50 years ago, Utrecht in the Netherlands was building a highway over a canal. Today it is home to the busiest bicycle street and the largest bicycle parking garage in the world.

    Oh and that highway was turned back into a canal.

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    – flurf

    this is the busiest bicycle path in the world this Street in the city of utre in the Netherlands only allows bicycles in public transit cars are banned and so 60% of all trips into the city are by bicycle and this street carries over 30,000 cyclist every single day that is insane can you imagine if all these people were driving cars instead oh wait


    1. Politicians that knew what they were doing vs ones that didn’t and just wanted the cheque. The transport issue will never be solved until many other issues are also addressed and again politicians. Instead of doing stepping stones too a greater good over 5 years, they rather have things locked down trying to get their way that year instead of making functional plans and progress 😐 Welcome to overpaid politicians with immunity they never should have

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