Can I complete the London to Brighton bike ride having only ever trained on Zwift indoors?

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    I can’t sit in this slipstream he’s not as fast as me Rafer number two just won’t do where’s rafha number one when you need that draft balancing along I’m trying to keep up with the bees on a mass category start He Who Dares wins so steep it’s so steep why is it so steep flying absolutely flying cleats not a problem to top right yeah I’m going to die so this video is my London to Brighton video I’m a great Pretender this is my third ever bike C because we’re not mentioning the one that I did 5 years ago with the exception of that one I haven’t ridden a bike since I was 18 that was 1998 I’m now 44 and I’ve entered into the London to Brighton bike ride as my third ever ride okay right I’ve arrived at clap and common been dropped off by Tracy just need to find a start line having just been dropped off by my support crew in the form of Tracy and my two teenage daughters I make my way to the start line for my first ever cycling event okay we’re on the start line and we’re moving forward we’re just waiting to get going now and the clouds have come over now I just want to quickly say for anyone watching this video without seeing any of my previous cycling videos first you’re missing a treat I got hundreds of comments on that video about not using cleats my cleat ability was so bad in that video I got absolutely niled for it and if I do attempt to complete the London to Brighton bike ride wearing cleats I’m going to die a death and I just want to say everyone that said that I’m going to faou miserably on the London to Brighton bike ride I really really hope you’re watching this that’s a bit aggressive one of the things I did was read the comments before attempting this bike ride if I believed half the things that I was told would happen to me then I would never have got to the start line 7 6 5 4 up zift unlike on zift no one was dropping City wats to power off the line at the end of the countdown the countdown was a massive anticlimax two let’s power [Applause] up now we got the animatic weight of everyone to go I was a good 100 me the start banner and had to wait for the front cyclist to slowly cross the line so unfortunately no 900 watt start for me okay we’re getting closer start lines 100 m people call it the day of rest but not for you Legend no no no here we go you s from London to Brighton so as I confidently get my feet into the cleats of death before I shouldn’t say that I shouldn’t call them cleats of death cuz that’s opening up people to then go for the cleats again guys the point of this video I’m not making a video about cleats I’m not sponsored by Shimano I have no interest in selling or defending the use of cleats if you don’t want to use them guys don’t use them and we’re off so as I confidently get my feet into the cleats go in this slow and I expertly avoid crashing into the start banner I Mark the start of my London to Brighton Adventure let’s do this so far so good 200 M off the line okay right I’m try and get some speed up I’d quite like to do this in a time that I would do it at home down here and I’ve got used brakes man there’s a lot of people doing this there’s a lot more people than I thought there’s more than at a running event I suppose it’s open to more capabilities 55 or 54 however far this is 55 is a lot more achievable on a bike than it is running so it opens it up to more people I suppose now that we were off of the and out on partially closed roads the challenge wasn’t London traffic okay here we go first traffic stop but more the other Riders everyone going at their own speed meant that there were bottlenecks and my comfortable Pace was slightly faster than most of those around me Cates this was a welcome change to running events when I say running events I mean events where you run starting to rain we’re getting some speed up now which she good obviously it’s downhill so I’m not blasting it off the start line but I did want to get a up and I couldn’t for quite a while I know this is a ride and not a race I don’t want to go slow I had to make my time up occasionally overtaken on the r when there was a safe Gap to do so the rest of the time I was spent riding at other people’s Paces cuz I couldn’t get past them I’m trying to overtake not because I’m trying to blast past people but just some people are going at different places and I want to keep want to keep a similar Pace up absolutely chucking it down now great right at the beginning guys you rejoined live roads was sharp the one straight road we were on was closed from the common but now we were about to join live roads through London this will be the first time cycling in central London on live roads since 1998 for me slowed right down now sn’s Pace drawing live road so obviously no overtaking police car just pulled out in front of us can’t wear them thir attempt at wearing them yeah off yeah yeah I did it uh last week twice sto like a yeah yeah yeah I take off too slow good luck anyway I will say that even with the best of intentions this chap wasn’t filling me with confidence telling me how much he hates CS I get it in the comments and now I’m getting it live on the road I couldn’t imagine Runners doing this in a marathon could you imagine rocking up at a marathon and just after the start line someone says to you you’re wearing the wrong trainers mate you’re going to hurtt yourself you’re going to die in horrific death in a bush just wouldn’t happen wish I could get some speed [Music] up here we go another B neck cleats out bus pulling out in front of everyone can you hear me clicking in and out of my cats that’s me getting ready to start when I can see an obstacle I’m feeling a lot more confident London cycling I haven’t done this in Donkey years I was born and brought up in birming South London near born in near London Bridge this car in front picked the wrong day to be going out for a Sunday Drive don’t want to get anywhere on this road I’m barely getting anywhere and I’m on a bike let’s go for it this weather is not looking good I’m not going to lie these wider roads I’m starting to get a bit of a pace up everyone’s cycling along in fours and fives so my wave was 930 I don’t know why I had a 9:30 start no idea but yeah so far so good so far so good indeed as my confidence grew and I sped away from the anti- CLE Sayer I was checking to earlier I was actually starting to enjoy weaving in and out of the London traffic it genuinely was quite exhilarated go we’re going over the pavement apparently okay I didn’t want to jinx it but I was actually enjoying riding through the streets of Southeast London now I’m following everyone else cuz if I don’t I’ll get lost this was the part of the ride I was probably most nervous about because I knew I wouldn’t be had to get up any significant Pace PA it’s a cycle path it’s not pavement we’re okay cycle path shows my inexperience of cycling through London now there was a small group of cyclists ahead of me it’s the first time on this ride I’m not around 150 other cyclist in my immediate vicinity red light what’s Up DJ I think you the is that a the microphone oh right okay yeah yeah yeah so you get wind noise yeah Ribble CG something I think it’s my third time ever riding a bike so you have to excuse me for not knowing thank you now that I felt like we were starting to leave the slower more congested roads of Southeast London and into Greener and faster roads of greater London I had a tactic to keep me honest and keep my Pace fresh here we go this is what I’m talking about Pace speed and Power I looked for someone who looked like a decent Rider someone light and someone fast preferably dressed to impressed as that always is a clear sign of capability and I would try to stick to their will man traffic lights change change change at the very least it made it fun and gave me something to aim for as we left London this guy looks like he knows what he’s doing his socks are pulled up I’m sticking in his draft oh I’m being dropped being dropped guys now I will say this was a very successful tactic for me latch onto riders that look a lot more proficient than me and try to keep to their will enjoy the ride my mat’s dropping me trying to stick with these guys they don’t know what they’re doing they got a good time under their belt when they slow or stop at Junction then I’ll do the same and when they go for it and overtake I’ll try and match them lots of traffic so easy to catch obstacles everywhere people coming all sides it’s like one of them computer games you got to avoid the old woman and the kid and the cyclist intentionally aiming for you oh car’s going left I lached on to this guy I named Rafa because that’s what it said on the back of his shirt I’m going to call him Rafa that’s what it says on his shirt I’m talking quietly cuz there’s a lot of people around me and I sound like a lunatic talking to camera normally I don’t care but I’m talking about them so sun’s out I’ve warmed up now okay he’s off ra is off chill ra it’s wet so far so good guys so we are how many k was it 88 86 87 I can’t remember we’re now at 73k I’m going to count down instead of up oh rers keeping me uh keeping me honest thing is when you see guys that look like they know what they’re doing dressed the way you would hope a good cyclist dresses when you see them slow down and be cautious you think to yourself yeah this is my third ever bike ride this follow their lead oh this is pretty this is pretty slow around the corners right now I got a catch Rafa cuz he never went slow around the corner he was light he was like grease lightning and I wanted some of that pacy action he was like off a shovel uphill he definitely had a good finish time written all over his streamlined face get the old heart rate out this is had a small hill that was fun it’s okay though cuz Rafa took it in his stride but I need to catch him he had the featherweight that was something more than a bump oh it was a bump oh now RAF is getting a gap he’s got 2 second heads up close the gap I can see it in my head okay ra is gone okay downhill I’ve got an advantage now downhill thanks ah good news guys I’ve C left he stopped to help someone had chain to come off and they didn’t realize they going downhill oh super tucking we’re super tucking boy yeah boy how much fun is this oh my God he’s powering up the hill not dropping me I just thought I’d sit in your draft but then you powered up the hill and now I’m knackered sorry that’s right that’s it starting to rain again guys Rafer is a beast uphills Rafa’s gone guys I’ve lost all hope of catching him that featherweight Champion he’s off he’s at the Finish Line already heill starting cleats hate it all right I’m pass the point of caring lovely all right on the main road now and I think yeah London’s brighten right here Hill another Hill I know this event isn’t a race and everyone goes at their own pace it’s great to see so many like-minded individuals out exercising doing something positive raising money for charity and burning energy but the feeling of powering up a never- ending Hill and passing other Riders either pedling or having to walk was a fantastic [Music] feeling I all M take it from someone who couldn’t cycle downhill let alone uphill 5 years ago to now want to be in a place where he’s able to do this was an exhilarating feeling [Music] that was a tough one that one hey hi hey hi I just want to quickly interject for 10 seconds to say if you’re enjoying this video and you’d like to watch the whole thing as a vlog in its entirety with extended edits unseen footage and without this commentary then I’ve uploaded that exact video feature length epic to my join and patreon Pages along with other similar exclusive content please consider supporting me and becoming a joiner or patreon thank you because of the heavy downpour I removed my non-waterproof mic one-handed powered up my first real Hill test and reached the pit stop which is roughly 17 mi into the ride I decided to power through the pit stop I wasn’t tired at all I didn’t need anything to eat as I had only been going for 17 miles and I had plenty of water with me if I had stopped it would have been just for the sake of stopping and I didn’t need to I need to get the pace up now car just went straight across there also the start WS were every 30 minutes and started at 6:00 a.m. I think don’t quote me on that but I know they started really early and each wave had a different color bib number and everyone was wearing them on their helmets and on the front of their bikes the start waves are based on the expected finish time you entered when you signed up for the event the longer the time you expected to finish in the earlier the start time was for you this gives you more time to finish the event before the cut off knowing that my start wave was one if not I think the last to start because I’m hugely overconfident in my own ability and I must have put a really good finish time down when I entered seeing that 90% of the Riders around me had a different color to me meant I had caught up and passed earlier start waves it meant I was powering really well through this event deep descent apparently again I know this isn’t a race it’s a fun ride but as someone who has always been passed always been caught always been in the early ways for every single event he’s entered it’s a great feeling knowing that I am now above expectation I am now above average for this event I actually think I finished I haven’t checked but I actually think I finished in the top 20% I’m going to cover my finish time at the end of this video here we go it’s deep descent that’s a phenomenal feeling and one that I’m not ashamed to celebrate it’s one I’m not used to and I’ve worked really hard for it so thank you zift thank you w bike it was the best investment I have ever made just going to quickly say I’m not sponsored by them so I’m going to calm down on the free endorsement however zift what bike I am open to offers I’m flying I’m flying I’m staying on the brakes cuz I’ve got people in front of me this is definitely a super tuck Hill but the wind is in my face so all the more reason sub tuck through the puddles okay uphill now what goes down must come up hello hello down Hills are fun except people break at the bottom I don’t understand that but you’re leveling out you’re going fast down nearly I shouldn’t really undertake but they’re all chain on the right I thought there was a big group they are a big group I don’t know what she was indicating for there’s no left turn I was going fast then great break break break break in the road that’s how worried they are about the hill ambulance station at the bottom of that Hill that was fun man Hills are fun going up them and coming back down that was fast though that’s the fastest H I’ve ever been on a bike I’m feeling really good sit I feel fantastic a he here we go to be fair my legs and especially my posterior felt really good I had zero aching on numbness which I’m thanking zift for and my what bike the training I do on it indoors bike fits are massively overrated I’ve already covered the clat so you guys can’t really comment about the cat so I thought I’ll put something in never you can have a gut me about bike fits are overrated there you go I don’t know why I do this to myself I’m I’m literally saying I don’t even believe it I’m literally saying it for fun that was fun another Steep Hill okay main road now the other great thing was that we were waved through on red lights Junctions Crossings Etc on the closed roads of course you have to observe the rules on the open roads and even then if the roads were empty there were stewards there waving us through red lights and crossings to keep the flow going if we all stopped in Mass the route from London to Brighton would have been a complete gridlock and no one would have got anywhere especially when we came into Brighton towards the end everyone was just waving us through so um yeah I felt really sorry for some motorists out on that day right guys I’m going to say now close roads are the way to go bit hair raising coming out of London cuz none of those roads are closed and londoners don’t give a I should not I used to be one just bouncing along get my Cadence up flying absolutely flying cleat not a problem I am now officially the master of CLE I’m now the king of Sting the counter Monte Cristo when it comes to cats that’s me baby I Famous Last Words cuz I’ve still got over halfway to go where are we 57k 57k left that’s nothing I was a bit nervy about this cuz this is massively out of my comfort zone I’m doing a London to Brighton with cleats on a Ribble bike that’s cost me an arm and a leg filming it I’m leaving the dream the sun’s out my hair’s flowing and I’m wearing lra who wouldn’t be happy come on what a hobby if my last couple of cycling videos didn’t get a point across let me be blunt I’ve caught the cycling bug I love it especially hill climbing however I haven’t hit ditchin Beacon yet which is what you’re all saying in your heads now I can hear you saying it that’s a different story you’re right guys guys look at this look at this oh my God the further I got into this ride the more my confidence grew and grew I felt strong and I knew I had bags of endurance left in me to finish this race look at this out of the saddle middle of the road He Who Dares wins I was looking forward to the hills as they made for a bit of fun and I could get out of the saddle giveing my backside a break it broke up the ride all of this thanks to cat Dion whift okay guys we got another Long Hill oh yeah that’s extra wats there these Hills there’s loads of them hey oh my [Applause] God sorry coming through sorry guys can I just SC through can I SC through checkpoint walking four along now this was one thing that was really really annoying they did this on every single Hill Riders congregating right in the middle of the road at the top of every climb congratulating each other commiserating each other at least least I’m getting better at bobbing and weaving my way through stationary Riders out as well now it was at this point mentioning alter wift that I did wonder why my gears didn’t go lower or higher I can never remember which way round I mean when I say that basically why I couldn’t get them to get easier on the climb all the hill so far I had climbed in a harder gear than I really wanted to it was a lot harder than using my w bike on zift that’s my only real Benchmark that I can compare it to 5K left to go super tuck oh pothole you have to say super tuck right when you do a super tuck the rules isn’t it that’s what you do I love it absolutely love it sever weight to come past oh how steep is this this is fast this is too fast is that possible should I do that thing where I line on my saddle but that guy on that Meme what race who was that is that lay on his saddle how good is this oh it’s getting steeper guys how good is this you can really feel that wind when you sit up if I go like this I am Sleek like an arrow go up here I’m like a sailboat I’m virtually going backwards I don’t know why I’m coasting this is where I can get speed up this is where all the hours on outdo Swift pays dividends I’m too tired to say super tuck okay super Tu this is fast guys lunatic oh so good sun’s out now lovely day I’m really warm okay we got another Hill to climb this is so much fun oh can’t believe how quick we’re going someone’s just stacked it also looking at the melee of bikes and bodies trying to get in and out of the entrance to each of the checkpoints and pit stops that’s a lot of cyclists which they were using for refreshment and medical tents I’m pleased I didn’t waste any time trying to fight my way through that crowd I mean it was mental just went past a checkpoint there must be 500 cyclists it feels good knowing that I’m able to complete this challenge carrying everything I need to get to the end feeling really good and still relatively strong knowing that I don’t need to rely on the organizers providing me with food and water I got no interest in stopping for a beer which is what everyone seemed to be doing so I’m going to crack on the last thing I want to eat now is a burger and chips at these pit stops so I kept my head down stayed to the right of the cones and powered on that’s 50k left I that nearly 40K done oh man H hole flying guys absolutely flying fun I tell you it’s ain’t funny I keep finding myself sitting in people’s draft H On’s whift up really close and then when I think they move to let me pass and I don’t I don’t pass I just stick there thinking no you do the pull what I will say is these cleats make a huge difference especially on the climbs I’m so pleased I’ve I’ve um persevered and used them and I didn’t switch to something you know more convenient but it really does feel like it’s made I can pull my feet up and straight back down again if anything I feel really confident on them let’s hope I stay that way as things progress still on closed roads as we come into I don’t know where we’re coming into I’m making out I know where I am I don’t know where I am no idea thank you problem is when the road’s this wet all you get is the spray of the bike in front I know I know but luckily we missed the shower yeah we’ve missed the shower but we got the puddles good luck on Hills guys have you guys done this before no me no you have do you know where the big climb is from the end right okay closer to the end yeah it’s like the last it’s like the last right okay is that what it’s called all right nice one thanks mate I forgot this’s a big climb I just remembered ditch Lin Beacon I don’t know how big it is but everyone talks about it so it must be huge this is a spoiler this ditchin Beacon climb is massive biggest thing I ever climbed in real life and it’s yet still to come it’s bloody massive guys I lost my old raer but I found a new one Rafa number two I can sit in this slipstream I can’t sit in this slipstream he’s not as fast as me oh man rafha number two just won’t do where’s Rafa number one when you need that draft I’m trying to keep up with the bees on a mass category start who am I kidding I can’t keep up with the Seas I’m killing it on the Hills though the people AR passing on the Hills absolutely killing it then as we were cycling through closed Road the marshals were allowing cars to use those closed roads that worked and lived on those roads and a driver cut straight across a group of cyclists just in front of me they turned left without indicating sharply nearly causing a crash with one other Rider hitting his Brak so hard that his back wheel had to come off the floor he was nearly in the passenger seat with the driver car just turned left without indicating nearly hit this guy he’s better at cleats than me good thing you’re good at cleats no was close Jesus I’d have hit him no indicator no no no indicator and the closed roads are done now little mini super tuck I like it thank you just getting rest yeah yeah off my seat for a second I know I know what you mean take advantage exactly [Applause] is that cute across the road I then hit the next checkpoint it takes me a moment to work out what’s happening I’ve never seen so many cyclists in one place before the more checkpoints I pass the less I want to enter them they’re like a blood bath I a checkpoint it must be crazy in there as some cyclists were leaving their five six seven Grand bikes on the side of the I assume they’re five or six or I have no idea on the side of the road when they went in for their beer pie or Wei whatever they were doing then someone shouted my name from somewhere in the melee of the checkpoint I only heard it in edit I wasn’t intentionally ignoring them at the time I genuinely never heard it here we go what dreams are made of I’m too tired to Super tuck guys okay and we’re back up the climb again oh oh God hly root this isn’t it RH now man how you getting on yeah good y I knew you were doing it I wasit there he is yeah good luck to you yeah smash it one of my subscribers that’s really cool okay guys you’re going to like this one please bear in mind as I say this this is my third ever bike ride as an adult so now with having 33k left to go and having already completed 54k of this route I suddenly discover that the gears on the right make climbing easier right as you look at it I’m probably a glutton for punishment putting this in the video but it’s what happened so here it is as it happened in real life I’ve just realized that the left gears make it easier uphill so I’m going to test it yeah oh my God left gear haven’t used it the whole time and I’ve got 33k left to go bloody hir rine back up to the big big ring is it called I don’t know what it called it felt like I had discovered an IRL power up that helped me climb Hills easier I genuinely discovered gears that made it easier to climb Hills I’m learning guys I’m learning it’s what I do like this they’re a learning curve I’ve learned more in the last 40K than I have cycling around any industrial state which is all safe and sanitized you have to learn under these circumstances while I’m in a bush this is exactly why I enter into events like this I enter these events to take me out of my comfort zone smashing it going for a good time cycling from London to Brighton as my third ever bike ride as an adult is a real real hard challenge a hard challenge that I see enormous value in overcoming not only from a fitness perspective but probably more so from a psychological and knowledge perspective I learned more from cycling 87K over this course than I would have if I had followed 99% of the comments on my last video trust me okay that’s the third or fourth checkpoint I can’t quite remember I think it’s yeah I’m not sure third or fourth checkpoint I’m not stopping I mean to be fair that one wasn’t a pub going to play on I feel good feel all right now I know that most of the comments on my last video meant well but I don’t want to use mountain bike pedals or flat pedals or twisty pedals and cycle around in circles on an abandoned retail park at 5:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning to get used to them I couldn’t think of anything worse sometimes the easiest way isn’t always the best way except having said that I haven’t yet reached ditchin Beacon 32k left to go okay this is where I get to use my newly found special here fck I’ve uncovered the power up okay right here we go try it out hang on there we go and there oh look what’s that about off a steep hill chilling guys chilling give me a break oh man I’m done with these yeah me too ah left wet feet 25k that’s nothing I have a drink celebratory drink I now have less than 25k to the finish line and a very very big climb between me and Glory 24K left to go I’ve just stopped for something to e I’m going to change the battery and then I’m going to go I will say the martial and organizers were great the event felt very safe and very well organized credit to them especially this guy who stopped this impatient motorist whoa whoa who wait right go now but this road is closed you can’t come down here again oh you’re being reported to the police sir okay guys I just saw a sign for ditch Lin that sign can only mean one thing big old Hill I love the song Never Ending [Music] Story story where am I going downhill we’re going to par into this guys as wh start okay 40 miles we’ve done 40 mil that’s mental in the blink of an eye and what goes up must come down weave oh car okay 20K left 20K left to go and we’ve just reached the refreshment tent so checkpoint probably the last checkpoint I will say that they had loads of checkpoints and refreshment medical pit stops throughout this whole course so many I lost count and this wasn’t even the last one I’ve been on ultra running events ultra running events over 100k with less pit stops than at this event I don’t need to stop I’ve got water and I’ve had a sine bar so I’m all good better to calories I feel fantastic I feel really really good I’m loving these cleats they’re making a huge difference I made sure that I ate more than enough before starting this ride bulking on high carb supplements to give me the fuel I need and I have a plan for Recovery afterwards in the form of fish and chips vegan fish and chips SP with a pH and a large ice cream in Brighton with my family perfect recovery food I don’t need to eat anything now and I still have enough water to finish the co I brought plenty of water with me I will say for anyone who hasn’t done anything like this it’s not about distance when it comes to planning sustenance trust me I’m very good at doing longdistance events and knowing how to fuel a very very big fry what are they doing was that a person in a wheelchair going down the middle of the road I’m I imagining it no no I thought I was tired such imagine things this is a hi Co so will give it that I will say that for you London and Brighton you are a hilly course it’s not about planning sustenance for distance it’s about planning for time on your feet or in the saddle in this instance I expect to complete this in under 5 hours that was my plan so I don’t need to eat anything during with the exception of a saring bar if I plan to eat well beforehand it’s also about energy used I’m feeling really good so I can keep going I’m not in zone four or zone five so I’m not burning more energy than I would do normally I know if you can hear me over the wind cuz I’m going downhill but I’ve decided to take it chill now take it easy cuz I can see what looks like a massive Hill in the distance huge if I was running for four or 5 hours that’s a different story marathan distance time for me that is and then I’ll take a couple of energy gels to keep me going because I would be burning through my energy stores but I don’t need a hot dog at a checkpoint use my body like a sell slow me down and we have got 14k to the finish line this is very much the Calm before the storm as the oncoming vengeful ditch and Beacon Hill looms over us the GoPro just doesn’t do it justice this thing looks Steep and I wasn’t I wasn’t yet at the bottom Hills don’t bother me Hills on a bike in cleats is a different story uhoh that was a bit hilly didn’t it lucky the size of that but I had a game plan power into it and use my newly achieved or discovered easier gear setting a calm before the storm okay we’re here I can see the start the beacon ditchin beacon the hill itself is 100 met climb and it’s 2.7 m in length it has a 100 m section that’s over 12% in gradient and it averages 6.2 there’s 100 m section that’s over 12% I didn’t know this going into it which I’m really pleased about I only know it now because I Googled it okay I’m going to die I can see it you can see it on camera yeah press play this here isn’t messing about and either I’m going to destroy it or it’s going to destroy me cast your bets now let’s do this okay right camera’s recording legs are turning let’s have a [Music] drink can you beat the beacon okay flux capacitor is fluxing and oh A right yeah cheers mate thank you yeah all good thanks mate that’s right okay guys I’ve had my first fall with the bike ride and I’ve only got flipping 13k left my chain froze just stopped I haven’t even tested it actually let me quickly test it I barely passed the banners that Mark the start of the beacon I didn’t even hit the start of the incline and I fell off the bike all right we’re okay we’re okay I had no reason to fall off the bike here other than than the fact that I ballsed up my gear change as I changed gear it got caught or froze I’m not 100% sure but I couldn’t turn the pedals and you saw the rest my gears just froze luckily for me only another 500 riders or so were around me to watch this fall I wasn’t hurt just badly damaged ego do you know how long it goes on for the climb I think it’s about a mile a mile yeah that was a little bit further than I hope you’d say there yeah it’s worth it though yeah yeah on the other side I’m going to tackle it all right Lu thanks man good luck to you I’m on the small gear now taking it easy my arm and hit the killing me my own fault my own fault let’s do this get some Pace up and keep it up but this new biking hobby has given me such a battering recently that I’m getting used to Falling I’m starting to think that my hips are made of titanium he’s probably not going to watch this but thank you to the man that stopped to help me sorry I fell in front of you also thanks for the woman who gave me a small Yelp as I fell that did amuse my kids in [Music] edit now you may ask Ryan why do you include this footage based on your last video where you got loads of comments from non CLE using cyclists that now feel Vindicated because you’ve had a fall a i it’s getting steeper I’ve included it because the these cleats are not the mistake these cleats are not the cuse of the fault I’m still learning this is my third ever bike ride and I am smashing it you right there guys smashing it doing well my confidence level has gone through the roof on the back of this ride I’m going to get up this climb and overcome this and it’s really hard challenge it’s all part of my journey [Music] oh my God this is steep too heavy for this oh sorry mate ah doing well smashing it thanks man I don’t know if I’m anywhere near being finished but it’s so steep my front wheel keeps coming off the floor it a good idea [Music] yesterday I so steep it’s so steep why is it so [Music] steep on man thanks man find good uh yeah all right this H was a bit oh mate what’s your name Ben Ben nice to meet you Ben go on Lads go on I can’t even talk just keep going just do it you’re killing it look you’re nearly there have you done it the whole way oh well done putting me to shame smashed it it wasn’t the zift style speed and power attempt I was hoping for more of a nervy heavy breathing high intensity slow wobble I was trying to avoid when I first started the climb nevertheless I got to the top and was now able to enjoy the long descent into Brighton that I had heard so much about and another checkpoint I pass another checkpoint another I thought the last one was the last checkpoint they’ve got more checkpoints than Boulder Crossings I’ve lost count there were so many is that the checkpoint is that the checkpoint nice view though yeah makes it almost worth climbing that Hill here we go I can see I can see Brighton okay 10K nothing but this bike has been brilliant absolutely brilliant touch W I mean I still got 10K left to go so Ribble if you want to send me free stuff I am open to all offers I love this bike this bike is so fast super dark yeah boy this makes up for falling over so we’re coming into Brighton this is Brighton Town Center and then obviously we just need to get to the Sea front ah here we go here we go this is the seaside [Applause] oh I can see the Finish Line see if I can spot my family here we go Lucy Sebastian Richard Chris and Ryan congratulations SE and Ryan congratulations seag go he’s wearing a brighten top seag go he’s wearing a bright top seag go can you see Las for him I mean the seag go down here done guys I’m all hyped a I done it I’m at the seaside oh yes oh cleat left my cleat in right cleat are good it’s all good I made it thank you well done thank you so much guys that’s the end of this video well that’s the end of my commentary I completed this in exactly 4 hours and 28 minutes you right yeah is it good yeah enjoy really good yeah do you want to see what I bought myself what you buy I just want to say thank you so much for watching I really really appreciate your support please give me a like And subscribe if you enjoyed this video leave me your experiences if you completed London to Brighton please tell me in the comments tell me how well you did tell me the things that you enjoyed tell me the things you didn’t enjoy and uh yeah thank you very much for watching see you in next week’s video London to Brighton done I’m at the beach I made it to Brighton really enjoyed that smashed it well we’re going to go home now we’re going to get chips yeah we’re going to get fish and chips an ice cream an ice cream chips and ice cream just a whippy ice cre I’m done I’m going to go eat my body weight and chips sit on the stones we’re going to sit on the stones with you going to get chips of I mentioned we’re getting chips


    1. Congrats for completing Ryan! I briefly chatted to you on Ditchling Beacon, mad to have seen you when I was watching one of your videos just the day before! 100 miles next up?

    2. What an amazing celebration of cycling, all abilities out just enjoying bikes 👍. And you flying up the hills, even better when you found more gears 👌 well done 💪👍

    3. Idk what the big deal of the cleats are. You did great. Everyone falls coming to a stop at least once when first learning. It just takes practice! I would not want to ride my road bike without cleats!

    4. Been waiting for this one, well done on completing it. You hit How Lane (the first hill where you passed a lot of walkers) like a boss, that’s local to me and a favourite training road of mine. I very much enjoyed your ‘ooh this is pretty’ reaction to Carshalton Ponds 😂
      I can’t believe you did 50 odd km in the big ring! 😂

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