When Wrong is the Right Way: We head out into Albania (Shqipëria), the Land of Eagles. When our first day draws to a close we ask a farmer if we can stay on his field. He grants our wish and comes back with a surprise… Everywhere we go there are friendly folks, big and small, that make our journey that much more special. A pass at the end of a beautiful valley turns out to be impassable with the bikes. A bit disappointed we turn back the way we came. Daylight starts to fade so we ask a family if we could pitch our tent in their garden. Immediately we are welcomed to sleep inside and spend an evening we will never forget. Just amazing that when plans go wrong you meet the right kind of people to boost your spirit :.)

    To see, feel, smell, hear and taste everything the road has to offer will be so much different than watching a documentary or reading a book about it. Sometimes it will be difficult and most of the time fantastic. We hope you will find some inspiration in our video’s and maybe fuel your dreams as so many other have done for us.

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    Music: Roek Ultra


    1. Love your videos, do you fancy doing a vlog on what you have , that you do not really need , and what you wish you had that you didn't bring, you guys are so good at your trip, perhaps also about your stove; ? Is it good etc, can you get fuel ok for it , how do you manage water , what are your staples food wise , i dont think people always realise how much food and water weighs

    2. Another great video! Hey, BTW. I can't seem to get you on Instagram. It says your page isn't available. UPDATE: I just went straight to Instagram and found you. Your link doesn't take me there.😞

    3. Great vidéos . the pictures are splendid . movies well mounted . it is dynamic a real pleasure to follow the progress of tour trip . i look forward to seeing more . Thank you and have a good time .

    4. I was rather late by discovering your vlog-12… Still enjoying the images!! I think all your "wrong" ways are right E&M, go on with your beautiful journey and also go on with these very, very nice vlogs! They always give me the feeling to be near you! Glad that you run into so many lovely people out there! Love, Dad

    5. heys guys ,love the way you go ,if travelling to iran try stay with families ,cant take your bike to cabin unless have private one and ask the train manager to do so its safer they can organise storage but take your valuable with you ,you can find someone speak english on train most youn know english you can stay together in cabin but cabins are for 6 people might share , ,you are not the first travelling to iran by bike ,people are friendly but don't go off road faraway for sleep unless with families,ladies need to have cover hairs unfortunetly ,you will enjoy your trip by visit historical places as well ,wish you a safe and enjoable trip .

    6. YouTube recommended your channel to me you guys Are Awesome Thanks for sharing your adventure. 📸👍👍👍👍👍👍📸🙏 I subscribed to follow the adventure.

    7. I just randomly came across one of your videos and I’m hooked ! Love the videos & seeing all your amazing adventures. I look forward to many more. Safe travels 🥰
      From : Kerryn
      Brisbane Australia 🇦🇺

    8. Great videos guys. You're both great on camera, very natural and likeable. Loved your interaction with the locals. This is my new favourite cycling vlog (been looking for a new one since I got up to date with Iohan's See the World series). Happy travels!

    9. Hi..some suggestions,
      You tell some small things like where have you reached, what way have you come from, what is there in food and where did you buy food, and will go ahead to where you will reach in the evening. You are smart .. good luck

    10. Came across your videos very randomly. Love seeing your journey. Not just the cycling, but also the improvement in video quality. Editing and filming has really improved since the first video. Look forward to binging the rest of your journey! Greetings from Tilburg 😁

    11. It’s just so restorative for faith in the human race, especially for these times, atleast the reality portrayed by the news… again and again people you meet have heart. I’ve probably said that before. I’ll add i can see that if you trust in the process and accept the ups and downs, life unfolds in a truly magical way 🫶🏻

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