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    Something a little different today, I head south towards Altea and Benidorm and take the climb up to Guadalest, Confrides and finally across the valley and up to the popular Port de Tudons climb.


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    License: CC BY 3.0

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    License: CC BY-SA 3.0

    Joakim Karud – Rock Angel
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    Promoted by MrSnooze
    License: CC BY-SA 3.0

    Calpe Cycling 2021 – Episode 5 – Port de Tudons and Guadalest | Cycling Vlog

    hello and welcome to another video from spain today doing something a little bit different um instead of going up north out of calpe heading south going up a climb to guadalus which is a sort of an ancient town which is pretty popular with tourists this road might be a bit busier than the others i’ve been on but it definitely will be and then up to comfrey days just to extend the climb a bit so it works out about 20 25 miles of climbing um average about five percent it’s not too much so yeah just a steady away climb really today um hopefully there’ll be something to film in guadaluse this must be very pretty and uh yeah we’ll see what it’s like right at the top there’s a little dip in the top so you descent for a couple of k and ascend that same descent again and then it’s a descent for like 25 miles all the way back to altair see i’ve had to come up to altair um from calpe which is a busy road so that’s never fun we’ll have to go back that way as well so over there on the right that’s the bernier climb i did the other day bernier port and you can actually go to the bernier fort as an extension of this ride but it’s two miles i think and it is sort of double digit percent all the way so i didn’t fancy that if i’m already doing this right it’ll be 70 miles total 7 000 feet of climbing so yeah this ride’s already 7000 feet and 35 miles which is enough for today i think there’s a view in front there i think we’re just gonna uh get some miles done get some elevation and see what views we can take for some uh film off i’d love to say i know where i am but i don’t we’ve not got to guard a list yet these are the views just went through as well a uh well about 10k ago a fairly industrial looking town and since we’ve passed that it’s just been lovely and quiet which is good just what i wanted the mile markers are counting down so it’s five i think that’s to guard less so i think it’s 5k to guard the last it might even be the town that’s just in front of us now which in just a moment you’ll see on my right the white building’s up there i think it’s that there’s a little viewpoint here so just stopped for a little while um just to look at the view unbelievable and there’s a diagram here of all the different um all the different climbs so yeah guadaluse is is there which is not far from the towns i presume that is the town i’ve got a couple of cyclists there just descending yeah it’s just really peaceful and nice right let’s carry on to uh to guard a last and try and have a coffee i don’t really like i don’t usually like stopping when um when i’m on a climb but this one’s so big i’m going to stop a couple of times and just grab a drink and look at the views be ashamed not to just a guard less now there’s a view back down into the valley only about half the climbing done just leaving guadalus now i didn’t film it i had a coffee and fancy lemon didn’t have anything to eat yet do that the next stop considering this is supposed to be a little bit of a tourist hot spot all the tough companies do like um trips out here and stuff from benidorm and calpe it is really quiet really quiet you know it’s midday the cafes and restaurants you think could be a bit a bit more full but in general it has got quiet over the last couple of days i think with the bank holiday on saturday and then again on tuesday it was quite busy um but the hotel for example now last night and this morning at breakfast was really quite quiet which i’m not complaining about it’s way nicer so when it’s quiet just had to stop after i saw this view down to the water down there i’ll put on the screen where this is but it’s absolutely beautiful i have seen that on the map when i was looking at the route so yeah but i’d definitely have to stop and show you this just stunning every direction okay so i think this is the town of confides oh there’s some trees i will show you in a minute see i think this is the town of confidence someone’s recommended a restaurant here to have something to eat but it’s only been like half an hour since i last stopped so i don’t think i’m gonna bother i’m sure there’ll be something else later there are some dark clouds ahead i’ve been looking so far though with the weather whenever there’s been clouds it’s um it’s quite a lot cooler up here in the mountains than it was down on the coast really noticeable especially in the shade in the sun it’s all right but it does get a bit chilly in the shade so i might need a jacket for the descent if that cloud is there here we are the town of confriedes so yeah it’s up on the left to the uh to the village the hotel here too but it’s not what to do here if you do stay here does that mean 10k to the summit i don’t know this must be the restaurant people mentioned bikes on the wall glad i didn’t wait for it looks pretty close this is the end of comfrey days and we didn’t see another soul in the ghost town but it is siesta it’s about 20 to one i really want to know what this sign means i have to look that up okay we’re at the first summit nearly a thousand meters high which is the highest we’ve been so far this trip so yep top of the first climb so now we have to descend and then do another climb and it takes just a little bit higher than this it’s about 900 feet of climbing for that um and then it’s one long descent down towards benidorm and then we’ll skirt around from benidorm because we’re going to go into the city let’s get around the back roads to altair and then the busy road back malta which is never fun but we’ll get the job done so here’s the view from the top of the first uh top of the first peak yeah pretty stunning you can see the motorbike is on the road that we’re gonna descend so yeah let’s um let’s do that now a descent it’s like being on a movie set it was absolutely stunning and well we’re still quite high you can see the views it’s just absolutely beautiful but yeah the descent was crazy it was like 270 degree turns in there an amazing surface no traffic right still going on now but not not quite the extent but yeah it was just like being on a movie set like a bond movie or something really properly stunning biggest climb of the day i think now sort of well steepest not biggest got a 10 sign there and this is because we need to get from one mountain to another to descend the elevation’s calmed down a bit now it’s down at like two or three percent just going through a town now and it’s just so quiet i just can’t believe it it’s just can’t believe it’s so quiet i wish in the uk you could go through towns and villages and they’d be this quiet i really do okay final climb and it’s the port the two dons and there is a sign let’s show you this so yeah as you can see average six percent we’re going up what’s up 300 meters so that’s about 900 feet like i said um max gradients 9 or 10 remember those are max so hopefully not too long at those all right it’s gone but so went to the top pod two doms a lot of guys sitting over there so i don’t fancy filming the view i’m gonna stick the camera on now for the descent but hopefully we’ll stop at a cafe on the way so yeah it’s just a descent all the way now towards benidorm um there is a little bit of a climb but it’s nothing compared to what we’ve been doing so yeah over a thousand meters right let’s carry on [Music] so [Music] we’ve just descended now through i think it’s called seller which is that little town on the hill there village um i thought i’d stop and just show you the view of the mountains back into the mountains where we’ve come from yes really nice although it is a bit chilly it’s uh in the shade on the way down mostly seems like i climbed in the in the red hot baking sun and descended in the shade i think i did it the wrong way around today but yeah it’s been good um so yeah we’re just gonna see if there’s anywhere to stop to eat now it’s mainly downhill still a tiny little ram before we get to bendarm area but nothing like what we’ve been doing so it should be easy so we’re just dropping down into altair now being down here is a lot lot warmer although it’s quite windy um i think it’s been a headwind most of the way back but yeah it’s so much warmer than up in the mountains it’s lovely but you can see the sea you can see the sea in front of us you can just make out the rocket calpe as well then just over the horizon just on the boring bit of the ride now before we get to altair following alongside the motorway yeah i think that’s gonna be it for this video i’m gonna go find something to eat now but as always thanks for watching if you haven’t already please do subscribe and i’ll catch you in the next one

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