Dash Cam compilation of footage taken and submitted around Norfolk and the rest of the UK during March 2024.

    Thank you to everyone who has submitted footage.

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    1. So many of the cammers in this video are also driving without due care, they forget that their cams also monitor their driving, until our government wake up and put more police on our roads this will just get worse. Tougher penalties are also needed – Judges take note

    2. Love your channel, living in Norwich means I get to play the where is that place or I know that one! Thank you for your posts, keep up the good work ❤

    3. Great compilation of some not great driving. 🙂

      It's awesome to see so many people have dashcams, but some are so potato like they're hardly worth having. 🙁
      Dash-Cams should come as standard on all new cars, and get a 10% discount on insurance.

    4. Some shocking driving, but some of it applies to the dash cam drivers. Some drive too fast . You'll always capture situations when you drive in a non defenceless manner and speed up when cars are overtaking on the other side passing parked cars , cars trying to get out of a roundabout etc. You need to be less righteous sometimes

    5. I see Norfolk driving hasn't improved in the 20 years since I moved away… But with a channel like this, I can see their daftness from a safe distance. Keep it up.

    6. Why did you speed up rusty? So many of these cammers cause their own issues by driving like they do, trying to bully and control other drivers from in front by slowing them down unnecessarily and then when they go for an overtake speeding up so they can't get past and creating a dangerous situation. I'm glad rusty ended up in the pole and not the other guy.

    7. Hope that van in the second clip didn’t ruin his otherwise perfectly lap time on whatever rally stage the cammer was competing in…

    8. so many idiots willing to risk their lives and the lives of everyone in their car and oncoming traffic just to save a few seconds…
      do the god damn math, risking the rest of your life, decades most likely for a few seconds sitting behind a slow moving car.
      freaking idiots everywhere!

    9. if all these clips are running in real time then some of the cammers should slow down and then they might not have so many incidents

    10. There's lots of unsafe driving on here. Too fast in urban conditions. Too fast in bad weather. Too aggressive at roundabouts and in heavy traffic. And I'm including most of the cammers in all of this.

    11. The clip at 4:25 shows why middle lane hoggers are so dangerous. That Mini may be in the wrong, not that under taking is illegal, but it should have given the camera car more room. But the camera car should not be in that lane unless it is overtaking. Which it clearly is not.

    12. The Warnes Freight one was already part way through his manoeuvre, it's just that they can't move as fast but they can't sit there all day either!!

    13. Worst drivers here in Norfolk! Every time we get home we take time to recover and say thank goodness we survived out there. They drive too fast, they always tailgate and a lot of drivers use their phones and/or don’t concentrate. Nightmare.

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