 aladia Maya earlier this year so just building into his season nicely look for good things for him today as welli yep that’s right as our men are now the top Seas of lining up and they will bring the rest of the Men’s Pro field in to join our men right now Clon there is all smiles at the moment that will go away in a few minutes time when they start getting into a little bit of oxygen debt when they go from running into the water there about a 70 m run and then uh heart rates will be very very high as we get a an age group this might be one of the tri clubs you know the local Tri clubs guys just getting a a last minute photo there but they look very very happy they look very proud of themselves for getting themselves to the start line to the very very first part of this race and that’s always key to come here absolutely get here fit healthy and ready to go with a spile on your face W she if you can do that you’re winning yeah absolutely and uh when you go back and look at the we talked about texture on the water right now just a little bit of wind doing this and uh as you can see it’s not really much at all it’s around about 6 or 8 Ines of chop so it’s not too bad the athletes won’t have any problem navigating their way around this course Joe the swim course here they’re going to go out into the Bay of bisc they’ll do a couple of right-and turns down the canal down the Channel all the way into the boat ramp there so the long part of the race today is in the canal as they make their way toward the uh full gas bike ride and T1 as we go through our athletes here and just check out the faces now everything’s getting a little bit more on the serious side of things but you can see Gustaf Eden CL choosing the inside line of that course Roo Bogen there with the white sleeves you can see he’s got the very inside on the right side so you would imagine that these athletes are going to run down the beach and they will be chasing in a single line I bet you right behind Rico Bergen he is going to be the Target today yeah no he’s definitely there they’ve all got their eyes on him and his feet and look I think here we go with the women’s introd uctions female number one Emily morier from France this is a first Pro Series race she was second place at the Iron Man 70.3 Iron Man l v last year and in number F4 uh here we go is mar Lan Pierre from FR France uh this is a first pro uh race series race and seventh at the 2023 vinfast 70.3 World Championships last year K C just going through just a moment ago and there’s Maya stage neelson wearing female number six out there today Maya’s having a great race uh great races this year she’s seventh place in the Pro Series standings at the moment and she was second place in the IR man European championship in Hamburg right behind Jackie Herring yeah that was a fantastic race yeah really great and here we are F7 we got Charlene clel uh from France this is her first Pro Series race she is actually the defending champion of this race so she’s got a little bit of pressure on those shoulders and hopefully she can come away with a win again wearing fa today CI kioa from Estonia the first Pro Series race for her as well 12th Place in the vinfast Iron Man 70.3 World Championships so she’s on a roll she’s ready to get the day started as well and F9 we have Pam Pamela Olivera from Brazil and this is her first Pro Series race an amazing swimmer short course background but has transitioned seamlessly to the 70.3 distance couple of Olympics under her Bel as well they wearing female 10 today from Germany is going to be Diana sorry Daniela Bill and Daniela is a great rider look at that she’s giving us the hearts out there and Daniela is number 23 in the point standings right now third place in the Iron Man European championship in Hamburg about a month ago as well so she’s in fine form and here we have f11 this is Laura Madson uh from Denmark this is her first pro serious race she’s the youngest pro in the field at the age of 21 so she can ride a bikes from what I hear well she so watch for her on the undulations of this bike course yeah coached by a father female 13 Julie Lolo from France 16th in the point standing six based in IM man European Championship Hamburg as well so you can see the the crossover between you know the ladies a lot of them doing the IM man European Championship picking up points picking up qualification slots for the World Championships they will be available here today as well this is the 2024 Iron Man 70.3 L saas Delon voni and we are looking at our start of the race coming up here very very shortly we can see that the men are getting pushed back on the line here Joe yeah no a little bit of hustle and bustle there getting themselves positioned um yeah they sort of came in through the front there so it caught a bit of chaos there for a minute but they’ve sorted themselves out uh the nerves are high and we’re not that far away from the the men’s start here today for the Roka swim course oh it’s going to be a good little tussle here underneath the Arch they’re sort of like looking at each other the elbows are going to be flying here and you watch this start as they they will push him back here the crowd will get pushed back in just a second as we anticipate the start for sure yeah I saw camworth there in the pink cap uh put him Center forward right in the mix so camworth uh won’t be uh won’t hold back at all and hopefully with this long run this long run he’ll position himself well and have a good swim cuz I’d love to see him mix it up with the pink hat there you can see just getting psyched up there’s ano go the tall figure of ano there is Clon Minon right there in the green cap in the other pink cap there you can see Gustaf Eden and Rico Bogen the oh sorry orange cap is Gustaf Eden now why is Gustaf standing on the second line he does this I’ve noticed this I remember at the world championships in 2021 when he won he was on the second line I don’t know but he’s picked some a good person to follow look it’s premeditated you know what he’s going to do he’s just going to run on the Fe Rico Bergen and try and get a good a nice slingshot uh out in the first part of the swim because he’s not he’s not the fastest swimmer in the world but he is tough and he can hang on there so I would imagine that he’s going to chase the tail of Rico today yeah especially with those run speed let’s hope he ailles is back to 100% cuz this running on the sand might might test that so for the best of luck for um for him today and gets through in a good good shape and has a good run yes exactly all right we’re 40 seconds away from the race start here we can hear the bells of this is getting very exciting with 30 seconds out who is going to take the early lead on the swim my guess is Ric Bergen sh is in there he’s a good swimmer as well and Gustaf Eden probably in the chase group or he will be in the lead group there for a little bit but it will be very interesting to see the start all right Joe let’s take a few moments to just uh silence up here and enjoy the sight of sounds of alone V and there away well she what an amazing start there watch for the P CAP of Yuri cluen he didn’t get much of a mention in the leadup but he was a late addition to the start list and if he if he’s on today he’ll be one of the guys on the podium for sure so 100% there you know that Yuri he had a great race in Singapore this year in April and uh just you know had uh a really good strong bike right which set him up for the day down there very hot very humid but today it’s the first race for Yuri back on the sideline he’s wearing number 53 today he will be starting as one of the favorites out there and Rico Bogen wasted no time getting out there in the start there you can see him there on the left hand side of the pack right now in the orange cap and the white sleeves in that wet suit there and you can see that the waiting was actually quite long there you can see one of the officials down there he’s about 25 M into it and it’s up to his knee so off to a great start here at Lon Von D with our men’s Pros our women’s are on deck and just after the break they will be getting their day underway here but it’s Rico Bogen the world champion at 70.3 leading the way here in France hey man do you have a non-alcoholic beard that taste good I think you mean athletic excuse me do you have have that great non-alcoholic beer out found it do you have a favorite non-alcoholic beer on the menu mhm Ah that’s thought like it is she’s [Music] funny oh God [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] this is the Bay of bisc here in on the west coast of France right now and you are watching the 2024 lasa de Von D this is the 10th race of the IM man Pro Series here in this year they are getting after that 1.7 million of bonus pool money that will be coming up just after the I man 70.3 World Championship in Lake topal in New Zealand on December 14 December 15th which will round out an incredible year there Joe a record setting year for Iron Man and Iron Man Pro Series as we anticipate the start of our women’s race yeah an amazing opportunity for these Pros to really uh get out there and race even more and race for some really great prives money so here we are in the Stars hands we’re not far away about 20 seconds from my calculations to the the start of the female race today here we go we’re lining up right now we can see that there’s maral angoli and also mayor stge Nelson there in the pink cab and there she is uh clavel in there the defending Champion they’re underway right now so our women are underway here in L and this the 10th race of the year three of the IM man races will count toward their point score in the bonus money and then they will round out with five total events so two IR man 70.3 is heavily waited on the IR man races here but here we go in the Bay of bis this is where the waiting comes in Joe explain the waiting and how much energy it takes in zaps your body away yeah absolutely you need to hold a little bit of energy back and the good athletes will actually make it look easy they’re actually just saving a little bit so when they actually do get to swim the heart rate isn’t through the roof and they can actually swim so here we go we’ve got I think we’ve got in the Pearly pink Cur that’s uh pink color that’s Cur uh and then pole in the orange uh and then I’m trying to see is in there in the green cap so yeah the some of the favorites that we sort of out before uh doing the job right now and maybe Moria there closest to camera um on the right of screen so yeah and off the back there I think that will be um BL in the in the in the neon uh yellow yeah Daniela BL not the not the fastest swimmer out there but a good one and she’s very strong on the bike we know that she will make a way through the field there we got the defending Champion that is Shan clel sitting in there from France as well so at the moment you could throw a blanket over the field but that will break up as they make those two right hand turns before hitting the channel there but leaving the race right now right up there is melene Pierre from France and there is Maya stge neelson in there from Denmark with the Pearly pink cap there in the orange cap as well Emily marier and Pamela olera so there’s Pamela from Brazil she’s a great swimmer there Joe yeah that that’s in the green cap I think we have Olivier uh from Brazil um which as we talked about earlier an itu background very very good swimmer but in the silver cap I think I’m going to put my neck out here that’s Julia amelo uh the French lady uh in the silver cap she was one of the ones without a cap cuz I can pick her stroke so if I’m wrong I’m wrong well she but I think that’s Julia well that’s great well being a Coach Joe it’s it’s important to know your athletes strokes and uh let’s talk about the stroke right now because this is a beautiful Open Water Swim style Joe I love the way that they come out of the water about every sixth or eighth stroke or there it goes right there and navigate make sure that you’re you’re drawing the fastest line and that is between two points there straight between those two buoys they’ll turn around at the Reds and then they’ll hit the channel there but this is a beautiful Open Water Swim style it really is yeah beautiful and what a great vantage point for The Spectators here to get such a close look at the athletes here racing today uh and support them all the way and so yeah they’re into the into the channel uh and look that’s an amazing swim strike and just sitting in second there uh imolo I think would uh sitting there in quite good position catching the draft of the first place yeah exactly so Kate Karan right in there and uh so we were enjoying beautiful shots here of the West Coast of France right now you can see all the Hobie cats sitting up there on the wall there this is a big sailing area uh in France and as you mentioning Joe on the Roa swim course here the channel is uh you know also used uh also used for the you know round the world uh Yacht Race yeah the one I mentioned uh been going since 1989 so I think that’s actually the the men’s race uh to be sorry to be correct we uh just men’s race coming down through the channel through the channel so uh I think leading there in the in the purple would have been uh that the South African K yeah K he he’s a great swimmer he did this uh as well just recently and he loves to get out there and and swim hard and bike hard as well and had a great race just a few weeks back and as you can see he’s leading this group here now Joe right in the middle of the things there you can see that there’s a whole bunch of swimmers just sitting on the White Water picking up the draft picking up the bubbles and uh limiting the amount the work that they have to do and how much uh you know Savings of energy are they uh sort of going through right now it’s really hard to to know but I i’ wager a guess on maybe about 15 20% maybe not uh not like cycling sitting on someone’s wheel but you are definitely getting a big advantage and plus plus you can just follow the bubbles and not actually have to sight which is a big energy saving as well as long as the person in front is obviously swimming straight so you want to check now and then yeah swimming a little bit wide around that yellow buoy there a little bit of a current just heading in there you can see that they’re swimming into a bit of wind right now and the wind coming uh in the offshore uh direction from the Northeast at around about 4 km an hour so as our women now have made their way into the channel Pamela Olivera from Brazil is now taking charge yeah and uh yeah this is as you said the women have just made into the channel here uh Julie Lio uh in there I think in the silver cap uh orange cap I think that would be uh pole and we have Karen there in the pink and I didn’t quite see who was be that behind that but I think that’s the top four right now and no surprises with oliviera leading the women’s race yeah exactly and one of the race favorites May stage Nelson you can see there on the right hand side of screen just try to sneak into the shot there right now well we got our race underway here the 2024 IM man 70.3 Las in France and we’re off to a great start no little issues out there at the moment for our men none for our women we’re going to run off to a break more action from the swim after this you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next [Music] [Music] [Music] the Iron Man 70.3 L sa Deon Von D is brought to you by vinfast boundless together and by TR dot better training results in less time with fewer injuries you’d know all about that there Joe you’re a coach and uh what can you make of the uh swim stroke that we’re seeing by Nicholas KET right now yeah beautiful uh amazing swimmer obviously when you got Rico B in your wake you must be doing something right screen yeah just there we go sitting in third sort of a lounge chair um position there getting all the draft but not wasting any energy um wish I could swim like that fast absolutely look the really hasn’t broken up and this is sort of what we happen when you get to run into the water that long and then quite calm conditions in a wet suit uh you actually it’s really hard to get separation even when you’ve got such class swimmers as these three uh lead pushing the pace here today yeah also in there Andrea um salsburg he’s an Olympian from Switzerland as well so we got a great swim group Yuri kolin you would imagine’s up there George Goodwin’s going to be in there somewhere cam worth is at the back of this group which is great we’ve got a big group here Joe want to say there’s about 16 17 athletes in this lead group at this point of time so Nicholas kette you can see that that kick look at that little Valley in the back there in the lower back can you explain why why that is and I I do believe it’s because the pace is on when you get that dip in the back yeah no he’s really putting the power at the front of his stroke and he’s sitting really high in the water obviously the wet suit helps that but I think he would look like that in the pool anyway just cuz you’re really getting that good early catch in your stroke which keeps you really high in the water and obviously really good core stability as well and keep those hips high and on top of the water as opposed to swimming under it which is how we swim I think will she that’s right um low tide um we got a little bit of water just rushing out there you can see the uh the current is going out so swimming into a little bit of a a current here but you can see that the wind is also heading out as well so you know navigating is very very important they are in a canal so this it’s not going to be too bad uh as the athletes are now coming in there’s Pamela Olivera on our women’s side of things there just having a a good look at the front of the race here my stage neelson still sitting in fourth place Marshal Jolie from France right up there as well so this has been a good swim start from the Brazilians been on the podium before the 70.3 World Championships I remember down at PE down in Port Elizabeth uh back there I think it was in 2018 and she was fourth place so what a great result from uh you know from the Brazilian and she’s out there showing us exactly how to get things done today yeah and obviously recovered well from her win win at IR man Brazil earlier this year as well so to back to recover and come back and be leading a caliber of female athletes such as these is OB obviously she’s done something right and back racing very quickly after her win yeah exactly so uh as they make their way through now let’s take a listen to the sights and sounds of v and we’re back with the women’s race here again Pamela is leading the charge she hit the sand once they hit the water she pretty much um made her um move and sat the set the pace at a very high rate very early on so but she’s brought with her from what looks at least five other women right now and it’s like in the mens it’s really hard to shake them once you get to this part of the course and in such flat fast conditions yeah start of the Year this year in pukan Chile which is a great race itself in January Joe I don’t know if you’ve been down to that one but it is I ionic and a lot of the athletes today after the race get to go out and Hike the 18,000 footer which is a bit of work after a 70.3 but uh it is absolutely gorgeous all right on the 19th the bay as well like you said she won the IM man Brazil it was a great time this year at 8 hours and 57 minutes but led the swim with a 5143 a good bike at a 447 ran a 313 so for the win but winning in a home country in the Iron Man gives you another set of confidence doesn’t it yeah absolutely the the Brazilians love to win in Brazil and uh yeah you’d see a lot of like Ronaldo kuchi and those um and other athletes that have from Brazil try and win that uh coveted Brazil title so she added her name to that list earlier this year okay great let’s break down Nicholas swim strr here look at that left hand and the right hand it looks like it’s a flat entry uh you know in those hands there is that an issue or is it all under the water that we’re talking about yeah it’s really hard to know uh from this angle what he’s actually doing but I just love that he’s not actually pausing out in front he’s really just getting the hand really aggressive entry and grabbing water and then pulling it back and really for Open Water Swimming you can’t do much more than that he’s pretty much reaching for that water right out in front so like you say he’s not wasting any time in the catch uh in the in the catch phase so let’s take a look at this running through the transition there the athletes will face this under the r Banner they go up onto the dock there we’ve got some of the big Maxi Yachts there Joe yeah no what got a great capture here to get a idea of what the athletes will encounter very very shortly so as we finish the Roa swim and then we’re coming into the Roa finish Arch and up the ramp here into T1 this is going to be a nice little challenge for the athletes getting out of the water cuz it is a little bit longer run then they’ve got the ramp as they go up they’ll grab a little bit of a snack or two get some water in there as they make their way through the bags grab their bag make the change head down into transition this is T1 they will grab their bikes but they will strap their helmets on before they take the bike from the rack and then head out to the Mount line and then they are off onto the 56 Mi or the 90 km by cors here 600 M of elevation out there today Joe it’s going to be a great day yeah don’t forget about that 600 M of elevation nearly 2,000t of elevation gain that’s that’s not um something to Discount and I think we’ll see the stronger Riders really capitalized on that so the guys like camworth uh CL very strong on the Hills so watch for those to make a move on the bike course today I wanted to ask you that question you were a strong cyclist in your career as well you’d come out just with a little bit of a deficit out of the swim but little bit like uh I put you in the in the same sort of Realm as camworth right so get it out around about 45 seconds minute maybe minute and a half down out of the swim but the tactics that you have to employ uh is it that you’re riding at your own power at your own pace or you just trying to catch up to the group and get in contact I race most of my uh career without a power meter I used to go until I catch up and whatever that meant bleeding out of the eyes that would be I’d want to get back to the front because that’s where that’s where you get that surge of energy and adrenaline and you want to be in the mix you don’t want to be chasing all day so I used to try and Bridge it a little bit too quick probably but sometimes it worked sometimes it didn’t all right great overhead shot of this wonderful region here in voni and it is a nice day to be racing that’s for sure we’ve got beautiful overcast conditions at the moment we’re expec expecting low 20s out there or in the 70s today Fahrenheit but at this point of time as we overlook this beautiful Marina at Las Al VD we can see the Nicholas KET from South Africa is our swim leader he is leading a great group of Swimmers at the moment we know that Gustaf Eden is in there we know that camwf is on the tail end of this group and KET now is just putting the hammer down now the beat of the kick there Joe you start out at a six be kick in the very first part of it you reduce it down to four and then it comes down to a two beat crossover kick now you can see that the legs are moving at about a 4 beat kick here he’s got his shoulders up out of the water he’s got 15 M to swim before he heads out what’s going through the arms and the legs of this young man right now yeah he’s really brought in uh brought on the afterburners here to really and managed to get a bit of a gap on the other athletes he’s just bringing a bit of blood flow into his legs so when he stands up in the on the pier very very shortly uh he’ll be able to run and uh get going uh without too much lag there so here we go Nicholas KET uh this is his third time he’s LED out of a 70.3 men’s leader in the Roa swim course from South Africa what an amazing swim by Nicholas KET yep Nicholas KET first out of the water today and then we got a fast finishing group of athletes there you can see running up onto the dock right now the wooden dock uh is around about 150 M long then they’ll make that leftand turn let’s go over to the waho element rival the swim time today 20 minutes and 2 seconds Joe 1.2 mil 1.9 km how fast was that that’s ridiculous and yeah obviously not much of a current to speak of wel she when you’re swimming nearly under 20 minutes these guys are just getting faster and faster and faster you can see he would he he basically attacked that from the very from the gun and was not holding back amazing swim look this guy let out chat NOA with uh by himself he let out it Boulder 70.3 he dropped the likes of Sam Appleton who’s one of the best swimmers in the sport this guy can swim and he’s uh yeah not waiting not waiting for anyone even the reigning world champion uh Rico ban uh was no match for his swim today not at all Nicholas KET leads out 20220 goes over to Johannes Vogel from Germany Rico bgen from Germany in third place at 2011 then it was Andrea salisburg there they go into the transition area off goes the wet suits then they will put their numbers on their bike shoes and the helmets will go on as well they’ll put their wet suits back in the bag and that is the rule there is Gustaf Eden just coming out of the water now then there was Mar Cheri from Italy Paul Schuster up there in the swim William Evan from France was right there and one of our favorites Yuri kulin of the Netherlands yeah separating the first 10 was only 25 seconds well she so that was a very elite uh group of swimmers there but not that far behind were the next group uh and that did have uh the likes of um uh CL and Gustaf Eden we saw there there so and gustoff we know he can ride a bike so look with such a fast swim uh the gaps are always going to be a little less and this is uh shaping up for a very exciting bike ride very much so as we see KET now getting to the bike first he’s in a real big hurry because he wants to get a a little bit of a lead out there you can see the number just flapping around there but at least he’s got it on there and we can see him running toward that uh transition area now Joe this is a really long transition area how much uh energy is going out here and do you have to you know sort of crank it back a little bit and save it toward the end of the day or is Nicholas just giving it everything to establish a big lead look you just got to hold a little bit back you got whatever you do you got to keep it relaxed it’s a chance to sort of take a few deep breaths um but really if you’ve gassed yourself on the swim it’s really hard to actually run that far so obviously he was still holding a little bit back cuz he looks fantastic running through transition there and it was as you said a very long run so here he jump very nicely onto the bike uh gets his feet he’s already got the rubber bands there they’re about to snap as he turns the pedal starting off in a big gear yeah very surprising I thought he would started off yeah well he’s a big lad but would have started off in a little gear there to get that spin happening a little bit quicker and get up to speed but he um he put on a couple of seconds to johanes voger there was about 11 seconds there in transition there Joe and then Yuri kolan he’s had the best transition there he’s at now in third place Rico Bogan lost a spot and there Chelli so what a great transition by Yuri kolin yeah he maybe uh used his running uh press there to really put himself into a good position as you jump on the bike because you’ve got 10 guys it’s nice to actually get on the bike at the front of that pack so you don’t get caught up in all this which we’re seeing on screen right now uh it’s just an accident waiting to happen sometimes when you got nine guys all trying to get on the bike at the same time so Yuri K pushed it a little bit through transition positioning well and now he’s in a great position to try and get bridge that Gap up to Nicholas KET so this is uh this is a good little stat for you uh you know going out in first place obviously was KET from South Africa but Joe uh clont Min is 27 seconds out of the water um and then he’s now 42 so he has lost 15 seconds in transition so let’s go across to the top three fastest transition times brought to you by Morton today Yuri koland 248 KET 250 and there was Gerber at 250 as well yeah that as you said there’s a very long transition um but uh very very fast by the Speedy Yuri Clen there who managed to get himself into a great position as they start on the full Gaz bike course and here we are back with the women’s not much has changed since we last saw them wel no zero change there uh Joe and you can see that Pamela Olivera looking very very nice she’s in a really good Rhythm there mayor stage Nelson sitting in fourth place nothing has changed at all on the women’s side no and here we go the trailing men are now coming down to mount the bike uh making sure they go past that mount line right there where the officials are standing and they’re quickly onto their bike some doing it better than others and here we go quite a technical uh exit from transition they got to make a leftand turn and then it straightens up pretty quickly so they need to be careful here that they’re not encroaching on the other athletes base um but soon as we get open roads they’ll space out um nicely Nicholas man was in 11th one of your favorites today there was Paul Schuster going out in 12th and Matias Peterson having one of his first pro Racers out here today in 14th and then Gustaf Eden was down there in 18th George Goodwin was uh down there in 20th Place so no sign of camworth inside of the top 20 thus far yeah and cam would be disappointed with that I think um I think you this is actually only third 70.3 he’s done numerous IR man events but he’s he said actually in a post earlier this week that he struggled to make uh sort of hit it right at the 70.3 distance but Iron Man obviously very very uh successful but he’s hoping for a better day as we see the women exit the swim here today on the Roa swim course so here we are in the the Pearly pink that was Pamela olera getting out of the water there first and two seconds in a rear was Louisa LNA Pratt from Italy and then you got Caroline Paul from Germany Kate Karen from the UK Julie Lolo from France all separated by eight seconds yeah there wasn’t much in it there but Pamela Olivera was the the leader there in in the women’s race today at the roko swim course but here we are the women uh oh here we go looking at the Wahoo element swim split 224 for the 1.2 or 1.9 km swim and that was by Pamela Oliva so amazing swim speed uh 2 minutes lower than than the men’s which is nothing at all so obviously amazing swim here today from our athletes yep 2 minutes and 2 seconds as they hit that long transition run right now yeah no this is a very long transition and they have to and this little ramp up to the red carpet area where they will grab their gear bags and then quickly uh change uh strip their wet suits down and put on their helmet shoe and sunglasses and then make their way to their bikes I would say as a guess that all these women will have their bike shoes already attach their bike so all they’re looking for here is get the wets suit in the bag helmet on and sunglasses on some of them even have a visor on their helmet so is that TTL on the back there talk to you later it might be I’m not really sure think it’s this Triathlon life there’s a free plug but I know I know there goes Pamela Olivera right now from Brazil just heading out to the bike ride right now 2204 on the swim yeah no amazing swim there she looked back just to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything uh but she’s quickly making her way to her bike uh where she’ll quickly get to the Mount line where uh she will then get out onto the full gas bike course the other women have her in sight uh bit of a gap uh now there seems to be a gap from that fourth or fifth place and we’ll get back to you on who that is but we can see over the over the fence there some of the females that lost a little bit of time but within about 30 seconds I think where the Gap was at last um check so here we go we got um still with pamel the Brazilian P Pamela Ola making a well way to get her bike from her rack here uh so just to recap the the top 10 so Pamela ala uh we have Pratt we have Paul uh curan lamelo Pierre 30 seconds back from Alo uh we’ve got kuger uh coming out with Pierre and and Madson uh down at 107 from our lead P Olivera and further back another 20 seconds back we’ve got Maya stage Nelson so watch for her she’s in great form and a very very strong bike and Runner so definitely keep an eye out for her so here we go Ola been overtaken there on the very first part of the bike ride and you can see that uh the big change there for me uh is going to be Laura Madson there Joe she’s is very very young the youngest in the field today she’s only 107 down but Maya stage Nelson I thought that she would have been a little bit closer than that but she’s got a bit of room to make up but look out for that young Laura Madson from Denmark yeah definitely watch especially through the hilly part uh she’ll really do well over that hilly section of the full gas bike course that’s Caroline Pole from Germany who made quick work on uh getting onto her bike uh here we see her putting her shoes on and here we jie from France is hopping onto the bike right now there we go nice little clean transition there just hopping who actually came off there a little bit so not so clean as uh put the foot down there to get going again it’s a little bit tricky now Joe explain why the athletes have their shoes on their bike instead of just running out with their shoes on already well one it’s hard to run with cleats on the bottom of your shoes um but also you can actually put them on while you’re actually making forward progress on the course so you can get the bike up to a decent amount of speed whatever you’re comfortable with maybe 25 30 kilom an hour um and then you can actually on a straight smooth bit of road you can put it on so here we go with the Morton top three transition times we’ve got Krueger in 303 we’ve got pole 307 and current 310 so not much uh separating those top three times as we look here with margalene Pierre um starting out on the full gas bike course you know mareline lost quite a bit of time there in that transition um you know getting up to speed there I was very surprised but uh anyway let’s get back to the leader of the race here this looks like Yuri kulin and if um if I stand correctly he he is a very beautiful bike rider and look at this he’s just got so much power that he’s putting through the bike at the moment but look at the urgency on Yuri right now as he now makes his way past Nicholas caned so Yuri hasn’t raced since Singapore April and that was a great victory for him down there he was actually quite ill after that race but he um doesn’t seem to have wasted any time getting back to the front of the race course in his first race back no he’s made what that 19 seconds Gap he’s uh really blown by leader very very quickly and he looked like he’s on a charge and this guy to know is probably the the strongest Runner out there with gustoff Eden not at full health right now this guy is probably our fastest runner so for him to put on this much pressure this early he’s obviously feeling pretty good today on the bike yeah I like the um I like the idea of um you know someone like Rico Bogen as well Rico he’s so young he’s he doesn’t have the experience of a lot of the other guys out there but he’s very mature for his age he’s a world champion at 22 years of age from Germany so let’s see how it unfolds here in IR man 70.3 L de alone voni this is the full gas bike ride we’ll be right back for 12 years for 4,300 83 sunrises across millions of mornings we’ve been working to make one thing better this ag1 is foundational Nutrition a science-driven formulation to support whole body brain and gut health with just one of these or one of these once a day welcome to foundational nutrition welcome to ag1 start at drink a1.com [Music] w well we’ve just left the west coast of France at Lea Alon voni now in the swim there in the Bay of B in the Atlantic Ocean now we swap it over to the bike ride and we are going to head for the hills as they say this is Yuri kolin from the Netherlands just overtaken Rico Bogen there these two will set the pace on the bike today they are definitely two of the stronger cyclist out there watch out for cam worth he’ll be setting the this uh this on fire as well but these two athletes here Yuri kouan and Rico ban the class of the field on the bike here today are getting the job done early and uh Joe over the last couple of years you know IR man 70.3 well definitely IR man used to be a test of survival a test of nutrition pacing and everything right now but over the last few years these athletes are absolutely r in this they’re around about 90 to 95% of their their Max at the moment just trying to get up to speed mareline Pier here as we can see just uh heading to her bike right now wearing female four there we can see it just uh heading over there out of the water just a little bit down on the rest of the field yeah it’s quite a surprise uh our champion from last year in in the IR man um she won uh Portugal IM man portug to see her for this far back obviously something’s gone AR Right In The Swim so not a great start for her but uh she’s in France and she’s French so she’s going to H keep oh this is a seeing a replay okay we’re seeing that makes a lot more sense just getting a replay there Joe of uh what actually went wrong there and uh she just got on the bike and couldn’t get the right shoe flipped over in time that is when I asked you the question about why they you know have these shoes on there you got to practice this stuff in in you know outside of a race make sure that you know the the the shoe doesn’t flip over uh you know automatically like that make sure that you start off in a gear that you can actually get up to speed with so these are the things that you have to you know learn and and teach yourself you know on um in U you know training so all right we can see that race Ranger is on there as well and uh this has been a great system for our athletes to know where the you know the draft zone is and and the and the rules of the road you got 12 M out there as we go back to the front of the course right now Caroline Paul from Germany just having a good old day out there at the moment look at how beautiful that helmet sitting in the shoulder blades and it’s all matching the outfit too it does very matchy matchy you know she looks fantastic riding that bike uh very well set up there and look really put the made a big surge uh to jump onto the bike uh first and basically is uh right now leading the way here in our women’s field and uh this woman can really ride a bike so fantastic riding so far and we’re looking forward to that down let’s have a look at it where are the hips sitting and the shoulders in the right position you can see that she’s Towing the the pedal there as she’s got company in the uh in the rear as we can see that the handlebars are out there but she looks like she’s in a great spot yeah it looks like she’s got company though so it’s we’re definitely in the the flatter section of the course so it is actually uh a little bit hard uh to get away on the flatter section CU you’re already going uh 40 plus km an hour so uh we’ll see what happens when we hit the more rolling undulating part of the course but right now she looks super smooth comfortable making sure she’s getting H hydration in um and make sure you get on that early wel she cuz you don’t want to forget about that because that’ll come back to haunt you later in the in the race yeah correct you got about 10 kilm on the front end and the back end of this race who is actually quite flat we got the Rolling Hills in the middle we spoke about the 600 M elevation gain out there or around about 2,000 ft of elevation gain throughout the whole bike ride today that’s 90 km or 56 mil so that you can see uh you know Caroline right now is riding in a really nice I really like her position she got that flat back and the you know she doesn’t quite have the 90° on the arms out there but you can see that it’s got a she’s got a very long um you know uh top uh tube there you can see and where the stack is on the front there the elbows are sitting yeah just a little bit extended from 90° but it looks pretty comfortable for her and the legs are just turned around nicely yeah I think it’s very what we’re discovering now it’s very individual people’s bike fits some people like you can see she hasn’t got much of a drop so from the saddle to her bars isn’t that great but she’s got quite an extension so I’m sure these athletes are now wind tunnel there’s other ways to test your aerodynamics and they’ figured out what works for them and what’s actually sustainable throughout a 56 mile time trial or they hold the position for 112 they do the IM man distance so it’s really interesting to see the different uh way that people the athletes go about it and really depends on the athlete they might have longer torso longer legs really it’s not one sort of um bike fit fits all so uh but everyone’s just looking a million dollars on their bike these days it’s just getting the professionalism of this is just going up and up and up exactly and as we look at our top four in our women’s race right now we can tell you that Caroline Paul is riding along very very nicely Pamela Oliva Louisa LNA Pat Kate Karan from the UK a good bike rider as well look out for Nikki Bartlett she’s a great cyclist and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she gets out there and you know Rockets right up there into the lead group here soon but uh right now Caroline Paul being told to go left there we can see the official out there doing a great job there just uh making sure that our athletes are heading in the right direction as we now just uh hit the outskirts of town we just about to get into the nuts and bolts of this race as the ladies are now just hydrating here this is very important to get that hydration in before they they hit the hills and getting into their pacing so the top four is really um split it looks like it from that Long Long View there you could you couldn’t see anyone behind um but you got to think that’s maybe only about 15sec segment as well so there was about a 20 to 30 second Gap um from I think that fifth place in the swim so these four women have sort of established themselves as that front pack um and uh we’ll see what happens through the 17 km first checkpoint uh which is coming up rapidly at this pace age group athletes getting out of the water coming out first overall in our age group was benir lafuma from France and then also clemont des and Michael M and David M coming out and Jimmy couton uh it read about 23 minutes and 37 seconds so around about um 3 minutes and 35 seconds down on our fastest Pro out there today but you can see that the first 10 athletes uh first nine athletes actually hail from France and the 10th athlete that is brown Phillips from Belgium so that is your top 10 male age group men out of the water here today so congratulations to all of those men out there we can see that in our women’s right now that we don’t really have anyone out of the water yet but we’ll be right back after this short break we’ll get you up to speed right then your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the VIN fast yeah it’s got 402 horsepower all real drive over air updates and a 10year unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for Joey introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike courses from the Iron Man Pro [Music] Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at fullgaz [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Iron Man 70.3 lasa Alon Von D is brought to you by full gas real roads Real Results and by Precision Fuel and hydration personalize your race hydration with Precision Fuel and hydration well back to the action here Joe we have uh Paul here from Germany leading our women there with we got four women in our lead group then we got about four women uh sorry men in our lead group as well so we’ got some nice little early breakaways here as we make our way outside of the outskirts we’re still on the flat roads right now we got a few turns on the narrow roads of France here and as you can see there it is nice out there great racing conditions overcast Skies low temperatures low wind fast action yeah no definitely great racing additions here today weli but yeah definitely we talked about position earlier look there’s there’s no point um having a great error position if you can’t actually get out of that position and go around corners like she that we just saw on screen cuz that’s really part of it especially in these European races you see a lot more uh technical ability needed so um we’re losing a little bit this might be one of the sections where we might lose a bit of the stream but uh here we back with the women’s leader uh Paul who’s making it look effortless right now leading the women’s race yeah she’s leading it doing well at this point of time there just uh in side of the first 10 kilm of the bike ride today we’re looking at the men Breaking 2 hours and the the women just over 2 hours on the bike here today we can see the pole leading from Ola there’s the Y up Pratt from Italy as well Kate Karan is right in there but then there is The Brak so we got four women up in front there’s Lolo from France there’s Krueger now moving up into sixth place and down one is M Pierre there’s morier from France there’s Laura Madson the young 20-year-old from Denmark and the defending Champion there is Charan clavell now coming up into the top 10 and mayor stage Nelson falling out of it yeah that’s really interesting to see but yeah definitely keep an eye on Madson there in ninth 107 down at this point in the race uh watch for her to make a bit of a move up into the top five as we hit the more undulation part of undulating part of this course and here we see I think we’ve got Yuri cluen there making some adjustment on his bike shoe as he makes a sweeping right hand and leftand Corner uh making that look really effortless uh and but we still looks like we got one two three four five look we got five male athletes got you saw a six okay and there’s seven just coming around the corner there’s eight just coming around the corner there’s nine we’ve got 10 this is a very nicely strung out group right now and we got to constantly remind our viewers today there Joe that we do have race Ranger now race Ranger is a system that Det protects the draft Zone and the draft Zone in these races here at the IR man Pro Series is 12 bike lengths now if they’re at 12 bike lengths they’re at a legal riding distance now if they come inside of the legal riding distance it will flash red which means that that person has to do an overtake now when it goes out to Orange and when it goes out to Blue they’re in the legal distance it goes from 12 to uh 15 and then 15 to 17 and then once it’s orange or blue not a problem at all but now they hit the hills here Joe this is where it gets yeah no that’s where it really comes into play is the race Ranger because with the undulation if the first person hits the hill the person behind may start to move up into their Zone and that’s where the lights are a really good indication of that and look at these guys are professionals um they do fantastic without it but it’s just another great uh use of technology to really help the athletes have a clean and Fair Race uh and actually what what will be interesting coming into later in the race when you get a little tired a little dehydrated M calorie deficient that’s when you make silly Decisions by having those lights hopefully you can stop any of those uh drafting incursions uh happening and back here with our women’s leader carolene Paul from Germany yeah doing a great job of it today and uh yeah Charlene clavel now making her way right up into the lead group right now you know that she’s the defending champion and wanting you know to get back into the defense mode there but she’s overtaken by one of our other athletes here we can see that Emily morier she’s having a good race so far as well so the women’s race here is looking great look at these little passes you can see the race Ranger on the right hand side there on that bike they’re flashing red and that’s exactly why Emily has to make the uh the overtake yeah no she’s doing that fantastically it’s really interesting to know that uh this lady on screen clavel was actually a uh handball player until not that long ago she played at a top level for 10 years so has obviously made the transition riding a bike very very uh quickly and seamlessly and making it look pretty athet out there well that’s just signs of a great uh great athlete there so as we see that uh we are now getting some of our age groupers out of the water here we can go over and start talking about our race index today powered by Tri do through a new partnership with tri do Iron Man is able to provide triathletes and coaches and overall course rating for all ironmen and Iron Man 70.3 events worldwide triot has used data intelligence assets and 100 Point index to provide the data for today’s race index Power by Tri dot a course varies dramatically based on its terrain and climate as well as the athletes physical profile and performance ability so Tri dots race index gives athletes insight into these and other distinct aspects of each course specifically as it relates to their personal performance ability and body composition so let’s take a look at what the athletes are facing out there with today’s race index there Joe it’s a it’s created by Tri dot it measures a triathlon’s difficulty on 0 to 100 scale and we can see out there today we have a score of 27 yeah so scale of uh score of 27 obviously it’s pretty good fast racing editions which we’ve talked about already today uh means the the temperature is not too hot um the the wind’s not much of a factor uh the elevation gain again isn’t um going to be com to much of a play uh so and same with the Swim Bike and run it it takes into account that so really putting AI to the to good use here to um work out uh what um the course is sort of in store is in store for the athletes and they can compare uh how they’ve gone on other previous courses uh and maybe be aware that if they don’t do their best time it’s because it was an index of 80 as opposed to today a 27 yeah exactly and we see that the 27 being uh yeah one of the nice races out there and it has been affected that score by how really nice it is out there with overcast Skies temperatures not too bad it is hilly so uh that’s where it does come into the the factor there and it does bump it up a little bit all right that is your Tri dot race index today let’s get back to the action right now Yuri koland of the Netherlands is still leading out here Joe Rico boen and Johannes Vogel from Germany are in contention there’s the early swim leader Nicholas KET he’s hanging on there very very well and there is salisburg Peterson Gerber’s in there from France as well there’s Nicholas man one of your favorites today clemont minion is always in every race and there is uh Mario cerelli From Italy as well so you got 10 athletes 14 seconds yeah what a great top 10 there and look the great thing is that all the the big names are 10 they’re all there no problems they’re all in the top 10 so it’s shaping up for a really great second half of this bike course but right now uh Yuri cluen really likes to just set the pace and he’s really happy out there in front setting a really strong effort right out in front on this full gas bike course yeah he was uh sixth place at last year’s Iron Man 70.3 world championship and you know he’s really coming into this year in 2024 with all guns blazing um a little bit of an illness after his last race in Singapore which forced him not to finish in myor yeah 70.3 but he’s back to his best all right here is Paul from Germany and she is still on the front and looks great she’s setting the pace here Caroline is at 25 minutes into the race here for her she is our women’s leader here in Von D France and we can tell you that um she’s got quite a few athletes right behind trying to have a part of it but there’s only really five athletes that are actually Four athletes within you know the 25 second marker at the moment that’s Pamela Oliva yna Pratt and Kate C from the UK yeah Julia is uh back at 23 seconds and uh yeah we’re um I’m expecting her to actually make her way back up into the top three she’s a very very strong psychist especially when we heal the hilly section of today all right let’s recap the top five in our women’s in fifth place right now is Lolo at 23 seconds Kate C from the UK at 5 Seconds there is en ogna Pratt at three Pamela Olivera sitting in second place at two seconds down but our early race leader is Caroline Paul from Germany and still looking the goods here is Pole from Germany uh looks pretty relaxed out there um doesn’t seem to be expending too much energy uh these women are at the very top of their game and and have obviously done their homework on this course and know that it does get pretty tough after this initial fast section uh starting start of the bike so conserving a little bit of energy looks like they’re going pretty quick down this downhill section but it interesting to see what happens when we start to hit a few more Hills and see if this actually splits up and if Paul oliviera uh curent uh LMO uh maybe starts to move the way up into the field and we’re looking like we’re into the to the tail end of the men’s field here yeah so going through 17 kilomet into the men’s race right now we can tell you that Yuri kin here sorry about the picture break up uh here today in in Von D as we get a beautiful overhead shot of this incredible region on the west coast of France we can tell you that Yuri coin is leading our race here we get some athletes in the age groups just coming out of the water and starting their race today Joe very important for these a age group athletes as well as they you know go for world champion um slots in Lake Topo coming up in December what a world championship that’s going to be I know it’s going to be a beautiful part of the world I’m excited for them to TR to get their shot at having their race there so yeah they get get to um you know swimm in Lake Topo which is absolutely beautiful did you know this is just a useless fact Lake too is about the size of Singapore wow it’s 160 km around there a bike race around just about so it’s a big lake it’s a gorgeous Lake and there’s about a quarter of a million trout in that Lake as well and uh also one of my favorite things to do I visited the region quite a few times is to grab a rental car head up one of the street dreams up the mountain just a little bit and throw a little fly out yeah there you go it’s one of the yeah the fly fishing capitals of of the world I think col too uh beautiful part of the world and excited to see the 70.3 World Championships there in December this year all right race Ranger doing its job right now there’s the flashing red light so the athlet is going to slot in once that athlete slots in it’s up to the athlete that’s been passed the soft pedal to get out of the zone and make sure that they are not in there there is clemont minion right now he is making a pass trying to get up into the lead of this race as well so here comes the young man from n France he’s racing in his home country today and what a great result it would be for him to take the victory in his home country yeah no that would be amazing and obviously very very motivated today and just made his uh way up into third position on the road today uh I sense that there’s maybe some heels or technical section coming up cuz he this is a that knows how to handle a bike and would know these roads pretty well and would have done his Recon on it and know where to position himself so we saw that that wasn’t by by chance that he moved up into the top three there cuz he knows yeah this is a chance maybe where he’s going to potentially make a move or there’s going to be some pressure applied from these front two yeah he’s raced here before he knows the area well and uh he’s just going to get out there and do what he can on the bike ride because he’s not the fastest runner just like you know Yuri Kuran or or Rico bgen and you know the likes of those AET and you know where is camworth we don’t know where camworth is at the moment but you know that he’s giv it a big shot out there to try and get through but he’s sitting in 19th position right now at 219 down so camworth is making his way through the field he’s now up into the group of Gustaf Eden and also to Madson so they’re great cyclist so they are 1 minute and 20 seconds down on the top 15 so I would imagine you know in the next 20 kilometers or so that we’re going to have a little bit of a change up here here’s our women’s leader however this is Caroline Paul from Germany and she is having a very very nice time of it right now now Caroline’s going through there with Pamela olera Pamela’s still sitting in there very well there’s Louis also Yona Pratt from Italy Kate Cen is still sitting right there in fourth position as well so you see a few of those little speed bumps out there Joe nothing really much to speak of they’re very well marked and they don’t really do much do they rat riding in Europe welshi like there’s plenty of things to to move your bike around so that’s why the Europeans handle their bike so well uh so as she takes uh gets out of the bars just in time to make that quite tight roundabout there and straight back into a rhythm uh making it look fantastic here today is poll from Germany Joe it’s all it’s also you know very important to keep heads up uh you know in these races in Europe like this with the narrow roads and the tight turns the roundabouts and you know roundabouts are used quite heavily in France as well just like Australia all right here we go we’ll get back to the lead of our men’s race at the moment this is Rico ban and Yuri kin so Yuri’s looking like he wants to you know maybe get back and do the pass here but wait still see that uh the flashing light on the back of R Bergen if it does start flashing it’s going to have to be a pass by Yuri kulin here so he’s going to have to be very careful stay outside of that 12 M Gap right now but you can see the police motorbike up ahead there Joe they are moving at a rate of knots AR they they’re absolutely flying and this yeah this would be a bad time to um go for the bike to flash red because passing at 50 km an hour plus is very very difficult to do so yurri Clen needs to be a little cautious he’s sitting right on the is that a blue or green it’s hard to tell from here but uh that’s a blue he’s good right now this is a great example of how this technology Works um so fantastic use of it and Clen sitting legally there right on the edge as um Bogen signals for him to come through and do some work I feel like Clan’s done quite a lot of work but Bogan says no your turn mate yeah I think that he’s uh just trying to you know clue him into and and also just trying to get him up there and just say Hey listen mate if we’re going to you know break away from the rest of these athletes here we’re going to have to do it together because these two are certainly two of the strongest cyclists in the field here today Joe outside of you know cam wor and and a few of the others but by the look of it they’ve got a little bit of a gap here at this point of time but going through one of the most beautiful areas of the bike course right now once they get outside of uh you know uh this vondi region it is absolutely gorgeous out there Joe and you know very very um rural the the agriculture here is high uh in this part of France as well so there’s Yuri kurin he’s got the blue line on the back of Rico Bergen doing just fine as we see on the the graphic right now if you’re looking down there you can see that they’re just about at the peak of the Hill they got a descent coming up yeah looks like they’ve got a quick descent after this so quite a technical section coming up and then looks like they have a couple of uh short little sharp climbs before it sort of becomes undulating again before more of a from the graphic a gradual uphill to that 42 km uh Mark which is nearly halfway so here we see some of age groupers still making their way up to the transition quite a long transition took around 3 minutes for the pros to get through it today um so uh it’s quite a long one but very beautiful transition very well laid out and carpeted lovely canopy trees here in laa de Al Von as we see our male athletes now getting up toward that 25 km marker on the bike this is laa de we will be right back on the other side of this break [Music] [Applause] w Pamela Oliva was the early swim leader but she’s been overtaken on the bik by Caroline Paul who’s been doing most of to the PACE setting on the 2024 laon Von D race here it’s been been a great start to the race Pamela has a look around and you can see why because the flashing red light was going there and the pass is made yeah that was quite distinctive that pass not sure do we know who that is welshi that just made that quite aggressive pass to get we’ll get a good look at that but I would imagine it might be Kate curan there just going to the lead and really getting after it I mean you could see that Caroline sat up there but this could be quite dangerous cuz this uh this young lady here is on a tear as you can see that you know making a way through right now that was a beautiful pass and a great acceleration yeah no making that look fantastic um yeah we’re not do we have confirmation of who this is I think this CL clavel could be clavel she was riding very very well earlier when we saw footage of her so we’ll get confirmation of that shortly as we throw back to the men’s and here we have our closest to screen our current 7 .3 world champion Rico Bogen of Germany uh looking uh very very strong out there but he is yet to shake the the likes of about 10 other guys right now welshi so uh hasn’t separated as yet let’s get you caught up to speed on how the age group men are doing in the overall category it’s Arman luu from France he’s leading Hugo B right now also from France Luca Pabon and there is matis uh ly Suter is in there as well and quarantine flet in the top six of our age group category at the moment but let’s go over and take a look at our top age group women and out of the water we can tell you that our top age group women today was great swim by Morgan Ron from France and then also L pette El poson was in there maybe a husband’s racing as well and corly AR is in there from France so France top four positions in our women’s age group competition happening at the moment there is Caroline Paul she is one of our early leaders into the bike ride right now and I tell you what Joe she’s been pretty strong you know through the uh the first quarter of the bike ride at this point of time only one person’s been able to make the move yeah no she’s seems happier at the front uh made another surge to get back uh I think we may be sitting in first or second currently on the road but as you look back down the road uh she hasn’t managed to shake at least five other women as of yet so still looks very very comfortable doesn’t look like she’s actually made a move um but uh right now is sitting really happy on the front here in the women’s race all right well we had a chance to catch up with one of our favorites today in a Fighting Chance presented by Wahoo take a listen to this with Kate karum come on in I grew up just watching trons from my buggy from the pram saying go Dad and and uh yeah my brother did it for a while and I thought I can do better than him so I’ll do it too I naturally love running biking I’ve come to love I just didn’t do very much when I was younger I used to just dust off my bike couple uh yeah a couple weeks before a race when I was a junior and then hop on it and practice um but swimming I’ve done since I was younger so that should I guess be the most natural so two years pro yeah yeah it’s my second year yeah it’s going good yeah yeah climbing up rankings so this one is my third uh Pro Series race um got some good points I did two races in America the kind of the purpose of that trip wasn’t necessarily sort of for the Pro Series but I got some good points so I thought might as well continue with with the series and see see how high up I can get and maybe sort of as a bit of a tester for next year to see what points I can get from 703s and how much um of a difference during a couple of Falls might make for next year um but yeah just doing each race sort of as a standalone and then seeing where that gets me in the series um but no never raced here before by course is good yeah some very fast bits some of the back roads are a bit slower um but no I think I mean when you look at the start list I think the bike is going to be a really key element of the race there some very there yes a lot of Firepower that I think is going to be coming from the chase pack and they’re going to be chasing me down those roads so uh yeah I’m really looking forward to it it’s my first race in Europe of the season um sort of yeah when the stls came out I thought wow that’s a that’s a cracking field I’m really glad to put my name down for this one uh I think the whole course really I’m really looking forward to but the run I I like runs that are kind of long stretches um not yeah not too windy just long stretches get into Rhythm I think the bit over the beach obviously I think it’s 200 meters uh once so um yeah just got to keep Cadence up for that bit um but I think it’s important when you do races not to think about which bit suits you which bit doesn’t suit you you know you got to take the race as a whole and um yeah just push all the way around so today is an important day my there yeah 28 know like 28 today well happy birthday to you my dad didn’t know I have to say to this morning today’s my birthday so go well that was a Fighting Chance presented by woo and Kate happy birthday nice to be celebrating the birthday uh race week there and Kate Kate is out there having a great race right now as we get back to our men’s field here there Joe and and the men’s are really Ripp at here at the moment as we you know get to see the likes of Yuri culan just a moment ago and Rico Bogen and but this right now getting out there having a good day as well as you know there’s a lot of athletes in the top 10 that are really pushing the pace at this point in time but it’s a very undulating course out there in the middle and we can see that around about the 42 km Mark is going to be one of the highest points on the course and they are fastly approaching that so a little bit of climbing coming up might be a shake up in the field yeah look especially if they spent a few of their bickies early on they might be start to feel the pinch as you’re going to have to explain that too many matches spend your bickies okay we call that burning the candle burning the candle burning a match bis biscuits bickies very good I’ve been back in Australia too long yeah uh yes so if they’ve expended too much energy early on they may start to struggle uh as the bike progresses because obviously you can see from the profile here it does kick up and it’s quite a long sustained effort but we’re on screen with the Tasmanian fellow Statesman uh camworth who’s look looking at Splits he’s actually outright in gustoff Eden I think he’s ridden away from gustoff at this point and but he’s even splitting the guys at the front which by himself he uh obviously riding pretty well right now and he’ll only get stronger this guy you know he can hold this for an IM and some so this is nothing for him and like he was saying you know he really hasn’t figured out the 70.3 distance um I think it’s cam you just have to go For Broke and and just trust that you are one of the best this is Pamela olera from Brazil on the women’s side I think she was our early swim leader today and she is having a nice bike ride out there I was mentioning at the top of the show that in 2018 she was uh fourth place in the Iron Man 70.3 World Championship we call a Podium at World Championship top five uh it’s normally top three but um the podium there in the top five is a an an incredible achievement but right now she is very very focused after her victory in IM Brazil just um you know in may just recently yeah it’s not really that long but uh if you do all the right things and look after yourself and take the time you can bounce back and be racing within well it’s a couple of months now so yeah she’s probably back into the swing of things and feeling pretty good and today having an amazing swim obviously leading our wh swim um pack and now sitting up in the front group I think it’s a good time to talk about race Ranger because uh check out the blue um station lights so that means that they’re sitting in a position in between about 15 and 17 M which is absolutely fine you don’t want to be within 12 there is the red flashing light right now so this means that that athlete at the back there like uh pamel olera needs to make the uh the change but she’s moved out of the into the blue light again so you have to be very very careful about how you approach this and you know Joe it’s hard for me to say this but it’s easy for me to say this rules are rules and if you do have that flashing red light you need to make the pass yeah no I totally agree there Welsh she um look especially when you’ve got this technology right in front of you and you do have the option to sit one light back so the green the green is the safer so blue is your on the edge you’re riding that knife’s edge and you don’t know when it might turn red so for me I’d be sitting back on uh the green uh to make sure you’ve got plenty of space um so then if it does go into the blue you’re like okay I’m within uh that 12 M but but let’s be safe here especially on a straight bit of road like this um it’s really it’s you can quickly you pick you get a drink you you lose concentration for a second you can quickly roll into that and if you do roll into the draft Zone you do by the rules have to make that pass and right now it’s quite hard because they’re all strung out and they’re all right on that nice Edge so if you do go into the pass you can’t slot in you’d have to actually take it all the way through yeah that’s right so uh no slotting in there if you’re not uh doing the right thing so all right we’re going to run off to break here pretty soon but Emily porier from uh France is doing a great job today but they’re all chasing Caroline Paul from Germany we’ll be right back after this your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the VIN fast yeah it’s got 402 horsepower or whe drive over a updates and a 10e unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for Joey [Music] for 12 years for 4,383 sunrises across millions of mornings we’ve been working to make one thing better this ag1 is foundational Nutrition a science-driven formulation to support whole body brain and gut health with just one of these or one of these once a day welcome to foundational nutrition welcome to ag1 start at drink a1.com the 2024 lasa de v d continues right here get a good look at our age group men and women heading out onto the bike horse right now exciting to see here Joe what a great start of the day we got in the bay bisque right here in the Atlantic Ocean down the canal they swam up into the transition area quite a long run up into transition getting back here to the women’s leader this is Caroline Paul now Joe she’s only been overtaken here once uh you know this morning so we can tell you that she has been the one that’s been setting the pace and the other women are just not able to go around no not at all and look she’s known for her swim and bike combo so this is her hand and she needs to to play it uh I think there’s probably women that maybe could outrun her so she needs to put the pressure on it if she can’t break away at least hurt the other legs of the females um but here we we still got a pretty big group back there uh all sitting uh legally yeah got a pass happening right now you can see just going round one round two and uh just over there when it’s flashing red on the rear of the athlete in front of you that means that you have to make that pass there inside of 12 bike lengths it will flash red the blue is okay if you’re sitting behind the blue you just fine that’s in between 15 17 M but a leader up there on the road right now Caroline pole making it very difficult for our women athletes now Joe they’ve just started the climb there so this is where it’s going to get interesting Caroline might make her break right now you can see that right up there now it’s uh gone out to about 20 M there Joe so I think that our leader is on the Move yeah though the light’s gone so that means it’s yeah gone but beyond that 17 meter Mark and you can see that but uh yeah these women are going to try and keep her in check as long as they can but right now they haven’t got an answer to her uh surge here going up that slight incline yeah there’s Julie Lolo sitting in second place there yeah clel charene clel we got also Julie Lolo sitting in there wearing number 13 in there today Kate Karen is sitting there there we go we can see Julie Lolo right here from France she’s one of our favorites as well so she’s in a great position at this point of time Kate Curran from the UK we heard from Kate just a moment ago on a Fighting Chance presented by Wahoo and uh you know being the lawyer and two years into the sport I mean she’s doing just absolutely fantastic yeah as is that I think we just saw her go past them but here we go this is a replay of what we just saw earlier so really trying to put the pressure on as we hit this uh the the hiler stages of this bike course y the numbers on the back there just nice and tight there you can see they’re just making the the pass here for first place and uh not easy to do against someone like Caroline Paul from Germany who’s been the strength of the field so far you know getting out of the uh swim today she just really accelerated past uh you know Pamela Ola so congrats to her for you know just doing a great old race with this at the moment so just doing all the pace setting right now but Kate cin goes to the front yeah no she’s uh really put the pressure on there saw an opportunity to apply some pressure and uh really yeah uh taking the the lead from uh the German uh and yeah really riding really strongly through this uh L through about the 20 odd kilometer Mark of this bike exactly so new to the Iron Man North America circuit Iron Man Canada Ottawa part of the vinfast IM man North American series will take place on August 3rd 2025 in the heart of Canada’s national capital Ottawa offers the perfect Urban venue for a summer iron mare with miles of gorgeous cityscapes and warm Hospitality for both novice and season competitors so come experience cap the capital city Grandeur of 2025 registration is open and moving fast towards selling out so get on top of that the national capital of Canada Ottawa you don’t want to miss it Joe sign up now Absolutely I’ll get straight on after we finish this race okay so here we got the swed Rasmus fingon hot off his Iron Man South Africa win this guy is on great form this year and look his swim isn’t uh of the caliber of these guys up the front but his bike is one of the strongest out there and he he’s looking amazing out there right now and looking like he’s moving through the field very very quickly yeah we apologize for the picture break up right now using cell service obviously out there this is svenningsson and also uh cam worth was right back there as well like when you talk about two of the athletes that are riding well there is Cam Worth fenix’s right up there leading this Chase group and you can see that they are pulling you know quite a few athletes through here so singson’s in there camworth is in there and I wouldn’t mind betting that they are really really setting a fast pace right now getting off after our leaders yeah no when you got names like that in a group uh good luck hanging hanging on there so yeah this if these guys can hang on there we see gustoff Eden who looks like he’s hanging on for dear life but this he knows is his ticket to potentially getting back in the race uh when you got camworth and singon driving it so Marshal Pierre from France is having a a good time of it as well lovely little compact position on the bike here just really you know uh powering through you can see the strength just going through the pedals right there right hand turn coming up there what come on around that corner there there we go over to the other side of the road fully closed roads here in L Alon here on the West Coast of France as she makes her way uphill right now just getting out of the saddle having a little bit of a stretch but really powering those pedals yeah looking absolutely fantastic and after a little bit of uh mishap getting onto the bike she’s looking very very smooth out there uh man pugal 2023 Champion so she’s making her way back into contention today yeah a little bit injured at the um beginning of the season this year was mareline but um she’s back where she needs to be and that is in the lead of the race yeah fantastic she’s just really moved herself really nicely into a great position uh at this quite uh early stage of of the bike course so definitely uh burning some matches um bi bickies and and uh yeah put herself right up in contention and definitely is one one of the pedigree Runners out there as well so looking really good right now marjerie yes so maeline was 31 seconds out of the water Joe behind but she lost a little bit more time you know coming out of T1 maeline you know slipped down to 39 seconds but then after that you know losing in about another 10 seconds on the momentum um that she lost went to you know just couldn’t get that right pedal turned over but now she is just really put ahead down and um you know gotten after the piece here so like you said you know going through the first part of the ride here you can burn some of those candles as we say or burn too much energy but it it certainly looks like to me that she’s on a mission and that is to have a a solid bike and set herself up for the Run yeah I was lucky enough to commentate her win at IM man Portugal as this is exactly what she did she really um was very very strong in the bike and built up such a great lead that there was no way anyone was running running her down so um yeah obviously very very strong on the bike and even though she was at 30 seconds and change back out of the swim she’s managed to put herself right at the front of this race and uh looking for a a great day out there looking for a great day indeed is meline Pierre and let’s just go through and recap our top five right now so on our women’s race here maeline Pierre has gone to the front Caroline Pole from Germany sits in second Olivera from Brazil in third there’s Louisa yoga Pratt in fourth place and Kate curan rounds out the top five melan Pier just taking the pace setting duties at the moment as she’s now approaching that halfway mark there our men have just got approaching the 45 km marker as well so the men at halfway it’s going to be a big Shake up in the field when fingon and camworth really start uh you know powering it and around about halfway Joe you got the highest part of the course as well and then on the back side you’re going to have quite a bit of descending and Technical descents as well now being the Europeans little camworth the Europeans love these tight circuits and just know how to Corner you know going in and out of these corners but camworth being such a great cyclist I mean he was almost called up for the tour to France which starts this afternoon in this country so let’s recap our men’s top five at the moment so leading the race here we can tell you that Yuri culin has had the race all to himself at the moment Rico Bogen as well Johannes Vogel in third plays Nicholas canet our early swim leader in four and Andrea salisburg round out the top five in our men’s race Rico Bogen from Germany now leads the race he’s overtaken Yuri kulin and is now setting a furious Pace at the front like we said just a moment ago Joe this is where it’s going to go up and down we’re at the highest part of the course of the moment little undulations a couple of little Punchy Hills couple of little descents in these little Villages and that’s going to be the big difference between making up time and losing time this is Cameron WTH from Tasmania Australia australa almost called up to ride the tour to France last week but you know given the go-ahead and the green light to keep the triathlon going here in lasa the AL voni today singson sits up there in the uh the the front part of that group at the moment so svenningsen from Sweden is really setting a cracking pace and the likes of camworth can’t come around right now what do you think Joe yeah sitting there just like pacing himself hydrating and getting ready for a move uh possibly or look Cam’s one of these guys that likes to leave from the front we’ve seen him do that in cona a couple of times uh yeah if he was could could be up the front I think he would be but right now look why when singson’s riding so well uh his bike split in IR man AF South Africa earli this year was phenomenal so obviously in great great form right now so yeah he’s uh sitting in a good spot camworth and look these guys keep the pressure on like this they may ride themselves back into contention yeah Joe um at 17 18 km into the bike ride camworth was at 219 and I can tell you right now he has not made up any time Rasmus fenon right now in 14th is at 227 Madson from Denmark at 230 camworth at 231 Shuster at 232 so it’s really really happening up in the front part of the uh the group here today Gustaf Eden the two time 70.3 world champion and the vinfast Iron Man world champion is now sitting just outside of the top 20 and that is how it stands so the performance analysis on the bike here today presented by vinfast clemont Manan riding along at 45.2 km an hour there at last check and boy oh boy easy on a good uh time here today all right Yuri kand sits at the front of the men’s race Nathan Gerber and we haven’t spoken about too much lately he’s right up there in third place at the moment there is Rico Bogen and Nicholas man your favorites out here today clemont minan is still riding good and here comes a big pass yeah I think this might be Madson uh potentially on looks like clont oh clont Minon so yeah look look Got You Can Count there two four six looking about 10 guys uh maybe nine uh as we see kette uh drop out of the top top nine there but uh uh we got eight athet well is in there as well so here Joe in the top we got Nathan Gober and then also Yuri kouan Rico Bergen Nicholas man Clem Manon has just now come to the very front of the race for the very first time today Johannes Vogel is in there from Germany at 8 seconds and then at 9 seconds Andrea salvisberg from Switzerland rounding out the top eight is Nick Emy from Germany another strong cyclist there at 11 seconds but there is the gap 23 seconds now Matia cadelli from Italy has been dropped an early swim leader Nicholas KET is at 124 so he lost a minute really really quickly there so Nicholas KET just struggling just a little bit but mareline Pierre now is now taking it to the women out here you thought it was all Caroline Paul just a moment ago and now the young French uh woman from nce France is taking the risk at the front by really opening up a big gap here and this is a decisive move it really is well she look she’s really put the pressure on right now and look you can see the the stress in these other women’s faces like trying to go with her and are able to react right now look meline maeline was seventh at 70.3 World Championships last year so she’s no stranger to being at the front of big races and look this women’s field is second to none out car there just noticing a drop in Pace there just wanting to go to the front now that’s pretty important for Caroline you know being the early Pace at of Joe when it comes down to you know the tactics and the strategy and everything she just you know understands that the you know maral Lan could just slip off the front and just keep going yeah no absolutely agree uh so she needs to make keep the pressure on and if she feels like she could put the pressure on more than uh the other ladies then she will do so because majelan could if she could build up one up to two minutes that might be might be game over um so they need to be very aware of this and this is a sort of time when you’re approaching the halfway that those small gaps can be come very big gaps and all of a sudden they’re out of sight out of mind and then the Gap is just just sort of um really goes out so at the moment she’s still inide so they’re probably pretty happy but definitely feel like they’re under pressure yeah she’s just got a a gap of just inside of 10 seconds at the moment but it is a it’s a move that you know she really needs to get after now like once you’ve established a little bit you just want to keep on you know sneaking out uh a little bit more and more and more each uh you know kilometer as they tick by but carine Paul is doing a great job of just not letting that happen now she’s getting some help from behind as well this is the first time that this athlete has now overtaken Caroline and another person to do some of the pce setting yeah I think this might be the Estonian uh kaid kidi k y um but that her her pressure was shortlived as she’s being repasted again so these women definitely seem like they’re really under pressure and uh and that’s all because of mareline Pierre who’s really putting some uh really good power out at the front of this women’s race yeah you know um kidi Kia from Estonia is a very very strong cyclist so you know that Marshal a Pierre up the front is really working hard to establish that uh that Gap out there so’s the great action continuing here in L Alon Von D with our women’s race and it is heating up they’re uh at halfway onto the bike course coming up here pretty soon as we see another one of our athletes just uh exiting the water here and what a great scene of that is Fabian well done here today just Towing this athlete as well so heading up into transition area up the rep there you go a long transition here Joe this has got to be a little bit tough for Fabian as he makes his way up into transition yeah what an amazing job they’re both doing here out today um in in this French race um as they make their way through transition uh to get their their gear bags and faing will be looking for a fast transition and uh let get set up on the bicycle yep and they’ll have a special little area there we can see just heading around they’ll switch out there to a a customade bike uh in which the athlete will sit up front there and then fabm will be in the rear just steering around the course here got to be a tough course here for the both of them today yeah I think uh yeah maneuvering around some of those fast descents and and and tight Corners it would be definitely quite difficult but I’m sure they’ve uh done practiced uh many hours and uh fully prepared for this event yeah Fabian looks like he’s in absolutely terrific shape getting back to the start of the bike ride we can see a lot of our age group athletes here this is the back end of the field right now we get the leg over the bike there get that shoe into the pedal there just nice and easy does it there love and there we go little click on the right a little click on the left and just like that Joe they head out of transition this is the 2024 Von as Fabian now just heads out onto the bike ride there and we will be right back after this break you are watching this incredible race the 10th race in the IM man pro series of 2024 introducing the IR Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike courses from the Iron Man Pro [Music] Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at full gas.com you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next [Music] [Music] [Music] I man 70.3 Le sa Von D is brought to you by Morton get used to it and by ag1 better finishers start with ag1 ag1 great product there um Joe I know that you’ve uh had that product before and um great great for athletes of all shapes and sizes great for athletes doing Triathlon not just Triathlon but running and track and field swimming biking and everything else is very important to have great nutrition get into it and ag1 absolutely uh and correct me if I’m wrong but New Zealand company is ag1 yeah so yeah it’s a great product and I I love it too okay so let’s get back to the action here right now we got CL minion we got johanes vle we got Andre salisburg Nick right up there in as well Rico Bogen just having a great race today as you would expect look Rico ban at the rip old age of 22 years here’s uh definitely one to watch moving forward in Trion but let’s take a look at the full G bik course profile right now you can see that the Shaded area there that is where our men and women’s races are happening at the moment the 1742 and 72 kilm met markers have been highlighted because if you’re following along like Joe and I on the athlete tracker at IM man it’s really easy to do that you can go to the Google store or you can go to the App Store download the irmen athlete tracker it is free to download and then you can go in there and choose the RAC there’s multiple races on some weekends and choose the event that you want to follow along with and then when you get in there you can just hit their number or your favorite person’s name hit enter it’ll come up all of their stats of the day and all of their average speeds and they can even tell you where they’re going to be at next time Che I know it’s very very useful if you’re actually on course trying to find them it’s a long day watching an IM man or even a 70.3 so very very useful uh app to to make use of uh both from home and on course yeah you can see there Joe that they’re approaching the 50 km Mark and now Joe so they’re over halfway on the bike rod in our men’s division now women are coming up to that halfway marker so this is where nutrition really is going to kick in you know the ag1 Morton gels around out there found on Course and there is a nice long line of cyclists here you can see in our professional men’s division here they’re all getting after those very important points and every second’s matters here Joe so U let’s go and take Elissa dear and clemont M at a Fighting Chance presented by Wahu the couple from n France so you’ve raced here before Marain hasn’t raced here before do you any top advice for mareline how to attack this race uh I think it’s important for to do a good swim because it’s not easy with the current uh and also to to see in front uh how F so because if you do a good swim here I think much enough a b it would be would be a good thing you’ve been training in this with a world champion tell us about that yeah yeah with luy we made some training um that was really nice to show to re and Lucy the the landscape of N and the bik course for the World Champ and we are happy that she she had his slot for for racing so that was a amazing memories so going talking about the pro series clemon you’ve already got points on the leaderboard from Iron Man Texas yeah um how do you get on there I finished sh in Texas so it’s s my second Pro uh series i r uh Al race here and after I will be in Frankfort for sure and I up Zam beginning of September and after kod by youran you still to score any points on the pro series leaderboard but that’s because you’ve not raced any races yet yeah so what’s the plan where have you been we’re middle of the Year tell us a little bit about your journey this year yeah quite difficult beginning of the year so I hope to to swim well on Saturday and uh yeah I grow my fitness uh slowly especially on the Run uh because it’s always like the the key things when you are injured so yeah I just want to I think have a a good swim and just would be great to be with the other girls on the bik uh and this Run course nice and flat yeah nice for a fast runner perhaps yeah for sure yeah I’m quite sad to not be like on my top Fitness on the run because I always wanted to be uh fit and run fast here to like have a like a time but uh I think I will see sometime on Races you can do something like crazy so maybe I will run very fast but I will see I can I can tell you right now lovely catching up with mareline Pierre and cl minion that was a Fighting Chance presented by wo and Joe my favorite part about that was clemont sitting on the back of Maran Pier’s wheel well it goes to goes to show like how well she’s rid today she’s looking fantastic leading the women’s race currently uh so smooth on the bike um and just going strength to strength on today’s bike course well that’s right on Q because cion is now showing us his cycling prowess as he’s made his way through the tight streets here in the Von D region here in France this is absolutely gorgeous we can see that he’s Now setting a cracking Pace just over halfway on the course at the moment Nathan Gerber is right in there Yuri cooland still sitting in third place Rico Ban’s right up there Nicholas man they are all sitting in there in a very very tight group there and also Johan’s vle Andrea salisburg is hanging in there and so is Nick MD but Matia cerelli from Italy has now fallen off the pace as has Nicholas KET from South Africa he was our early swim leader and u he might be a little bit disappointed with that because he actually did last race out he actually hung in there for quite a while there Joe but uh clemont now is setting a cracking Pace yeah well Nicholas has asked a lot of himself he’s had a very busy race schedule uh also he’s playing he’s raced trom Blanc last weekend and now he’s in France he’s gone back to altitude he’s based in Boulder right now he’s done uh Chattanooga Boulder uh and uh St George so yeah it might be he might just be feeling the pinch a little bit so as a coach do you think that’s uh too much racing and too much traveling it’s maybe just the travel that’s maybe coming but who knows um but it’s yeah it’s always a risk with traveling racing that much and then traveling um so yeah right now he’s uh falling away a little bit but obviously felt great In The Swim and uh amazing swimmer and we’re definitely going to see a lot more of him in the future Joe going to ask you a question about you know coaching and you know what would you suggest to Someone Like You Know Nicholas uh you know just chasing the races and you know going from Mal trom blant you know it’s on the east coast uh you know of North America there and then over to France which is going to be 5 hours uh time changeing you know over the space of actually 6 days because they were on a Sunday and a Saturday race so you know six days they say it takes about an hour a day to get uh adjusted um and with a very very tough you know race schedule maybe too much maybe and also this is his first time from what I understand doing a chunk of time at altitude as well so and that’s all it’s a big stress on the body so it’s hard to actually recover uh as well when you’re up at uh 1600 M elevation so who knows he’s uh maybe this is we he’ll go back have a bit of a break and uh regroup in Boulder and then look there’s plenty more racing as we said it’s we’re halfway through the 70.3 IR man Pro Series so lots of opportunities to go well this is interesting cuz mareline Pierre got off the front there just a moment ago with about a 10sec lead or so but now she has been over and and you know as our other women are in the field here just having a great ride right now so you know that Laura Madson from Denmark the young Dean has now made her way to the front of the race and we knew that she was a great Rider coming into this but every race that she’s doing there Joe she’s improving every time out and don’t be at all surprised if she builds up a gap here on the rest of the field she’s going to need it you know with you know mareline in there you got Maya stage neelon in there as well great Runners you got clel the defending Champion Lolo still right up there Emily morier they’re still riding in a group there and Kate curan still not out of it and also Pamela Oliver the early swim leader today so the women’s RAC is heating up we got 10 ladies inside of our top 10 and then out onto the men’s race however a little bit different scenario happening and we got Gustav Eden is sitting in a very very stretched out position trying to get back to the very level that he was a few years ago we’ll see on the other side of the break just how Gustaf Eden is doing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the VIN fast yeah it’s got 402 horsepower all real drive over updates and a 10e unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for Joey [Music] [Music] the 2024 laa Deon Von D continues we are in the second discipline the swim has been done a little bit ago and it was Nicholas KET from South Africa that led the race and now we’re looking at the likes of camworth and Gustaf Eden Gustaf Eden sitting on second wheel up there interesting to note Joe that Gustaf has only been on disc brakes for about a month here he was riding rims Rim breaks there right up until then so probably one of the last Pros to actually switch over yeah I think we had so success so much success on the rim break bike and that bike in particular it was probably a hard switch but it’s going with the times and uh it’s no bikes the same though so he definitely for my mind looks a little bit more stretched out that he was on his older bike uh that might be something they’re working on I’m sure it’s faster in the Wind Tunnel but uh yeah that’s looks super aggressive for me yeah super aggressive I I actually like it I think that Gustav actually looks pretty relaxed on it um trying to get that head down there you can see that he’s bobbing the head down every uh every 20 meters or so just trying to get that you know aerodynamics tucked in there and and they they work tirelessly these guys you know in and out of the uh the wind tunnels and and trying to work on science in in the formulas of of not only nutrition but how the bike is set up and and what the best position is and it looks like they’ve done a great deal of work he works with his brother so they work very very closely together and uh and good luck to him okay we’re on the downside of the course at the moment so we’re just going down a little bit we’re declining we got a couple of little bumps to go got another three uh minor climbs coming up here pretty soon and then Joe it’s going to be a screaming descent down to the plateau back down to sea level and that’s where the athletes will then head out onto the hooker Run course but right now still a bit of work to do out here on the bike yeah no they still have plenty of riding left to do uh obviously quite a fast section of the course but then you can see from the profile they’ve definitely got a few few few more climbs to go with a few little pinches and then some sense but then as you can see that last sort of quarter of the bike through the 72 km checkpoint is definitely a net loss and so that’ll be a very very fast section of the course and will push up their average speed uh no doubt yeah clemont minion just on screen right up there in the lead of the race at this point of time Rico Bergen still sitting in there nicely we got goober right here on screen from France as well so the French boys are really uh you know making it statement right now and it’s you got to come and get us this is our country we’re going to defend our territory and clemont Mion he just loves riding the hills and if we can if we can just you know turn the clock back to September last year when we had the vinfast Iron Man World Championship in Ni it was he and uh you know Sam low that got off the front up there in the maritime Alps which is one of the most gorgeous Bike R that you could ever do in an IR man race and it was clemont minan that was really setting the pace now he was very excited because that’s his training ground that’s his training ground that’s his training ground and he really wanted to you know send a statement to the rest of the field you’re going to have to beat me on this course then on the second part of the by course wasn’t so friendly to clemont but he was right up there in a top 10 finish uh you know at the end of the day was was great and that came off another top 10 finish in cona in 22 so we’ll see what he’s got in store when he gets back to the Big Island this year October 26th put it in your calendars the vinfast Iron Man World Championship returns to the big island for our promen yeah and I definitely put that in your calendars a little later in October this year uh so we got it’s going to be about 3/4 of a degree cooler there you go well World Records on the horizon one day there Joe perfect the next yeah well it is it’s it’s a beautiful part of the world and here we go um folling Rasmus uh around the yeah we’re looking at RAS fingon he’s got he’s threw me he’s got Rasmus on the he normally has singson he can’t fit fixon I guess on your raceit so he’s definitely putting the pressure on but still they’re not able to claw any time back on these lead men right now so not at this point of time the the leaders are really riding well at the moment but The Big Unit from Sweden is doing his best he is pulling along cam worth with him at the moment as well so cam he might be getting after the last 20 km or so but right now he hasn’t been able to do anything about uh you know uh advancing his way past Rasmus fingon so that’s good news for those guys but honestly you know if they’re not going to get out there and do some pay setting of themselves uh Rasmus is going to you know do the majority of the work and I just don’t think that they’re going to make uh too much time so they’re going to have to get a hurry on here pretty soon yeah look I think uh camworth is uh lucky enough to sort of message you get in touch with him a little bit this week he’s getting ready for Victoria gustes in two weeks so this is a great uh welcome back to 70.3 racing and I think his ultimate goal is to get back to cona this year so Victoria castz in two weeks uh is really his aace I’d say this is just sort of like an appetizer uh to get him ready for that big one and get his qualification spot for cona yeah and then also Lake plet as well I think was on his calendar so we’ll just see how that goes in Victoria uh Gest up there in Spain uh coming up here in two weeks time but cemont minion he’s got his eyes focused on the sa Alon Von D right now and he is our race leader wearing number three today he is a great little athlete here hails from n France and a couple of top 10 in the world championships of late and the French I I got to say something the French two years ago were absolutely amazing in cona when you had Sam L you had Leon chavalier you had um you know clemont M and I also I think that you had Dennis chevel as well so there was I think there was four inside of the top 10 which was a Resurgence of our French because the you know the highest placed Frenchman right up until that day was Rene Rivera and he was fifth place you know back there in the 90s so good on the French guys they are really working hard at it and uh not only in the IR man distance but in the Olympic distance as well it was uh you know such a hard team to make for the Olympic Games coming up here in about 30 days time you know van Lou who’s an Iron Man 70.3 Champion missed the team but he be out there to fight another day in 70.3 distance races coming up here pretty soon yeah no I’ve always said that the French are very hard to beat in France and you’ve see you got the Paris Olympics obviously the French this the last couple years have just really uh risen to the top as short course racing but then I wonder if their surge in cona also coincided with the naming of the niece as the World Championships it just really lit a fire and obviously uh these guys know how to ride a a bike up a hill and down a mountain and um so yeah it’s amazing to see what depth they have over both Olympic distance and all the way through to Iron Man distance racing yeah men and women yeah n has been historical it’s one of the oldest standing races in the world as well outside of the IM man World Championship so yeah that’s probably one of the reasons that uh you know they have such great depth and they’ve also got a great development program as well all right look at the performance analysis on the bike here by vinfast Laura Madson is really tearing it up out there she’s riding along at 40.1 kilm an hour on average there at last time split so Laura Madson the young Dane is really having a good day out on the bike today improving from race to race and now showing the world that she is going to be one of these women that we’ll be watching over the next 5 to six years yeah she’s definitely made uh making her mark on the 7 .3 racing world uh at the yeah at 21 uh so obviously I think she only this is her first or second I second year of racing uh in the professional Division and really uh obviously very strong cycling background and yeah uh doing very very well so especially on on these the hiler course uh courses so definitely one to watch in the future and uh maybe later this year in topor in New Zealand yeah she’s only 21 years of age at the moment and enjoying some really good results uh you know this year she was uh second place in the IR man 70.3 Valencia in Spain last year she had a breakout year she was third place in Poland as well so let’s recap the top five in our women’s Pro Race right now leading the race right now is Laura Madson from Denmark mareline Pierre from France sits in second mayor stage neelson in third there is Caroline pole in fourth place and rounding out the top five is kioa from Estonia sitting in sixth place is our defending Champion that is clavel there’s Lolo still in there from France and they’re all still uh you know very very tightly packed morier in there from France there’s Karen and Olivera still hanging out so the top 10 right now all riding together but it is this young lady on screen right now take a look at this slowmo on the replay here beautiful uh pedaling action but being overtaken right now the red light flashes on the race Ranger behind Madson so this athlete here has to make the pass and then Madson just slips into second yeah no absolutely did the right thing there flash is red you got to go so uh look but all both these women at the front of the race are riding very very strongly but I’m really surprised that we got 10 all within eight 15 seconds of each other at this current point of the race and we’re over halfway so yeah these women have brought their aame amazing swim and now they’re carrying it through to the bike and yeah it’s going to be really exciting once they actually get to T2 well it’s two two D there Joe this is May stage neelson and also Laura Madson so the Danish athletes are really working with each other today and making sure that they keep the pace honest you can see that Laura sitting in second place here there’s Caroline Paul sitting in third Marshall NPS sitting in fourth place Kate C back there in fifth and you can see the long line just goes all the way around there it just Serpentine itself around these curvy streets of Western France right now this is the beautiful West Coast you know they don’t talk about it so much it’s just north of Bordeaux it’s a little bit south of cane and Normandy and and places like that but it’s a gorgeous spot in the world very big for sailing down here so it does get a little bit of wind yeah well we didn’t see much of that today luckily in the s morning no not at all but yeah definitely a sailing Hub uh in on on the world of sailing uh so yeah as they wind their way through these beautiful streets of uh France uh looking uh like they’re yeah keeping a nice distance here you can see the blue flashing there they’re in great great position and uh riding very smartly right now breaking the law here they got no I’m just joking they are exceeding the speed limit you can see 30 km an hour on the on the road there they they’re cycling along well Laura Madson is at this point at about 40.1 km an hour on average we got morier there sitting in nicely just going uphill just puffing away nutrition strapped in there now look at the cockpit up the front there you got the arms are going to be tucked in nicely the um the handlebars let’s talk a little bit about the arrow bars Over The Last 5 Years Joe it’s really Advanced it really has yeah custom customization I think is the main thing that’s really come in in the last 2 or 3 years um so yeah actually getting the bars molded to your forarms and and your exact uh body body so it’s pretty amazing and for Comfort but also aerodynamics yeah and really makes a big difference and it’s almost like axes are fairing as well you know for the chest there so it’s you know pushing the pushing the wind out to the side out to the right out to the left and you know s’s great aerodynamics is what about the weight of those is it heavy it looks like really bulky I think it’s all customized and it’s a one piece so it’s not very adjustable I think you better get it right the first time or it’s a very expensive uh component on your bike but uh no these bikes look weight’s dropping aerodynamics are getting better tires are getting wider getting uh faster wheels are getting faster it’s yeah the technology is really uh kicking up in these last few years yeah it really is and uh you know good on the uh designers and you know just ADV advancing you know all this technology in in our Sport and also in cycling you know cycling and Triathlon very very similar use the same sort of aerodynamic methods when it comes down to time trialing that’s exactly what triathon is it’s time trial you got to get out there and race against the clock race against yourself you do a race against other people obviously but in the Olympic distance you know you’re able to draft sit in so they’re only Riding Road bars and a shortened you know Arrow uh you know handlebar as well full gas bike course you can see now this is the ag1 supplemental stats on the bike today Nikki Bartlett is really riding well we mentioned here at the top of the show that she’s going to be one of the athletes to watch in the second part of the bik course at estimated next split at about 2856 on the race clock also riding along very very nicely about three uh 3/10 faster than Laura Madson just a moment ago at 40.4 kilm an hour on average you are watching shots right now of Pamela all of from Brazil yeah Pamela was our women’s leader out of the AA swim course today and still put herself into a really good position uh just sitting still in right at the end of that uh line of 10 female athletes uh so still make maintaining contact at last check yeah Laura was in the lead you can see that charene was in six there was Lolo in seventh we got morier Kate c in there Pamela Olivera the last of the the group there 10 10 athletes in our women’s group here at the front we get a replay of our pass happening right now so it looks like Laura Madson overtaking her compatriot there and that is Mia stage Nelson actually no it’s not Laura Madson that’s overtaking right now but mayia stage neelson was overtaken so uh the women are doing a good job of staying legal out there and and passing and keeping the pace very very high yeah no they’re doing the right thing with that using that race Ranger how it’s meant to be used uh and passing when they meant to pass so that’s really great to see yep marshalene just you know coming back by here and we got kaidi Kar up there Charlene clel our defending Champion Lolo is still in there Emily morier from fro quite a few of the French ladies sitting right up there in the top 10 right now as a matter of fact we have three uh four French the first of them being mareline Pierre she’s right up there Charlene clavel the defending champ Julie Lolo and also Emily M here so four French ladies inside of the top 10 at the moment we got two Danes in there we got a couple of Germans and also a Brazilian one from the UK yeah that’s uh quite a mix but definitely got a French race you’re going to have some amazing French athletes and performances but don’t forget about the Danes they’re the one that are drive for my mind driving the pace uh today as we scan back to Laura Madson here uh the 21y old danne who’s in her second year as a professional athlete and one of the the stronger Riders out on the course today yeah coached by father as well he travels to all the races with her and good coaching there and good good advice obviously and as we uh can tell you that the women now are approaching the 55 km marker of the men are approaching that 72 km marker will get you a split momentarily and then we’ll be able to tell you just where singson and camworth and the rest of them so clemont minion has just gone through our lead as the leader there he’s on Pace to do about a 452 km on average there Joe Nathan Gerber from France is also in second place there just one second down and it looks like we have eight athletes inside of eight seconds there so Nathan goober and then in third place but third place we’ve got Yuri cluen uh two seconds back Rico Bogen the 70.3 world champion Nicholas man who’s one of my Podium picks uh and then I got yonas V vogle from Germany Andreas salisburg and Nick from Germany yeah and let’s talk a little bit about dickas man because he ran a 112 as they go through the a station here you’ll see that there’s a a garbage drop zone the litter Zone there as we can see that minion is going through there first there goes the the litter out there at the end so well done they’re picking up their aid there nicely as they move out there and get the job done as they go through we’ve got eight athletes in the lead of our Men’s Pro Race here at the 2024 leaes Delon Von D and this is the front of our men’s race Rico Bogan is uh just having a great ride today so is Gerber we’ll be right back after this short break will be plenty of action on the other side of this beyond the Finish Lines our commitment goes the extra mile we are the Iron Man Foundation we’ve given back more than $55 million to support our mission of leaving a positive impact throughout race communities without our amazing athletes volunteers and givers we wouldn’t be where we are today together let’s continue this journey of impact join the Iron Man foundation and be a part of something extraordinary introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on full Gaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike courses from the Iron Man Pro [Music] Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers medal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your Inner Champion register now at full gas.com [Music] man oh God [Applause] the 2024 70.3 Iron Man here in L Delon Von D is really heating up the women are way over the halfway mark and let’s get you caught up to speed on the weather today presented by Roa Joe it’s been a good day thus far yeah any any day you get uh conditions like this take advantage of them cuz they’re they’re really fast racing conditions but the Cloud’s still there so who knows what’s in store once they hit the run but right now they’ll be loving this cloud cover overcast conditions the winds kicking up to about 5 km an hour or 3 m hour out of the Northwest not really much to speak of it’s not really going to hurt the competition out here today the best thing however is the overcast Skies given the athletes a great great opportunity at a fast time but in the forecast a little bit of rain maybe on the way so they’ll will have to adjust to that as soon as it comes down and if it does so it’ll cool things down just that a little bit more but it’ll still be a fast course all right get caught back up to speed here my stage Nelson from Denmark has hit the lead once again maral a Pierre from France is sitting in second Laura Madson the young 21y old danne has slipped back to third place here but they are all still stretched out in a really nice long line there Joe very impressive writing by our top 10 women it really is and they’re all doing their fair share of work and if once that backs off a little bit someone else will come through and keep driving that pace it’s a really hotly contested women’s bike ride so far so it’s really good to see and we’re back with the men’s and who have we got here will she we have a we have Nathan goer and also Yuri kouan right up there in the lead of the race clemon Minon still sitting right up there in the lead just pushing the pace there and uh what the athletes are doing right now there Joe they’re just um you know sorting out their positions cuz uh you know back in the me of the group there you got to be very very careful you know where you situate yourself as well that’s Johannes Vogal that’s on screen right now there the German there he’s a very very powerful cyclist he’s only 6 seconds down on the lead right now having a great day out there so johannas is having a good day he’s following clemont Manan who’s been sitting right up in the lead there for quite some time now now as we move through this we uh we also have a good look at you know some of the athletes but let’s let’s go and take a listen to this little sound bite from Yuri kolin Yuri we’re here in Del um why are you here I just want to validate or like validate I want to get my spot for 70.3 world as I had not the chance yet to get it um this is the last chance literally if I don’t get it this weekend I don’t deserve it so U that’s the main reason why I’m here and second reason is I really do love racing yesterday did a SE swim and um I’m really curious how to roomm will work out as there was a lot of current yesterday and this morning the sea was quite flat so I’m really curious like what actually conditions are we going to get on the on the day itself as well for the bike and as well for the run the bike is very nice the beginning is a little bit Technical and then you have like Fast flat Parts but it’s always a bit like bumpy it’s a bit kicking and then you come into a village you have a left right corner so it actually I said to my girlfriend if I to draw a course of 90k in once I would probably end up drawing something like this because it it has it has all of like it has everything the only thing that you’re missing is like a 15K descend or 15K climb but besides that yeah I’m I’m I’m quite surprised and and excited to go nuts on the bike on this bike course and then yeah the run I think this is the the most flat Run course I’ve ever seen uh it’s along the prominade and into the harbor and um yeah I think it’s really a cause for Fast Times especially if you look a bit at the win direction and you take the weather into account if we have weather like we have now I think yeah it is up for for a good show pressure packed uh situation for Yuri culan having a good year in Singapore had the win but in mayorca not finishing the race so the pressure comes down to one race this is the last uh last opportunity for Yuri being one of the top athletes in the world Joe yeah no that is uh not great position for him to be in but right now listen that interview he obviously knows the course very well uh and he’s put himself in a very very good position today to really uh to come away with that slot if not the win at this point with what as with his pedigree on on once he puts his Run shoes on as being one of the best guys out there so he’s doing everything right so far weli to get that uh that topor spot at the end of the and it would be a real shame if we didn’t manage to get that slot cuz we’d love to see him at the world championships in December this year yeah I agree Joe and uh look this is the last part of the bike ride where he’s got the opportunity to break away because in the next kilometer is the last part of The Descent then it becomes flat the whole way back into town another 10 km or so to go after that and then they will be rocketing into the transition area getting ready for the hoker Run course here but we’re getting a really nice shot of Rico bgen right now you can see look at the split Fork there down they got like the airplane wing there you can see awesome aerodynamics on this bike of Rico Bergen now getting back to the to the mid of the field right now you can see the Gober is from Germany riding very very nicely up in the lead of this race as well Joe yeah no gber looks really really good uh yeah race Trum Blanc only one oh six days ago weli as a number of these other athletes did as well but definitely having a lot better race than he did last week and through the age station they go fueling up for what’s left to come in this second discipline here in lasa Delon Von D more action on the other side of the [Music] break open up the cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the [Music] station your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I bet a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the vinfast yeah it’s got 4 102 horsepower all whe drive over air updates and a 10year unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in okay infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for Joey the action continues here in leaon Von D this is the West Coast of France it’s also the 10th stop in the IMM Pro Series in 2024 where only the athletes here are vying for $17 million in bonus money coming up at the end of the season it is a 20 Race season and it’ll all come to a grinding halt at around about December 15 Joe as they finish up the Iron Man 70.3 World Championship in Lake topal in New Zealand yeah and prior of that they’re racing uh in Australia our home country uh in uh Western Australian bulon a over the 70.3 distance so plenty of racing uh but as as you said we’re halfway through the the season this is the seventh 70.3 of the year and the third one in Europe so uh these guys are laying it all out there and as we talked about before we went to the break this is the last chance for Yuri cluen to get his world slot so a bit of extra pressure for him yeah Yuri Ken the the Dutch athlete here had a good race in Singapore a non finish there in mayorca so today’s his last chance to punch the ticket there and qualify for this year’s World Championship having a look at the back of the women’s field right now Pamela olera has been right back here for the longest time and uh good for her she has a very good strategy happening because it’s going to take a super run today to get the job done I man 70.3 axon provance on 18th of May 2025 it’s the perfect start into the season and offers the perfect opportunity to test your Fitness after the winter and Kickstart your Triathlon season also get a taste of the history and culture in the south of France and discover the cuisine of the provance register now for 2025 what a great race it is down there in axon provance it’s a beautiful area provance obviously but not too far away from maray you’ve got avenon just up the road we got the Ron river is absolutely gorgeous they not too far away from the e Iron Man World Championship as well so axon provance get yourself signed up mareline Pierre there she knows a and provance very very well and she knows the roads here in laa Delon Von D as well she’s been up in the front of the race she’s been Pace setting she got off the front there for a little bit but uh now back with the rest of the ladies there so it looks like our top 10 ladies uh are pretty much all going to be very very close to getting off the bike to One Another here today might be in for a very interesting Run Race yeah no well definitely would be pretty hot once they hit the run but yeah they can’t seem to get a break any of these women and they’ and that hasn’t been for lack of trying that’s for sure so yeah Ma melain has really tried a few times to break away and has managed to get a gap at some points but been reeled back in uh by the some of the other athletes so uh yeah they’ve definitely been pressing the pace all day there hasn’t been a slowing of the pace at all ladies are coming up to the next time checking about 2 kilm from now we’ll be able to give you an idea on just how things have switched up but at last time check it was Laura Madson who was leading from mareline Pio and Maya stage neelson have been the three ladies that have really been setting the pace over the last 20K however Caroline Paul from Germany was the early Pace Setter and she was followed by kidi K from Estonia Charlene CL writing a smart race being the defending Champion here in lasa dendi as well and then lamola Julie L Mo from France riding a good race as well Emily morier has been in there Kate C’s done a little bit of the work but Pamela Oliva doing all the sitting right where she needs to uh at this point of time and just watching the ladies up ahead set the pace yeah look I think she’s doing the right thing right now and it’s also how do you get past such a strong group of women like you’re best to sit back at the legal distance and just and sort of wait she she did her part on the on the swim and very early on on the bike she was definitely pressing the pace early but now when you’ve got they’re sitting at 40 plus km an hour to actually get round them when they’re evenly spaced it’s next to Impossible and if you do do it you’re going to really wear burn some matches for when you actually get to put your run shoes on uh just around the corner so the men now have hit the flat lands here they’re back on the coastal part of the bike ride at this point of time let’s take a little bit of a look at it all went down just a moment ago when the athletes get out of the swim there they run off into the change tent they have to get their bags and change and put their wet suit back into the bags and get it out there and then once they hit the bike they have to get out past that mount line before they jump onto their bike as we get a good look at one of our age gers just making his way up the red carpet nice and safely Joe and that’s the way to do it as they get out onto the course yeah you can see these athletes in slow motion doing doing their best to get round uh obviously very congested 3,00 competitors uh at today’s race so yeah it can be a little a little hard to get round and find some clear space but once you’re out on those open roads and you’re good to go all right let’s do a top five recap right now in our women’s Pro division in fifth place it is Kiva from Estonia sitting down at 8 seconds down there is Caroline Paul from Germany May stage Nelson in third Marshal a Pierre she was sitting in second place and Laura Madson the leader at this Point Let’s recap the top five in our men’s race here at the IR man 70.3 Le is De Alon Von D in fifth place is Nicholas man from Germany also from Germany is Rico ban at 4 seconds Yuri Coolin from the Netherlands one of our favorites is sitting at 2 seconds there is Gerber from uh France is uh sitting in second and also from France is clemont Minon the leader in the men’s race so the leader in the men’s the leader in the women’s boyfriend and girlfriend yeah they obviously done their homework on this course and have come here in tip toop shape and uh yeah ready to to race so now it’s really good to see uh clemont uh really for my mind is more of an IM man racer but RI is really showing his biking Pros on this course and really uh driving it when you got the likes of Yury cluen Bogen man vogle Sal salisburg and they haven’t been able to see the front yeah well watch out for a very very fast start on the Run course here today you know it’s going to be electric and these athletes right now just have not been able to shake one another out there and we can see that eight athletes are in the lead group and then N9 and 10 is Bendix Madson from Denmark and there fingon rasers fingon is now hit the top 10 for the very first time today and taken 20 seconds out of our leaders over the last 15 km r now is sitting at 2 minutes and camworth right in there as well in 11th place out here today so it’s really heating up but they really haven’t made that much of a dent on our leaders out there Joe I’m a little bit surprised yeah I am as well but they are they have pulled back some time and this that was it from the 72 km Mark so in the last 18 KET they may pull back seconds but it’s they’re still not going to put themselves back in this race and and really these athletes really rely on that bike to really set their race up so uh yeah they’re really uh going to um not be in the race once they put the the Run shoes on so UNT definitely out of contention if you ask me Joe for that I think that you’d be looking at you know people like Yuri kouan right now Rico bgen Rico is in such great form at the moment we know that he can run well Nicholas man’s about a 112 111 guy on average he can run a a solid race as well out of Germany but watch out for the 22-year- old German Rico bgen to get off to a good start he’s so tall just like you know Yan frino when he he Lopes along it doesn’t even look like there’s much effort going out there sort of almost like watching Magnus deetle run you know his his stride is just so long it’s just pretty to watch all right well as we get back down to the last kilometer or so coming back into l v d it is our Men’s Pro division here this is the Iron Man Pro Series the 10th race of the season in 2024 the 7eventh of the 70.3 we had three Iron Man races and we got few more coming up in the next couple of weeks be very interesting to see Victoria gastes coming up there with camworth racing yeah no it’s going to be a really interesting race it’s looking like a really good field and look every Pro Series race now is going to be a stacked field like and especially because as we talked about uh the IR man races do carry the most points they’re 5,000 point races uh only more is the IR man World Championships and you can you can only count three but if you’re looking at being in that top 10 you’re probably going to have to do three IR man’s this year and Patrick Lango talked about this when they announced it that he was like I think I’m going to do three because this is I’m good at IM man I’m going to really commit to racing three he’s already done one I think and he obviously probably try and fed in a couple more obviously Conor is one of them and he’s already done a 70.3 so yeah yeah Texas was his race down there so yeah looking forward to see Patrick Langer so you know May Hansen from the USA over 40 years of age he’s leading it but the same thing there Joe it’s uh very uh you know carefully thought out it’s a plan it’s a strategy that they have to take on and uh make sure that they I I think it’s very important to split those Iron Man races up right first one in April another one mid year and then finish off October 26 it’s absolutely perfect you know to have that October 26 you know finish on the Iron Man side and then maybe one more 70.3 and that would be the world champion ship in Topo you know giving you 3,000 points yeah and I I think you might find that maybe some of the athletes that have just focused on the IR man they might even use that Western Australian race the Buon race and the world championships as their two chances to do a 70 point a good performance at a 70.3 maybe top boost those points up a little bit maybe I don’t know uh just speculation but it’s it’s really interesting and I’m sure some of the athletes out there they’ve really gone to town and got spreadsheets and numbers and everything trying to figure out how to make this work work and also execute on these key races that they’ve selected so yeah it’s especially it’s first year there’s going to be people come away going and re rethink it for next year all right just before we turn our Focus back on the mens as they about to hop off the bike and head out onto the hooker Run course let’s get you caught up to speed here marshallan just getting overtaken right now by mayor St neelson from Denmark is our leader there at 72 kilm and then it was Laura Madson Charlene clell is sitting right in there Caroline pole and then there’s Nikki Bartlet Nikki Bartlett’s made a way up to the front but a little bit of an incident here we did talk about a little bit ago a little bit of rain just coming down precipitation going to make the roads nice and uh wet a little bit greasy little bit slippy so uh safety there Joe is going to be the the name of the game here over the last uh the the closing section especially when you’re closing so fast on the uh the flat roads yeah Nathan goo the French athletes obviously uh it’s come off second best there on that slight uh round like turn uh but yeah looks like there might be a little bit of rain uh which that’s the worst when there’s a little bit of rain on a fast surface you just take it a little bit too fast it’s you’re down before you know so hopefully not a major injury and maybe he can continue but uh at the very least uh not sustain anything that’s going to affect any future races yep gber goes down on the corner there just a replay here right now may stage neelson just going past M Jolly just a moment AG go they are now approaching the 75 km marker but let’s get you caught up to speed on the women as they did go through 72 km we did get through marshalene Pierre then it was Laura Manson Charlene clel Caroline pole was right in there in fourth there was Maya stage Nelson at that point in time she is the leader now Nikki Bartlett just before we saw Nathan go down there Nikki Bartlett’s made up a lot of time there Joe and now just 7 Seconds down Emily morier is in seventh place at 8 Seconds and now we’re just seeing Pamela Oliva slipping off the B at 33 seconds so she’s lost 23 seconds on the group right now so the pace in our women’s race has really heated up on The Descent now they’ve only got a couple of more kilometers to use this descent before the flat roads and the fast run into T2 this is Nathan gabar from France and he’s just had a little bit of an incident out there and just to get you caught up to speed here he is now riding in a little bit of No Man’s Land and back into the race so it’s great to see him Joe back up on the bike yeah such a shame to for this to happen so close to the Finish as well he’s like we minutes away from the men coming into T2 so yeah I guess if it was further out maybe he wouldn’t have got back on his bik but he knows it’s only probably about 5 minutes of riding uh to get back so full credit to him uh it will be very easy option to call it a day but he’s back out there riding and hopefully uh is in well enough shape to to start the run today over the cobbles they go they’re back down heading toward the grand Plage here at and this is Rico Bogen the 22y old look how smart this young man is mature Beyond his years he gets to the front undoes the shoe on the left side undoes the shoe on the right side up on top of the shoe it goes there is the foot he’s already got his socks on he’s got his compression wear on he’s ready for the run and and now entering into the transition area number two in first place is the young 22-year-old German and the current Iron Man 70.3 world champion Nico Bogan yeah made that look very very professional very effortless uh came to the front at the right time he’s already got his socks on so look for a really fast transition here from Rico uh and maybe look this time this point in the race it can be decisive the fact that he doesn’t have to put socks on and maybe the other athletes do you get five you get 10 you get 15 seconds it can be really important so looking at the Wahoo element bolt uh the time split for Rico Bogen 2 hours 3 minutes and 18 seconds so little over about 44 K an hour average from my calculations yeah it was a great great ride out there by Rico but also the other six or seven athletes that are going to be coming into the transition area here all together so the young German has had a great day thus far and look for him to dominate The Run as well I look to see Yuri kulin uh you know giving him a little bit of a push on the run in the early Parts as well so let’s recap the bike for you it was a 20318 from Rico Bogen Yuri K in second off the bike at 6 seconds down Minion in third at 8 seconds also Nicholas man there was Andre salisburg from Switzerland he was right in there Nick MD from Germany and also from Germany rounding out the top seven at 14 seconds down Johannes vogle having a good day now the eighth place if you’re wondering about Nathan G from France he had a little bit of an accident coming around one of the roundabouts just inside of the last 3 kilometers and just slipped out he’s back up on his bike he’s riding toward transition area and he’s not too far away yeah it’ be very interesting to see if he does get swallowed up by the likes of worth and Rasmus fixon who was uh they were a little under a bit under two minutes down at last check so it wouldn’t be surprised me if they actually all roll in together around a minute 45 something like that don’t mind me gentlemen just uh shove across to the side so I can sit down and put my shoes on as well I know look Rico look 6 seconds Gap as he uh started the uh jumped off his bike and not putting socks on these that can be 6 seconds there 6 seconds there all a sudden you’re close to like 80 m in front and all hang on that’s the me that’s a it’s a mental uh uh break for the other athletes that they’re like oh he’s too far in front I can’t bridge that back up and especially when you’re carrying the World Championship uh title uh yeah commands a little bit of respect so yeah very tactical decision there by Rico Bogen there to put the pressure on yep the Morton transition times right here top three fastest Nicholas man was a 159 salisburg at a 202 and Rico bgen uh we knew was going to be fast but he was in third place but look at that one from Nicholas man here comes gusta Eden just getting off the bike as well and also anago from France is just running by our 2022 IM man world champion there Gustaf Eden as he makes his way into the transition area so as we get you caught up to speed on just getting off the bike today let’s go for it anoo was 11th there’s Matthew Collins from the UK in 12 there was Madson in 13 George Goodwin was right in there as well so that’s how it stood getting off the bike today so camworth moved into the top 10 by claiming that ninth spot with a 20336 so just about the same time with the rest of the the group here today but he was two and a bit minutes down leaving on the bike yeah no look at over the 70.3 distance you just cannot give up anything like camworth uh to of France uh caliber Rider and can only match what these guys up the front today so it goes to show how well these guys up at the front were riding and this man here Rico Bogen the current world 70.3 champion at the age of 22 uh really putting the pressure on from the very first kilometer here on the Run yeah he’s off to a pretty quick uh start there uh Joe he’s 3 seconds in front of Nicholas man but salisburg at seven MD at 20 so they put a lot of time in the transition clont Manion was right up there you know third off the bike at 24 seconds now Yuri kolin the Third 31 johanes Vogel at 34 and then Nathan gber unfortunately with that little accident coming in the last 3 kilm of the bike today he sits in eighth place but he is inside of the top 10 just one spot in front of camworth and then also Gustaf Eden coming in off the bike intense so Rico Bogen the young German just getting after it inside of the first kilometer right now looking pretty good he’s got a really nice long stride he stands about 6’3 tall so he’s a very tall athlete long stride and we know that Nicholas man as you know Joe one of your tips today uh you know one of your tops today to get on the podium Nicholas man he’s an average of about 111 112 uh half marathon runner too yeah look both these guys uh yeah haven’t raced that much over 70.3 distance and they probably haven’t raced each other that many times so this is really looking like a great race the two Germans going to push each other all the way but Nicholas man here looking pretty comfortable uh so yeah we we’ll see and then we’ got uh this is Sal I think salisburg or Nicholas MD I’m not sure at this point but yes so our top three in the men are right out there on the Run course here in Deon Von D we are on the west coast of France this is the Iron Man 70.3 last chance to get yourself qualified for the IM 70.3 vinfast World Championship coming up on December 14th and December 15 in New Zealand don’t go away we’ll be right [Music] back open up the cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the station ready to go Olde I’m beyond the Finish Lines our commitment goes the extra mile we are the Iron Man Foundation we’ve given back more than $55 million to support our mission of leaving a positive impact throughout race communities without our amazing athletes volunteers and givers we wouldn’t be where we are today together let’s continue this this journey of impact join the Iron Man foundation and be a part of something extraordinary [Music] [Music] Rico Bogen the 22y old 2023 Iron Man 70.3 world champion continues to lead here in the early part of the Run he had the third fastest Morton transition time here today in T2 from the bike to the run and now accelerating away from the competition Nicholas Mann from Germany sits in second place he also had a great transition today salisburg and MD are in third and fourth and clemont Manon the first of the French boys is in fifth place and he is sitting now down at 24 seconds Joe got a race on our hands we’re in the early part of the bike H sorry Run course here the last discipline here how does Rico look he looks looking better and better yeah like it look absolutely amazing get off the bite but I think he’s really starting to find that stride very long stride at 191 CM I think but let’s not forget about Nicholas man here on screen who looks super smooth very very comfortable and isn’t really losing much time right now so very early days but both of these guys are looking fantastic also Yuri kin going for that uh qualifying slot into the VIN fast imare World Championship coming up in League toor in New Zealand here in December of 2024 Nicholas man sits in second place right now he’s getting after his compatriot right there is Rico Bogen as we get the the crossover let’s take a look at Nicholas man and a Fighting Chance presented by waho when you’re no stranger to the 70.3 racy I think your name came up in lights from your recent shoulder to shoulder with Y stman yeah tell us a little bit about that race du honestly it was a bit unexpected for me as well cuz I it was the first race of the season and I wasn’t sure what to expect I came to the race and thought maybe top five would be okay top three would be perfect at the run I found myself fighting for the win and I was like so happy about it and then I just went for it and sprinted basically the last 4ks to be honest I don’t know how I did it but I did it there’s some big names in the field Gustav Eden I Champion you imagine going head-to-head with him well it would be basically a dream but I hope he’s uh his Fitness is there I think it’s a bit unsure I think not even himself knows how good he he really is yeah everything can happen I think he can make a great race win it and or maybe just last run for the finish I guess so I think everything is possible but it’s also great to to race with a bit uncertainty if you the two pro series races New Yorker and here yeah is this Focus for you are you going to fight for the series through 73s I don’t think I will make it to the top in the series with only 703s cuz if you do Iron Mans you get so much more points and I don’t think I will be able to get four or five or even 6 70 Co free for the ranking but yeah obviously the pro series attracts the the best athletes and yeah my goal is to race and compete with the with the best athletes and then yeah it was an easy decision to come here what’s your strength Li this course if you seing the course you you’ve been you had a little run on the prominade here but have you have been on the bike course do you know much about the course and where those spent your strs I think there are courses who suit me better or which should me suit me better but I worked quite hard in my my aerodynamic uh game so I think I can have a shot here otherwise I wouldn’t be here obviously and yeah I’m looking forward to uh to race full gas in the course and see how fast we can go well you just had to listen to Nicholas man there that was a Fighting Chance presented by waho as we see our athletes on the beach here right this is the pl right down in Le saes Delon voni and we can now see the athlete from the Netherlands this is Yuri kulin he is trying again after a top four finish today he really wants to punch his ticket for that 70.3 World Championship Joe last year being in sixth place we know that Yuri can you know be on the podium at that world championship but look at this part of the the Run course Jo my favorite part when they got to go across the uh across the beach not easy no up the steps yeah exhausted that’s so difficult and uh yeah look those guys still look like they were moving very very nicely across the sand but that is not uh yeah not easy what they just did but straight back into it back on shot with Nicholas man still looking very very comfortable um yeah very very smooth very nice very nice Runner yeah looks like he’s got the Morton gels up there in the hands too so he’s got his nutrition strapped on board getting after Rico Bogen at the moment Rico ran a really nice first 2K and across that Beach really nice I mean when you’re running across the sand like that Joe it’s very important to shorten up the stride drop your chin bring your arm arm Carriage into it a little bit more as well and that should help you uh you know get across it a little bit more efficiently all right the rain’s starting to uh just come down mildly at the moment we uh saw that on the byour just getting a little bit greasy toward the end of it going through the a station right there there goes Nicholas getting into one of those Morton gels right now and making sure that it’s constant calories going down into the belly there making sure that your nutrition is really really good because that is going to give you the best possible opportunity to have a good race today in Joe when it’s a little bit you know cooler and uh you know not so much wind and what you don’t feel like eating or drinking as much but that’s a mistake it is yeah absolutely you need to have a plan and and stick to it and look it’s actually uh when it is cold you actually need to take on it a little bit more cuz your body uh sort of uses that energy to to keep itself warm as well I don’t think the conditions today don’t warrant extra calories for that reason but no you want to make sure that you stay on that nutrition the whole way and even if you’re feeling good it’s uh if you skip a gel you might regret that later so just uh work out how many calories you need and stick to the plan yeah stick to the plan this area is something else this is the west coast of France you can see the bay ofis that is the Atlantic Ocean out there at the moment we just had a beautiful overhead shot of the Von the region here sitting a little bit north of Bordeaux a little bit south of Kane and Normandy and the on the west coast here so absolutely gorgeous lots of sailing happening there we see the canal there’s the pl on the left hand side the two big buildings there that was the site of the swim start this morning they went out about 250 M they made two right hand turns came back down the canal and out into T1 this is Laura Madson that we’re getting shots of right now our ladies our female athletes here in the IM man Pro Series are now coming to a close of the bike ride Laura Madson the young 21-year-old danne is really showing the other ladies what she’s got in those legs today will she get out there and have a good run will Maya stage neelson be able to challenge or will mareline Pierre from France have the day of her life here today and take the victory or will the defending Champion clavel get back after it yeah time will tell well she look I can’t I wouldn’t want to um pick any of these women right now for the for the podium they all look fantastic it’s amazing that they’ve all stayed together on the bike uh and it’s been a very uh very intense bike ride from from the onset so uh yeah we we’ll soon figure out who’s uh nailed their nutrition nailed their pacing who’s overextended themselves who’s been within themselves when they finally get to that T2 and head out onto the H Run course yeah back to the lead of the race right now this is Rico Bogan just going through his uh steps here on the Run course it’s a beautiful course out here today the H Run course 21 km in length or 13 Mi it is two laps it’s a flat course but you know this year the athletes will only complete two laps and to reach the 21 km the distance here in the H Run course competitors will run on the prominade along the tonit lake and cross the finish line in the center of town so they’ll run 200 M on the beach that we saw just a moment ago well the action continues on the other side of the break you watching the IM man 70.3 lasas Delon vondi for 12 years for 4,383 sunrises across millions of mornings we’ve been working to make one thing better this ag1 is foundational Nutrition a science-driven formulation to support whole body brain and gut health with just one of these or one of these once a day welcome to the foundational nutrition welcome to ag1 start at drink a1.com [Music] the pro men are in the hooker Run course right now it is two laps the distance is 13.1 mil or 21.1 km the young German 22-year-old Iron Man 70.3 world champion Rico bgen continues to lead the race and he is really forcing the pace at the front however we’ve got a fast chasing man that is man from Germany he is not too far behind in the run right now but in third and fourth places we got salsburg Johannes vogle is running very very nicely at the moment he just goes into equal third place there with salisburg and we know that Yuri kulin is right in the race as well not too many world championship slots to be given away today and Yuri culin wants one of them yeah he’s got extra motivation today to get that final slot it’s his last chance if he wants to go to toport in December which uh as we talked about earlier would be a real shame if he wasn’t on that start line but he if we may would pan back would see that he’d be just hot on the heels of these guys as well so yeah you really throw a blanket over these uh between third and fifth right now so it’s a really great race as we see uh Madson uh leading the women’s into the t2 she’s undoing her shoe uh quite early before this turn and then we’ll get her foot out and put on top of her bike shoe and then get ready to uh jump off a bike before that Dismount line uh before she heads into T2 yeah by the look of it you know on the men’s side of things only uh one of the athletes that’s racing today has already punched his slot out there so we know that that’s Nicholas KET and so we know that if uh you know Yuri finishes right up there in the top four he’s going to be on his way to New Zealand so he’s got a little bit of work to do today he’s leaving it to the very very last minute but let’s take a good look at our women’s leader here coming in Laura Madson the young 21-year-old Dane is just uh made her way into the park there she only has a couple hundred met to bike and then she’ll be jumping off that machine there heading out onto the Hoka Run course and looks like she might have built up just a little bit of a lead here and that might have been to the plan that she wanted getting off the bike today yeah here she comes through the tunnel here uh she’s not far away now from making that final turn to hit T2 uh volunteers doing a great job out there giving her a cheer as she rides by but here we go she’s not very far from the mount line but she’ll be very closely followed by another about eight women as the last check so it’s uh she’s not going to have it all her own way right now as she heads over over the bridge here into T2 yeah took the feed out of the shoes there a little early on you know in in my book uh I think that she should have you know kept them in there and kep the pace up right up until about this bridge you know on the last flat section reach down take the feet out of the shoes at that point of time so I think she went about 500 M too early on that part Joe but I I think you would agree with that yeah no and that’s just doing your due diligence on on the bike course and maybe she just misread it a little bit um I don’t think it’s cost her much but it did did maybe uh lose the opportunity of actually getting more of a gap than she’s going to have which is only going to be a couple of seconds at this point so someone behind saw that saw red light once they’re off the bike into transition they can’t get a penalty I don’t from what I understand so yeah that was Charlene clavel the defending Champion getting off the the bike in second place there and then also Mae neelson in third Kye Kela from Estonia has had a great bike ride today of 21718 one of the fastest of the day Caroline pole at a 21856 lost a little bit of time on the bike and there’s mareline Pierre what a great ride she had 21826 Emily morier in there at 22s down Niki Nikki Bartlet hung in there and Kate current as well the Wahoo element Bol says 2 hours 17 minutes and 39 seconds for Laura Madson from Denmark today with the fastest bike split thus far yeah what a great bike split I think that’s faster than what they predicted at halfway through so I think they’ve as we said numerous times the women have really put on a show today on the bike and uh it really did start to separate out in those last few kilometers I think there’s some tired legs out there I think they really put it all on the line and it uh would be interesting to see how how the Run goes here but right now mden looks looks the goods and he’s moving quite nicely through this very long transition to get to run shoes and get out onto the hooker Run course yep shuffling shuffling their way down to the transition area here grabbing their bags and you can see that Madson is first second place is charene clel at this point of time there Here Comes Maya stage neelson may had the fastest ride up until this stage right now it may have been lur off the bike first but mea has a 21711 with an average pace of 42 km an hour today so well done to our lead eight women out there Nikki blet out of 217 14 there was Kate curan coming in 24 seconds down so nine ladies separated by 24 seconds Joe that’s amazing it is really I I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 70.3 that closely contested on the bike uh so yeah full credit to these ladies they’ve done an amazing job out there it’s a bit bit congested they’re probably not used to it either there’s there’s no room to sit down but as we see madon and clel it’s almost like shoulder CH yeah so C obviously the defending Champion that’s got to give you a little bit more motivation to try and defend your title what do you think well she yeah I do believe so you know heading out first on the run as a defending Champion you’re defending Champion for a reason because the year before you were very fast today by the look of it already she’s making a move on Laura Madson who’s uh doesn’t quite have the experiences the other ladies but she’s so young she has such a bright future in this sport here look how tall she is she’s around about four or 5 in is taller than now our leader there but look at that she took her time she got everything and look she’s just really powering now I’m really surprised that this is happening I just think this is wonderful I I’m really behind you know the 21y old and just getting after it as uh you know the defending champ clavel is checking the watch there getting a look at the Wahoo element as she heads out onto the course here today so she’s checking a heart rate and getting after it all right the Morton top three fastest transition times Joe yeah go Pierre uh two 2 minutes and 10 seconds we’ got pole at 216 and clavel 221 so pretty close but uh yeah pretty slippery through transition there weli yeah they had to take their time I I noticed that you know Gustaf Eden also slipped out just a little bit coming around the corner so you know the name of the game right now is it’s greasy out there because it’s only rain just a little bit you know on top of roads that you know been been just you know standing there for for quite some time without rain so you know what happens uh Joe when it gets it’s a little bit of rain for the first time they do get slippery so easy does it make sure they keep your rubers side down and you know on the bike and the Run yeah and these Super Shoes are don’t have the best group on them I’ll tell you that so you got to be really careful especially hitting those white lines uh I saw Bogen nearly he he nearly uh slipped out quite early on as well careful let’s recap the top five in our women’s race right now Iron Man 70.3 lasa Deon Von D in fifth place was May stage neelson the fastest bike of the day 133 seconds down from Marshal Pierre there is Caroline pole in third place from Germany Laura Madson from Denmark was right there with Charlene clavel heading out onto the run and we’ve [Music] got two women RAC at the front of the field here we can see that shene clel running the inside line Laura Madson taking the outs sideline they just decided that they’re going to run together at this point of time there so very impressive Run start by Laura Madson the young 21y old let’s see how deep she can go today with this race and uh she’s got the pace of the defending Champion leading her way around this two-lap Run course in Le Dei this is Caroline pole in third place she was the early pay Setter on the bike ride today very very strong over the first 40 km but at the last part it was all Denmark it was May stage Nelson and Laura Madson that really come to the front of the field with mareline Pier now mareline sitting in fourth place right now we can see it just there behind Caroline pole and right behind there the tall figure of May stage neelson as well so two D in the top five we got two French and one German yeah it’s uh it’s really starting to spread out pretty quickly and this last as you said the last 10k of the bike it really I think some legs started to really burn and uh they started to a few gaps and the the Danes Madson really kept the P Pace sign and cl was able to go with that and now look they find themselves one and two at the front of this very uh hotly contested race but uh there’s still plenty of plenty of running to go and these other women AR aren’t that far behind going through the a station right now Caroline pole was able to see the two leaders up ahead so Caroline’s only about 7 Seconds down at this point of time on our leaders so Caroline running a nice race after a very strong by ride today the sunglasses are up on top of the head there for Caroline but for these two they are all business at the front they’re trying to cover up their eyes they don’t want to give away anything they want to give away their tactics their strategy not even the way that they’re looking right now because we have a race between these two ladies and we know that they’re just about to run onto the Plage here in just a few moments time so 200 M on the sand it’s not easy shorten up the stride and uh that’s got to take a little bit of sting out of your legs too Joe yeah it’s not just the sand is can you find get back into your Rhythm when you get back onto the onto the pavement it’s it’s a real Rhythm breakup but also it spikes your heart rate it’s uh yeah look if you haven’t done it before it would be a rude shock I’d say and the salt in the wound is that they got about 40 steps to run up to after they come off the beach back up onto the esnard so they’re on the esnard right now it’s absolutely gorgeous down there today it’s a little on the little on the cooler side but hey we’ll accept that we’ll take that not a problem the athletes say bring it on every day I’ll take these conditions over a hot windy day yeah no I think that’ll be agree with you there wel she this is definitely fast and really good racing additions here uh so there look for some fast times on on the Run for the men and the women so right now we have clel clel reigning champion and Madson leading the way but only 5 Seconds back we have the German uh Caroline pole uh as you can see back in the green uh kit so not far back at all py about 50 m uh behind so yeah it’s we’ve got a really tight race in these early stages of the women’s uh half marathon yeah Caroline pole is right up there as well in that third place but you know just getting a look at uh some of our athletes here leading the race out there at the moment from France she’s having a good day and she is the defending Champion so she’s got something to prove out there as does shene and you know just going through you know some of the past results ninth you know in samur in Slovakia this year 70.3 Valencia was a fifth place a little bit better in April so she’s only raced twice this is the first you know of the pro series races so U you know just getting out there to a good start as is Charlene last year she raced pretty well you know in the world championship 70.3 she was 22nd but winning this race in in July where it was last year and then Iron Man 70.3 in my she was sixth place so a little bit of a mixed bag for Charlene but this is the race that she really excels at yeah it seems so she won this uh last year with about 124 run split so look I don’t look looking at the profile it’s a flat fast course but then you throw the sand you throw the steps you throw the turns uh maybe it’s not as fast as we once thought wel she so 124 might be enough today so if she can put that together she’ll definitely be right up there when they cross the Finishing Line well these two race together in Iron Man 70.3 Valencia this year so you know Laura ended up the Victor that day with a you know closing 121 on the run so we know that she loves to uh you know be consistent she’s got uh you know what we call the turbo diesel so she’s got like a nice little turnover going there’s no real sense of a a Sprint in those legs she’s really got the endurance you know from a young uh lady at 21 years of age like that she’s going to end up being a very very good Iron Man and Iron Man 7 20.3 racer here and I think that you know she’s just showing the rest of the the field right now at 21 years of age there’s a good sense of maturity there as well just like Rico Bogen on the men’s side of things I love the way that you know Rico has been racing he’s got great advice he’s got good people around him and that’s important you know the support crew around an athlete is so important these days yeah and look it’s really great to see the the day such a small country produce what such great caliber athletes from obviously cycling uh to to France winners and uh but also like in the triathlon side just look at the depth of the men’s and women’s uh D and I just look back to maybe these athletes looked up to the likes of like the Rasmus Hennings and the torban inaly uh who was third in cona uh and this is now the the result of that uh having these amazing people to look up to um in such a small country they producing such a great caliber athlete so the Gap is 16 seconds as they go around there first and second now have 16 seconds on carolene Paul from Germany then next comes Maya stage neelson going around there Kate Karan also marshalene Pierre just heading there there’s Nikki Bartlett in the blue just heading around the corner at that point of time as well so we got our top eight ladies in the space of about 35 seconds there Joe incredible yeah Fant it’s really great racing Welsh here this is great and look at this they get to see Mar gets to see uh the next was it seven is it seven women or eight women in front of her and look they’re all running a very very similar Pace at this point it came down to the last few kilom of the bike and a good transition and that’s the only thing that really is separating these top eight women right now uh top nine sorry uh women on currently right now through about 2 km yeah so jumping off the bike and we know that Laura was the leader bit after our top eight you know it was um actually top nine after Kate Karen was the last of those and then Julie Lolo really struggled over the last 10 km losing 2 minutes Pamela Olivera as well 2 minutes and 52 and then it was Daniela blel another one of those strong cyclist at 409 one of our early leaders was Louisa yon Pratt from Italy she’s at 7:15 now Jenny D from Germany in 746 Rebecca andery from the UK in 15th at 809 so it’s really stretching out at the back of the women’s field but at the front of the women’s field we got two ladies that are running neck and neck side by side across the beach here in v and we can see that this is the hardest part of the Run course on the hul of Run course two laps they got to enjoy this one twice yeah they get to do this twice they’ll be loving that uh no this is amazing it just shows show the depth in this race of the women’s that we had a bigger group and some of some named athletes that we thought were going to be contenders that fell away in the latter part of the bike but we still have nine women within 31 seconds of each other this is amazing racing and uh so good for women’s triath line I just love the depth right now and uh and names that we don’t know much about we’ve only seen them racing this is their second season racing so we have a Dane who’s 21 and an ex- handballer from France leading 70.3 right now in the Y Man World Series there goes clel getting a little bit of coaching there on the side get your arms up he says pump those arms it’s really going to help you across the sand well he’s dead right um there is Laura Madson she’s going to come off the Plage in first place off the beach she goes she’s got about 30 to 40 steps there there they go up the steps and here comes the big one right now look at that big u-turn on the left hand side power those legs up the steps two at a time look at that that’s how they do it little bit of a walk there hands on the knees and that is up the stairs here’s Rogen he’s broken away from the field here in the men’s race he’s got a solid lead right now Ric bgen of Germany he’s really getting after it and I can tell you right now this young kid is amazing he now has a 33 second lead over Nicholas man who we were talking about as being one of the fastest runners in the field today Yuri kouan has now moved up into third place at 45 down running alongside of Johannes Vogal and then right behind in the top five is Andreas sburg from Switzerland at a 55 seconds clemont Minon is now slipped back to 106 Nick MD at 116 and then Gerber from France is now 245 and the big big gaps here incredible Aro guo George Goodwin and now down at 352 and gusta Eden is finding himself at 5 minutes down on our leaders right now camworth think he’s out there for a training run today he’s got a big Iron Man coming up in two weeks time this is May stage neelson from Denmark let’s take a listen to this I’ve done the baker uh I’m really excited that it’s one big loop and it’s beautiful uh I think you have to really stay focused all the time here and there’s so many spots where you need to like carry the speed through H and I think that’s what is going to make the difference here really H how good you handle your bike through the course um also done the Run Co not the bit on the sand but but most of run Co and like prominade Run course what count you love about that normally I would say I like racing when it’s warm um but actually in Hamburg I was like it was so nice to race for once where I wasn’t like melting on the run and you could finally run fast and you didn’t have to worry about like puring water all on you all the time and that kind of made me think that if we have a rainy day on Saturday it doesn’t matter I can do that as well uh after this weekend I’m actually planning to like do a midseason break and I will also go to n and train a bit on the course there after that it will be 70.3 European championship in Talon and before going to n so that’s like the main schedule stuck season it is a big season but that’s what we want right well there’s mayor stage neelson just breaking it down for you she wants a big season I mean you got to work for it there’s $1.7 million of money out there in the bonus P Leo she loves a big season and wants to get after it there’s Marshall a Pierre just sitting right on the back of May stage neelon right now just reaching around just grabbing a Morton gel and some of her nutrition as she approaches one of those Aid stations now along long season is a season that you have to plan for there’s 20 races in the IM man Pro Series what do you have to do Jo beginning of the year plotted out yeah yeah and look plans can change but you got to at least start with a plan that maybe can be adapted but yeah like I don’t know it’s it’s a lot of racing and if you want to try and be at the top and Peak for all maybe five uh Pro Series races it takes a lot of thought and a lot of training but a lot of recovery on the other side of these hard races so you got to really plan it out the men are approaching the second lap in the hoker Run course here the ladies well they’re out on their first lap this is the 70.3 iron manaon voni on the west coast of France don’t go away more action on the other side of the break here’s Elizabeth in the middle of The Perfect Workout for her to create it we analyzed her Biometrics and genetics her recovery rate injury risk and aerobic potential her recent training sessions the temperature humidity and elevation the demands of her next race and billions of data points from athletes just like her with triot Elizabeth gets faster faster and what is she you have to do I just open Tri do and did my workout TR do we do the technology you do the training hey man do you have a non-alcoholic beer that actually taste goody I think you mean athletic excuse me do you have that great non-alcoholic beer I’ll found it do you have a favorite non-alcoholic beer on menu mhm [Music] ah athletic it is she’s funny [Music] I man 70.3 L Von is brought to you by hoker fly human fly and by finin fast boundless together now we got beautiful running style out here at the moment check this out this is actually really really nice to watch Emily morier she was one of the uh pushers on the bike today and look at that love the forward lean there Joe love the arm carriage and look at that stride beautiful knee action hips are square to the Target and look at that flow not spending much time on the ground there at all no and it’s going to show like she’s starting to pick up some of these women uh she’s yeah looks very smooth no wasted energy You Don’t See much up and down movement it’s all going forward which is what you want to do so it looks like uh Caroline Paul she’s just about over Caroline Emily morera is about to start moving up a few places I think in these next few kilometers so looking fantastic there on course yeah Caroline doesn’t look too bad as well it’s just that Emily stride a little bit longer and I just love the way that she leans forward and you know gravity always takes over Joe don’t know what you coach your athletes but I love the forward lean especially when you got an undulating course and you bring the arm Carriage into the into The Fray of things as well now you can see that you know the the turnover of you know these athlet like Kate Karin and and the others just a little bit shy of the stride length of someone like porier but look at this Rico Bergen is now getting caught just struggling a little bit at the halfway point of the run this is Nicholas man now coming into the action boy was here wayss down just a moment ago what do you think Happ happened here do you think that Rico is just slowing down having a little bit of struggles with his nutrition or do you think that Nicholas is really putting in the big work yeah it looked like he he’d built up quite a lead um on man but I don’t know if something happened we didn’t see it off off camera uh who knows but yeah right now we have a real battle here at in the men’s race these two guys going shoulder to- shoulder uh along the esnard looking fantastic so yeah and there we go uh he’s just Nicholas man has just thrown a a very fast surge on Bogen which at this early stage of the race uh could could be play uh be costly but it’s uh definitely shaping up to a very fast race and look these other guys are still in contention look Bogen responds really really nicely and moves back onto the shoulder of Nicholas man uh who just dropped a sub three minute uh sort of surge three minute pace surge onto Bogan to try and Shake him but Bogan at the current world 70 points champion was not going to back down and he’s gone with the pace but maybe starting to pay for it right now yeah Nicholas looks like he’s up on the toes there and really getting after it there’s Rico just uh you know throwing and thrusting his body side by side and and uh you know in the in the front direction as well but Yuri kouan was in third place at 32 so we still got a great top fourward there Johan’s vergal is at 37 and then clemont minion is still sitting at 52 seconds so he’s not out of it there he goes the other way at the moment so dropping back just a little bit but look at Nicholas man just threw down another surge look at the surge that he’s putting in he’s going to try and break Rico here but I I don’t know Rico is a tough young guy but that was a monster surge yeah I don’t know what PTO running right there then but it was definitely they picked it up it was very uh very easy to see big Shi in Pace but uh Rico Bogen look I think he’s he’s hurting a little bit more but look this could come down to who wants it more at the end of end of this race yeah Rico’s in fine for me at a great race in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago Sprint finished there and and now he’s uh you know Finding himself on a different uh continent and still doing great the 22y old well they travel pretty good don’t they those 22 year olds Joe when you hit the the 40s and the 50s it all slows down just a little bit but Rico just looking down at the watch there making sure that everything’s in check as we get back to our women’s race right now and looking looking at Karan here just having a nice day I love that running style as well the arms there just not even hitting halfway across the body there the middle there the sternum you draw the line down there and that’s a where you think that you know a little bit of um uh what can I say a little bit of you know pressure can come down into the lower you know part of the body with some friction as well but Nikki Bartlet on the other hand look at that up on the toes really pushing hard and look how far that stride is coming out yeah no these women are really shifting along this uh this course way here along along the water beautiful beautiful uh part of the course but then they can see catching up hus she got a carbon X on she is she got women in in her sight and she can sense that she’s stting to close the gap and that’s a really great feeling um at this point of the race when maybe you haven’t gone out be to go with a pace at the start but then they start to come back to you and you’re going faster and they’re slowing down that’s Nikki Bart yeah he’s on for a good race right now and hopefully just needs to for for me I would take my time catching up I wouldn’t try and close the gap too quickly she’s obviously running faster than these two women in front but yeah don’t want to close too quickly I think just keep keep your Rhythm keep doing what you’re doing yeah I I agree with you uh you know getting off the bike today you know Nikki was right up there in the lead there she was 22 seconds off the bike but when she ran out she had lost you know just a little bit of time there and she was 43 seconds there so you know she’s made a way back up she’s only about 6 7 Seconds down right now so she’s running about 2 to 3 seconds a kilometer faster than our leaders at this point of time so Nikki Bartlet is definitely on the chase here and it’s no doubt about it this year will be catching up here pretty soon but look at the hooker shoes there they are really accelerating Nikki toward the front of the competition as Rico tough as Nails comes back at Nicholas man another time Nicholas moves up onto the right hand side of Rico they are going back and forth they are having a match race out here the two Germans are locked in battle right here in France and what a great race they’re treating us to right now yeah like man looks so comfortable but Rico’s got that grit about him doesn’t he and he’s just like he’s not going to back down he’s go down swinging if uh yeah if he does get beaten but no look Rico puts in a surge and starts to move in front of man again just back and forward this this is great racing this is what what the pro series brings out in these athletes is uh look every second counts W she so these guys aren’t giving away one second right now that’s right every second counts for a point so once we get to the Finish Line it’ll start at 2500 and start ticking down every second is a point so you know you’re talking about 60 seconds you’re talking about 60 points so you go from 2500 to 20 you know 246 uh 2440 and it’ll keep on ticking ticking ticking so you want to keep the pressure on the whole time here comes Nikki bartler just like you said Joe just a little bit at the time chipping away at our leaders you can see that Laura Madson she’s been doing a lot of the pce setting there Charlene clel the defending Champion has um just selected to you know let Laura make the pace setting here let’s see what happens when Nikki bartler catches up let’s see what happen is there going to be a surge or do you think that Nikki will just like keep the same consistency about it and let the other two react uh I I think it’s pretty hard not to maybe ser a little bit what be interesting is which one of these women which I think only one of them will be able to go with it um we we don’t know who’s feeling better at the moment Madson uh looks pretty comfortable uh but yeah Nikki Butler is going to move on to them anytime very very soon and we’re going to see how they react very very shortly yeah we’re going to have a new leader in in the space of the next 20 seconds here and uh you know down to 15 seconds it goes coming down onto the 10 seconds and then you will see a new leader here Nikki bartler from the UK is absolutely chewing up the competition right now 43 seconds leaving transition at coming up to not even 7 kilm on the run today and she has now gone into eal first place there’s three ladies running at the front of this race here in lasa Deon voni on the west coast of France and treating us to a magnificent race today the rain just slightly coming down here just sprinkles at this point of time as we switch back to the men’s race equally as exciting with Nicholas man from Germany he’s leading another German he’s a 22y old he’s a world champion and really forcing the pace you can look at see those cheeks are just puffing up with air right now you can see their chest moving and there goes Nikki Bartlet Laura Madson decides to go with her there’s Charlene clel she’s just dropping back a little bit is that rubber band going to snap it looks like it is just a little bit but now we got three ladies treating us to a great race here in France yeah no this is absolutely great stuff will she no we’re seeing uh Madson trying to go with a pace uh but yeah look they managed to like Bart couldn’t uh surge enough to get rid of them but it could be like three of them sort of uh battling it out for the next couple of kilometers but as we throw back to the men’s here look these guys aren’t giving each other an inch uh space so uh yeah looks like it’s a very very close races in the men’s and women’s races right now second lap On The hoker Run course here not too far to go out to the far end of the esnard they’ll make that U-turn and head toward home the Iron Man 70.3 Le Su thereon voni is really heating up don’t go away an action-packed finish is underway beyond the Finish Lines our commitment goes the extra mile we are the Iron Man Foundation we’ve given back more than 55 million dollars to support our mission of leaving a positive impact throughout race communities without our amazing athletes volunteers and givers we wouldn’t be where we are today together let’s continue this journey of impact join the Ironman foundation and be a part of something [Music] extraordinary open up the sky cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them PR me to you you know I’m standing at the station to [Music] go your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the VIN fast yeah it’s got action 402 horsepower all real drive over air updates and a 10year unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for Joey per analis so now Nicholas man has made his move here R Bogan is in second place as we now get into the second part of the second Loop here the vinfast performance analysis on the run right now belongs to Nicholas Man 3 hours and 22 minutes into it he’s running an average of 3 minutes and 17 seconds there Joe he’s had to run that pace to shake the world champion yeah it’s some fast running R she and especially like you taking they had to run that section on the sand as well they are moving but uh yeah the Rico’s finally been dropped by man uh but look I’m not going to give up on Bogen yet I think he’s still got a really good chance to maybe claw his way back if uh Nicholas man falters at all Nicholas is looking around just now you know trying to establish what happened what he’s got to do uh you know as he moves uh his way through the rest of the field here or rest of the distance and you know he’s made uh some pretty significant surges which do take a lot out of you so he’s really fueling up well I know that he’s uh you know got those gels in his hand what a great idea that is if it’s in front of you you’ll see it if you see it you’ll use it so Rico bgen now being overtaken by Nicholas man Yuri kurin still sitting in third place and he’s still trying to get after that qualifying slot for the world championship Johannes vogle is sitting in there nicely minion is doing well salisburg is now going a little bit in the wrong direction MD still in seventh place gu who raced in Iron Man Asia Pacific cans just a few weeks ago is sitting at 4 minutes down there’s Hoffman for the very first time coming into the top 10 and George Goodwin he’s having a good day at 416 down yeah it’s good to see George uh back in the top 10 there uh very very good athlete uh very strong bike and exceptional runner on his day so good to see him in the top 10 but yeah it’s uh this guy on on on screen right now Nicholas man is having having a fantastic race he he is in great form he he did win mayorca 70.3 uh about six weeks ago so he’s coming in with good form but like to drop the current world champion that’s very very good form so he’s having an exceptional day right now uh out on course yeah when you look at someone like Yan frino and and I I think of you know Rico ban and and they run very similar when I look at Nicholas man it’s almost like looking at Patrick Langer he’s got a beautiful T you know Patrick just got those legs just like a locomotive he just bang bang bang bang bang bang he’s just so nice he’s so fluent and his turnover I think that you know Patrick in the IR man distance has the fastest turnover and that’s very important you know like when you when when you look at a runner a good runner has great turnover they’re not spending too much time on the ground and they’re form biomechanically they are just absolutely brilliant and that’s what I see with Nicholas as well I haven’t seen him too much you know racing so this is is very impressive racing by the two Germans no I’m I’m really really impressed with uh with Nicholas right now and look at Ban’s goingon to have his work cut out if he’s going to claw his way back up back up to him but yeah Nicholas on track for one of his the best races of his career right now yeah so this is morier just making her way through the field as way as well she’s sitting in the top six at this point of time here and uh doing a great race I think that the women here are really showing us today what it’s all about you know on the bike we had nine ladies getting off the bike within you know a minute of each or actually 27 seconds of each other this is Caroline Paul she was one of our early leaders out onto the run she was still you know she’s still holding down good Pace at the moment at 26 seconds down on our leader in fifth place so our women’s race is still very very close yeah no it really is and uh Caroline pole here is really holding really good Pace cuz last time we saw her running it looked like maybe uh um Maria was going to run up to her but no she’s not having that right now so she’s staying really really strong and sitting pretty comfortably in uh in fifth place yeah I think she could run this pace all day long she looks very very comfortable you know as we see right back there morier from France is you know trying to uh make a way up into it they all chasing Kate C because uh that’s going to be for the minor placings because clavel and uh Laura Madson still running very close to each other but Nikki Bartlett is now leading our women’s race and what a great bike ride she was very very steady on the bike ride out there today 43 seconds in a rear leaving transition but she caught up just chipping away a little bit at a time you know couple of seconds here couple of seconds there and now finds a way to the front of the field here in leaan Aon d as they make their way back into town the ladies will have another lap they’re going to get over that sand one more team the gentlemen however they are on their way back to the Finish Line This is Kate Cen from the UK having a great race there Jo uh Joe today we we did see the you know the vinfast performance analysis on the Run come up here that’s Kate curan 332 into it and 348 per kilometer that’s great yeah that’s well under 120 pace weli for the half marathon and she looks super smooth she looks like uh speaking of someone that could hold that pace all day uh Kate Cen looks like she could do this for a whole Marathon so looking really really good right now really efficient covering the ground nicely no wasted energy uh yeah looking uh really really uh in good form currently sitting in fourth place gentlemen are fastly approaching the 16 km marker the ladies are just coming up on the 9 km marker here so just about to run on into town and do their u-turn at the hoker turnaround arch before they head out onto their second lap Kate Cen now making a way back into town here sitting in fourth place right now but she’s not too far down on our leaders as well Joe no she’s not far at all and look we’re only a little bit more than a third of the way into the run right now so yeah what we’ll see be looking for is that next time split in the women through the 11.9 km and that’s when maybe we’ll see if Kate Karan still has a chance to run onto a top three finish today yeah so the cyclist up ahead represents the uh number three lady out on course so you know that sh clavel is right there in the bushes just right ahead around about 30 or 40 m up ahead maybe 50 m even that uh Kate C can actually see that so let’s take a listen to what uh the pace sounds like with those feet hitting the ground sounds like pet p to me and uh that’s the noise that you want to hear in your brain when you start turning off when things start to become tough Joe you you sort of premeditate these things you know in training or even when you’re sitting at home thinking about the race p p p just get a good sound good Rhythm you know in your head you can’t take music out there you can’t have those you know sort of things um happening out there but Nikki Bartlet you would have imagined that she would have cleared out by now but this young 21y old I tell you look out for her she is going to be a superstar down the road here in Iron Man Triathlon Iron Man 70.3 and Charlene the defending Champion not wanting to uh give an inch on these two ladies here she is from France and she is defending it yeah and look let’s cake her in she’s really close and she’s actually taken about 25 seconds out of the clavel who’s currently sitting in third at this point at the last check so look yeah K Karen still in this in these uh before before we even get to the halfway point of the run but yeah Nikki bartett just look compare contrast the the forms of Madson and Nikki Bartlett very very different Nikki very uh sort of uh like quite a high Carriage at the back Madson Moore yeah very low doesn’t really get much lift out the back or the front but they’re both running neck and neck right now uh at this about halfway point of the women’s 70.3 run Charlene just slowing down ever so slightly here we got six ladies inside of 33 seconds on the men’s side of things you’re looking at Nicholas man getting the job done it’s 21 seconds out to Rico bgen right now Yuri is now fastly approaching Rico bgen so that might be you know a Podium switch there from 21 seconds and 37 seconds out top three then comes clemont minion in fourth place and then fifth place Johannes Vogal they’re the only ones within 1 minute and 10 seconds of our leader right now so our men’s race you got five athletes within 11 and on the women’s side of things you got six athletes within 33 seconds amazing this is fantastic racing W she yeah like yeah the men’s it’s really interesting to see that um it really has dropped away that top five there’s really big gap starting to open up and excuse me the obviously some of these guys were pushing a little bit too much on on the bike and they’re sort of paying for a little bit now on the run but not this guy on screen Nicholas man from Germany is leading the way and doesn’t look to be slowing down one bit yeah it looks like he’s only got about three kilom to run right now Nicholas man so Rico Bergen just slowing down just a tad he’s expect to finish around about a minute after our champion that would be Nicholas man if he gets to the Finish Line in first place but I tell you what we’re in for a good finish here with our top five because it looks like they’re all due to finish at around about the same time so things are just about to start getting very interesting Nikki Bartlet is doing her very best to drop Laura Madson but it’s not happening the young Dan is hanging in there doing the best that she possibly can and today might be a breakthrough day for the young Dan yeah this definitely she’s put herself in a great position to really strike but yeah Nikki dless probably worked used a lot of energy trying to catch up and probably surprised that the young Dame was able to actually go with her uh or not surprised because she knows how talented this uh 21y old from Denmark is but uh yeah coming through to the around the halfway point now um Nikki B looks like she’s straining a little bit but and yeah badson looking looking the goods right now now so yeah if you can just stay there in the hang tough who knows what the second uh lap of this course will hold yeah it looks like uh you know if anything to be critical about you know the the hip flexes of Laura Madson can be a little bit you know looser than that but that’s her running style but I’d love to see it sort of you know stretch out that that stri a little bit more but that’s just uh how it is and look at Nikki Bartlet on the other hand very very contrasting run Styles so there we go we got a laped runner there that’s one of our age group athlete in our men’s competition as well let’s get you caught up to speed a little bit on where our top age group men are that’s quarantine flush Le from France he’s leading the race at the moment he’s um approaching the 12 km marker on the run so he’s having a great day out there as well however on the women’s side of things in our uh women’s uh overall age group race at this point of time we can tell you that Lou pet uh from France is in the lead Elise poson is in second they approaching the 2 km marker on the run as well so age group race with 3,000 athletes today is well underway as well and onto the Run course too so Nicholas man there Joe doing a great job no he’s really looking smooth and in control and yeah I I definitely picked him for my Podium but I didn’t uh didn’t think he was going to run away from Rico Bogan I look I think it was uh with at 10 k Mark we thought Rico Bogan there’s no way and then all of a sudden he h had one little bad patch and Nicholas man were able to bridge that Gap and then apply a few uh timely surges on Rico and eventually the third one did break him so yeah amazing running here by this man on screen Nicholas man of Germany all right we are going to run off to a break here we got a great race in the men’s our women’s race we have two ladies battling it out in the front it’s the UK versus Denmark that’s Nikki Bartlett and Laura mson don’t go away we got a thrilling finish coming right up introducing the Iron Man Pro Series virtual Edition on fullgaz join athletes from across the globe as they conquer bike courses from the Iron Man Pro [Music] Series challenge yourself travel the world and earn your exclusive finishers metal push your limits and make your mark exclusively on fullgaz Unleash Your in Champion register now at full gas.com you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next [Music] [Music] [Music] lap two for the men here Nicholas man from Germany overtaking meline Pierre on her first lab on the run this is a two laap Run course here the total distance is 13.1 miles 21.1 kilometers and two laps for Nicholas man almost done here mareline Pier sits inside of the top 10 on our women’s race right now but Nicholas man uh we got dejo VI a little bit here with Patrick Langer and we been talking about the the styles with Ric oen comparison to Yan frino but these German athletes are getting the job done they are so good at this distance in the in the 70.3 so good at the Iron Man distance as well and there’s Rico Bogan all the way back back there just behind is meline Pierre but Rico Bergen now is now having to settle into second place Nicholas man has had a great race today Joe he was very very chill on the bike right he didn’t come to the front at all he just made sure that he stayed out of uh out of the way you know race Ranger was out there keeping all of our athletes honest and giving them the indication when to pass and when not to pass so Nicholas having a very clean race today and a good race he’s coming up to that 18 kilm section actually 19 km and then inside of the last 2K he’s running at 3177 so it’s only going to take him about 635 to get the job done in the last 2K yeah no that’s an incredible Pace uh yeah maybe you’ll duck under the 11 10 uh depending on how he finishes off these last kilometers but yeah fantastic running look yeah obviously uh mayor 6 weeks ago sort of uh set him up for another good training block and he’s gone away and even improved on that but yeah it’s it’s amazing like big turnaround from what he did at World Championships last year I think he was outside the top 30 to now obviously spend a good winter away working on his weaknesses and come back a new athlete and now look just uh can’t even see Rico Bogan the current world champion yeah exactly he’s um just having a good year so far and really running well today he’s well inside of that 2 km to go right now and Nicholas man took a long look over his shoulder just to moment Joe and there’s no one it was mareline Pierre was the next person inside she’s in the women’s Pro Race and Ric bgen is falling back so Yuri kolin now and Rico Bogen that might be a good story to start following here once we get Nicholas man across that finish line and Nicholas is going to Rock It Up The Iron Man Pro Series rankings as well today he’s going to get across that Finish Line 2500 points are going to go into his bank account and then the clock will start ticking another look over the shoulder he knows he’s got it every second matters here Joe going yeah and even if Rico and uh Yuri uh R’s happy with second or third and Yuri just wants his slot they still have to fight all the way to the line because they don’t know what points they might need to get into that top 10 at the End of This World Series in uh December which uh the final being the world 7.3 championships in Topo turning around on the second lap of the run here on the H Run course as we have our men’s Champions head into the Finish Line we’ve got our women’s leaders heading outside for their second lap here on the hok Run course there’s Laura Madson from Denmark there’s Nikki bartler from the UK they’ve been locked in battle now for about 3 kilomet when Nikki actually got up into the lead there was Caroline pole running the underway in fourth place so the women’s race is still a very hotly and closely contested race between the top five Nicholas Mann on the other hand is really moved out from the rest of the field on the men’s race here having a stellar run today he’s going to have the fastest run by a long shot yeah I’m really excited to see what his final split comes out to be cuz yeah he’s moving so nicely he looks in control uh I think he has more in him and from this couple of surges that he threw at Rico Bogen I think he does uh I think he’s got a little bit left in the tank which is a great feeling uh when you win a race and you still got a little bit left it’s uh Bose well for the rest of the season he knows what he’s got to do to get the job done today he’s not letting up and high-fiving the crowd because we have a different set of uh circumstances now every second matters getting across that Finish Line you want to put as much distance between yourself and the next person because you don’t know what’s going to happen in the last race of the year you could always look back and say what if what if I just kept going what if I because I I I stopped and I gave up 15 seconds and that was and that was 15 points and I’ve lost the series by 13 no way why did I do yeah no it’s definitely I I don’t know if that’s what he’s thinking about right now but he probably should be um but I’m not sure like if he’s an night going to embrace any IR man or anything like that so without racing an Iron Man it might would be hard to uh to be up there in the series but like yeah he’s putting a lot of pressure on Rico ban uh and Yuri Ken as well and also these guys are going to see each other at least once if not twice again this year uh and culminating in the world championship in Topo in December so it’s just also the mental Edge uh that yeah I outran You by a minute uh back in June so it’s just it’ll be back at the guys that he out runs it will just be in their mind so here he goes he’s starting to celebrate starting to relax and enjoy this moment he’s enjoying the moment for sure he just went by Ki kivo from Estonia in the women’s race sitting inside of the top eight as well but this day belongs to the German he’s had a wonderful day out there great swim he even had a good bike ride situation did himself nicely in that group there today stayed well out of trouble and On The Run just absolutely decimating the field here in L Von D and now he’s going to take out the championship this is the 10th race of the IR man Pro Series the seventh of the Iron Man 70.3 races we’ve had three of the Iron Man distance seven on the 70.3 and this continues to be an incredible series here in 2024 Nicholas Mann had a great swim to today a good bike but the run is really going to bring him home today another look over the shoulder there and there he is the Elation all of it comes out right now this is the emotion of getting the job done today one little turn into the finish shooting goes and Joe what a great finish yeah what an amazing Finishing Line they’ve got here and he’s really soaking up the atos sphere down at the Finishing Line he’s going to make this last turn and then finish uh down the home straight through the smoke and to his second 70.3 win of the Year Nicholas man from Germany gets it done here in the IR man 70.3 Lon Von D and takes the championship in 2024 there goes the time 2500 points go the way of the German right now and now we start ticking down is it going to be Rico Bogen that gets into the Finish Line in second place today or is it going to be Yuri kulin a 11 12 seconds to get the job done today averaged 323 on the kilometer today that is the Wahoo element rival telling you 1112 over the 13 mil at 21.1 km and Yuri klin closes it out with a second place on the podium a fast finishing Frenchman by the way of clemont minan is going to take the bronze medal in the third place a stellar finish by the man from nce wow that got really exciting over those last few kilometers well she um yeah Yuri Ken got his 70.3 spot obviously coming home in the second place behind Nicholas man and look at the time 35 seconds that’s 35 points rosi and then Clement Manon at 49 seconds back in third place so uh what great racing we’re just waiting for R Bogen to finish now and see what the time Gap is yeah the gaps today not too much 35 seconds for the win and then 49 seconds and en Roo bgen comes in across the line in fourth place today Rico just spitting out there a 11239 but it was 1112 to get the job done today in the fastest run 11119 for Yuri kulen 11140 for clemont Manan look at that three guys within the 11s there so only 50 seconds separating our Podium today we’re going to be coming up with the hyper ice recovery zone here pretty soon as we get set for the interviews herea and Von D and we were just treated to another incredible Iron Man Pro Series race Joe yeah they just keep getting better and better well she yeah looking at the start list before this race started I thought the field was amazing and but I did not expect a race like that what a what a treat to be able to uh watch such an amazing event out there today looks like Jay Styles down there commentating the race on the ground there’s johanes vergal coming in from Germany as well so three Germans across the line inside of the top five today he ran a 11242 as well so he’s 2 minutes down but look at the average times today 223s to 224 sorry 323s 324 327s out there great running today on this very flat course here in lasa Deon Von our women’s race is getting very very interesting right now yeah no the women’s will be interested to see how this is shaping up because yeah Nikki Bartlett was really pushing pushing the pace to try and run away with this but uh three women right hot on her heels uh not going to let her get it get it easy so exciting racing in the women’s race with the top three finishers of this 70.3 Iron Man sa Doon and sitting next to me the young gun from Germany Nicholas man another great Victory and and what a run it was it was fantastic yeah first of all thank you very much to be honest I’m a I’m a bit lost of words I still can’t believe what I did I worked so hard for this I after my win in Mya I just wanted to get the same result again and to make sure that I’m consistent cuz that was maybe my my biggest weakness and now I’m just so happy to uh to do it again yeah because if you look at the guys right next to you and all the guys behind you this was a stellar field Nicholas yeah I don’t know what to say to hon I’m just so happy to yeah beat one of the best guys in the world and yeah I’m just so happy so uh what will the future bring in the Iron Man Pro Series for you because you’re you’re a rising star you have 2,500 points right now under your belt here in leoon yeah obviously now I won already two of the pro serious races but since I’m doing only a middle distance it’s hard for me to get on top of the rank in without a long distance but I will I will give my absolute best to to hopefully win another one I’m I’m pretty sure I’m doing Salam Z which is another Pro Series race with a stellar field and yeah maybe I can win there again that would be 7,500 points that would be pretty good already I guess and of course there’s at 70.3 Iron Man race at the end of the season in too um I think now everybody will say you’re one of the race favorites there yeah to be honest it’s a great honor to uh to be considered as one of the favorites at the World Championships but yeah I guess I will take it and be very happy about about it and try my best to perform there all right thank you very much our new saone Champion Nicholas man thank you very much we will move over to uh the numbers two and uh three and uh in second place we had uh the Dutch uh The Flying Dutchman Yuri Ken wow what a big race also from from Yuri it was a tight one because you guys were going into the last lap with with only like like seconds of a gap between uh you so this was a pretty exciting race yeah I was actually hoping that Nico and Rico would play it a bit like a pro cyclist like left or right over the road and that I could close the gap but I think NCO saw that I was coming closer and then he took off and actually the distance it stayed the same or it got bigger I don’t know in the end I came a little bit closer but like he was obviously celebrating so yeah second for me was the best I could do today and I can’t be uh uh yeah I’m super proud of that after quite a difficult period to be honest this morning you told me that the big goal for today was to get your slot for uh too second place will get you to the World Championships yeah exactly uh first of all I want to thank the organization from Las saas because I missed the cut of uh signing up and then they they still added me to the list uh so I’m super thankful for that opportunity um especially a bit with the circumstances because the race got moved back or moved up one uh one day so that was for me a possibility to enter otherwise I W I was unlucky so uh yeah but when you when you’re in the race you want to win H so like at one moment uh a slot is is nice but uh grabbing the tape was the goal in uh doing the run and uh yeah it was just not possible today and uh yeah that that’s it I’m super happy and proud of the of the race I put on and uh um yeah after a quite a difficult period I I I I feel this is a the the right step back and we can build on this as a team again so uh yeah a big performance from uh Yuri K and uh he came in second silver medalist so well done Yuri and thank you very much and we will move over to the guy who uh had the biggest Finish Line party of the three men on our Podium because he is from La France what a race and and what a very fast few last kilometers you were really focused on getting to the podium yeah it was really fast race I think I I have done almost my best number for the bike and run so yeah the level is crazy the beginning of running was so so fast for me so I tried to to stay at my pace and yes it was a good idea for the finish and yes but on the on the on the Swim Bike and run uh the level was already very strong so yeah the L is here now so I’m very motivated to to walk more but it’s good to to have iron Pro Series because yeah we have a strong field that is the first year year uh we have this field so it’s really good to have this one friends yeah and now you’re scoring lots of uh points because every second counts in the ira Pro Series uh what will the future bring what other Iron Man Pro Series races are you going to do yeah I’m very happy because I am finished third but not too far of the first maybe 1 minute uh maybe less uh it’s a good one I finished sh in Texas so third here so I hope to be second and first for the next one uh it will be uh Frankfort the Iron Man in August and after the LC uh and normally I have my qualification so for too and Kon also before so yes yeah it will be a long season but very interesting but first of all here a big party with all the French supporters yeah yeah it was crazy because uh I I know I’m the south of friends but yeah the the the CR was really crazy here a lot of people uh cry my name so it was really good all right thank you very much and uh congratulations clo with your third place uh finish we’ll see you later on that podium in front of your uh your home crowd so uh what a Podium we have here today in Le sabl Doon with Nicholas man winning it yri K in second and in third place all right thank you very much for that there Nicholas man Yuri Kul punching his ticket to the world championship there we go look at that just recapping there the Run course here in hula getting the job done Nicholas man what a great Victory Yuri koland in second place great comeback here for Yuri having a couple of months away from well actually from his last finish there the two just uh racing at the finish line and then clemont Manan just ran right through there into third place on the podium today before Rico ban our early run leader heading across that Finish Line in fourth place today but let’s focus our attention over to our women’s race right now because we got Nikki Bartlet and Laura Madson out there just running nicely and here’s Laura Madson she might have been able to shake Nikki Bartlett over the last part Nikki did run out very very hard on that first Loop there Joe to get into the lead yeah no I think she uh saw the women up in front and closed that Gap very quickly and probably thought she could just run by them but obviously Laura Matson had other ideas and was obviously still in uh in control and now yeah looking really really smooth and uh yeah really opening up from what it seems a good lead yeah and Kate curan you know he’s moved into third place here so we’ve had a little bit of a shake up on the women’s Pro side of things we got five athletes in uh within 1 minute of each other Emily Moran just um you know relaxed a little bit and into sixth place right now 1 minute and 20 seconds down but it looks like Laura Madson you know with that beautiful Pace you know just that nice you know easy consistent uh Pace there the efficiency rating for her has gone way up Nikki Bartlet on the first lap ran very very hard uh and aggressive to get into the lead and now it might be a little bit too much for her but Laura Madson 21 years of age in the lead of the 70.3 it will be a one of the first uh wins that she gets in the 70.3 will be a first Iron Man Pro Series win for sure and we cannot wait to see if she gets the job done but right now we have to focus on where they are out on the course here and they are now approaching that next time uh Gap there and it is at 16 km Laura Madson has hit the lead so the young Danish athlete is is in the lead here at the man 70.3 lasa Deon Aon d as she closes in on the Finish Line don’t go away we got more on the other side of this your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vf8 all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the vinfast yeah it’s got action 400 2ep all whe drive over air updates and a 10e unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for [Music] Joey open up the cuz I’m coming up to you so send down your wings and let them bring me to you you know I’m standing at the [Music] station here’s Elizabeth in the middle of The Perfect Workout for her to create it we analyzed her Biometrics and genetics her recovery rate injury risk and aerobic potential her recent training sessions at temperature humidity and elevation the demands of her next race in billions of data points from athletes just like her with triot Elizabeth gets faster faster and what does she have to do I just open triot and did my workout Tri do we do the technology you do the training L’s Deone v d is brought to you by ag1 better finishers start with ag1 and by vinfast boundless together well I tell you who’s been bounding along the road today Joe and that is Kate curan she’s getting the job done she’s moved into third place in our women’s race right now as we see Laura Madson the 21-year-old Danish athlete she is getting it done today 22 seconds to Nikki Bartlett so now it’s just stretching out a little bit by bit it was 1 second just a moment ago it was 21 seconds now it’s 22 Kate curen is making a charge at Nicki Bartlett so it’s the UK getting after the UK looks like our defending Champion is just suffering a little bit at 126 down Caroline pole at 143 and look at that top six inside of 2 and a half minutes of each other this is great racing today and getting the job done is a very consistent and a very efficient young Laura Madson yeah very very patient race especially for a 21y old in her second professional season yeah really went out controlled she’s had this sort of Grimace on her face the whole time but I think that’s just how she runs he’s just she’s just toughing it out and just been really patient and it’s paying off she’s uh I’d love to see the splits and see if she actually like uh even splitted this uh this half marathon because I think she’d be very very close and that’s that’s the way to execute a 70.3 run wouldn’t be at all surprised and this is the replay of Madson pulling away from at the moment and you can see that there was a little surge in there you can see that Nikki just struggling with the leg length of the stride that she had a moment ago when she was just you know throwing those arms and out the front there the legs were going right back but look at that a little bit of a surge by Laura you see that the knee drive by Laura is nothing compared to the other athletes but look how far that those legs are going out the feet are going out at the back there she does have a long stride but it’s not happening in the front part of it but look where her hips are right over where she’s landing and then pushing it out the back there so very consistent very efficient and love the way that she’s just like turbo dieseling her way through this race yeah and her and her turnover has not changed from the the first kilometer so that’s really important to note that yeah she’s just run out at a pace that she knows that she can hold and yeah the other women are sort of Fallen away from from this very consistent Pace she’s been out to hold yep correct and now she’s you know got the pace of a couple of age group athletes up the road Road there they’re in their first lap of the run there you can see one of our age group is just leading the way there Laura moving out to the side running around and just getting it done there and she’s got the bike up there leading the way around as well so and wage Cooper just like looking at the turnover off the legs he’s like yeah I think I might hang here for a while well it’s could be into the slip stream he goes look at that yeah it could be sometimes yeah the women get mixed up with some of the age group Men and sometimes it’s good some sometimes they they get they get in the way but they’re having they’re having good time I’m sure Laura Madson right now who’s leading the race doesn’t mind one bit cuz she’s having theace camera there Joe I think he’s you know worried about his sponsorship and TV time yeah fair enough yeah all right Kate Karen looking really good there she’s uh also got a nice Pace running there Joe lovely she looked like that in the first lap as well maybe she’s lost about a half an inch off a stride but look at this this is just absolutely perfect running the bio mechanics are just lovely I mean does have a little bit of pronation you know in the in the foot strike there but I just love the turnover and how fast that is yeah no I look I wouldn’t disc discount Kate from uh yeah running back close to Nikki bartler in this in these closing kilometers yeah let’s just have a listen to um the foot pattern right now of K curan [Music] poetry in motion doesn’t that sound good yeah there a really rhythmic uh running there by Kate curan and uh yeah she’s looked like that as you said from very early on in the run and just been able to maintain that and hasn’t sort of yeah overextended herself at any point she looks still in control and seems to be still uh yeah holding a very very good Pace late in the STA stages of this 21.1 km run yeah exactly I mean look at that straight off the uh the asphalt right under the the dirt there the change doesn’t even happen I mean the pace is still good looks down at the heart rate you know gets a good idea of where she’s sitting right now and happy with that Laura Madson gets over the bridge there she doesn’t have too far to go this young Danish athlete this has been an impressive race today especially the Run portion definitely not the strongest suit that she’s had but it is going to turn into one her bike riding is like incredible out there I think that we’re going to see in the future this young lady a lot and I think that she’s going to be right at the top of the leaderboard every time that we start commentating her races yeah look I I’m looking forward to hopefully she’ll be going over to Topo at the end of the year because a course will really suit it’ be a wets suit swim and it’s a very tough bik course and it could suit someone uh like Laura Madson over over in uh New Zealand because it’s uh yeah that bike course is got some heels in it for sure so yeah Joe explain the bike course because they go out to repar roll and they do a U-turn come back in but it’s not the uh the fastest uh Road surface uh explain the road surface yeah the road surface uh it’s it’s not fast W she it’s definitely it’s reminds me of growing riding in Tasmania it’s pretty rough um so definitely look at tire pressure and Tire Choice for New Zealand but uh it’s uh a really honest bike course um and it will really I think you’ll see some real uh good uh splits in in the Pro men and women’s because uh it is so tough and it’ll uh definitely affect the run as well yeah Run’s gorgeous it’s around Lake Tor they uh they do have one very very decent Hill that they’ll go over it a couple of times on the run there in Topo but it’s a beautiful little village there and I cannot wait to see that but right now let’s get back to the action here it’s Laura Matson leading Nikki baret from Kate curan who’s on screen right now getting the job done with a beautiful biomechanics right now just running through the the dirt section of the Run course here as she makes her way back toward the esplanad once they hit the esnard and the asphalt over the dirt roads they’ll be heading toward home and Laura Matson if she gets the job done today it is going to be incredible it’ll be the first IMM Pro Series win of her career of her young career and sending a message to the rest of the ladies and she is going to shoot right up those rankings yeah no she really will uh it’ll be yeah obviously 2500 points uh and then the the remaining places will be will be fighting it to the very last uh meter to make sure they don’t lose much time to this lady on uh camera right now and getting back to Kate curan she’s still within the minute there so who knows if she’s going to be able to catch up to Nikki Bartlett but by the look of it it’s Nikki bartler just up the road there not this next athlete but the one after you can see the blue outfit of the UK’s Nikki Bartlet so UK in second place UK in third place Nikki Bartlet right up there right behind that cyclist you can see coming up on another age group man right now and then we fast forward here is Nikki bartler coming up the right hand side still running pretty nicely there Joe it looks like she’s doing a little bit better than what she was about 2k ago yeah no she seems like she’s settled back into a good Rhythm and definitely working for it but uh yeah the pace looks like it’s hasn’t fallen away and she’s not uh losing any time right now and precision Fuel and hydration performance stats on the Run Nikki Bartlet at a 4634 that is a 3 minute and 52 minute average on the Run today Joe pretty impressive yeah yeah definitely and uh taking into account the the stand running two laps of that and and the turns and yeah those very very fast running so be interesting to see what they ended up splitting for this full uh run hooker Run course I like how um Laura drops the chin as well and um you know keeps the chin down at the ground there and and making sure that you know that the the bi mechanics I think the forward lean I think the posture you know that she has with that running style that she had has is really really good there’s not much you know stress I don’t think on the lower back there at all I think that just the way that she’s running is um you know it’s a very very consistent way to run you know you some may say it’s a shuffle rather than a stride I think it’s halfway between each she’s a very tall athlete so I think that um you know for her and even Nikki bartler she’s a tall athlete but they are two very contrasting Styles very very very different but yeah she checks a lot of the boxes of a really good run form and and potential there to maybe unlock some more and at the age of 21 with her Swim Bike and obviously the ability to run a one one low 120 if not faster today uh yeah she’s going to take the 70.3 World by storm in the next few years yeah you know what Joe I I I love to observe you know different people in their Styles and and Taylor nib you know the IR man world champion uh in 70.3 distance she or two times she’s been incredible the way that she’s actually changed her running Style a little bit and you know it was more of an upright or just a you know slower turnover now she’s got a better turnover she’s standing up straight biome mechanics are perfect her posture has changed a lot and it’s really showing you know in her races not only in her running but in her cycling as well we know that she’s an incredible cyclist she’s you know qualified for the Olympic Games in the individual time trial to represent Team USA at the Olympic Games coming up in Paris and also to represented country at Triathlon that is a multi-talented athlete and getting it done in two sports doesn’t doesn’t happen a lot but you know if if she can change her you know running style to be a little bit better and faster turnover and whatever anybody can do it just have to put the time in yeah and look I I I know that she has put the time in and she’s one of these athletes that if she believes in something she follows through and will make it a daily routine to work on that and look it’s showing through right now and it’s SC it’s a little scary how good could she be if she just keeps improving that run form because obviously the engine is huge so uh yeah it’s exciting to watch her look obviously Olympics time trial in the cycling Triathlon but then obviously going to be see her at some 703s as well this year and uh I don’t know about n I’m not sure about her schedule but yeah get to see her in lots of different races yeah n is not on the cards at this stage and might be a bit too much it might be a bit too much Never Say Never Never Say Never but it might be a little bit too much but I think that Topo definitely and on a course like that sh chew it up all right let’s uh take a look at Laura mson again she’s getting the job done here ATA Al V and this is going to be one for the record books today a 21y old is going to take it down here in ler and she is going to get 2500 points the clock will start ticking you can see on the men side of thing there’s only about 1,40 points left here so we’ve got uh just a few more minutes uh until that’s going to expire so a lot of our Pro men have to get a hurry up if they want some of those very very important points now you can see on the top left there on the graphic and our female side at 40120 into the race 2500 points awaits our winner that by the look of it is going to be the Danish athlete here Laura Madson at 21 years old getting it done yeah no definitely look she’s really put together a well executed race and the swim she was about a little over a minute back and she didn’t try and bridge that up uh right at the start she actually came through uh in a very patient Manner and then when she hit the front she really did apply some pressure and then wasn’t afraid to let some of the other women take the lead and keep the pace up but then again use that energy in reserve to really push the pace towards the end and that’s where it started to break up a little bit and that’s where maybe some of the other women fell away and look from the first step she hasn’t gone out too crazy and uh been very consistent on a run and uh managed to execute a very well paced the 21.1 km and look she’s going to come away with a win it looks like here today she had a good swim today uh not as good as uh you know someone like Pamela Olivera but she was right there she was only 106 down on the swim took her a little bit of time to get up into the lead of the bike but once she got there she was the pace Setter everybody started looking at herry wheel and figuring out wow this is the pace we’re going to stick with it it was Maya stage neelon that was able to sort of get up there and help her country woman uh in Laura Madson to uh Force the pace but it all belonged to Caroline Paul in the early stage of this race here from Germany as she was one of the swim Leaders with Pamela but uh you know toward the end of it Laura just really took over yeah uh it really did like as you said she was very patient to get up to that point was willing to do some work on the front and then also be very patient and let some of the other women sort of Hit the hit hit the gas and yeah Caroline pole she really wanted that front position very early on and maybe it started to sort of cost her towards the end of the bike uh but still at last check Caroline pole was still holding strong in in fifth place so still having a very good uh performance out there on the run inside of the last kilometer right now for our female side of things here we got our Iron Man Pro Series the female Pros are out here Lauren Madson is wearing f11 today next race is probably going to be F1 who knows but she is going to be a big star here into the future the young lady a 21y old from Denmark getting it done here in L Al V on the west coast of France as we now head into the ag1 area then we’ll hit the hoker area then we will hit the Finish Line the red carpet awaits our champion inside of the last 800 M right now she goes and nothing has changed one little bit the turnover is still brilliant yeah no as you as you said well she nothing’s changed she’s still looking very very smooth smoth uh now she get to use the energy of the crowd to to Able bring her home and uh yeah she’ll be a to actually enjoy this moment momentarily when she realizes how close she is actually to the Finishing Line getting very very close right now through the mor area she goes and uh just uh soaking it up here right now with all the crowd there just uh giving high fives as well with a big smile on her face she knows this is special she will remember this for the rest of her life this is going to be one of those races we’ll all look back and just say the 21-year-old has arrived on the world scene we knew that she was a great bike rider now she’s finishing it off with a great run by the look of it she may end up getting the fastest run of the day as well just have to wait and see where Kate curan is at this point of time but she’s behind uh our leader right now so definitely Laura’s going to have it because they did get off the bike very very close to one another so there it is Laura mson she’s closing in on the Finish Line Joe yeah not far to go now and she’s starting to really uh relax sunglasses on top of ah head uh she’s uh yeah high five in the cloud crowd so she’s really enjoying uh this last uh moment of this 70.3 uh on the hoker Run course and down she down the finishing shoot she goes she’s going to make this final turn to the left and finishing down the shoot uh to finish down the to Come Away with her second victory over the 70.3 three distance the emotion comes out of the day and the 21-year-old is getting it done for the first of her IR man Pro Series wins in her career her young career gets the job done at IR man 70.3 Lon Von D and that is Laura Madson the time ticks away the points tick away 2491 it goes down she has full maximum points today 2500 she’ll rock it up the rankings today that is absolutely for sure but Nikki Bartlett what a great run she threw everything that she had at our winner today Laura Madson Nikki came up just short ran a very fast first lap of the hoker Run course today but second place it’s going to have to be for the UK athlete getting it done and taking great points as well 2460 points go by the way of Nikki Bartlet and you would imagine there Joe Kate curan will be next yeah I’m taking in here with the Wahoo element rival 11931 run split for Laura madon Madson what an amazing run that’s what that’s her fast several run split as we welcome in our third place finisher here Kate curan from the UK what an amazing run finishing third today look how close this was Joe this was absolutely amazing Nikki bartl goes 11928 she goes 3 seconds faster than Laura Madson and rounding out our Podium today 3 very happy young ladies right there Kate C goes 1205 so it’s only separated by about 34 seconds their run splits today that was one of the best races to uh you know to commentate today because of the action that they gave us all day long with only 35 seconds with three athletes that’s fantastic that’s an amazing race wsh she yeah no it was absolute pleasure to watch that unfold and yeah you couldn’t couldn’t pick it uh really until the very last moments of the who was going to come away with that Podium at one point I thought Katie curan might um get back to Nikki bartett but Nikki bartett actually picked it up in that those closing kilometers but Laura madon uh amazing performance and such a mature race for a 21y old so uh congratulations to her on her first uh IR man Pro Series win looking down at the city square right now that is a buzz of action as we see a lot of our age group athletes running across the sand up the stairs they go out onto the Run course for their first lap for the second lap that’s the hooker Run course it’s 13.1 M long or 21.1 km and in fourth place today let’s get it across the Line This is a fast finishing athlete that we didn’t think it was going to be uh that uh that close for these guys here but it is look at that from fourth to fifth place they really held it together as Charlene clel our defending champion and also Caroline pole just getting across the line top five across the line line right here in L Alon Von D yeah absolutely amazing racing there and when every second counts they really give it everything to that line and you’re going to see a lot of people collapse over that line trying to get every second back um because points are going to matter at the end of the end of the season yeah we’ll head down to the hyper ice recovery area for our interviews the fale pro race in the 70.3 Iron Man sa D I have three ladies next to me who all have a new course record but of course the fastest was this young gun this Danish Dynamite Laura mson what a race did you expect this this morning no absolutely not it it was a big surprise for me yeah I didn’t expect it at all and then it was a big race I mean you were seven eight strong on on the bike and then in the run it was like really really close yeah it was super close all day and it was uh yeah it was quite fun actually to be around that many girls all the time and uh yeah to really battle it out that was fun uh that’s not something that we hear often that it’s fun out there how what was also tough yeah it was super tough I mean the other girls are extremely strong so I had to yeah to really put on an aame to uh to be able to take the win yeah and now on to the next Iron Man Pro Series race yeah I think so yeah I really like the uh yeah the pro serious um this is my first race but I will definitely be back yeah and then of course the question that everybody will ask ask when will we see Laura on a full Iron Man distance uh probably not this season but it’s something that uh yeah I want to do someday yeah but for now I stick to the for now she will stick to the sh distance so thank you very much Laura we will move over to our uh second woman enjoy your uh Victory she had a great race here today 21 years old it’s it’s incredible what she has done but I think the most happy them all today welcome back Nikki Bartlet how does this feel after nine months it feels absolutely amazing it’s exactly how I wanted to feel um oh it’s so good to be back um I set myself up a probably a career best swim absolutely annihilated myself to stay on those feet um and I got out and then just attacked the bike to the front and um and then there was loads of us at the front and to be honest I’ve never experienced that um so I was just like concentrating on the ranger lights and yeah I’m not very good at it like I I was always either there was never a light on in front or it was only orange I wasn’t very good at that and then I was like oh I feel like I’m getting too close but then there was no light on I was like oh and I think I was just getting like paranoia about it but the bike C amazing like these girls were going so hard all day like the swim was on the bike was on and that run was on and yeah I’m absolutely chuffed a bits um the field was super strong um see I got a bit bito actually yeah it’s just you know he works so hard and injuries suck and and yeah it’s been a really long road back um yeah we had to wait a long time to get you back but uh yeah welcome back it it has been uh been great what will be the next race for you um got Swansea in two weeks time and then um TBC after that I might just go I can’t believe I’m motion getting back on racing um and then after that a bit of TBC depends if my foots or I um and then full focus on IM man World Champs nce and then the 70.3 World Champs in New Zealand at the end of the year they’re my main priorities so nothing will compromise those races all right great enjoy your second place enjoy your comeback race today just want to say thank you to all the volunteers and the crowds are absolutely amazing out there um really like got me on that run I I literally was suffering that was a part of that run I was like I might have to walk in a second I’m really really hurting and everyone just kept me going so thank you um all right thank you very much Nikki Bartlett she’s back and uh she had a an amazing race and also somebody who was celebrating at the finish line with the crowd Kate k i mean this was a really close one yeah it was a fantastic race uh really well done to Laura uh and to Nikki over here it’s really great to have another Brit on the podium so uh yeah thank you to the subs for having us it was a great race uh did you expect that it would be so close today I thought it would be because it’s such a strong field and these races you know you have to be strong overall there’s no room for weakness so I thought it’ be tight um for a while I could see the the front and I thought oh maybe I’m on for the win here but um these girls were really strong so I’m just really delighted to come third today and the Gap wasn’t that big because every second counts in the AR bro series what will be your next race yeah I mean I had that phrase in my head all the way around every second counts um my next race I see how I recover from this but uh I keep going with the pro series because it’s a fantastic series and um really big thank you to irand for putting it on all right thank you very much and enjoy your uh third place and and your Podium finish we will see you in a bit on the podium can I just say thank you to all my friends and family for watching at home it it really means a lot to me so uh thinking of you all right okay great images thank you very much Kate and thank you also very much to the family and supporters of Kate for watching at home and thank you for uh joining us for the interviews and uh in yeah a few moments time we will see those three women again on the [Applause] podium all right thank you very much for those interviews and uh yes we’d like to thank all of you for watching on our live platforms out there today it’s been a great race we’re still expecting a lot of fireworks coming in here to the finish line here we’re watching Laura Madson getting her first Iron Man Pro Series win more to come on the other side of this you know and we know the thing about challenging yourself is you’re always looking for what’s next [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Iron Man 70 points3 list sess the voni is brought to you by vinfast bowless together and by brightling aspire to the ultimate finish line reward great racing here today Laura Matson getting the job done let’s go over to our ceremony right now in third place Kate Karen from the UK getting it done she was only 1 minute and 8 seconds in the rear out of the first place there today Joe and that was a great great effort it really was yeah 68 points uh that she missed out on but that’s that’s not much especially such close racing here by well really the top five women there uh so amazing racing all around compatriot there is Nikki Bartlett also from the UK at 40 seconds down in second place very happy with us she said she might have had to have walked out there but she didn’t have to she had enough energy to get the job done in second place on the podium yeah no super strong all the way to the end Nikki Bartlett uh super strong even though she went through a bit of a bad patch I think um she managed to fight on and hold on for that second place which amazing performance and our winner today this is our history in the making that’s for sure it’s Laura Madson from Denmark the 21y old getting the job done 4 hours and 5 minutes and 51 seconds for the fastest run of the day what a great bike ride that she set up her win today with as well great swim but overall we got a new champ on the Block yeah such a mature race and uh remember the this name uh we’re definitely going to see it in years well months to come and and for many many years I think so bright bright future ahead of her yeah Kate Kate’s all about the athletic Brew here there we go shake it up there Kate we know that you want to shake it up and uh yeah a little bit over the head of Laura’s like yeah baby I’m taking that I’m 21 years of old I can anyway it’s athletic brewing and uh well done to our ladies again congratulations to Laura Madson got the job done today for the first of her IM man Pro Series victories there Nikki Bartlett in second place and Kate curan yeah just getting a good uh Podium picture here all look very very happy and very very tired women here on the podium but uh what amazing race racing uh minute and 8 seconds separated the first to third which is uh fantastic over such a long event yeah well a smile says it all for Laura that was that was from ear to that grin was uh just amazing well done Flor what a beautiful scene that we have right now over the top of Lea the V and this is a beautiful region in the mid west coast area of France right here just anticipating our athletic Brewing uh ceremony here coming up for our professional men side on the third place today there was uh Southern France’s nieces own there is clemont mam just getting the job done today in 3 hours and 40 minutes and 37 seconds there Joe great race for him yeah so strong over those closing kilometers to come through and get that last spot on the on the podium there so amazing performance in second place Yuri cluan who was very patient early on on the bike on the bike and also on the run and made his way nicely through to a second place today attack the bike there early on really wanted to get after it he said that in his uh you know interviews he wanted to Really Leave It All Out out there on the bike ride there today but it wasn’t any match for today’s winner it was Nicholas man with a very German likee Patrick Langer likee run out there just got it done fastest run of the day Nicholas man you are the IR man 70.3 L LA Von D champion in that premere position well done the athletic Brewing cans open up over the head and celebration happens right here in Von D this beautiful region on a great day this was our 10th IR man Pro Series race here and it just so happened to be on the west coast of France three Iron Man Down 7 703s down and we’re halfway in the 2024 season you are watching the final scenes here of ir man 70.3 Su Deon Von D don’t go away we’ll be right back your new vehicle Mr Lawrence the vinfast vfa all the latest tech precisely whoa cut great delivery Joey I’ve had a lot of practice saying that word it’s pretty cool huh the VIN fast yeah it’s got action 402 horsepower all wheeel drive over air updates and a 10year unlimited miles battery warranty yes 15 in infotainment screen cut none of those lines are in the script Joey I just think people are really going to want to know those things that’s what the website’s for Joey hey man do you have a non-alcoholic beard that actually good I think you mean athletic excuse me do you have that great non-alcoholic beer I’ll 10 found it do you have a favorite non-alcoholic beer on the menu [Music] mhm ah athletic it is she’s funny [Music] [Music] soaking it up is the IR man Pro Series champion right here in the IR man 70.3 Le alone aoni that is Laura Madson and she is just all smiles Joe what a great race that she put down here today in France I mean for the young Danish athlete 21 years of age she is going to be one that we will watch for a long time down the road here yeah and when you’ve got the likes of Nikki Bartlett who runs up onto you early on in the run she did not panic she gathered herself and then actually was able to U run away from Nikki uh towards the later stages of the run very mature racing yeah exactly all right now it’s time to go back and take a look at our men’s recap today so have a look at this we all got started here in leaon Aon D early this morning and it was a great start they had about a 70 M run into the Bay of bisc that is the Atlantic Ocean 250 M out to sea they made a couple of right hand turns back into the canal here and Joe this was great Swimming by KET from South Africa yeah he really got out fast uh beach beach start and uh quite a lot of waiting at the start but he was super fast and managed to Gap them in the closing stages of the swim and really set up to jump on the bike first and put the pressure on early on yeah big effort in the last little part of that um swim there so Nicholas got onto his bike okay and it was Yuri Co from the Netherlands that was really getting after it over those speed bumps really really quickly getting back down into the saddle but they had a lot of competition out there today it was gber from France there was clont Mion from France and Rico Bogan was trying to get in there and do some of the pace setting as well yeah no they all were having having to crack it get to the front there but had Rico Bogen who actually was really strong over those closing kilm and managed to get to the m Dismount line first and really put the pressure on early on the run and and managed to get a good sizable lead very early on and looked really comfortable until we had the likes uh here of Nicholas man who moved up effortlessly again onto his shoulder yeah he really found his feet in about the halfway mark and really accelerated the way to take his Iron Man Pro Series win over Yuri kouan from the Netherlands here and Yuri cooland getting in not only the silver medal but punching his ticket to the IM man world championship and cl Manan closing it out for France there today so well done the clemont to pick up the podium finish all right there we go we got 2500 points going by the way of Nicholas man Yuri kin picks up 2464 and clemont Minion at 2451 all the way down there you got Andre salisburg George Goodwin picking up a nth and Paul Schuster rounding out the top 10 let’s go over to the male Pro Series standings right now Joe we’ve got Matt Hansen no change to the top three here we got Jackson laundry Colin s from the USA is in there but Paul Shuster is the big winner today yeah no racking up another 70.3 really great performance uh moves him into fourth place on the standing so great performance today by Paul Schuster and also clemont minion moves up 18 places in the eighth place right there so well done to clemont Minion racing in France all right time to go over and look at our women’s recap again they started four minutes in a rear to our men today same thing 70 M out to the first uh part of the uh the swim there then they were waiting around about 20 to 30 m and then Joe dolphining kicking getting their way into the swim yeah now Pam Pamela Olivera really stamped her Authority on the swim really really early uh even before they got into the actual channel uh she put on the pressure and with LED uh clearly from the rest of the women but uh yeah it was very very tight racing with the top five women all coming out of the water very close in the end yeah Charlene clell was the defending Champion she got into the transition area first but it was Katherine Paul from Germany that really set the early Pace this was Kate cing coming past Pamela Ola and she was involved in a lot of the pace setting but it was this young lady here the overall champion this is Laura Madson just going to work at about halfway in the bike yeah and then and then she made made that Gap um and then was able to just sort of uh conserve a little bit of energy and be consistent and then really when she hit the run is where she just found that Rhythm very very early and was very uh controlled and very very even Pace even when we had Nikki vett run up onto her shoulder and really apply a lot of pressure she did not falter and in fact managed to overtake her and Come Away with a with an amazing Victory it was a consistent and very patient performance by this young Danish athlete at 21 years of age winning a first IR man Pro Series race is Laura mson from Denmark picking up second place in the silver medal was Nikki Bartlet with a fast start but a second place finish and Kate Curran also from the UK picking up third third place well what a great day it was let’s go over to the pro results it was Laura mson collecting 2500 there is Nikki bartler 2460 Kate curan 2432 great points by our top five ladies today all in the 2300s or above in our female results yeah when you got close racing like that you get lots of points fantastic racing and the Series standings in our Iron Man Pro Series for 2024 Kylie Simpson is still the leader no changes in the top seven but meer stage neelson was in the race today Alice Alberts is up one Ellie salhouse up one up nine and down to is Emma palent Brown on our female standings what a beautiful day it started out with overcast conditions and what a great look at Lon voni right now there it’s such a beautiful place amazing this this place is set up for a beautiful Triathlon and such a great race and look they the athletes really delivered uh what an amazing race I haven’t seen race that close in the men’s and women’s on the same day ever I think so amazing performances all around yes still all coming in this couger coming in there’s gender uh in there from Germany as well a lot of our age group athletes just getting across the finish line so Joe very important for our athletes here you know qualifying you know for the world championships as well yeah yeah this was our here we go with the unofficial results before so let’s go and take a look there is Maya stage neelson now she has moved up six places into the point standings into first place overtaking Kylie Simpson we do apologize for that they were unofficial results these are the official results now she has a 125o lead on Kylie Simpson finel langri goes down one spot so does Jackie Herring lot of vilms and hanberry so to Danielle Lewis Alice Alberts and Ellie salous Emma pal Brown no change right there but the big winner today was May stage neelson she’s rocketing up there six places up into first yeah amazing racing there by Maya stage Nelson uh to move up to series leader right now well thank you for watching the IR man now coverage of the IR man 70.3 Lon Von D the IR man Pro Series point standings continue to get tighter as the pro are jockeying for positions out there the series is at the halfway point of and proving that every second truly matters for all things Iron Man Pro Series go to Pros series. ironman.com you can watch even more IMM Pro Series coverage with exclusive OnDemand race replays in the United States and Canada by signing up for the outside plus today for those not in the US and Canada you can watch on demand race replays by visiting Pros series. ironman.com up next Iron Man now broadcast of the IR man Pro Series will be Sunday July 14 IM in Victoria gastes coverage will begin at 1:00 a.m. eastern time 7:30 a.m. Central European Time watch the live broadcast for free it will Air exclusively on outside TV in the United States and Canada globally you can watch the pros series.com sorry pros series. man.com thezone and let keep live for our entire team alongside Joe gambles I’m Greg Welch saying so long from Iron Man 70.3 L Deone V [Music] [Music] spee spee for for [Music] for for spee [Music] [Music] fore for [Music] [Music] for for spe for for for spee p for spee line willly until 4M that’s cut to welcome line fore [Music] from Mr Waters from Great Britain and also all ofer Waters Well Done by our British triet spe for fore [Music] spee [Music] transort [Music] spe [Music] for [Music] for [Music] fore [Music] foree [Music] for [Music] for [Music] for [Music] [Music] fore fore K line Rene back [Music] Rene for


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