1. Taylor Swift London Eras Tour Weekend (26:27)
    2. Suri Cruise celebrates high school graduation with mom Katie Holmes, drops dad Tom’s last name at ceremony (Page Six) (43:40)
    3. Justin Timberlake Breaks Silence on DWI Arrest During Concert (Deadline) (47:16)
    4. Elon Musk Quietly Welcomed Baby No. 12, His Third with Neuralink Corp.’s Shivon Zilis, Earlier This Year (PEOPLE) (52:10)
    5. Jennifer Lawrence to Star in Murder Mystery Inspired by ‘The Real Housewives’ (ET Online) (1:01:22)

    – House of The Dragon Recap (1:05:26)

    The Toast with Jackie (@JackieOshry) and Claudia Oshry (@girlwithnojob)
    Lean In:
    The Camper & The Counselor:
    The Morning Toast Patreon: 
    Girl With No Job by Claudia Oshry: 

    good morning Millennials welcome back to the toast and happy Monday that feels like a real Monday because we have work work to do things in which to discuss and we got to hop to it you know hey Jax how you doing ding good yes this is the grandle Monday the big week kickoff this week so many weeks in one I feel like every episode is going to be a whole week well first of all today’s episode is literally going to be the length of a week so I hope you’re sat as the kid say have a seat I’m sad we’ve got Taylor we’ve got Travis we’ve got JX we’ve got Claude we’ve got Romeo and what’s bigger than the whole sky for me on this day and we’re going to get into it and we won’t dilly dally too much because it’s really like the thing everyone wants to discuss is a royal family yeah of course there’s like so many things to talk about what’s your number one of this weekend what part of it Travis on stage yeah yours is but like but like Prince William is like an extremely close second yeah yeah for me Prince that that’s that selfie I’m just it was too much it was more than I could predict like I thought I was being delusional in my prediction like princess Charlotte popping out at the concert no they gave us more than I could have ever dreamed of it was genuinely like a weekend like it was too much for anyone to even sort of withstand and I’m glad that we got like a day or two to process like I have a lot of thoughts of things in which to share um we also have House of the Dragon recap did you watch last night I did so we’ll be doing that at the end of the show and then the other stories which good luck to them good luck to them but they they’re th you know hopefully they can fit on the cards hopefully there’s enough time for all of them cuz honestly Taylor sucked all the air out of the room today we could seriously do a Fast Five of Taylor’s weekend in London we could but instead all tailored will be in Story number one and then there are technically other stories te in a technical sense in a technical sense but before we get into everything how was your weekend my weekend was fabulous I headed Upstate with my in-laws we celebrated my father-in-law’s birthday and two interesting things happened to me that I wanted to share that I didn’t even tell you offline cuz I wanted to get your genuine reaction the I didn’t really talk to you this weekend you were kind of like in the woods being a nature girl yeah I was I went on a hike classic tur really tur were you in a yurt but let me tell you so were you in a it it kind of was a YT actually y tur was in a YT it was just not a YT really at all except that it was round you know like Vibes our little cabin thing was yeah it was round so that’s so funny really so on one of the days Ben and I ventured out to pick up lunch for everybody and we place the order we had like 15 minutes to kill so we start you know walking around the town is really cute there and we’re in this like antique shop looking around and this like guy like normal looking guy our age like comes over and he’s like excuse me guys yeah yeah guy and I’m like yeah hi and he’s like are you and I was like wow they just they follow me everywhere I was like yes I am her she is me girl with no job toast he was like oh my God yeah yeah yeah and so then his like wife comes over and I thought you know they were just ready to dot on me no no no Jackie you know what they said seriously I was with bed first of all and you couldn’t have you could have given me a thousand guesses I wouldn’t have going to guessed what they said next they didn’t say we love good guys no GH God forbid God okay no worse they said oh my God you know we are like really really close like best friends with mavick oh my God in front of Ben in front of Ben and I’m like oh that’s amazing how is he and they were like oh he’s amazing he actually just got married I said oh that’s amazing sick I had to you know SOB quietly in the corner oh my God and I’m like oh and they like they they couldn’t have been nicer and I I actually was curious and I said does he know at all like the lore Ben oh two questions does Maverick know the lore yeah who cares about Ben no Maverick like what does Maverick know about like this crazy story we have kind of concocted in our heads and they were like yes um we actually all got got together and did like a dramatic reading of your book and I said oh that’s amazing no that’s just what I wanted to hear thank you so much I had sort of maybe it was like delusional of me I had sort of just decided that the whole thing just went over his head you know like he hadn’t heard he’s super busy he missed it and they were like no no no like he knows everything and they were like we were cracking up and I was like oh that’s so amazing thank you so much for ruining my day you know what’s funny I feel like when you start this job of like trying to be a content creator an influencer I think a lot of people like don’t star because they’re worried what like people that they went to middle school and high school are going to think about them when they see their content like that’s the worst people to think about watching your content when you start out but then you hit a level of success and it’s like yeah those people from middle school and high school can’t touch me look at me now yeah but now it’s like no back to worrying about what people from middle school and high school are saying about your content it it was such a nice day up until that point you know um um and so that was definitely a lull in the weekend I’ll say that and what does Ben know about the mavick lore the thing is Ben read my book and Maverick’s name didn’t jump out to him and what’s so funny is like I had had a whole chapter on like Ben and just dating and my dating experience was so limited that the the story I wanted to harp on like my ex was seriously like a boy iiss in the seventh grade like that’s how uneventful my social life was um and so Ben obviously like a normal human being thought nothing of it you know everybody like had a crush in Middle School um he doesn’t I think he actually he does know how you and I have sort of never moved on from that yeah we’re still here right just collected on the Maverick lore it takes a lot for me to feel like embarrassed I’m not really capable I’m Shameless in a lot of ways and I’ll tell you that was definitely um a horrifying experience so thank you to them they couldn’t have been by the way but it was just like oh great thanks have a good weekend yeah oo Taco AO taco and then the second thing that happened that ruined my weekend even though I had an amazing weekend of course I just come here and say the two things that you know ruined it don’t worry I have my negativities to share as well amazing so at this hotel we stayed at I brought my Kindle but there was like this uh and it’s gone what and it’s gone still in the no no no no I brought my Kindle but they had like this little shared Library where you can like leave and take books and I wanted to see what they had the only one I really recognized was it ends with us which classic and then they had Sarah’s ke now you and I were just talking about Sarah’s K because I had thought about perhaps watching it it’s a book turned into a movie um based on a true story during the Holocaust and I was like not going to watch it because I really didn’t want to get a pit but then when the book was there I don’t know why I felt like I need to like read this like I felt like these were two signs and I can’t keep ignoring it so I started the book I’m only read 70 pages and I had to take like three breaks and after 70 pages I literally had to excuse myself when I was at the pool and go to the bathroom and start crying like it is and I I can’t stop now like you’re going to finish it of course like how can I not finish a book about something people experience like these people have to live through it I can [ __ ] read it yeah oh my God the way I [ __ ] hate France like you seriously will never not catch me being francophobia ass and was like yeah Nazis oh no pretending to fight back they loved it they welcomed them to take over Paris like we all know Wei energy but this and I’m GNA pronounce it wrong V deive is that how we pronounce it I don’t know it’s this event in French history that you know they don’t teach in French schools and they don’t really talk about because it’s humiliating and you know we all think of the Nazis like oh bad of course bad but what ended up happening in France in July 1942 is so disgraceful and the French police really were out here making the Nazis look like Heroes because the French police were ordered by Nazis to like gather up the Jews but they were given strict instructions like you know working men able-bodied men but the French were like no no and there had been rumors that there was going to be a Roundup of able-bodied Jewish men so a lot of people’s like brothers and husbands like started like slowly disappearing going you know out of town um so when the time came for the Roundup there weren’t a lot of able-bodied men so the French police were like all right let’s do the next thing let’s take all the women and children and the remaining men and they ended up rounding up 14,000 Jews in one in July very hot in July um and what do you do with 14,000 juice who you round up I don’t know they decided to put them in this Indoor Stadium and this stadium is a longer standing but it was this like very famous uh Stadium where cycling competitions like took place bicycles or whatever and it’s July and they leave 14,000 Jews in this stadium for 4 days with no food no water and no bathrooms now what goes on during those four days is so abhorent like the conditions you can’t they’re worse than you could even imagine you know people giving birth people throwing themselves off of the off of the roof just onto the middle of the field because it was so horrible just killing themselves um people dying people throwing up people just going to the bathroom there’s nowhere there’s no toilet and then after 4 days they and this is where I’m up to in the book where they separate the men from the women and children everybody’s sent off to camps and once they get to the camps they eventually separate the um mothers from their children which is where I had to stop reading because it was just like so upsetting now I know through the story that all 14,000 people nobody who went into that Stadium made it out alive everybody ends up at aitz um birkenau which I haven’t gotten to in the book but the book takes place obviously in 1942 and then also this journalist in 2004 it’s a true story who gets like tasked she’s an American but she’s lived in Paris for 25 years and she gets tasked with like doing a story about the 60th anniversary she’s like what is this thing I never heard of vave and they like nobody around her wants to talk about it cuz like it’s like this [ __ ] stain on Fran’s resume and she’s just like doing everything she can to learn about it you know there are people who are still alive who like Liv oh and it’s in like a residential neighborhood and you know like people are coming out people are coming out of their houses on this warm sunny day seeing 14,000 Jews in coach buses being uh and they smelled it too yeah like it it rre on the streets of of France for for weeks because you had 14,000 people living in inhume it so I’m just starting the book but it so upset me so deeply and it like I couldn’t stop thinking about the whole weekend and I just want to say like I hate France that’s what I want to say fa the thing is we know all these stories about the Nazis you know Nazi this Nazi that and I just think it’s important that everybody knows well yes it was ordered by the Nazis France did it carried it out and did it worse than actually the Nazis had requested yeah they put they put their own little junqua on you yeah there was a lot of and excitement yeah there was a lot of excitement by these French policemen and then when they they talk about like how they got to this place but right before everybody was rounded up everybody was wearing yellow stars and they were kicked out of restaurants and and then there was this you know um exhibit put on by the Nazis that ran and it turned many people anti-semitic just like when they like lay the when they show how the groundwork was laid to get you don’t get to a place where everyone’s just showing up one day rounding up Jews there’s a lot of work that needs to be done to get Society to a place of comfortable with that being like Oh yeah we got to get rid of the Jews they’re dangerous um it’s so Eerie to what’s going on today yeah I’m sure you vide in La yesterday the pro Palestinian terrorists were outside of a synagogue in La restaurant kosher restaurant trying to block people from going into the synagogue they beat up a Jewish woman yep um broad daylight yeah fights breaking out left and right there was a couple did you see them in the Range Rover yeah and they had a baby in the back yeah thankfully the baby was taken to Child Services cuz when the terrorists show up like with their child yeah they literally came to beat up Jews with the toddler in the back SE in the car seat yeah disgraceful very similar to you know 1942 France energy MH and I don’t know I just feel like I feel like I do this too you know whenever we talk we’re always clowning on Germany in Modern Times And they deserve it and I feel like they take they take it you know they know that like we’re all making jokes about them they take the L and they know when people are like a little sensitive to them they get it however everything I’ve really heard about Germany in recent like even like months they’re doing the work you know they’re actively uh fighting against anti-Semitism Vogue Germany just put 100-year-old Holocaust Survivor on their cover like you know what I’m going to lay off of them a little bit just a little bit and I’m going to send some of that energy Fran’s way like I feel like we’ve all forgotten well at least I didn’t know now that I know done with you yeah they get a little overshadowed and they’re happy to be like yeah no not us Germany it was like Germany Germany no it was like lowkey youu [ __ ] so the book is really upsetting me and everybody who liked about it they’re like this book will ruin your life you’ll be thinking about it for years but like most and I love of course everybody knows my favorite World War II book is the nighting Gale but the nting Gale is not based on a true story and so when there when there are such compelling true stories to tell like Sarah’s key I think it’s important that like we read those ones so I I’m doing it it’s going to take me a while because it’s like really really hard to get through but I’m going to do it that’s good well I started the book for the redheads last night I did not have that experience actually I started a few nights ago it’s called real Amer Americans and I don’t know where it’s going it started in one vein I like thought I knew what this book was just like someone telling their life story and complaining um but it’s becoming like a little bit of like what where is this leading to a little bit of a mystery which I like so I and it’s really long so I’m only at like 40% but I so far I’m enjoying it what were the negative anecdotes you wanted to share from your weekend oh well I hate to like you know rag on a business but I’m going to do so because yesterday we went to what it’s called just to like spare other people CU like it’s just opened up and on the one hand sometimes it’s like I don’t want to rag on this but I don’t know I feel like something’s weird yesterday we went to this thing called the balloon Museum just opened in Miami in the Art District and you would think like a balloon Museum would be like primarily for children and then you know some adult like Museum of ice cream Vibes where it’s like super colorful and killed friendly but like some you know overgrown adults like want to go have fun and have an ice cream okay fine yeah it won’t stop you the balloon Museum was so the lights were off in most of the exhibits it was like all these different installations that were like eerie and creepy and either all black there was a olympic sized pool of balloons that were all black balloons and then on the ceiling were balloons hanging off all black balloons like weird so weird the light like if everything had been in primary colors and the lights were on it would have been sick amazingly fun A Feast for the eyes but it was so weird and it made me feel like this is very mature and it’s not for kids but like a balloon Museum that’s not for kids and the whole place was filled with children and I don’t know if everybody was thinking the same thing that I was but like I feel like there was some Discord on the planning committee where one person was like this is like someone was like you know that guy dead demna from Balenciaga and the other person was like a normal Ronald McDonald being like this should be fun yeah whatever Happ a fun and like honestly the Balenciaga went out it was giving Balenciaga and like if you were thinking about going or if it’s coming to your town like I would skip it I wish I had skipped it so I just wanted to like save some again the thing is they chose these Vibes so I don’t feel bad clowning on The Vibes and being like don’t go cuz like maybe it’s not for kids but if it’s not then who is it for yeah and then when you leave like there’s all these balloon animals you could buy and like there’s so many kid-friendly elements yeah and if it’s not for kids who is it for just like adults who want a Marvel at balloons it was weird do better I saw the pictures you guys jack is not being dramatic it’s definitely had like a sort of dark energy to it like demonic yeah everything was like dark and scary it was kind of like a haunted house more than like a museum or a celebration of balloons and colors you know it was not a celebra it was not a celebra I’m sorry like the picture is seriously and all the kids and all the pictures were screaming crying at the end there were all these vignettes colorful vignettes where you could take pictures with balloons that were so cute so like I’m sure if your friend is posting from the balloon Museum you’re like wait this looks amazing because like those in grabble moments were adorable and that was really fun but the whole of the museum was incredibly [ __ ] weird that is so unfortunate and the kids deserve better than that seriously like who is I and I also want to know who is this for it’s also like in the Design District so maybe it was for like Crees but I’m sorry grow up it’s balloons yeah balloons I think it’s safe to say are reserve put that in the children’s category even more so than ice cream yeah ice cream’s Forever on it’s a food th% but I think balloons are for children and what was the other negative anecdote no that was really the one oh oh my God but a positive anecdote is I’m just going through bread left and right I made fresh bread on Saturday and I have another loaf going today because we finished all of our bread everyone is loving my bread I’m super excited to get my hands on it oh and the other thing I wanted to say is that this morning I was on a business call with my business partner Ben Ben literally called me as I was getting ready to like go ideas for the sandwich shop that’s not happening like I’m having fun like I’ll make a sandwich and then I’ll give it a title cuz like this is me being like creative and violent and artistic and I’ll indulge him we’ll like literally have fights about the business just cuz it’s literally a hobby it’s like a fun it’s not a hobby it’s a hypothetical no but just like talking about this fake idea there’s something like creative and fun about it stimulating the fact that we had a call this morning talking about and arguing about where our first location should be because I told you like this is not a joke to Ben you can’t joke about business to Ben like he’s excited and he’s I’m telling you he’s he’s moving forward like with or without you I don’t know where we landed on the first location I think we said Asberry Park cuz he liked that idea so I don’t know if soon we’re going to be owning land in Asberry Park but like someone needs to tell him I’m just going through the motions like I’m just having fun and being creative it’s like C I’m laring as a sandwich shop Omer that’s what I’m doing I like how you’re saying somebody needs to tell you yeah no no no you got yourself into this mess you’ll get yourself out just tell them it’s a one large lar actually I mean look at the book that started as a lar most great things do should we name the sandwich restaurant lar witch LARP witch oh also there’s so many names but not the name what were we going to call it today Ben and I I forget right now it’s it’s the sandwich do you want to tell everyone what your like Jackie has decided on a name and Ben like doesn’t get it he hat it and Jackie will here to for be referring to the sandwich shop as this so when we talk about the sandwich shop this is what I call it I recognize I don’t really think there’s a world in which like letters are going up on a building with this name on it but this is my working name for the restaurant because I think it encompasses the vibe that I’m going for and it has a really sweet meaning yeah so the restaurant as I see it in my head is called strand berries and Ben is so confused he said how did we get here how do we get out so it’s called Stanberry because right now like that’s what Harry calls sandwiches like oh I didn’t even know that I thought dry sand no sries but that’s another one no it’s CED Stanberry cuz like when I I make him sandwiches he we call them like Stanberry and and then I call them Stanberry so now he calls it that because that’s what we call it oh I totally miss that and I just feel like the term strandberg them tablecloth and Mason jars and welcome to strand berries yeah and Visually that’s not at all what Ben has in mind you know and Mason jars no he has good guy Subs in mind where it’s sweaty Meats all the time yeah I actually think you two going into business together is not the right idea you’re too far off the thing is he’s willing to compromise because he just wants to make a deal I think he thinks like a bad deal is better than no deal yeah yeah and as much I think good guys Subs is a great idea I can’t be a part of it cuz I have nothing to do with that yeah like it’s not me yeah so that’s where we’re at creative difference wise and I know we said we wouldn’t Dilly J but that’s exactly what we’ve done it is as we always do but I’m going to make an executive decision to get into the fast f stories that you need to know and the fast five stories that you need to know are brought to you by State Farm we know our toasters can agree that nothing feels better than a personal win like when we get our final piece of furniture delivered to our apartment and your home feels truly complete or hitting a workout you know personal best during per se maybe a run if that’s something you’re into so maybe you’re a toaster who managed to stop for a much needed ice coffee and still made it to work on time or you found a new pair of jeans that finally fit perfectly whatever it is that you define as a win it calls for celebration and who’s cheering right beside you State Farm because with State Farm’s personal price plan you can create an affordable price just for you when you bundle home in Auto so celebrate by breaking out the confetti and those happy dance moves talk to a State Farm agent today to learn how you can bundle and save with the personal price plan the best part about um State Farm in general is their methods of communication apply to all different types of 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with you know if you’re wearing one arm or it’s a symmetrical they’ve got you covered and I love their t-shirts they have this the T-shirt shop where they have tons of different t-shirts cuz for me right now I’m kind of in my like tight shirt big bottom era and I love the um different long sleeve short sleeve shirts from skims that really flatter the body they like Contour the body really well and then wearing it with like a nice cool pair of baggy pants makes me feel like extremely young and hip um the boyfriend t-shirt is fabulous and they come in a ton of different colors like oh you like nude here’s 11 different types of nude thank you of course skims is known for being um size inclusive as well so they go from size extra extra small up to 4X so shop the skims T-shirt shop at skims.com again now available in sizes extra extra small up to 4X and if you haven’t yet be sure to let them know that we sent you after you place your order select podcast in the survey and select our show in the drop- down menu that follows support our show support you know your breasts and support women skims that’s a skim T-shirt shop thank you skims for sponsoring today’s episode great thank you la our first Story Taylor Swift eras Tour London let’s start with the number one in most people’s hearts and Minds she brought Travis Kelce on stage as a surprise guest during the third London era tour show so before she sings the song I can do it with broken heart she does a little skit apparently I wouldn’t know because I haven’t been spoiling the concert for myself on Tik Tok all this time and for the last show Travis joined the skit so the skit is essentially right before the song I can do it with a broken heart and and during the skit she’s like no I don’t want to do it like it’s very emblematic of the song that’s about to come and her dancers are like shaking her and you know uh putting her new outfit on brushing her hair being like [ __ ] get ready and when the dancers come out there’s usually three of them I think the third one was Travis and seriously like the the videos that that have come out are and they’re still coming out are so crazy because the audible like gasp the the shook like you can hear it people were not at all expecting I mean Taylor is so in you know in recent memory so private about her relationship she barely walks red carpet withi so to even fathom that her boyfriend would come on stage is so not even nobody could have even conjured it up because it’s so out of the realm of possibility that when it did happen we choked I was choking people were I my phone was blowing up she brought him on stage I’m like no what okay what are people saying what the camera turned to him I was like there’s no way he’s physically on stage and he was he did a great job own costume B spoke he had his own little dance Lu Vuittons lub Vuittons fresh and he was one of the dancers he like picked her up brought her to like the other dancers and they like fixed her makeup and he had like a makeup brush it was it it takes a lot to shock me I was shocked honey I was in tears I was shocked yeah next it’s like not that crazy when you think about how like you know she stormed the field like remember when we were like Taylor’s on the field Travis is on the stage yeah it’s the equivalent of you know supporting your partner I it’s fun it’s like it’s like Ben coming out at one of our live shows exactly and after the whole weekend of him like being a star you know he was entertaining friends and family and the VIP 10 he really was kind of being like you know first gentleman energy yeah and it was such a fabulous weekend for him his brother was there Kylie and Jason were at the first two shows like so you just it I honestly like I have no words yeah really really really cute really cute really shocking and then up until that point there had been so many newsworthy things like about them you know she was pointing to him she did his Archer pose that he does when he scores a touchdown they were literally just like staring at each other the whole concer cing or Easter egg it was just like that she literally might as well point and been like hey Travis I love you yeah like that’s my man like it was shocking in its um what’s the opposite of subtle overt overtness because Taylor’s never been like that and even in this relationship she has been like that so it shouldn’t shock us but it still does but it’s just like most relationships where there’s just stages now they have different stages to hit but it’s like they’re at the stage first he comes to a show then he’s seen at the show next he’s pointed at show the guy on the Chiefs Karma’s the guy the Chiefs and now he’s on stage what’s next literally a duet yeah what what could even be more than this aside from like engagement and getting married but like in a professional sense that he could do they literally like during the secret songs bring him up and they harmonize to you’ve got to fight for your right to party like that’s next literally that’s next super cute and I love how like you know she came to his game storm the field and it was like I forget who they even played it was all about Taylor and he obviously loved that and now like he came to her it’s all we’re talking about and it’s not weird it’s like really the definition of having like two equal you know um Partners who really support each other and it’s not like it’s not weird it’s not like insecurity cuz I feel like in the past this would never happen for a number of reasons one like a partner who’s super private wouldn’t want to do something so public two Taylor wouldn’t want to make her relationship like something for the public like I feel like nobody would have wanted this not even talking about Joe I’m talking about literally any person she’s never brought a partner up on stage like Even Calvin Harris to be on the ones and twos frea frea and it is really crazy that like this Monumental weekend happened in London now obviously London’s just like a major city in Europe and it’s also a city that Taylor’s like deeply connected to and has a lot of songs about so it makes sense that like all this hoopla would have been for that there are certain cities like you know when she did Sofi it was going to be a big deal and there were a bunch of surpris you know things over there you knew when she did New York it was going to be like certain cities are tailor coded and and London is one of them but it’s got to hurt that you know her most recent long-term relationship like took place there yeah but also Maddie is a London boy Harry Styles Calvin Harris is he Australian is he something he’s got an accent does he Yeah well yeah I feel like you could always say oh this was like directed at Joe but then like Maddie puts a layer of confusion into everything which is good like same with ttbd it’s like is it Joe or Maddie it takes the pressure off of Joe which I’m happy for him cuz like he can’t handle it okay no and the thing is is that in so many ways nothing that’s happened in the last year is about Joe aln it’s literally all about mty hilly like on the car ride home from upstate yesterday I listened to ttpd again like from front to be front to end in full and the way there’s like two Joe alwin references and like a thousand Matty hey ones is so crazy and I actually do feel like it’s meant I’m sure she could write a million song about Joe it was a very profound you know part of her life but I do feel like it’s you know her way of protecting that time in her life like even though it didn’t work out it wasn’t important relationship um and then you know one of Matty Hill’s exes was at one of the shows last night in Taylor’s VIP tent like yeah it’s it’s it’s more Matty hey cated than anything but everybody automatically you know sees a picture of Taylor with the prince of England and they’re like Joe yeah yeah it’s very true also she sang I could do it with a broken heart she sings it right after smallest man who ever lived so it’s like her heart is broken she needs to be picked back up by Travis from the smallest man who ever lived who is Maddie no no she’s literally like she’s telling like she’s not like I said there’s no subtlety here and she’s always been known for being like this could be about anyone or anything and I think a lot of people have thought over time like the meaning of songs has has changed actually they’re like wait no it’s not about that it’s about this but right in this moment she’s being incredibly direct and clear about what’s going on unrelated question what is who is but Daddy I love him about Maddie Healey but then when you listen to the very end of the song it ends up being about Travis okay because it’s like but daddy I love but Daddy 11 and then when she’s singing about me and my boy and all this wild Joy the last chorus she changes some of the words and it’s about Travis okay thank you for that also we’re going to get into everyone who attended every night but the headline of guests who attended Prince William princess Charlotte Prince George in the RO as predicted by us singing to shake it off we literally said and they went backstage which as Travis knows no one goes backstage but I like it just shows immense respect for the royal family but like mutual respect because when I saw that selfie of Travis tailored William Charlotte George it’s like I couldn’t even tell you who’s the most excited to be in that picture and who’s the least excited like everyone Charlotte was the most you think Charlotte was the most you don’t think William was so excited being like I’m dad of the year F har no the crazy thing about that is and we were just talking about that like remember when Prince William oh no Prince Charles was it wanted to no it was William wanted to meet Kevin cner when you’re Royal like you want to meet someone you summon them to you you don’t go to someone they come to you the fact that like he got his whole family out of the house and went to Taylor is like such a sign of respect and we know that historically they’ve been friends so it’s not shocking but just seeing them like at somebody else’s place is shocking where’re they’re not in control yeah but you know Charlotte was like I am abdicating if you don’t take me to ARS London but daddy I love her her I love her um that photo really shook me to my core for a million reasons that was one of the pictures that like stopped me in my tracks especially because I saw it organically on my own I woke up I follow Prince and Princess of Wales and I saw it in feed by them not even someone’s commentary being like Oh my God I’m like what the [ __ ] I saw naturally in feed but from Taylor which was I think even more shocking honestly cuz she doesn’t post any she doesn’t post selfies like she postal Getty from her shows and the art work from her albums and I didn’t know where to look first because just in a selfie like a regular looking photo of Taylor Swift is so jarring um the [ __ ] royal family and then I was like oh my God Travis yeah and then the longer you looked at the photo the more there was to glean Travis with his us olymp team Olympic Team USA olympic hat Obsessed the hat that he wore all weekend long basically just being like [ __ ] everyone here I I seriously like I could not stop looking at places and then I was also I was like this was clearly before the show and the first outfit she wears is like this bodysuit there’s no way she was just wearing these bodysuits so I go back and look again she put on the Blazer that she puts on after the bodysuit for the man so she wore like a full Blazer dress but I was like she probably to put that on cuz she just probably walks around the stadium before like 10 minutes before the show in her bodysuit so they met her before the show yes like her full Glam you could always tell because her hair is Curly oh that’s so true and her makeup was Perfection she looks like a wax figure Madam CH sods by the way did I say that to you yeah oh okay cuz I was like oh my God I actually thought it was a Madam too something when I my first instinct cuz she looked perfect and then also there was the video of William singing Shake It Off In The Box dancing like as people say Chandler Bing yeah he was getting after it in the Box he was getting after it it’s so funny like what they did in one night for like the Royal Family’s CU score years of intentional press strategy could never do I mean there’s something so relatable about not only Taylor Smith but just like music You Know music brings people together and just like dance like no one’s watching you know he was certainly dancing like no one was watching that’s not how I would think he would dance I’m obsessed me too I love to see him just like let him let it go he rough few years for sure also what’s so crazy is how Shake It Off I feel like for you and me is like the worst song in Taylor’s catalog butom song at eras like it’s lit then let’s go into the VIP T because not only was Prince William getting after it during shake it off but there was a video that was going viral of the VIP tent during Shake It Off like it was jumping it was jumping with aister Ashton and Mila Tom Cruz by the way not Tom Cruz gone to the Aros tour and like literally that same exact moment sir’s graduating from college and like Katie Holmes is there it’s like tell me you don’t talk to your daughter without telling me you don’t talk to your daughter from high school yeah yeah oh did I say college yeah oh um he was there and then also so I kept seeing this girl in the video she looks like Michelle Randol I’m like who is that she’s obviously a famous person and she’s quite beautiful turns out that’s Gabriella Brooks who’s Matty Hill’s ex of like five years so her and Taylor have a lot to talk about and now she dates Liam Hemsworth who was also there obsessed I know but it’s it’s just not good for Miley taylored relations H it’s fine it’s fine but like Taylor always is like extremely gracious with tickets but you know she had double she had two tents this time because like there were so many famous people who wanted to come every single night they had two every single night uh Kate Blanchett Paul McCartney so here I’m going to go through the the list Entertainment Tonight did a here’s a big list of who was at the concert thank you to Entertainment Tonight night one Cara deline classic niola Coughlin no comment Jonathan vaness Jason and Kylie Kelce both nights Travis Kelsey of course Scott and Andrea Swift of course Salma this list is annoying Salma Hayek I saw that I didn’t see that one Leslie man yep I saw she could have went under the radar because I saw her in a video no one was talking about it Prince William Prince George and Princess Charlotte of course Aon Andrews and Carissa Thompson oh it looks like they were oh yeah oh and I think she was with Kylie Kelsey don’t vote me on that but that makes sense little women in sports additionally Stella McCartney was there of course night two Travis Kelce Jason and Kylie Tom Cruz as stated so strange munis and Ashton Kutcher and their kids Liam Hemsworth and Gabriella Brooks Greta Gerwig Rachel zler uhhuh Theo James oh yeah additionally Jamie Dornan was there oh night three Travis Kelce Sophie Turner and Gracie Adams and then Gracie went on stage for the Gracie Adams Abrams I should know that cuz she’s JJ Abrams daughter and for some reason I can never forget that yeah no I mean what do you mean who could I feel like sometimes like I forget not that often but like it’s forgettable that Lily Collins is Phil Collins daughter I guess I cannot separate Gracie from JJ and I feel bad about that every time she puts out a song I’m like is this good or is she JJ Abram’s daughter both okay Paul McCartney my queen that isn’t the part of the royal family Ellie ging yeah John bonjovi yeah phoeby Waller bridge and Andrew Scott yep Blanchet Kate mhm and that’s it no it was really crazy the amount of famous people who went like but I need to know like if you’re a famous person obviously like Tom Cruz is going in the VIP tent but like there were some names there that I was like I’m surprised she’d like let you in the tent and you didn’t have to get a ticket and then there’s some people who buy a ticket that I’m like why weren’t you in the tent okay totally because when me and Margot went the first night at um Ms uh what’s called metti Kate Upton was like a few rows behind us and somebody must have figured it out because she left and never came back so before the show even started she was obviously taken to the tent I think it’s just about like who your publicists are like if you can get in contact I feel like if you’re a recognizable person and you ask she says yes but maybe some of them don’t ask like no I’ll just get my own ticket you know yeah cuz there’s a lot of celebs there like she’s pretty generous yeah she is I mean it it behooves her cuz it’s newsworthy and it’s just Buzzy and then we’re talking you know again about really behooves the CBS like if you can get into that tent like you’re going to have a good press week no and the funny thing is like it’s just every person in their life whether it’s you know Kate Blanchet herself or Kate blanchett’s you know daughter is going to like if you’re going to have one you have a famous person in your life and you have one fam to ask you’re going to ask for Eros tour tickets like that’s everyone phones in their celebrity favor so whether the celebrity themselves is a fan or not like there’s going to be a million celebs at every show but London obviously is also a hot spot for celebs and I would love to know who they’ve said no to same that’s the list I want same okay well our next story is a little tailored adjacent because okay is there anything else from eras that we need to discuss let me just think love every minute of it yeah and they went out last night yeah they did I feel like there was something though and I was like I’m going to forget this if I don’t pull a tab open but I have too many tabs open it’ll come back to us if I don’t know I feel like we got everything with all the surprise guests yeah great oh uh Paramore Haley Williams came in say castle was crumbling the you know every like she gives her all to every show but certain cities have like a special Sparkle to them and I think everybody knew London was going to be one of them and it did not disappoint you know yeah it did not it was more than I thought like when you were like Monday’s going to be a big day cuz of London Aros I’m like okay big day yeah by the way it was more than I thought too like cuz nobody could have conceptualized any of these things yeah like maybe the royal family would have attended and we would have gotten one blurry video of them in the box never did I imagine highdefinition backstage photos and I just want you to know like that would have been so much for me just knowing that they attended and there was a blurry video like even if it was just and even if they weren’t dancing with their their whole heart right heart if they were dancing half-heartedly yeah I’m not going to talk about Prince Williams P I know I know that’s why I didn’t say it either yeah I didn’t say it either our next story as Claudia afur mentioned Siri Cruz graduated high school this weekend with her mom Katie Holmes while Tom Cruz was at the eras Tour London and notably she dropped her last name from the procession so it listed Siri Noel Noel as a graduate from LaGuardia high school on Friday with her mom by her side she could be seen ringing in the Milestone by snapping pics with her mom and friends in New York City where she resides was big news regardless but then of course coupled with Tom at eras which I think they have no relationship that’s what everyone has said so I do not think Tom knew that Siri was graduating that day why would he know by the way they don’t have a relationship that’s like a core tenant of Scientology is that if someone in your family or anyone who leaves the the religion is considered an SP a suppressed no shunned person and you’re not allowed to talk to them that’s why Nicole Kidman’s kids with Tom Cruz do not speak to her because she left and that’s what you know I feel like you can add this to my list of favorite story is in the Keith Urban lyric that he references blue a’t your color like what kind of man turns this kid and makes them eyes cold um it’s devastating but I think for a lot of people this might have been their way of finding out that Tom and Siri Cruz don’t have a relationship but if you know a little bit about scientology you know like you can’t yeah doesn’t like he the most serious Scientologist on the planet yeah head King but he like invented it doesn’t Siri Cruz graduating high school make you feel old like we remember when she was born yeah yeah it does make me feel old except I literally thought she had graduated college so now I’m feeling kind of young yeah yeah yeah it does look very collegey yeah and I’m surprised she went to LaGuardia she going to pursue LaGuardia is a like a performing art school well she’s got the Arts in her blood on both sides I love Katie Holmes like I everything I know about her like Po Tom Cruz like everything I learn about her makes me like her more I think she’s like an incredibly devoted mother I think she’s like really normal and cute and I think she like wakes up every day grateful to the Lord above that she got out of whatever the [ __ ] was going on during her marriage to Tom Cruz which was probably like the worst time in her life yeah and the fact that she was able to get her daughter out I mean every time I see her she smiling it’s not surprising you would too yeah but remember when Siri Cruz like as a child was the biggest deal like the biggest deal child yes no no you could not open a newspaper without seeing a picture of like this young brunette child they were obsessed I think and I don’t we weren’t like super socially conscious at the time right but I remember like the level of hype for surri Cruz as a child same and now I think I can glean why it’s because at the time Tom Cruz was like a like a Miles Teller like the biggest movie star aist aist and Katie Holmes was like this girl on the rise she was like on her way to becoming this Starlet and he just like snatched her up and I think a lot of people were like why yeah so it was like it was confusing for the culture so everybody just became obsessed yeah yeah that was a crazy time so this and I’ve said it once I’ve said again they can’t make me like Tom Cruz even him going to Aros tore which of course is like the number one way to endear me to someone like get out of that tent smelly like you’re not it’s not for people like you I feel like you were liking him more recently no they tried to make me like him with Top Gun it didn’t work I feel like he did something recently oh his coconut cake I if there’s one person who can make you like Tom Cruz it’s ch Tavis it’s Miles Teller yeah no that’s what I said loves him chy that’s what I said they’re trying everyone well they’re trying but it won’t work our next story is at someone that they’ll never make you like Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake a little update on Justin Timberlake’s bad week so Justin Timberlake broke his silence on his DWIs during his concert a part of his world tour the tour um in Chicago on Friday night and his concert’s making news for a lot of reasons one he spoke about the DWI and this is what he said he said it’s been a tough week he said it’s been putting it mildly he said it’s been a tough week I know I’m hard to love sometimes but you keep loving me right back he added that all his fans too have faced ups and downs and left and rights don’t like compare us to you you know like we don’t do that well the people in the stadium Arena are probably like yeah Justin we’ve all been there right some more news is that the bartender from the hotel that he had dranks at said that he did have one martini however we all saw the mug shot and two there’s video footage from his concert going viral of him like doing crowd work so he’s up close with the fans and he looks like nutty he look but I had I had then heard that that was like an old piece of footage oh really yeah like it went viral and people were like oh my god look he looks like he’s on cocaine and then it turned out to be like an old video oh I got got yeah I got got too um having said that that video still is real like it’s no but to like be like Fresh Out The Slammer and looking like that like there’s an issue also another piece of news that came were saying St people were saying he was like still [ __ ] up from from the h when it’s like when it’s been two days and like I do think he had like a low number of drinks he was just like not sober but also heard Bender that he was stopped um before he was actually officially arrested he was stopped a little bit before and like given a warning so like call an Uber I also heard that the concierge at the hotel like called the police and said to look out for him because they were worried he was going to get behind the wheel okay like the more we learn the more we know um like I said hey but what do you think about the bartender saying he only had one martini well he could have only had one martini at your facility like that doesn’t mean he had only one martini in the whole city like well no he was only at that one place but I agree like maybe he might have showed up drunk too and you also might have ordered only one martini from you then at the table do you know what he drank you probably do because you’re making Justin turmer leg drink but like maybe he drank everyone else’s drinks too not only that like a martini can be demonic day what eat that day and maybe he had taken a anx to calm down for the world tour like you never know what’s in your system what mixes perhaps he was having an allergy attack and he took a Clarin and it mixed poorly with his Kettle One Martin especially if he took a Clarin D like you do not [ __ ] with the D exactly they say you can’t operate heavy machinery on psea fed maybe took a psea Fed it’s so true I learned that in my this is my like repeated stories you can add it to this in my 5H hour driving course about like drug and alcohol awareness all the things that I learned about drunk driving not to drunk Drive I learned a lot of things so yeah being on any sort of medication can really mess with you for me like I get and I’ve only it’s only happened once cuz it was like scary like I get [ __ ] up on Advil PM like I was hallucinating with Theo it’s like nightquil yeah but like nightquil I just like feel a little woozy and I go to sleep like having actual awake hallucinations with Advil PM oh no nightquil is drugs hard drugs nightquil is drug drugs you know what I [ __ ] heavily with though zequel like to me I associate NyQuil it’s like oh I’m don’t look for me for 12 hours yeah and I feel like Advil PM is like actually a little bit of a lighter version of that no no no Advil PM I feel like is a lighter of like meth for real at least that’s that was the experience that I had like you have to ask Ben I remember in my old Department like I think if you don’t fall asleep in a certain amount of time like yeah the dreams you would have if you were asleep like are are hallucinations in real life I was having the craziest conversation with Ben like so high on drugs it was really probably the closest I’ve ever come to like heroin that’s like qu ludes if you fight them yeah you’ll go high we all saw Wolf of Wall Street correct you’ll go high how did we get here justtin Timber Lake drug awareness right right right right not to not a far leap so like him only having one martini like truly means nothing to me cuz honestly one having one beer I’m so nuts if somebody has one beer I won’t get in the car with them although like I do know like having one beer doesn’t really imper you um One martini is is like four beers in my opinion mhm so yeah it’s just a cup of vodka they’re like one martini it’s a cup of vodka yeah are you ready for our next Story number four yeah okay Elon Musk quietly welcomed baby number 12 his third with nuring corpse Siobhan zillis earlier this year what about crimes so he has three babies with Siobhan who works for neuralink but they are not in a relationship this is what I learned from his book they had twins they welcomed twins together um a few years ago and now they just welcome baby number three and I think it was all through IVF the first two were so I think the third was two I don’t think it ever became romantic I don’t think they’re stripping she was just giving away sperm yeah because she wanted to be a mom and he wants to populate the Earth right and I guess like I know it’s like a running joke he has a million kids but you know that brain it’s a Once in a generation you couldn’t go to the sperm bank and find such a donor and he’s get it out for free it’s really crazy I I have to imagine it’ll have an impact on the next generation of scientists yeah I think some of his kids are very scientifically inclined already both nature and nurture right right right cuz like when he first got Siobhan pregnant like you know non-sexually with twins sioban and Grimes were friends and Grimes didn’t know so that was a little oo Taco the the thing is Grimes and now it’s like we’re friends and now all of a sudden we’re raising siblings no we’re friends and Sister Wives yeah but at least he wasn’t like having an affair also his OG wife Elon the one he had his first five kids with she just got remarried no tul Riley just got remarried he married her twice they didn’t have kids together and that’s his second wife just that’s like so crazy that he married someone he didn’t have kids with because it’s like clearly his hobby to have children yeah what I got from his book was that like they’re the right ones for each other in this world but like you know extenuating circumstances mean that they can’t be together right person wrong time right yeah so she’s actually married to that guy that well he’s not a boy anymore but he was in Love Actually he was in yes Queen’s Gambit Thomas BR Sanger he was in they just got mared over the weekend which is why he’s like the famous little kid from actually but he’s gone on to be a successful actor which most of those like famous little kids don’t you know yeah and they just got married over the weekend and it was big news I thought that was his first OG wife okay I got confused oh he was in Maze Runner so I guess that’s how like he pays the bills but he was also in Game of Thrones helping bran get to the the third eyed Raven yes yes great call Great call and that was not going to be another story I thought about it but we already had one big Elon story so that’s the big Elon news of the day baby number 12 is here mlove and to life to life Le yeah they thought he was like hiding it but he said failure to issue a press release which would be bizarre does not mean secret but it’s true it’s kind of like you it’s your job to know and you didn’t so right but like what are why do we need to tell you a press release that like iaed a child over here and she’s like a private citizen girly with a job like let her live yeah and she works for neuralink which I need more and more every day the chip in your brain I need and I never thought I would be a chip when I was reading the nuring parts of his book I’m like Elon This Is Where I Leave You But like I have so many thoughts that I just need transcribe because they’re fleeting and I don’t remember what I needed to add to my list because I was in the shower and I couldn’t write it down it’s true it’s by the way it’s so true and I can’t leave a pen and paper by me all the time and they’re here today gone tomorrow and when you think as much as we do cuz we’re we’re sort of like you know big thinkers and you know thought leaders of Our Generation you need to have that [ __ ] transcribed because you know our thoughts are not just average thoughts no no but even just like it it’s mostly like tasks of like things I need to do like book a car for this get my hair for the shows like there are so many little things like that the um I meant to share with you uh do you know what Ben has started calling Romeo Mayo no Dukes you’ll never guess he call him he calls him Henry David why because we call him the row okay Henry David Henry David the row the row yeah that’s funny I’m surprised he doesn’t call him Mary Kate and Ashley that’s what I thought JY or you could call him the Lakes the what the Lakes you could call him Walden yeah you could so much lore um do you have something you want to ask me that is time for the fifth and final story but I do need to know if you’re ready no the fif the final story is brought to you by liptin specifically lipton’s green tea to support your Wellness goals and everyday Healthy Living so lipin green tea is a proactive Wellness hack to support your overall health did you know that two cups a day delivers a quick and simple win on your individual health and wellness Journeys thanks to the goodness of flavonoids so their new signature blend green tea is a propri blend Balan with a hint of Jasmine green tea to deliver a delicate floral fragrance and a smooth refreshing easy to sip taste it has 100 milligrams of flavonoids per every 8 oz cup and they also have a new lemon Peach and honey ginger green tea which is a fresh fruit inspired experience crafted with a signature green tea base and blended with ingredients to impart the taste of real squeezed fruit in a 75 milligrams of flavonoids per 8 ounces of cup so 8 ounces um in a cup I meant to say like I’ll get into all the health benefits of you know green tea and why you should be drinking two cups a day 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intriguing scoundrel with a dark secret they have undeniable chemistry so get ready to ship these Star Cross lovers in an epic tale of true love and high adventure set in an ALT Universe of action comedy romance and lust at First Sight oh and it’s all set to a modern soundtrack which we love so prepare thyself for My Lady Jane it arrives this week June 27th on Prime video um we love it period piece we love history but I also love when they do things like this is how history should have happened that’s like it’s kind of a really satisfying way to watch television so the TV show is called My Lady Jane it’s on Prime video starting June 27th that’s in three days um My Lady Jane June 27th on Prime video check it out thank you CH you’re welcome Bert are you ready for our fifth and final story a little content news now I am ready yes Jennifer Lawrence will star in a murder mystery inspired by by The Real Housewives yes Jennifer Lawrence will produce and star in the wives a real housewives inspired murder mystery produced by Apple Studio and a24 it was announced on Friday that Jay Law will produce and star in the wives a real housewives inspired who done it that was acquired for Apple original films in what is describing as a highly competitive situation the project will be co-produced by Apple Studio na a24 um I love this it sounds like it could be really stupid however Jennifer law kind of like doesn’t really like make bad movies and she has a very um obviously well-versed knowledge of like how movies work but also of the housewives so if there was someone who who can do it and do it well it would only be her I agree and considering it will likely be good it sounds really good the wi like we’re watching that in two seconds it’s giving Desperate Housewives Stepford Wives Gone Girl our face a th% 1,000% it sounds good I’m cautiously optimistic I’m sad if you had described it to me without saying Jennifer Lawrence would have been like ey roll cuz this does have the potential to be incredibly stupid it’s giving What’s that show we love ladies who kill why women kill why women kill that’s what this is so is it kind of going to be like um Knives Out sort of where it’s like we’re all solving this one mystery I feel like like big little eyes but with like a funny comedic yeah like maybe they’re all on like a cast trip and one of the producers gets kned and they have to sit in the house and figure out who did it yeah something like that I honestly think it sounds good it sounds amazing more of this please I mean let’s wait to see it but more of this do you think they’ll like tap any Housewives like to do cameos they’re always doing stuff like that I feel like that’s what would make it stupid I agree although there are a lot of Housewives who are like actors by trade like Kyle Richards Denise Denise Richard wait Denise Richards how am I just putting that together are they sisters Denise and Kyle Richards that’s really weird that is weird um an actress of course all of them you know Heather du bro famously as an actress so I agree though that’s what makes it like not serious and I actually hope that they don’t unless one of them is like an actual actress in the movie not a cameo Heather du like if Heather du BR wanted to like get a role in the show I think she would be really good yeah who else acts feel like they all like when they were younger like acted and modeled and like married rich men yeah and then like we’re still interested in being famous who was um Heather Duo fighting with for that role on Reba’s show bino yeah but she’s not an actress no like by trade no okay well I like this I think it sounds good me too and of course you know she’s going to go on Watch What Happens Live to promoted and Andy’s gonna have like the best day of his life yeah full circle full circle um she doesn’t make bad movies so I feel if there’s a woman who can do it it’s her I think if anyone were to do a cameo it would be Andy oh yeah duh mhm and he acted he was in Sex in the City Nene Leaks is actually like a a an amazing actress Ros Washington is Ros Washington her having like not only just a cameo but like a full-blown role over many episodes on Glee was one of the best things that ever happened to me not to mention her character was everything in this world agree ra Washington and I feel like we appreciated it when we had it like I don’t feel like it passed us by I feel like we were in that moment being like this is awesome yeah the RO that they wrote for her moment back I know but we need to appreciate that it happened like don’t cry because it’s over smile because it happened and really like appreciate that the role that was written for her like they couldn’t have written a better role for her and she nailed it she deserved an emm yeah yeah speaking of Emmy winning content let’s dive into our house of the Dragon recap episode 2 Jax was not going to watch it but I said give it one more chance yeah and what do you think um I stand by what I said last week which it’s like objectively not an amazing show like there were so many conversations where I was watching and I was like not to compare it to Game of Thrones all the time but like we would never have this conversation in Game of Thrones because it’s irrelevant like the older son talking to his betro standing out on the clip just being like I’m sad I’m sad too it didn’t move the plot forward whatsoever the quess is laying in bed talking about Raya didn’t move the plot forward whatsoever it’s just like they just need to kind of fill some [ __ ] up I agree like I was incredibly bored last night nothing happened um and the real difference I feel from last season when I loved this show was like there were so many characters I was championing like and obsessed with I seriously don’t give a [ __ ] who wins this war like right now I don’t even hate the other people so much like I hated the high Towers last season and everyone in King’s Landing I’m like they’re the devil seriously like I don’t even care like after what Damon did like I don’t stand really him anymore and not to be like Devil’s Advocate like rira putting all the blame at him like she did send him and she knew like he was like a scoundrel piece of [ __ ] you know yeah and I just don’t know how her team really bounce his back from because they were already like just irrelevant uglies on Dragon Stone now like yeah what are you going to do what’s the big move here what’s the play and now the thing is like I don’t believe in either one of their causes like that much no and also I don’t feel like any one person’s claim to the throne is bigger and better than another person like I don’t feel like Aon is a usurper like yes the the seris had said like rira would be his Heir when he didn’t have any sons but now he has Sons so aegon is a real Contender then he died before his time but and he and said something confusing to rira and to Allison right so now it’s like who has the better claim to the throne like they’re both kind of equal I don’t really care who sits on the thr much like most of the people in the Seven Kingdoms anding Kings Landing they’re like we don’t care who our king or queen is like can we just have some [ __ ] bread yeah literally and by the way the only time I really felt anything during last night’s episode was um anytime sir Christen Cole came on the scene and like lit within me this fire of hatred I loathe this man first of all so weak when he was like having that conversation with Sir Eric and like sending him to wherever it was like loser like you feel guilty cuz like you were out [ __ ] Allison when you should have been protecting the Future King and now you’re going to blame this guy and try and put it on him like it’s all you you’re a big timey loser I hate him and honestly not me like really kind of siding with and agreeing with a high tower last night like oh yeah when he was like what has sir Christin Cole done it’s like totally literally who is that right also they want this big moment like Allison sin is cuz I was [ __ ] sir Kristen like that’s why there wasn’t a guard who would have been guarding Allison’s room then like I said last week Helena ran into Allison’s room there was no guard there that’s be someone said that’s because Kristen was supposed to be outside the door okay still doesn’t make sense for The Heirs down the hall also Helena and aegon are husband and wife and brother and sister correct are they yeah because first of all where else did she come from she’s a Targaryen I just thought she was like a rogue cousin they flew in for sure but then when Helena said what they did to my girl I think they meant Helena I think she meant Helena like that her daughter had to see like go experience that and then also it’s like in yeah where else did she come from if not the sister that’s like really crazy brother and sister yeah and like how do you make the switch like from see I guess their whole lives they knew that they would be husband and wife one day I don’t think they spent a lot of time not justifying this whatsoever just trying to get into the mindset I don’t think they spent a lot of time together growing up cuz he’s in like you know King training and she’s sewing doing her knitting I truly like never put together that they were brother and sister I don’t think they spoke before seriously like I don’t think they speak now either unless they’re trying to have a child and I guess you have which they have to do right do they have another son they have the oh I don’t know they have a daughter mhm they might I don’t and then I cannot deal with Zoolander and the eye patch okay but can we talk about Zoolander and the eye patch laying naked I was like seriously what am I looking at like like they’re just trying to let you know like Zoolander has issues right he gives me the ick and like that sort of like naked skinny body like in a ball in that lady’s lap like I seriously wanted to vomit no and I cannot deal like him roaming through the castle Yeah it’s Zoolander it’s so unserious yeah I totally agree I just felt like so bored um and I also find myself confused like someone would walk in the room and I’m like who on God’s green diddly D Earth are you yeah like ser seriously who are you who did you feel that way about Baya Baya but then then you remember that she’s oh and then when that guy got off the ship and his brother was like waiting for him and I’m like are we supposed to know you no we don’t know them me and were like I think no we know that the older guy who got off the boat like helped Lord corus and saved his life and then that was his brother waiting for him in the doctor I’m sure they have things coming their way cuz then also when he’s like digging for shells and he finds a crab like okay I thought he was going to find I don’t know Jace a dragon egg and then he looks up and the dragon flying over him and then we follow the dragon it’s like just useless things like that yeah there was a million scenes like that like rira playing with her kids nobody said anything she’s just playing with her kids and then they go to the next scene like it was actually like boring yeah nothing happened cuz there’s only really one thing going on which is like the war that hasn’t started in Game of Thrones and I only compare it cuz the only reason we’re watching the show is because of Game of Thrones we would never be watching medieval dungeon and Dragons if not for Game of Thrones in Game of Thrones there were literally eight significant plots happening at the same time and anytime we jump to another scene like we are moving the plot forward of one of the this one even the main plot doesn’t move forward okay so the twins killed each other what does that change nothing no and and Game of Thrones like we would always acknowledge when there was an episode where like major things happened and sometimes that when there were episodes that like you could say like were boring pieces on the board were moving yes it was setting the stage for the next episode like you would see the bigger picture I don’t know what the hell was accomplished in last night’s episode except like seriously me checking my phone which I never did with Game of Thrones yeah also I said to Zach last night like the dragons have also lost their luster like now that everyone has dragons I don’t care when only Daenerys had them and it was like she’s stunting on these toes it was a big deal but now it’s like okay we both have dragons we’re equals who cares yeah and it’s like the dragons haven’t even done anything sickening or changed the war you know what I mean like in Game of Thrones like when she like you know freed all the slaves because of the dragons and like she was doing when they went above north of the wall slayed the dragons down boots pulled the dragon out of the ice and turned it into a white walking dragon now it’s just like I don’t know a commercial flight yeah it’s just sort of like a a common place they’re just like all surveying cool yeah I really don’t particularly like ride for any of the characters of course you guys know like last season I was obsessed with Damon and rira but like rir kicked him to the curb she’s right about that like he never really like fully championed her he’s just sort of like waiting for his opportunity and also it’s like if if they become queen and king consort and then like their children become heirs to the throne like that serves Demon’s end of him being on the throne in some sort of way so like that’s why he like Champions her to a degree cuz it’s good for him him yeah um and like do they have their own kids that’s who like the little blondies she was playing with yeah okay but even still Jace loose Jace is the one the older one he’s going to be the king yeah I like him I like him too but he he’s not um Targaryen well he is Targaryen but not like full yeah I don’t want to use the b word but like Bard but he is yeah I forgot about that word yeah yeah so there are a lot of like half legit claims so like I personally don’t give a rip you know who I’m liking not like like not disliking who Allison uh she like pisses me off I feel like we hated her last season I don’t hate I don’t hate no but that’s the thing we we hated her more so because we loved rira and we like hated what Allison did to her now like I don’t even ride so hard for rer like I feel equally about both of them I feel nothing and it’s like what did Alison du to her slept with her daddy right but like that was she didn’t she didn’t sleep with her daddy her own father forced her to sleep with’s Daddy what choice did she have and then she was there for viseris like in his really like decrepit forong old age she loved him actually like she really could be so much worse no and in her defense like she really did think that you know she heard visera say like Aon should be king but viseris just thought he was talking to someone else we know that and also in the small Council meetings like like she’s always advocating for deescalation yeah yeah yeah and she was like the only one who really like cared and felt bad that aen killed the other one loose yeah and I know also we’re supposed to like be so shook up that she’s sleeping with sir Kristen like this is like the big secret of the show and you know Helena don’t say anything and you know and she’s like I’ve sinned uh the way I don’t care she’s not married who gives a [ __ ] well it’s because he’s supposed to be pure but now that he’s the hand of the king I don’t feel like his job anymore requires celibacy that’s what I was thinking so it’s like a big deal for him like seriously who cares no literally who cares that’s the big secret I will say though like that scene where the Twins were fighting and you didn’t know which twin was twinning and then that was actually a good scene yeah cuz then one of them died and we’re like oh [ __ ] is that the right one well we were about to find out cuz if the other one went for rainer’s throat that’s that on that but then it didn’t even matter it was just like sad it actually was really sad yeah rip double rip double rip and I guess like that random hooker SLS spy ended up being good because she warned them yeah she is a very random hooker SLS spy and I really don’t like when like I just don’t like her yeah you know I I don’t even remember what she did last season the big betrayal I don’t remember yeah no it’s definitely not hitting like I certainly wouldn’t even dream of dressing up as one of them for Halloween you know yeah s hitting in the same way and that’s my opinion I just feel like Game of Thrones and even thinking about a lot of the spin-offs we were talking about last week like it’s giving like water down you know after Mean Girls they made like Mean Girls too and like uh or like Legally Blonde the twins where it was like off broad lowbudget Off Broadway versions like this is what it this is becoming trying to cap recreate the magic and capture that audience again it’s like but I felt like they were really on their way last season like they had something good I would love to know what changed I think the show it was better definitely in the first season but also like our excitement was like fresh we were bringing all of our Game of Thrones energy and now it’s like we’re only bringing our house of dragon energy which turned out to be like not that energetic so far and people are saying given a chance like it’s the second season like if we’re not in it like the the first season is where you really have to be patient because we’re laying the groundwork for the war to come like war is here and I’m I’m bored but like war is like kind of not here yeah right now it’s it’s soft War it’s murky yeah um well that’s our H my Max account no longer plays the preview for next episode so I don’t even get that like feeling of like yeah oh okay I’m I’m sad same and when it was over last night and it was an hour and 10 minutes of boringness I seriously didn’t even want to watch for next week I’m like can I go to bed now I actually looked to watch for next week cuz I was like I need to get my juices flowing hyped I couldn’t find it and that’s like really so without that I’m like okay so the end um and speaking of the end this is the end of our episode and I think we accomplished everything we set out to accomplished correct I think so so that’s our show thank you guys so much for listening to the toast Monday Morning Show where we deal with the fast stories you need to know every Monday through Friday on YouTube so you’re watching us on YouTube please feel free to subscribe this video thumbs up we’re also available to podcast and podcast can be found spycast beautiful about our sing about howly talented we are love you bye love bye


    1. Elon’s kids might be smart but I think it’s more important to be a present father and parent than it is to just produce gifted children that you never actually spend time with or raise

    2. I live about 2 miles away from what happened at Pico and Robertson in LA. I've been on the receiving end of anti-Semitism, and though I'm not Jewish, I do have a mezuzah on my door from previous tenants. I'm not going to take it down because it doesn't belong to me. After seeing the clips on social media of what was happening on Sunday, I decided to drive to the area to see if there was any way I could help. I did the same thing during BLM when I lived in NYC.

      It was comforting to see an abundance of law enforcement present, with tables filled with water and snacks as investigations were underway. Despite the horrors, all the restaurants in the area were bustling, full of young Jewish folks. This reminded me that even though there was a serious hate crime just hours ago, it wasn't going to stop them from their dinner plans. Baruch Hashem

    3. Okay The Wives show I thought it would be about the book The Wives by Tarryn Fisher. EXCELLENT book and very suspenseful. Read it! Even though this show isn’t based on her book (from my quick google search.)

    4. Ok but we did sit through some boring ass forest exploration scenes with Bran and his powers so I think there is some revisionist history happening with GOT. We didn’t always know the plot that was building before us girlies

    5. No ways! Not you ladies talking of what’s happening to the Jews in LA but nothing about what’s happening in Palestine! Typical white women

    6. I absolutely loved seeing William, George and Charlotte enjoying themselves and just having fun together. They needed that so badly. I love that Taylor could provide that happy space and core memory for them. And loved Travis being part of the show. The cutest and sweetest thing ever. I love genuine love and hope they make it for the long haul!

    7. Fully disagree on HoD, I am enjoying this season so much more so far. I’m invested in these characters. I thought the ending with the brothers fighting was such a beautiful and thrilling scene, idk how you guys didn’t even mention it!!!!

    8. Travis has always been the “it” guy in the room. Hugh Grant knows,Tweeting that he’s Taylor’s “excellent, if gigantic boyfriend “. Glad your opinion of him has evolved since calling him an American Meathead, which really missed the mark.

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