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    so tomorrow is a pretty special day the start of the Tour of France 2024 finally pachar vingar Remco and Rit are all four at the same race the biggest race in the world to fight for the Victory and for that occasion I opened up Pro cycling manager 2024 to play through the race myself when it comes to the parkour we are starting off in Italy for two explosive stages starting off in Fen toy for stage one six medium mountains on that route and stage two is quite renowned for the last two climbs which is the bologa S Luca climb from Jiro de Amilia so basically the GC fight is already on from day one we’ve also got our first Mountain Stage in week one from pinolo to valir with the CI Galia famous climb 18 km 6.1% and a descend finish and on stage 7even we have the first of two time trials 25 km not completely flat a hill in the middle stage N9 is the first proper obstacle in week two a gravel stage and it’s got like 30 km of gravel so will be quite entertaining now stage 11 might look like just a generic Breakaway stage but GC will be active here because P all 8.2% for 5 km up to 15% the third last clim of the day there’s going to be explosions on that and the major mountains are back at the end of week two with the k m as one of the climbs finishing on plada which is actually a hotter climb than it looks followed by another massive stage 200 km with loads of climbs finishing on the famous Plato de Bay 16 km 7.7% but the last three stages in the St of FR will be extremely entertaining stage 19 and brto Isola 2000 three major climbs starting off at cavar 20 km at 5% chimon the ceiling of this race 23 km at 7% up to 2,800 altitude meters that is very high finishing on eela 27 km at 7% so that’s a very difficult stage and Stage 20 is not much easier four major climbs the last three of which are 21 17 and the last one 15 km long the kakol 7.6% average and pretty unique to the store of France we’re not finishing on the Shan and Paris we are finishing in this with a 34.5 hilly time trial actually with a climb of 7.7 km at 6% this is a medium mountain time trial so GC territory so in the end what looks to be a pretty spectacular parkour but what team will I be playing with obviously T pachra UA team Emirates has plenty of mountain domestics like Adam Yates almea AO a bit too strong of a team to ride with so is vimad because they have yonas vingal wild fard mattio jensson and sof meanwhile Primos RIT has Henley and vlasov in the mountains and Remco has land and voner so some proper Mountain support but not an out there Sprinter in their team and on the other side of the spectrum alpas the Kink has the best Sprinter but no real mountain Riders so I really wanted to select a team that has both that GC option but also a proper Sprinter besides him so I decided to go with ja alula obviously S8 is our GC Rider 80 Mountain stats 74 Tom TR so we can work with that and Chris Harper will be our main mountain domestique in this race and I think our second Mountain domestique will be ulansen meanwhile bling Michael machew is our option for the more versatile Sprint stages or maybe if he can get over stage one and two an option for those stages the rest of the team will be focused on this man Dylan gragen 80 Sprints 79 acceleration one of the better sprinters at DCS store of France when it comes to our last man in the lead out we could choose between matchu and mesat in real life it’s probably going to be mesat with in front of him elmar Anders and Luke durbridge so a pretty two-sided team on one the GC with Simon Yates and on the other hand the Sprints with Dylan grunen so yeah let’s get started with our 2024 tour of FR with jako alula stage one filen toini six medium mountains four of which were in the second half of this race and the hottest ones are the C the barboto and also the cour thean Leo so the fourth and third last climb in the race our main focus will will be protecting that GC of Simon a but if I can get Michael matchs over these clams we might have a chance in the Sprint at the end but on paper the favorite photo stage isic pogach are ahead of Primos RIT and wild fad so the tdf 2024 is about to begin we’ve got a plus three on sal8 so I’m not complaining about that that is 84 medium Mountain on the day so that is perfection duno can with a plus one not going to be useful today I think Michael match is with a zero day so that is 75 medium Mountain 7 9 Hill St that should be okay to get over the stage to be honest depending on how aggressively these first two of the last four climbs will be ridden I’ll be honest I am surprised that the break is only three Riders Ugo vanto kastana and Christian Rodriguez of ARA and the pelaton I had put look derb to relay as well to help control the Breakaway but with such an easy control Breakaway I’m just not going to do that we’re now halfway to raise 90 km to go the next four obstacles will be these last four medium mountains of first two of which are the steepest I’m going to try and keep myself in position get myself over that don’t do anything too crazy and I think that’s our plan so the pellaton is stopping the C the butb to the first of these four climbs and the group is still basically intact outside of one Rider which is Adam Yates what is Adam Yates doing off the B this makes no sense anyway Simon Yates is still doing great we’ve got pull it bacing with adam8 off the back very logical breakway is 5 minutes up the road so everything’s looking good we’re now on the third last climb that caught the sun lay with the breakway this one is also pretty hard 5 km 7.5% Rodriguez will probably eventually drop B and POS but it’s a three minutes Gap to the pelaton so the break ain’t winning this and let’s hope that matchu is our Rider that will we’re now going over the top of the second last climb we’ve got Bago leading the pack and I’m kind of not in position with well I’m I’m in an okay position with the Y I’m quite happy with this we’ve got reers and Yulan off the back we don’t necessarily need them anymore kunen is actually still in the pellaton Caps might open in this descend but can I win the stage with grunen is that impossible if it’s not impossible it should be anyway last climb caught the Sam Maran 6.9 km 5% laort doing a lead out kosa Lampard cival vingo already in position so I have to watch out I do expect an attack here G ball about to be called Ugo not much further ahead we’ve got chrisan Rodriguez with a gap of 2 minutes 30 on this group but it’s all about trying to get matches over this climan N I don’t see it I don’t see it I don’t expect it to happen but we’ll see we’ll see if we can get him there Harper now keep it up keep it up keep it up last 1.5 km towards the top we’ve got COV still pacing behind that break away tbod looking kind of tired but also doing some work let’s keep going 25k to go topping that final climb attacked by Mach vpol on the left side but my dude you’re attacking in The Descent that’s not too clever Hunan oh I need to find a way to get him back to that group because we’re actually in a running withen to potentially compete for the stage if we can get him back to that group and Harper needs to stop pacing then because that’s the only way we can actually get him back in this group comeand durbridge come on dur BRD comeand dur brdge now the last jump for grunen himself and he is back in the group oh my God Dylan grunen is competitive for stage one of the twiter fronts on PCM 2024 four right now and I think I can do this 9 km to go attack on the ride by Macho vpol we’ve got aan AOL responding we have to close that down with Chris Harper come on my friend this is your job right now make every possible attack controlled cran in that wheel looking decent but every single one of my Riders without water so typical but hey we’ll have to do without it last three kers Lead Out by yat everybody else has been caught matchu come on my friend you’re in front of kunun you can do the lead out here two kilm to go it’s time for matchu to go we’ve got kwen in the wheel one kilm to go let’s launch come on Dylan come on Dylan come on Dylan Dylan comes around Dylan comes around fard F Hills Dylan gragan Dylan grunen with a plus one not going to be useful today I think Dylan Kagan and he does it he wins stage one of the tourron this makes no sense but I’ll accepted ahead of wild fard and Maxim Von Hills S8 in the group so Absol abolute Perfection kunan on the podium this is bloody amazing I don’t know if it’s a temperature or my stress fo this but I’m sweating like a cow and of course with the first stage win comes the first mayoon on the shoulders of Dylan Kagan this is insane honestly now let’s be honest there is no way in hell that Dylan grun can win stage one of the tter FRS in real life because he’d have to be a super climing sprinty boy for that to happen but we’ve got a bit of a problem 8 seconds is a gap from Rider 7 to rider8 so bilau Pacha pitock and almea they all gained time on simon8 8 seconds so that’s not perfect but I want to see we’ve got where’s Adam Yates where is Adam Yates he finished on 15 minutes 32 ouch my friend that’s not good for UAE also johy hendley 439 down Egon Bernal 253 down Bago losing 109 Jorgenson losing 36 seconds AO losing 20 seconds that’s all good for Simon anyway straight onto stage two then we’ve got twice the famous s LCA climb from jro De Amilia in Bologna in the last 45 km we’ve got Michael matchu are the chance on the stage but W and poacha as the favorites our Focus as always on S AES on Michael matches and who knows maybe on Dylan gragen there he is Dylan grunen in the yellow Jersey at the front of the pelaton starting stage two of the toor FR and he looks glorious by the way obviously simon8 is are GC Rider in this team what is our most realistic placing NGC to hunt for is it top five is it Podium I think top five is the most realistic but I’d like to set my goal for the series on top three but what do you think with about 31 kilm to go the breakway has been card mesg gets at the front setting a relatively easy Tempo because who knows maybe I’ll get Dillan over these climbs as well in between the two Sun Lucas we’ve got a move by David godu that’s a bit of a useless move on the flat before the final climb so not very intelligent L the plus doing the same exact thing or I don’t know what that was the CL also moving up and then closing gou is that what he’s doing I think that is indeed what he’s doing Julians now on to 90 before that caught the sunl out there we go we’ve got our train at the front at the back matches in front of that Yates in front of that that is the train we want to get up this climb as safely as possible let’s hope there’s not too many attacks because then we might get Hunan over this clim but our main focus is matchu and Simon Yates vazov on the right going a bit faster than my train Dylan having trouble so we’ll have to drop it towards 75 maybe let’s see if that goes flaz of attacking 85 I got to control that kapas responding chicon responding AOL responding let’s do 95 Dylan is still in the wheel only vazov of the front so that is perfect kwen might compete again vazov has been caught last six kilm full lead out once again for Dylan but not too much yellow bar so I’m a tiny bit worried if I have to be honest so let’s hope Dylan survives here let’s go for Simon Yates pretty soon and move by ji hindley let’s go 99 with smon Yates right now Dylan come on you don’t have the yellow bar do you that’s not great let’s go with Michael matchs right now we got to go for Dylan we got to go for Dylan come on come on come on Dylan Kagen launches a Sprint we’ve got ma V pull up front Kagen tries to come around n he’s going to run out of energy we should have gone for Michael matchs we flopped it much of Wonder thepool wins we’ve got bit coming second but simon8 finishes in the group so I’m okay with it yeah I got too greedy I thought after the last stage let’s try to do the exact same thing again and we came really close to doing it but in reality the yellow bar of hen was shouting no we can’t do it and I didn’t listen so that’s my own fault when it comes to GC we are still first then we also did not lose any time with S8 I’m pretty sure nope so that’s pretty good but once again juuzo bleeding time 33 seconds down gar Thomas losing 156 today and Madea losing 43 as well so the UE Co leaders aren’t looking that great Egon brel 458 down as well Jorgenson 542 it just keeps going but now it’s time for a stage that on paper does fit Dylan gronen as the fourth favorite on the stage yasper Phillipson the major favorite then w fat somehow mes pison and then Dylan grun and so 229 km way too bloody long but let’s get to the Sprint now the first 90% of a Sprint stage isn’t actually that exciting which makes it a perfect time for an afternoon nap and that’s where the sponsor of today’s video comes in man to sleep they make the world’s best sleep mask adjustable to fit everyone made of soft and breedable material and honestly what makes them super comfortable is these eye cups absolutely zero pressure on your eyes or your eyelids and most importantly they block out any light with my two studio lights aimed at my face I can’t see absolutely nothing right now I also own their Pro sleep mods but my favorite is this one the sound sleep mods because it’s got ultra thin speakers built in which allows me to listen to my favorite cycling podcasts as I fall asleep anyway if you want to get your own Manta sleep mask you can get 10% off to the link in the description or via the code Benji 10 go check out Manta sleep 8.5 kilm to go we’ve got our lead out train back matchu medg gets reinders and at the front we’ve got durbridge doing the work we’re going 99 already with reinders that too early so let’s do 95 energy shells on almost everyone so that’s going right our position is good but we might lose it if we don’t keep going right now so let’s do 99 again mesg gets is ready at 4.8 99 I think I’m going too early let’s go 95 99 again it’s a bit uphill here so grun wagan still in an okay position kind of getting blocked by W and sold we’ve got matchu with 2.5 km to go right now mes gets out of the way come on forgot your an shell still a good position still a good position you launch your Sprint right now come on Dyan come on Dylan not looking great we’re trying to come true we’re trying to come true come on Dylan come on Dylan we got blocked there by yakobson right no godon wins how does Dorian godon win a Sprint against W fernard yasper philipson Dylan krun and finishing 15th in the end this makes absolutely no sense and anyway at least I’m not the only top Sprinter that bottled it today but 15 that’s a pretty horrible result still in the yellow jazi though I think I’ll be able to keep this until the goly be stage I forgot that the next stage is the goly stage so we are losing the Jersey but anyway D Pacha is the favorite our focus on this one is S8 here we go the first Mountain Stage Dylan starting at the front Harper as well we can go in the break maybe with Harper as a bit of a satellite Rider together with tug buddy hunuen let’s see if that works where’s Harper there we Goan wait my friend wait wait wait and now go together with Harper there we go that is perfect and now grun can can Pace while Harper just sits in the wheel that’s our plan seven-man breakway including fof and Adam Yates how how are they in the Breakaway plenty of other Riders joining including ji hindley what is Bora doing this is crazy and in The Paton behind nobody cares so yeah the break is now 21 Riders we’ve got two riders in our grun as expected but also vazov hindley adam8 moich H and so forth so quite a very strong Breakaway okay 50 kilom left to go time for a bit of an update Christian Rodriguez Jack ha Adam Yates and wam barill in the front group no Chris Harper he’s on two minutes 40 in a chasing group together with the two Bora boys hindley and vazov Zimmerman and Marte I think lenko somewhere in between yes he is so we’re not too far behind to be honest the plan was for Harper to be in the break so that we could attack towards him but Harper will be out of energy and caught by the pellaton by the time anything is possible in the pellaton to begin with so I’m just going to pull him back to the pelaton I’m going to use him as a regular domestique this is a this was a useless Breakaway attempt roughly six kilom to go towards the top of the climb and I’ve gone with my usual strategy of setting my own Tempo with Simon Yates because otherwise we will get dropped so I’m going on 78 79 vazov this entire group that was in the Breakaway with me all caught as well so pulling Harper back seemingly the good choice now we need to protect Simon yades though durb ready to protect as well because he’s also out of energy Yul yenen Last Man Standing when it comes to domestiques domestiques haven’t been uh looking too great on this Mountain Stage I’ll tell you that 4 kilm towards the top and our energy is looking good we have moves though we’ve got attacks with Vaga pachar evap kapas Ma rogl we’re going to try and gradually move towards them now because I think we can here we go S8 is catching up with those Riders perfect anyone else off the front Copus is done for Adam yat still off the front that is uh the boy that was in the break to begin with and we’re going to try and Hammer it towards the top right now let’s see if anyone can follow Bacha in my wheel let’s see if we can go over the top together with pogacha S8 and pogacha of the front let’s try and keep going come on come on come on hopefully we can catch up with Adam Yates and then Adam Yates can pce for pachar that’s kind of the dream idea right now the last 9k is all downhill so we just got to keep going to get it pachar here we got a gap of 20 seconds on the others let’s try and keep it that way come on come on come on how did they catch up with me I do not understand how did they manage to do that suon Yates trying to Sprint for a Podium spot here it is Adam Yates winning and in the pelaton we’ve got not us that’s not good bil BAU winning the Sprint and we’re finishing in the GC group so that is arguably quite disappointing after attack on top of the gly beer 11th isn’t too bad we are with the GC Riders we didn’t lose any time to important Riders but I kind of expected more because let’s be honest on that galip I was riding away with Patra and the Gap just vanished in The Descent Ken has lost his yellow Jersey to T Pacha we’re now ninth in that classification on 12 seconds together with Remco M Rodriguez vingo kapas and Primos bilba on the same time as pachar we’ll finish off today’s video with another Sprint stage stage five complete completely flat basically kunen full favorite yasa philipson the big favorite so far I haven’t spent too much time on the points classification yet van now on 67 points we are on 47 in fourth place in about 10 km there is an intermediate Sprint and there’s four riders in the breakway so there is 12 points still to get so I’m trying to get Jansen to position kunun in somewhat okay for that Sprint so that we can grab those 12 points from the pellaton 2.5 km to go mes gets leading out grunen as we speak we can start off sprinting in a bit not yet not yet not yet right now yakobson has a jump on us philipson on the right can we get past a few people we cannot oh damn it we don’t get many points there I’m afraid but I’m pretty sure neither did Wild F out so that’s a positive on today’s stage Matthews will be my lead out because mesg gets has a minus two and it’s kind of spent from the intermediate Sprint so that’s why the change in order has happened but I am looking good with 12 km to go let’s hope I still look good with 5 km to go honestly looking pretty okay matchu in the wheel of reinders and Hunan in the wheel of machew so that’s with 3.5 kilm to go now machew will have to go pretty soon let’s do right now reers out of the way there we go hun making in the wheel of matches we’ve got Gibbons going on the right for his Sprinter that is Pon we’re going to launch with grunen as we speak in this corner there we go a bit earlier than usual but maybe it works out grunen through the middle nah n nah we’re going to ah we’re going to be spent yes philipsson wins and we’re going to be finishing 10th yes we’ve got a top 10 that’s a victory on a serious note 10th is not a good result but it’s better than last time so we got to be happy with the little things yasper philipson is now the leader in the points classification with a gap of 34 points on the grun Megan but more importantly After Five Stages St pachar is already in the lead of the St of France same time as SP wi simon8 9th on 12 seconds I’d argue that’s a pretty good start to the to front for us because there’s so many co leaders on all these teams like uat emirats and fisma lisik and Bora Hamad have just disappeared flov is not close in GC anymore he’s on five minutes we’ve got hinley all the way at the back when it comes to Yi Uzu is gone ala is gone adam8 I can’t even see him anymore he’s that far back Jorgenson gone so I think we should celebrate that because right now we’re in top 10 quite securely and I’m going to fight for that top five and afterwards I’m going to try and fight for that podium if that is possible anyway that brings us to the end of this first episode of our TR of France 2024 playthrough on Pro cycling manager 2024 thank you very much for watching and I’ll see you next time goodbye


    1. Great content Benji! How do you scroll up your camera? I find the regular camera too close and the helicopter too far in the sky. Thanks!

    2. Hi Benji, any news from the devs about fixing the Sprints? This bug made me lay the game to the side and wait…strong demotivation to know, that it is nearly impossible to win in a sprint.

      Love that you came back to the series anyway!

    3. Wat denkt je? Zou UAE vanaf de start van de tour vol gas geven om Vingegaard het gelijk lastig te maken na zijn val of houden ze het rustig met de Giro van Pogacar in het achterhoofd?

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