It was a lovely Sunday Morning, so a great time for a short ride into Dundee, over the Tay Road Bridge and into Fife. Only a quick visit to Fife as I stopped off at the bridge car park for a quick coffee and a hot dog.

    The bike is running really nicely and hasn’t suffered too much from being under cover for weeks on end.

    I hope you enjoy this 2nd Video, and please like and subscribe!

    Any comments on the video, or my riding are gratefully received, so comment away!!

    Bike: 2022 AJS Tempest Scrambler –

    Camera: Insta 360 X2 –

    Voice Over Mic: Aston Element –

    Sound Interface: Audience EVO 4 –

    Computer: iMac M1 –

    Edited using: Insta 360 Studio and iMovie

    hello and welcome to my second Vlog this is a beautiful sunny day um and I’m riding out through Burk hill past my local petrol station and as to express and on my way through dunde across the Tay and stop for a quick coffee and a hot dog at a local um biker hangout as understand it anyway so here we are we’re heading out it’s a glorious sunny day and today I’m going through the center of the city um these are really familiar roads to me uh drive them nearly every day so I find my confidence is a lot higher anyway uh a beautiful day I did go out the other day um but unfortunately the video kind of had a few technical problems and just wouldn’t export when I boarded into iMovie Etc so and I think this is going to be a far more interesting film than that would have been so probably a happy result we’re just starting to see the first signs of spring up here in Scotland so the the um I’m going to say snow Bells but they’re not snow Bells snow drops the snow drops are coming through uh not yet seeing any signs of the daffodils they tend to be about a month month and a half later um but as you can see the leaves are totally off the trees a mix of being at the tail end of winter now and the result of the storms that have come through and just blown anything that is loose down and off the trees on our left we’re passing the Templeton Woods Golf Course and templon woods themselves and on the right we’ve got the top end of camper down Park and in there apparently there’s a really nice sort of animal not quite Zoo but one of these areas where they’ve got various different types of animals some native and some foreign that apparently is very good and one day I must pop in there and take a look at it so let’s talk about how the ajs Tempest Rambler is going uh to be honest I’ve been really impressed with how it’s stored up over the winter um and how little rust is generated on it the bike is stored outside under an Oxford cover and yeah just up on the left hand side I just bought up the map of where we’re going today um you know and you can always go there and pause if you want the details but it’s a pretty easy and obvious root diff you know dunde at all anyway we’re coming up to the camper down roundabout and one of the lovely things across this route is the visibility I have for Junctions so they’re really nicely set up and on the bike it’s easy to see what’s coming on uh we’ll come back to how the AGS is going on as we’re going over the major roundabout across the Kingsway which is a big sort of Northern not a ring road but Bypass Road dual carriageway um around the top end of dunde uh sort of 50 40 mph limits and helps you avoid anything in the center but as you can see it’s not exactly busy on a Sunday morning this is just about 11:00 a.m. and there’s really not a lot of traffic and again we’re just outside one of the northern uh industrial parks and beautiful visibility for that Junction okay uh we’re coming into sort of the top of Loy and then we’ll be going through locky making our way towards the city center um the AGS how has it been well being under a cover you know it it’s got exposed to damp although it hasn’t got wet per se and I’m really impressed very few of the chrome parts have expressing any kind of rust on them whatsoever and really the only place that’s got any noticeable corrosion is the linkage gear uh for the B rear break um and that’s kind of I guess the best descriptions furry but it’s not bad and a little bit of metal polish and that’ll come up beautifully again uh the chain wasn’t too bad and what I did in preparation for the previous ride is give the chain a really good clean with some Degreaser Etc and then put on lube and made sure that’s come up really nicely and again although the chain Pride cleaning looks a little bit Rusty as soon as I degreased scrubbed it down and then put it put the Lube on it it looks near enough brand new as you should expect it’s you know it’s only done a couple hundred miles with me okay we’re waiting at some traffic lights and hopefully you’ve noticed that my braking has improved uh my anticipation for Junctions Etc and because I know the roads I’m concentrating Less on what’s coming up and focusing more on my riding style Etc um very nice old chap crossing the road here he couldn’t have timed it close to the lights going green and stepping off the pavment but who’s in a rush and nice to let him go without traffic bearing down on him so we’re coming down into sort of just the edge of the center of locky um loi’s an interesting section of the city um 10 15 years ago quite a lot of drug problems quite a lot of violence but less so these days and then it’s still hasn’t had a lot of regeneration there’s some more modern Flats going up Etc but it’s now a bit of a makers Hub in various places um and it’s kind of an upcoming section but it’s still got as you’ll see as we come to the brow this hill it’s still got some of the old Industrial Revolution build building still intact as you can see here quite often these lights go against you so you have some pauses but today we’re getting a pretty clear run through until we get up to this main Junction so how’s the HS running it’s running really well um had it stall out on one of the runs when I was um hadn’t really warmed it up I stopped to set the camera off Etc it was ticking fine and then just sort of stumbled a little bit but started up perfectly um it’s been running really nicely it’s been handling well it’s not using a lot of oil I haven’t got a clue how the fuel is doing but I’ll look at that when the next time the light comes on which will probably be an age um and generally I mean the only other piece is all the lights have been working fine um and tire pressures you know I probably lost four or five PSI over the whole of the winter um I’ve been topping up each time I’ve gone for a road of Road a ride and uh checking those through so yeah overall really pleased with how the bike’s handling itself I’m getting used to its quirks particularly the knobbly tires but as I said being on familiar roads being on roads that I trust the condition of a lot more I was a lot more comfortable riding through here and perversely the traffic here isn’t really bothering me now that might be because there really isn’t a lot of traffic um but it’s also probably more my sense of of Road uses from years and years of driving cars um and I’m not finding being surrounded by vehicles that worrying to be honest with you um obviously keeping an eye out for people that are doing stupid stuff but I tend to do that when I’m in the car anyway and on the whole drivers around undy aren’t that bad they’re not particularly aggressive you get the odd boy racer Etc but you can hear them you can spot them a mile off um and generally um yeah it’s it’s you know especially on a Sunday morning it’s a pleasure to to ride through got a lovely sweeping descent coming on now as we come out of Loy and sort of head down into the outskirts of the center of the city you see a lot of the the sort of flatten apartment buildings um there on your right in various states of repair and you can see how much Parkland and green space there is in and around dunde although it was a highly industrial city it was blessed with numerous parks and plenty of of Green Space um now one of the things you may have just noticed there is I I went through the Amber um and one of the things I looked at on this ride knowing the number of sets of traffic lights I will be going through is really trying to anticipate those changes and if they do start to change on me understanding who’s behind what’s up front how clear the junction is to whether I put the brakes on hard to come to a stop or or go through as quickly as possible and you’ll see on a couple of the Junctions here um I took the judgment to go through didn’t go through on a Reddit whatsoever um but decided I’d have more control and represent less of an issue to any drivers around me if I just Twisted the throttle and got through the junction as quickly as possible so you’ve got a sort of inner city um industrial Zone and it’s all Light Industry these days there’s very little heavy industry left around the city um which is no surprise but that’s that’s down to the left there’s some great upcycling uh warehouses and that type of thing and lots of artist Studios down there and that maker creative environment that dundy is sing on this large building coming up right in front of us on the roundabout is part of the ab University uh dundy has two universities it has as dunde University and the newer ab and the ab is very famous for its Computing degrees now those Computing degrees are primarily focused around the gaming industry uh the art side of computing whereas dunde it still has some of that but what dunde university itself offers is the more traditional Computer Engineering style degrees so together they make a perfect integration they are incredibly close to each other um in terms of campuses and they share various aspects so we’re now coming into the Heart of the City Center and as you’ll spot there’s a mixture of older buildings and more modern buildings the Dundee’s history is fascinating it was a w medieval um City uh apparently those walls were destroyed by Cromwell um and dundy was a bit of a royalist hangout um and then in modern times a lot of the older Industrial Revolution buildings have been torn down I mean dundy had hundreds and hundreds of Ms um and replaced with quite brutalist architecture and then dundy coming away from that with some Landmark um buildings Etc um such as the DNA which we’ll see on the return trip a little bit um here you’ve got the modern overgate shopping center with a deserted deams and we’re literally just coming on a sort of inner Ring Road if you like um around the central shopping area of dundy on your right and then coming up on the left here we’re just passing Perth Road which leads up to the main uh Dundee University entrance is but is also quite a bar and student environment okay we’re coming at the bottom of the Ring Road and just on our left we’re edging on the outskirts of the new lower Mission Zone and then you can see on your right dundy rail station and on your left just coming up here the ma maon hotel and as you saw that was one of those Junctions where I decided as the lights changed to make sure I just pass through the um the junction as quickly and smoothly as possible uh changing lanes here was great the drivers um paid good attention to me the L plates were probably doing their job and I felt no real problems of moving out from that left hand side onto the right hand side but again it’s not exactly busy okay the lights are against us here and we are just up to uh the entrance to the Tay Road Bridge and that connects dunde City with f uh the kingdom of F and the little car park and Cafe that we’re heading towards is just on the other side of the bridge so setting off here and shortly there’s going to be major road works this is the old carriageway um the old surface of the carriageway and that that’s basically been in place and repaired and updated since the bridge was opened in the’ 60s and when we return we’re on the brand new carriageway and what they’ve done on the other side is they have literally stripped back to the concrete foundations of the bridge made sure the bridg is in really good condition and then built up the road surface from scratch and they’ll be doing that on this carriageway in the next few weeks for about 6 months anyway we have the beautiful Tay um this side of the bridge today the wind was coming in from the West this is the Eastern face if you like of the city looking out to the East and the bridge kind of shelters you from the wind quite a lot um typically the bridge is 50 mph limit and you it it’s it’s a great 1.3 miles span and you get fantastic views over the T the left here in the distance you can probably make out what looks like little oil rigs Etc and dundy still got a quite a thriving dock area it does quite a lot of um engineering refurbishment works and there’s a major Hub where the wind turbines are loaded onto vessels which are taken out into the North Sea and turned into wind farms um and you know that’s a regular site is seeing these these loaded up transport ships with the columns and the blades and the turbines going up and down the tay but it is on a day like this this is a glorious little joint as you go through we can see the hills of f coming up in the distance and the northern part of f is quite hilly um it’s got some amazing uh I guess mountains in there as well and at some point we’ll need to head off into those and start exploring the the road but we’re coming on to the exit of the bridge now and just down to the left as I’m pounding in with the camera this is the car park where the cafe is so on to the roundabout again really nice visibility through and as I sort of cancel the indicator I managed to hit the uh the horn but at least only occasionally on this trip rather than every other time now uh I took this corner a little bit hesitantly and as we come into the car park and the reason I was hesitant there is uh it doesn’t really show on the camera it’s actually quite a a a runaway Hill as you come down into that and then as it’s marked out it’s pretty much a 90° Bend and I just felt more comfortable coming in slowly making sure that we um didn’t have any urgent braking or anything like that and there wasn’t anything particularly that I was holding up or causing concern to okay coming into a car parking space um this is pretty seen motorcyclist on a Sunday morning earlier Park up in lines seen as many as 20 here before and that building in the distance is where the cafe is and I’m just Wheeling the bike back spinning her around so stand down and killing the engine well it was a great ride um really good on the confidence no concerns anywhere really on the way down uh please give me any comments uh on if she spotted anything I’m doing bad but here you can see the Fantastic skyline of dunde city in the distance um so I had a nice coffee and a hot dog with onions and ketchup and mustard so I managed to drip all the way down my hands but up 575 for everything was fantastic value and now we’re heading back out a little bit of traffic here because there are some Road Works off to the left on a three-way signpost and then wasn’t totally sure what I was facing up at the roundabout the satnav was telling me the roadwork diversions which will close off this roundabout effectively and put a contra flow in um were in place but obviously they weren’t so off we going through and again excellent visibility so very happy at how this came through and then decided there’s no point in getting fast because of the bus that was in front of me so we’re coming towards the end of the video um I took exactly the same route back up but I thought you’d enjoy seeing the other side of the Tay bridge and the other views now as you can probably hear you’re a lot more exposed to the wind on this side and it was moving me around a little bit so I kept myself pretty much to 40 m hour that’s what felt comfortable to me the other carriageway isn’t bad it’s not full of potholes it’s a bit rougher but this was glorious new new tarmac that’s just totally smooth apart from those Expansion Joints and other than a little bit Gusty it’s just glorious to sit here and just look at that Sky obviously in real life you get a far better sense of the city coming up Etc but here it captures the essence of it and you can see that but this is a lovely way to come in and see Dundee especially if it’s your first time visiting here so tide was fairly high so you don’t see the sandbags Etc but we do get um a good view of these type of things um and seagulls as you just saw tend to sort of hover and uh use The Thermals and the the updrafts just to fly along the edge of the bridge and just take a rest I guess but it is a rather glorious site along here and then again you’re starting to see how the rivers side moves along and you may have been able to pick out the Tay rail Bridge uh further along the Tay another seag go passing and another one just flying along right uh just out to your left that I’m panning slowly towards is the Victorian Abbott Museum that’s in Dundee it’s a really glorious building uh we’ll take a closer look in future videos and great exhibition Etc held there and that riverfront area is really nice on a sunny day so we’re coming off the bridge I’m going to leave you in a second I hope you have enjoyed uh this video please like subscribe and ring that Bell be nice to build a following here and I’d really appreciate any comments that you have on my riding all the videos Etc anyway hope you’ve enjoyed it


    1. Hi there 2nd cous! A very interesting video – congrats. I don't think I'm made for biking, but always envy riders being out under the skies. Hope you are keeping well

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