Uk to Austria, come for the ride in Austria on the low roads and the high passes. Quick stop in Bethune, France then straight into the beauty of Austria

    [Music] it’s an absolutely beautiful day here in bethon in France our first stop at the do Vita Hotel on our journey away from the UK over to a austa so a quick introduction to the bikes we’ve got the Tracer 700 we have the Triumph t120 and finally an icon of a machine the tiger 800 from Triumph great bikes hey everybody Welcome to the Austrian Alps there’s another quad that’s just gone past welcome to the Austrian Alps I’ve taken a few days getting over to Austria and I’m just a few kilometers east of tamsweg and heading over to St Peters which is about 30 kmet away which is where the accommodation for myself and Mark and Charlie is situated I’m out by myself today and this is the first day of being in the Alps really the Austrian Alps I thought I’d just give you a quick rundown and then we’re going to take a quick ride and I’m going to show you some of the beauty out here so the t120 has been absolutely faultless the cruise control has worked perfectly on on the distance coming down here and it’s been absolutely wonderful I have reached a maximum of 72 m per gallon on this bike that was coming from Cal over to Austria where we took the back routes very little Motorway over the last 3 days and we’ve had some fantastic riding but it’s been very flat so it’s not worth videoing there’s not much scenery there it’s just been a great ride the only concern I had with the t120 was the seat and I can assure you and I’ve got a bit of a sensitive bum I can assure you that that seat is perfect for long distances so it is very comfortable of course you always get soore with long distances but it is great everything else has been fine I know she’s been a bit a bit I know she’s a bit scruffy but uh let’s go for a ride right let’s have a look drive on the right look at that for landscape my [Music] goodness there we go so we just a couple of [Music] kilometers east of tburg in Austria T sorry Tams workg T MW ERG I think I’ll put the uh the name of the town up as a flash on the screen absolutely wonderful roads here uh the speed limit is 100 km an hour generally speaking but in when you meet when you go into the villages the speed limit as from the name of the village is 50 km an hour which is about 30 m an hour just getting myself right things are not right here there we go I’ve got myself [Music] sorted obviously there’s a lot of logging out [Music] here which makes your uh tables and chairs at home but the scenery is absolutely gorgeous these are the low roads we’ll be going on the higher passes later in the [Music] video so the properties out here are absolutely beautiful absolutely massive and relatively cheap so I know so I understand it’s not the Crazy Prices that you get in the UK yeah not the Crazy Prices over in the UK but so why have I why have I started recording straight in Austria well there’s a good reason uh the land between Cal over on the western side of France and Austria on the back streets that we were taking is very flat there’s not a lot of scenery uh and subsequently uh the journey uh sorry the the scenery that’s available at the Sid of the road is very uh plain it’s very plain and it’s not particularly entertaining let me get this mirror SW today what’s wrong with this mirror I must have knocked it so that’s why I didn’t bother recording but this is one of the as I said one of the low roads in Austria and the condition of the roads is very good the roads are not heavily used so the riding is absolutely great so there’s the sign for the town down to 50 km an hour which is about 30 m hour can see these large houses there’s no crazy prices so I understand out here when it comes to property so if you’re thinking of retiring maybe you should uh come out here I don’t know just’s look at [Music] that lots of little churches if you’re into uh if you’re into that kind of thing so you see here on the left this donates the end of the town which also States [Music] the national speed for a single carriageway which is 100 km an hour that doesn’t mean to say you have to do 100 km an hour of course here we go through a small village how’ you like to live at this house it’s directly over the road now I believe I have priority here but I’ll just hold back there we are how’d you like to live [Music] there there we go what’s this little river uh the people in Austria uh are reasonably friendly as you walk past them they don’t say hello uh it’s not like France or whatever like that uh where people openly say hello hello hello uh the German Austrian Society is fairly quiet is that what I would say or reserved they don’t look you in the eye as you’re walking down the street and give you a nod nothing like that but that’s okay they do have a great sense of humor when you get talking to them look at this for a road absolutely [Music] magnificent absolutely magnificent it’s used of all the [Music] road so you’ll notice that there’s no screen on the top of uh sorry at the front of the t120 that’s because I’ve removed it thanks ever so much Scott that was wonderful it was a lifesaver all the way through Europe to get to Austria it was a lifesaver and it’s been and it worked perfectly uh when I got to the uh little Caravan that we stopping in uh I instantly removed it uh it was I made it in such a way that it was quick release should we say with an aleny and it took me literally a few seconds to remove the screen it only took me a few seconds to put it back on when we start heading west back to the United Kingdom so that screen was wonderful uh thank you very much Scott you’re you’re a lifesaver on that one wonderful I’ve been using the LMO soft luggage to get here and that’s been very good too it’s a bit fiddly but once you get used to the how to mount it and strap it up it’s very quick so if you’re thinking about buying some Lomo soft paner I would say yes it’s really good value for money at what 6570 and they’re large enough and they are waterproof uh I found them very good and I’m not sponsored by Lomo I’m not paid by anyone yeah so this is all my thoughts my thoughts were or would I buy another set uh and yes I would but I don’t need another set I can easily slip the Lomo over the BSA gold star another great bike I feel you know on the gold star a lot of people say it’s a bad bike but I don’t get that feeling from most of the people that are riding it I know a couple of bikes have slipped through where things have not been right but generally speaking it’s a great bike but uh that’s another subject what do you reckon to this road lots of uh lots of motorcyclists out here we go give them a wave put the hand out absolutely wonderful over here everybody puts the left hand out to wave toward the cyclist or the bikes uh over in the UK I know we nod our heads to each other but over here you put your hand out and give them a little bit of a wave there are mainly cruiser bikes here and Adventure bikes so the t120 is an old classic especially in this color scheme does cause quite a bit of attention yeah I’m guessing a lot of people have looking at this bike and wondering whether it’s 50 years old or 5 days old uh so [Music] yeah what do you think to that for a view look at that absolutely wonderful so food is uh reasonably priced here uh certainly at the little restaurant that where the camping site is is um the beer is good and reasonably priced too as is the wine uh the shops on the csite are typically expensive so when you’re buying milk or bread It’s relatively expensive however uh there are always super markers nearby Wherever You Are [Music] and uh you can buy uh your food stuffs uh from the supermarkets at normal prices remember the people that live here have to uh live here as well so food is at a normal price I suspect that’s how you pronounce it so we’re coming up to the Village we come down to 50 km an hour and we ride [Music] through what do you think to the properties look at that for a house I’d love a house like that absolutely beautiful inexpensive as well there’s a nice River going through your village I suspect it gets very cold here in the winter very cold lots of snow look at that for a [Music] house so here we come to the end of The Village 50 km an hour now let’s move up to 100 km maximum there we go so if you see the name of a village come down to 50 km an hour or 30 m an hour there about that’s the general consensus through Europe not just Austria yeah if it says any lower than 50 km an hour then obviously you abide by that but if it doesn’t tell you the speed it’s usually 50 km an hour what do you think so these are the low passes we’re going to be showing you stuff in the high passes with Mark and Charlie very shortly in the video it is a long video so just take your time while you’re eating your breakfast go get a coffee here we are here’s another town another Village so we slow down to 30 wow it’s so cold that uh I’m having to I’m having to put my winter gloves on on this beautiful on this beautiful Austrian pass the hills are alive with the sound of music just look at those beautiful cows there on the beautiful look at that joined here by Captain Mark and flight Lieutenant Charlie here are the bikes more bikes are coming up taking it nice and easy enjoying the ride let’s get on the t120 the best bike in this group it’s got to be I’m only joke there we are there the big bike they’re the Austrian guys there’s another car coming let’s just uh let this car pass here we [Music] [Applause] go is Mark following sorry is Charlie following he is oh look at [Music] this so on the t120 having come all the way through Europe to Austria absolutely wonderful absolutely [Music] wonderful come and join the ride oh come and join the ride [Music] [Music] so he it yeah so it’s June 2024 and you can see the snow in the distance on this little [Music] pass we’re at 1732 2 [Music] m and climbing there we are can go skiing on that pieces now wow oops dropped into neutral look at this wow wow do we have a [Music] temperature did did you say 0 five 8° 7.5 or 8° that’s what we’ve got and it’s now foggy oh no yeah this is a cloud look at this you can see the bikers down there [Music] hopefully trundling down in second gear on the t120 which has been absolutely wonderful I’m really surprised at how reasonably comfortable the seat is I was really doubting the seat but uh you know other than the usual nappy rash that you [Music] get a look at these beautiful moows oh beautiful they got big bells on [Music] them look at these [Music] absolutely beautiful you don’t get this in the [Music] uking riding in the clouds nothing finer no you don’t get it in suffk or Yorkshire wow oh there’s more cows down [Music] [Music] there look at these Beauties aw they’re going to be dinner [Music] soon someone’s dinner had some beautiful pork steaks last night at the Caravan and Charlie cooked them Charlie cooked them and it was a beautiful meal and apparently I’m going to be doing a sweet and sour chicken at some point while we’re in the Caravan and have got a stove to cook on so I’ll have to do that with egg fried rice no problem yes I’m last night I was the washer uper and a fine bloody job [Music] yes Mark’s always complaining it’s never good enough it’s not good enough there we [Music] go so we were just saying on the cardo intercoms that we’ve got we’ve got different versions of cardo we’re using Bluetooth rather than uh mesh uh but uh they are working really well because uh we got three of us on the same channel all talking together but it was difficult to get us to Connected once they’re connected it’s absolutely fine but it was very difficult Factory resets and everything yeah oh yeah yeah were sat in a cafe on the Main Street and everybody’s uh looking at us sat there with helmets on trying to get the intercoms connected for about an hour it took an hour there were Pro that was in Germany wasn’t it was it in Belgium oh it was Belgium yeah yeah yeah yeah took ages to get connected how’ you like a house there AB absolutely beautiful I’ll take one of them come and live out here you’ve got your own natural swimming pool and skating rink when it’s [Music] winter the Red Bull Ring what today or tomorrow let’s keep away from that mud and the rain starts coming down so if you got a motorbike the want don’t matter what motorbik you’ve got you could always come out to Austria and have a bit of a ride come into Europe and have a bit of a ride it’s [Music] wonderful yes off the motorway it’s very cheap and funly enough and I don’t want to get political but diesel is much cheaper than petrol across Europe it’s much cheaper so if you got a diesel motorbike you’ve cracked it yes the t120 is virtually a diesel bike it’s got It’s got the engine out of a concrete mixer it’s got that much torque it could pull a [Music] caravan it’s got that much torque it could pull Samantha fall fo there you go they won’t know who Samantha Fox is I [Music] know New Market night what’s that about you’ve got a story to tell us Charlie ah page three girls New Market nights that’s for tonight let’s see what that discussions about but it’s absolutely beautiful out here another grid there we are on the corner as Mark just said not a great place to put a cattle grid but for motorcyclist but I guess it’s okay [Music] absolutely [Music] beautiful absolutely great roads out here beautiful we’re still at 1260 M nice River you can go and wash your feet in there 10° now 10° up in the top here I’ve got an urge to use the Bora accent is n is n [Music] m is that someone’s home [Music] yeah cattle grid there’ll be a SAA a saer uh I’ve just changed a second just in second gear at 30 at 32 at 32 revs a minute it’s just going boom boom boom boom boom boom boom absolutely beautiful [Music] what temperature oh your coolant 79 coolant temperature of 79° not on the t120 but on the Tracer 7 that Charlie is riding which I’ll have a go on later cuz he’s desperate to see what this t120 is like he wants to ride a washing machine he wants to know what a real man’s bike is like [Music] look at this for a little town St Nikolai that’s what it’s called how’ you like to live here yeah this is the stall pass [Music] right so this is the stall pass if you’re interested near St Peter east of uh tamberg the food out here is really nice especially when it’s cooked by Charlie look at this look at that for a house Jesus [Music] I’m living in the wrong place I really am living in the wrong [Music] place I could buy a house out here it must be relatively cheap or or buy a piece of land and just build a a log cabin and uh but I’d only be able to stay here 6 months out of the year so in two separate 3mon instances here’s a lady doing a morning walk look at that for a beautiful property look at that there’s another lady taking a child out for a walk yeah pushing a PR no she didn’t look very [Music] happy this is what happens when you overfeed kids look at that balcony on the first floor look at that gorgeous [Music] properties yeah all all the barn for all the motorcycles oh my good look at that my God the UK really is slave labor Europe certainly knows how to live Wonderful [Music] [Music] Wonderful how much did the Caravan cost for five nights was it uh £240 240 for five nights in a caravan I’ll take some video later ah right it yeah it’s a cabin give that young lady a a wave yeah it’s a wooden cabin it’s lovely I’ll take some uh footage of it later yeah 240 for the 5 days but apparently it may well have been a similar price for 7 days that was discounted because we usual price is 25% more apparently we got a good deal [Music] [Music] yep all these all these bends have been put in for motorcyclist so come over here and enjoy it absolutely beautiful yeah [Music] yeah flee there we go [Music] look at this absolutely wonderful absolutely beautiful [Music] so how do you fancy living in Austria in the Austrian Al if you’re a remote worker and work from home on computers where you dial in and connect to your work Network you could live here do your work from here I guess people are doing it digital Nomad that’s it digital nomad [Music] beautiful [Music] yeah so they’re talking about having the BM slapped by Maple dancers in red and white dresses yes they’re into bum slapping these two guys they like it what’s that a leader hosen what’s a leader hosen leather trousers nothing finer than leather trousers th slapping yes it’s yeah the the leather trousers have shrunk over the passage of time when you get a bit [Music] older oh my goodness [Music] someone’s going for a walk yeah don’t know where he’s going but he’s off for a walk wi oh the yeah the winters here would be long wouldn’t they [Music] yeah whoops with a long cold winter with your th line lovely while she’s singing hum far to you H H and pork snitel every evening that’s right a shaved snitel trimmed to Perfection that is like riding on a checkerboard on this bit of the road [Music] [Music]


    1. Enjoyed the video. Wetted my appetite for my bike journey to Schladming in a couple of weeks. An aside, yes diesel is significantly cheaper than petrol, but when I lived in Netherlands annual vehicle tax on diesel cars was much higher. Have to travel 15000km+ to make it economically viable to own a diesel. Good for UK tourists visiting though.

    2. It's lovely scenery Richard, I am surprised you didn't bump into Julie Andrews…? 😂The temp dropped quite a bit as you were gaining altitude and as you say it would get very cold and no doubt isolated in the Winter months.

    3. Morning Richard, enjoyed the video, looks like you are enjoying the T120, I'm having a bimble to my local Triumph dealer tomorrow to have a look at the speed 400, the reviews sound quite promising 🤞

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