Visma Lease a Bike has announced that they’ll be using a “control room” during the 2024 Tour de France. It will be used to analyze data and support their riders and coaches during the stages. The UCI was quick to respond to this news and is already investigating the van. Do you think this will give them a competitive advantage during the Tour de France?

    A little about myself:

    New to my channel? I’m an average recreational cyclist that recently moved from America to Girona, Catalunya, Spain. The Vuelta España and The Tour of Catalunya will all be held here in Spain!

    Sometimes I race and when I do, I share my training with you along the way. So far, I’ve done crit racing, road racing and gravel racing. I haven’t done a duathlon or a triathlon yet, but it is something I am thinking about!

    So far in Spain, I’ve seen DSM cycling, SD Worx, Team Jayco Alula, Ineos, Arkea cycling, UAE team emirates and more all training here. Did you know there’s also a GCN studio here?

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    visma Lisa bike has collaborated with their main sponsor visma a business software company in Bet City a Dutch provider of online sports betting to create what they are calling quote unquote a control room during the 2024 tour to France inside this van they’re going to be analyzing real time generally available data during all the stages they say they’ll be looking at TV footage weather information and race radio to optimize their race decisions I’m going to assume they’ll be using information from their own race radios and not listening to other teams radios but putting all this together Vima says that it will create a unique tool within cycling now if you’re like me you’re probably wondering what differentiates this from the team car and visma Lisa bike has said that it will enable them to support the coaches in the car and help them make the best possible tactical decisions faster in other words I guess it’s a support car for the support car but is this legal well yeah for now at least with the UCI being the UCI they are already investigating this new van there is a current rule that permits the distribution of data such as writer’s location speed and power but other data such as physiological data can either only be viewed by the writer in question or not at all I’m curious to see if the UCI updates any of their rules around technology after their investigation is complete I do think that this does offer a competitive Advantage as the teams with the biggest budget will be able to afford something like this and the smaller World Tour teams will not with the advancement of Technology I’m sure we’re only going to start seeing more more of this so do you think this should be allowed or should the UCI prevent teams from doing something like this altogether let me know your thoughts in the comment section and I’ll see you in the next video


    1. For me the biggest problem is the technological regulation of the uci that in my opinion has several loopholes. And if that happens all the teams but mainly the ones with the biggest budget will play to the limit of the regulation looking for anything that can be profitable for them .And if there is a team that is characterised by playing to the limit of the regulation that is VISMA LEASE A BIKE.

    2. Visma LAB Rats is just coming up with irrelevant stuff like this van in order to have some sort of excuse to justify a crazy week 3 dope fuelled inhuman performance like last year's TT.

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