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    and this is an amazing ride by the two but it looks like uh it’s going to be a really difficult one for them just to hold on as you said Carlton could be that they’re followed up swallowed up in the final uh kilometer uh before the finish I’m afraid it looks like that is going to be the case and they sort of know it don’t they and they’ll be aware of the time gaps I am certain just a look back we’ll tell them everything they need to know on a on a straight highway maybe they don’t this is that big turn to take is uh indeed that huge loop I was telling you about that just introduces us to a whole sequence of roundabouts that are now um so favored by a road planers it seems and the commiss calling for the camera back to give a bit more Gap uh danger of Auto pacing here there’s this big loop another small roundabout of which we take a quarter of it they’ve already dealt with it and now it’s dig in time and EF calling yet again for a little bit more pace and they possibly get any it’s there is betol he’s sitting in about wheel five at the moment he’s still going to be the man in the tror U however it’s Mass pison wat van are also in the frame here but after such a tough day who knows what might happen can somebody T it all the way in Gant Thomas is up towards the front here pitcock still in the frame as well there so many of us still to choose from choar is also here Here and Now 1.9 to go they’re going to see the flam Rouge oh the cruelty of this game 13 seconds they hold on to uh the bikes come around the corner and he allows himself to steal a look Frank frandon Brooke B holding on here 18800 met to go he’s got nothing left surely well almost takes a track he’s looked through his legs here as he tries to see who’s on his case and at the moment he’s just going to see Frank Brandon Brook has done an amazing job for them what bravery it’s certainly going to be uh the main talking point I think on radio Monte Carlo a little bit later on which Sean will be tuning in for you can be sure of that uh 34 minutes back to the mark cish group they will be okay I believe 1500 M they’re going to be out of sight but only momentarily now they take this turn the flam Rouge beans there’s 2 90° straight off the back of it which are part of a a roundabout so you’ve kind of got to get onto the roundabout and then off it and then we’re on the seafront of the Adriatic and still they fold over can they possibly make it this would be miracul ulous if they do so the chase invoked now is by Leal Tre for Matt pison and now here is those double 90 deers here it comes then this is the flam Rouge brilliant work by this pair they’ll take another 90° and now onto the sea front can they possibly make this count any neutral would won this after 5 hours they’ve gone have they flown the coupe could they bring this home this would be amazing I think the ticker was slightly out which favors them this is it the countdown now for Glory Frank ven Brook is leading ran B they come through another po of flare what a nonsense that is and what a nonsense this is as well they could defeat the sprinters and bring this home can’t see a marker at the side of the road at the moment but a huge one’s been thrown down for the French B checks over his shoulder has he got anything left to invoke here 5 hours 7 minutes and more he’s going to get there I believe phenomenal 200 me to go the sprinters have got it wrong B’s got it right here he comes past his teammate he says thank you very much my friend the drinks are on me and the celebrations are for France in this fabulous tour to France B brings in in and his minor places for those who would charge into the Gap b a famous win for him a famous win indeed for the entire Tour of France and almost feels historic the the way that was delivered that was just fabulous sh to b sha out to ven Brook sha out to the team V for here wonderful wow what a performance by the two writers from the team DM F manck uh postnl uh you know it looked like 20 km out it wasn’t going to be possible to hold on but you know they did a monstrous ride there considering you know the powerful Riders you had for many teams chasing there and uh you know Shao uh they deserve that you know all of that and winning the stage and the yellow Jersey as we talked about you know for Roman B at this point in his career you know what a performance and uh Vanden Brook you know he contributed so much to that H final there for Roman part


    1. Brilliant brilliant brilliant……Bardet to win and in Yellow 🟡…… fantastic….only other rider from that team more deserving would be Barguil……

    2. I was so happy that Roman and Frank did it. Magnificent preformanc especially from young Frank who rode like the wind. Chapeau Frank van den Broek you're an MVP and this was a legendary ride. I bet the end with Roman thanking and pointing to Frank will be immortalized in paintings. What a stage 1 breathtaking 👏👏👏👏👏

    3. I had to make a decision between the commentators Bengsch, Eurosport 1 Germany,

      and NAß, ARD Germany.

      In the end I only watched the last few kilometers on ARD. The lesser horror!

    4. I just want to congratulate the guy on the microphone (livener), just impeccable, full of energy and emmotion with a bit of sense of humour: "thank you my friend, the drink is on me" ahahahaha that one was superb. What a magnificent Tour start!!!

    5. My god, Sean Kelly seems half asleep even at the end of that thrilling stage. I know he brings tons of racing knowledge, but he is not a good commentator.

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