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    In our third and final episode cycling through Greece we are met with amazing Greek hospitality and have some delicious home cooked food. We walk the bikes up some very steep mountains, have a gyros or 10 and find another 2 perfect wild camp spots.

    Stay tuned for the next episode heading into Albania, and follow us as we make our way towards the west coast of Ireland.

    Total distance cycled so far: 629km
    Total stats for Greece: 629km, 4364m gained, 44hr 20min in the saddle
    Countries visited: 1

    FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @laurenandscott_

    *Licensed by http://www.epidemicsound.com –
    Join here: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/yivkev/

    we’re Lauren and scottt and we are cycling 10,000 km across Europe starting in Greece the plan is to cycle to the West Coast of Ireland passing through 15 countries we cycle through some of the most magical Landscapes Europe has to offer so join us on our first ever Bike Tour as we learn to navigate the European cycling networks encounter all weather conditions and overindulge in our favorite baked goods mine’s so crunchy for our final episode in Greece our navigation problems continue we’re now going the wrong way and we’re going back to the we have a few more run-ins with Greek dogs fu ourselves with Os Oh yeah and get lucky with a wild Camp spot was it oh she’s just lost it head over biscuit good morning it is day five on the bike is day five on the bike pretty sure it is last night we spent um the night with a beautiful English lady we met along the way hi Joe if you’re watching um we found an awesome Camp spot just by the water we had really good sleep cuz it was not noisy or anything it was really nice and quiet um it was just the sounds of goats all night we just had baroy in this beautiful town named asteros and it’s definitely the best town we’ve been in I don’t know what made it the best maybe cuz it had a little bit of vibe cuz there was a few people around um went to the supermarket and bought I didn’t know if it was milk or yogurt turns out it was drinking yogurt and had some really crunchy granola in it yum and delicious um and then we set off ready to go and Scott for got to strap his um paneer rack on so it fell off the back and dragged along the road so good job Scott good start to the day this is very hard for me to film this because the GoPro is attached to chesty I’m picking it off off my chest but look at this view brilliant brilliant there’s Lauren you can see aticos but I can’t show you that but there’s the view again how good is that little Bart heading to one of the islands do a bit of fishing probably Splendid just on a descend into mitsi on a very quiet Road along the side of the [Music] [Music] mountain L should be coming down The Descent soon she goes down a bit slower than me just for safety she’s a bit nervous but she smashes it gets better every time here she is yeah yeah how’d you go some that was really safe wasn’t it that was fun wasn’t it oh oh she’s just lost it head over a biscuit oh goodness I was thinking why did we even want to cycle in Norway and we can come to rest yeah pretty much just a little bit steep little bit steep yeah good though just made it into micus that’s a nice Mountain what a beautiful spot lunch time 12:00 ass is sore n hurting a bit uh t for off D is that’s nice ain’t that interess let’s find a place to have lunch restaurant near me oh yeah we’re not quite there yet let’s go a great feast we headed to B’s Tavern that was highly recommended to us they treated us to a big GG feast and also allowed us to pitch our tent for the night good morning it’s day five we’re about 15 km from Al day day six it’s absolutely pouring lightning thunder storm all day they reckon they got the forecast right this time but we you have 15 km minimum to ride to a accommodation just doesn’t sound far doesn’t sound far Upp a mountain and we’re not very good on the bike in wet conditions yet so we’re very reluctant but I suppose we’ll have to get going soon might take us a while but the rain’s going to stop in like an hour and a half so hopefully it stops then then we can do a quick 15 com anyway got to go battery’s going fat see I’m in the end it didn’t rain as much as it was forecasted but as you can see with the Sun out we decided to do some washing and also some grocery shopping today is day 7 and we’re still in Mani it’s about 7:30 in the morning and we’re going to go to artr artropolis coffee get a loaf of bread and some coffees hopefully we bought the bread yesterday and it was the best AO I’ve ever had so good so we’re going to go get some more for our little lunch or dinner tonight and we should be leaving about 10: 10:30 got to watch the football first can’t we looks like it’s going to be a nice day though cuz it’s freezing this morning so good riding day hey buddy go buddy hey buddy puy actually think tried to eat your leg now he looks like he’s gone good morning we have left maniti quite late um 25 actually because Scott was watching the football SL not watching the football because the Wi-Fi wasn’t strong enough we have turned off the main road for the first time in maybe 3 days or 2 days um onto this fun Little Goat track Side Road thing supposedly going to take us through some Wetland down to the coast finished saying that we’re now going the wrong way and we’re going back to the highway let go the other way the other one Dam on where is this wa see yes oh my legs are course wow why what A rad in your can ni steep which way now I suppose what goes up must come down I am we’re just in a town called ARA we were not aware that it was so big so we’re on a pretty busy highway so gotot mapped us a different way turns out that way was up the body Mountain all right plan I did just go to little actually so it was worth going into when the treats came out with no treats that was a bit sad but did come up did come out with the yogurt out just uh rocked up side of the be Highway we’ been in Greece having our usual lunch not having campers a million tirs go past us with about 100 100 in hour and we still have they each other and the should is terrible we still have like 10 km to go until the EUR joins up again oh my goodness so loud who even knows if the Euro Val is going to be any better than this the reason we are out here is because we tried to go take a Farm Road and the dogs weren’t playing nice this morning he was guarding the whole Road and he looked at us and he looked too scary and I didn’t want to pass him so we just went to the Hardway and went the WR way around but bad decision oh well so we’re using our panes as a table we’re having banana and peanut butter right delicious and Nutella I’m definitely ready to get off this road look at that goodness I think we’ve just come off the Busy Highway and found this baby footp boy boy seen at all people overtaking people on like big freaking BS you can’t like mne Corners Scott we going just found a EUR place up here we finished on a r maybe 5 minutes ago but went in Greece oh really hoping that that highway is over this goodness oh [Music] yeah you how s is it is is like where am I going 90° oh boy off the bike change from the highway this is beautiful you may be going up but not with all the tracks went up water down there so good think that’s where we’re headed we have less than 30 H to go look at this OD ground it’s like individually laid bricks he’s coming up on the this Coastal Road went past some huge like Mansions lucky for us these convenience stores are actually very frequent in Greece it was easy for us to get fresh water and snacks whenever we [Music] wanted [Music] I just smashed him up here I’m definitely King of the mountain today we still have more to go at some kind of like no looking churchy thing has there’s not people here get up here wow look at that Rand very safe box again maybe this time going be the to B we’ve only get left Wonder minut so so last if you can believe it we made it up that was so steep tell you what I find a camping spot oh so worried at that there so many anyway we made it back to the highway that we were excited to leave about 2 hours ago but we’re back we’re on for long let’s go find a campsite just came down um a dirt road at last week quite a bit very grvy and this is what it looks like when we’re trying to find somebody to Camp is me standing with bikes and to running off looking for spots although we just saw the most beautiful view there’s a little viewing platform over there have to go to our Instagram to see that because I forgot to film when I over there I was just thinking about how overran this would be in Australia it’s like perfect distance from a town looks like it’s been used as a camping spot quite a few times it’s a beautifully FL spot few little few little branches here and there on the ground toilet paper and stuff around feel like it’s probably a van spot and like goes out there not bad not bad today we did 93 km and probably over 1,000 M elevation gain got our wild Camp spot around the corner and we have the most magnificent Cliff face view that we’ve possibly ever seen nearly ring those ones in Western Australia have a look at these mountain right on the ocean too there some big mountains in the background which I think we’ll be riding to towards tomorrow before we head into Albania so we spent the last 7 Days riding Greece and we should have done about 700 km by the time we enter Albania uh we have some accommodation books in Sande but we’ll spend three nights there so it’ be good to relax a bit and uh get the legs to recover a bit more cuz we’re pretty tired after today G has been super impressive and these views they haven’t been often enough because we’ve just come to the coast they are magnificent when you get to them cheers Greece how’s your time being in Greece Greece has been a real mix bag some really cool parts and some really not that fun like today we rode like 50 km on a highway then we got down to the coast and it was beautiful and we have this cool little campsite so real mixed bag all around good I’d say it has been good we got a delicious cheap earos halfway through the day that was great um that really picked the mood up from riding on the highway and we had Nutella on S for dinner it was delicious good morning we’re Day N of cycling here um just out of luta we camped last night it was nice and quiet night which was lovely we it’s a Friday night so we were a bit worried that some youths would come but no one came in the end yeah it was good and today we’re headed to sagada ziada yep 4 km from the Albanian border where will cross tomorrow it’s our last day in Greece full day hopefully it’s a good one hopefully the highways aren’t too busy the sun’s out and we’re supposedly going on a side road to the highway um shortly so we’ll see we’ll get a gear us to last one in greas yum oh God just such C coming down it’s just said amazing view but it is so cold I can’t I can barely breathe I can’t can’t my breath even though I’m not pedling it’s just oh my [Music] God oh my hands my brain I felt like I couldn’t breathe I know what you is oh my God is this so that was 3 and 1 half P since downhill was the colder my head is like steaming it actually hurts so much where are you guys I don’t know I actually felt sick oh my S though going put my jacket [Music] on [Music] [Music] just arrived in nenia 20K basically from the border I just had our second year of the day at4 2 much better than the first one we had Le they had meat and now very nice as well now we’re just riding along the B long the super cyle Park before we head out of town head to Woods Camp pretty [Music] much Welcome to our last day in Greece we have just come down to a campsite just outside of Sagi I think we’re about 4ks from the Albanian border um so pretty close we’ve actually had a really good day of riding um the roads have been the shoulders have been wide and the traffic has been friendly so that’s good um and we went through a nice like farm land coming into Sagi um which was also very flat and good riding um so we’re going to off to find our last campsite here in Greece before waking up early and Crossing into the Albanian border and tomorrow we’re expecting some rain we do have an Airbnb booked and he said we can whenever we want so we’re going to go pass and early and um get in before rain hopefully [Music]

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