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    [Music] [Music] it’s 10:00 this is Sky News at 10 our top story the prime minister’s chief of staff is questioned by the gambling commission as a witness not a suspect as the Met police say seven officers are now being investigated Joe Biden arrives in Atlanta ahead of the first presidential debate with Donald Trump tonight in what could be a pivotal moment in the campaign we reveal some of the secrets of what the teams are planning also tonight one person in England has died in the recent outbreak of eoli linked to salad leaves we’re on the streets of Nairobi as protesters clash with police in Kenya over tax hikes an imminent threat one undercover detective describes the conversation he had with a man accused of plotting to kidnap Holly Willoughby if we were in America we’ll be shouting drain the swamp and the Parliamentary bench makes it up to Scotland as we find out what voters want from politicians in what could be a crucial year for Scottish parties and we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s front pages in our press preview from 10:30 right through to [Music] midnight good evening the Metropolitan Police has said it is investigating seven officers over allegations of betting on when the election date is it’s paved the way for the suggestion that police could interview MP candidates over the election betting Scandal and tonight Night Sky News has learned that the Downing Street Chief of Staff although not a suspect was interviewed last week by senior gambling commission officials and questioned about who knew about the timing of the election Sky’s Deputy political editor Sam coat spoke to the Prime Minister today rishy sunak is trying to craft something that will last it is a delicate art but has he got The Knack it was perfect from oh no I know this big happen be a another dent in his fragile campaign the news that multiple Tory candidates may now face police investigation over bets on the date of the election and his own Chief of Staff Liam boo Smith interviewed as a witness not a suspect by the gambling commission this is a choice about facing a Q&A session with Factory workers early in the campaign these events were gentle deferential even but not anymore prime minister what I’d like to know is why you feel that we should vote for another four years of Tory government things are infinitely worse than they were in 2010 there’s lots of frustrations that you and others will have about some things in the past this election is about the future but he is struggling to escape the past now refusing to explain what he told his top parliamentary Aid Craig Williams before he placed a bet on the date of the election prime minister you know the answer to the question whether or not you told Craig Williams you cannot Prejudice an investigation you can only Prejudice a jury T you absolutely can answer this question no it’s absolutely not right well there are ongoing independent investigations that those are compromised in any way shape or form they are compromise you cannot compromise you can compromise they are rightly confidential and it’s important that they stay that way and that’s the right thing to do and you know that you know that we’ve done only aury that is not true you can only Prejudice internal inquiries answer to question ories of our own and as a result of those have suspended candidates his problems piling up a prime minister who just can’t catch a break from the highs of Wednesday night’s debate where his team felt he did well to today where there’s the news that multiple T candidates could be interviewed by Scotland Yard within days you could hear the frustration in his voice look at that brilliant as clear as anything the same craft but hoping for a different result the prospect of police investigations into Tory candidates a campaign gift for kiss Dharma I think this latest development highlights one how serious this is two that the Prime Minister should have acted swiftly at the beginning and shown leadership rather than being bullied into taking action his campaign derailed by allegations that top stories tried to profit from Insider knowledge he only has a week to get back on track Sam Kat Sky News darer and Sam joins me now from Westminster Sam there’s a suggestion that the Met police could expand their investigation into gambling and that could possibly include candidates now as well that’s right Jillian of the various developments today the most significant of all I think has been the fact that the Metropolitan Police has further dragged into uh the gambling Saga uh and will now investigate candidates uh potentially interviewing them under caution this side of the election day now I understand that the Metropolitan Police is pretty reluctant to do this and it wasn’t true 24 hours ago this wasn’t the situation uh just yesterday but what has changed is a realization that uh candidates might need to be investigated under laws to do with misconduct in public office using some of that Insider information uh when placing the bets that’s the allegation that many of them uh deny and that’s simply not something that could be done by the gambling commission which is why now it has fallen to Scotland Yard at this critical point in the election Saga and you could hear how frustrated Rishi sunak was at this development when I pressed him partly because it’s all about one of his closest AIDS in politics Craig Williams he simply refuses to say whether he told him the date of the election before Craig Williams put that bet look we could be in the final week of rishy Sak’s Premiership this is not how he wanted to close his campaign but with very little else on the agenda still managing to dominate Sam thank you well sakir starm has been speaking to Sophie Ridge today as part of the politics hub’s leader series ahead of the general election when pressed about his plan to impose VAT on private schools the labor leader said he believes schools affected by the change would adapt and they don’t have to pass the cost onto parents too many children their future is determined by the income and salary of their parents rather than their talent I’m absolutely got that in my sight as something we are going to change with an incoming labor government it’s um quite popular policy plls quite well um do you think that some of the backlash against it has been because there so many people in Westminster in the media who either went to private school or send their children there I think there’s an element of that but I do I mean parents across the country do uh say to me if they’ve got children in private school that they’re concerned about it and I go through the reason why we’re doing it with them explain to them that schools don’t have to pass it on to them so I’m not you think it be it’s not a bad thing if if private schools have to make economies it’s a difficult choice but you know their business is in the end um and um they’re very successful in around actually under this government a thousand private schools have closed and uh reform UK leader and candidate Nigel farage has disassociated himself from a party campaign who was filmed saying migrants crossing the channel should be used as target practice the same campaigner also used a racial slur against prime minister Rishi sunak in footage recorded by a Channel 4 undercover reporter but Mr farage says those views don’t reflect his own well there was an activist that said some pretty unpleasant things uh very very Prejudice very wrong uh you know he’s somebody who turned up to help I mean all political parties encourage volunteers you get people like that uh Mr Parker will not be welcome back but hey you know what he’s put a statement out already saying his views he knows are not mine the US president will be debating the former president tonight both hoping to get a second term in the white house unlike here in the UK the polls are tightening between Joe Biden and Donald Trump so there is all to play for in tonight’s head-to-head our us correspondent James Matthews is at the event in Atlanta Georgia James yeah thanks very much indeed Jullian welcome to Atlanta Georgia the city that gave us Coca-Cola tonight it will give us what could well be the biggest moment in US politics for many a year a TV debate the early B in the calendar that we have seen triggered by Joe Biden he wants to shake the American electorate and try to shake stubborn poles that still have him behind Donald Trump Biden is here he’s in the city he made an unannounced visit to local people in this Battleground state of Georgia Donald Trump he’s still in the air on his way here from maral Lago for what will be political Fight Night you can measure the importance places on the occasion in days spent [Applause] preparing prior to his arrival in Atlanta Joe Biden had been HED up in mock debates for a week in his Camp David Retreat if this presidential debate isn’t a must-win it’s a must not lose when you think about the Joe Biden you saw in the debate if there was any doubt infirmity would be Center Stage it was removed by a debate day Trump campaigner got taken down by his bike lost a fight with his jacket it is the issue of age concern shared by most Americans as their oldest ever candidates take the stage here in the fry contest both have history Saudi Arabia and Russia will be do a road to the White House that passes through Atlanta will extend far into the presidential campaign issues here will include the economy abortion immigration and democracy post election and there’s the men themselves meeting the moment in a close context a few months in front of the election and it’s going to depend on probably a couple 100,000 people in four or five states then all of a sudden everything little matters and when you have high stakes like that and every little thing matters it just me it makes must CV there will be no studio audience only two moderators microphones can be cut so that only the designated speaker will be heard Joe Biden’s team won a coin toss to position him on the right hand side of the TV screen the white house isn’t saying why but experts in this industry believe the viewer’s eye is drawn towards the right in choosing his position Biden has given Donald Trump the opportunity to make the final statement Trump’s voice will be the last one heard President Biden and Donald Trump will face off they’ve been trailing this event for weeks we will have the most consequential 90 minutes as befits a debate that could Define a political campaign if there are to be pivot Points in this presidential contest Atlanta could be the most pivotal of all James Matthews Sky News in Atlanta Georgia and James uh one of the big election issues is abortion and this coming as this ruling today comes from the Supreme Court yeah that’s right Julian yeah the Supreme Court said it didn’t have it wasn’t its job to deal with uh the issue of Idaho where there is an issue around abortion and the treatment of patients who require an abortion the federal government uh scored a qualified Victory on that today Joe Biden will make that clear to the audience tonight he will try to nail Donald Trump to the wall on that particular issue the view of Team Biden is that Trump doesn’t have a coherent policy or plan on abortion which has traction amongst a key constituency in the American uh electorate so that’s one of the issues we’ll hear about tonight also immigration crime inflation these are three of the topics that Donald Trump’s advisers have been telling him to push hard on I’m in the spin room at the moment you can see the size of this a converted basketball court just at Georgia Tech just across the campus from where this event the actual debate itself will take place there are more people in here than there will be in the event venue because there’s no audience tonight uh only two moderators and the two individuals taking part the question will be how both cope with that the view of Joe Biden’s team is that Donald Trump will struggle that he is a man who needs an audience who needs the comfort of Applause at the end of sentence and without that the necessity to make fully formed rounded arguments on hard politics team Biden’s view is that Donald Trump will falter we’ll see in two cors we shall indeed James thank you very much for the moment and you can watch the presidential debate live here on Sky News overnight between 2 A.M and 5:00 a.m. the UK Health Security Agency says one person has died linked to the ongoing ecoli outbreak in England the outbreak thought to have started in salad leaves led to a number of Manufacturers recalling sandwiches from supermarkets last month well our Science and Technology editor Tom Clark joins us now from the headquarters of the UK Health Security Agency um Tom lots of people will be worried that there could be further deaths that’s entirely understandable um eoli particularly this particular variety this particular strain of econi is particularly dangerous compared to the other common bugs that cause um diarrheal ill illnesses and things like that particularly for the very young the very old or those with ex pre-existing medical health conditions in fact the the individual that died all we do know about them is they were an adult with underlying medical uh conditions previous underlying medical conditions um but also this was a very large outbreak 275 confirmed cases those are people who were went to see their GP or ended up in Hospital half of them did end up in hospital with this bug so the real numers probably very much larger but it was spread out because of the way it got into the food supply through salad leaves in packaged sandwich products were distributed UK wide one of the only reasons we knew there was an outbreak was because here at the UK Health Security Agency in Collindale they sequenced the whole genome of the eolo bugs and very quickly spotted it was exactly the same strain so most likely had a common source they were able to establish this was all one linked event and get on top of it but fortunately it appears now because these products have a short shelf life most of them have been remove as far as we know all of them removed from shelves we haven’t seen a new case confirmed of this particular strain since early June there may be more cases pop up because of late reporting Etc but it appears that the worst of it has passed the risk is now seen for the public at large as low but we can’t say this outbreak is over until a separate investigation involving these guys but also the foods safety uh food standards agency here in England and its um sister body in Scotland can try and establish exactly what the source of this eoli contamination was into the companies making these salad Lea products that go into prepackaged Foods until we get on that we can’t really confirm that the outbreak is over okay Tom thank you an undercover detective has given details about his conversations with the man accused of plotting to kidnap and rape Holly Willoughby he told the court he engaged with Gavin Plum after he posted images of the TV presenter with the quote the one in the public eye I want the detective believed there was an imminent threat Sky crime correspondent Martin brunch reports it was Shakespeare who wrote that the course of true love never did run smooth late last year Holly Willoughby was in real danger of being kidnapped and murdered and undercover us police officer told the court she was he said the Target in an online chat room called AB duct lovers he’d seen a message he said that read I have a load of info on her I know when she does and don’t have security and that she doesn’t have CCTV at home what time she gets up in the morning on a video link the anonymous officer told jurors I felt there was an imminent threat to that individual at that time the message was sent by security guard Gavin Plum says the prosecution the undercover officer engaged with him and said plum revealed his plot and more hands and Ankle shackles ring and ball gag the officer said he found all this quite alarming he asked Plum to identify himself with a code word and was sent this third to the 10th 2023 holy Plum was arrested at his harow home after the FBI was called in and alerted the Metropolitan Police the defense Barrister wondered why the undercover officer hadn’t asked Gavin Plum more about his plot for instance why hadn’t Plum personally scoped out Miss willoughby’s home how was he going to transport her and where was he going to dispose of her body Sasha was KY said you did not feel like stepping back and re-evaluating whether this was a credible plan or complete nonsense I asked him several times in the conversation if this was fantasy and replied that it was not he was supplying detail that led me to believe it was a credible plan and I believed it would be carried out without my services Plum sent the officer pictures of what he said was chloroform to knock out Miss Willoughby bottles were found at his home the court was told but no chloroform was detected Plum’s defense is expected to start in the morning Martin brunt Sky News at Chelmsford Crown Court violent protests have broken out on the streets of the Kenyan Capital Nairobi again today despite the president backing down from planned tax Rises more than 20 people were killed in protests two days ago Kenya’s president William Ruto withdrew a finance bill that was introduced to the National Assembly on the 9th of May containing controversial tax hikes some of which were set to come into place on July the 1st the bill initially proposed to introduce a 16 % sales tax on bread and 25% Duty on cooking oil there was also a planned increase in the tax on financial transactions as well as a new annual tax on vehicle ownership although the government withdrew the legislation some proposals remain including higher import fees and tax on Specialized hospitals the youth Le protest movement has grown rapidly from online condemnations of the tax Heights into Mass rallies demanding a political overhaul calling for ‘s resignation our Africa correspondent usra elbagir reports from [Applause] Nairobi it’s a dance of [Applause] defiance quickly dispersed with tear gas and stun grenades testing their stand it’s not over a young man is singled out he’s chased beaten and then dragged away in broad daylight into the darkness of the security apparatus like many others over the last few [Applause] days okay [Music] what does it feel like for you in your city um keep the mask on if um this is first of all this is really crazy um the sense that you know we are trying as much as possible to mobilize and have a peaceful demonstrations but the government is trying to use all its tools capable just to suppress us but these are the crowds that won’t be cowed facing off against riot police in the heart of their [Applause] City every time they GA they’re dispers with tear gas every time they barricade a road the police come and break it up but the sheer fearlessness and Persistence of these guys is astonishing they’re chased choked by by tear gas hit with rubber bullets and far worse what did the last week look like in terms of protesters injuries it was uh chaotic and we we had what we call Mass casualties uh we had a lot of referrals we had a lot of gun shot TS both live and bullets like now these are rubber bullet these are rubber bullet I’m holding so it was crazy the craziness has hasn’t been quelled by the president’s concessions and though unarmed they’re not defenseless are you not scared facing us facing up against the police no I I’m not going to die on my knees I’m going to die on my feet it’s a tough battle and we know who has the upper hand but the protesters have made it very clear they won’t go down without a fight Yer Sky News Nairobi Prince har has been ordered to explain to a high court judge how private messages to the ghost writer of his book spare were destroyed even though they potentially relevant to his legal action against the Sun newspaper the prince alleges he was targeted by journalists and private investigators working for the paper’s Publishers but the judge said the reason for the message deletions wasn’t clear and told Harry’s lawyers to carry out further searches of his laptop the Metropolitan Police have arrested six people in connection with just stop oil over planned protests at airports saying some in custody are key organizers the arrests were made during an event at a community center in East London under a section of the public order act which makes it illegal to conspire to disrupt National infrastructure the mother of missing teenager Jay Slater in tenner Reef says some of the public donations to a gofund Mee page will be used to fly family members out to the island Debbie Duncan says the money raised will be used to support Mountain rescue teams as the search for the 19-year-old goes into a second week Junior doctors returned to the picket lines today beginning 5 days of industrial action they’re demanding a 35% pay rise which both the conservatives and labor have described as unaffordable and the timing of the strike has been criticized with ministers and health officials unable to negotiate because of the election campaign now with MPS not sitting in Parliament Sky News has been taking one of the House of Commons green benches across the country we’ve been offering voters the chance to sit and tell us what matters to them in the upcoming election our home editor Jason F began in cornall with the bench then he traveled to a cheese rolling event in chury in gloucestershire a school in North Luton where he spoke to students who can’t vote but will be affected by the election result well then it was over to eing South Hall in West London and gravim in Kent to speak to seek communities there a trip to the circus in a Tory stronghold in South leerer Tatton in chesher where he spoke to Farmers as well then on to the Greyhound races in the labor stronghold of Sheffield brigh side and hillsbor and now Jason foul is in Edinburgh where labor is fighting to take ground from the SNP wild swimmers in the sculpted Gardens of Jupiter artland near Livingston a free-spirited Hardy bunch and the politics among the women we spoke to here here leaned towards Scottish independence oh it’s lovely I’m just back like many Scots from two weeks in Germany watching the football uh and what struck me really clearly there was that there are so many small countries in Europe the same size as Scotland or even smaller but are doing really well and Scotland should be running itself after Independence there’s no need for the Scottish nationalist party it’s done its job to get independence and then we can vote labor liberal green conservative any other variety of politicians because the whole point is for Scotland to be able to manage its own political Affairs but the director of this outdoor sculpture world thinks only labor can bring the change she wants to the political landscape we’ve had SNP um in Scotland for the last um 12 years and we’ve had uh the Tories in Westminster and I know that the Arts are on their knees and a way that they’ve never been before the SNP has been sinking in the polls since the departure of leader Nicholas sturgeon then Hamza yusf following his broken alliance with the greens the Nationalist dominance in Hollywood is less formidable and that will be reflected in this election there’s 57 seats up for grabs in Scotland and in the last election Labour got just one of them the S SMP 48 for a long time the prospect of Labor becoming the largest party in Scotland seemed about as likely as someone hauling this parliamentary bench to the top of edinburgh’s highest hill but a more fractured s SMP makes their goal of breaking up the union seem more distant and Labor’s Ambitions of reconquering Scotland more plausible like these Scottish students carrying our bench up Arthur’s seat or the hikers we met on our Trail above Edinburgh people here have other priorities looking for a party or leader the best represents my views you know reducing taxes especially with the cost of living crisis at the moment as well as helping you know my sort of generation get on the property ladder I wouldn’t say I’m struggling but I know a lot of people are and that is why I tend to vote labor because it’s not even so much for the position I’m in but a lot of the population you think they help people out more yeah with labor having a real chance of beating the conservative Scots are more likely to vote for them whether they want an independent Scotland or not for the first time in my life I’m voting for labor just look to the to your whatever left yeah and you can see what’s happened in Scotland not having labor and power it’s a filthy filthy weather filthy politics you’re pointing at Hollywood you’re pointing at the Scottish Parliament I’m pointing at the Scottish Parliament and why why what’s what’s filthy about it um if we were in America we’d be shouting drain the swamp like Scotland’s unpredictable climate the political weather here seems to be changing and now anything is possible Jason Farrell Sky News Edinburgh we’re just going to take you to um Atlanta Georgia where we believe well we know actually that Donald Trump has just landed that’s his plane we’re waiting for him to Al light and um go along to the debate tonight that he will be having with President Biden uh starting at 2 a.m. our time and we’ll be covering it live here of course on Sky News till 5:00 a.m. between 2: and 5:00 a.m. this is the earliest that there has ever been a debate in their election cycle in America five months before Americans go to the polls and this is their first debate televised live this evening um quite different to previous debates in that there will not be a studio audience and also both candidates will not be able to talk over each other because they are going to cut the microphones um after their allotted time so the previous debates that we’ve seen where um they haven’t got as far as fisty cuffs but it’s got um quite heated and they have spoken over each other that potentially will not allowed to happen although how it um takes place in practice will remain to be seen but um as I say there won’t be a studio audience something that commentators have said might not be to Donald Trump’s uh liking because he does like to play to a crowd and uh Sparks off the Applause and uh the adulation um so different rules this time around with the the debate microphones will be cut there will be no studio audience and uh we shall see the prospects of uh of that debate this evening but live on Sky News between 2 and 5 a.m. I do have with me in the studio our papers guests Alexandro and CLA Elicott um who are also waiting for for Donald Trump to come down those stairs um what are you hoping for ahead of the debate or during the debate well I think it’ll be really interesting because it’s it’s supposed to be 90 minutes so we’ll see them head-to-head for that long and just going you know there’s been some concerns about Biden’s health and his age and it’ll be interesting to see how he handles tonight but also you know we’re very very excited about the British election but actually the US election is going to be huge it’s going to be you know a clash between these two men again and I think you know the whole world will be watching that because it’s so important for what happens next and Alice what do you think about the the stage managing of the event you know I mentioned that the microphones are going to be cut after an allotted time so they can’t talk over each other so it seems as if they’re trying to not allow it to be too combative yeah which is very interesting because it could cut both ways and all these Innovations actually they could go both ways they could Advantage one of the or the other I’ll give you an example The Cutting of the microphones it might actually make Trump look milder you know less combative it might Comfort people who are thinking of voting for him but are a bit concerned that he’s gone off the rails and actually cutting him off might give a structure to the debate that makes him look better um and let’s not forget Biden’s uh best line of the previous lot of um debates was as a response to an interruption where he said to him shut up man you know that that became the that became the defining bit of that uh debate so you can’t automatically assume that that will disadvantage Trump because he won’t be able to sort of bully his way we shall see we shall see it’s exciting isn’t it yes Alex Sinclair uh thank you very much for the moment well you heard them you can see them now um because they are going to be with us for the Press prev you do stay with us [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back you’re watching the Press preview a first look at what’s on the front pages as they arrive it’s time to see what’s making the headlines with broadcaster and commentator Alexandro and the White Hall editor of the Daily Mail CLA Elicott they’ll be with us from now until just before midnight so let’s see what’s on some of those front pages for you now well the remarks made by a Nigel farage supporter that illegal immigrants should be used for target practice are top story in the times Mr farage has already said the views are not his the telegraph leads with an attack by Prime min Mr Rashi sunak on Mr farage calling him a pin a Piza after his recent remarks about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine the guardian claims an exclusive with news that NHS managers who try to silence whistleblowers are to be banned from working in the Health Service the I says that charging VAT on school fees will be in Rachel Reeves’s first budget as Chancellor if labor win the election but also reports that it will also be delayed until 2025 this is the mail leading with an opinion poll which it says shows that it’s not too late to stop a labor Landslide at next week’s election the express claims that the BBC spent more than £30,000 paying people to be in the audience for last night’s debate between rishy sunak and K stama the Metro leads with a double murder investigation after a reality TV show paramedic and his girlfriend were found dead at their home in Staffordshire the financial times says the number of top rate taxpayers will exceed a million for the first time this year thanks to friezes in tax thresholds and wage inflation all of which will swell the Chancellor’s coffers and finally the star reports that there’s something nasty threatening to crawl up through our toy unless we keep the lid down always keep the lid down reminder that by scanning the QR code you’ll see on screen during the program you can check out the front pages of tomorrow’s newspapers while you watch us and we are joined tonight by broadcaster and commentator Alexandro and the whiteall editor of the Daily Mail CLA elot welcome to you both let’s start with the Times front page and this um it’s kind of an ongoing story about this reform reform UK campaigner um and the recent remarks that that have been made that illegal migrants should be used for Army target practice and that mosques should be turned into weather spoon pubs yeah this is not just one I’m afraid this is several campaigners they they didn’t all make each of those comments so what happened was a Channel 4 journalist went undercover with a team of canvases these are not just supporters they’re campaigners for reform you know they go door knocking their party approved as it were and uh the range of comments I mean I don’t know how to do the television equivalent of asterisks yeah um let’s just say there’s a very upsetting smoggers Board of comments there even about the people they’re canvasing even about the Prime Minister um and all of them I think what I found most shocking is that all of them are accompanied with a sort of fantasy of violence going with them so the person going on about LGBT people says we should bring back the Noose and the person uh that’s talking about Asylum Seekers arriving uh in DOA says that we should send the 17-year-old Army trainees down there for a bit of target practice and you know and so I found it quite chilling because it wasn’t like like I said comp com it wasn’t confined to views that you know are out there it was accompanied by this very real relish for what would happen if they ran the world and it was just chilling disturbing well just to say that niga farage has distanced himself from the these comments hasn’t he CL he has um he actually put out a statement before Channel 4 released their footage t they clearly wanted to be on the front foot and what’s what’s interesting about this is that reform have really come on the spotlight you know Nigel far they didn’t get really much attention until Nigel farage announced that he would be standing that he’d be leading the party again as he has done with previous versions of Reform and um they’ve come under huge scrutiny in recent weeks and you know they’ve had to disowned so many candidates who’ve been members of the BMP who’ve said terrible things and they’ve ALS so you know this is just the latest in a series of of real gaffs by the reform campaign and um I think you know it it really doesn’t look good for them and it depends how much this resonates with voters it’s more than you you said gas it’s more than gas gas disgusting language and like like Alex says real threats of violence behind some of it and um I just think that they’ve really come under the spotlight and actually you know you’re seeing what some of these people really believe and it’s tweeted something about how you know when you’re a big party and you have loads of um candidates and campaigners working for you uh you know some of them will say terrible things and I just thought the biggest clanger in this campaign has come from your own mouth and it was a comment about Putin and Ukraine so I’m not sure you’re in a position to say well it’s just one bad apple and you speak of uh Putin in the telegraph we have the uh prime minister describing Nigel farage as a Putin appeaser CLA yes so um the prime minister’s done an interview with the Telegraph and he’s um he’s he’s compared um he’s compared Nigel farage to um to his comments on Ukraine he obviously said that um that Russia that the West had provoked Russia into invading Ukraine and he’s also since sort of doubled down on those comments and said that Ukraine should accept a peace treaty with Russia which involves it seeding all of the territory that Russia’s invaded and um the Prime Minister has come out and been quite strong and said compared it to appeasement in Nazi Germany of appeasement of Hitler when he invaded Poland and um I think you know they’re quite strong words from riak and it’s really grabbed attention and the Tories are really being hurt by reform and it’s it was farage’s first major misstep to say these words about Ukraine because I think the Tories that he wants to win over they all feel passionately about supporting Ukraine they all felt strongly about you know sending arms to Ukraine and helping helping them fight the Russian invasion so I think it resonates really badly with those voters and um it could well have cost him a lot of votes do do you think that is the case Alex that this has done real damage to reform yes and it was no secret he’s held these views for decades and but I think it is very interesting because I feel it stems from him being plugged into the United stes States culture wars cuz he’s been out there so much and he was planning to campaign out there with with Trump and so there is a there is a lack of support for the war in Ukraine on the Republican side over there over here support for Ukraine is absolutely Rock Solid and it seems to me that the source of the misstep is that he was plugged into a different set of issues uh when he started campaigning here it’s interesting Mis misread the the mood completely um take us to the IE CLA and this is the vat on a private school fees uh reportedly will be in Rachel Reed’s first budget but there is going to be a delay until 2025 yes so this is um you know Labor’s Flagship policy it’s the one they’ve really kind of got behind it’s um one of the most radical things they’ve proposed I think and um there’s been a lot of discussion about how much notice schools will get of these changes they’ll have to pay to 20% that which at the moment they don’t have to pay and um this suggestion that will be in Rachel ree’s first budget is sending out the message that you know labor are very committed to this they’re not going to back down it’s polling really well they like the they like the you know policy they’re going to keep it but also the reality is you are going to have to give schools probably some time to prepare for this and decide because you’ve got people preparing for a school year now their children will be starting school in September and they’ll have decided their fees for this year so you do have to give schools time to prepare um so I guess this is just the reality of this but there’s been a lot of speculation about when this will happen but it’s a clear sign that labor are very dedicated to this policy actually you’ve only got about 20 seconds but do you think labor will almost definitely hang on to this yes there was a fantastic interview with Sophie Ridge earlier on Sky where uh I think the the motivation behind it came out and it’s like look schools have to make difficult decisions all the time in the public sector you will have to make some too some relatively easy ones you know to cut Chinese private tuition or a you know a hockey trip to Canada um but you know schools can absorb these fees ultimately okay Alex Sinclair thank you very much for the moment we’re going to take a break coming out we’ll be discussing more of the stories from Tomorrow papers including this on the front of the telegraph how Rishi Sak’s Chief of Staff has been interviewed as a witness in an investigation into the Tory vetting Scandal do stay with with us for much [Music] [Music] more this exhibition left Ukraine in November of um 20122 in the midst of the war when K was constantly bombarded and uh our idea was to show this art to European public and in the same time to take it out of harway uh that was very complicated operation I care to tell you because we made a mistake because we thought that we are very smart uh Russians were bombing ke every week on Monday and we decided that we will go on Tuesday and of course that Tuesday was the most intensive bombardment of the whole Ukrainian territory fortunately our trucks left K before this bombardment started by the end of the day they reached Polish border we were ready to open champagne and In This Moment uh some straight rocket exploded at the Polish territory uh you remember probably that incident and everybody decided that it’s the beginning of the third world war po closed the Border and our trucks stayed on the border so it was unbelievable diplomatic effort uh Ukrainian diplomats uh work telephones fortunately nobody slept in Poland on that night and in the morning polish authorities just flag this our trucks to polish territory and they reached Madrid on time we started in Madrid then this exhibition came to colon then to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels uh then to Vienna in Vienna it was enlarged two times uh then we divided this exhibition it’s made chronologically so we created knowhow of exhibition which could be you know separated or attached together and one part of it we opened exhibition last week in the National Gallery of Sakia and this week um people could see it in London it’s covering um the first half of the 20th century from the beginning to 1930s [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back you’re watching the Press preview still with me broadcaster and commentator Alexandro and the whiteall editor of the Daily Mail CLA Elicott let’s take a look at the telegraph front page and the ongoing uh betting Scandal uh richy sunak Chief of Staff has been interviewed as a witness uh by the gambling Watchdog and that’s as part of the investigation into the betting Scandal clar this is an extraordinary story and it continues to run blond doesn’t it um there two weeks ago I think that we found out the prime minister’s parliamentary Aid had been had allegedly put some bets on he admitted this but he’s now being investigated and we’ve heard that the police are actually investigating some elements of this I think they five Tories involved five Tory officials um seven police officers and one labor candidate um it it’s spread across Westminster and I think the public are really astonished by this story because it’s just so extraordinary that these people would bet on what what what they work on and things that they might have inside information on and we’ve see today that Liam Bo Smith who is probably the prime minister’s closest Aid he’s his chief of staff he would have been heavily involved in an ing the election deciding the election and that he’s been interviewed by the gambling commission which is overseeing this investigation and no doubt that will be to determine how much some of the officials knew when they placed these bets and hopefully we find out very soon what they did know um because I think the public are Furious rightly about this story yeah and this this has been particularly cutting through with the public hasn’t it yeah because it it becomes a perfect summary of lots of other stuff uh you know it becomes a perfect story to tell down the pub that sort of um encompasses this whole notion that they’re in it for themselves and also that they think the rules don’t apply to them so it kind of pulls those two strings together that go as far back as party gate and P said it reminiscent of party and so it becomes a sort of perfect little storm let’s move to the Daily Mail front page and uh this poll poll shows it’s not too late to stop starma super majority obviously the conservatives are very keen on this particular poll yes so um this poll by my newspaper shows that one in 10 people are apparently still undecided um now every study we’ve seen shows this huge labor majority that it’ll be a labor Landslide bigger than Tony Blair um this is a really interesting bit of research showing that some people haven’t made up their mind um I do Wonder you know we’ve got a week to go they’ve postal ballots have been cast it feels strange that people wouldn’t have decided but I think it it does show that there is a bit of apathy quite a lot of apathy of this election in particular and I think people are really disenchanted with both of the main parties even though labor were obviously going to do very well I think there’s not huge amounts of enthusiasm for K starma and whether people are hedging their bets we’ve got a week to go we find out tomorrow in a week what the result is um I I mean yeah it’s it’s it’s hard to many seconds are you surprised by I really don’t like these stories they make me very very nervous because everything in my muscle memories 2015 election 2016 referendum 2017 election and everything in me says something will happen to snatch this away from labor very very nervous very exciting actually isn’t it really because we we think yeah I mean all a lot of the polls are saying it’s but anything can happen anything can happen Alex and CLA thank you very much for the moment let’s take a look at the weather for you now well the next few days will be rather changeable with cooler conditions compared to recently Friday will start rather windy especially in the north where there’ll be plenty of showers around southern parts of both Britain and Ireland will be largely dry through the morning with sunny spells elsewhere there’ll be further showers around most widespread across Scotland and Northern England the brisk wind wind will become increasingly confined to the north temperatures will be near average for late June a little Below in the west the afternoon will see showers in the windy North becoming well scattered and mainly confined to Northern Britain coming up next on Sky News at 11 Rishi sunak chief of staff is interviewed as a witness in the gambling inquiry as seven police officers are investigated [Music]

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