Join George Cyprus Insight for a walk along Protaras strip before dinner.

    Take a stroll down the Protaras strip before dinner in this relaxing video. Enjoy the sights and sounds of this beautiful Cyprus destination!

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    Music Tiptoe by Jeremy Blake.
    Graphics by Max Harrison.

    [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hi guys it’s George from Cypress insight and this evening we’re in brat the main road and look at the sunset beautiful isn’t it there’s lez and the lovely folios oh there’s our lovely waitress there at leaz giving us a wave and we’re going to have a walk down guys there’s a lovely Bree look at the flags blowing now leaz has always got a lovely Breeze going through the Terrace great place to enjoy a slow beer oh look there’s two 71s what happened there then that one’s going back that’s going to paralia and that one’s going to oh one’s going to lanica and one’s going to paralimni I see there we are so they’re not all going to the same destination all right yes there we are lanica old hospital and that will take you through some Villages guys so if you fancy a little tour that’s a perfect bus to get to lanica if you fancy go to lanica straight there you can get the inter city bus that go straight onto the highway into lanica doesn’t take long at all if you fancy a little tour why not get the 7-Eleven all we had ice cream there was delish they’ve got a new little area and we thought we try that last week or week before I can’t remember guys it was some time ago so tonight there’s football what’s the football going on it’s the England oh sounds like someone scored so we’ve got the Euro 24 going on England’s plane I do believe I think they’ve just scored so it’s a little bit quieter than normal look at this it’s very quiet isn’t it everyone’s in the pub everyone is in the pub now look at the fountain guys that’s a shame look at the fountain that needs uh some work doing to it oh we got some follows hi there hi lovely day isn’t it lovely evening look at the breeze what’s your name my name’s Mona where are you from I’m from Denmark oh lovely it’s nice to see some people from Denmark we we got a lot of viewers over there really yeah what’s the weather like over there at the moment oh miserable oh is it miserable oh well it’s nice over here and where are you staying we staying in ay Napa at the Napa Plaza oh lovely I do like the na for Plaza so we’ve just seen a couple of viewers they’re off to folios it’s their anniversary so they want a special meal oh sounds delicious it special meal folios and they’ve asked us for some fridge magnets so thank you very much for having some fridge magnets off us all the proed goes to Ella’s blind C sry and if you do see us around guys just give us a shout if you fancy having one of those fridge magnets all donations are very welcome hello what’s going on what’s going on in The Love Boat everyone’s gone mad I think there’s a goal let’s have a look should we they’ve gone mad I think it’s an England go oh it might not be an England go is it an oh it’s to all it’s not an in goal Denmark go that’s a Denmark goal guys England versus Denmark in its two all it’s gone quiet brother has gone quiet it’s to Old oh dear we got to catch up so The Love Boat is packed guys look at these massive screens look at that it’s not to Old it’s one that’s all right one all we’ve got a chance to catch up good luck to Denmark as well guys we’ve just seen two lovely ladies from Denmark for’s horses also packed with their massive screens oh look at that header so one all there’s a lovely Infinity shot what’s going on in cheers hello it’s one all by the way oh you’ve been watching it over there have you one person jump up oh they’re from Denmark aren’t they well good luck to both of them I suppose why you not refereeing the m a long time ago now I’m too old he used to be a referee didn’t he but even the Gober League’s finished now you know oh is it really oh there you are oh look there some viewers up there hi guys you all right how you doing all right there we are yeah that’s the owner that’s the boss and his wife nice to see the boss and his boss oh of course the boss and the big boss well enjoy the evening see you later the oh in the crew of course so there we are one all guys there we are one all I know we’ve got the whole street haven’t we there’s Nick and tassis delish few people having a a kebab in there we had one the other day lots and lots of food for your money and Nick and tassis so what else is going to happen tonight are we going to get another cheer hi guys it’s one all by the way I know I’ve just seen it yes we had a chair and I thought oh it’s there we met we met one on the plane is going to be very jealous that we’ve met you guys oh oh she she sends you thanks no she hasn’t she messaged me on Facebook saying we’ve not seen Georgia oh right what’s your name my tom tom what’s your name guys Emily D well it’s nice to meet you guys um so you’re going to move over here or have you moved we just moved here now so wow uh we came here 3 days ago was it yeah Monday yeah we came so and and you are here forever now yes hopefully wow can make it work amazing and um apparently you can you got your own YouTube channel haven’t you we have yeah well let let’s tell us all about it yeah so what we’re doing is we’re moving over here as a family of four and okay here we are two children and yourself yeah a family of four uh we’re moving to paos so we’re Nutters in Cyprus that’s our surname Nutter so it’s nuts in Cy oh okay and and that’s your YouTube channel name that’s a YouTube channel name so in our first video we decided we were moving 8 weeks ago we sat down turned the camera on spoke and we mention you guys in it and say Georg and crew cuz you our inspiration behind the YouTube channel brilliant brilliant and are you going to feature in the channel yes yes you’re all going to feature well we’re going to look out for you just let us know again what’s the name of the channel it’s not as in Cyprus definitely we look that up as soon as we get home we’re not very good but we will be no you no I think you’re going to be absolutely Marv well good luck with your new channel and we’re definitely going to look that up perfect well there you are moving to paos how lucky are they and they’re going to have a YouTube channel as well we’ll have to look that up won’t we see what that’s like oh look they’ve hired these uh bikes from the hotels that’s a good idea come down here park them up have your meal ride back what great idea I do like that idea oh by the way while we were talking I saw the moon oh cats they’re nice they show you into the hotel won’t they yeah the moon there it is can we see it on camera do you think I think the camera will take that not sure guys we’re not sure down we go I I’m looking forward to having a meal there do you fancy having a meal there and there oh yeah oh forgot about that the uh the brewery yes now last year we didn’t go in the brewery and I saw some people eating it looked really delish all that ice cream looks delicious there it is the American barbecue coming soon should cross the road and have a look see what they’re doing have a lot oh it’s nearly finished here we go carry on yeah nearly finished look at that I think that’s the kitchen you think not sure yeah that’s the counter and then you’re going to eat out here or do like those tiles and that’s right next to Happy Days authentic and Mediterranean food look out for the video guys we went in there last year and what’s going on in Rockefellers still the football still the football it is quite full up there’s a massive sports bar there’s the massive screen on the left and the screens inside guys there we are look at that enormous [Music] now I think he’s still one all because I haven’t heard the sound yet have you no I haven’t heard a thing yet there we are don’t forget to feed the cats Reeves bar that’s also very Lively tonight in fact every think quite Lively or very Lively apart from the road which is Handy for us guys cuz we’re shooting through and we’re going to have a a separate meal tonight we’ll take you along we’ll do a little video so what is quiet guys let me take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for subscrib scribing over 15,000 of you thank you very very much it’s very much appreciated and if you haven’t subscribed guys it is completely free just press the Subscribe button it’s all done and uh we’re going to push for 20,000 20,000 that’s a lot of people guys oh I like this shops do like these shops along here and we did do a video earlier on guys Emma’s coming over here special occasion she wants to buy some jewelry so we went and had to look around some other jewelry shops there’s a lovely TJ’s Pub if you’re a slow beer connoisseur guys try tjs should we cross the road Let’s cross the road we’re crossing the road then going back it’s a bit of a hiy piic difficulty video up we go wasn’t the slope oh that’s a shame the Q Bar’s got all these screens up looks like it’s half time now that’s probably why it’s gone really quiet everyone having a slow beer before the second half starts Hearts there’s Mr John he’s often down here in fact he’s here every night with his little bus if you fcy little tour fam austa guys ask Mr John they sell you a ticket just here outside his bus but I think he’s gone to watch the football he’s definitely not in his bus oh no he’s over there he’s having a rest so while we were doing the uh video on jewelry shops guys we came across George’s jewelry shop it’s quite new there it is beautiful shop we had a little check with George he’s been in the trade 30 years he does he makes jewelry guys and in fact he said to me if you’re here for a special occasion and you want some jewelry made three or 4 days he make you some jewelry to your specifications so he gone mad here after everyone’s gone mad BS has got mad all M [Music] guys here [Music] still it’s gone mad place has gone mad it’s gone mad here right hi guys hi guys oh it’s a beautiful sunset guys isn’t it absolutely wonderful Sunset look at that right over BR there’s The Malt House have they started again no it’s just showing the highlights thought they started again right let’s go for floating carpet there comes a 102 and we’ll go up to this open area here there we are floating car pit there we are there’s all the cats now there’s all the open area guys from the 20th to the 31st of July there’s the film festival here guys so if you’re here you can come into the film festival and it’s completely free they put a massive screen up there at the back loads of chairs everywhere and there’s little stools that open up and you can get popcorn and refreshments all completely free apart from the refreshments and the drinks of course I do believe it’s two films a day they show one during the day or just in the sunset and then one later on so look out for that guys the film festival and we’ be going to the film festival w’t we you you’ve seen it advertised and uh there’s some great films coming this year F oh Garfield’s coming this year black to black black to Black oh there really is some fantastic films coming definitely want to see gar fields it looks like the Street’s filling up cuz it’s half time so Street’s filling up a little bit guys people going to another bar or going to restaurant oh they’re nice dresses and shorts cotton lovely there’s waves it’s quite a lot of people in waves at the moment watching the football and of course the Flora sports bar I bet that’s pretty cool let’s have a look guys as we go past there we are Flora all day dining and sports bar yes it is very very busy loads of room in there though guys but it is busy they’ve got loads of massive screens all playing football at the moment and of course the greenery open all year round very popular bar guys The Greenery Pub look out for the video we went there in the winter had a Delish Breakfast in fact he’s got a little fire in there for the winter massive screens in there and Joker square there’s Joker Square also so very popular oh hi guys hi uh you all right do do you know what the score is huh what’s the score 111 1 what’s your name Becky nice to see you are you with anyone by the way over there where oh not with him I thought you were with him oh oh he’s hurt me out wait oh there is over there look coming over oh you staying over there oh you you’re moving on over there are you I don’t know don’t you don’t know where you’re going do you you’re all confused you’re in a pickle aren’t you never mind it’s nice to see you bye bye what a lovely lady they’re bit in the pickle it’s half time guys we’re not sure whether to carry on having a slow beer there or go to another bar I think quite a few people are in a pickle at half time there’s the lovely Oscars look out for the video guys delish food there at Oscars he’s always waving at us such a nice guy oh let’s try the shortcut yeah and of course Ripples and the ghetto bar and the Sphinx bar but we’re going to do a short cut today we’re going to go past the capitanes there it is they’ve also got the football going on the atmosphere inside the stadium here in frankf was absolutely electric bingham’s name being sung out again when Hur gave that was exactly what we hi watching the game excellent slow beer Haven been a little bit frustra especially for so we’re taking the shortcut there we are around the back of there’s the Spinks bar and there’s a slope oh I do like the shortcut slope and that take us up to the main road guys we’re going onto a restaurant right up the slope oh I do like this shortcut slope it’s a good idea shortcut slope around Main Road there we are oh there’s theer restaurant guys it’s been closed we’re not sure what’s going on this year for theer beautiful restaurant and bar and it hasn’t reopened not sure what’s going on guys let us know if you do know there’s the red Indian and we’ve done a video down on this Main Main Road look out for the video guys lots of people miss out on this Main Road and there’s lots and lots of good bars down here delish restaurants Suess up the road that’s also delish Anatolia Let’s cross the Magic Carpet now be careful guys we’re on the main road so we have to be a little bit more cautious when we come to the floating carpet oh there we are up to the floating carpet and across thank you what a lovely taxi driver right now look out for the video guys we have been in the red Indian but we are not going in the red Indian tonight I’ll let you know where we’re going in a minute it’s like a traditional seet restaurant does mees very well known for its meses there it is nishio tior Messi place right on the corner Cypress sna beyond the restaurant is the diamond show Lounge guys fantastic bar got three shows in there look out for the video so I’m going to finish it here guys on the main road don’t forget to like And subscribe and if there’s somewhere you’d like me to go put it in the comments [Music] [Applause] [Music] below but


    1. Hi George and Su thank you for showing this Vlog yes the sunset is beautiful and the strip still looks amazing as ever as it’s still a shame about the fountain they seriously need to sort it out and it’s great to see the bars packed with the football well at least you could move about and it’s great that you are meeting viewers and I want you to get more than 20k as you really deserve it and that’s a shame about Estia and I have got a lot places of the strip on list and some of the top road well not long until we are trying some of them can’t wait now and today we have been to a country style pub near to where we live and sat in the beer garden as the weather here has got better for now and looking forward to the next Vlog

    2. Fab vlog guys .I always use that short cut.Great slope 👌Really loved seeing the strip again .Sad to see Estia closed .Bit strange 🤔Really enjoyed that .Thanks so much ❤

    3. Hello George & " crew "quiet on the streets…can you tell us when the next MOON WALK takes place and what its all about,?seen stickers on the pavements…we're coming out in September 🤞🤞💋💋🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿Denise and Chris.

    4. Hi George, we love your videos. My kids are big fans and my son Jake is asking if you could visit Spectrum, Pernera. We often visit spectrum when in Cyprus and Angelo is a fab host. We are over in a few weeks, hoping to see you on our travels.

    5. George , where was it when you did a video when there was like a couple of man made cat houses near a beach where you and the crew fed some cats living in the little houses , we are in Cyprus and would like to go and feed them 🐱😻

    6. Lovely evening stroll
      Surprised to see the Estia not reopening had a lovely meal there last year
      Wonder what happened to his smoker shed xx❤

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