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    welcome to day 18 of me riding through Europe I’ve got a couple of big updates to give this morning so uh I shall turn the camera around straight away so you can see where I’m going and I’ll chat away whilst you guys are looking at the views so the first of those updates is on the fneo drive uh you’ll recall in yesterday’s episode I was having some problems I lost two gears was down to just one gear on the fne drive I got to the campsite yesterday and completely removed the front end of the Boom the fneo drive and everything came off of there in an attempt to find out what was wrong uh to be quite honest I couldn’t find anything was wrong with it um I mean most of the fno driver is enclosed anyhow and is like non-user serviceable I.E you can’t touch anything to do with the working part so I had a look at the few bits that I could look at the cable and there’s a couple of Springs that fit up against the uh the bottom bracket there couldn’t see anything wrong with any of that put it back together again went for a short ride yesterday evening and uh seems to be working fine so I can only guess that uh something needed tightening up or adjusting or I don’t know your guess is as good as mine but the long and the short of it is if it lets me down again then uh I shall probably remove it and uh I’ll buy a front chain ring somewhere with a couple of pedals at one of the cities or towns that I pass through fit that on the front but we’ll see fingers crossed this will keep going now as I say I don’t know what it was but it seems to be [Music] fixed so item number two on the agenda is my route um I don’t know how much of the news you guys have been watching but uh Southern Germany particularly the area around Constance and just north and west of there has been inundated with even more rain than what I’ve been suffering I spoke to some uh people yesterday who’ just come down the rine from constant and apparently the whole of the lake area is flooded out many of the campsites are closed and uh a quick look on showed me that the hotel prices are through the roof so I can only imagine that that’s completely correct everybody’s being forced from under the canvas and into the hotels so that inevitably led me yesterday to thinking about the tour in general where am I going what am I doing and having thought about it overnight uh today I’m heading to a town called mous and near mle house is an airport it’s actually nearer to a town called Basel but but there are several flights there per day that go back to the UK and I thought I would get to that airport and stand outside and wave at everybody who’s going back to the UK no I’m not giving up so I’ve booked myself into this Hostel at mle house uh for two nights and that’s going to give me tomorrow to sit down do a bit of editing but also to work out the next stage of this tour I hadn’t expected to have to work out the next stage until later next week in constant so I will update you with route plans in episode 19 I guess it’s quite warm today the sunscreen went on before I left the campsite as I said I started off later so it’s beating down on me but I think I’m only going to be riding for about 3 and 1/ half 4 hours tops today that’s including time to stop and film things and have a look around sightseeing so we won’t be under the sun for too long all right that’s enough yabber from me I’ll get back to you in a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] so I’ve just been through fessenheim and I’ve stopped here in the shade for a quick water break and an opportunity to to say thank you all for leaving all the wonderful comments that you do under my videos they’re all very positive and helpful full of encouragement and uh as always I read and reply to every single one of them so once again thanks very much and please do keep the comments coming they do mean the Earth to me gives me encouragement to keep going every single day there’s not much to look at here I’m afraid it’s that same view of the mountains that we’ve had all morning problems with mountains are they’re so big that they take ages to get past which means the view stays the same for quite a long time but when the traffic’s not going past the country side is still quite peaceful there another car coming right catch up in a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I’ve been on this little back road for a while now there’s not too much traffic but as always you have to keep your wits about you looks like we’re getting off of it we’re going straight across that looks like a cycle path oh mind you there’s nothing to say no cars isn’t there oh yes there is oh that’s nice we’re off the roads for a little bit for the first time on this tour I had a see serious headwind quite strong it was that certainly made the legs work a little bit harder so we’re almost on the outskirts of mle house looks as though that’s going to be on the road as well when I get into mle house um but if I can get the camera out and show you anything I will otherwise I will see you at the uh hostel SL Hotel I’m not quite sure what this place is all I know was it was inexpensive [Music] so but yes we’ll see when we get there but just for a little while longer we’ve got this nice cycle path I think this might also be the Euro Val 5 keep seeing these little lizards on the path in front of me I don’t suppose the camera picks them up but they’re aren basking in the sun getting some warmth when they run away when I come along only little things 3 4 in long right I’ll catch you back in mle house [Music]


    1. As to the Efnio drive? 1st Law of Maintenance: Never force anything. Use a larger hammer 🔨 . Couple of taps in the correct spot might resolve the problem. 😊 I'm thinking that something shifted out of alignment and by opening it up, it decided to work properly, at least for a while. 😮 It might be a quality issue, so put it on your to do list. In the meantime, keep on pedaling and looking for dry land. As I quoted before, "The dogs bark and the caravan moves on."

    2. Glad to hear the shifter is back to being shifty. Let’s hope it does not get any more ideas. Id say we are about due for a “Tent Tabernacle “, What say You ?😊

    3. Hey Tim. I just watched this from both of my YouTube accounts and gave it a like from both because you deserve it😊. Just one observation. Could it be that your boom is a bit too short? It looked like it when you showed the efneo drive. Is this due to your knee problems? It looks like you need to extend the boom a bit to get proper leg extension but perhaps that is a choice you made to spare your knees.

    4. I love the use of the drone. Always adds to any video but i get it that you can only use it in certain places. And glad that the efneo is working. Would you have to change your boom if you were to add a chainring since there is nothing to fix a derailleur to? Or would it just be a single chainring? Are there many trike shops in europe.

    5. You seem to have had some decent quality cyclepaths in this episode. Also the village you passed through was very nice and tranquil.
      And a nice sunshine, retirement can be blissful. Or at least that's what you want us to believe with your videos. 😊
      Have a nice weekend and see you in the next one.

    6. (Referring to the email I sent you today.) Well as far as your opinion of Mulhouse, I guess there's strong evidence that battles are indeed fought over some undesirable places…

      I'm curious as to what brand cycling shoes you're using. I could use a new pair. I wear hard-to-find US size 12 or 13. Appreciate it if you could send your reply about this to the email I sent today… 😁

    7. Another great watch. Particularly liked the villiage, church bell playing and your drone work. Glad you got Trinny working again.Well done. Thanks Tim.

    8. It’s great following this series, so when you mentioned the airport did cause a mild panic 😂. Thankful you are continuing and I hope you have no more mechanical hiccups along the way

    9. Hi Tim, I have always loved your willingness to share your trips with us (2018 Olympic Park seems like yesterday). Your sense of adventure, along with your level head, flexibility and sense of humor in spite of the inevitable curveballs life offers has always been inspirational. At first blush it seems a bit strange to be vested in the well being of someone when we've never met in person, but you've been so earnest and forthright over the course of 6 years and so many videos, of course it makes sense. You've always got an ally in me, and please know that what you do impacts people around the world. Not bad for having some fun riding a trike, huh? Take care, Matt

    10. If the hotel you stay at was the hotel F1 Mulhouse Centre Ouest, your thought of the place matches the one star rating they have received. The countryside and villages you're riding through look wonderful, so hopefully it makes up for this stay.
      I enjoy the videos, so thanks for the time and effort to put them out.

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