Join leaders from VaynerX and EY as they recap key insights and groundbreaking trends from Cannes Lions 2024. This livestream will dive into the festival’s most impactful moments, providing marketers with actionable takeaways to drive innovation in marketing and advertising.

    okay hey everybody it’s Gary Vayner CEO bayner X and vayer media uh really excited about this LinkedIn live with ey uh and really excited about Avery and Lisa leading the way from our respective organizations but before we get into those uh lovely ladies and their thoughts uh just a quick little recap of what was going on at cam 2024 number one ai ai ai a lot of hyperbole a lot of misunderstanding and a lot of thoughtful conversations so mix of the two like there always is with new technology just very clear that that’s in the air number two creative and social finally being respected you know even though we’re giving awards away for above the line a lot more conversation of creative excellence and social to mitigate your risk in media spend and above the line campaigns we’re starting to get it in Social and that was exciting and then number three and finally influencers creators interchangeable names some people see semantics in it but the rise of influencer marketing and the importance clearly on everyone’s tip of the tongue hope you enjoy this live event and we’ll see you next time wow what a kickoff from Gary um thank you so much Lisa and Jose for joining us this is going to be really fun have y’all recovered from can yet that’s my first question can you recover from can like I think physically you can start to get there and get the sleep up but like what we learned there is just so phenomenal now it’s like kind of up up to us to figure out what we’re going to take forward yeah physically yes mentally I’m still somewhere in the uh in the thought bubble you’re still in the pallet okay let’s have a little like let’s kick off with a a little round of introductions we are streaming live across Vayner channels so on LinkedIn on YouTube Etc um Instagram thank you everybody who is tuning in uh whether you were lucky enough to be a can or not we wanted to put together some of our sort of key takeaways I’m Avery I’m the CMO at Vayner and I’m joined by two of our wonderful friends from ey Lisa why don’t we start off with you happy too so Lisa Peterson I am the chief marketing officer for ey Consulting in the Americas and I am joined with by my colleague Jose hi everybody Jose Rees I’m the chief creative officer for ey in the Americas also in Consulting amazing well I’m really excited Jose to get your perspective as sort of the creative lead probably mentally you’re still in the pallet but there were so many really interesting things that happened at can and we thought it’d be really fun just to sort of share that out with with people who are are doing their roundups or doing their diligence um because I think there were a bunch of key themes that emerged last year that are really interesting whether you’re a marketer a business Builder a creative um everyone you know has been reaching out and saying what did you all think about can what were the the hot things and Gary just shared three that are top of mind for him that we’ll have reflected in this little deck but but first I’ll just sort of share a recap um of of can line uh 2024 um on the Vayner boat where we were lucky enough to have our friends from ey all week um we had what we’d call the best and brightest in culture and marketing to strike up real conversations around day trading attention so uh we have this iconic disco ball which is always a fan favorite we convened everybody there at night during the day from morning and team if you want to advance the slide um from morning to night we had like 8: am to 3:00 am non-stop just absolute fun happening um on the Vayner X yacht um we had 16 CMOS join us for our marketing for the now can Edition we had 28 Live Events we had 800 guests from different 220 Global Brands and uh we had over a million earned Impressions across Vayner acts and Vayner media social handles so it was a week it was a very busy week I think I’m still mentally recovering and and having my coffee right here and um you know we also had the the distinct pleasure to host a number of different icons from Sophia Bush to the Kelsey Brothers to deepo Chopra Carmela Anthony etc etc so it was an action-packed week and and we also were able to host um you know hundreds of of brand guests which was really special so hearing them um whether it was at our CMO circles or at our panels kind of give their perspective of what’s actually happening in the industry ultimately really helped us shape um what we uh what we sort of picked up out of the week whether you’re in fashion or you’re in cpg or you’re in Consulting everyone sort of has a different angle of what they’re looking for it can um but it was a it was pretty epic uh Jose Lisa any takeaways from from your time in our boat yeah I mean I’ll I’ll tell you that for me this year was the year of the end um it felt like there were there was a technology conference going on and there was a business conference going on and there was a culture um a culture and a social and and a fashion conference going on and there was the Canen Lions of creativity going on um so you know it was a week that probably lasted a month long um but for me the the energy the optimism um the show of force from creativity and Technology was is is like nowhere else in the world yeah I think the only thing I would add to that is um so I was a can new this year so coming in first timer no idea what to expect going in and I think for me it’s just you know can was unlike any other conference that you would go to be it’s Cosmos or anyone else that you kind of any conference you go to and it really is what Jose just said it’s the end it’s the multiple layers it’s like this multi-layer cake and you just got to figure out like which layer you want to dive into because just so much it can uh to figure out to take away and to really experience absolutely and I I think you just said that so well Jose because there are there are people who are from the business side you know we had our friends at Tik Tok and Salesforce and Linkedin joining us then we had people who are very much on the brand side big delegations from companies like PepsiCo from PNG from hankle from Bayer who bring you know their Global Marketing leaders together then we had sort of like newbies on the scene you know we had the the tubies of the world um join us and increasingly um you know companies who haven’t always gone to can but are going whether it’s for Creative inspiration um to sort of understand what’s happening in the Zeitgeist of culture um or just to make new connections um so I think that it continues to evolve and get bigger and bigger one thing that’s really interesting I think there’s like you know 16,000 people who actually have badges which that’s like let fewer people than go to you know a big sports game so it’s small but the impact of this is really so tremendous um because of all the things that we just mentioned when you’ve got the Kelsey Brothers there you know it’s actually happening in culture that’s right so now we’ll we’ll hop into our sort of first first kind of key themes whether you’re there or not these are things that we think people can can pick up and sort of understand and learn from um first is communities so can can be a very big place a very overwhelming place and what I observed was there were these sort of community meetups where people got really excited and here you can see some of the stuff that that stood out to us whether it was you know black week showing up strong or it was the Gold House Community gathering together or the Pau community in the midst of all these big things people are actually seeking communities of shared values even alumni networks this is kind of funny but we we do this annual thing with the PNG alumni brunch because in the midst of all this craziness people are actually looking for more meaningful sort of connections with communities of shared values did you all observe any of that happening absolutely I mean for me I think that was the one thing that act that makes the the the largest and expansiveness of can actually be navigatable is that you can find these communities to actually lean into so anything as you said from communities happening with Pau to you had communities happening around the the female inequality Lounge that you could literally find your your way in this without feeling lost um which was really important but what was actually interesting was to see the overlap of those communities so you move from one to the other and it was just it was you know very very fluid super fluid organizations yeah absolutely I mean for me you know the the community um of creative leaders that I interact with at can it it gives me the opportunity to share um you know topics uh challenges opportunities with other creative leaders and just kind of brainstorm and see how people are approaching you know the this um this and right technology and design or um business and sustainability those those conversations are the ones that that I think at can you know I value the most I love that the and um and I think that the creativity was just the biggest theme all week of course the can lion Festival creativity like that’s the reason people are there that’s the re reason people were originally going and um you know what you can see here on this screen is is the Young Lions which is a group that we host every year super fun um of course the awards are a huge driver and you know the number of award submissions continues to go in One Direction and that is up up up but I actually feel creativity is a theme even outside of the pallet like just everywhere it’s like how can we be creative in all these different ways whether it’s sustainability or whether it’s like you know product Innovation or whether it’s something um like the awards which are of course a little bit more of a a traditional structure from my POV I feel like can has expanded well beyond just the awards and Jose you and I were sort of batting around some thoughts earlier um around the sort of importance of young creatives um attending this Festival a lot of people say that most of the attendees are too old but you said you actually saw a lot of more young emerging creatives can you share a little bit about that I did I was actually really excited to see that part um you know I I think one of the comments I made to you was the young people didn’t want to hang out with the old people which is probably why the old people didn’t see them all um I you know for me this is the most important part of this Festival is the the sustainability not the not the uh not the uh World sustainability but the sustainability of the business itself over time you know I don’t want to be the last creative director on Earth I want I want there to be a continuation of creativity and I think you’re 100% right the the Festival of creativity one of the things that I was the most curious about coming in was how we would evolve the definition of creativity itself to include all of these other things that were happening right and so to stick with my theme I think what we saw this year was creativity and creators and creators come in all shapes and sizes Gary you know in the opening did an incredible job of making reference to that and I think that we are starting to see that take center stage at a place like Ken where you have a festival of creativity that’s awarding marketing work that is spectacular yes and you also have the continuation of creativity as a business tool happening in all these other locations seeing the Young Lions is my favorite part and even if you see them on the street the the the energy that they’re bringing to ksas a festival I think is going we’re going to see that for years and years to come I love that I love that Lisa any any perspective from your side I would never try to top that exactly he said it well I love it very inspiring so the next big thing is culture so people are there for the awards but we are seeing a ton of Hollywood stars who who are coming whether it’s Issa Ray um I got you know no big deal got to be on a panel with her pretty exciting Issa Ray who is just like an icon for culture and for driving you know youth culture and inspiring the next generation of social creators to make it to the big screen we saw Christy tan John Legend deepo Chopra like there was just this amazing blend of sort of culture makers and Shapers from different different parts of the world and of course they’re all coming because they want to meet Brands if you want to meet CMOS this is probably the single best place to be like in the world this week and can um but I thought it was really interesting because a lot of them are not even familiar with the awards I talk to them and I’m like you know are you GNA walk the work they’re like what what what does that mean um but they’re here to sort of be a part of the Zeitgeist of culture and also Inspire marketers in a new way um Lisa from a CMO perspective um you know how do you think that fits in the like ier can I think it actually it kind of overlaps you talk about this the rise of the influencer right and if influencer has taken this interesting journey I think from it was influencer then it became kind of gratuitous product placement to it’s actually back to being true influencers and I think what you you’re starting to see from you know the Stars you I we saw Megan rapino and Sue bird you saw bosma who’s on a panel who’s now going to be a you know former CMO of Netflix and is now going to be in Desperate housewise of Beverly Hills they’re all there for a reason because this personalization of the brand is becomes really important and so as you find these people who are their authentic selves um and are leaning into it I think you’re finding really interesting product placements like we ludicrous was on stage at one point and someone was asking him like what brands do you rep he was like only the ones I use every day he was like so I actually am in with GIF because I eat peanut butter every day right so they’re like okay and this it’s very authentic you’ve got the Kelsey Brothers very authentic and so I do think you’re seeing this kind of this move back to influencers and authenticity and really kind of interlinking that that product brand with their personal brand which is really interesting I love that and they really are and a lot of them like fun fact Issa actually has a prco line which was featured on our boat called Viv Ray Chrissy’s got Cravings you know deo’s got a lot of these you know culture makers and big names they also are entrepreneurs and they’re their as well to find ways that they can you know learn about how to Market these things too which I think is also just just super cool this is a little bit more of a controversial take Jose I’m gonna I’m gonna ask you about this one fashion this is a you know I heard from a CMO client that she was like you know I feel like this is like adult Coachella with all of the outfits people are Dressed to Kill they are they are looking great there was like outfits to a tea there fashion shows and there’s actually a lot of um fashion brands attending you know from coach to American Eagle to um lvmh Brands like you know fashion brands haven’t historically been in can lion but this year they definitely were I didn’t see you before I wrote this slide but we’ve graduated from the creative director black tea which used to be Oliver can he’s got the glasses he’s got the black tea probably a cool hat um it used to just be all people who were wearing black t-shirts now I was seeing some real outfits of the day any thoughts guys was I alone in seeing this no absolutely not alone and I think it has to do um with people wanting to find expression and I think fashion is a creative expression right so for me being in a place that celebrates creativity there’s a very natural um openness there’s a natural desire to express yourself in very creative ways and I think by the way this goes a bit to the end right as the festival has become Tech and business and creativity and social then you have this Confluence of people that are much more expressive in different ways than in the black T-shirt right this I think I think we’re just going to continue to see that I love it and your like black t-shirts can still be dressing very creatively um so that was very fun and I think we saw that all over the place there was like outfit changes happening very exciting another big theme this year which we actually haven’t seen as much in the past few years but this year was really strong was this idea of the retail media Network and of course these are media vendors it’s the insta carts it’s the Amazon but they are also ones who’re kind of jumping onto the scene whether it’s United Airlines with uh launching their connective um new New Media Network or Chase Media Solutions something that they just debuted earlier this year what to me the signals is this idea that if you own your customer data you can monetize it in in ways that are are creative in and of themselves right if you have that direct relationship with your customer you know you know Avery is flying from Miami to New York once a week you then kind of understand something really interesting that might be interesting to advertisers so I think this is a big Trend that we’ve seen impacting cpg for the last few years but now it’s really starting to to impact um all different Industries and and serve as both a new media channel and a new media discipline and as a new way for for big companies to monetize did you guys get a chance to check out any of these yeah I did and I you know I was I’ll build a little bit on Aver I think what we’re starting to see and I know we’ve gone we’ve gone what 10 minutes into this this wecast saying the dreaded two words AI they’re coming but you know you start to think about who is going to actually own the channel and people have the channel and have the eyeballs I think you’re going to start to see these people um come up in Pro prominence and so you have this you know connective even on the plane I was un united on the way over and you start they’re already advertising connective I’m based in Denver Colorado and I about fell over when I saw I bought a you know talking about it then you actually start to think about like you know what do these people have in common right they do have you as you said they have the first party data that’s there um they have the audience and how do you actually start to use that in a different way in a different era and those will potentially be the some of the bigger winners as you go through so the take the takeaways you talk to in instacart or these things is that you know how do you actually as a marketer be it B to C or in our world even B to B how do you think about working with these individuals and really kind of shaking it up because they are the and yeah I mean I’ll be really interested to see how this matures from just sending me more stuff to buy to how do I create a loyalty experience with the people that have chosen my brand and then I have data about them to add actual value to that that exchange versus just selling me more stuff when I get on the plane right that’s going to tune me out yep versus when I get on the on the plane I’m using the plane example because you brought it up yeah um is you know what can I learn about the destination what what added value can you bring because you know me you know where I’m going and not just sell me you know a bottle of something that I don’t need I think what’s really interesting you we’ll just hit the plane one is in private Aviation this has been going on for years upon years so finally to see it come more into what I call Commercial Aviation is interesting because in private Aviation those screens that you have from vendors such as goo Etc they are fully customized on content um that is there because they not only know your previous viewing history and profiles they know to your point your destination both where you started and where you’re going so to see you know the kind of the more commercialization come at it is really kind of quite interesting it’ll be interesting to see how far you carry that over like do you carry it over like when you walk onto the Jet Bridge do all the on all the digital display ads Chang based off of the viewing habits that you just saw on the plane because how they’re interacting in the plane you can carry that over to another environment so as we start to knit these together so they’re not siloed we’ll be where we’ll start to get to some interesting intersections yeah I think that both of you are bringing up really interesting points um around okay great is this just going to mean like now I’m grocery shop every time I’m grocery shopping I’m getting served more ads every time I’m PL I’m on a plane I’m getting served more ads the answer is yes but can those be actually added value and from an Advertiser perspective you know how do you price those things right because in cpg they just are like kind of choking out the brands um as they develop their own private label Solutions in a context like you know I’ll give Chase Media Solutions just because I’m more familiar with what they do we do a lot of work with Chase um it’s really interesting because the advertiser only pays if someone actually buys something so it’s almost more of that like you know pay for performance model and that to me is also somewhat interesting because then I’m getting a discount as a customer it’s like okay cool maybe I’m going to try this new restaurant or try this new store and I get a discount and I’m paying with my Chase card so that actually starts to feed that feedback loop of being useful for The Advertiser and for the customer which is like the Magic The Magic opportunity um and the fact that they were at can shows that they’re putting some real oomph into this they’re looking to court advertisers to get their big jbps Etc um we also saw this sort of next generation of talent we talked about the culture makers but um we also saw this eration of of social first talent creators that I can say a lot of my clients they didn’t know who these people were I’m like hey that’s Alex Earl they’re like who’s Alex Earl like she’s like the most famous person like on Tik Tok now but it’s interesting because the very often these creators are blown out by the platforms whether it’s a Snapchat or a Tik Tok um or a meta they bring these creators out to sort of experience the magic and of canline and also speak to how these creators have built their brands on the platform this was also the first year that can lion actually did their um uh own Creator programming which kind of signals that it’s it’s a macro from above push um but I thought that this was a big thing that we haven’t seen as much as we have this year from a Creator POV they’re there they’re they’re figuring out the world of advertising they might you know have millions of followers themselves but um they’re figuring out this more traditional world of advertising and it’s funny because often they’re like what what an archaic way to do things I’m like oh yeah that’s how it works in traditional land they’re like I just post it um you know what do you all think about this this like slew of creators descending on the quette you want to take that Jose I I love it I I love it I think um I think it’s gonna put I think it’s gonna put pressure both ways right like we this this is one of the things I was really interested in is what’s the definition of creativity and how is it changing over time right now we’ve got this we we’ve got this democratization of all of these creators being able to launch their own platforms own their own Brands you know create their own content what I’m in what I’m the most interested to see is what happens after this first wave like does this Inspire another wave of creators and then then the promise of AI really comes into play because it’s able to connect all these pieces together much more quickly than we can as individual humans but we still need that creative idea we still need that brand idea to curate through this universe of creators that are that are generating content I think that’s when it’ll get really interesting I’m it’s such a good point because the creators are doing things like very much their way for talent Po and by the way a lot of their you know income comes from Brands um you know they get do a lot of brand deals but from a brand perspective it’s still important to own that narrative have your own clear communication that can kind of transcend all of the noise that’s happening through all of these awesome people who are really creative and doing their own thing and you know also finding a lot of success on these social platforms agreed on on a slightly different angle one thing that I observed um and I saw a lot of people posting about this on LinkedIn was the emergence of families um ultimately joining Executives um at at can because it’s a week long of course you’re working the whole time it’s crazy busy but I saw a lot of kids you know whether they were babies or toddlers or teenagers accompanying execs um a lot of spouses and a lot of parents you can see Gary’s dad there if anyone was uh you know passed him this week his favorite hat says proud dad of Gary Vee he’s wearing our our mad happy vorx can scarf um and and I think it’s a really underscores the growing Trend that like work life balance um is more like work life integration especially to people who have these really high powerered jobs where they’re working the whole time and they want to find ways to include their family um you know with them uh did you see this any any thoughts on this kind of coming together yeah absolutely I do think this I like the work life integration versus the balance I’m going to start using that ay um because it’s just it is really about you know how do you flex your life and kind of put these people together and I would tell you from you know once again first time can I will probably bring my family next year um less about you know make sure that they’re there but like if you go back to what we were just talking about the Creator you know I’ve got a young munchkin she’s gen Alpha and she’s thinking about like I can do all this stuff I want to be the Tik Tok star I want and like just starting to get her to understand a little bit more of the the reality and how has it come to and like see the whole chain is um it’s a great way and it’s not like I’m trotting her into like a conference right it’s is definitely a little bit more fun so it’s during summer break which is great you’re like okay you’re out of school maybe you can come along with Mom to this really exciting thing and maybe you’re going to learn a thing or two exactly I definitely noticed it I when I landed Sunday morning one of the which was Father’s Day in the US um one of the first thing I did was call home and I made the comment to my wife hey there’s a lot of kids here I I I noticed it it stood out to me there were a lot of kids and I um I saw them throughout the week it wasn’t just that they came in and then left when the conference started they you’re right there was an integration of I’m going to bring my I’m going to bring the things that are important to me including being at the conference and learning and sharing creativity I’m going to bring the people in my life to that so absolutely I noticed it more than any other year and I think it’s really nice too because a lot of these you know executives are also showing that you can you know be on stage you can be running a team and you can be working crazy hours and you can also have your family you can have your spouse Lauren who’s the president at black week brought her two teenage kids and they were sitting in on panels and she’s like I want them to learn I want them to hear this type of thing and of course you know you’re in the south of France like they get to spend a little time with Mom and Dad during breaks or dinners or whatever it is but you know at the female quoti I saw um uh Tark and Carla Hassan’s daughter she was like interning there like working the desk and things like that as a way to learn as well so there’s a lot of like really cool stuff that that I saw happening as a way to integrate it of course you’re not bringing your kids on a boond doggle they’re Lear learning and like at times they’re contributing as well um but I think it’s it’s a growing Trend because preo I don’t think he would have seen that you know bringing Gary bringing his parents to like a work thing would not have happened right but now it’s like okay awesome they can learn a bit about our business they can share a little bit um with us too so I thought that that was just like really fun and and really cool and something I think we’ll see more and more of yeah I agree the kids are probably protecting you from the boond doggle it’s hard to exact to go to bar at 3 o’clock in the morning when your kids are waiting for you nope do that need to bring my daughter for to be my shield then save me from that yeah and I saw it just with so many different people especially like executive level who have sort of teenage kids because they’re also able to learn and get so much out of it you know what an amazing privilege and it’s summer break so the other big big big big theme that I think we can’t forget about this year was just like the power of I would say women but also women’s sports in specific women’s sports we had Sue bird we saw Megan rapino we saw just so many of these is like big name H Berry was even running with the Olympic torch there was a lot on women’s sports and and hats off to the guys at stagwell guys and GS at stagwell for putting on a really incredible you know programming at sports Beach um I thought they did an amazing job with that and attracted athletes from all different disciplines and walks of life but on top of that and and this you know athletes are there to sort of Court um brand partners and and get to know um more about the the world of advertising but I think more at a macro level um Lisa you mentioned that the female ction in the equality Lounge I think just like the power of the female dollar the power of women was just like I just felt it this year yeah I think that um one of my biggest takeaways I came back and I told my team this already was um I’m a big believer in you know not just thinking about someone’s you what their share of wallet is their share of mind but you how do you get to share a heart and share of lifestyle and the share of lifestyle and getting to kind of intersect with people in a downtime moment I think is you know a little bit more parent I think for be Brands but even in a B2B World incredibly important and what I’m seeing and really here here and also is emphasized at South by Southwest is women in sports and that you may not you know the the just the incredibly High engagement rates that you have around this one um so I came back and just already said like look I’m carving off part of my marketing budget and I want you guys to go experiment like tell me how this is going to work how do we do this what’s the right kind of play with women in sports and the ey brand as we look at building the ey brand but um it was you once again the folks at stagwell amazing job they brought in such high-powered individuals and it was once again I go back to this authentic I believe in kind of walk the authentic walk it really felt like they weren’t pandering to get a sponsorship or brand but it really was kind of a a great discussion um that was there so just love seeing it you know love seeing you know the Megan rapino sub bird at the Business Insider breakfast um and just so many more people on stage that just are really advocating not just to build the brand but really advocating for women’s sports in general and the power of women’s sports um is was just it was great to see I love that and I think your point on authenticity is very well placed because right now like women’s basketball is like you know we we’re all seeing the the Caitlyn effect there but there are so many other sports where women are absolutely crushing it I feel like there’s some underpriced pockets of opportunity there as well and um Sue actually specifically said that um in in a talk that she was giving um Lisa you and I got to hang out with her at South by but she was like there’s more than just women’s basketball there’s women’s sports across um across the Spectrum so they’re all kind of getting their their time to shine okay Jose you’ve mentioned this twice now so I know it’s top of your mind AI I think AI was it was almost too obvious to include because everybody talked about it so we we saved it for last um but it was really everywhere during Gan lion from um talks to uh small intimate sessions to Plat platforms Tik Tok announced this really cool thing that they have called Symphony AI um you know we saw announcements from 2B and time partnering on excuse me not TV Fox and time partnering on a verification platform we did a CMO circle on AI what did you all think about this is I’ve heard a lot of marketers who are like I’m all in and a lot of marketers who are like I haven’t seen the value yet you want Jose you want me yeah so um I think in contrast to last year same time where you couldn’t um you couldn’t order an AI coffee without an AI prom to get the AI uh person human to AI deliver the AI coffee that you just AI ordered that that that sort of um frenzy last year of the of the buzzwords in all the conversation you just couldn’t get away from it right what I what I felt this year was much more purposeful yes AI is in the conversation and I think it will continue to be in the conversation but there was a huge difference from last year to this year where we actually saw the application of it pragmatically hey we’re using it to accomplish this outcome that we couldn’t have otherwise done at scale with humans driving it we needed the AI because we needed the scale and the speed we needed to produce this campaign in real time where we could change out the Creative Images in real time when somebody adopted a pet the the application of it was I think much more mature this year than than at least last year for sure I it was Hye cycle last year right and this year you were like okay people are actually doing some things correct and I think that we’ll continue to see that um moving forward that there was much more emphasis on aha now we understand that creativity is important and we can put it with AI to to create an outcome it’s not an or it’s an and yeah yeah I think that um I I’ll just continue to build on that one one of the things you see so often is AI is a Bolton it’s an adjunct you know buy this AI module and you can do X Y what we’re seeing now is AI really embedded in Solutions um which is a pro and also I think it’s going to be a challenge for marketers right because at one point how many of my different agencies do I work with um that have their own AI module or whatever their fuel is that’s going to be in there and when do things potentially start to cancel cancel out the benefits so that was one but two you are seeing these proof of Concepts come to life I mean H&R Block just for the entire tax season had all AI in it it was it’s phenomenal to see the uplift that people are doing and the third thing I think you’re starting to see is we’re just as a in a as a marketing organization and a marketer organization around how do you use AI yes for productivity which is you know I tell my team I’m like don’t be afraid of AI I mean you’re backtack in meetings every day you’re supposed to be creative on the five minutes you walk to the bathroom you know now maybe AI can actually give you this space take the mundane off and give you the space to really be creative so don’t be afraid of It kind of embrace it as you go through it but the next step change is going to be is when we actually don’t look at it just as productivity but how do we actually just fullon tear down every single business process that we have around it and rebuild it with AI at the core once again not an adjunct so I do think we’re just you know in our own organizations and professions were just at the beginning um but it it was really good to see it being at least it can much more integr and then I see at other conferences that I go to where it still feels a little Bolton I think that’s a really good point I think that the we are seeing some Brands like run for it and use it for various like tasks of Automation and sometimes like fullon you know creative launches but I think that the hype cycle has cooled off a lot even if you like look at Google Trends like it’s it’s cooled off and now we’re finding like what how can I actually use this to actually drive efficiency and how can I do this in like a legally and ethically compliant Cent manner which is a huge thing that a lot of our our clients are are asking for our help with so it was the Talk of the Town but there’s still a lot of fluff um I think that it’ll continue to be to me it’s like it’ll continue to be integrated more and more and more and more um through a combination of the marketing organizations and functions and the technology organizations and functions because I’m seeing a lot of this is actually driven not necessarily by the CMO but by the CTO by the um it infrastructure as we you know at least a year point to help teams get more efficient and more effective at their jobs yeah I think you know the thing is is AI brings great power right but with great power comes great responsibility and so if you think about this at the end of the day you know AI is about how do we get more velocity but velocity is just a you know how do you think about speed plus Direction yeah AI is going to give us a speed the direction the directional compass and what we need to do still needs to come from a human right and so as we as marketers think about how you use AI to get that speed piece we have to be really careful that we’re also protecting our brand our consumers our customers everything around that by putting that that compass into place that gives us the right direction couldn’t agree more last theme here you know we always think about this at VOR but we feel like social’s finally being taken seriously the the who does the big activations that can changes over time Jose’s nodding because he knows it used to be the agencies then it was the media platforms right now it’s the social platforms they go big whether it’s Pinterest and their manif Festival which I loved A+ production on that one or um influential Beach who did the Tik Tok Awards or Reddit or meta um there was a lot of these sort of social activations that happened on the quet and also a lot of awards both um official canline categories in the social influencer category and um you know sort of adjunct awards that were were simultaneously happening um I think social people are waking up to the fact that brand is built on social and that social is not an add-on or a bolt-on like it it can be the lifeblood of of marketing organization so I saw this really and Gary touched on this a bit but I think that that it is starting to shift right even a lot of those big winning ideas from um from the Grand Prix like a lot of them started on social people are starting to take this more seriously Jose is someone who’s been at the heart of a lot of these big creative ideas what do you think it’s the most direct way for you to have a relationship and a conversation with someone and I think we’re going to see it more and more and more you’re you’re you’re 100% right like this this aspect of the festival was incredible it felt fresh it felt like people were involved finally that it it got some attention I think that I think that Brands will realize that that social is the most human onetoone relationship we need to click that team because that was so well said love it amazing yeah I think that it is and and people are realizing like yes of course films are important but if no one sees them did they matter did they drive brand awareness and affiliation um and I think that kind of brings me to to our our like key takeaways I’m feeling this big push towards effectiveness at the awards which like work that works is important um you know I talk to you know people who are newer to the industry and they’re like wait there’s a whole separate category for Effectiveness Awards shouldn’t the creative Awards be effective and we’re like yeah but those are the FAS it’s different so you know if we think about our key thoughts coming out of can it’s partially that there’s no such thing as good and bad it all depends on the price tag and the performance like Effectiveness is really top of mind for marketers right now um we touched on this a little bit but navigating the fluff of AI I’m gonna you know insert a quote that that Gary said that really stood out to me I think Lisa you were there when he said this um in all this talk about AI this week the most powerful AI tools are the organic algorithms of the top seven social platforms which I think is it’s so pointing and we know that to be true as consumers somehow we forget it as marketers that like you know Tik Tok knowing that a video is going to get eight Impressions versus eight million that’s all AI it’s all like knowing Avery’s gonna like this and Lisa’s gonna like this and Jose is gonna like this I’m going to serve it up to them specifically um and then Jose last to your point social is really redefining creative Excellence the little idea that starts on social people are waking up to like it’s not the 23y old intern right or it might be and that person might be winning a canned lion um but Brands need to dayre attention and be active on places where their consumers are active and we can’t just rely on that one big idea that takes us through many years as a you know heart heart-wrenching TBC so these are three big things that that we’re thinking about and and working with our partners on to sort of activate um in the back half of the year and you know can Li is so incredible and inspiring and amazing and at vayer uh I know we’re just so excited to take some of this inspiration and convert it into to action so many great ideas that happened last that we discussed last week were already sprinting to make them happen and and bring them to life um but you know it’s always our favorite week of the year getting to hang out with a lot of the best creative minds the best marketing minds and you know a couple cool people as well uh really helps make canline amazing for us any final wrap-up thoughts from you all no I think that’s great I think that you know it just from once again I my can newbi I think that the the you know the proof is what we do with this going forward so how do we take all these these so whats and these findings and put them into action find the small experiments and that if you aren’t doing it what you’re going to do with it and if you’re already in it like how how are you going to continue to to evolve it measure it so that you can share it with the rest of us next year at can love it love it as not a can newbie I’m excited when people experience it for the first time like I love it I love it every time I go it feels like the first time it’s amazing and no two cans are the same I’ve only been five times so I’m not as much of a veteran as you but every time I feel like I have a different perspective come with different ideas different connections um and I want to thank you all for being such incredible Partners to us throughout the week it was amazing um and I’m so glad we had the chance to do this little wrap up of the key themes I loved your perspective Jose from the the CCO angle and Lisa from the CMO angle um and for all of our friends tuning in on channels if any of these struck Accord with you if you want to chat more um DM us drop us a comment um and we are so appreciative to everyone for taking the time to join us take care everybody thanks everybody you


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