Fred and I checked out the course so you don’t have to!

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    we’re back with another video Fred dog we’re doing a so what is next I haven’t actually uh done much filming recently so I do apologize I’ve just been kind of enjoying the training off of uh the result of fishu guard and working hard towards the next race which is 7 working hard need to tell people that the camera so Freddy and I are actually in Swansea today shut up Freddie uh we’re in Swansea today doing a course Wy I’ve done 70.3 Swansea the last 2 years but the bike course has changed every year so um we’re basically just seeing what the course is like uh we’ve got the TT bikes out and I basically wanted to make sure that my gear ratio will actually get me up the climbs and well there may be a bit of walking today so you’re just being do you reckon I’ll be right yeah this is classic Harry oh I’m tired I’m tired wax out the best session he’s ever done his entire life but I’m tired I can’t get the CLI not got the gears you’re just going to go and spank me aren’t you that’s what you’re going to do feels like Freddy doesn’t like me also shout out to all my fans at challenge wel he called me a crackhead uh I’ll take that as a compliment you and uh see you soon massive Chopper today I’ve got the disc wheel race wheels cuz I could not be bothered to change them so yeah Chopper yes what we got we got 58 on the front 1132 on the back fingers crossed that’s good but I’ll let you guys know you know today’s all about wrecking for me but also putting it out there for people that aren’t able to get to Swansea for a course wrecky if you’re doing the Race I’ll give you some helpful tips uh in the video you’ll notice I still haven’t sorted out this front end bit basically these two bolts I lost somewhere fish guards with in the Welsh Countryside somewhere still haven’t figured that out so I need to basically it’s just getting some M2 bolts that I can sort that out with but all in all it’s pretty much good to go we just need to crack on and then yeah we’ll see how it is how bad can it be [Music] our in our Sensations par the freaking traffic lights what is it with the Welsh and traffic lights we’ve maybe what had five or six six yeah six Road works I reckon yeah bloody annoying I mean hopefully that means the roads will be nice on race day but I doubt it just means they going to be more lumpier so far thoughts on the gear ratios it’s manageable there are a few Punchy bits over mumbles that I do have to get up and up and over 400 WTS for a bit but so do I I think yeah I think if I in my head if I limit my gears like if I make sure I don’t have a small ring I basically have to push harder and if I have to push harder everyone else has to push harder I’m just going to out swim you I’ve got the buffer I don’t doubt that this is number seven traffic light of the day pissed off on the Thun bit The Descent yeah full sand if the end up in the hge Y [Music] [Music] so overall impressions of the bike course I think it’s the best one they’ve done for the last few years like it’s been on um first two years like the hes were a bit n they’re okay but um I think they’ve they’ve definitely done the the best of the roads that they can do around here the first bit is always going to be slow out through mumbles it’s exactly the same as last year just pretty like up and down pretty technical not quick at all but once you’re out it’s pretty quick isn’t it yeah what would you say sorry it’s pretty quick once you’re out isn’t it mumbles um yeah mumbles is really slow yeah a lot of probably like three or four really steep climbs yeah then once you get out it’s pretty pretty quick pretty rolling yeah um and know the quite windy today so I’m not sure if the uh wind paid into effect of our floess of the course so I think it was in our favor today yeah yeah I think so but also the Country Lane that we did two laps of last year you only do one lap of it this year which is way way better so you’re not coming past people there is still a section where you’re going to be doing kind of like laps so the slower people will be coming onto the course and quick people be coming past but it’s only for a little bit and I don’t think that’ll be too much of a problem and then the rest of it is pretty quick I did drop my chain at one point um but I think that’s cuz I was going down a hill over the moall and yeah basically hit a bump and just was like sto pedaling so the chain popped off so I think if I keep the kind of like tension in the chain keep paddling it should be okay I think that’s the only way you can do that really isn’t it oh was fine yeah any tips what you reckon any any other bits of advice um don’t be don’t be shit’s a good one it’s one of my favorites and um don’t know the climbs are steep so actually don’t worry about don’t worry about pushing them proper hard just do them as you know you can do them because you can you can definitely make up time over the rest of the course like there’s plenty of like rolling climbs out there that you can push a bit more power to get over to keep the speed whereas the steeper ones just don’t know almost just do what you have to do to get over them don’t worry about losing speed and you’ll gain it back pretty quick if you if you ride smart yeah expert advice now we’re going to get changing on to run maybe get an ice cream after definitely an ice cream after not sure about the Run you’re right stop crashing our run quick Someone Like You live in Swansea I was halfway out is that a nerd belt uh no Amazon equivalent how we doing and before Andy cracks on with his session any tips from the local cuz we have no idea what we’re talking about no for the race oh for like any tips tips for pros for the 7.3 no don’t don’t give any tips for the pros cuz he tip for the pro slow down probably ride the course at about 241 that’s all you need you probably pretty quick that well for don’t send the glimes just cuz you’ll pay for it on the run you will badly yeah speaks from [Laughter] experience rude not yeah M that’s good no caps not this time no autographs no caps no caps now we’re going to go in for some mommy and daddy time no we’re not I’d be lucky that rarely happens it’s not my birthday

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