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    Sam Hyde and Nick GO OFF on INSANE House Listings
    Sam Hyde and Nick Rochefort look at INSANE house listings on the Perfect Guy Life or PGL Podcast

    a [Music] [Music] by [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] great [Music] n [Music] Christopher Lynch what’s up y’all hey we’re just listening to a lot of fogging Molly earlier a lot of people didn’t know this but we’re big Flogging Molly fans huge Flogging Molly fans over here oh yeah Christopher Lynch oh man yeah not as much not as much tempers as you thought more more songs that are like uh a drink a p and point to Sky die Christopher Lynch is wearing shorts again again again Christopher Christopher Lynch is wearing shorts again hell yeah this Hatten no it’s I can’t stand it that’s that’s my biggest nightmare I was uh I listen to a lot of like fat records Punk when I was a kid when I was like 10 and 11 and 12 because my my my my my boys Andrew and Chris Johnson growing up their older brother was into like No Effects and lag wagon and [ __ ] and um it’s so [ __ ] unbelievable bro it was like I mean I like like I ended up liking like AFI and The Descendants the most for anybody um I like lag wag and Afi that descend us the most and then when AFI went full makeup I liked it even more um no they went full what makeup yeah they went like full like uh they went full psych psychopath yeah they ruin their fan base but uh any rate how’s it going how we doing welcome to scuff realtor anybody who’s new here saying who the [ __ ] is this fat idiot on um some of these podcasts or um what we do here is we take a look at listings across the the world mainly the USFA we try to answer questions to the best of our ability take a look at the property and what’s going on with it try to save people from making large mistakes um I don’t know we’ve we’ve been we’ve been around for God it has to be a couple of hundred buys now um with a little bit of guidance helps I get it I’m here to help as much as I possibly can this is not financial information um it’s just uh just a a a caffeinated rambling a a what’s it gaked gaked yeah it’s a gacked out rambling and don’t worry we’ll cut it up uh we’ll cut it up early tonight we’ll I’ll try to be as fast as possible so get him in there quick um I understand there’s a debate tonight yes emo emo Trump versus uh emo Trump versus hard Biden yeah yeah hardcore yeah badass Biden and emo Trump you know what you are Joo you know what you are Joe you’re afraid to drink blood Joe I can’t wait to see uh be like straight straight edge they’re just two I put xes on my hands and I don’t even drink coffee I’m so hardcore about it I don’t I don’t even drink coffee M that’s awesome he’s like I own a coffee shop um but I can’t wait um are you going to do the the debate drinking game yeah we can do the debate drinking game every time you see um put you in browsing Jim every time you notice this Jim Carrey inside the Biden costume you you drink you drink it’s going to be a lot but I’ll probably be just listening to tempers the whole time imagine uh imagine like whose fingers on like the control board when um like those go on yeah like the dump button or like they’re probably like super attentive on like yeah yeah like hair trigger on the finger yeah um no man that’s uh that’s that’s fun um no AFI does not mean Alien Ant Farm AFI Means A Fire Inside just like inside all of you um yeah I know uh I think there’s a lot of new people that haven’t seen this [ __ ] before so I’m just trying to uh basically just yeah we we look at listings we try to get as much glean as much information that’s um maybe below the surface of your average viewer and uh try to point out some maybe great things or not so great things about the property to save us from making gigantic mistakes or having oversight um I’m car hunting right now I think I found what I want so it’s going to be fun I think I want to use Lexus I’m going to Humble my ass up and get into some you practice what I preach I’ll let you know once the deal is done um we’re building a house guys I I can’t say this stress this enough if you like the uh some of the the the live on the street stuff I’m building a house live I have the plans around here somewhere um we we’ve gotten the approvals from the state it’s it was a 9we delay from demm for me to get it I’m just going to take the kick in the teeth on how to on building this thing it’s okay um so I’m building a house I’m building a 32900 ft house uh Ranch um with a a nanny suite and um I’m going to show you exactly how much it costs I’m going to film every aspect of it Kevin fan is going to build it uh DK Russo is GNA dig it and other friends are going to finish it my buddy Ryan Krauss is going to wire it um my neighbor is going to Plum it I can’t wait I’m really excited about it um and we’ll see what happens in the end you know but it’s a pretty it’s a house that we’ve all seen and I’m going to try to build it to the best of our ability using uh every trick I have up my sleeve without just spending money to spend money and I will film the entire process and I’m documenting every dollar I spent so you can see It’ll sum up these questions of hey I want to buy land build a house let me show let me walk through hell for you where I can be transparent You’ be able to deduce whatever you want to deduce out of it um and you can kind of say like do I have the stomach for that cuz I guarantee I’ll be puking and crying at least three times this season on it so that’s uh we’re going to try to keep it fun and um and we love it yeah it’s uh it’s going to be right through this channel more than likely and uh yeah brimfield’s next week July first week of July July uh am I in browsing mode yep hell yeah Brimfield yeah 2024 go you should go to Brimfield it’s it’s a gigantic 100,000 person all right so it’s July 9th through the 14th I go on Tuesday and Thursday those are my two favorite days um bring a bike bring good shoes bring cash deal hard know your [ __ ] um hydrate don’t wear uh flipflops wear comfortable shoes it’s a long big giant dusty field everybody anybody who’s anybody in the design world is there you’re talking the big one Jeremy Piven Courtney Cox d shepher Shephard Smith the Shephard Smith Will Smith will will Arnette will Arnette will Mahoney will Mahoney love guys we’re here in Brimfield will Mahoney why don’t you come out for Brimfield um Mahoney from Police Academy um but no uh yeah so we appreciate your patronage all right got plenty of rugs got the biggest rugs biggest rug collection I’ve ever had up up there most I’ve ever had um I’m trying to get you the fancy [ __ ] nothing makes me laugh harder than having [ __ ] rugs in your house I’m assuming that there are some 50-year-old silver [ __ ] in here that are rich as [ __ ] that just like being petty and then you know I just want you to know you’re you’re on the side of a kid with a face tattoo who is a a DMT manufacturer yep you’re in the same boat right now and that’s only because of scuff and that stuff makes me cry at night so thank you anybody who’s wanting to get into sales guys there’s plenty of videos out there don’t hit me up about what to do in sales there’s Clips shout out to all the Clippers shout out to O research yes love you bro shout out to great guy and uh sack live and all those guys but yeah we’ll get to it [ __ ] it thank you for your patronage buy something I don’t know what to say I sell right shop me to high hell next week Glass sale glass and objects so ceramic and glass going on sale from July 1st to July 7th we’re blowing it out guys I’m moving it to sell it sorry if you like something keep your eye on it I’m going to blow it the [ __ ] out I used to do the same thing when I had a store I’m not here to [ __ ] I’m not collecting the [ __ ] I do collect it but it’s here for you I buy the coolest [ __ ] I can get my hands on um and I try to sell it for as [ __ ] Fair as I possibly can I promise I’m not trying to be a [ __ ] uh I’m not trying to make get it’s my it’s my hobby I like it um a good Merchant finds [ __ ] that uh other [ __ ] are selling for twice as much as he is we um that that simple we got uh Dr oer with 31 a hey guys big fan of the stream I live in Sydney it’s like 2 million for a former crack house should I self emulate an an open house as a form of protest or just stick it up and buy probably just stick it suck it up and buy you know what I mean put it in your buddy’s name or something probably go ahead and put it in GA in your business G as ink put it in your Moly woly uh I buddy I don’t know I can’t make odds or ends of income you know you guys that are that that are just priced out of the market by are you if you’re in an area where Chinese shell companies are buying all the real estate they’re going to stop paying the bills it’s that simple I don’t know what to tell you Canada is going through it Australia seems to be going through it um everybody’s just going to get stiffed by Chinese Consumer Debt like all foreign Chinese Consumer Debt is we’re just going to get stiff the bill the money will stop coming in the loans will stop perform forming though will be large H that’s just my bet it’s not Financial advice it’s just my bet it’s what I’m guessing how do I know because I watched um straight up just Chinese with Chinese kids with student visas come in and try to buy G wagons like it has no weight whatsoever what do I think they’re going to do with it do I think they’re going to get it on a shipping container and ship it to their country I know they can’t do it with a house so why would they do it with a G wagon they can do it with the bags and the hats and the clothes but they can’t do it with the big stuff it’s just it’s just my it’s my opinion so if you’re an you can’t compete with that so the best thing to do while that’s happening if that’s the real beat on the street and you’re talking to real estate who are selling to oh I love my Chinese clients they’re the best I’m sure you do because they’re paying without opening their eyes so that being said I thought I could have it I thought I thought the air conditioning being on for 2 days would work apparently I’m a [ __ ] idiot I couldn’t afford I couldn’t afford mini splits in this [ __ ] barn and I wish I could have it hurts my feelings I wish I could have um all right first off but anyway so if if you’re in a situation like that I you’re unfortunately going to have to wait it out in my opinion I wouldn’t be buying against a foreign machine at top price cuz as soon as the top 10% go vacant the prices are going to get slashed you’re going to be [ __ ] and I said it last week but I’ll say it again if you sit and rent for 2 Grand a month right that’s 24,000 a year but while you rent the market collapses below you and you buy a house for 100 grand cheaper that’s one way you can swallow the pill of not owning a home never be the [ __ ] who buys the house at top price sorry I’m sorry it just doesn’t make sense I I’ve seen people trapped inside houses it’s painful 525 Maple La Miami BG Ohio I’m in 2099 he bought this for probably 60 uh note on this looking at buying this rehabed duplex converted to a single family home I I have an expected 90k profit on my home and my wife and I have two kids since we moved in what do you think do you pay 65 grand for this 118 wow so it’s flipped twice I mean you’re going to be fine in it um is is this the best Street the 90 grand you could I I like the house I I’ll just say that straight away I don’t know where it is I don’t know how to put context to the area right the flip is the flip the doors are bad not a big deal I’m going to get over it right I mean it’s 45 it’s 65,000 of a flip new windows new vinyl siding bad doors painted uh painted concrete like painted in rough up the backyard is nice the the the uh I would like a little more detail I like the backyard a lot and I like the detex garage a lot because this whole area will become a very nice patio area entertaining whatever you can put a fence off wall this off and you’ve got good great privacy you’re kind of tucked in neatly back here this this is a Great Entertaining area you know obviously needs patios and whatnot this garage looks like it’s [ __ ] you could push it over just throwing that out there um is there something with a little bit cooler of a detail 2099 they’re not selling it so hit them with an offer okay um you’re not paying 209 for it can you pay a buck 75 for it they’re not being too greedy but you want a deal so go for the throat it’s an okay house you got probably 20 more Grand to go again if you had to now all you people like oh you’re buying a flipped house you buying a flip what if he doesn’t have $35,000 to [ __ ] do it himself the siding on this thing was a piece of [ __ ] so we had to put new vinyl sighting right let’s take a street view of this let’s see are we in like are we in gun on gun Street this looks like the street looks like a street in in socket Prospect Street if I go down here can I find a gun in a in a dumpster looks okay to me it’s fine it’s fine I know what this is this looks like one socket I can show you a street in one socket that looks so close to this it’s crazy Prospect Street their sister cities yeah they there just they were built by the same architect yeah uh Victor vicadin yeah um yeah yeah I’m in I want I want offers uh mechanical check is it a new heating system did they say that nothing freshly painted yeah um no mechanical failure mechanical large mechanical failures would disqualify it for me Plumbing flush all the toilets you know double check everything a panel upgrade um you know is the electrical panel upgraded is within code the backyard is very good is it new board or is it just all painted over any sagging settling Foundation mechanical it doesn’t look like it’s based on the color of these walls but maybe it was done in uh 16 when it was redone when it was first sold the first time I don’t love the double up I don’t like the 60 to 120 to 200 but in where I am these houses went from 60 to 389 so I’m not that mad at 209 but um I don’t think you’re going to get your balls broken over you know I don’t think you’re going to miss a uh whatever a [ __ ] you know an $1,800 a month payment in this market so we go for it we got dilby Johnson with 25 bucks what do you think about only using only native plants in landscaping also any tips for building a great Pond um I don’t like ponds they’re just too much maintenance native plants only like a naturalized landscape I’m into it I think don’t even start with um bringing in any plant material I I just did no I basically did the opposite of my property I have like two acres cleared that I landscaped I did two 40 yard of 4 yards of mulch plant beds to do like an oversized Crescent shaped perennial garden where I brought in 300 pots 301 gallon pots Drift Roses [ __ ] aliums bulb design [ __ ] ground cover conifers [ __ ] hydranges all kinds of [ __ ] DSA all this stuff it just overgrew deer ate it [ __ ] it up I lost interest so I then I just let it naturalize so now I have all these plants planted in these Crescent shaped Gardens that I didn’t mulch for years but I’m just cutting green grass grass right up to them sort of like a like a like a tall grass install like at a you’d see at a fancy golf course it looks pretty good cost me a whole hell of a lot less money so don’t start just do trees and ground and uh you know naturalized ground cover like all natural plants I’m with it is what I’m saying yes uh note on this house uh we’re in Spokane Washington right yeah uh deck is horrific uh how would you rebuild it also what are some quick SL moderate wins to make it nice landscaping and interior this house also yes also roast poor design Choice choices thanks for fellow Dominican hey you Dominican buy this house man that’s cool man I hope you don’t get a dog you have to run him over with your street bite you ever hit a big dog with your street bite it’s cool a this is cool and P yeah ponds I’m not a big I know you need them for the perfect uh uh no I wouldn’t I mean large ones in the corner of the drainage uh you know double like I don’t like these these are just maintenance to keep this running like this pumps and I I don’t want to [ __ ] with it the Italian backyard is actually well installed these Mugo Pines are super expensive these are like 350 400 bucks a piece um I like it the Bloodgood Japanese Maple is nice um I’ll show you something cool the deck is what you say deck is shot it yeah really I wish it wasn’t I I would work with what’s there and I would repair the deck and not replace the deck if you want to spend money for nothing please work with what’s there as far as that goes um there’s ways to sort of do it a little better like uh no no no I mean you’re not going to win this battle but you can look like there’s tricks there’s tricks on every house you guys need to know this you can reface almost any house the razor Ranch is a little tricky sometimes you got to cut the roof off whoa you got to like reshape the house by cutting the roof off like on this one you like no this one’s going to like get rid of the you got to like reshape the whole like the popcorn CE I mean it’s a major Renault but this one I would probably do like Cedar and like a cool color not not too many or the brick and dark and then change this to uh put like a a glass or a light here maybe reshape this something cooler looking cooler shaped garage door change this railing or hide it with plants um door door job is is probably the best way in a paint but that’s what I would do I mean the house is pretty well maintain it’s clean I mean two sweet fat Italians lived here not even fat no no no these were these were in shape Italians right here they probably [ __ ] right up until the day they died oh do me a favor guys go [ __ ] each other’s brains out will you that’s what I was saying a lot of couples at the shows that’s so funny do me do me a favor guys go [ __ ] each other’s brains out will you I don’t think this deck’s shot maybe it is but I would work with what’s there the uh the landscape install on the back is actually not that bad it’s a pretty good anyone stall and they to they they had they were high maintenance [ __ ] and they fertilized the lawn um it’s kind of like an all over Scrub but when the house is this clean I don’t [ __ ] around too much this patio could get a lot better this planning could get better but I think you bought yourself a clean well-maintained house man uh siding paint but you’re not there’s not too many wins to be had by way of uh really highly modifying that house you bought an old Pontiac buy an old Pontiac uh an old Pontiac sorry uh no worries uh we got MK Ultra victim with $100 part one uh boss owns Aerospace machine shop 12 mil goes uh 12 mil gross a year bought a similar specialty arrow machine shop and I run it I’m the only employee here I do everything shipping receiving CNC programming setup Quality quality control billing I’m maxed out and can’t get any help um I’m 27 I make 70 grand my shop grosses 150k and breaks even no stake paid hourly 2our 2hour commute thought it was a good opportunity boss promises more money but I don’t know ask myself every day why should I why I shouldn’t just fix Sprinter vans feel stuck what do I do um it’s funny my cousin Dennis has a job like that um keep working for the guy this house we’ve seen this house before um keep working for the guy man uh just remind people when people you know make claims to you like hey man you’re doing uh you know a ton of money in a you know Aerospace and all these like Niche [ __ ] [ __ ] these guys make a ton of money and in my experience you can go up to a guy like that and say hey man you told me I was going to make a ton of money it’s time sorry um I’m making 70,000 bucks I’m running the show um you you break even so either move me internally or combine the business or let me go get new business or let me configure a way to have more output Justify Your Existence and what you can do think your think your way out of the hole right is there any way to double your output to double you know to Triple the the money is you know what could you do what the [ __ ] do you make who do you make it for are there other companies can you sell to more people can you sell to your can you juice it up is what I’m saying um if you [ __ ] hate the job and me you work alone I know what those Shops look like it’s a big metal building in the middle of nowhere where you show up and turn the lights on every day and then you turn the lights off every day right you probably should be obviously the owner can’t justify just paying you a ton of money because it doesn’t make that much money right so you got to sit with them have an uncomfortable conversation look him dead in the eye and be ready to walk man and and know in your pocket like hey if this guy says the wrong [ __ ] thing just know that day you might be putting [ __ ] in boxes and going home that day and drinking a lot but these are the choices you want to make for yourself you know what I mean um it’s up to you right now if I’m being if I’m being uh a friend I’m telling anybody in a job right now that’s safe stay safe now’s not the time to get experimental you know when that was about 5 years ago did you miss it maybe it’s not your fault that you missed it you’re just it’s by age you weren’t in the rock force yeah you were too busy cosplaying but realistically man like now is not the time to get super [ __ ] uh I’m leaving I’m doing it’s just not the economy for it right now because there’s going to be a lot of hungry people for a job that would gladly take your $70,000 seat now I’m not handcuffing you on behalf of your boss I’m just saying you got to know this [ __ ] and when people get fired and when there’s like big layoffs like this guys come out of the woodwork and start Landscaping Woodwork and you have like Bankers I sold my landscaping company to a laid-off banking executive and guess what he did he [ __ ] killed it he took my company and sprinted to the top where I was heading faster because he knew he had more resources he was just a he was a smarter guy straight up so I’m I’m not a big fan of being like [ __ ] this I’m out of here that time was honestly it was 2015 16 17 18 when it was uh there was money all over the ground right now it’s time to plot and scheme for the next and again it’s not your fault I’m not blaming you you could have just gotten the workforce a couple years ago two three years ago and the timing didn’t line up for you you were probably 17 when it was perfect time what the [ __ ] are you going to do so I’m just trying to be I’m just trying to be uh you know play devil’s advocate here obviously it’s cooler to say [ __ ] you and dust out of there but I don’t want to see anybody get any themselves in a [ __ ] up situation um and I’m never the proponent of saying the grass you’re going to have problems at every job dude nowhere is perfect Chris has problems at his job yeah I keep throwing up out of the Yukon on him yeah I keep puking all over his face on the when I’m leaving this I yeah this puke I have puke issues he has puke issues and I puke a lot and when I was leaving the end the other night in Los Angeles I was puking all over him and Alex Luke that was fun it wasn’t my fault I had a tummy ache thank you MK Ultra victim for the 100 bucks though but yeah no um yeah and I hope um yeah you have to have a damn good answer but you should have a conversation with him man and uh have a number that you’re looking for and say I need it by X like deliverables man like I need to be making 100,000 in three and a half in a quarter from now why I want to buy a house it’s not a his [ __ ] business but be ready for have answers I want to buy a house I feel like a loser you need to help me not feel like a loser why because you’re you’re my employer why is that significant because I’m your only [ __ ] employee that’s why you know you got you have your ammunition ready we’re flying over to we’re flying over to this this house hasn’t sold uh shocked how shocked by how nice of a house this is uh for 275 in Indiapolis hope one of the Indian animals got this piece and we’ve seen this I we’ve seen this and I also [Music] hope I’m surprised too I know how Fu I remember this was like a a priz winning house Sprint to it and bu I guarantee someone this is mayore BLC what a great name mayore BLC you got a fake chair there has to be something wrong with the house yeah it’s got herpes and uh or the people people the maybe the people around the area don’t know that it’s yeah that’s weird y’all it’s got a dark room it’s got a photography Lab look at how beautiful it was in it’s it Glory Days we got to Sprint to this [ __ ] thing and buy it I’m playing with y’all lightweight yeah you guys better if someone’s in it’s pending now so you’re [ __ ] now but this house was a steel little water leak from leaving the window open little mold from an old wet cumrag underneath the the dresser but absolutely absolutely fantastic a mid-century Marvel for 275 three bed three bath 4400 Square fet not been on the market in 69 years I mean come on J Park Randall well it went pending two weeks ago so yeah hey guys Indianapolis wherever this is if you like mid-century [ __ ] and you’re an Indianapolis buyer North East Indianapolis near 46th Street I gu these are not if you’re a truffle Hunter there’s more truffles around there they never they’re never alone there’s not one freak 60s guy that built a house like that um just a heads up so there’s probably more around there not that one not that one not that one not that one trle guy I’m more of a truffle guy myself that’s crazy that’s the same price yeah what the [ __ ] happened I don’t know is indianapol that boring of a I would imagine just boring yeah I’ve heard it’s I’ve heard Indianapolis is hood hood that’s what I heard yeah um what for wings I don’t know we got um I’m not a mechanic with 25 bucks I need help trying to get my foot in the door uh doing cars car detailing went around to a bunch of dealers and detail shops around me asking if they’re hiring and haven’t gotten anywhere am I not trying hard enough well most most guys have an internal service um go to trying to think who gives my brother’s a big mobile auto detailing business guy um do you have a shop to work out of are you mobile could you be mobile could you get a trailer um would it cost you too much money is it too complicated of a setup um Barbers give good give good wrecks Barbers and hair stylists are uh good for wrecks teachers teachers are great real estate wreck people like if you’re a real estate agent [ __ ] with teachers they give you everybody um you’re going to have to go to places like that that often give like like Barber is going to be your guy in my opinion um most most of the dealerships are going to have someone internal they’re just going to Breeze you off and they don’t have the uh the GM is the only guy that can make that decision so you’re just you’re talking to the wrong person um you have to talk to the owners of dealerships and they’re just never in house anymore they’re always like you know conglomerate so um Facebook Marketplace neighborhoods being mobile um being uh having having car salesman hand you know getting uh recommendations five people send send you their name they used to do that with car insurance yo you get me a client I’ll give you 50 bucks if I sign a client I’ll give you a $50 commission oh okay for insurance yeah um so The Individual Car Sales are probably more likely to send C individual customers your way but repeat basis I mean Beach Clubs country clubs um where do rich people hang out man Beach Clubs country clubs restaurants hotels um you’ll get there you’ll figure it out throw enough [ __ ] at the wall you’ll figure it out Facebook Marketplace group groups rich neighborhoods where uh moms talk being really good going to uh honestly internet presence smart being smart about it are you good at it are you good at detailing cars I’m not you know how I deta detail a car I bring it to the detail Guy what’s that I bring it to a detail show I do I do it with a big giant beach towel I Spit on the car and I wash it off with a beach towel nice yeah actually I’m about to get a detail yeah very soon yeah you are um yeah that guy Chris is getting the bat lowered y lowered lowered cambered y mhm I it’s something wrong there’s something wrong with the the Jetta yeah it’s too fast yeah I get too much [ __ ] there is something majorly wrong it’s my too much [ __ ] lights on in my Jetta oh no the too much [ __ ] lights on in my Jetta again oh my dick’s growing with the dick growing lights on uh we’re flying over to Delafield Wisconsin um love the area and like the vibe of the house what do you think of the house I like the vibe of the house too good vibes [Music] dude very good vibes cobalt blue glasses n it’s a nice house old cabinets [ __ ] this is hippie Lady this is a 60-year-old earthy crunchy pube lady house mhm she would tell me about my fourth house you’re fourth house yeah she would say my fourth house has is in Neptune oh oh oh oh oh yeah and then she would show me her pube collection that she has but um what this house is is good it’s like a yoga yoga granny house yeah this is yeah hell yeah um yeah I can smell the pile of gray pubes from here okay great house it’s been saged absolutely great great house um I I like it it needs a lot of work but I think you you’re going to know what to do here um it’s right next to swamp Lake needs needs almost a full Rena like a like a psychotically large renovation um they have no they have no [ __ ] concept I mean it’s a it’s like a it’s a knockoff of a Frank Lord W house but it’s done very poorly it’s it’s lipsticked poorly this is like this is like dressing up like a football player like a little like a like a Swiss Miss wait what um you know who Von BF is no von BF uh-huh this is like dressing up Von beri as the Swiss Miss girl oh okay that’s what this house is yeah man I’m Swiss Miss like the stickly furniture the wall to–all carpeting they have no clue what the [ __ ] that was going on here I know what they were attempting they just missed the Mark um it’s probably never been to Market this is cheap flooring which is upsetting uh it needs a flooring job it needs a a a full full coat of paint inside and out uh updating some mechanical I bet you 100 bucks it hasn’t touched because her pubes probably got in the way I’m glad they did this old oh they cut this old wisteria vine down oh it’s petrified wisteria vine excellent so um but the the Space is really good as far as the purchase price usually these people are a little kooky it’s funny how how crunchy they are until it becomes to straight up downright capitalism so in 2006 they probably bought this place for 575 watch this 217 and 97 still worth it it’s worth it yeah it’s worth it I’d like it for a buck 75 a foot so I’d like it for like $4.99 or 5 and a qu let’s see how let’s see how crunchy they are it is fr right style um it’s lever Lance’s first home what I love how people named lever Lance always have a way to put their [ __ ] name in it like we’re supposed to know who that is this is Nick roach’s first home if I ever put that smash my [ __ ] eye sockets in with a hammer hey Nick did you put your name in the uh in the description for your house sure did and then attack me with a mechanics Hammer just tap yeah yeah no uh 5:15 but I do like the house so try to buy it but it needs it needs garage doors mechanical updating floor uh flooring in $26,000 worth of flooring um it needs a paint job like 12,000 worth of paint and use these numbers [ __ ] it it’s dated needs a garage door opener needs uh New Heating and Cooling you know that what’s that cost 35 Grand the geothermal that you also wanted to use is 65 G use all the crunchy [ __ ] throw it right back in their face well I want to do geothermal because it’s good for the Earth you you like being good for the Earth right oh I love being good to the Earth good because you’re going to agree with me that I have to put in New Heating and it has to be something that’s more sustainable right right right rather than crude oil yeah we’re going to do geothermal right how much is geothermal 655,000 oh can you help me with a little bit of that I’m sure you were going to do it too uh we got lacklin M with 25 Australian hey Nick and Mr Lynch recently quit my job after 7 years as a wagy your words on being Your Own Boss uh really helped me uh really helps me get things on the right path just had my first 20K month thank you for all that you do [ __ ] yeah dude man my words of not of me not liking being My Own Boss that’s usually what it is um good [ __ ] um good [ __ ] dude I’m I’m happy for you man I’m proud of you but yeah hey sometimes being your boss uh forces your your back forces your back to the wall some people perform well as a trapped rat I do I also perform better working for someone and I like sometimes I like not being My Own Boss I’ve been my own boss for a long time and sometimes refilling the paper clips I just feel is not for me and I would just like someone to say Nick go go do this over and over again sometimes you want that freedom so I know that feeling yeah but hey life is all about you got to go out there and get it man I’m so I’m so sad they took YOLO away from us they did they took YOLO away from us they did they truly did um but congrats man I I love to hear that all I want you guys to all I want anybody watching this thing and this is from the bottom of my heart I just want you to not make mistakes and I’ve made them and they almost got me they almost put me in a well man I swear to God and if someone told me some of the things that I’ve heard from just dudes that I’ve hung out with that have been honest with me or [ __ ] people just giving me Sage advice and me taking it seriously kind of valuing people’s in input um without being a [ __ ] psycho about it um I I would I I just want you to make as much dough as possible and be happy um that’s it that’s it I want you to not make mistakes because I watch a lot of like [ __ ] loser people that I went to uh to school with and grown up with along the years bu terrible houses terrible houses I’m like what the [ __ ] are you doing there yeah that’s a huge mistake um and they they they they learn so hey I don’t know you but maybe you’ll you’ll you’ll not make a mistake but or or something I don’t know I like it I’m rooting for you over here Pro trust me everybody that hits me up and sends me pictures of their pay stubs making 7,000 after being homeless and all that [ __ ] that’s the [ __ ] I work for that’s why I keep doing this I absolutely [ __ ] love it I don’t care how [ __ ] cringe it is I love it I think it’s great I want you guys to make Mad Money uh we’re flying over to n Nano Nano British Columbia uh just bought this house for $7.99 what’s your honest opinion you got you know what he he bought he just bought this for $77.99 the only thing that my only opinion so far is the cheapest house I’ve seen in British CL Z here I like the fact that this guy was like you want a yard no no yard watch the front yard is the guy had one one uh one move in the front no yard backyard sure front yard no yard Ian it’s that’s pretty funny that’s [ __ ] insane which is fine it’s actually good cuz the house in front of the house is there’s a way to do this this isn’t the way to do this but this guy loved [ __ ] processed asphalt should I close him out for yeah no not a little more for nine oh for we’re going to leave her should we leave her I’m going to try to close it down for the debate just cuz I want to see it yeah I got a lot of money on the debate me too y I have a lot of money Grand I yeah Chris got 10 grand at the Undertaker shows up yeah that uh one of the rappers that Trump yeah yeah yeah yeah Kodak Black shows up he he um 815 you know I’m not going to like the price it’s 600 Grand though four bedroom three bath everything’s optimized get rid of this if anything I would obscure this some horizontal planks to sort of make that less ugly backyard’s cool I’ll take that why don’t we why don’t we just gate the front end and completely obscure the entire entrance you can have this but but this has to be portioned off with a cobblestone sort of like wall that off or Square it off it’s bothering me um Hardscape here this is really rough to look at but that’s what you need backyard’s nice I like how private it is I don’t like the uh the shape of the house eventually it will take a siding job the backyard is good this needs Hardscape or something else it needs landscape in get my eyes off of what’s going on here and it he’s decluttering so what’s that little little exhaust fumes there um it needs a lot of Entry it needs a lot of like front entryway approach work like you got to sit there smoke weed and look at it until you find something that looks exactly like this um you know raised ranch with new siding so figure out away you need you need an architect’s help if you have a friend who’s an architect have anybody in chat that wants to help this guy up with a a decent front design maybe bushes across so you drive in you sort of like I said you completely obscure the front and some sort of like Walling or portioning off to make it look a little uh cooler California West Coast style entryway would help me uh we got jonius with 25 bucks yo Nick my Civic frame was vaporized by salt bought an ‘ 05 Acura RSX 50k miles great condition 6 grand rebuilt title but accident looked minor right move question mark 5 grand Grand six grand sure or yeah um yeah you’re going to sell it to a tuner kid yeah a lot of those kids wck you know they’re wrecked yeah I’m clueless with cars but Dad okayed it seller was chill Bosnian dude yeah it’s fine you’re not going to get a lot of money for it you’ll sell it for parts basically after but as long as it’s running right a rebuilt title is just basically no down the road value you know rsxs were hot right there were the spicy the spicy small four cylinder that was swapped out for a lot of CICS a lot of Vin Diesel tuners like those but um um but [ __ ] yeah no no it’s all right it’s it’s fine you’ll sell it for three grand when you’re done with it and it’ll dry forever and ever and ever and ever uh we’re flying back to Wisconsin Darlington Wisconsin what’s that Darlington Wisconsin furnace Hill Road uh hey John it’s it’s Uncle Bob tarded thinking about adding a third unit to this beauty to entice some sellers mhm let me know how great I did it’s Moment Like This that make me want to cry wow man look at this piece of [ __ ] cyclopentane is that for hbv great tile job great job on the tile Uncle Bob I like the way you use the no level and the way you didn’t finish the floor floor big giant room with chroma key for green screen videos that you want to make cool excellent just leave the headboard here that’s important you got all your snowmobile outfits I’m glad you painted it you didn’t trim it out but you had enough time to paint it that’s cool love the fact that you put a painting above the tub why not wow look at this look at the receptacles in the floor great job guys really really great job on the finish here I’m smelling Builder couple of dolls chilling had enough time for indoor plants I’m basically just going to live down here in this filth pot propane tank inside a dude I love the cook setup you got a walk fancy Mis so horny excellent oh Mis so horny I see you’ve got a walk down there Mr uh [ __ ] oh Mr horny wow looks great in there looks like a nice clean bathroom with cleaning products so you can wash your ass and [ __ ] man the I think of cleanliness well this house is basically sterilized I’m sure it doesn’t smell like a dog’s dick in there or a moldy towel yep great job on the exterior I’m glad you had a attention to detail to commit to the mustard paint color the old school mustard paint and the metal roof and the unfinished siding and the uh interior your office furniture outside makes me know that you really are [ __ ] the Jeep Compass lets me know that you’re a hoarder and you’re a fat pig cool thanks hoarder fat pig please keep selling me your house that’s built too close to the road I’m glad you had enough time to put a koi p in too and you made a bench out of cinder blocks oh my God what what Chris you don’t like filth oh look they put it they put bricks around each individual plant great idea Auntie great idea Auntie stink Auntie stink Auntie stink your house stinks great place we got the house on we’re liting the boat on fire today auntie oh look it’s Randy he’s just he’s sitting down after his fifth marshmallow sandwich great place auntie auntie stink it’s really nice do you think you can have more room to spread more uh German Shepherd [ __ ] smell around this house where’s your furniture did you sell it at the Swap Meet where Uncle Randy beat the [ __ ] out of you for selling his Dodge jacket that’s awesome yeah that’s great that’s I mean that’s just some St stupendous [ __ ] right there truly stupid truly stupid lineage wow imagine the [ __ ] odor coming out of the the crotch of the pants of this [ __ ] crusty ass lady I’m glad they hung up all the [ __ ] like I’m glad they had a time to like really push up it’s like true Madness wow beds pushed into a corner and artwork above it [ __ ] Bas artwork leaning stained glass and artwork leaning on the bed how crazy no wait they hung it up look that’s a picture of it one day when the bed was actually made 4 years ago and then that’s a picture of it now when they actually hung up the bed cuz they were tired of it falling on their legs when they went to sleep deep oh yeah it must smell great in there mhm I bet you it doesn’t smell like cleaning products and paint a dang it I spilled a whole gallon of gliten paint on my bed when I was sleeping using Goan as a cleaner All Purpose cleaning your dishes with googan oh what we got Rick K with 25 bucks thank you Nick we were trying to buy for two years got a new realtor like you said six six others bid for this one and we got it Stone Farmhouse couldn’t build it for 1.5x the price didn’t know good stuff doesn’t go on sale before the stream thank you hey congrats thank you bro I mean congrats what am I saying congrats yeah man not all Realtors are bad some are um some are a good realtor listen 99% of Realtors suck absolute [ __ ] ass they they’re [ __ ] losers the but you can’t 96% you can’t live without them the good ones stick together the good ones also know who the bad ones are they just know how to get bids done it’s that simple yes it’s politics you’d ra rather be on the inside of it don’t try to fight it realtors get you more money for your house and less money when you buy them they serve a purpose listen to them if they’re good fire them if they’re bad and be able to decipher if they’re showing you [ __ ] and soup and want to just get the job done quickly a bad realtor will want to sell your house too cheap and sell you something you don’t want those are the indicators now we’re on to a UFO we’re in uh Signal Mountain Tennessee I believe y yeah uh I heard John alien lives here John the outs uh the outside of the house looks like it was made of papier-mâché no it was made of concrete it’s a Concrete bird’s nest John alien John alien lives here don’t ask me where they put the probe I was abducted by aliens you know you ever meet someone who was abducted by aliens no I have really abducted by aliens yeah you ever hear it what does it really mean though it’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard U I’ve just I’ve met a I’ve met I I know one story right off top are they in are they all in La no they were here what yeah there were like people I used to do antiques with like I don’t it’s just it’s the craziest story and these like how they bring it up how do how do they make themselves seem serious uh they tell me they’ve never told anybody and stuff like that that they trust you I’m not going to name names but yeah and I’m like he’s like I don’t tell people cuz it makes me sound crazy but I remember it so vividly and I’m like wa whoa couldn’t that just be interpreted as like a dream yeah know I I was really uncomfortable getting told cuz it wasn’t young person a I was like holy [ __ ] bro have you guys ever heard that have you ever heard someone tell you they’ve been abducted by aliens like seriously no I’ve never yeah like they got an auto body experience brought on dis they got uh dismantled and then put back together together oh know I was like well this guy did I was more scared of the fact that I have to look at them again oh oh people in your life yeah well this guy did this guy definitely got abducted yeah this guy did he tried to recreate so he got abducted by a chill alien dope UFO pad a mil alien yeah mil alien he tried to recreate the mil uh pad a Swinger’s Vibe she was like nanu nanu build a Swinger’s house yeah orc and mor in space everybody’s everybody’s poly in space everybody’s got upside down pineapple. comom in space take me to your leader I hope your leader is uh into upside down pineapple. comom world yeah yeah every alien’s horny I hope every I hope there’s Lube I hope that I hope your leader doesn’t mind my butt plug nanu nanu yeah yeah oh by the way I’m selling my house for 289 yeah yeah oh by the way I want 344 for my house Zillow says it’s 365 but I am an alien who swings so I think think I should get well you know Zillow is the name of an ancient alien what yeah Zillow is the leader of uh PL of uh poorus uh in Saturn’s rings nanu nanu it’s 6,000 billion million trillion light years away and um yeah I don’t know if you know this but the Earth’s flat yeah I know I’m an alien trust me I know I don’t actually hate the house for 344 don’t hate these houses I lived in a house that looked very similar to this I’ll show you here the Edmonson house my house also look like a space alien this is my house oh this is anyway so am I am I am I scar you got a little G glor in you yeah I had yeah I got I also had a don’t ask me where they put the probe when I bought this house my but any any at any rate hell yeah ended up selling um yeah know I I don’t hate that house for any of that price I don’t like walking upstairs Signal Mountain Georgia huh Signal Mountain Tennessee where the [ __ ] is Signal Mountain Tennessee Signal Mountain oh Chattanooga cool Chattanooga that’s where Chattanooga is Oh I thought Chattanooga was up here I didn’t know Chattanooga was towards Florida CH is hot right now okay uh and it gives us a good insight traveling the country seeing all these places it does it does it truly does no one’s shopping this place as a geog guer as a geog guesser Chris uh we got Jared let self suck with 25 bucks hell yeah baby did you see my latest outfit at Vogue World Paris no please critique for me also my wife just quit her job because of our woman’s clothing boutique is taking off any advice on how to grow it enough so she can retire me is it what what Jared little Vogue World Paris oh cool great outfit Jared love the nail cross and the see-through uh garment bag that you’re wearing that’s what I want all 52y old guys to wear oh you dipped your hands in uh you did the Michelle Lamie hands cool I love Michelle Lambie hot body I know she’s a good kisser great head great head no gag reflex Michelle lamby I know that because she said to me me do your overlord and I was like no no I know Michelle lamby what did you say I think she said she wanted some French um she wanted some macroons macaroons macroons macroons um we’re fine what was uh what what was this girl he had a question about his girl uh her uh woman’s clothing brand is taken off Jared’s girl’s woman hell yeah Jared’s girls wom’s clothing brand hell yeah dog how to how to how to make it go to the Moon make it go to the Moon Shopify Shopify Orin is it Orin Meets World he’s a great branding expert I like Orin he’s a smart guy he knows so much I like him look him up Orin Meets World um just an interesting guy a lot of interesting context of things to grow Brands and stuff like that that I appreciate you works his ass off at it and um I really really do appreciate his work if anybody’s out there trying to grow Brands look that guy up and just just sucking the [ __ ] knowledge that he puts out there um I really I really think it’s cool and um yeah hopefully she makes it to the top she gets the right influences on her team you know all the cool ones from the Vana pump rules and the valley all the Bravo shows that matter the Cooking Channel yep baref contesta H Kathy Griffin um we’re now flying over to Newton New Jersey oh did you shot these yeah okay cool we’re in Newton New Jersey always wondered what Nick would say my mom decorated my dad built said it was a nightmare but I loveed that house one day I planed to buy it back nice nice man wow I forgot the name of the the early 2000s it’s like early 2000s TUS core yeah yeah yeah tusken core Suburban Tuscan core that’s right um yeah this is like uh Nitro Nitro mil core Nitro mil core y this is uh Brett Michaels core this is yeah this is Brett Michaels your dad was tough like Brett Michaels cuz he he did the black metal building and he rode horses and he was badass like Brett Michaels rock and roll man she had a [ __ ] on her that was unbelievable hell yeah rock and roll the way that her legs go up to her ass couldn’t couldn’t stop staring you guys working on your Brett Michaels impression it’s hard sex talk straight to the point man this girl had a set of tits on her I wanted to suck on him I don’t care who knows it rock and roll that’s Brett Brett Michaels was somehow like her g string was like right down the crack of her ass was like it was like a it was electric oh it’s the kind of g-string that goes right to the heart the the core of your soul and honestly right down to my [ __ ] let’s get plugged in it’s getting plugged in [ __ ] face rock and roll ready not don’t get your k your teeth kicked in in the mosh pit it’s me Brett Michaels put some lipstick on Rock of Love re-watch Rock of Love SE season one if you’re looking for something to rewatch the best thing ever God damn it they get drunk too those girls yeah they’re getting cocked they didn’t know what to do it’s like [ __ ] Fish Tank season one like day one with liquor just throwing throwing alcohol at people oh six is this house it’s like a house that this house reminds me of my buddy Rocco’s dad’s house like total psycho collector and just didn’t give a [ __ ] what anybody thought and did a lot of [ __ ] like this basically made his house into like some Spanish [ __ ] uh drug Lord’s House in the middle of New Jersey was your dad Italian was your dad an Italian guy who drove like Jaguars and really ostentatious cars and [ __ ] because uh was 78 with 690 though I mean I don’t hate it for the size it is but it’s on a slab which tells me he just went willy-nilly building it commercial [ __ ] oven completely out of context I like the three breads I didn’t even reference that at all just I make bread yeah you like sourdough let’s hopefully the MS doesn’t have a little sour dough am I right yeah he’s saying that he saying that to the buyers like a fashional thing yeah yeah yeah it is let’s hope the buyers don’t have a little sour dough down there if you know what I mean right and he’s doing this and they’re like [ __ ] yeah I’m talking about BV come on over here I got a buffalo head above the sink sick hell yeah your dad’s cool as [ __ ] dude uh we got do it for Dale 25 bucks um long time first time Boston farmer guy at startup acquired for a cool 100K payout at 22 it’s been 2 years and it’s still sitting in in the checking account and I’ve done nothing with it yell at me motivate or coach me please oh man listen you you’ve had the the wherewithal not to touch the money right um uh good for you for not touching the uh for not eating the apple right it’s pretty good deal no it’s not um yeah what the [ __ ] you I mean listen 100 ,000 is a is a big move right I used to say this $75,000 or more is enough to like you can buy like a restaurant or something you can start a real business 35 to 50 you’re sort of like nervous just in general your average small business you know I mean you’re you’re missing a few things and you’re kind of bootstrapping when you don’t have them 100 Grand is enough to really [ __ ] some [ __ ] up so you got to make your moves count for anybody who’s got an inheritance or came into some money or something like that try not to get that below a certain threshold obviously improve your quality of life get your whatever it choose get your gym set up your coffee set up your mind be happy fix the problems in your life you know what I mean take care of some tax bills for your mom or something um but uh try to preserve cash for as long as you can if we’re heading into a market where shit’s going to be available you’re going to love the fact that you have piles of cash you’re going to love it so I don’t think I think now is the right time to be laying into any new business with uh just the current state it’s an election year man just let it wait it out kudos to you for keeping it in there and not being a [ __ ] pig about it like everybody else is keep that pie hole don’t [ __ ] with it keep it in a high interest savings account add to it what would you do with it answer some questions about yourself right sit on a [ __ ] neon butt plug and wear edible underwear to a restaurant see if that’s yours see if that’s for you yeah right drink piss I don’t know see if you’re kinky try upset on pineapple lifestyle I’m just saying mentally explore and figure out what the [ __ ] you want to do every day it’s not an easy question to answer what the hell you want to do every day for the rest of your life but get an answer to that question soon before you touch the money so please we’re now flying over to don’t believe anybody yeah what uh we’re flying over to Traverse City Michigan I remember this uh this house has been sitting on the market for a long time and it is it’s the butt end of jokes in the local Facebook it’s the they bought the bank and then extended the lot and then they flipped they turned the bank into a house as well this guy is the [ __ ] stupidest developer I’ve ever seen he didn’t do a bad job building it though to be fair this is all pro install it’s not good like it’s not it’s very like hotel is but the quality of the work is like this is All Pro work this isn’t like it’s kind of not Gaff like the molding is kind of done right like this if this house were in Colorado it would be it would be expensive um and this is kind of a you know a mountain time home if you will but nothing in here was it’s not cheap it was kind of well done um it was definitely executed by a commercial Builder that’s for sure that was trying to some freak thing where they wanted money um I don’t get it I don’t know what the [ __ ] they were thinking but I mean it’s it’s it’s a but there’s residential right across the street so it’s not that crazy did the bank sell that’s a bank on the side we’ve seen it on the stream before um no way he paid uh 2 25 it’s not it’s not bad though like you know 30% reduction puts that at like 375 I don’t think the guy’s being like a like a a criminal Pig he liked it a lot wow he liked it a real lot holy [ __ ] this house has been on the market for forever SP on the market for a year and change 590 offer him 425 buy it [ __ ] it it’s brand new I know it’s ridiculous but it’s not that bad does it does Traverse City have a uh like a walkability to it like is down Eighth Street are there bars anywhere near here it’s not it lives like a condo like I don’t give a [ __ ] that the idiot next door you like walk a little bit yeah a little bit you can go over to the quick quick Mart it’s not like there’s no residential around there right it’s like this guy’s about to turn this Bank into a house too like Bank house little neighborhood over here I don’t hate it I don’t hate the [ __ ] house dude Maryland’s or Michigan’s hot I mean I know it’s stupid but it ain’t that stupid not Johnny stupid it ain’t that crazy uh and they’re sinking but I want to for like 250 a foot go 250 a foot make him an offer [ __ ] kick him in the balls it’s not a bad house I I’ll say that openly it’s not that obviously road noise and all that and but you got you got a kind of an enclosed backyard where you can kind of [ __ ] some [ __ ] up I I I don’t hate it bro I don’t and I like those little those small towns in Michigan like those are to me those are hot that’s hot real estate in this country we got Noble Pursuits with 25 bucks uh hey Nick my parents own a $500,000 piece of [ __ ] semi detached house and I was thinking about remortgaging the house and renting it out when they pass it down to me uh and this is in Oxford England Oxford House prices are insane yes do that reverse yeah remortgage the H REM morage a house and it out when they pass it down of course you’re going to do that yeah yes that’s exactly what you do you leverage the asset when times are good as long as the business makes sense of it right interest rates are high and lending is high yes if you get a free thing handled to you you do not sell the asset you leverage against it first and let’s just say for example you get given a $500,000 house they’re only going to give you whatever 80% of that it’ll give you up to 380 to 400,000 depending on the appraisal right right you have so that means you know how much money you’re going to have to play with so as long as the rent covers the $380 to $400,000 mortgage and your new business plan does not cost you more than that you you can have your eyes on some $300,000 [ __ ] go for it have a plan for it when come the time and make sure you’re ready for the the day that that arrives to you right um fly over to our most popular city Bellingham Washington uhhuh uh nice clean mid-century modern gy Nick I enjoyed the pre-live show making coffee with Nick hey just a little I feel like I was gone for a couple weeks just a little fluffing you know just to show you a little pre-show cuz I like when people always say that we’re gacked up they think I just do Coke on here all the time it’s really funny don’t you try to discredit me you [ __ ] [ __ ] suckers I have a wife and children this is from my home I used quad shots of espresso too late in the night and then I can’t sleep well so yes um my wife was telling me she’s like why the [ __ ] are they saying you always do a Coke you holding out on me and I’m like no honey I’m not she’s like yeah you [ __ ] better not lie where’s the bag that’s what my wife says you call your guy you g you GED out of your mind this is a beautiful house was 2.6 million now you know how I always say these mid-century gems are always the ones that the yuppies build you want to see a perfect example of it check this out now what I really like just for a good example you guys specimen what is that that a an arborist did a great job making the best of a dead tree here but uh 6 to8 river rock in the betting is a nice touch the uh EXP Ed aggregate concrete I always say put that that’s what that is that’s what that looks like just so you know that’s that’s the concrete I’m going to use on the project on the house I’m building I’m going to use it in this house this is It’s relatively cheap if as you know you can get a lot of if you have a big square footage job and you want a nice material that looks as good as pavers exposed Aggregates the choice for you um you got to have a guy who knows how to pull it off you can tint the concrete press rocks into it and then obviously power wash look look into it the metal roof is very very nice the price of this thing is outrageous based on its originality like there’s not much uh I mean they’re nice it’s it’s a mid-century gem but I mean it’s a staged [ __ ] piece right here like this is some investor [ __ ] right here investor staging like nice try not fooling me did you pay a million three for it in 2017 I bet you did I bet you bought it cheap I bet you bought it cheap what the [ __ ] is going on in Bellingham where everybody thinks they could do this that house is overpriced it’s just it’s just overpriced but let me tell you something the mid-century [ __ ] is the stuff you can slap a stupid price on because people want it that’s why I say they’re gems that’s the like the little [ __ ] you might not know people dig them yuppies dig them they have good layouts they were well thought out the floor plans are fantastic the materials used are IR replaceable some of the custom work is [ __ ] you wouldn’t pay for I’m serious we got uh girus Maximus 25 bucks SE uh stepdad said he got taken by George HW Bush and two aliens went to Warehouse where they asked him to learn how to use their new craft kind of hard to understand tracker probe in nose Etc wow in the nose really okay okay you’re you’re talking to someone who’s telling you they got a probe in their nose they want some random guy to fly I need you to fly a ship yeah hey fella you want to buy you want to fly a ship hey Rando fella you want to take my my car for a test drive I’ll give you the keys [ __ ] psychotic like yeah dude what the [ __ ] bro like what what yeah there’s a probe my te like they just think every like cavity that was filled is like a probe yeah stick probes up your ass the dentist oh you went to the dentist huh yeah jees how’s schizophrenia Drive these days how’s it drive yeah how’s yeah how’s it drive the how’s it running not too bad not too bad not too bad not too bad hey um we’re uh F over to PA Pittsburgh Pittsburgh goodbye um any good good stupid stupid flipper [ __ ] but it’s a good house go buy it it’s good period I’m going to stop there Dead End Street it can be nice it can be nicer needs a paint job it’s got a roof deck it’s got lots of garage space paint will help this house couple of stupid flip moves he paid like 115,000 and put 40 into it right close I believe them that they put 40 into it I’ll let them I’ll let them take me I can’t get mad at Price spotting a house in in a good Market I like this house I take it I I know there’s a little bit of a hood next door to it this this picture right here tells the story right there so you have an apartment house with a bunch of [ __ ] Hillbillies living next door could be a problem there at 8 if you ever worried about moving into a hillbilly area with a bunch of [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] and you’re worried about how noisy they are drive to the house on a Friday night at 7:00 and see if they’re outside drinking light and Fires Drive to the house at 700 in the morning and see if they go to work that’s another way to test it see what kind of people you’re dealing with if these are people that live at home all day on [ __ ] like disability and they’re [ __ ] breeding pitbulls and [ __ ] like that and they’re loud as [ __ ] that could be a problem so go there that’s how you test a house that’s too go there when the trains go by go there at rush hour go there on Friday night go there on Saturday night sit in the parking lot with the engine off and listen to how loud it is yeah that’s a good way to tell but what this house is and like where these things like I like those those are nice pieces people like them could be really good with a cooler door a little bit of work could be fat the roof looks newer I like it we got kind mercenary with 25 bucks what up Nick and Chris Cincinnati building maintenance guy from a month back back the only guy I work with Foreman is likely going to sell a renovation job in Florida soon super pumped any tips for starting a Rena business um getting skilled Rena business is getting skilled um not taking on any jobs that you can’t finish yourself fences and decks fences and decks and garage upfitting interior fitting learning the trades um learning how to GC properly is a good thing getting your GC skill set General Contracting skill set um project management for people is a growing thing just I’m going to be the guy on the ground making sure you don’t get ripped off making sure everybody does what they say they’re going to do working with good contractors that are trusted that aren’t too [ __ ] crazy or up their own ass that’s a thing um doing right by your clients finishing the job to completion um not making mistakes or not allowing mistakes on your job jobs good luck um license insurance honesty thoroughness making sure you’re you’re promising not over over promising and underd delivering making sure your hours are accounted for make sure your estimates are be a damn good estimator on how long this is going to take you from from job to job you lose money when you sit there when things take too long and you [ __ ] up so go for it buddy we’re flying yuppies don’t want to touch contractors man yuppies want someone they’ll pay someone’s 30% of the job they spend 100,000 they’ll pay you 30,000 to watch it fly out that’s the job uh fly out to Roseberg Oregon Roseberg Oregon my brother just bought this place and wanted to get your thoughts on it and any tips on it improving wow it’s a treeh house I like it wow that’s crazy nice hot tub for a [ __ ] session I like it it’s a buy in my world that’s what I would want to buy in Oregon uh uniformity a little more uniformity in materials inside and outside flooring just taking the doors and windows apart oiling them putting them back together is going to save them a lot of money you get these [ __ ] mirrors when you’re doing like reverse cowgirl anal over here whatever the [ __ ] going on in that bathtub um like the champagne collection anything good keeper I like the the uh fruit the wine seller there nice house better railing maybe paint job and railing uniform some of the plants not much of a nice new light fixtures yeah uniformity is would be my uh my go-to make sure there’s not 10,000 different kinds of flooring you have to sand them and take them all down they didn’t really know what they had but like just this this is [ __ ] ugly so extend this or or redo this entire railing but railings and colors just too too many materials but other than that nice house nice piece [ __ ] built into a hillside wouldn’t want to do that again uh nice piece we got Jacob M with 25 Canadian hey Nick I dropped out of it school to start brick laying in a bit of stone masonry thoughts also have you called any Craigslist workers Craigslist working boys lately no no no Craigslist prank calls my Craigslist prank calls Days Are Over um but uh what was he saying oh oh dude brick and stone work is the best yeah yeah low stone walls the smoo yeah man brick patios we’re in the nesting phase we’re in the wow look at this piece of [ __ ] look at this mall Kansas Oklahoma look at this ugly thing um wow I the not note on this is uh I remember going here as a kid with my dad he and others worked on the house it’s been in unfinished limbo for years sure has my one rule as a kid was no upstairs what oh you should push the Knight off the railing yeah is it just a wooden Knight with extra wood that wow wow a little suicide tunnel looks like Doom look at that this is a nice piece of [ __ ] this is a a a halflife map yeah dude look at that piece of [ __ ] well it’s a tear down so that’s fun it’s a complete tear down yeah that’s that’s an absolutely ridiculous house a sstory tower Tower man it makes me want to puke when I look at it like I feel like I feel like nauseous in my stomach it makes me want to [ __ ] my pants and puke at the same time this house is no it’s no longer inhabitable the framing has been exposed to the weather for too long it’s too far gone it’s [ __ ] yeah this house what was it so who so who who lives there who was supposed to live there no one fish tank yeah be perfect fish check house well not not the not the safety risk of the safety spot would be great yeah yeah you just put you put a trampoline at the very bottom of that Circle yeah they bounce back up yeah yeah a foam pit a ball pit then you just see you know what people fall on things like that but then they roll within the other floors like they’ll fall and then their head will hit the other floor yeah they’ll Greg lugus yeah yeah just push the Knight and they’ll Greg lugus inside the house who’s that no no no no this this is this is absolutely uh insanely gone this is a crush house no one’s ever building this thing again the amount of what’s the square footage in this thing 10 billion square feet yeah no thank you this also makes me want to [ __ ] my pants five stories toqua toqua it’s been on the mar for 10 years toqua wow get over here no it’s it’s not no no building inspector would stamp this off forever it’s absolute [ __ ] um I don’t care about it it’s too far gone I’m sorry you could buy that as a uh crack house to sell crack out of and that’s that’s the only thing you can do here come upstair I’m I’m all the way at the top come up here and get me yeah yeah you can parkour up here the crack’s up here yeah more crack rock is up here come smoke it with me Mousie mousy make bug skitter noises and then then parkour up here um pawpaw Michigan PA oh yeah we’re going to Paw paaw Michigan paa uh good F uh no in this house good friend of mine just got this how’d he do he did good pop work it it’s in paaw where are you from paaw tree work nasty nasty gut job it’s fine it’s okay it’s a gut job though just adds up the rug’s a decent copy of something bad it’s got chunky milk rip this off better lettuce work this should look like a this is 1872 when was this built when was this house built 1898 okay yeah Victorian Farmhouse gut all this down to the studs it’s okay it can take it it’s almost a full gut job you need uh 200 sheets of plaster might as well rewire it while you’re at it new windows period correct Victorian Windows Foundation looks fine enough as long as the sill isn’t rotted that’s what I’d be checking for rot and settling think you you’re going to be okay these houses stand up pretty tall old growth tree work immediately keep all the pandra lose everything else that’s growing in between it blowers and chainsaws are your friend’s best friend help him he needs tree work dropping a lot of trees chop keeping it turning into firewood lose this one keep this one lose this one open up the yard patios power washing cleaning douching gutting dumpsters plaster work it will be okay it is an ace house good square footage good outbuildings good land new mechanical new wiring you bought it for nothing it’s okay it’s huge but yeah it’s a nice house to bury people in the basement we got uh needs tree wear uh internal thought with 25 bucks welcome to main dog I’m 26 years old bought a place in Mid Coast main four years ago realtor says um can get 550 with 250 left on the Note 09 build with 20 acres you see any more upside around here or should I cash out cash out thanks Cash Out move Inland go somewhere else do it again in another part of Maine you will be able to do it go to Wiscasset go to do just do it again you’ll find it cash out now maybe rent maybe find something else that’s at the bottom of the barrel that’s not finished yet use some of your money and do it again or rent it or rent it grab some money grab half of the equity go do it again you obviously have a good eye try you will find it listen to me I say this openly when I buy a house I want to buy a [ __ ] steel I’m not saying they’re easy to find you have to know in your head like I [ __ ] stole this place everything that I’ve actually bought was a steel and Steels can’t be had in all markets they’re starting to pop out now steals happen from divorce foreclosure [ __ ] Panic you need to wait for those circumstances to arise and when Builders and developers are just too flat developers are getting a little flat right now they’re a little too full they’re sort of giving up profit margins are down on new builds so a lot of guys are backing out of the market and the flips the market isn’t froing so you’re not getting 10 20 30 40 50,000 over ask so when it calms down Maine these vacation land places Maine Vermont New Hampshire Cape parts of Rhode Island parts of Connecticut Coastal [ __ ] like that in my region that’s the second house when the second house starts to sell because Gregory the accountant lost his job they’re going to take that Equity those people who bought the house in 2017 the 2.0 they’re going to say well I need the money to survive in Massachusetts where I live and I’m going to sell the second house you got to do it again so you can cash out refi do it again in another area that kind of sucks right now that will be good later you know the one find it it’s up to you that’s your job right now what’s the not on this house are we in Idaho yeah um f over to was it boy Idaho uh just listed this turns out I’m not a farmer uh hoping to get out before the fall all we’re not gouging with the price jump previous uh previous seller forgot to charge for parcel 2 which is six acres okay thank you boys nice yeah get you guys selling stuff like this for this this price in in Idaho blows my mind I don’t know what the [ __ ] is an Idaho that’s so goddamn good potatoes potatoes yeah those are potato PR those are T Tater prices yeah the yeah these These are Russet potato pric um these are Yukon Golds yeah bro um God speak to you man um yeah if you’re not a farmer get the [ __ ] out if you can sell this thing for this go for it two parcel there you go good for you what are you trying to do here how much you trying to make here a lot yeah good good for you hey if you can sell it go for it I hope you can my man godspeed 1492 wiser River Road you’re on a river these prices seem nuts to me you can do a little bit more depersonalization in the photos if you want if you’re selling your house please depersonalize it please God depersonalize your house take all your personal [ __ ] away put everything away if you’re selling your house away away away less is more this is if you’re if you’re listening your house get [ __ ] out of there in the photos countertops clear window sills clear clear get a storage unit put it in it make up their mind for them but yeah uh godp speed man we got kind mercenary with another 25 bucks I’m probably a few years of experience behind for doing any general contracting work but on my way up to to um but on my way up do you have any Pro tips for advertising and selling paint flooring other random stuff uh for five to 5 to 10K jobs efficiency branding and efficiency flooring in paint yeah yeah I mean you’re word of mouth is your best advertising when you’re in like that level Blue Collar man um be nasty use the best paints lean in the paint warranty you know what I mean be uh a Ben Moore or a guy you know um be clean and neat efficient it takes 6 months of great work to in servicing clients well to where you’ll have so much [ __ ] work if you’re on Instagram when when companies do social media well that are kind of blue collar painting decks [ __ ] like that Tick Tock videos re-shared decent enough content that sums up what you do your uh you’re you’re you are a a skilled laborer and you’re good at billing properly not gouging and finishing the job without complaints and having satisfied customers honestly it takes a handful to grow I did it in the landscaping business never [ __ ] anybody over everybody told everybody I was I was kind of cheap um basically I was just like I just make a little bit less I’m not greedy bid a lot of jobs throw a lot of [ __ ] at the wall up your clientele even better um specialty paints and stains and um all the harder to do jobs that are basically only take place in $1 million all the jobs that take place in like $1 million plus properties is where you want to live just work on better [ __ ] right Lamborghini mechanics make more than Toyota mechanics classic car classic Lamborghini mechanics take you know so it’s like the same thing with Renovations home paint Etc um understanding the Old School trades and how to get yourself out of any job um and just being efficient as [ __ ] man we’re flying over to L Lancing Michigan 110 uh Hey Big Nick fiance and I are under contract on this as firsttime buyers won the bid at 137 which is high uh planning on finishing the basement any tips or ways to increase value here front front Landscaping uh Foundation planning right so from this walkway to here I would put a uh 46 River Rock drip line around the entire thing walkway from here to here new Drive driveway um maybe dropping that tree in the front yard the kitchen’s pretty rough but don’t go there now the flooring’s fine for now basement vac actually I tucking and recess canning painting flooring um can you put in that second mode of egress what am I looking at here at the front of the back FR back okay uh new doors are your best friend driveway new doors are your best friend rear patio better stairs um cheapest way to do it have a concrete guy come for you a 12x 24 patio with new stairs have him form you a new set of wide stairs um so some out for some outdoor entertaining space when you have a small home your best friend is outdoor entertainment area because you’ll spend more time out there you’ll get out right that’s true yeah better uh front entry freway will help you a better front door front door setup small ranch front door idea small ranch front porch ideas um this type of [ __ ] right here this type of [ __ ] right here see you follow you you picking up what I’m putting down here buddy adding one of these is probably your best value ad right where are we where Michigan yeah yeah this you know this is a little above your uh skill set so you want a real a legit guy to come and do this but front porch is uh money well spent on a house like this there is going to be you know your inspo for this kind of stuff like this kind of [ __ ] front porch small ranch better doors better Windows right that that’s your house with bigger Windows a cooler door you’re just you know straight up like just curb appeal ideas I’m trying to find one that’s actually is your house these types of things are probably going to be the biggest value ad new windows it’s I mean dude it’s two windows and a a couple of doors man you know what I mean so go for it couple of Windows maybe make these even bang bang front porch across the front right it’s probably your money best spent drop the tree just Lo lose the [ __ ] tree if not you know make it a shallow front porch but pretty decent idea go for it you didn’t spend a bunch of money I like the fact that you spent this never going to go broke back patio entertaining idea good for you congratulations nice pick your battles go slow uh we got Trevor hurt with $50 uh michigander here I’m a 26-year-old FedEx contractor and my boss has offered me an opportunity to be a body repair guy or a mechanic he’s creating support businesses for the whole terminal and it seems very profitable and it’s what he’s building he’s building he’s creating support businesses for the whole ter terminal and it seems very profitable I need guidance on which position okay uh contractor good for you okay so you’re you’re fixing the yeah um yeah Tires breakes Tires brakes oil changes and body work for the FedEx Vans good for him holy [ __ ] um yeah that’s that’s that’s interesting um my buddy has a a pretty big cleaning business and he has an in-house mechanic and I was like you have an in-house mechanic he’s like I got 30 Vans oh yeah I got guys doing oil changes all the time makes sense um yeah I mean maintenance for the employees themselves side hustling oil changes and breake jobs for the employees themselves FedEx drivers I’m sure they’re going to have to get competitive with those UPS rate wages everybody heard of so side hustling work is how I would is how what I would do and I would like do like I have to do 10 cash oil changes a month and that pays for my X or yrz um do it go for it do work at the shop your boss will let you what’s the scoop with this one in Alaska oh um we’re flying over to um Alaska go do we skip I ski marav do we skip uh Ontario no is there a note there’s a note on this one in Alaska 2535 oh [ __ ] yeah hold on huh I I don’t have a note maybe I just maybe I just threw a star on there no maybe he just wanted to this is a strange house in Anchorage Alaska a town home built by Builders this is a house if there if if I miss the note on this please let me know if this is your house in Anchorage Alaska wow it actually looks normal yeah it doesn’t look like there’s a lot of suicide there no it’s cold freezing do you like the sun do you like daylight do you like that didon needs new light fixture it’s a contemporary though so it’s a mountain contemporary new garage door if they allow it they probably don’t allow much so there’s not much you can do I wouldn’t spend too much money on this thing trying to update it I would assemble a furniture collection use it Stage IT decorate it well and then move on price doesn’t seem that bad Nice Nice Hill for sledding cuz that’s what people do up there they sled all day and they build snowmen yeah they have um they they they build Igloo build Igloo nle syrup popsicles salmon salmon whale blubber chewing chewing y contest chin tattoo yep you get a chin tattoo Puka Puka yep you get you get free Willie yep free Willie they watch free Willie the movie a lot and is that a lot of people don’t know this the Anchorage Beach yeah the Beautiful Anchorage beach in the summer there’s one week in the summer you can go you can go swim no you can get [ __ ] hypothermia you can go be an ice cube this can be you at the beach you can go to the Anchorage Beach and just chill nice chill excellent um we got primitive Patty with 25 bucks Nick Big Love from Alabama can you do a debate in the spirit between John Taffer and John stupid over what’s a better genre goth versus shoe gaze or two Indian guys uh discussing shoe gaze also do you know how to do Indian Chris do you know Indian too I can I can do a little bit of Indian you can do Indian cuz you like Sho Gaye who’s your favorite Sho Gaye band Sho Gaz uh I would for sho I’m My Bloody Valentine oh I like the cockout twins okay my favorite band is the cockout twins I like blue Smiley rest in peace I like um tunnel blanket by this will destroy you oh that’s a good song More Dr and my very ambient times I like my my other favorite Sho Gaz band is um my other favorite I’m trying to think you can’t judge the band by the pedal board all I saw the cocked out twins a long time ago it is a great band um that’s good I like the trying to think I was I like a narrowe head very good band very good I saw Naro head one time they were playing with modern color oh modern color is also a very good band lot of people sleeping on the modern color it the shoe gay as a genre is you can debate on whether there’s different sub genres Sidra used to listen to sh she liked Cherry colored funk by their CA twins hell yeah I God damn it that’s awesome you will never get to heaven is a fine man hold on all under Heaven all under Heaven is also a good man see who’s do they consider I like the I like it looks sad the band visor the song visor by it looks sad very good band I listen to too too much of it entitle fight and harm H title fighter is a very good band I wish I wish title fighter would go and buy tickets right away why does not title fight get get back to together why does do n got get get back to together if they are touring I’m going to see them and fiddlehead but right away uh we’re flying out to very good Ontario can flying to Ontario to look at this mid ass [ __ ] house 17 andita Circle yep in Li which is a fine French porcelain um not on this uh I’m interested in this um it is about 100 Grand cheaper than any other place like it they are looking for a bidding war question mark oh are they um it would be a trade up and I’d make a ton off my place okay so you want to take your money off now I don’t love Ontario market right now I don’t love any Canadian market right now but I understand that you’re in a position with where you can make money so yes if you have something to sell sell it yes that’s very good now you [ __ ] you bloody uh the interior finishing of this house absolutely sucks ass I got to be totally straight with you the stone sucks the flooring sucks the furniture is too big but that’s not your problem the above ground pool is not it I hope you’re stealing it I don’t it’s fine but it needs how much are we paying a oh it’s 477 okay it’s not that bad I mean if you’re if you’re truly getting an upgrade by way of square footage I don’t know where we’re going in a house like this right for a house like this where me personally you don’t make a lot of money in this house okay you got more beds more baths you have a better buyer but you’re paying more with a higher interest rate right oh it’s 477 us okay okay see can is not that expensive yeah see it’s only for but TP typically typically in houses where there’s with it’s like nine other ones around it they’re going to trade exactly like the house on the side of it and this house takes a lot of money for it to jump another grade the grade of build is mid right so you have to gut the entire thing and finish the snots out of this thing for it to be a lot better how much are you going to make on this probably what what you’re really doing is you’re you’re you’re making money on your Civic to buy a Suburban is that a good move maybe do you have more kids maybe is it does an above ground pool move the needle maybe this house is not for me I don’t like these typ these moves typically you’ll never find me doing these like new houses I I’m not impressed with them they’re pretty easy to sell because there’s a lot of these [ __ ] NPC mother [ __ ] who buy [ __ ] like this but this house in general is an NPC move with a [ __ ] neighbor that you’re right on top of which will service a transient doctor scenario long-term rental is good for it but I’m not in love with the overall maneuver I don’t think there a lot of money to be made I don’t think you’re going to have a scenario you’re going to be doing the same thing you just did if I’m just being honest with you it’s fine but it’s not it’s not going anywhere if you’re buying at the peak of the market this is the first thing that drops down to to the price point it should be at which is if it’s $649 Canadian it’ll drop down to five back down to 500 in a bad market and you know that could be you you could wash away all your work I would like something if you’ve already done a good job making money and profit on a house I would rather see you transfer your hard work into something where you can essentially do it again and it’s not an easy find I’m not saying this is like easy advice but this is this is sort of like a this is a very mid playay it’s like a very like ah sure you know you’re paying too much but you you know you’re selling your house for too much but you’re paying so it’s okay I’d like to see you do it twice and I think it’s possible to do it we got Craig porier with 25 bucks hey poier uh in a tourist area with 25 Grand take ownership of a pool hul or buy an investment property and he’s it he’s a pool hole he said uh I’m in a tourist area uh touristy area uh with 25 Grand do I take ownership of a pool hall or buy an investment property you’re going to make more money from a shitty Dive Bar you can make look up the uh the pgl episode with Roco quatrochi where he talks about owning a shitty dive bar bar and how much how you make money on it if you have access to it we talked about it he he’s a bar owner and done restaurant stuff there’s way more money to be made in restaurants and bars if you feel like running it you can kill a pool hall yes I would say a pool hul as far as overall money it’s just what I’m saying that’s what I’m thinking okay thinking out loud just thinking out loud I like that a little bit better right now rents are about to fall there’s about to be a lot of vacancies a lot of people go just so you know this is what happens when when property is too expensive and rents get too high you know what happens people start stiffing their landlords that’s what happens just people stop paying rent they don’t just go oh my rent went up 500 because an investor bought it oh okay oh you changed the hallway paint and you put a plant in it okay cool um I’m never sending you rent again that’s what happens so multifamilies in these Market not loving the the metrics that people are putting on these things sometimes but not barely ever um if you have some sort of Inn at a pool hall I’d like to see the the [ __ ] metric on it but if you can take ownership of it and something like that you you make more money but please look up the Rocko Q pgl episode where we talk about owning a [ __ ] Dive Bar basically some I’ll save you a lot of time you can make roughly what do you say you can make you can make two grand and 2500 bucks a week sitting at the shittiest [ __ ] bar you’ve ever seen selling bags of chips and and [ __ ] keg beer and trust me people go to them we’re in Karen yep we’re in Australia Western Australia oh you Western Australia [ __ ] beautiful no on this thank you for uh great education looking forward to your Australian tour can’t wait for Australian tour this house is [ __ ] incredible it’s [ __ ] incredible look at that oh yeah [ __ ] 2 by two qu tole [ __ ] making me head it’s making a dick rock head oh they say uh they say [ __ ] uh oath that’s what they say oath oath [ __ ] oath I think [ __ ] o yeah it’s cool I like the Lee Priest story about when he had a threesome look that up you’ll laugh your [ __ ] ass off this house uh kicks kicks major ass I love it a lot I like the lickstein prints all over the furniture is all period correct you can get that [ __ ] cat out of the [ __ ] house though if you could do me a and get that [ __ ] cat out of there probably stinks like cat piss now in my head never be able to wash that away the finish of it is [ __ ] beautiful the uh the the the good brutalism is perfect little bit of Australian brutalism [ __ ] yeah got a nice Mery pool couple of Barcelona chairs [ __ ] yeah man good Modern House Gym great layout what’s not to like every [ __ ] square inch is optimized guy was just a great dad to his kids building his kids a little unexpected red there nice and neat really well executed really well preserved I love everything they did by way of the finishing look at look at the consistency of materials it’s one thing just keep your eye on that the consistency of stain color in materials right doesn’t your eyes not drawn anywhere it’s perfectly executed original you know the good Danish furniture and the good Danish [ __ ] good for them KO wall unit well executed nice job no eyeline obstructions probably an architect really really nice house I hope I hope you own this house 2.75 million oh they bought it for I bet you they put a bunch of money into it it was never a cheap house so 7754 God I hope you can stay consistent on those [ __ ] that uping but the brutalist door and the uh it’s dope that’s a that’s a fat ass house I’ve never seen a house that fat in in uh Western Australia again guys we’re going to wrap up quick tonight because the debate is on we got bets all over the debate the over under on Jim Carrey making an appearance Jim car’s making an appearance as as Jo Biden that’s Joe Biden Trum Trump’s just [ __ ] Trump he’s just trumping trump it up we’re going to play flip cup man Portland Oregon 2.2 million 750 bucks a foot and 2400 a month for fees no that can’t be right oh it’s only been listed for 10 years uh no oh no no wow what a steal uh note on this uh house belonged to the founder of Dave’s Killer Bread oh wow that’s cool the bread with the seeds in it the bread with protein in it yep A nice [ __ ] Palace this guy had track lighting so this is Dave’s crib so this is Dave’s crib hey um Dave what’s with the furniture pal the furniture is ugly as [ __ ] doesn’t fit this place want to know about that nice 360 panoramic view terrible terrible choices on the furniture only nice TV mount looks good there that doesn’t look shitty at all nice hotel furniture you bought from a [ __ ] I like the way they did this tub that’s a good way to do it that looks like a way that’s not supposed to happen did you order the tub and not not not figure the dimensions out did Dave’s Killer Bread jump off the balcony the view is incredible he hasn’t been able to sell it TV’s Galore twostory Penthouse at the top of a who gives a [ __ ] wow they just dropping names in there huh yeah why the [ __ ] would Dave’s Killer Bread think anybody gives a [ __ ] that it’s his house when it’s this mid the guy from founder of mission tortillas leg house the the real one yes wow don’t they use prisoners wow cool yeah dude your [ __ ] taste in your uh your fake plants your whack ass uh 2004 New York Loft Hotel lobby Furniture sucks ass um not an interesting piece of furniture in the entire $3 million house not a rug that’s worth a dollar um you collect [ __ ] African artifacts good for you um big [ __ ] hot tub up there wow cool yeah it sucks it looks like a W Hotel in 2007 not impressed all of it’s shitty I absolutely hate everything that’s in the house not a touch of interest from from it just tells me you’re obsessed with shitty midlevel hotels this looks like an a home suites yeah yeah this is um yeah good for you a worthless grand piano the Double Tree maybe yeah a fancy Double Tree in uh Indianapolis yeah this house sucks ass I like I like the fact that these people slamming names in there like like like I didn’t know Dave’s protein bread guy was such a [ __ ] narcissistic [ __ ] [ __ ] although I should have known wasn’t it him playing the guitar yeah he he’s looks like he’s got like he’s got like hair like me he’s like protein bread yeah Chris Lynch’s protein bread Chris’s bread it’s got mold in it it’s got candida in it it gets mold in three days cuz there’s no preservatives I’m going to give you stomach rot uh we got Trevor hurt with 25 bucks thanks Nick and chat for the advice uh and I’m excited for this opportunity do do what you guys love puts a smile on my face hey thank you Trev thank you bro appreciate that man do what you love now it’s time to do what you love mhm it rhymes with fleeting Chessy rhymes with fleeting chy do what you love rhymes with fleeting shy Dum hell yeah we’re flying over to Walnut Hill flid walnut sauce Florida Walnut sauce Florida uh my cousin is retiring from the Army next year he really likes this house is it worth it he can fix it up thanks Nick for the Soviet poster I got for my wife’s birthday gift thank you bro hey I’m glad you take it put it in the spare bedroom spare bath I have a little conversation piece for your friends what’s that all about I just put a picture of a seagull why didn’t you just put a picture of a fence like everyone else I don’t get it why wouldn’t you just put a picture of like a garden gate with a straw hat on it with a heart on it I like the house nice uh you know mid-century uh A-frame not A-frame uh built in 75 when was this built 65 good even better all right cool little brick facade good view good yard great yard okay pool needs repair like the outdoor area a lot so let’s get that up and running all right we got a project is does your cousin have enough money to fix this place the the floors are dope keep them don’t [ __ ] with them needs new kitchen cabinets start over oh large field tile throughout dope large field tile installed by Pros would be my move rip out all this Gass flooring start over start over here paint that Pine paneling a little bit of electrical redo any of these floors stay buff them have a have a janitorial company come and uh buff and wax those get all your mechanical does he have enough money to finish this thing if it’s going to be deep but it’s going to be dope when he’s done um if he does go for it I like the detach two-car garage absolutely perfect a little uh covered storage for the RV the yard is good it’s a buy in my opinion um yep the terazzo flooor is dope like I said a janitorial and cleaning company will know what to do with that um could be very very very good I would stay all over it it’s been on the market for a long time they’re lowering the price come in with a hard offer will Banks [ __ ] with you um three and a quarter would be a great thing hit them hard and then bite down when you give someone a bad offer in a property like this you punch them in the mouth with the number and then you jump you bite their lower mandible and you don’t get off it until you buy the house that’s the that’s the maneuver okay to Wiggins Lake where are we wow wow damn I’ve never seen a house up here I’ve never ever been up here ever this is cool though the true I’m digging it the true tip of the pan handle your your cousin is going to spend $75 to $50,000 immediately I’m sorry 75 to 100 a qu finishing this thing just a heads up I hope he’s handy it’s going to take a lot of work there’s things you need to buy uh to buy kitchen cabinets buy bathrooms by flooring some wiring is going to have to be done some neatening up that pool repair is not going to be too cheap but when it’s done it’s going to be [ __ ] fat godspeed godspeed we got B bob L blah with 20 bucks gaining an extra 20 grand uh 20ish Grand a year because alimony going away what should I do with this bread so I don’t end up spending it on booze and guns spend it on guns no um add to it uh 30 do do some conventional [ __ ] um you know your kids education 529 funds put some [ __ ] in like you know max out a Roth why not just fill investment accounts for 10 years and give yourself something stable and normal and if if you don’t want to do that um 30,000 extra 30,000 what’s that an extra two three grand a month extra 2500 a month what I do with 2500 extra a month probably figure out what the [ __ ] I probably buy something buy an existing business run it change my life um don’t buy a bar cuz you you you want to drink it all y um upgrade your quality of life buy half a Bitcoin yeah max out max out investment accounts for now um buy life insurance I know right boring [ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t know I don’t know probably buy an existing business change my life literally like warp my life around that is what I would do Jim Jim will change you Jim will change you uh we’re flying over to Bal Baltimore Maryland uh looking for your opinion on this as a first house thank you Nick and Chris oh little redone Baltimore home huh how much is this house nice okay the paint colors are I’m glad they went with the Reese’s Pieces paint paint Scheme the ribboning in the floor is original so that’s that’s nice the rehab was that was completed is good it’s actually impressive the paint is [ __ ] god awful but it’s okay the Ikea those are IKEA cabinets I installed those before not a bad shell man um it’s kind of like the the pain in the ass work is done basement’s dry kind of clean bro um nice what’s the backyard is there a backyard situation or is it just like it’s all house no maintenance which is nice front porch is good needs a paint job but whatever doesn’t really need one it just looks a little ridiculous right now did they buy this for 30 grand 88 no it’s a good deal take it I think Baltimore and Philadelphia are on the come up they can’t get any worse than they are I know I’ll I’ll get roasted for this Philadelphia’s back is on the come up the cities that just had the hit are coming down Austin 235 it’s a finished product I’m not mad at it could you find one for 110 in rough shape sure do you want to come up with all the money out of pocket that these people already did no you don’t but this person spent 40 to 45 Grand after buying it for 80 120 what do they want 22 Yeah offer them 185 go dig it in because when someone when you give someone a 100 I mean they found the right area right where in Baltimore are you yeah I I like this area I know exact so I used to live right over here not live I stayed here for like 3 weeks like right here and I loved it I thought it was the best area this road right here yeah Keswick Road where the Hun is how is the this area in Baltimore chat is this good I know all of it’s [ __ ] but like yeah know I’m I’m I’m [ __ ] with this I don’t think that Baltimore and Philly can get any worse I really don’t I think it’s I and listen I know it’s Hood but people like it okay I’m not Pig Town yeah right over here I think I literally lived in like like this house like it was literally like like maybe this house or like was right over here Baltimore Baltimore um yeah and I listen you run into a fire that’s the way you make money in real estate after Hurricane Katrina we should have all went to College Park Tex you know wherever you know it’s just how it goes Baltimore is obviously is St Louis Baltimore Memphis all the hood cities the the ultimate murder cities Kensington crime Etc they don’t stay like that forever politicians have to keep their [ __ ] jobs something has to give Academia is surrounded they have enough money they have to be literally collared cuz the universities could buy everything in town and [ __ ] snow PL the bums out um I like her I like like I had a good time people in Baltimore it was Hood but I was having a good time could I have gotten shot sure yeah would I have taken a bullet it’s just a flesh wound it’s just a flesh wound Baltimore I mean Baltimore has always been shitty but I don’t know if I’m going to like look some people like it it’s a great Community people like I I had a nice group of friends shout out to Heather Boaz and all the friends very nice cool group of people took care of me very sweet I learned a thing or two about traveling around the country that that year yeah 235 I mean you’re not going to lose I mean I don’t think rent is600 bucks for a three-bedroom house right so if it’s even or under and you think you can get 600 a room and you can get into a position where I’d like to see you buy this for the one in the price if I’m being honest with you and when you have someone with an equity right when someone has a $240,000 house and they have like a 100 Grand of equity they’ll take 655,000 of equity like they just want a deal they want to like run through the Finish Line it’s just you have to like kind of have enough balls or wherewithal to like run through the finish line and give them a bad offer and pay the house in the ghetto they know it too when they bought it they were probably getting their tools stolen yeah I know because I’ve been through go for it last house of the night Fallen Creek Mak Georgia Drive Mak not on this uh hey dudes took your advice from the last stream and decided to make a plan to move out of shitbird uh Fier Phoenix uh or fiery Fier that’s not you sp fiery um he spelled he spelled it different he spelled it like gu Fier yeah firework fireworks um moving out of Phoenix uh what do you think of Georgia looking at mon thoughts on this it’s cheap um this is a Georgia house I hate this house but I like it for the money um I’m not a big fan of Georgia just because it’s so [ __ ] muggy um but this is a nice house for 300 Grand I’ll say that right I’ve um I I had a few friends that bought [ __ ] like this outside of Atlanta and like Stone Mountain Georgia um mon is uh it’s a little baly down there for my [ __ ] fat ass that’s for sure but if you’re moving I mean look what’s not to like about 120 bucks a square foot right the house is definitely worth price for a square foot we’re there right this is this house cool not really um is there a lot of upside to it sort of but it chases you know the the outskirts of Georgia have been slowly getting gentrified you know like it’s an easy rental for someone who’s uh you know a university worker coach Etc you know they’re all uh or a city worker it’s not you’re not going to get hung in this house is what I’m trying to say is Georgia my pick no my pick down this region honest to God um would be Char would be South Carolina cuz the ocean’s also cheap down here because it’s like brown ocean you can catch a nice cat a Myrtle fish or whatever some like psychotic fish that you’ve never seen before that looks like it would taste like [ __ ] Mountain Dew like the Dr Pepper fish yeah um so you know I think there’s a little bit better value than Central Georgia um I’ve heard there’s areas of Alabama that are really good there’s a there’s like a microcosm of tourist sweet spots in Alabama that I’ve heard about that I haven’t looked into and I would like to see chat help me out with that what are these areas that I’m hearing about of like Alabama like Riverboat [ __ ] like rock lakes that are perfect like people having a [ __ ] straight up blast out there ye yeah like like been Ming and cing cuz it’s fun is f like but kind of like nice like I want to know a little bit more about that um Chattanooga Tennessee’s like a buy I want to hear like I I need like chartable data I need I don’t look at making or not just because this part of Georgia is so [ __ ] balmy and sweaty that I just don’t like it and Central George is [ __ ] crazy to me um but truth be told is it a lot of house for the [ __ ] money sh [ __ ] yeah of course it is you know what I mean like it’s a lot of house I get it look at this um 300 Grand can you get her no what what does Di [ __ ] buy it for wow yeah they’re not being nuts price isn’t bad the metric on the house itself isn’t bad what’s going on in mon I don’t know do I like this area not really I I would if you want that region I would be checking like uh you know a couple of lists as far as like show me some reasons why it’s going to become the barbecue capital of Central Georgia show me something um David likes making doesn’t he yeah he just bought a house at making he says pretty good I think so yeah yeah it’s not expensive I’ll say that and that is nice this price for square foot you’re not going to get burned I don’t think you’ll ever have a Time hard time renting this place off for 2 Grand a month to anyone even if it’s people cooking crystal meth in the garage that being said thank you for your patronage we appreciate it we’re going to cut short just because just because um keep it fun keep it tight um going to we got a lot of new things listed pick up anything you want lighters they’re in house these ashtrays Brimfield Brimfield we’re going to I’m going to do something funny for Brimfield we’ll figure something cool out um again Glass sale starts next week if you see a vase or something you want to buy your mom or your girlfriend or your boyfriend or whatever the [ __ ] you want to buy all the stuff all the objects tab is going on sale all this stuff is going on sale next week four pages of it have fun with it I try to keep it fun it’s a store I’m a merchant I sell antiques it is what it is when I ran a store I ran sales look I appreciate it I don’t know what else to say okay we’ll see you Tuesday Tuesday tickets about tickets on samh high live yeah announce yeah we’ll announce something soon we’ll announce soon check out the new video


    1. lexus saved my life, straight up, pilled up lady from a cop family passed out and boomeranged off a jersey barrier into my seat on the passenger side of a lexus while heading south on rt 3 through dorchester, shout out to lexus thick ass frame for still breathing today

    2. Nick is doing news channel, while doing podcast, while having a standup career, while building a house, while selling rugs. Next level grindset but still jokes and laughs. Very inspiring.

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