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    [Music] howdy everyone so I have been gardening all day I did a little this morning and now it’s evening time and what I was doing I will show you there’s my Faithful Little companion she’s been out here the whole time hanging out we were on the porch I was reading a lot of um old email letters from Connie hquest and just kind of getting to know her better and how she made it and I found out some interesting stuff because I had all these questions and I may have mentioned them before I’m talking about Connie H quest uh dear kitchen Sates anyway had all these questions and so I started reading through every one of her entries what what what sh you silly girl you silly girl yeah you had your dinner she just had her little piece of meat she had her little piece of meat and I know we needed to go for a WK but just not yet in a minute in a minute anyway I was reading through all her entries in her on her blog and I started from the very top and was going through all of them and I found out a lot of stuff and I’m going to talk about that later but not right now anyway I had a lot of transplants there is a bug in the garden yeah you stay in here I want her in here because there’s a gopher too but I don’t Gophers unfortunately do a lot of damage to fruit trees so I mean I wouldn’t mind go for being here if they weren’t so destructive it’s like take a carrot take a potato don’t take the whole dang tree anyway as you can see there’s something EA my stuff so I watered everything let it soak in and then I watered everything with vitamin B which is for transplants and then um I fed everything and just a little scoop of food on each one and then I watered everything again then because a lot of my beans I bought starts so it’s kind of a bummer cuz they cost it’s like four bucks for a start and then to have something eat it but sorry I’m sniffling I well I’m not sorry but I’m sniffling because my allergies everything see everything’s so Lush and green and blossoming I mean everything is just so vivid rich green it’s crazy and the blooming and the flowers and the colors it’s just wild I want to be out every day every day I sit on the porch and read I open all my doors and windows we’re finally at that point less covers on the bed windows open all the time fan we had the fan running today I was like oh it was the first day we ran the fan and it was just like Yay oh okay I get it I get it you can wait you can be a patient girl so anyway I fed them be so let me show show you what the food is had a wonderful whoops whoops whoops cup of coffee and then I did some reading and a little writing and then I decided to come out and work in the garden and the kids are doing their thing they’ve been cooking and doing homeschool and I think they’re on the computer and the TV now oh and they took walks today I was really proud of them my kids like they have these routines they go outside and they walk Sam likes to take off and walk around the neighborhood Mariah walks in the yard and does her little thinking and meditations Barefoot and and then they cooked Sam made Indian French fries today and um Mar’s not much of a cook that’s okay she’s got other strengths so she did a lot of chores both of them are just really behaving and they’re actually getting bored of computer and they’re getting bored of the games and they’re enjoying them still but they’re kind of getting bored and they’re wanting to do other things Sam wants to join the library Dungeons and Dragons which will start next week and [Music] um you know maybe some mountain biking and we’re definitely we’re not going to move the pool I already talked about that we’re going to get that trimmed I think Monday in a few days we’re going to trim that up and then we don’t it’s still May so we don’t clean and set up the pool till mid June cuz it’s just it just gets it’s not warm enough up here it takes a while but maybe with these leaves gone just this Branch um it’ll give us some more sun on here and then we won’t have walnuts falling in the pool ripping up the bottom it hasn’t happened yet but it could anyway we’re not moving the pool we’re just going to trim the tree which seems a lot smarter all right so oh and I gave some bee oh I keep forgetting to show you yes I do I keep forgetting okay so this is Vitamin B I gave this and I’ve got a lot of this stuff I stocked up over the years so I’m trying to use it up this year I’m trying to use up all my fertilizers and foods and seeds because I stocked up for I always stock up years ahead and so some of it’s like it’s time I got to use it like look at this girl oh what is your deal she just okay like fish Emulsion which she’s probably trying to lick fish Emulsion is wonderful I used all that up that was getting kind of old this one’s new this one’s old vitamin B then I use this tomato and vegetable food so I just did a tablespoon on each plant after I did the Bee now what I’m going to do and then I planted extra beans and extra melons because that’s what those plants were beans and melons and I don’t know if they’re going to make it or not now I have some neem oil this is natural and I’m going to spray this on some of the plants some of those like I don’t have a lot of Hope for that one oh no okay that’s a bummer uhoh well we got a problem we got a [Music] problem okay and this bucket we keep here because we’re still picking up glass as many times as we dug up the garden and tilled it and added stuff we’re still cleaning up glass cuz the people used to live here they used this whole this was just a driveway and they used it for working on their cars and having barbecues so we’re still clean and probably the yard may have had toxins I never tested it I tested my last yard I did not test this yard but as you can see we have sunflowers that grow rampant in this garden and I allow them to grow rampant and I let them you know die out and the seeds spread every year because they are so good they draw all the toxins out of the soil and they also attract all the bees so super positive plants see they’re just everywhere everywhere now what am I going to do okay okay well I’m going to go because I got to go find a spray bottle to pour that into py we have a birthday coming up tomorrow tomorrow so tomorrow is Mother’s Day and a birthday what do I want for Mother’s Day I want some beneficial Nemo toys and I need some more Bud spray come here we got a little whiny thing here right here we so whiny whiny whiny oh because you know what I need to take her for a wa okay a wa l k a w a l k oh stop for God’s sake I think she can spell now I don’t know anyway usually on birthdays I do all the cooking Sam’s birthday he wanted everything from the store packaged bought because that’s how kids who are raised with home cooking not that I’ve been perfect I mean I like my sters you know you know I love to throw a sters frozen sters in the oven I like the package stuff too but when kids are raised with a lot of home cooking scratch cooking you know the package stuff is a novelty so anyway we did all packaged everything was packaged and it was terrible it was overpriced really low quality food just not good not flavorful junk lots of packaging I was so upset and we we bought too much and too much junk and I just the whole thing was like H this is terrible so we’re back to home cooking so the exciting thing is Mariah wants shrimp tacos so Sam is king of shrimp tacos so he’s going to make shrimp tacos and I went to the Dollar Tree I always get my decorations from the Dollar Tree and they last forever I have a whole bucket I’ll show you in a minute I did buy these two ball balloons but what I really bought at the Dollar Tree was I did get some glasses they actually had some good ones I’ll show you anyway I just bought I did not spend that much money whoops I did not spend that much money we bought some shrimp which was at an amazing price and we are going to have some whoops some guests tomorrow so we’re going to make a lot oh hold oh man I have allergy I cannot wear any makeup right now cuz I just my eyes are just a mess every day but everything is so beautiful I don’t even care everything is blooming and just the colors and the flowers and the Lush greenness I had to get some apples so I can eat something this morning avocados cuz I’m we’re going to make our own own guacamole we did buy some salsa it’s not really that good it’s kind of pureed I don’t like that we could have made our own you were right big stack of those I love these cuz I also chop them up and make chips birthday there tomorrow well it’s tomorrow can you go get me some tissue and then lots of cucumbers so what Mariah wanted oh and lemons so onions lemon all that stuff so we’re going to make oh where’s our where’s the other bag here it is okay I be very careful I have to mop the floor there’s a little bit of a a grease slick oh my God okay sorry okay so what Mariah wanted for or derves um was cream cheese and cucumbers and unfortunately we went to Grocery Outlet so everything the produce is all packaged which is a bummer and I did not bring my bags I brought my bags bags but I actually have produce bags so I’m trying to start to remember to bring them so that I don’t use these plastic bags but then you got the shrimp I mean it’s really hard but if you can reduce your plastic usage and then I got these chips I love these chips they’re very very restaurant so and we have everything else oh here’s the limes so that’s what we got we’re going to make shrimp tacos and then we’re going to have appetizers of just chips and salsa cream cheese on cucumbers I don’t know Mariah said that that’s a thing now so who knows and as for um beverages as for beverages see this is why I cannot wear any um we’re just going to have ice water I know that’s super boring but we’re just going to have ice water I mean I don’t really it’s like we buy soda every time and then nobody drinks it which is amazing right but we don’t and then nobody really drinks Bali drinks a little um but obviously the children don’t and I don’t so that’s it and I we’re just going to have a couple people over we have really low key birthdays usually the kids invite a friend this time Mariah’s good friend’s mother is also becoming my good friend so if they come that’s great because I have a friend and they have a friend and um and then we just do some home cooking and we decorate now let’s go see I also bought a store bought cake because that’s what Mariah wanted and I’m actually a little bit relieved I don’t mind buying the cake but I usually make the cakes too and look at my table cloth oh my goodness so I it’s a big clean day I am going to clean crazy closet I have two buckets I have one for fall and one for Christmas and then I have birthday stuff thrown in here so these these right here I have had literally years year I’ve had these since we moved up here and I’ve used them for every they cost a dollar each I spent like $5 on decorations I’ve had them for three years I use them every single year isn’t that funny but I also found some on the street let me go plants are looking really Lush I gave compost and food to these I’ve been feeding all my plants in the house um watering them and then using the banana banana peel juice so everything’s getting pruned and soaked and fed and watered so what we got here okay we have this which I don’t know if this can be Mariah can I compost this your your story board look yes okay you’re done okay all right and then so on the street there was a daycare closing and they were giving away tons of stuff so we got these streamers and we have these really quaint okay well they’re tangled up but we have these little quaint handmade little and then we have a bunch of like little brooms and we have a a wreath and we have these and I’ll get these out soon these are my little fall decor and I love fall and I love Christmas and those are kind of the only holidays we do and then we do low key um birthdays yeah so I found all that free on the street but that was a while ago our yard is looking so amazing it’s got this bizarre yellow and White theme and we never planned it out like that but we put Granite it was all mud and we put decomposed Granite one year but as you can see the grass is growing through it which is fine and we’re going to let it get all green and do its thing but the flowers we never planned and we’ve got this yellow every kind of yellow and white theme it’s ever purple and then there’s these little bits of purple is that amazing oh and pink we’re getting our pink roses in this is a flower patch now and the flowers are coming up you can’t see them but there’s tiny little little tiny tiny they’re everywhere you can barely see them but they’re com coming up see they’re coming up and they’re everywhere I was talking to my neighbor he thought Molly was across the road this morning I don’t think she was we’ve had to reinforce the fences cuz she was getting out and here’s my clo line which I have to start using I have no excuse now it’s [Music] sunny oh there’s that little critter come here come on sweet girl and the patio we have the shake cloth up now all I have to do is I’m just going to sweep it up clean the table do the cloth um we’re not going to do the pool yet because Monday the guys have to come back and remove they’re just going to remove one big Branch but it actually Forks out and that will it’ll still this tree will still be healthy beautiful um fine intact but this one one is you know I don’t know we probably should have should have would have could have now yesterday I did a lot of work I was out here all morning and I was out here all evening and I have to tell you that after so many years I finally really adore this Garden it is exactly how I want it and so now it’s just constant you know just a little bit of to work and weeding and feeding and it’s just a delight to work in and I enjoy it very much and I have already fed all my trees and I am concerned about my Chestnut I don’t know if it’s going to make it and there might be something here because this is we had an apricot that died here but apricots don’t do well here anyway the buds are still green it has a little buds on it and I did open some of them up and they’re green inside but it may be just late because it’s uh defense mechanism against late spring Frost and it’s going to be really hot here starting today so it may start blossoming out out or it’s you know struggling a little bit and I have fed it and I think I put some compost I can’t remember but I think I did some compost and I fed it and I’m just trying to nurture it along but I have asked for another tree I have asked for another tree because um they you know you’re not going to get wall if they don’t have each other to pollinate you don’t get anything you know like this is how the other wall the other Chestnut looks quite a difference right but um we have to find we’re kind of limited on Space because the way the Sun comes in our yard you know you can’t have trees blocking trees but I don’t know we’ll see and we got a lot of pots so we can plant stuff in so I got to start fixing up this patio and making it cute what what okay I know what she wants I got to get going all right I got on my cleaning clothes I took Molly for a WK cuz I didn’t take her yesterday and she was really mad about it and you know you’ve seen her she can be really a tough little dog so I am going to throw some Kiki sauce together I guess I could show that but I did get some things from the Dollar Tree now I don’t really shop there anymore and I stopped getting my glasses there because they would fall apart so fast but I spent like $20 on really was supposed to be the best mascara ever and thickening lengthening waterproof and I bought two things so I stocked up for a couple years and a lot of times I just wear it when when I go out and the second bottle dried up by the time I got to it you know and it’s like and it wasn’t that great at all and I found that I had better luck and more joy and happier lashes with I some mascara I got at the dollar store now I am going to when I have some money I am going to order um I’ve already it’s bessame or BM I don’t know how you pronounce it b e s m e Bess uh mascara and it’s a cake mascara it’s got a little reusable brush and a cake and a little tin it’s very 1930s and you um can get refills so that’s another little way to reduce however um it’s about $23 but it lasts a long time and they haven’t had refills they keep saying refills coming but it’s been months and I still don’t see any refills so I’m a little hesitant to get it until I see that they have it together and that they’re going to do refills because once you commit to that you need so anyway at the Dollar Tree let me see if I got everything I bought I bought a few mascaras I bought one that says French it’s like Li so I got this one and I heard that the LA the lady there said that the LA Colors were really good so I bought a couple of these couple of these got to put those away of course I stocked up on gum I always have gum and ChapStick in my purse and I learned the hard way cuz one time I ran into a subscriber in the library and I was like at chop lips and I felt like I didn’t have very good you know I was like I kept liing my lips cuz they felt so dry and I felt like I kind of had funky breath I probably didn’t but I don’t know I was like you know what never I’m like Scarlet o’ Heron terara she will you know when the the scene I will never go hungry again is she raises a beet into the air you know she pulled out a root vegetable and was like never well I will never be caught without gum and ChapStick again and I did buy some glasses whoops I bought some GL cuz these were super cute and they looked solid I’m like we’ll see anyway I’ll just keep these in my drawer okay I got to get to work we get some stuff together I should probably make some more coffee I might um this is the banana stuff I’ve been doing the banana peels okay hold on one minute I had to change my shirt I keep I have these shirts that I got and I don’t like the neck it’s very they’re kind of thick and Massy so I cut the necks off to kind of get this like look I don’t know in my brain it’s this look and I’m like I can cut the neck off it’ll be totally comfortable and I can work I can work out in it and I can clean house I don’t go out of the house in that and every time I do it the shirts just look really tacky and I don’t they aren’t more comfortable they’re actually more uncomfortable so anyway I put on a normal shirt I’m getting kind of into my clothes I I have to admit I’m getting really into my clothes and I’m not really losing a lot of weight yet but I am firming up and I’m feeling great and I’m really into my exercise I’m really into my clothes and just really feeling good in what I’m wearing and maybe it doesn’t it’s not that great to someone else maybe someone else is like that’s ugly but as long as we feel feel comfortable in what we wear it gives us a boost to confidence and especially if we’re getting older or we’re overweight you know the worst thing you can do is wear sloppy big clothing or clothing that’s not comfortable but if you can wear clothes you feel really good and confident in it kind of boosts your self-esteem and then you take even better care of yourself I just feel like that’s the story anyway I got free money today but I did give it back Amazon sent me an email and I never don’t trust Amazon emails cuz there’s a lot of scammers out there and they send all kind you know like my PayPal there’s a problem with your account I’m like no you’re a scammer and then my Amazon does that too and it’s not it’s scammy scam but this one looked pretty good so I went on Amazon and they had refunded me money back for my sheets $43 for my sheets because they said I had returned it but see the thing is I never returned them I love the sheets I bought them new I loved them they’re working out never said a word so I thought that is really weird but anyway I had you know $43 in my account for these return sheets so I called because I and tell them let me tell you I’m like 43 like we could really use that money right now because even though money’s coming in through YouTube and money’s coming in through my books we’re those I haven’t seen any of those royalties yet not yet they’re coming but I haven’t seen anything yet so we’re at that point where we could we could use that $43 but I believe strongly in karma it’s not that I’m just so filled with Integrity but I am because I believe strongly in karma and every time I don’t do the right thing the universe slaps me down hard like you knew better than that and I do know better than that so I called and boy they took that money out so fast takes days to get the refund to show up but it took seconds feel like a baby 3 to five business days I’m like or 3 to five seconds anyway they got their money back I was honest I’m back on the path to righteousness oh goodness I feel like I’m going to have to blow my nose again or okay I’m going to try to find I’m going to make some Kiki sauce and then what I’m going to do is I’m already bathed I’m in comfy you know I’ve got I’ve got my whole outfit we got stretch pants so we can move and squat while we clean and we’ve got the t-shirt and we’ve got and this is grimy I’ve been using this in the garden and the house but someone wrote me either some someone wrote me or someone sent me something about Grandma’s apron and it was the sweetest thing it talked about how stained and worn her apron was because she was always carrying things from the garden and I’m like that’s my grandma’s apron okay I can’t find a knife what’s happening oh goodness graes are all my oh here’s some knives so I got my music it gone I think I’m going to brew some more coffee I don’t know I’m kind of jacked up and I’m going to you can watch me here my C my house is grubby right now weather people come or not we got to have a clean house for our birthday so I’m going to make some Che Kiki cheese sauce now I’m starving I’m going to have to eat another banana I ate a lot of processed food for a couple days I had um I just had some processed food that I had had and um and I didn’t feel good about it I read that whole book about processed food and I just was like what the heck what am I do I’m going to rinse these off I should rinse them off CU I usually use let me let me do the whole thing got to rinse rinse rinse we’re going to use all these potatoes which is good we’re I’m kind of in a let’s use it all up use it up so I’ve always stocked up stocked up stocked up and I know see if I were professional I would just stop the camera adjust my tripod um okay hold on okay I had a text from a friend um I have a friend who is an incredible artist and I am going to show her website to you and give you her information for those of you that are into art she is amazing like her artwork she sells her paintings for about 600 I know some that’s a little too rich for some of you but it’s a little too rich for me right now but her stuff is worth it anyway she was texting me I’m like well I’d be happy to do that I was going to give her a mention and um but I’m like I’m like racing against time I got to clean while I have the energy um also one of you said you like it when I work and talk and God knows I love to talk so I’ll I’ll talk and work and bring you with me I think most of you know Kiki sauce if you go on Kiki plantable Kiki it’s a plant-based Channel and she has Kiki her Kiki sauce you don’t have to buy your book to get it and it I love it and I’ve had two friends ask me for the recipe recently and one friend when I said oh you know organ came up and I was like yeah I’m going to make Kiki sauce I love Kiki sauce it’s so amazing and she was not as in thus she was like oh okay because I don’t know why she didn’t really care for it the first time this time she loved it so much she ate it on everything and asked for the recipe and then my other friend the artist wants a recipe too so is that one cup is oh I’m only supposed to do half a cup oh well oh well oh we’re going to use the rest of the potatoes too so that’s okay that’s okay so right now I’m just using I’m trying to use up my garden seeds all the fertilizers everything cuz if you don’t use them up they go bad so I am kind of in a mode of let’s just use everything up not buy not spend just use it all up and then we’ll have a enough money saved to stock up again and I’m telling you it’s just a wonderful break like sometimes when the money’s just not there it’s so such a relief to have all the toiletries and the cleaning supplies and the groceries and the garden seeds and the fertiliz you know like right now we don’t have a lot of money but I found all kinds of bags partially used bags and you know bottles with a little bit of fertilizer or a little bit of spray or you know so I’m just going to use so I was able to feed my garden and take good care of it and that B1 oops wrong one that B1 is for transplants and I’ve never used it I have actually never use it anyway I did bring my bags today that’s one thing I’ve gotten pretty good about bringing my own bags so you know baby steps baby steps baby [Music] steps all right and then there’s little bullets all over the place and we got to get this off I’m going to have to have another banana oh what I can do is slice up some apples okay okay what’s going on here I think I’ll slice up some apples and I’ll have some bananas cuz I’m not really ready to eat oh these are bruised oh wellow okay well we’ve got the fan going although I think the fan is is mostly Fanning the bookcase here I’m like over here over here seor okay I thought you know oh it’s not a big deal I’m just going to clean real quick but I just feel like you know when you first get into cleaning and you feel [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there’s certain things to okay so when I first start cleaning I it overwhelms me sometimes because we’re pretty tidy but I can go a couple weeks without cleaning I just you know make beds every once a while run the vacuum sweep always keep the kitchen clean always the beds made get the laundry but you know I can let the laund laundry sit for you know I can let the laundry sit for like days heavy we’re cleaning together we’re cleaning together in all kinds of weather it’s getting a little roasty toasty speaking of weather I’m getting a little roasty anyway also it feels overwhelming when you first start and also there are things that really bother me like when my cabinets are really dirty now there’s some stuff stacked to them that I I got to get off I don’t know I don’t know what to use I got to be careful cuz I don’t want to remove the paint but there’s like Globs of flower stuff cuz Sam’s cooking a lot and I don’t I don’t want to discourage him in any way I want to totally um nurture that and encourage that for many selfish reasons and because he loves it but he makes horrible messes horrible messes and he is learning to clean up because sorry cuz that oh my God this song I’m so done with this song anyway what I was saying is um there are certain things I have to do first like I have to get the floors right away I got to fix the couch do the floors and then like the cabinets and the weird stuff on the counters that I have to get to that so I’ve already swept and I’m washing the counters but as I said there’s like okay see that’s can you see that I don’t know anyway everything you see is like dough yay d so I can’t deal with this right now so we won’t and we’re going to head on we have been tearing apart everything I’m going to finish sweeping and then I got to m mop and vacuum [Music] [Music] ho for okay I’m really excited um for Mother’s Day I got all my dreams all my dreams came true I have beneficial Nema toids now these are really great for your garden um I’m going to put them in the fridge and I think what we have to do okay there’s a lot hold on okay I read the directions I got to read them again overwhelming um overwhelming so I think got you in the doorway CHP JP CH trip these are the bags I was talking about for produce and I am not good about bringing them to be honest at all and I’m trying I’m working on everything baby steps anyway I have lots of those bags but I also have these These are great for making uh nut milks or soy and squeezing out but this is what I’m going to use they want us to put the Neo toys in here and then put it in cold water and I have this wonderful sprayer I got I don’t know a few years ago but I was I was thinking ahead hold on okay they give you scoota scoota um they give you a bag which is good cuz I think this one’s a little too tight like a tight weave so they give you this and you put all your nids which I’m not sponsoring this by way I’m not I’m just I think you know maybe all of you would be curious because this is what it is beneficial nids I’m sorry my washer is going uh okay beneficial nids nids contain microscopic organisms that seek out and Destroy more than 230 different kinds of soil dwelling and wood boring insects so you’re going to take them all and you’re going to put them in here and drop them in cold water we’re going to do that in a minute and then let them soak for an hour and I’m going to get a bucket cuz I need about 2 three gallons and then I’m just going to let them soak and get in there and then we’re going to take the sprayer fill the sprayer and spray it like tonight I’ll moisten the whole garden it’s pretty damp I water really well yesterday but I’m going to wet it down spray it all you should do this during cool cool early spring but I mean it just turned overnight it was like 6070s and now it’s 8090s okay the dryer might be loud um so this is what I purchased a long time ago it’s really thick and sturdy and I can’t remember where I got it probably off Amazon and I do try to do local but you know Amazon anyway it’s pretty sturdy and so I you do is you fill it with water or the water nemato toids and you pump it Pump It pump it and then spray and this is going to be great too I can use this when I drench my um nectarine tree with copper side or fungicide or whatever um in the early early spring I can’t believe this is still spring other thing I’m excited and oh my God God there’s like I don’t know they’re just always this drama so the other thing I’m excited I got is I didn’t get B got this and allll now this is what I do use on the leaves someone asked if I use pesticide this is natural um organic gardening it’s for organic gardening okay but I would check it out yourself to see if maybe this is too not natural for you but I’ve been using this on my trees and it has helped a lot cuz there is all kinds of stuff that goes wrong over here so I love this stuff I got a couple of these yay and these will last me a long time but I do spray my trees every once in a while cuz the bugs and then NE oil is a nice natural thing that uh we use so this is also wonderful so what I have to do is when my starts begin to come up or I plant starts from the nursery I need to spray them immediately okay another thing so I got the nids and I got that stuff and that is really important I mean there were two $4 starts and they’re expensive I’m kind of shocked like the I don’t remember starts being that expensive but they are super expensive now and so I’m going to get a greenhouse next year probably just a little one that I order and pop up and the snow took out my last one like the first year we were here anyway it helps have a greenhouse and start your stuff early it just makes all the difference I remember that from the last place also I didn’t realize I have a full fish Emulsion did you get me more fish Emulsion no no okay good cuz I have a full one anyway I’m going to put everything in here I’ve still got some more the older trees I want to feed them anyway but I’m going to focus on this nemid stuff and we got another chestnut tree I’m super excited it’s small it’s very small and I don’t care this other one’s going to grow big and fast and maybe the other one will make it and they grow big so I’m a little bit worried I’m like maybe it’s okay that that one’s not going to make it but this one I know where I want to plant it and it’ll kind of cover it’ll give us more privacy and kind of give us a tree wall between us and the neighbors so that’ll be wonderful for both of us the neighbors and ourselves and um and it’s small and I I just rubbed fishing emosion on my face so now I smell as fish okay I got to go wash it off my face and get back to cleaning uh also B got me some local honey cuz my allergies and the most natural best way to do it is just eat the local honey probably way before spring starts so I am making a little more coffee and I’m going to sit out side we’re trying to figure out we’re trying to figure out where to plant the chestnut cuz Chestnut trees gets really big and there’s a lot of places we can’t plant it CU it would block our solar or block the other trees or block the Garden or it’s where our water lines or our gas lines or it’s going to go over into the neighbor’s yard or I don’t know that the chestnut was the wisest decision I think if you have a smaller yard I needan ours is a/4 acre but if you have some limits you got to pick trees that are going to fit in your yard you know like dwarfs and such we’re making a little progress if you see the kitchen was just looking crazy so I have done all these dishes cuz I made a lot of big dishes um this week so I didn’t have to do a lot of cooking you know you saw that anyway the dishwasher is going I’ve still got this is my bucket of soapy water to wash all the fronts of everything but some stuff is just beyond and going steam right now swep the vacuum the whole house and all the garbage and everything’s out and the compost and so we’re getting ahead I stopped and had a little coffee break with Bali when he got home he’s sleeping he’s taking Na and then we figured out a place to plant the chestnut but like I said the chestnut’s not it’s not actually a smart tree for our yard but oh well B’s like you’re already bring you’re always bringing challenges home okay also I use this this is dish soap tiny bit of bleach so I steam up my floors but I also use this to really get things super clean and every once in a while I get in in there I get on the floor and I wash all the baseboards with rags and a toothbrush and I go crazy I deep clean but I’m telling you I’m like kind of wearing out I don’t know what’s happening I’m feeling real lazy it’s like I want to work out in the yard that’s what it is I want to work out in the yard in the garden cuz it’s springtime and it’s not too hot yet not too dry and so I really want to be hold on let me turn off my radio I really want to be um I want you to be closer to me come closer I really want to be out in the yard and I want to be playing in the garden while it’s cool and green and I want to be writing we want to be [Music] reading and I can do all that I actually make a lot of time for myself to here if you want to watch me mop you can watch me mop mop and talk mop and talk the new tap show mop and talk this pan is for to the berky cuz the berky it leaks so much so we put a pan right under there I like oh goodness gracious oh my goodness I’m actually making so I did some deep cleaning recently where I did wash all my baseboards and my walls so cleaning is easier than that and you know really if I spent like two hours a day cleaning my house my house would be Immaculate all the time and I would always have time to clean the whole house plus do extra stuff and I keep thinking that like if you just gave yourself two hours a day too clean and get stuff [Applause] done then your house would be amazing I’m going to try to get Bly maybe this weekend maybe tomorrow for Mother’s Day I’ll try to see if he’ll he’s already good enough for mother’s day but I’m thinking maybe for Mother’s Day I can get him whoa you’re falling I think maybe for mother’s day I could get him to wash the outside of the windows cuz I washed all the inside but it didn’t do anything cuz all the dirt and dust was outside [Applause] I love right after I clean my house and it’s just like smells good and the floors feel good especially in the summer in the summer time we don’t wear any shoes at all and we never wear shoes in our house that’s for [Applause] sure also when the floors are super clean and sweat oh man I love it all right let’s move this big old move this chair so dad’s going to take a nap he is taking a nap or trying and then when he gets up going to decorate with all this just simple and and then I’m going to go work in the garden and do some [Applause] watering and do my Neema toids I’m also going to feed my big trees my big old trees I never fed them so I’m going to go ahead and feed all those trees I look forward to that that’s going to be my treat once I’m done cleaning my treat will be watering and working in my garden I’m a Powerhouse I’m a [Music] Powerhouse we did it now we’re going to head to the bathroom do that okay I what time is it I don’t know cu the timer’s on the clock but I’m really excited about my honey I had a wonderful cup of coffee with my local honey and um I am almost done I am like I’ve done all the nastiest jobs and now oh I have my tripod so now now I’m just working on the last I’ve done all the nasty all the floors are swept vacuumed rugs vacuum floor’s swept everything’s mopped oh I have to do okay I have one more mopping I got to clean this and so and the toilet’s cleaned which is always like cuz I clean it inside out sometimes I have to take the bedet apart and and uh so now I just have little stuff to do like I got to mop the pantry I’ve got to mop the pantry and then I’m going to clean the mirrors and I’ve already washed the inside windows but until we wash the outside it doesn’t make any difference they still look filthy cuz all the dirt’s outside um I got to change our bed linen because it lit it’s May I’ve told said this a million times I know I’m super repetitive it’s uh May 11th and it was literally like rain rain rain cold days cold days a little bit of sun sun sun sun you know but never even like maybe the 7s at the most then more rain more rain more rain more rain more rain and then boom 8090s Summer’s here I don’t know what this summer will be like last summer summer was not very cold at least up here I know for some of you you probably suffered but for us here in the mountains it was not I mean I just don’t think I’ve lived in the valley where it was Triple digits like all the time and I lived in one place that was really like it was Farmland it was for nuts the last PL where we lived in that blue Cottage that was like they thre a lot of nuts around there because it was such hot weather nuts love hot weather my poor little Chestnut but chestnuts do good here we have a few chestnuts we have one up two streets up and we have a big Chestnut over here there’s a little path over here so they grow here cuz what I started doing when I was not having you know I was kind of not having a lot of left with some of my fruit trees like every year two would got like two or three would pass on and so I started looking around at what was indigenous and I noticed things like Chamas and Rosa Sharon and roses and then certain trees like cherries and plums and apples grow wild around here and chestnuts almonds do not but yet we have two almonds and they’re thriving so but I think it’s important to have chestnuts so that you know I’m not into prepping or survival but you know if you’re ever on hard times and and you know you are like it’s doesn’t hurt even if you’re not plant-based but if you’re on hard times and you kind of go plant-based like beans and rice and fruits and nuts then we know I feel like I cannot get this off this sponge it seen better days what is over here oh that’s cuz there’s something gross here okay not really that gross being dramatic okay okay so now it’s just down to washing mirrors cleaning mirrors polishing mirrors whatever you call it and mopping the pantry real quick I get to do the most thorough job and um I’m going to spray down the shower in a minute once everything dries and I can put the rugs down I did like I said I did a real deep clean recently you saw that that wasn’t too long ago sometimes I get on a real roll with with making videos and now that I have like a vlog and I know it’s pretty much me doing me it’s not really that changed but what it did is it just made it like I can just do my life you know I can just show and that’s what I wanted to do in the first place years and years ago when I started this what I wanted to do was um show my life I’m going to fix my hair while it’s I can see myself in here but that’s what I wanted to do I just wanted to show my life how things worked how we did it on a small budget how we still had a great life and because I love what the heck okay we’re going to take a break I love this room this is my this actually this paint was called Field of Gold like OMG and I sit in the field of gold I found this book I didn’t even know I’d ordered it like I need to go through my books and really start enjoying them I do I do enjoy my books immensely but I actually go through I read the same books over and over and over but let me show you this little book I found I have a I have a Martha Stewart’s housekeeping book and I have a couple I’ve shown you those and then I found this it’s simple Home Solutions it’s a Charming little book I like that so maybe I’ll read through here I mean you know there’s just some of us like Martha Stewart she was obsessed with home making she made a fortune off of it but she’s really she’s just she’s got it it is like she has been blessed with all the homemaking Brilliance of the world although you know we can teach ourselves it’s like if we didn’t a lot of us didn’t have parents who to showed us and so we teach ourselves and now there’s YouTube there’s homemaking channels Frugal channels up the Gazoo and then you have Martha Stewart you know her books that are wonderful and I have mine home economics how to run the whole house budget and garden there’s my homemade book cover I have this one too I got to fix a book cover I did not realize I ordered my books which is good because I was able to see the book covers and change them and fix them but now I got to tweak it again a sweet life in homemaking a decade of thrift frugality and homemaking but of course the subtitle is mashed up into the title I’m like all right we got to fix that fix it Martha Stewart would not be pleased with these imperfections anyway I’ve been kind of obsessing about Connie hquest lately dear kitchen Saints I don’t know if you can see the title Dear kitchen Saints letters from an Iowa housewife Connie hulquist and Connie and and I she’s past now so she doesn’t know this she never knew it we had quite a relationship and I had her book and I loved her book but um I wasn’t into her religious rants or her anti-feminist Rants and I get where she’s coming from still didn’t dig it at all so I had to kind of get through that to find all the little homey gems in this and there are some and she also had a tumultuous relationship with her husband and a lot of people felt like she was really um a lot of things that I won’t mention but you know just the fact that she put up with this man for so long and she never got a job and she never went to work and you know never powered up so people have their thoughts I admire her HSPA she had a child and she focused on that child and then she had two more children and she focused on those children and her husband was running wild in and out of prison doing crazy crazy stuff she called him wild man but after 12 years he did some stuff happened some stuff went down at the last time he was in prison I think they had a big Riot and uh people died and it went on for days and he got got out alive and so that and then she felt like he got saved and healed by Christ and and whichever it was I’m not taking away anything but there were some things that happened he came home and he never ever left for the next 26 27 years he was devoted devoted father husband he worked hard he provided for the family he told her never to go to work and he made it happen they wind up having three more kids so she raised three kids on government well she raised three kids on government assistance then Jim came home stayed home and they raised them on his little income they raised six kids on a minimum wage income in Iowa you know in Iowa I’m sure the minimum wage is at the very bottom bottom bottom of the barrel here in California minimum wage is anywhere from $15 to $20 an hour I’m sure in Oklahoma and places like that it’s probably like 750 850 I’m just guessing didn’t do the research anyway so I have this book and then I had her Christmas mother’s book I don’t know where it is anyway um then I started going into her blog she has a Blog let me see I’ve showed it before I’ll show it again see there’s there’s J M and Connie and they married she was 19 he was 25 they married 1966 you can go visit her her blog still up a Revival uh a Revival for Homemakers Connie hul Quest blog spot a Revival for Homemakers Connie Hulk Quest blog spot I went in there and I started because this book they only took out a few of her letters she used she had had a testimony that became very popular and about her husband and um then she started a group and she had a little email machine so a lot of her talking and stuff is kind of weird because she would shorten words and use a lot of dots to fit into her you know so she could do an email in the email machine this is like old school and and then later I think she had a regular email and so she um so then it was put together in a blog and they sifted out some of the letters for this book and the dear Christmas mothers but I wanted to read all of the letters cuz I had read through this book I’d read through this book and I had a lot of questions and I don’t know if I recorded that or not but anyway I had questions I’m like I know that at some point let me go I go to blow my nose hold on okay every once in a while I have a little spell and then I move forward um so there were a few things like you know I’m like how did she make it like all those years when he was running around well it turned out she only had one kid for more than half of that time for about like eight years she was just a single mom with one kid she was married but Jim wasn’t around and then she had two more kids later but he after four years he came back and he roosted permanently and took care of things so she was on government assistance that time she went through hard times she talks about getting kicked out of a house with her son um right before Christmas and I think the church or someone got the church or some organization got her into another apartment but they had no food I mean really sad stuff she went through some very hard times and I don’t know where her parents were or who was stepping in or who was helping there she talks about this one couple who um she really adored and it was an older woman an older couple and they loved her and they loved Jim and the kids and they would help all the time this woman would bring tons of groceries or like when sometimes she um a few times she would just send them over a little letter or pamphlets or something and put a big check in there just for them you know and and she said it was always like right when they were just almost at the edge and she would get a check in the mail or something from this woman or the woman would come over with tons of groceries so there always was you know a little extra help here and there and then in 73 she bought a house so I thought Jim bought a house but she bought a house I don’t know how she bought a house she just said in 73 she bought a house for $122,000 and and then the next year the prices doubled they they bought she bought it when the market was at the bottom and then the market just shot up like next year the next year their house was worth 24,000 and it reminds me of this house we bought this house for 250 which is a lot but we’re in Northern California and we’re in a very very nice area very nice area and then after we bought this house the quarantine happened and the prices shot up and now the house is worth double it’s probably worth a good 4 500,000 at this point um but I don’t know how she bought the house cuz she wasn’t working she hadn’t been working ever she had never had a job she was on government assistance her husband was a convict I have no clue and in the 70s I think I could be wrong but in the early’ 70s a woman still had to have her husband’s permission for a l her husband was a convict so I’m not I wish she would tell us like how how did you buy a house maybe her parents helped her or something you know but I thought it was as smart as she was very young at that time and yet she was smart enough to know that you know cuz her and her little boy Jimmy had been like almost homeless a couple times and they had struggled and so she felt like the biggest thing was having a house and she said it was in shambles but over the years they fixed it up more and more every year you know and they had the house forever she had the house until um I think she did have to go into hospital she had Parkinson and had to go into the hospital towards the end but they had that house for decades with all the children everything everybody grew up in that house Jim passed in that house she almost did she wanted to but um and it had bugs it had tons of water bugs and she got rid of that with some kind of you know something you would get at a grocery store for cleaning like Borox or something so she got rid of the bugs herself and she just kind of had to you know deal with its shabbiness and its leaks and it’s problems but she was so grateful she always talks about in this book and in her you know in her blog cuz all her letters are there I think she talks about being so grateful just to have a home that she feels like if people just were grateful because for having a roof and if your children have a bed to sleep in at night and you have a kitchen to cook them meals then her I thought was You’ve Got It Made you’re doing pretty good and I love that see those are the things I love about Connie it’s like she did have a lot of deep wisdom and she also did not trust doctors and she tried to do things a lot of homeopathic medicines and she grew her own medicines and herbs I love that and she talked a lot about the Depression era moms and how they got by and um and she was just so devoted to her family like so like her kids were everything and that was her job and that was her focus and that’s what God wanted her to do and that’s what she wanted to do and so people did yell at her when when Jim was running around and she was on government assistance she was ashamed and people did yell at her all the time go get a job go get a life get rid of him and for whatever reason she didn’t you know it’s like some people you know they they are soulmates and the person one person may be a disaster and we may on the outside say you know what you if they were smart they would get rid of that person that they’re just a like um a weight around their neck an albatross but we don’t know why people are together we don’t know what agreements what Karma what Destiny you know what their soulmate thing is and they were soulmates and he did finally come home and he did get his life together and he did show up in the end and he showed up for a good 26 years I’m obsessing about my hair I know um but anyway okay so she did buy the house I don’t know how but she did and I thought that was really smart and she was very grateful for it and she kept it going and she kept it paid for um and I don’t know how she did that either but then he did Jim did finally come home and but Jim only made minimum wage she raised six kids on minimum wage uh for the whole time for the whole time and she never complained she never let her kids know they were poor she and it did get harder because for a while there they did have some government assist Jim was working but they still got a lot of food stamps and some government assistance maybe medical um but they decided to homeschool their kids and when they did back then it was against the law in Iowa so if you homeschooled you couldn’t have any benefits at all and that’s really sad that they used to punish people for that but I don’t know anyway so when they decided to homeschool their kids at that time they had five kids home Jimmy was already off in the Navy or somewhere but he was coming home a lot so they had five kids at home and she was getting about $500 in food stamps and doing fine with that but but then she had to give all that up so that they could make this choice to homeschool and Jim had a minimum wage job and he could only give her 200 bucks a month so for years and years she raised five kids plus Jimmy sometime oh someone burst to my door but it gave me time to work on my mop I’m my little Kermit my little I love my mop it’s very um it’s very there goes Molly making her a little bed oh Molly it’s not much of a bed I got to make a bed Molly she’s so cute she is so funny I made her a little bad oops my chair gets in the way I’m in the way she’s so goofy she’s so goofy and she has a little toy she has her tiny toy yes she does anyway what was I saying I’m so happy I’m like done with all my I got to go out in the yard now I’m done with house cleaning I’m telling you it’s taking a lot I’m not into it right now it’s just right now just not into it I’m not into it like all I want to do is play and write and read and garden and play and I have um I do have someone that may come and and clean once in a while I know bal’s going to be mad but I make money too I’ll pay it with my money but it’s just like sometimes it’s just I don’t know I want someone to come and do the like every 3 months come in deep deep deep crazy clean and then I don’t I love house cleaning but just the light I don’t want to do the deep and I think that if I purged my house a little bit more um I got to I got to do something Purge it a little bit more so it’s easier because it still feels like I have a lot of furniture and stuff and and cleaning is like a big or it was getting quicker and easier and then I don’t know lately it just feels like it’s back to being an all day thing makes me crazy anyway she would have complained so this is why I admire her and I do read her stuff so I can kind of come back to I think it’s fine like if you can afford it hiring someone to clean once in a while if it helps you and it gives you a break and kind of gives you more energy to do other things and focus on other creative Endeavors that maybe pull in money I think absolutely spread the love spread the money create jobs but sometimes we have to tighten the belt and even when money’s flowing in like a Ton’s flowing in it’s usually seasonal now Bali always gets the same paycheck but I do not I get I make a lot of money when I first publish a book and then it just Peters out and YouTube I have two months October and November are my best months that’s when I make a lot of money and that’s it and then the rest is you know but you know it’s it’s great it’s it’s great because like them we are used to living on so little so anyway she raises a family of seven and then sometimes eight on minimum wage they have no government assistance she’s homeschooling all these kids she’s working with $200 a month and she does start talking about it she talks about their government assistance being taken away but they still wanted to homeschool and maybe part of it was because like she said her kids never new they were poor and then I think she say somewhere in here that they only started to kind of get it when they were going to school so maybe they decided to just bring them home and just like you know they had enough siblings to keep themselves busy and play and be active and social amongst themselves and um and they had church and everything they had social events and family so they weren’t isolated at all and they lived in town and then at least she could protect them from that you know because they couldn’t help it that’s what they made that’s how they lived and so sometimes the only way to have your family like on board and okay with like this is how we live and not have outside influences constantly disrupting it or um causing problems you know like if like I know going to school there’s a lot of rich kids and then you know kids will start saying well I want a cell phone well I want a car and well Tommy’s parents bought him a car for his 16th and well Lisa’s mom got her cell phone when she was 10 and So to avoid that home that’s where homeschooling is great because you’re like and you H hang out with like-minded parents and raising their kids similar to but um she talks about you know having to suddenly feed that family for $300 less and she talks about finding all these deals and sales and what she would do is she would go to stores and she would buy the produce in the back of the store that was about to be thrown out but to get it for really cheap you know she could buy it like for a dollar or a carton she had to take all of it so she would have all this crazy like vegetables and fruit but she was actually really aware like she talks about pesticides and how she used her garden to make ketchup and and can and stuff that the produce at the stores was too heavily sprayed and she’s like you can wash some of it off but all of it off and she didn’t want to can that stuff because it was so sprayed with pesticides so as I’m reading through all her letters I’m getting to know her more and more and um I’m realizing you go past the popup Podium she you know her religious Podium and her anti-feminist if you just get past that you realize this woman is very she’s got a lot of wisdom about holistic medicine and organic foods and your timer beeped oh yeah yeah well it’s not my timer oh anyway I’m going to go back to chore I’m going to go finish up my chores so I can go out and garden for a little bit and I am thrilled that Sammy is making tacos and I’m thr that I enough to bake a cake cuz that’s a lot okay let’s well this still needs some work but that’s cuz bal’s going to clean the fridge and then I’ll put stuff away but um and we still have to do decorations but everything is is so clean just has that clean now if I folded the towels then it would have that perfect we’ve just been cleaned and as you see we have the fans out heaters in you guys will already have been on heaters for a while look at this clean I don’t know what to do with those stuffed animals and I dusted today that is like amazing and our friends are coming tomorrow I didn’t really vacuum my office but my desk is still you know the same and then these rooms are they’re just typical I clean the floors and the beds are made and boring but all this is wonderful and I even mopped in here in the pantry and I cleaned all my mirrors yay


    1. oh Kate. u got this right on the packaged stuff. i have so much packaged stuff from the food pantry. rice a roni and knorrs packaged foods, and hamburger helper. Well i have to say it sure helps me on busy days to toss together something tasty. Better than us eating out. This morning i made homemade biscuits,scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon…gar was so delighted. i love how your garden is all tilled up and all is planted there. ours is raised beds. have a lovely day!

    2. hello hon , you look great 😉😉😉😉. your hair , looks like it is well conditioned😊😊😊😊. the garden is beautiful💯💯💯. i have noticed , that the quality of the readers at dollar tree , have gotten better . i had the same problem , of them falling apart , really fast . one temporal arm would fall off , making them worthless😒😒😒😒. love your shares , happy days to you both🥳🥳🥳🥳🎂🎂🎂🎂🎆🎆🎆🎆🎇🎇🎇🎉🎊🎊……….thank you , for sharing🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰…………..

    3. I totally get you on getting to a point where even though I am older, I'm 62 I raised my children I was a wife before my husband passed away. I was so busy being a mother /wife / caretaker.. I cared about my appearance more before my husband got really ill. I recently started therapy and I'm learning to care more again about looking extra nice.
      I used to be OCD about an Immaculate home. Now I concentrate on a certain two rooms in my house which takes me about the same time as you, 2 hours Monday through Friday. It's only me now so I only do an average of three loads of laundry a week. This way I get to enjoy my three and, sometimes 4 year old grandsons on my weekends.. I feel good that Nana's house is always clean for them and good food❤

    4. Oh Kate what a wonderful day I am having!!! I too have been working in my yard/garden. It’s a beautiful HOT day in TN. I’m taking water breaks with lemon sooooo yummy! When I finished I jumped into the pool and looked at the work I had done👍😎. I love love love this video. Reminds me of how I loved spending my days with you during The big C! I can’t say it. Did that really happen?????? Seems like a dream. Your yard is glorious , your house is so cute and cozy. Have a great day. ❤🎉😊😅

    5. So many chores to do and I don’t wanna do any of them. 😭 I wanna be like Molly. Belly up knocked out on the couch. Have a lovely week.💐

    6. I appreciate you following up on Connie Hultquist, wish we knew when she passed over. Your garden is looking good, I also LOVE to spend a day working in the yard/garden.

    7. This has to be one of my favorite videos ever! And I've been watching you for years. You motivate me watching you clean…😊 Thank you – great vlog!!🌷

    8. Hi Kate! I just read your May vlog entry. I too changed my diet to finally lose weight and keep it off. There is one youtuber I just found, her channel is called "Lulu's Way". Half her channel is about how she lost weight and what she eats. She weighs her food and is mostly plant based. She has a plan figured out about what to eat each meal that works for her. I don't weigh my food portions but I do like her energy. Thank you for your recommendation of youtuber "The Cozy Creative". I just love her! She's authentic and made a simple and satisfying life that works. And wonderful quote by Jim Carey.

    9. Always a pleasure watching you. Thank you so much for sharing ❤ it’s like I’m having a coffee ☕️ with an old friend. See you Thursday 😊 enjoy your week

    10. Love my "CoffeeWithKate" time.

      Thank you for sharing with us, Kate.

      Why is it an easy and certainly a very calming experience whenever I have a visit with you? I'm definitely not going to complain about it🤗.

    11. How fun that you were all getting ready to celebrate 🎊 a birthday and you were prepping for it.
      I totally get being excited for not having to bake a cake 🎂 or to have to cook too much. I cook everything from scratch too and for my dad's birthday I just did myself a favor and got a box cake to make instead.
      Wow, I'm really impressed with that woman Connie. She was really ahead of her times. I could totally get past the religious aspect and anti feminism . think I'll have to check her book out at the library. She was a real survivor and had major tenacity. Very impressive.

    12. I love your vlogs. I have been watching for a few years and have read almost all of your books, including some fiction books. I spent way too much time chasing everything I thought would bring me peace. Then I got to a point where I had to strip everything down to bare necessities. It was humbling, but in the humility, I found immense peace. I now focus on family, my pigs, ducks, chickens, dogs, cats and a very part-time job at the convenience store across the street from me. ☺️

    13. I love your pioneer woman slow cooker- its so cute and colourful! I know what you mean about not really being into cleaning right now. I have phases where I'm on it 100%, but other times I'm doing the bare minimum! Right now I'm more focused on my writing- which is of course a lot more fun!

    14. So nice to do house tasks while listening to you 😃🧹🪣I like the sitting and talking parts too. Enjoy the stream of consciousness. The yard/garden is looking great, hopefully you will have lots of homegrown veggies and fruits this summer!

    15. Really love your living room vibe especially out of all of your lovely home; the rug, the crochet throw on the sofa and the thriving houseplants- just so very cosy and homely. 🥰

    16. The cleaning motivation from this video is perfectly timed! ❤️

      I also love The Dear Kitchen Saints book, so inspiring! I believe you sent me your book actually and then recorded it because you missed it? 🤣 It was a few years ago so my memory could be mistaken.

      Anyways! Loving the Vlogs! 🥰

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