Headed into Leicester City Centre for the first time in 2024 and the 4th time overall in order to fill some gaps in the places we hadn’t yet visited and finish off at the AMAZING, brand new Baton Rouge! Leicester’s first Country Music Bar!

    [Music] how do welcome back uh it’s Saturday sun shining yay finally about time is it uh mid June well near nearly towards the end of June now uh so we’re in Leicester Leicester city center we’ve got Fair few still to do in Leicester city center I think uh so we’re going to try and do ones today that we haven’t done before 4 and we’re off to Baton Rouge uh you know the Hinkley one they’ve just opened up on Thursday so 2 days ago in Leicester city center country bar uh we love the Hy one so I can’t wait to go and see them and see what they’ve got going on so that should be good uh and the rest of the day we’re going to make our way around and see what else we can fill in that we’ve not not done before so we we’ve got a train um of the train station just over and a first one we come to that we haven’t done is the barley Mo so that is going to be stop number one feeling to add deer as usual barley Mart firstest in all honesty it’s not going to live in the memory they don’t have half pint glasses apparently don’t have them yeah weird nothing to write about but it’s very B standard on the Taps and the deals the drink deals and stuff it was a bit but they’re not they’re not trying very hard but that’s got a B table and decent enough F yeah it’s instantly forgettable sadly don’t see the bar Mo being somewhat that we’re probably going to bother rushing back to uh last on the bar’s not got a lot of Personality about her or get up and go to to be there either so yeah not a not a particularly wonderful start today uh but got high hopes of this one so a minute down the road walking through the city center Watson’s cocktail bar looks quite Swanky from the outside don’t it so let’s make this stop too Watson’s cocktail bar I think we were we were right to be a little bit excited it’s really nice in it seats made out of old cars look a motorbike up behind a bar so good stuff on the taps beers to choose from as well and a lad who looks a bit like Johnny Depp making me a pina colada so I’m dead impressed well we’ll see how pad has come out the the lad on the bar with the uh the pirate hat he’s called Cam he’s an ice lad uh 20y Charisma unlike the first stop of the day said he can make his P wasn’t on the menu he’s done it anyway so made it more they are he’s made it more alcoholic as well are really alcoholic type of uh coconut rum uh much more than Malibu so let’s have a let’s have a try oh yeah that’s very good thumbs up cam well play Buddy Walk 3 minutes down the road uh and hang a right uh down the side street and come to a big Junction bit where there’s a pub called the ale wagon hanging out on the corner just there so that is going to be stop number three of the day so impressed by Watson’s that was a fantastic pina colada yeah and C the ban is uh very good at what he does so it’s going to take some beating today Al wagon stop 3 though see what got the St plenty of hours and stuff on it loads of good choices and I’ve gone for Black Fox and charmwood who are very very local and I just down the road great little place I honestly as you know like I love an old school P place it feels it feels proper old school in it it’s a really old building obviously it’s been in two different rooms loads of BS loads of beer choices nice old uh tank in the corner look as well but what a uh and uh my wife again but yeah what a what a super super old pu this is uh this charmwood uh Stout very good though I do love a proper old school spit and swust no frills Pub and that’s exactly what the out wagon is heavy emphasis on the beer loads of great beers that uh that Stout I had from chood really really good just a just a proper oldfashioned old school Pub that doesn’t need to be anything anything else cuz it does well as it is a minute’s walk from that way The Real L classroom uh on this corner here this is Sister Pub to play the same name in lorth that we’ve done already uh the one in lorth is absolutely superb I’ve heard really good things about this so I’ve been looking forward to it and I can’t see it being a can’t see it being a disappointment in the slightest so stop number four uh on r street that we’re on real hour classroom I knew I was going to like this apparently they’ve got three sites one in place called Stony Gate which is Leicester as well about an hour’s walk from it so we’re not going to get that today but have a look at some of the uh some of the offerings on the board on here today no prizes for anybody for guessing exactly what I’ve gone for you’ll find it three up from the bottom Vault City Sweet Cherry sour physician float going 2/3 of that in here but it’s a it’s a wiked little South again much like the uh the lorth one that we thought was absolutely brilliant I’m looking forward to seeing the other one now in Stony Gate as well but a pretty decent pretty nice little place wines and stuff as well love it now I know always do a little history and culture thing when we walk around the cities or the towns to show you like the beautiful churches and things like that not church this time but I feel this is worth putting in the video that piece of artwork up there on that wall honestly that is the detail in that is absolutely phenomenal there are some uh some good graffiti and and bits that we’ve seen but yeah that is absolutely brilliant it’s right outside the Real L classroom so absolutely brilliant that but back to the task at hand and we’re going to here six is next social Cricket uh it is a bar apparently I’ve never been in a bar uh called anything to do with with Cricket I don’t think not certainly not dedicated to Cricket and it sounds like there might be kids in there Holly tells me it’s a bar says it’s a sports Holly says it’s a sports bar go Google says it’s a sports bar so one of Google and Holly might be wrong or both but who knows anyway let’s going to try it sixes will be up next it’s different so it’s got L like Cricket Nets I all all around big old space uh it’s card only and you know I hate card only typ things but these are quite cool they what a good way to serve your shots if you’re a cricket themed place and a cricket bat type thing like that so yeah it’s not necessarily my C it’s interesting it’s different that’s outside we were just about to leave and then look we got descending upon by stago wearing double denim boys you’re in who’s wedding is it who wedding Danny’s wedding and it’s his his third wedding true story it’s his third wedding let’s like this one stinks good L boys have a good one good lads good lads third wedding He’s a brave man know really nice Lads really good lads right straight over from sixes The Exchange bar s just so that is stop six of the day so from sixes which was stop five to stop six which is the exchange I know what I’m talking about Let’s uh let’s carry on they’re going to they’re going to have a mad time with that double denim uh that double denim stag though I wonder if we’ll uh bump into them later on calling quk in I like line up along the beers and a nice little I like these these sort of corner shaped L places they’re they’re pretty cool nice little C it’s one of those you can come in from either side and there there’s a door on that side as well uh bar space and and a door where is coming at this end but quite it’s not an L shape is it it’s well is kind of a little L shape but also goes sort of in in I know what I mean either way it’s a quirky layout but it’s quite a cool little place decent enough lot there’s no handfuls but yeah it’s a nice place service was good what more can you ask for there a there’s a function room downstairs by the toilet as well as function room upstairs but it’s start contrast but Vibe upstairs cool space big space sofas comfortable bits but yeah B here as well yeah down the stairs to the toet make a difference the bit up here this side of Le is a little bit weird it’s Saturday night loads of things don’t open till 600 um soundhouse we just had a walk up to uh cuz Google reckoned that was open now open till 2 and which is just there that definitely ain’t open no opening hours on the on the outside that we can see but it looks like might just be a gig venue type thing anyway yeah I do wish people would update their opening hours or at least have them on display some so we can easily see them um would have saved just a a ball like a walk run to that so can’t do the sound house so we’re off to something called brick and beam it’s about 10: to 6 so uh this R it at 6:00 as well so find out we get it uh so just it’s just around the corner from the so it’s like 526 and there it is Brick and beam but it looks like it’s a private function on it’s definitely open ready and I would assume em and whiz with like heart balloons so just probably function so we’ll revisit that later as well and see if it’s open to the public more backr to bat on rou let uh let going there early then I don’t know weird not being up till 6 on Saturday anyway no uh no extra luck on anything around this side being open we’re going to going take you off a Look Rouge so so you know from the Hinkley video if you watched that how wonderful this place is in hinley country bar so they open this on Thursday we on a Saturday it’s been open 2 days much much bigger than the one in Hinkley the one in Hinkley is amazing and I’m sure this is too you’ve heard great things from the opening two nights already so very much looking forward to getting in we now to show you around what B Rouge and Lester has got to offer country music bars they’re on the eyes right honestly johnon shown us around so we’ve come we’ve come to the this is on different level as well so it’s a it’s so much bigger than the HBY version we’re in here we’re in here early so I can actually give you a proper show round as well we’re in the basement bar now which is going to be sort of the party Vibe bit it gives me anybody knows the cab Club in Liverpool giv me cab Club bars in K environment I’ve got some good stuff on here I’m going to try this I’ve never tried the uh the white Cronenberg 1664 as you can see it’s all smartly decked out absolutely love this sign over here a lot of you watching this video please take note of that going to be a you know what but look at this so little piano up the front so this is going to be happening if the if you’ve ever seen the video with the hly one in you know what fun party Vibe and stuff is a bit live music and stuff down there it’s beautifully decked out so they’re getting ready geared up for their first Saturday night open tonight it’s going to be a good one I’m sure I we show you upstairs in the minut so back upstairs uh now wonder around honestly this place is so impressive so leicester’s first country music bar and it is going to do well trust me big like wall of country singer Fame up there same beers that you’ve got on downstairs but look the baby grand piano in the corner so he said they’re only just opening so this why a bit quiet at the moment but how beautiful is this whole place super extra little rooms all there so that’s where we go down to the uh to the other bit but what a what a great place we’re going to duck out of here in a minute uh and come back later when it gets busy like make the last upop of the night before we go back on the train to show you busy but at the moment have a a look at the little food going on perfect for sort of an American country bar chicken wings cauliflower tacos King prawn shrimp PoBoy ribs exactly it’s really cheap the food as well but that is exactly what you would want to see in it on a on a country American Bar menu so yeah plan is to go back to batt Rouge and get you some footage of that when it is all happening and all singing and dancing all bells and whistles cuz I’m really impressed I mean I knew I knew that we were going to like it I knew we were going to be impressed anyway but it’s gone beyond my expectations it’s really really good so yeah let’s go back there uh last thing tonight and show you it INF forol swing but come this thing called the turkey Cafe uh this is an iconic looking building it beautiful looking Place uh it wasn’t open when we walked up earlier uh despite Google saying it open at 12 it’s now R six and it is open so let’s uh let’s go in and do the turkey Cafe honestly this is one of the biggest disappointments ever been inside um the Taps they’ve got downstairs none of them work so the load of beers listed but none of them work um there’s no upper middle floor bit anyway but uh yeah it’s not it’s not good order the order the V and D coke uh just handed me vanilla vulka cuz they don’t have any normal vka around so yeah bit weird is the this is the D yeah it’s a bit but whatever this is in this plastic receptacle it don’t tastes like V and dark to me H is [Music] red horrible there are some uh some nice little things to look at around walking walking around Le the city center nice Fountain there in the middle but this is nice to sit out and in the Sun but that’s aett pretty cool front in there not has got anything quite as cool as that there but we’ve got a much better football team so you know that’s a that’s cool up there as well the painting Le the market nice monuments and things so there are some nice little bits to leson city center same one thing that doesit walking around here though the amount of these deliveroo Uber Eats bike riders riding on the pavement like dinging their Bells when you walk like it’s get off the path man cyan everywhere yeah there’s cycle Lanes everywhere and there’s all over the path there’s hundreds of them as well so yeah that’s a bad bad thing about leer that’s start from the football team obviously I just about the football team they’re no near as bad as Derby are they really are bad right so we’re trying to fill gaps in and pubs that we haven’t visited before so we’re up in the area now where stuff like the frer is uh Sumer stuff that we we’ve done all of these before but one we’ve never got into before is Knight and garta because when we’ve come on a Sunday or a bank holiday and things like that this one hasn’t been open so it is open today but look things looks very nice night and gter is stop nine b r Seven 8 nine this place is beautiful uh you come com in obviously with with the rest of the sort of pups around here I wasn’t expecting this to be quite so beautiful so is obviously a restaurant bar do oysters and all sorts like a Swanky is in here a nice little Terrace space with four rails on which always nice to say Lincoln grain nothingham sherb Lincoln grain who we absolutely love which always nice to say and so I’ve never had before this this BB knee filter I’m I’m I’m I’m tired I say say knee filter so that’s what I’m saying oh we could just we could just got no filter but is that is last thing and the restaurant desk a little bit like P pendulum and Notting them the bookcase opens to go through to the restaurant I’ll try and cash it in a minute see what did I tell you it’s a secret restaurant behind that bookcase told you I’d get it uh night and G was absolutely amazing said we’ve done some we’ve done most ofr but we haven’t done the Market Tavern so that’s going to be next look at that Leicester City Football Club I can almost contain my excitement Market T up next party pum definitely a party pum got a double Carling s though look uh CA joh it’s that but singing it’s a it’s a fun that’s that’s how he describ it’s a it’s a fun P it’s not offensive uh people are friendly sta are friendly but yeah know it’s it’s World apart from what’s next door like completely different world it’s a fun part it’s it’s what it is uh directly next door is another one that we i’ never even heard of it didn’t that was there we definitely haven’t done inside number nine say Market Tavern there this is inside number nine so we haven’t done this got a bit of live music going on by the S things or something decent little yards so inside number n’s up next it’s that kind of place it gives you like yeah holiday Vibes Hol said Holiday Bar I totally get that it feels like you sat out in some Mediterranean bar singer she’s very good the singer but she’s singing in it might be Spanish or something like that but a nice Swanky looking little place like the old uh the old side things like that few bit on Atlantic pale um she is she’s very good but yeah it definitely get makes you feel like you’re in in the med somewhere like on a on a beach front bar got out but weird for Leicester but very nice right uh yeah finding the ones we haven’t done now doing well this one shouted out to us a lot um and I’m really looking forward to it it’s obviously a craft beer type place called done lots of people said not to miss this this time I know if there’s something else in there as well maybe but this looks pretty damn cool to me uh and we’ve had a count this is top 12 of the day so far doing all right T yes C so obviously I’m going to like it it’s got really good beer offering and choice up there the Vol City satus on though is the iron Brew now I’ve avoided the iron Brew one because I hate iron Brew the entire time but now what I thought on your big boy pants and let’s have a look so let’s try the iron Brew V City sour V City iron Brew [Music] sour I hate iron bre I really really really hate iron bre sorry boys no from me anyway that side St and be boy loads of cans on the uh on this selection of stuff up there as well bit of food Fighters playing which is nice to see I should have gone I should have come over here soon G for one of these because I would have been right with a raspberry or anything that wasn’t really iron Brew I just absolutely can’t stand iron Brew but you now what big boy pant’s done I’m going to drink it it’s a nice bath I’m never going to get over that iron Brew is just wrong on so many levels not my cup ofy in the sest OR sour beer as the case may have been right there I love you V either please stop putting and Brewing stuff it’s just gross some weird Scottish thing is it like stop it man stop it folks but right next door to T I’m I’m s is though juice bar cocktail bar and lounge so obviously we haven’t done that so we doing that well in Rome or a cocktail bar what else I going here we go second one of the day how does it way [Music] up it’s a pretty second but it’s not as good as the one in Watson’s earlier from Old Camp decent though so I’m rot back to the train station like I said we have to come back again and see uh See bat Rouge a bit later on in the evening with a few people in sh the vibe happy to be back here this is what you can expect like when you come in late like the entertainment the entertainment’s great out of imagine this like in a VI fall when people know this is here and they’ had like beond that this is going to be amazing I think this place is amazing and honestly we need to spread the word we need to come down here and check this out if you like country music which is let’s face it the biggest Dr in the world this is this is going to do so well so guess I’m glad we didn’t make it here in see play on the on the old uh on the old baby Grand’s piano but this place is amazing get yourselves down here to to the new battle Rouge you will love it I promise cheers for watching guys make sure you hit subscribe see you soon


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