Join The UK Tonight with Sarah-Jane Mee as the friend of a British teenager missing in Tenerife tells Sky News that he had “cut his leg on a cactus” and did not know where he was.

    Plus, two climate activists have been arrested after Stonehenge was sprayed with “orange powder paint” as part of a protest calling for the next government to commit to phasing out fossil fuels by 2030.

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    arrested after orange paints was sprayed at Stonehenge by climate activists I’ll be joined by one of just stop oil’s supporters all that to come and more here on the UK [Music] tonight we start this evening with this search for a missing British teenager on the Spanish island of tenor Reef Jay Slater disappeared after a night out with his friends on Sunday this evening one of them has told Sky News she felt fobbed off by police after she reported him missing and described the desperate search to find him the 19-year-old was on the island for a music festival it was last heard from on Monday it’s his first foreign holiday away with friends now he called his friend Lucy L just after 8:00 on Monday morning and shared his location with her a mountainous area in the northwest of the island Which is popular with hikers he told her he was going to walk back to where they were staying in Los cristianos but that’s around 30 miles away I spoke to Lucy earli this evening I had um i’ had gone home um from the N Festival um a little bit earlier than everybody else um because I was tired so I’d gone Home Alone um back to my apartment um and then I woke up to um um a phone call at like half 8 in the morning around half eight um from yeah saying that I that he gone gone up to the mountains um that his pH was on 1% so was about to die he didn’t know where he was um he needed a drink um that he’d cut all his leg on like a cactus and that he had no idea where he were so um I said to him like if you’re ever going to listen to anything I’m going to say like you need to listen now you need to go back to wherever you’ve just come from before you fall eyes and I’ll I’ll come and pick you up from there like you need you need to go back there um he said to me I can’t go back there I can’t go back there I don’t know where it is um so I just said send me send me like a location so he sent me he sent over a screenshot of um his last location um so we we I went straight I the first thing I did when it when the phone had cut off was I rang the police um so I’d rang 911 um and spoken to the the the people there um and they told me that they’d sent a helicopter out um but later on I’d spoken to somebody who lived up in the mountains and they had said they hadn’t heard any helicopters which obviously if there was a helicopter out they definitely would have heard it so I think they just totally fobbed me off of that like I don’t even think they did um so after like half an hour I had no updates so I rang back and I said has the helicopter sat of him as anybody seen him like I’m really really worried they said no they’ve not seen anything didn’t but they were like out looking for him so I thought right I’m not getting anywhere with this this phone call like every time I’d ring the police like they just kept ending the phone on me like they were just s unbothered by the full situation um so I thought right I need to get a taxi as soon as possible down to the police station and speak to them in person so I got taxi down to the closest um police station I was literally there within the hour of the phone call um So i’ Gone In I said I really need to report somebody missing um but I said it’s not like they’re just missing around here like he’s missing in a in a very like abandoned place there’s nothing up there it’s just mountains um I was that she she she gave me a piece of paper that said um that I needed to go online fill in a form um and then within 48 Hours I’d receive a cord and I’d bring the cord back to the police station um and then I could file a report I said within 48 Hours like it it could be fatal I said this this needs reporting right now um so we we’d come up there was literally no sign of him anywhere like I would draw around all day there was literally nothing no sign of him I went into a restaurant that was halfway up on the Viewpoint um and is that is that where you are now Lucy you’re staying at the coast but you’re now up in the mountains where you think liter was I’ve literally not slept at all since since I’ve got that phone call at 8:00 we all hope that the search continues and Jay is found safe and sound but the final questions what is he like what’s he like at home is he sensible or is he a bit more of a risk taker what’s Jay like not he’s he’s not a risk taker at all that he he he he wouldn’t do anything like I don’t know why I can’t understand why he would come out of the house and then decide that he he was was going to walk I don’t know why he would do that and then I think he set off maybe with maybe set off walking with B to it and not realized how far the walk actually is and then when he’s obviously or when i’ when when I’d spoken to him he said he’d already walked about half an hour and then obviously I don’t know if he’s walked half an hour down the road and then put it into his maps and then obviously it said it’s like really far I really I really don’t know why he set off walking there isn’t much up here however there are cars that come up here there are people that come up here to hike that I’ve seen so many people up here and I’ve asked every single one if they seen him and nobody seen him and this is this is what I find weird because if he’d have seen somebody or a car or a person he would have either SL down the car he would have said to someone like that he needs the phone to contact someone and also it like he would never have his mom worrying like this he would never have like his family worrying like this he would never have us worrying like this like if he saw someone the first thing he would do is say I need to ring my M like I know that for a f I’ve never ever in my life been so worried at all that was Jay’s friend Lucy law speaking to me from tenie earlier on in a statement police there told us a specialist Mountain Rescue and intervention group has been mobilized a police helicopter is also out and focusing on the area around a village of Masa other Emergency Services including firefighters have also been mobilized everything possible is being done to try to find the missing man they say back here the government might have breathed a small sigh of relief for a moment today as inflation finally reached the target of 2% for the first time in 3 years but it’s not all good news inflation in the services sector has remained stubbornly high at around 5% making any immediate cut in interest rates by the bank of England unlikely ours business correspondent Paul Kel reports now from grimby what’s inflation got to do with the price of fish well in grimby they know the answer Sky news’s Target town is the historic center of the food processing industry as inflation finally returns to the bank of England’s Target here they say the statistics and the slab tell the same story in terms of fish prices have actually dropped over the last couple of years we had the container crisis after covid when stuff that we import from the Far East went through the roof um and then that’s come back to normal if not below what it was pre covid uh and fresh prices are stayed steady falling food inflation is welcome for the hospitality trade battered by covid and cost pressures on businesses and their customers that the boss of one of Britain’s biggest Pub chains told me will linger energy cost food cost drink cost labor cost you know these are all these are all costs that have have been volatile over the last couple of years and inflation doesn’t go up or come down in straight lines either so you know we’re seeing seeing some areas come down which is encouraging but the impact of the last two to three years is that the cost base of running a small business is significantly higher predictably on the campaign Trail the chancellor toasted success while the woman who wants to replace him said consumers are still drowning their sorrows having inherited inflation that was higher than nearly any other major economy it is now lower and that means the difficult decisions we’ve taken have paid off I don’t think the economy has turned a corner many people are still really struggling because although inflation is back at Target and that is welcome of course it doesn’t mean that any of those price Rises have been undone on the front in CLE thorps the political debate is less important than the pound in people’s pockets £360 there you go know we just start with that one inflation’s coming down we’re supposed to be feeling things feeling like we turn the corner is that how it feels is it really no not at all cost of living still fighting inflation is rising they need to put wages up we’re all support workers and our economy is disgraceful what we get disgraceful are you feeling things getting any easier not really no not at all it’s everything’s still as expensive as is if it goes down in the next three or four months I’ll retract that statement and I’ll say fair enough I was wrong but I don’t think it will Falling inflation is good news but it will take time before households feel the benefit of this change in the economic weather underlying Services inflation is still quite High which means the bank of England’s unlikely to cut interest rates until September and prices of clothes of food of rents are all still 20% higher than they were 3 years ago if this is the Turning of the economic tide it may have come too late to change the course of the election Paul Kelo Sky News in Grimsby and CLE thorps yeah as Paul said there many prices are still way higher than they were a few years ago as I’m sure you’ve noticed and as our economics and data editor Ed Conway explains now borrowers are likely to be disappointed when the latest interest rate decision is announced tomorrow it is a big moment definitely for the UK I mean we’ve been waiting for inflation this is the rate at which prices are changing each year to get back down to where the bank of England is targeting its Target is 2% and it came down to 2% in May so yeah that is good news but I’m afraid there’s a bit of complexity to this partly because first of all the bank of England thought it might go down a little bit more than that but secondly look at this when you dig into the numbers and look not just at the overall rate but at how fast the price of services so things like haircuts and all of that are going up they’re still rising at an annual rate of 5.7% uh in May that higher than the bank of England expected it’s higher than most economists expected and because of that although that overall number is down to 2% the expectation in markets about where interest rates would be in the next few months this is the expectation uh among investors just for August specifically you might have thought that might go down if they thought that there was going to be a cut in August but actually look at what happened once those inflation numbers were released that went up and actually now the probability of there being an a rate cut in August according to investors is to 40% so that’s a big shift it’s worth saying though you know when we’re talking about the cost of living crisis there’s so much focus on this that that number I showed you a moment ago inflation this is the rate at which prices are changing each year but if I just take the same data and look at it not in terms of the annual rate increase but just the level look at this same data same period okay and you can see that prices go up and up and up and up that’s kind of normal inflation more or less but that’s the cost of living crisis you see things went from there to there pretty Sharp play when we talk about inflation when the Prime Minister says look it’s great because we’re back to normal levels of inflation we’re mostly focusing on the difference between that point and that point and that is 2% so we’re back to 2% but for a lot of people what really the feeling they’ve got in their pockets is about the difference between there and back down there and when you look at that that is actually 20% bit over 20% now so that is the cost of living crisis we’re still feeling it but worth saying there’s another Factor here which is the earnings have also been going up the difference is although they’ve been going up over that period and this is just kind of starts uh the two lines start in the same place at the start of the cost of living crisis earnings haven’t yet caught up they’re still a little bit below prices and so that explains perhaps why we’re all still feeling that pinch we certainly are Ed I’m joined now from Edinburgh by Consumer Finance specialist Sarah pennels and Nick till owner of Riverhead coffee which has stores in Grimsby and CLE thorps which of course Sky News is focusing on in the runup to the election Nick if I can come to you first how do you feel both about today’s figures and also what Ed explained there about prices actually being 20% higher than they were at the start of the cost of living crisis yeah I think that’s the thing that we feel definitely is like the the bigger increase um is what’s affecting us in terms of things like stock price um prices that have increased obviously wages have increased um things like our power bills and all those things that have gone up significantly and the the amount that we can increase our prices you know we can only do that to a certain extent because we don’t want to alienate our customers so we’re swallowing still quite a lot of those so that’s a bit that we’re feeling you know the 2% okay it’s great to hit hit a Target but it’s still it’s still not not where where we should be really you know Nick if I was in Grimsby tomorrow and popped into Riverhead for a flat white being you know a southern media type how much would it cost me uh 335 and what was it before the cost of living crisis would have been 295 and so that is more than 10% up what what do your customers say uh I mean we’ve done that slowly and gradually over a period of time um what we’re seeing is we still have our same customers that are coming in they’re just potentially they come in a little bit less off less often and they maybe spend a little bit less so maybe before they buy it they’d always buy a coffee and a slice of cake or a little bit of something else more often than not they maybe just buy the coffee so we are seeing less spending although they are supportive so you know we do appreciate that a lot yeah absolutely and Sarah that is being uh repeated across the economy small businesses like NYX even big businesses as well all businesses are seeing people spend a little bit less be a little bit smarter about where they’re shopping or just giving things up yeah that’s right I mean I think people are cutting down on their day-to-day spending and we’ve been doing research into the cost of living for for two years and what we saw in our most recent research was that people are spending on average about 523 more a month on their household bills compared to a year ago now that’s a huge rise and it’s affecting different groups in different ways so to get the same stuff by the way not just because they fancy being a bit luxurious in fact they’re buying less they’re telling us they’re buying less food they’re trading down in terms of buying cheaper Brands they’re sometimes skipping meals and as as as Nick has been saying you know people are cutting down on the treats on the things would have otherwise bought as well now that kind of increase you know yes it is good news that inflation is down to 2% but as we were hearing earlier that doesn’t mean prices are down and we’re finding that you know one in five people are telling us that they’re overdrawn either regularly or from time to time lots of people have been using their savings uh and don’t actually have any money to fall back on so for for groups of people particularly people who renting privately people with young young families for example they are really struggling and yes it’s great that prices aren’t Rising by as much as they were and as quickly but it’s not really time for people to really feel much better in terms of their day-to-day finances yeah still going up it makes you wonder if a bit of deflation wouldn’t be a bad thing right now Sarah well I think that the inflation versus deflation is probably one for the economist to really unpicked but I think in terms of how how people feel I think probably stability is something that people would really really like plus as we were hearing earlier on uh you know more rises in their wages but we know that mortgage rates so what we’re going to hear from the bank of England tomorrow is going to be something people really keep an eye on not just those people who’ve got a variable rate or whose fixed rate deal is coming to an end our research is showing that it’s private renters who have been squeezed the most not because they’ve necessarily seen the biggest rise in terms of pounds but because their income tends to be lower than those people who are buying a house as a percentage it’s a much higher rise we’re finding those people also are very worried about rises in rents and some feeling quite ashamed about their inability to cover their costs I think the effects of rising prices at whatever rate go far beyond people’s day-to-day money we’re also finding that people are telling us they may be thinking differently about having a family so one in 10 said we’re thinking about maybe delaying a family having fewer children three quarters say their retirement plans have been affected so I think it’s going to be quite some time down the track before we really see the effect of these two years of high costs in bills yeah huge knock on a face but Nick the other thing to talk to you about is the cost of wages we saw there you may not have seen it but Ed Conway’s graph there showing that wages haven’t been keeping Pace with inflation when you’re running a small business and things like the minimum wage are going up what does that mean for how you crunch the numbers how you balance the books um well again it’s something that um that we as a business have to make a decision about how how much of that that we absorb ourselves and but obviously that that makes a huge effect on our um on our profit so what we’ve done is we’ve actually changed a little bit in terms of our operational um procedures so that we can actually have less staff working although it doesn’t mean that the staff that are working do work actually harder so and then you want to try and remunerate that in in a way so that they feel like they’re they’re being rewarded for that hard work but it has been very very difficult there so in terms of using people having people work for you trying to get more for Less basically well it’s not necessarily more for less but it’s just um making sure that everyone’s you know working efficiently making sure that we’ve got um different ways of doing things so we have more food prepared ahead of time so we’re using quieter times to prepare ahead so that our busiest time we’ve actually got lots of food that can go out quicker then therefore we can serve people faster when it comes to the business is there something at the back of your mind thinking we’re going to come out with this tunnel there’s going to be a light at the end of it there’s going to be better days ahead Ian I think as a business owner you have to always be optimistic about that because you know that at the end of the day like we we all choose to be business owners you know to for a better life for ourselves and and to be able to look after people in our in our our family and our community so um I think that yes I hope so I think there’s things that can be done um that could be done to help um small business businesses so I hope that’s what our next government are going to do well yes we don’t know who that’s going to be yet but we’ll have some news on the polls in just a second before we do though Sarah if I can just finish off with you people will remember being told to hold their nerve when it came to wages because if wages go up then we get that inflationary spiral to do with that but they’re sick of it now aren’t they and wages are not keeping Pace with inflation could things change there yeah as you say I think people are really struggling on one level I think we sort of got used to the fact that it isn’t so much a cost of living crisis anymore it’s sort of high bills are now business as usual but that doesn’t mean that people aren’t really struggling so for example people are telling us that instead of overpaying on their mortgage they’re actually struggling to make their monthly mortgage payments some people are taking out their mortgages over a much longer period of time you know 35 years instead of 25 years so there are some really tough decisions that people are making from day-to-day spending eating out buying clothes buying their daily you know their daily or weekly shop through to as I said these longer term decisions you know making a decision about having fewer children or not having children or delaying having children or as one in 20 people told us putting off retirement by four years those are big life decisions which are going to have a huge profound effect on people for years to come after hopefully the cost living crisis is over you’re absolutely right they they really will and in some ways is uh pretty concerning Sarah Nick thanks both for joining me on the UK tonight thank you still to come a new Poll for Sky News suggests a labor majority of 200 seats with conservative support continuing to fall also I’ll be speaking to a just stop oil supporter after activists sprayed paint on Stonehenge and the jury in the trial of constant Martin and Mark Gordon is discharged after failing to reach verdicts over the death of their baby [Music] [Music] they have breached the road there is a lot of gas being fired all around us [Music] it is an absolute Carnival kind of atmosphere out here for prime minister modi’s decisive inre these students are defying the prohibitory ORD and now they’re going to be arrested we aim to be the best and most trusted place for news [Applause] the roads have been inundated the only way out is to get people by boat what is feared that over 200 people might have died because of these landslides this on any given day would have been bustling with people but today it’s absolutely deserted this is one of the most sensitive areas of uh of Northeast Del where there’s been clashes I’m Neville Lazarus and I’m Sky reporter based in Delhi [Music] [Music] welcome back you’re watching the UK tonight now a new Poll for Sky News suggests labor is on course for a majority of 200 seats at the general election the projection from yugov shows support for the conservatives continuing to fall suggests they’ll slump to the lowest number of seats since the party was formed our Deputy political editor Sam coats has been looking at the numbers the second of three huge polling projections records are going to be broken if if this projection turns out to be right let’s look at the headline a labor majority of 200 seats the biggest majority since the second world war bigger than Tony Blair in 1997 let’s look at the House of Commons that would result in that majority and here we have a commanding number of Labor MPS 425 record-breaking uh for K starma look at this another record in the other direction for Rishi sunak down to 108 the S&P over there well they go down uh 28 seats to 20 compared to 29 John swiny there uh the greens would double their representation taking a seat uh off a labor Shadow cabinet member interesting in Bristol thanam deire now look at a couple of the biggest winners in this polling projection so Edward Davey they got 11 seats in 2019 they’re on 67 a huge result for uh his team and Nigel farage he has shaken up this re erace by becoming leader of Reform he’s on five seats that party didn’t exist at the last election so let’s have a look at what’s changed in the campaign the last two and a half weeks you can see the Tories tanking labor staying the same liberal Democrats probably the biggest winners reform going from n to five that is what this campaign has done not good for the Tories so look at this these are the big winners and this man possibly the biggest winner of all he is standing not only as reform leader but also to be elected in the Essex seat of Clapton and he looks like he’s going to win not just win knock it out of the park reform on 45% Tories on 25% now if this man comes in in order to represent reform UK he’s going to leave look at all these people here are 15 of the 27 members of the current cabinet who are standing in the next election these are the ones that are projected to lose and as you sweep across you can see Jeremy Hunt and Penny and Johnny Mercer all of them are projected to lose so you can see there the scale of the change that we’re heading towards so let’s look uh at what the political map might look like this is Boris Johnson’s Britain from 2019 look at all the blue now look at this this is what yugov projects the political map is going to look like so much less blue huge amounts of red the red wall almost back yellow liberal Democrats down in the southwest that is a huge redrawing of the way our politics works if if July the 4th turns out anything like that M two weeks tomorrow to vote next the jury in the trial of constant Martin and Mark Gordon has been discharged after failing to reach verdicts over the death of their newborn daughter the couple went on trial in January after their daughter Victoria was found dead last March our correspondent Ashna hurak is here with me now now um Ash what happened today this has been a trial that’s been full of delay disruption and um so much drama it has to be said after deliberating for some 72 hours and 33 minutes the jury in this trial made up of five women and five men decided they couldn’t reach a verdict and were therefore discharged from their Duty they took their seats over five months ago you referenced it there January the 25th of January and in that time has been such a complex case full of disruption as I say they’ve asked in that time 182 questions uh during that trial given gives you a sense really of how complex uh the case was it was listed only to last six weeks time so the fact we are now Into Summer an entirely different season is quite incredible um 37y old Constance Martin Mark Gordon Now 50 years old both of them have now had birthdays in the in the duration of this trial uh they were watching on in the dock today as that jury Foreman stood up and and delivered that um sort of decision really that they simply couldn’t reach a decision both defendants denied all of the charges against them including concealing the birth of a child uh cruelty to a child perverting the course of Justice causing or allowing the death of a baby and manslaughter by gross negligence this all came of course after the body of their baby daughter Victoria who he learned was their fifth child was found in a shed in Brighton in March last year it followed viewers may remember that huge nationwide manhunt that we saw spanning some 54 days today Court as I const Martin andk both in the dock in court one today um as that decision was made and they were discharged Conant Martin smiled at the 10 jurors she mowed the words thank you to them the judge in this case Mark lucraft KC recorder of London he said the jury had been exceptional in their dedication to this public service and excuse them from jury jury service for Life the prosecution will now need to consider whether they move ahead with a retral ash thanks so much still to come here on the UK tonight we’ll have a special report from Vietnam on the deadly rots being used by migrants heading to the UK what exactly are just stop oil achieving by spraying paint on Stonehenge I’ll be talking to one of the group’s supporters [Music] [Music] almost 900 people arrived in the UK by crossing the channel yesterday that’s the highest number of the year so far more than 12,000 people have made the journey in 2024 the highest level on record for this point in the year and almost 20% higher uh compared to last year Sky News witnessed dozens of migrants starting the journey from northern France yesterday with French police seemingly powerless to prevent them boarding the boats just meters from the shore on this side of the channel we saw border Force boats bringing people into DOA many of them babies and children now thousands of miles away in Vietnam Sky News has uncovered the deadly routes people are taking to Europe and onto the UK between January and April this year Vietnamese people made up 20% of recorded arrivals crossing the channel on small boats they enter Europe using legal working visas before making their way to the UK illegally our Asia correspondent Cordelia Lynch has this special reports in these fields some carry a hidden hardship secrets of exploitation and loss we’re in Vietnam to show you the dark reality of an extensive trade in human cargo our story starts where not even death can deter those desperate to get to the the UK we’re on our way to North Central Vietnam with a vast majority of those making the perilous Journey to the UK come from we want to try and understand better the Dynamics behind it not only why they’re doing it but how they’re doing it and critically who is making it happen this is Doan a rice farming commune touched by tragedy it’s home to some of the 39 Vietnamese victims suffocated to death found in the back of a lorri in Essex nearly 5 years ago there there’s loads of them there’s immigrants in the back but they’re they’re all Ling on the ground okay they breathe in I don’t think so among them was 32-year-old LE vanha his family paid more than £30,000 for that fatal journey and they’re still paying off the loans the financial situation is very difficult we still have a lot of debt we’ve borrowed money from so many relatives it was his dream and his choice to leave he urged us to pay the agents he told us he’d follow his friends to the UK and make money why are so many people leaving in the countryside there are hardly any jobs that’s why they ignore the risks and go they know there are dangers and difficulties but they go to change their lives and you can see the benefits of hard work at home and abroad here Golden Gates statements statutes so many lavish homes it’s now known as billionaire Village a place once poor now populated by mansions built from the money sent back by those who left here to work overseas that Journey can be perilous and fatal and yet it is the reward not the risk they remain focused on there are signs dotted all over advertising a chance to study and work in Europe and some are perfectly legal schemes people pursue others are far from it we’re about to show you a brave and trade in people smuggling and it begins with a phone call to an agent openly advertising trips to the UK online he’s offering to take people to Hungary on legal work visas but he says they won’t actually work it’s just a ruse to get into Europe and eventually the UK what he’s suggesting is illegal and he’s charging over 20,000 for it he says he got 53 people to the UK last year alone it’s a stark claim but is it genuine we’re on our way to meets with the agent we’ve got no idea how open he might be or how suspicious he may well be just the start of a vast network of people but we’re hoping that he’ll give us some valuable insight into a world largely hidden from View we’re posing as British experts interested in getting a nanny to the UK secretly filming The Exchange he quickly reveals pictures of more than 20 Vietnamese men and women camped out in a forest they just arrived in the UK they are in the UK now [Music] he then suddenly presents work fees for Hungary used he says to first get into Europe he also shows us the type of boat they take from France to the UK he calls it a canoe how many people will be on the canoe and how big is it I have seen some people die [Music] [Music] you think the canoe is safer than containers I ask what happens if the police stop [Music] them do you worry about the people profit that they might get [Music] hurt but these agents are often the start of a spiraling cycle of loans and debt even Those migrants Who start out working legally plugging labor shortages are often pushed or duped into more dangerous forbidden routes to pay off the money they owe what do you know about what Vietnamese migrants are experiencing once they’re in the UK that is where you have the in the um instances of human trafficking where they are actually bought and sold because that’s the final destination where you have physical beatings you have uh slavery they’re locked up um they’re not allowed to go anywhere um for women and girls there’s a lot of sexual abuse there’s opportunistic um forced sex work you know to to just frame it as illegal migrants misses the entire um Journey the entire story the entire context of why the Vietnamese even exist or end up in the UK in the first place the shores of northern France are where many make their final and often faithful last push the UK the intended dream destination for some The Last Resort for others and for so many the start of something impossible to escape Cordelia Lynch Sky News Vietnam and immediately after this program the world with yalda hakee is in northern France for more on the migration of people heading across the channel back here two people have been arrested after just stop oil activists sprayed Stonehenge with orange powder paint earlier on videos posted on social media showed members of the public trying to to stop them when they approached the ancient Monument earlier on today just stop oil says the campaign is involved are a 73y old man and a 21-year-old woman we can speak now to Ben Larson who is a just stop oil supporter hi Ben if I said to you what does this achieve I know you would say to me it gets people talking about it and here you are on Sky News doing just that but beyond that defacing ancient monuments and artworks and letting things things off at weddings is there a risk that you just irritate people hi M well first off thanks for having me on Sky News here tonight um you’re welcome why do we do what we do it’s because uh it gets us on programs like this and more importantly it puts this agenda at the top of uh the British media where it belongs but does it but but apart from us knowing that you’re called just stop oil does it really get the agenda there or is it just people seeing you do something annoying in their eyes and doesn’t go further than that uh no I think it absolutely does work to be honest um have you got proof of that Ben do do you do polling or do you ask people tell us more about that we do okay no worries Matt so when justop oil first came onto the scene new oil and gas licenses was a nonissue it was a dead duck no one cared about it and um British media sit like yourself just would not report on new oil and gas licensing no one cared since just stop oil has come on the scene maybe annoying a few people maybe breaking a few eggs in the process but uh now oil and gas licenses are a major political issue in this country every opposition party uh every major opposition party has taken up our demand of no new oil and gas licenses and uh so that’s why we’re pushing one step further now we’re saying not only do we not need any new oil and gas licenses we need the UK government to work with other governments around the world to create an emergency plan to stop burning oil and gas by 2030 that’s this is a nonproliferation treaty for oil and gas isn’t that right that’s what you’re you’re calling it 100% correct yeah why these tactics though I appreciate the end message and a lot of people have an awful lot of sympathy about that they understand they agree with you that we’re in a climate crisis they know the fossil fuel burning for the most part unless people tend to deny that but most people think yes that’s that’s correct and we will see what happens this summer but it’s the tactics they have a problem with why these tactics in particular which for the most part amount to criminal damage well you can call them criminal damage if you like it’s a bit of orange dust on a rock that’s weathered 5,000 years a British we yeah come on that’s disingenuous it’s not a rock it’s an ancient mon ument that is a UNESCO world heritage site beautiful it’s a beautiful ancient Monument but this is orange dust it’s orange dust on Stone all that we need to do is wait for it to rain and all this will be washed off and this has been the 18 wetest months on record so we’re not going to have to wait very long even how do you Ben how do you pay for the paint um it it’s it’s cornflour cornflour despite being in a cost of living crisis still isn’t isn’t too expensive how much would it cost to clean Stonehenge it won’t cost anything if it rains it comes off that it’s it’s I’m afraid the criminal damage aspect of this is is really overplayed um yeah but your protesters have been arrested nonetheless yeah the protesters have been arrested just stop oil always does accountable actions so that means we don’t run away from the consequences of our actions the brave people who took these actions today um a geography student and an elderly Quaker they took these actions because they’re desperate they know what uh the UK government either doesn’t know or doesn’t care about which is that new oil and gas is collapsed so that means new oil and gas means prop failure it means floods it means wildfires it means Devastation it means a breakdown of Law and Order uh basically these people are not willing to stand on the sidelines and let all this be done in their name and so in the selection cycle they’re taking strong action to demand that the UK government does better whoever wins this election you know some people see it a different way as if it is so desperate and miserable why are you ruining people’s fun in the meantime I mean letting pwder off at someone’s wedding is that really necessary this is this is a really interesting um take so in mainstream British news now we have the idea that you just put forward that we are in a catastrophic existential emergency but the smart thing to do is actually just have fun in the meantime and not try and take any action to divert the course but but so so but I need to understand this a bit better Ben are you saying we should all basically live in hair shirts until the problem is solved no you and I both know Matt that living in hair shirts won’t solve the problem stopping oil and gas burning and extraction will solve the problem like no matter how people try and spin this it’s super easy to understand oil and gas is a problem if we keep on burning oil and gas we’re going to die so we should but but but there’s no spin there’s just trying to understand the tactics separate from the end message and I think what you’re saying is the end justifies the means I think um it’s unwise to get hung up on tactics when the people do and they become a distract they could become a distraction from what your message is do you realize that well Matt I would say as a media organization that’s your business to try and make sure that people understand the the cause of why why we’re doing what we’re doing the cause is existential threat the cause is social collapse and if you want us talk about orange dust on a rock you can go ahead and do that it’s it’s it’s it’s your prerogative but as what I’m interested in is people who understand the severity of the crisis uh taking action and anyone who wants to do that can go to juststop sign up for action and um we’ll get you one of those orange spray paints we are interested in finding out why you did it and what’s it about and that’s why you came on this evening Ben thank you thank you man still to come here on the UK tonight we’ll tell you about the enormous flower causing a huge stink at Q Gardens and why huge crowds are rushing to see it in blue scotlands must- win game Euro 2024 is underway we’ll have the latest as they look for a much needed Victory against Switzerland in Cologne this [Music] evening they were doing everything right right they were on a lifeguarded beach they both could swim they weren’t too deep they were with people I’d never ever heard of a drowning in a rip current my son said that they were up to about their chest and then he said just suddenly they couldn’t touch the bottom our two weren’t weak children sunna was tall Joe was 6′ tall strong muscly and he got knocked off his feet and taken by the waves there needs to be discussion about water safety as a whole it’s a concerning statistic um I mean there’s a lot of contributing factors that could be leading to this rise in child drownings in particular um we’ve certainly seen probably more warm weather events um and we know that there is a link between those heat waves and uh instances of drowning there’s more people exploring open water through Sports such as paddle boarding or going out and open Water Swimming in areas that they’re not necessarily familiar with and there’s also in all likelihood a link between uh covid lockdown and people not receiving those swimming lessons uh because of leisure centers being closed that they might have done in the past we’re in the middle of the roal life saving society’s drowning prevention week and and that’s all about learning the water safety code for in order to keep you and your family safe really around water and that’s about stopping and think uh assessing the situation before you enter the water immerse yourself slowly to protect against that cold water shock it’s about staying together um not to go out Swimming by yourself but to make sure that there’s somebody with you in case somebody does get into trouble dial 999 so don’t follow somebody in that you see in trouble um because actually that can exacerbate the problem and create more casualties and then finally float that’s about getting onto your back back in the starfish position saving energy and awaiting rescue in the right way the strapl line of the rawal life saving Society is about enjoy water safely so we don’t want to put people off going into the water whether that be at the coast or indeed Inland but certainly when there’s youngsters involved then we’re conscious that issues can happen um therefore we’d encourage all parents to keep an eye on your children welome back in a moment the extraordinary smelly plant that’s bringing the crowds at Q Gardens in London but first Teddy has tonight’s Sport and Teddy all eyes on cologne a Scotland’s game with Switzerland’s at halim what’s going on good evening to you Matt yeah but halime Scotland’s hopes getting out the group very much alive still the score at halftime is Scotland one Switzerland one wonderful start for Scotland Manchester United Scott mom arriving at the edge of the Box left foot shot deflected into his net by Fabian Sher the Newcastle and Switzerland Defender has been given as mcom goal that was on target big deflection set up there by kala McGregor but then in the 26th minute a familiar name to Liverpool and Stoke fans we remember zerdan shakiri he’s playing in America now for the Chicago Fire wonderful finish 26 minutes to draw Switzerland level Mistake by the Scotland right back Anthony Rolston laying it across his own box and from just outside the area shakiri with a wonderful left foot finish into top corner beat Angus gun gun has since made a really good save to deny Dan andoy who’s looked dangerous for Switzerland andoy also had a goal disallowed for offside as it stands out pretty even Billy Gilmore coming into the Scotland lineup today playing well in Midfield and Scotland equal share of possession at halim 1-1 in Cologne if Scotland draw tonight and they win against Hungary they will go through from this group I’ll have more on their group in just a second also news of England’s buildup to Denmark team news for that game tomorrow just a second this Sky News sports bulletin is brought to you by Vitality getting more people more active live life with Vitality Amy James Turner’s career has taken her from youth football in Yorkshire to the Northwest Liverpool Manchester United then a season in the nwsl with Orlando Pride to North London where Amy helped Tottenham make history in the women’s FA Cup reaching the final of the competition for the very first time not content with having impact on the pitch Amy’s also doing so off it representing and driving the voice of women’s football on climate hey Amy how you doing good thanks on you didn’t tell me about this bringing a portable friend along who’s this bety comes everywhere with me so she wanted to come and meet you David come on all right listen um great season for Spurs how’s it been yeah it’s been a great season like you said um so many ups and downs but so pleased with where we are this season compared to where we were last season so yeah really happy so you’ve done this report tell me what was the process and who did you speak to you know how I’ve been using my voice to promote sustainability initiatives and yeah I’m really passionate about this space and I thought how do other players in the game feel about this you know I know I spark conversations in the dressing room and I know it’s it’s very much me starting these conversations but I felt like there was an interest there and and you know women’s football there’s so many great advocates in the game and I thought you know I’ll have a chat to my teammates I’ll see what they’re thinking where could we go with this starting to rain me some coffee should we go yeah let’s go and meet some [Music] players 113 surveys completed 36 Cubs represented 10 in-depth interviews and three close friends and colleagues here with Amy to give the stories behind the stats this News sports bulletin is brought to you by [Applause] Vitality thanks Teddy now we’d like to leave you with something weird and wonderful on the UK tonight and crowds have been flocking to the Royal Botanical Gardens at Q to see and to smell the infamous corpse flower the Titan arum to give the plant its real name burst into life yesterday look at this and usually only blooms once every 2 years its flower while spectacular when it comes out is is said to smell like Rotting Flesh but according to Q that’s part of the reason it attracts thousands of visitors however if you haven’t been already you’re probably going to have to wait until next time with officials at Q saying the bloom will probably only last until tonight stinky time for a quick look at the weather now it’ll be quite summery into the weekend and there’s a chance of a heat wve wow developing next week before then it’ll be mostly fine this evening but the windy Northwest will be cloudy with a little patchy mainly Coastal rain most places will stay dry clear and calm overnight with a few fog patches forming But Central Scotland Northern parts of Ireland and Northern Ireland we’ll see cloud and little patchy drizzly rain moving in that is all from the UK tonight you can catch up on all the highlights on our web page up next it is the world with yalem live tonight in northern France join us shortly

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