Join Dr. Jenn Zahrt & Cameron Cassidy in an excellent presentation on Tertiary progressions. To join Jenn & Cameron’s class, click here:

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    00:00 Introduction
    04:24 Tertiary Progressions
    08:19 History
    11:23 Other Progression Scales
    12:18 Blaschke And The Three Body Problem
    13:02 The Lunar Progression
    14:24 The Corridor: The Search For Precision
    15:57 An Analogy: Centers Of Triangles
    17:00 How To Find The Precise Times
    28:28 In Summary
    29:38 Tertiary Progressed Moon
    32:22 Tertiary Progressed Moon Phase
    36:57 Tertiary Progressed Eclipses
    38:23 QnA
    42:44 Chart Example- Johannes Kepler
    52:49 QnA Cont.
    1:15:41 Conclusion

    Recorded June 2024

    Opinion Disclaimer: All views expressed by the host and guest(s) are solely theirs and may not reflect the views of Kepler College. Please keep your comments respectful. Thank you.

    [Music] hello everybody and welcome to the channel in today’s video we have an excellent presentation on tertiary progressions by astrologers Dr Jen’s art and Cameron Cassidy and lastly if you wish to view our current class workshop and webinar offerings please visit capital and without further Ado let’s get into the video all right so I’m going to introduce Jen first Dr Jen’s art is an author publisher and teacher of cultural astronomy and astrology from 2017 to 2022 she was an honorary research fellow at the Sophia Center for the study of cosmology and culture at the University of Wales Trinity St David she is an emirata Trustee of Kepler Kepler college and now serves on the board of directors for the international Society for astrological research also known as isar dr’s art founded the celestial Arts educ library in 2021 and curates over 10,000 volumes of astrological books journals and newsletters you can find her at the Kaye Institute and teaching at Kepler College I’d also like to introduce Cameron Cassidy camon is an astrologer yoga teacher and lingua file from Massachusetts he synthesizes his abilities as a translator an artist and student of hermetic and yogic yogic Sciences to bring ancient ient methods of healing to people of the modern world he is the editor for the Kaye institute’s quarterly journal the Kaye review he co-hosts the mercurian oh mercuri Anan podcast and he teaches online classes through his website he’s out of Salem Massachusetts where he co-runs a local astrology group and you can find him at Omega and now I can hand it over to the two of you enjoy the presentation thank you so much for that awesome introduction it’s an honor to be back uh welcome everybody from all over the world it’s so awesome to have such a large group of people here and to get to speak about this pretty awesome technique called tertiary progressions cam do you want to kick off the screen share yeah totally um yeah no this is super exciting for Jen and I um I mean this is something that um we’ve been collaborating over and just talking about this technique for several years at this point and kind of nerding about it so we’re super grateful and yeah privileged to be able to teach this class this upcoming summer on Advanced progressions and specifically today to talk to you all about tertiary progressions so yeah welcome to matter and soul so hey everyone um we’re cim and Jen and as mentioned already we just had our wonderful introductions thank you again we’re going to be leading together of course this summer on Advanced progressions it’s five weeks long we’re going to be getting into tertiary minor and Converse directions and we’ll also be talking about how to apply the use of fix stars and lunar Mansions into your progressional techniques so if you’re interested in any of that definitely um yeah take a look so many of you I think we can all assume or maybe hope have heard about the timing technique of secondary progressions or secondaries which essentially equate one day of transits to one year of life so um we can kind of make all of these different analoges of Planetary Cycles in that sense and one fundamental one we’re going to keep exploring today is actually through the lunar cycle so we know that a lunar cycle takes around 27 to 28 days and in that time that will map actually onto 27 or 28 years of our life through this secondary progression so this is just one scale of many different ones and it’s a little more slow moving than the other ones that we’re going to look at particularly today with tertiaries and it’s actually as old as Betty’s balance he talks about um using a day for a year calculation using an ephemeris um from almost 2,000 years ago so this is a pretty old method but the tertiaries are more relatively new oops okay so Jen so if you think about the rotation of the of this Earth on its own axis everybody just kind of sink into your chair and think about your your body from the top of your head down to the bottom of your spine and the Earth is rotating on its own axis and that motion when it completes is a day and we Mark that with Sunrise to Sunrise uh in general right and then the Earth also has a secondary motion around going around the sun we see that as the sun going around us as sunrise sunset Etc but it’s the Earth moving around the Sun in an ellipsis so that’s the general analogy and the motion of a secondary progression is that we’re equating the revolution of the Earth on its own axis or the rotation of the Earth on its own axis with the revolution of the Earth around the Sun right you can imagine that fairly simply and we just had the summer solstice and so we’re at one of those Apex points of our year and and this is something that’s kind of built into our calendar but we’re also very lunar and months and we’re at this other magical point in our world where this full moon specifically that we just had a few days ago um yesterday I think it was we have a maximum lunar standstill right which is another way that we’re in relationship with our moon and prehistoric cultures used to build monuments with stones megalithic monuments to Mark out this solely lunar relationship in the mid1 1950s an astrologer named eh trinsky uh C this iteration of this analogy of the earth rotating on its own axis to it rotating around the Sun and he makes this notification in his mind of well the moon orbiting on its own axis is equivalent to a tropical month so when we’re thinking about what the tertiaries are as a a day of life equals a month of life it’s actually a lunar day because when the moon orbits the earth it’s rotating on its axis so slowly this is why we can’t see the dark side of the moon so this astronomical observation translated into a technique called tertiary progressions um because of the time scale instead of one day equals one year it’s one day equals 1 month and it’s oriented towards the moon yeah exactly and so this method being more recently introduced by trinsky is um not as widespread in its use um hopefully we’re changing that and vectors for change for that because we’ll show you all today just how important and Powerful it really is um and so like Jen said we’re now instead of doing day to year we’re going to be looking at one day of transits applying to one lived month of your life so instead of asking that question of like how many years old are you and then moving through the ephemeris to count how many days down we have to ask the question how many months old are you and we count that many days down through the ephemeris um and we’ll get more into into the specifics of how we actually what we mean by month um when we say that but so essentially 12 days of transiting planetary motion will map out to one year of life because in one year we have 12 months and one month will be one day so instead of just one day to one year this technique is actually 12 days to one year which is about 12 times faster than the secondary progression so that’s what I was saying before about how it’s a little slower the secondaries than these other techniques now the other major quality here is that this progression is inherently lunar since we’re equating the Earth’s relationship directly with the moon’s relationship so this is a nice contrast to the solar quality of the secondary progressions which equate the Earth Sun relationship with that day to year and so here’s another little page just about trinsky here like you said Jen he wrote this amazing book back in 1954 perhaps it had been tested and theorized about you know much earlier in history um perhaps in fact actually he was the first one and Rob hand has written about this uh so we have confirmation that tertiaries did get invented in the 20th century which I think is pretty cool yeah yeah no it’s amazing because this technology is so powerful really um and this is also an an ATT Testament to the astrology of the 20th century which really by no means was substandard um there was a lot of amazing astrology going on especially in the early and mid 20th century um you know they were all creating new Innovative techniques and approaches especially for timing techniques using all these different progressional scales and symbolic Arc measures and solar lunar and lunar returns kinetic returns so there’s all this really exciting stuff going on so this is another Hallmark from that really exciting period of development yeah and they were really testing you know in their mind they knew there was a gap in the transmission and they were saying you know just because it’s old doesn’t mean that we need to follow it blindly let’s do research let’s test it and see if it works now for where we are now and that led to a lot of mathematical Innovation and also you know even at the turn of the 1900s they didn’t know what was beyond Neptune Pluto didn’t get discovered for 30 years so you see in culture there’s a lot of fantasies about things Beyond Neptune um and you saw the the Lori talked about the Uranian astrology group Uranian astrology was a way of imagining what Beyond Neptune and trying to interpolate factors that were beyond that orbit and so we’ve all grown up in a world where we have these high powerered telescopes and we can see and measure almost exactly everything uh but that wasn’t really true in the early 20th century there was different beginnings of learning the astronomy and sort of fine-tuning the the ability to measure certain things and and to actually know what was beyond Neptune for example so um the astrology there is actually rich in its iterations of what we know blending the technical science with the qualitative science and testing those traditional methods that now we’re sort of you know since 1993 we’ve been obsessed with Reviving a tradition but it it masks the that Revival masks over some of the cool Innovations being made in the 20th century that we actually relying on classical sources it’s just not talked about a lot so this is coming from that lineage yeah exactly and I think that’s why part of what was really exciting for us when we were talking about this because you know there’s been all this hype about time Lords and traditional techniques for several years now but I think there’s also going to be a coming Resurgence of a lot of this material that’s just been under discussed and under circulated um but I’ve you know I was so grateful to and am continually so grateful to be able to access so many of the materials at the Kaye Institute and at the library because there is just a host of astrologers that were using this and other progressional scales like primary directions secondary tertiaries and also the minor progression or quinary progression which actually equates the Moon’s motion to the Suns which is one month to one year which we won’t talk about today I just want to speak to kloe’s comment in the chat um if there is a technique like that in ysh that’s amazing to hear that was not triny’s lineage with it but in people who have like different people who’ve tested symbolic directions the tertiary method that he comes up with definitely wins and there are other methods people tried that do not actually win and so I think that there’s and when I say win I mean like work um and so he was striking upon some kind of thing about the way Celestial math works that worked and if that was also happening in another lineage that’s amazing but it wasn’t a direct transmission yeah yeah um now Robert blashki in the 1990s published a seminal text on these progressional scales um called progressions which is also going to be recently republished by revalor press um very very very exciting so stay tuned for that publication coming out very soon as well um and he basically outlined these these three major relationships between the Earth the Sun and the Moon just as we’ve been talking about them all so the Earth Sun we know is the secondary progression the Earth Moon is the tertiary and the one I just kind of briefly introduced there the month a year is that Moon Sun or minor relationship and um like we’ve said the shies relate the Earthly to the lunar and as we’ve also been reiterating this method was proven very quickly to be so effective and useful that so many people actually started adopting them once they had started testing it I guarantee all of you guys if you start testing out this technique you will not drop it from your toolbox because it’s so excellent um and so it’s been continued to be used and written about um since triny’s introduction by amazing astrologers like Davidson Jones Charles Jane amazing Martin Freeman spanson Hulk blashki till Adler and so many so many so many more people um now this is going to segue us to a discussion that is important about actually how long is one day or one month this is a really critical question because when we’re in the game of you know looking to refine our timing techniques which is the whole Genesis of creating a tertiary progression in addition to a secondary anyway we need to really be clear about how we’re defining a day and a month and we shouldn’t just take that for granted actually um so we need to measure what length of time actually exclusively defines one day or an earth unit so to say and the length of one month or one lunar unit so this begins our quest for precision now this is where I’ll also introduce this idea of a corridor because in astrology as I’m sure you’re all aware there’s this kind of non-binary nature to measurement where things can apply you know kind of in a range but also really specifically you know things can be done continuously or really discreetly and they’re kind of both simultaneously true and it’s really an extension of the quantum reality of our Cosmos where when scientists are measuring these tiny Elementary particles they can measure its General location through a wave function model which you actually see in the image on the right here and so until its exact position is measured we know it’s going to be in this range of time and then it’s exactly measured and the wave function of its probable area is collapsed into one area and so astrological measurement works the same way where we can refine our Precision over time and it’s going to narrow that wave function down until that event happens or manifests in someone’s life and that like collapses the the wave function so to say so we’re talking about this for accuracy right but really it doesn’t restrict events to occur exactly then though it often does it more often highlights the more likely midpoint in time that the event occurs in so I hope that makes sense there’s an analogy I have here where when you’re studying trigonometry there’s this question of how do we find the center of a triangle it’s actually a really important question when you’re stud studing trigonometry and the reality is there’s many different ways to do it and they’re all right at the same time so this is a diagram here that shows the different ways geometers can calculate where the center of a triangle is and that depends on how you define which Center you want to look at now the analogy I want to highlight is that amidst all of those different centers there exists this beautiful property with triangles where you can actually draw a straight line through those four critical centers of a triangle and it’s called an Oiler line and so astrological prediction works the same way where nature shows how there’s still a perfect correlation between the various and simultaneously true ways of looking at something so this is what we’re looking for we want to be able to refine our Precision but at the same time be able to zoom out and see the different ways of looking at something as they’re all true yep we’re looking for this triangle exactly just kidding it’s not that so how do we Define the precise times so a day how do we measure a day there’s many ways to do it Jen you already talked about this right the rotation of our of our Earth yes and this question of how can we measure that with reference to you know our observation and so there’s two ways there’s the siderial day and a solar day so the siderial day is actually an exact 360° rot of the earth so it’s just actually less than 24 hours so unlike the solar day which measures the transit of the Sun from the MC back to the MC because the sun moves one degree it’s just over that 360 degrees and it’s actually 361 degrees and so astrologers around this time in the mid or early to mid 20th century discovered that with this correction to actually using the siderial day and not the solar day um we can actually increase the accuracy of the progressions and this is called the Bea correction and this is really important so when we measure the siderial day this was actually introduced by um lots of astrologers in the western siderial astrology school and others so Fagan and fire brace and jandro um and so lots of astrologers use the solar day still lots of programs are still using that but I really will encourage everyone to start looking into the Bea correction which uses the siderial day because what happens is for secondaries your events are going to be off by one day every year so after about 50 years the calculated event of whatever secondary progressed aspect you’re looking at Moon opposite Saturn after you’re 50 years old will be calculated 50 days too early so this correction is important so again it’s more precise but it’s still this Corridor of time um so I’ll also just recommend that everyone if you want to learn more about the Beacher correction in progressions watch the webinar hosted recently by Dr Ronald tiggle on the Kepler Channel on YouTube the promise of fractal progressions he talks about this in much more extensive and clear detail and there’s also other ways to measure a day through the motion of the heavenly bodies so we can talk about the moon’s Daily Motion through one lunar Mansion which is going to be an aspect that we’ll develop a lot further in discussing in our course or we can discuss the Sun moving through 1° degree and um those units of space can also Define the time and this is how we actually start to understand how secondaries relate to tertiaries so with the secondary motion the moon will move through one day of motion in a year or one mansion and the sun moves one degree so over 30 years the moon does the full circuit all the mansions and because the sun does one degree in one day or one year the sun does 30° in 30 years now with the tertiary the moon moves one lunar Mansion a month and the sun moves one degree a month so those are the same it’s just changing that that plays out in one year or one month from secondary to tertiary and likewise in 30 months you’ll have a full lunar circuit through all the mansions and the sun through one sign or 30° now you may notice a connection here and that’s the critical link and that’s where the secondary progressed Moon actually moves as fast as the tertiary progressed sun because they will both move through one sign in 2 and a half years or 30 months does that make sense to everyone it will it it’s sort of hard to see that um just written on here but the more you play with it or count with it and look at an ephemeris that that key is really so so clear and fundamental the secondary progressed moon moves as fast as the tertiary progressed Sun Lori someone was just asking what a lunar Mansion is is that important for them to understand for your presentation um we won’t discuss them in depth at all today the Mansion is essentially a measurement of the zodiac that tracks exactly how far the moon moves in one day so it was an ancient way of just saying like oh what day is it because today the Moon is in a new mansion so there’s 27 or 28 because that’s just about how long it takes in days for the moon to move around the circle of the zodiac um in many world cultures developed systems of lunar mansions yeah yeah you might also know them as nakshatras yes exactly and then the month Jen so a month is measured by the moon and we are going to be looking at a siderial lunar month right so it’s the moon returning to the same position relative to the Stars if you think about a Sonic month we have the time scale of 29.5 which if you know about secondary progressions is this uh secondary progressed uh lunation uh or any it’s not your lunar return because that happens at 27.4 but 29.5 is that the Earth is still moving on the course of this month those two degrees add up uh for the lunation between New Moon to New Moon the Earth still moves so we’re perceiving the moon’s relationship to the sun when looking at the sinod that’s bringing the sun into the picture and we don’t want to do that for this we want to keep the moon in her own uh domain and La the Sun out of it for now and so the siderial lunar month is the moon moving in relationship to its own self uh the Zodiac position relative to the Stars not necessarily to what her relationship with the Sun is going to be so we don’t say new moon to New Moon we’re just saying is the moon at8 Aries oh when is it going to be at eight Aries again right um do you want to go through these there’s many ways to measure a month actually more than you might even know so cam take it over yeah so like with these months you know there’s a lot of different ways they are measured and it is important to know because the successive recurrence of for example the draconic and the anomalistic and the siderial month is how you measure when an eclipse recurs because it’s the same alignment of the Sun and the Moon and the nodes so these other ones are important you don’t need to know them for this but these are other ways you can measure month so on the tropical zodiac you can measure the moon’s return to the equinoctial point you could measure a draconic month which is from the moon’s node to the moon’s node which is slightly shorter because those nodes are ever moving backwards a little bit then there’s the anomalistic month which is where she returns to the apogee point or from the perige to the parag so basically where she’s at in proximity to the Earth so in the course of the month her orbit is a little bit like an ellipse so sometimes she appears a little further sometimes she’s a little closer we can measure it that way too then there’s also a solar month which is just an exact even 12th you know of the annual year or a calendar month which is kind of you know it’s probably the most absurd way to think about doing it but nevertheless trinsky actually outlined these seven ways to look at how we actually calculate a month and we are settling on the idea that yeah it has to be the siderial lunar month it’s the only measurement that purely involves the moon everything else involves something else so and before we go on though I just wanted to also emphasize that we have to imagine the Moon is all rotating on her own axis and that is the exact tropical relationship and that’s that’s an important thing to really lean into and and ingest and appreciate about our moon because it is another reason why this specific measurement works so well if we’re creating an analogy of the earth rot on its own axis so is the moon and it takes a month for the moon’s day on our Earth time so I think that’s really cool yeah exactly so secondaries and tertiaries um as we’ve already described that connection between them where the secondary progress Moon does a sign in two and a half years which is the same amount of time that the tertiary sun does a sign there’s this link there’s a connection between them because the same days of transits that follow your birth will occur in those years way down the road by secondaries but they’ll happen much sooner in the tertiaries because they move faster so do you want to talk a little more about this time link so one thing you can do with people if you’re somebody who sees clients repeatedly and this is coming partially from bl’s work with his uh client base is that uh well with he’s not with us anymore but when he was seeing people he would say you know if you have an upcoming secondary progressed Perfection like the let’s say Saturn’s going to conjoin Mars you would have seen that happen as a youth and you can link back to what happened when you were smaller on the tertiary level to understand how that’s going to play out on the secondary level and these things are also extra emphasized when they recur with transits happening at that exact same time so with the tertiary time scale you have a lot of information information and you’ll see that in and this goes to CEO Carter our other astrological ancestor that when you in the Triangle that cam showed you when all these different testimonies stack on top of each other and they have the similar signatures of whichever planets are involved you can see that that’s going to be something that’s pretty unavoidable so if you’re forecasting you can look to the tertiary progressions to see how the secondary progressions might play out and help someone write The Narrative of their life because some something that happened kind of as an anomaly as a child or even as a young adult might not have made sense then and then suddenly with the upcoming secondary Perfection of that then you can see oh this does link to that and it helps you put yourself kind of on the map in a way yeah exactly and so just as an example here say there’s a an aspect happening 45 days after you were born okay so by secondary progression we know that’s going to happen at age 45 but like you said and described this is linked to something in your Consciousness from when you were much younger and experienced it through the tertiary progression at 45 months old which would happen just before your age four at about 48 months um now I’ll also just highlight though that’s 48 calendar months to assume and remember we’re counting actually siderial lunar months which is answering the question how many lunar returns have you had that’s really what we actually are asking ourselves here right so in summary it becomes very simple to see that the true equation of a tertiary progression needs to equate one siderial day so a pure 360 of the Earth with a siderial lunar month a pure 360 of the moon’s orbit so again we have to ask how many siderial lunar returns you’ve had and equate the same amount with siderial days or those full rotations of the earth after you were born um now a lifetime of secondaries would average about 82 days after you were born and so what’s going to happen is that’s going to be at the time of three secondary progressed lunar returns and this will actually fully play out around the first four and a half years of life so with that holographic time link that period of time of your whole lifetime is experienced just in your childhood almost before your five so those childhood years this is something blashki talks a lot about is how those critical years of childhood development map out into the rest of the psyche for the rest of the lifetime and we want to really highlight the moon today there’s so many approaches to looking at the tertiary progressions you know we can talk about literally every every planetary Factor but we’re just going to talk about the moon right now um because it’s built around the moon so do you want to talk a little bit about how that’s interpreted here so a lot of if you think about the ability of a small person under the age of six to determine their life circumstances it’s not very there at all if at all right so you’re kind of at the mercy of your caretakers parents wherever they take you whatever you’re being exposed to and so you experience emotions as your place of control it’s a very pre uh Saturn even Saturn Square kind of thing right and so this tertiary progression is really responding to our emotional reality and the sort of sensitivities that we have as bodies on this planet right it’s not the the matter of the earth per se but it’s our soul and the Sun is related to Spirit in in blase’s conception and so this gives us a sense of our our relationship to our development in terms of our emotional realities and how we are feeling a response to our environment and you know we might not be in control of it but we’re definitely you know it’s the Moon is pointing towards those sensitivities and proclivities that we have um and so it’s it’s like again with that idea of doing client work and helping someone understand on a secondary level of your spirit and purpose and I can do things when I’m 45 and then you remind them of like well what happened when you were four and a half and you’re like oh you know my parents had moved us from my favorite childhood home to this place I didn’t like and it’s like okay well you couldn’t control that but you had an emotional ability to relate to it and to experience it through that Vector so yeah yeah so it’s the evolving emotional and psychic intelligence it’s where people feel the concern for their everyday life you know it’s not like there’s an immediate necessary action happening there but you feel tethered and tugged to this place energetically or emotionally so it’s where you feel like you need to be active or doing something or where you’re required to feel some kind of emotional response to your environment uh blashki says that it defines the experiences of the emot or astral body because that Moon Earth quality is linking Soul into matter so it’s that pure Soul experiencing the physical reality and that’s when there’s this like emotional response of how do I feel about that what is my soul or my Consciousness you know experiencing while it’s getting immersed into this manifested reality and that extension of the Moon’s motion Maps really nicely through the progressed moon phase which if you have worked with secondary progressions is one of the first techniques that’s really explored is looking at how that moon phase and its motion through the course of the month in relationship to the sun maps onto those 28 29 year long periods of your life and we’re going to do that here and just shrink it down because they happen 12 times in the course of of one secondary progress lunation cycle so if you’re impatient this is totally your progression style because I mean if I have like a client who has a balsamic phase Moon and I’m like yeah it’s going to be three years and they’re like get me out of here the good news is on the tertiary progress level there’s relief because there’s not just this static kind of oh my gosh you’re in a dark moon for three whole years it’s more like there’s going to be ups and downs inside of that period of of secondary Darkness exactly so we’re mapping that LUN cycle onto about 27 to 30 months of Life of our life moving through our age so it’s just about 2 and a half years so the moon like I said is about in one sign in the tertiary progression for two and a half months as opposed to secondary where it’s 2 and 1 half years so think about the flavor of experiencing a new moon sign every 2 and a half months that’s what we are all doing on that tertiary level so that means every 2 and 1 half years it’s coming back to its natal position in the tertiary progression and again in the same time window it will conjoin and oppose the sun in two houses in the natal chart so this is really the the Crux of our approach that we’re going to share in the presentation with watching the new and full moons that happen every two and a half years through the signs and through the houses and then considering that in 30 years you’ll have 24 lunations there will be a new and full moon in all 12 signs in all 12 houses over the course that your secondary Moon does one full cycle yeah so again this is showing how the Consciousness is maturing and waning itself through the chart um so every 2 and a half years a new moon is hitting a successive house just as on the other side a full moon is lighting up and completing off some storyline in the successive houses there there’s also eclipses that we want to take note of do you want to talk about that Jen well the eclipses are going to be more impactful aren’t they Cam and it’s a sort of underscoring you know if you if you’re born at the bendings you might not get anywhere near a secondary progressed Eclipse but if you but that you know in the tertiaries everybody gets eclipses that in tertiary everybody gets a lot of astrology because it covers almost 3 to four years of time and so you know if you’re feeling left out because you’re not going to get a station of a certain outer planet um on the tertiary level congratulations now you’ve got one so but yeah exactly and then so these these eclipses are you know just what you would read in any other time scale is like it’s a galvanizing point and you can read in the course of someone’s lifetime it might not be apparent on the secondary level or even on a Transit level but a tertiary eclipse is going to manifest in some impactful time in someone’s life and so you can see where you are on that roller coaster um in addition to the full and new moons that are taking place like the eclipses are going to be underscoring a particular thing that might not be explained by any other time scale yeah it’s a really comfy time scale really having a new moon every two and a half years and then these eclipses every 15 years because we know okay secondary Moon as fast as tertiary Sun so the Moon moon will do one lap in the secondaries and then the sun will do a lap which is a year and we all know just through living through the transits in one year we have two seasons of eclipses 6 months apart right so what will happen is in the 30-year Circuit of your tertiary Sun around the Circuit of the zodiac there will be two Eclipse seasons of your life that happen 15 years apart and they’re going to occur for a period of two years or so each time every 15 years so these progressed eclipses will occur around the signs and houses of the lunar nodes in your natal chart you know recurring every 15 years or so and they’ll slowly move backwards into actually the previous signs and houses because that’s how the nodes move so everyone will have around 10 progressed tertiary eclipses right two at a time at those 15year intervals so if we just say all right 15 30 45 60 and 75 that’s five Eclipse seasons you’ll have for around 10 eclipses or so um actually if it is spaced out like that you’d have two around when you’re born too so you might get 12 longer maybe even 14 but everyone should get 10ish um in a good life sometimes you know yes I always think about bonady where he’s like here’s this amazing time lord technique and if you don’t make it to the end H that just happens and astrology is not you know useful and it’s like oh my gosh you can’t say that guy you know yeah yeah so anyway yes it’s a it’s an average but at the very least every 15 years coming around again marking drastic shifts New Beginnings life and career defining moments and serious Peaks and valleys in one’s life that are deposited into the houses that they’re happening in that they activate so that really brings us through the bulk of the discussion of the technique that we’re to look at and now before we move on to Kepler let’s answer a few questions in the chat um Marsha is asking about whether people who are night births or night of the night sect are more sensitive to tertiaries Than People of the day and I’m not sure how to answer that I think that tertiaries are so fresh off of the mind of trinsky that we need to see and the other thing is that tertiaries are used a lot in mundane astrology trinsky was primarily a mundane astrologer and compiled a huge database of a,1 one mundane event charts uh so if you think about the time scale of a secondary progression if we’re looking at a a the election of a Administration that’s only going to exist for four years secondary progressions don’t really help but if we look at the tertiary progressions and it’s a four-year Administration then we can see a lot of cool things taking place um and really go deep into that and also if you’re looking at the idea that the leader of a country or of a company is representing the entire entity the tertiary for that person’s chart will have an effect on what they’re looking at as well so I’m not sure that sect as in ancient technique is as relevant to tertiary progression measurement and prediction but it’s a great research question and if you want to do the research anyone I would love to read it um and then Diane’s asking what happens if someone has a full moon in their natal chart and then we’re looking at progressed and tertiary time scales related to that I would say that’s literally just putting you on a very easy to calculate clock as opposed to somebody who has a moon that’s maybe you know you know 47 degrees away from the sun it’s a little bit harder to calculate but if you’re born on an exact lunation uh of new Fuller quarter it’s a little easier to measure when certain things will happen for you um the only warning or caution would be to make sure you know whether the the planets are moving fast or slow at that time because those shifts in um motion are also important the only other thing I’ll just add quick quickly to that question is like one thing we’re not addressing here is converse progressions and what happens when you’re born on an exact phase transition means that exactly forward and backward in time it’s mirroring the same phase so we go about that in the class so yeah so you can learn more about that for your chart in particular with uh the converse astrology as well um yeah yes we’re about to get to our example nativities and preferred house system ah this this good old question I’ll just say one that has cusps yeah something quadron based yeah I mean h sign houses will work pladus will work Coke will work equal houses will work um but something with cusps is nice because you will notice when you know there’s something on a on a house cusp it’s not just on an Ingress into a sign or a new whol sign house but things trigger cusps really impactfully so not observing those can lose a little bit of detail so anything with a cusp I would say yeah and I would I would recommend maybe looking at the coh house system which was developed in the same timing as this uh likely in concert with the way that c responds to mundane astrology in specific but uh if you have a relationship with the house system I feel it’s kind of like a magical conversation and so if you already are used to looking at things through that the astrology will say ah yeah it works for you and at some point it’ll break and you’ll pick a new house system uh you have to repair your house system I guess but um but you know it it’s sort of like don’t just change the house system willy-nilly if you already are very strong with one try the technique out with that one and if it is breaking for you then move on to another one and try that one out but I don’t think that there’s any perfect house system I think that are all valid and so you just use the one that seems to work the best for you not that everything’s equivalent but um certain how systems work better for certain techniques and I think that like cam is saying the quadrant-based systems work really well with this yep per so yeah let’s look at Kepler Kepler yeah so this was this was actually pretty exciting here actually to see Kepler’s chart working with the tertiary progressions so loudly I we were just like how can we not talk about this this Nativity um so this is just a just a glimpse at um kep birth chart which you can all take a look at here um a few notes so this is actually displayed with placidus house cusps since it’s the house system um that I was using to calculate the cusps I use pladus cusps I think they’re great um and these are also on the cederal Zodiac um which for our purposes won’t really be super important because we’re looking at the movement of the phases of the moon basically to the Sun so that’s regardless of any zodiac but if if you’re curious this is um using yeah the cederal Zodiac here so when he was really young he was just about um just about 5 years old and there was a great Comet of 1577 that happened that he observed when he was just a young kid and in the month that this was happening he had a tertiary progressed new moon in Pisces so this chart down here on the bottom left gives all the data that we’re kind of looking at in the chart so what we see on the right is his Nativity on the inside and then the tertiary progress placements outside of that and on the bottom left hand corner of the table here we have his birth chart information and then the tertiary progressed date so when it’s actually happening in his life and then beneath that it says Transit progressed date so what it’s actually showing is the positions of the planet on 24th of March 1572 which is just a couple of days after he was born um since we’re again moving from month to days uh this was calculated through Astros se’s website it allows you to calculate tertiary progressions and add the Bea correction which you can also see on the bottom there which again I really recommend for doing predictive work um so yeah this new moon happened basically right as he was observing this Comet and this happened in his 10th house and so it began this this opening up of his observation of the sky seeing this great Celestial phenomenon and you know you can see that the new moon was also conjunct Jupiter in the fish this was happening in front of this you know really great uh moment for him personally where he felt totally re-energized emotionally right there’s this new wave of pisan emotion Wasing over him in his house of you know career and reputation it’s also squaring his natal Mercury within a couple degrees which rules his own um MC by bound um and it rules his ascendant you know and his also his Rising bound so Mercury is playing a key role into linking himself with his career through the square of the new moon to his natal Mercury in the winter of 1589 to 90 he began his first year attending tubing in University he was studying philosophy and Theology and was becoming kind of a renowned astrologer he was calculating horoscopes for his friends and everything and what happened here through that winter was a tertiary progressed full moon in Aquarius in his natal 9th house so it went exact around um early January of 1590 and it’s exactly happened at um one of the seven sacred degrees which is right where the flow of the water pourer of Aquarius intersects the ecliptic so his moon was passing through this sacred region of wisdom and divine knowledge which was in his ninth house which is the house of higher education theology philosophy everything he was studying and going out to do um so we can really see here through that full moon how he was illuminated in his studies and what he was doing now a few years after that um in the Summer and Autumn of 1596 he began writing and developing his mysterium cosmographicum which was this theory of the universe in the Divine proportions of the five platonic solids and his astrological theory behind the cosmos um it was published just a little bit later this year or that year and um this was uh the full moon that followed um the the previous and this one is actually not only a tertiary lunar return for him but it’s a tertiary full lunar return because we see that it’s opposite the Sun and Scorpio so again it’s another full moon and it’s his lunar return and he’s just manifesting and creating this whole work of knowledge and wisdom um and it’s with Al deor on the eye of the bull which is a star that has to do with the the manifestation of the material world and you know he’s Illuminating how things are made and how the universe is struck structured in the cosmos now on New Year’s Day in 1600 uh Kepler ventured to Prague to work with Tuco brah and begin um yeah sort of collaborating at this his new Observatory which was being built um and what happened just like within a few days he had a tertiary progressed solar eclipse in Capricorn and this Happ actually happened at five Capricorn which is right with alter the Eagle’s eye that soaring wisdom and vision that just brought him to a whole new expanse of visionary discoveries and observation of the heavens you know so this happened just within days of him going to Prague and this actually played out in a really important way because it initiated a whole many over plus one decade long period of his life working in as um as an astrological adviser to the emperor so we can see how this solar eclipse happened literally within days of him going to Prague and beginning what became you know this really fruitful time in his life um yes I was going to say I’m actually going to jump back one slide was skipped over so pardon me jumping back here um are you going Converse cam not technically but just yes yeah so when he was 22 so this is in between him starting at tubing and University and writing the mysterium cosmographicum in between there was one important event I want to highlight here he assumed actually the position at just age 22 of teaching mathematics and astronomy in grath at the Protestant school and this happened basically so he had the full moon in Aquarius which is when he started studying two full moons later which is about 5 years the full moon was uh full in the ram um in Aries which is his natal 11th house where his tertiary Jupiter was at that time as well and so he was now patronized and paid to be teaching at a very young age and we can see how again he reached this full moon and enters this new position in his community as a leader and a teacher and an Illuminator and um yeah so this was another critical full moon for him then the next full moon was in the bull which happened when he was producing the mysterium cosmographicum and then yeah several years later then we moved from just having full moons and new moons because the sun made its way to a node which means whoa watch out you’re entering progressed Eclipse territory which was huge because then he had this total solar eclipse moved to Prague began this new chapter of life and then um in October of the following year in 1601 after he had been working with tiob brah for a little while um he sudden tiob suddenly died and so he was um suddenly promoted to becoming the Imperial mathematician which began exactly this period of his life that was spent in this you know elevated position and um what actually at the exact time it happened he was having his Moon opposition as you can see here but um what we really are looking at is that new moon that followed just a few months later and so here here’s on the next Slide the chart for that new moon which followed in the spring of 16002 this new moon happened right on his natal MC in Aquarius and so this really began that period of wow look at him and his work you know he’s literally assumed the position of one of the most um select jobs for people that are astrologers or mathematicians or astronomers across all of Europe and we see again with that tertiary New Moon just hitting his MC right time that spring he began this new and expanded role so um these were just some examples of some some moons some eclipses in Kepler’s chart and throughout his life um yeah this is I hope was illustrative to see just some examples of how those new and full moons and eclipses highlight those important changes and developments in someone’s career and I hope it was also interesting to see or learn about Kepler um for anyone who doesn’t know about his life or biography or seen his chart um yeah this was just some more exciting awesome information about the person that left the Legacy that we’re all continuing now here through the amazing world of Capal college so thank you yeah are there questions there’s a few questions Rita is asking if it’s mean or true I don’t know if she means nodes I’m thinking I don’t know R if you want to jump on and give us more information but you guys could speak to that uh yeah mean or true um nodes I I think like the timing thing I said it’s like a corridor you know they it can kind of have a range of degrees I personally use the true node um but what’s most important is being able to calculate when the eclipses actually happen you know so that’s that’s most important in my eyes here okay you were earlier talking about the Aquarius the water Bearer and the question is is that sacred position at Aquarius 19 degrees specifically um yes it is so that comes from Antiochus of Athens who transmitted a list of seven sacred degrees of the zodiac that are connected to um special Royal or Divine fixed stars and that yeah is one of them where the water flow kind of intersects the ecliptic going back to Kepler’s chart do you know historically if Kepler had run-ins with the church of that time um yes he did so actually in the summer of 161 so right after he went to Prague in the winter that summer he actually he was refusing to convert to Catholicism so he was actually banished from gra where he was living at that time and moved permanently with his family to Prague so that’s also an element that we can actually see a little bit in um where which it which chart is it here yeah I mean with this uh yeah this new moon happening in his in his eighth house right Mars is in his 10th um we can see there’s different elements here that are kind of purporting a a story line about troubles with uh yeah with authority or even Mars being seen as you know in the whol sign ninth house here um yeah that could be about problems with religious figures or um you know however you want to see that but yeah he was he was facing some adversity with the church at that time and the other thing that if you’re interested in that topic if you haven’t heard about it there’s a book called the son in the church by a scholar named John L hbr I can type the name in the chat in just a second and it is that time where um they were trying to use churches as astronomical observatories to fix the date of Easter so that all of the European continent would celebrate Easter on the same Sunday and they actually created holes in the church buildings so that they could track the movement of the Sun and calculate their tables more accurately which led to a more accurate astronomy so there was a lot of amazing astronomy in the church if if that you can believe that um not astrology per se but um yeah that’s something that was concomitant with Kepler’s work and the true it is a true progression to reans the question I know I typed it in there but you’re going to want to use the true calculation and the other thing um if you read about the astrology of death this outof print book uh Richard hul talks about tertiaries as a way to rectify birth times because a onewe error in the occurrence of an event is roughly equivalent to a one minute calculation inside the tertiary or minute of birth time but you can use tertiary progressions to see when things are supposed to happen and when they actually did happen especially with hindsights 2020 to sort of wobble your chart back into its rectified shape um so that’s another thing you can add in addition to I know that there’s a uh a cheat sheet with Perfections right where you can be like hey you know if I’m Capricorn rising versus Aquarius Rising you know but this is another way you can use tertiary progressions to rectify things because they yes and janette’s saying in the comments huge for rectification it’s absolutely true um and if you’re not a rectification nut if you get into tertiaries you will be it’s like a very very slippery slope so um yeah yeah I’d like to take this opportunity to ask you I know you have some great books that are rare or out of print and you have the Kaye Library so we have some advanced astrologers in our audience if they want to get a look at some of these books how does that work with Kaye can they check them out um we don’t have a lending program yet because we don’t have the staff or support for it but if the community rallies we could eventually develop that kind of thing at the moment there’s non- circulation because if you’re coming here from Texas or from the UK and you’ve made all of this way to get here I want everything in the building so that you can see all of it and and cam even was here visiting doing research and went all around the room and just took everything off the shelf having to do with any kind of direction or progression and the table was filled with books um and that wouldn’t have been possible if half of them had been checked out so right now you can think of it more as a research archive that you visit from afar um and if you need something from afar as a member we can create a digital copy for your use uh but we can only provide that to membership so so people could get a look at some of those books digitally if they’re a member yeah and we always do a copyright check because sometimes with the more modernly published things we don’t have the rights to distribute and technically making a digital copy and sending it to you is distribution so we always have to make sure that we’re not violating the law but within the scope of the law we can let you see um digital uh articles and parts of books Etc so got it yeah and then there’s the table so uh Andrew watt was talking about the you know 55 * 12 plus the Visa correction and there is actually a table in the back of um astrology for everybody I love these old books by the way so I’m just going to show up some stuff um and in the very very back he translated triny’s table into English so you can see um well if the camera focuses you can see this like calculation uh and it’s basically showing you the year table for how many years you’re old and then the day table so that you can see okay well the first day of the year is obviously day one uh November 1st is the 305th day and you can do it with math so in the class we’re going to be teaching we’re going to be using these table and an ephemeris and you’re going to be doing stuff on paper without the luxury of a computer because if that EMP hits you still want to do your turs okay like we need to be able to do some of this stuff by hand um and it’s not that hard it’s simple arithmetic it’s actually really cool so um but this this table is also in uh the German and the cool thing about German and English is they both Ed the same numbers so you don’t have to worry about um that so anyway um it’s actually quite once you get the math wrapped around your mind especially like with doing charts by hand and you learn the logarithms it’s actually quite cool to see how you can do your tertiaries in your mind and be like oh yeah right now I’m in like you know 1980 whatever because I was born in 1970 whatever um the other thing that’s interesting about this that cam hasn’t spoken about yet and maybe because we’re just focusing on the moon here but I love something called Deep time Twins and if you think that you know you go to school in a cohort of people around your age but not on your birthday and sometimes you’re dating someone who’s maybe two years younger than you or something like that and then you realize oh my gosh my tertiary progress chart is this person’s natal chart and then you guys have a relationship for a minute and then it might break up and then it comes back in and you’re like oh my God so I think that it really makes Dentistry cool because you I I’ve even encountered two um someone’s Converse progressed sinistry was the same natal chart as the actual Nal chart and then the but in the other direction like they were meeting each other at the crossover point where their progress charts were the same if you can believe that anyway so this stuff gets really cool yeah okay we have a few questions about software ironically we’re talking about the class learning how to do it without software but let’s go to the questions there’s a choice CH in solar fire to let’s see calculate tertiary progressions using mean or true and I think you were saying true is the the one to choose yeah so the it’s the mean lunar Motion versus the actual lunar motion so just like with solar arcs you know if you have someone born in the cancer or Leo season their sun is quite slow and so if you try to apply solar arcs using the mean motion of the sun it’s not really going to do much for your accuracy because the sun is not moving at that rate if someone’s born in the Capricorn Aquarius season then that sun is quite quick and things will happen years before someone in the cancer season so it’s not just a degree equals a day it’s also what’s the actual true speed of the Sun in that way and that’s an analogy to place on the Moon’s motion right like what is the actual motion of this Moon we’re at a lunar standstill year the Moon is moving very differently than usual so people born right now will have very different tertiaries as a true tertiary versus a mean one is that right cam yeah I I believe so I know there’s there’s lots of different like slight adjustments with how the programs are calculating tertiary progressions um but you can’t go wrong as long as you’re making sure that when you calculate it you’re making one siderial lunar return equal one siderial day okay how difficult is it to pull these out of solar fire is that something that you could walk through quickly or is that more something for the class um Jen you have solar fire I use solar fire as a default because I started learning astrology in the 990s and I can’t shake it it’s like one of those things um but you can use it on Astros seek and I know that if you have Astro gold you can calculate tertiaries there um but really it’s anything yeah yeah would do it um I’m partial to solar fire just because I’m a dinosaur like that um but but you know any way you get there is great and learning how to do it from scratch is cool too because then you learn how to use the ephemeris and read it and reading the ephemeris is like the coolest thing in the world so you know and like janette’s saying in the comments here with like you know you see a tsquare coming up like look at the trend that’s happening in the ephemeris after you were born and then take out just this simple analog table you can do this without a computer or a phone nearby and you can be like oh my gosh I’m going to have a tsquare in my turs when I’m you know 47 oh my what’s it going to be you know it’s kind of cool so I think that it’s really neat to be able to learn how to read these things without necessarily having software because it is easier than you think yeah for sure and I know like I think Astros seek can animate it nicely you can kind of Step through different chunks of time to watch it reanimate the byhe um Astro gold also does an animation for tertiaries I think Astro or I think solar fire might be calculating Standalone charts but solar fire can also do Converse tertiary progressions which I think is uh the only program that’s doing that it can have you can actually also it but I’m not sure you can progress by any fraction in Sol fire you set your number and then it does it because there’s also somebody who does it by like 0. five so instead of one degree it’s like or 0. 29 I think I mean I’ve been reading a lot of different things in here gets kind of chaotic but to answer Andrea’s question in the comments here in the questions how do you find the eclipses where are your nodes and remember nodes slowly retrograde backwards as time moves forwards and so where you have nodes as your tertiary Moon it moves you know as you get to find your tertiary Moon from your lunar position to the node and the sun like you’re going to find where those eclipses will be in time and then that so for example if you have your nodal axis at Taurus Scorpio then when your tertiary lunation go around there wherever you were born if you were born then they’ll find it right and so that’s how you find them just using your mind you don’t have to actually look into software for that um and then yeah okay Michael asks are luminations by tertiary progression the most practical thing to look for or can you consider other measurements like planet to angle angles are actually the most critical today we focused on the moon because it’s digestible and simp Le but there’s so much more that’s why we’re teaching a whole class about it um and there’s there’s a lot of different ways I love the Mars Saturn midpoint Mars Saturn contacts for Health crisis um there’s a lot of ways that you can think about prominent angular planets in your chart the the planet that rules your ascendant and what it’s doing in the tertiaries I mean there’s a lot of ways that you can get value out of those yeah I personally really like emphasizing all the planetary phases so just progress retrograde CES of planets through the houses is like super easy and it works so well like when you have a tertiary Mars retrograde you know it’s going to happen for like six or eight years you know and it’s just going to go through one house so um those those other Planetary Cycles are really key um Mercury Venus especially too but we just did the moon to kind of make that understandable and easy but everything goes literally everything goes and you can even read the tertiary chart as a stand alone this is something not everyone agrees about but I personally I can use that chart on its own and just look at how the the current ascendant with the the way you’re calculating the tertiary angles which is kind of a whole other discussion you can just read that chart on its own and it’s going to describe things correctly without actually rooting to the Nativity um that helps but it can be done alone too I know that’s something Chloe wanted to hear so there’s that okay you’re on the right track Chloe um and then if you have so so Diane’s asking a question about if you have a natal tsquare and you go through one in a tertiary chart uh that’s called a holographic Transit and they’re awesome and that’s a totally different class but anytime you have anything in the forward motion whether it’s directed progressed transiting that matches something that’s resonant by Arc distance in your natal chart you will feel it and it sometimes it feels really good and sometimes it feels really hard but it will be for you because as CEO Carter said nothing can come to pass that isn’t promised in the natal and so when these recurrences happen they are your that’s your time that’s your move to make in life and make an impact in the world or have the world impact on you that’s where the narrative actually is and so it’s very important to look at yes and holographic transits Marsha is getting republished Again by the end of this year I was types setting it last night so yeah question from Melissa would you recommend using the be H calculation with all progressions including secondary yes absolutely especially the faster the progression because what happens on the secondary level is like I said after 50 years that hit date for your secondary progress New Moon might be 50 days off but in tertiary progressions that bej correction is going to add up 12 times faster so it’s going to keep keep your tertiaries really honed in um Way Long longer you’re going to notice a disparity if you’re not adding that correction it will be close but you’ll notice consistently things are getting slowly out of whack um but that be correction keeps things moving on just right we have made it through all of our questions unless anyone has a burning question that you pop in real quick we’re going to be wrapping up today so I will uh also invite you to ask questions about the course because Cam and Jen are going to cover this in the course plus all those other planets and angles and let you practice doing this so if you have any questions please pop that in the Q&A oh oh Andrea’s got a question so this table I was hoping we could have slipped it into the slide uh deck before going live um but it didn’t happen and that’s all good you have to come to class now um no it’s this in the back um Andrea there is a a math table that does tell you how to correct for that and it is this little column here that gives you the addition of what that’s supposed to be um so that you know if you’re and and then when you look at the like Pages where they describe how to do this it simply looks like a math worksheet um but this is the information that you would need in order to uh complete that without necessarily having a crazy scientific calculator so simple as just counting the ephemeris yeah there is a quick math trick to know so if you’re you’re familiar with the 19-year metonic cycle the amazing way um the Ancients used their calendars was that every 19 years we have 12 years of 12 months and seven years of 13 months so every 19 years you can add an extra 7 months basically and that will keep that math quicker uh again more aligned without actually like going through and Counting how many lunar returns you’ve had every 19 years just add seven months um because of the way that the intercalation used to work it actually works out really neatly that that’s just 12 and 7 which is also nice for those numerological reasons astrologically in uh yeah in the 19e cycle yeah so the required text will be the new edition of flash kid progressions because this is now out of print and that will be in print by the time class starts on the 7th of July I was working on it last night um and we also are going to be giving you uh materials from Kaye compiled into a reader so you don’t actually have to buy anything it’s a gift from Kay to you uh to get you caught up on the latest research in tertiaries from the 20th century uh a lot of these books are kind of unobtainable so we’re putting together a reader for you so that’ll be as PDF form that you can have when you’re in the class and uh there was another question about class year how many people uh it’s limited to 35 uh but I think at this point we have 10 and so there’s space please come okay and then we have a question about relocation charts in this process do it yeah that’s the mapping certificate that’s yeah we’re in timing mapping is another one yeah of course in mapping we would probably say use your natal chart but again it’s one of those things that not all astrologers agree on so it’s your choice and you should Jen would probably say this try it out and do some research on it yeah so this is the book that we’re gonna give you excerpts from the PDF and this is the old progressions book if you have it great you can use it you don’t need a new copy if you don’t have it the new one will be available as class begins um Dynamic astrology yes we’re on case of that we it was part of our our um oh thank you Marsha yeah it was part of our preparation for this I love that Dynamic astrology book best font cover ever I mean I swear book is great it’s like a whole book on terier totally um yeah so what year is the astrology for everyone let me ask the librarian at Kaye uh 1960 so yeah no I would love to mix relocated with all kinds of progression techniques to see like when are you actually going to move to the thing and when do you got to leave you know there’s a whole kind of Yeah we actually have two two courses this summer with uh astrocartography and um there’s also one with local space which is also interesting so if you’re really interested in asking the teachers about that check out one of those courses and next weekend our our free webinar next weekend is on astrocartography so come back and ask that question and Cindy are here yeah that’s gonna be great yeah no dud definitely be in touch about that I would love to hear it because I love I love a relocated chart so yeah relocated progress for sure I haven’t experiment experimented a ton with tertiaries but I know it’s clicking in my chart at least um and I know blashki writes about it he did it a ton um but yeah I think it’s also tough because that question of relocating the angles also plays into the question of how you progress the angles um and there’s there’s different ways to do that so that’s again a whole other question for studying the the knitting gritty of progressional techniques yeah yeah and uh that is is someone asked one other thing here I’m sorry I was gonna answer a question you just scan the eper or count the days as months divide by 12 or do you need the correction you do need the correction yeah it’s not as you you’ll be a little bit off seven basically yeah okay well thank you everybody yeah forward to see you in class yeah yeah this has been super fun thank you so much uh Cameron and Jen this was really wonderful and it’s a subject that I don’t think gets talked about very often so I’m really happy that you could be here and share this with our audience and of course if you want to go deeper please take the course with Jen Cameron it’s a five-week course and you’ll get to practice this and you’ll also these are live classes so it’s a an opportunity to be able to talk to the two of these uh these two instructors face to face and in forums and learn with some of your peers so hopefully we’ll see you in class and thank you Mary for supporting in the chat box yes thanks Mary oh I remember someone asked if it’s an advanced class I would say you know what probably yes but it’s fun and chenge yourself just jump in the deep end cuz that’s where the best stuff happens so even if it is maybe a little bit over your head I would say after 5 weeks with Cam and me you’re G to be swimming and it’ll be super great so yeah alrighty well thanks again hopefully we’ll see you next week in our next webinar or in a class at Kepler College thank you so much for being here we’ll see you next time great thanks everyone Take Care thank you bye [Music]


    1. Loved this offering Kepler has really great instructors ❤ I want to take this class but can’t this summer. I hope it will be offered again with these instructors ❤️

    2. I adore Dr. Jenn Zahrt and Cameron Cassidy. I would love to take this class however I don't think my level of intelligence would be able to keep up. Even through this introduction, I find myself saying, "huh"! Their brains are Einsteinian (is that a word?) Anyway, thank you for this. I'll have to watch it twice to understand it but Jenn's library is on my bucket list. Thank you Kepler, Dr. Jenn Zahrt and Cameron Cassidy.

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