The Van Rysel RCR Pro has taken the world by storm, it’s quite possibly the most talked about road bike of 2024, it’s racked up loads of road race wins and now it’s heading to the 2024 Tour de France with team Decathlon AG2R…

    To find out a bit more about Van Rysel and the RCR Pro road bike we went to the Van Rysel HQ in Lille to see what went into developing

    Is the Van Rysel RCR Pro the best road bike in the world in 2024? Let us know your thoughts on the carbon road race bike in the comments below…

    This video contains paid promotion on behalf of Van Rysel.

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    this is the vanriel RCR Pro and it’s what happens when the world’s biggest Sports retailer decides it wants to go racing with the big boys so who is vanriel why am I at the world famous Rue vdrome and can this bike really compete well let’s go and find [Music] out if you’re a DE kathon ag2r Rider like Sam Bennett or Ben o Conor then this is the bike that you just got for Christmas it’s a van risal RCR Pro frame set with a data integrated cockpit it’s got Swiss side wheels and a full durur race group set 3 years ago this bike was merely a concept in someone’s head so how the hell do you go from that to a world tour race winning bike in less time than it takes for me to choose which sunglasses to wear on a bike ride well the story starts on these world famous C roads which I’m told is where the VRI or staff like to spend their lunch breaks in fact this RCR Pro was developed just 13 km away from the rube vome although if you speak Flemish then that probably won’t come as much of a surprise despite being made in what must be record-breaking time this is no Friday afternoon job the frame weighs just 790 G the complete bike weighs just 6.9 kilos and it’s been proven to be one of the most air R bikes out there it certainly feels ready to race it also costs £9,000 so a whole heap less than a lot of the other bikes in the world tour Paton I want to know regardless of price whether this is the most exciting bike on the market right now to find out we’ve come to B Twin Village which is home to not only van rezel but every piece of sports equipment you can possibly imagine as well as testing Labs all the cfd simulating that goes into making a bike like this and all the 3D prototyping now heading up the van reel tool box is Yan so let’s go and see if we can find him what is the purpose of the RCR Pro basically the RCR program is to Win race it’s very simple when you tell it like that but it’s need a lot of job behind so thec for us is the perfect balance between iro stiffness and weight it’s why it’s can win race but also uh it can be very enjoyable cyclist during the weekend ride well it’s certainly doing its job so far yeah yeah yeah and this bike is winning a lot of race because theat their team already won more race in 24 that’s for the whole year 23s and what was it that made you decide to go down a one bike to do all approach rather than a lightweight and arrow bike uh because uh for us uh a pure all let’s say aolite bike we call it like that is really efficient most of the Ro for a pro tour team and uh of course you can do better in the pure climbing stage but now they are riding faster and faster now even for climbing stage so IO is more and more important thanks to uh this crazy story so um Ona so you can see maybe Ona behind the tree is over there yes is like the French Naza and I propos them a partnership to develop the RCR bike because they’re really really skill in term of aerodynam and they were like very enthusiasm about this project so they help us a lot for this airc project and we are always looking for nice partner you know to develop the best bike possible and for EXC a or TT biked uh we worked with suicide and now we are using their wheels as well for the Deaton a to their team one of the best wheel on the market so obviously the RCR is a pretty big project how how long did it actually take to come to fruition uh what is crazy is with this bike is one of the fastest bike we develop with Van rizle usually we take between two and three years to develop a bike and with a big pressure of being on time for the pro team we developed this bike in less than two years so it was really fast and especially everything is done in house here we are really doing from everything from scratch engineering design uh layup so just [Music] aerodynamisch so with the RCR Pro is that the same layup the same frame that the pros are using it’s exactly the same 100% the same exact except the paint of course and the paint is very important by the way when you buy your bikes and sometime it’s not understand by a customer why we decide to have a row frame on the airc because when you purchase white one you have like sometimes like almost 100 G Gap so for the pro one the design was thinking was s sorry to be the lightest possible as well so this is the main difference just the paint but the same fiber yeah and was it nerve-wracking that first ride that you you handed them over to the the cathon AG to our team of course you are so nervous because you know a lot of pressure you need to get the approval of the rider but to be totally transparent uh I ride many bikes MH by myself I ride aere so I was quite confident because I’m not a rookie so I was able to say okay I have something special uh so MH reaction was the one expected but of course until it’s not done you are under pressure when they say it’s a super good bikes you you say done yeah so obviously during the development of the bike it’s a it’s a pretty big deal it took up two years of your life was there a moment that was particularly memorable uh yes of course um uh we were like uh you know when we design a carbon bike you open some mold and after you are working on the layup carbon layup is let’s like the receipt of the of the bike it will be it will drive the the feeling the way you feel the bike and uh we received the first uh legout and uh we were not happy about it to be honest the bike was good you feel the aerodynamic but something was really not at the point we expect to be MH and so luckily in house we have someone very very skilled in on the carbon uh fiber uh layouts so he went to the Vietnam because uh our our friend is coming from Vietnam he went to the factory he worked for one full week in the factory he shipped the frame back to Air and you know you don’t need to write 100K literally 100 m enough you just start you push three times on the bike and you say wow now clearly there has been a hell of a lot of resources and brainer how go into the development of the RCR but what’s it like to ride I hear you ask well bloody good it really is this does not feel at all like van reel’s the new kid on the Block it’s composed it’s fast and it’s right up there with the very best in the world tour Paton and well it kind of reminds you that van rezel aren’t really the New Kids on the Block yes the name has only existed since 2019 but really this bike is the product of Decades of experience building carbon bikes it’s been designed and crafted by literal Geniuses who usually work on rockets and things like that and every decision that has gone into the making of this bike is backed up by an absolute ton of data can you tell us a bit more about the brand cuz some people might not be so familiar with it yeah sure um we are so we are here in the VY res HQ uh located in the LI the capital of the French Flanders yeah and so for us it means it means a lot not for only for us for all cyclist Enthusiast Flanders means a lot okay it’s the make of cycling and we really want it you know being basy here yeah doing our research and development here our design here our assembly here our product testing here it makes toally s for us you know to uh emphasis uh this very uh uh special flavor and it’s the reason why we decided to give a Flemish name to the brands so it means vans who comes from in Flemish and risel Li where we are now today we do test our product on the Goble stones of the famous races everyone knows in the region we’ve been very good you know in addressing all the sports the cyclist but we’ve been very known for the beginners to be let’s say um those that wor more into it that when they’re really you know turn into sports guy you know really much into cycling people tend to to different brands and so we wanted to show that we are good as well for this part of of this uh level of of cycling the reason why we wanted to create um um a company within the company dedicated to high performance and so what we’re doing here is to address those very demanding athletes with high performing product entirely dedicated to hyperformance what is it that makes this good for the world tour what is it that sets this apart from the competition yeah so before going into this uh um the reason we made this partnership is first to prove that our product are super performing it’s good to say it it’s good to prove that through data uh we develop that in Wind tunnels uh we can compare to what’s happening on the market we know that we have a super weapon here but yet we need it to prove it to the world so can they W to project uh then it’s a perfect uh you know tool that we want to use they L use for developing the next stage the next um version of our products so as we as we speak now the some of the Riders are experiencing a new let’s say the the next generation of our uh we’ll keep our eyes pay we won’t say it’s commercial about that but you know it’s just like in Formula One you know you keep you need to be on top of the of the uh of the Innovation if you want to keep on performing we are entirely driven by data mhm this is what will drive us on a on a day-to-day basis what it means concretely uh the um analysis we will conduct on those products Will Tell Us in which direction we should go so there is no free line to please a designer or a marketer on the van reel website it says if you want a bike designed to win races look no further than the RCR well the RCR has been winning races and rather big ones at that speak to the staff at V reel though and this doesn’t seem like a surprise they’ve known for a while now just how good this bike is and it’s just up to the rest of us to catch up let us know what you think of the vanriel RCR down in the comment section below and if you like this content then give it a like so we can keep producing videos like this subscribe to the channel for lots more Tech deep Dives and we’ll see you next time


    1. Die hier gezeigte Unterstützung und Ermutigung sind ermutigend. Es ist, als gäbe es eine Schwesternschaft von Denkern, die sich gegenseitig anfeuern.😻

    2. Sales bs,pogi rides a regular tubed colnago bike,no bike aside from aero is gonna make u a pro overnight,playing with tube shapes is all they can do now because carbon reached its limits,same with trek with that stupid seatstay,if any bike had an unfair advantage the Uci would not allow it

    3. I think Decathlon and Van Rysel have done brilliantly and if I was in the market for a bike like this then I’d certainly be seriously looking at this.. well done guys.. it’s even great looking ❤ 😊 I’ use a few Van Rysel vests and rain jacket and they have been excellent to.. Pete🚴🏻👍🚴‍♀️

    4. the rcr-s are masterpieces with a flaw – the lack of sexyness……call me whatever you wanna call me, but if i drop 8k on a bike i`d want it to say "canyon"… or "orbea"… "trek"… "giant" if it really is a good deal…. maybe my mind changes within the next weeks (tdf)… and yes, this says nothing about quality, it is a very superficial point of view – but a point of view nontheless…

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