I talk about why I think my Canon G9x and compact cameras in general still have a place in the photography world.

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    these large W God there’s a bird on the deck oh look at this that scared the life out of me there’s a bird down there I hope I didn’t stand on him sorry lad oh that frightened me that frightened me I must look like an absolute weirdo ear thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring today’s video so this little camera here is a Canon g9x a beautiful little point and shoot that came out in 2015 now the original purpose of this camera was not to take photographs it was actually to take films here on YouTube it was my first ever YouTube camera but to tell you the truth over the last four years at least it has just been Gathering dust on a shelf in my office until today now I reckon as a whole host of reasons as to why you’d go out and use a point and shoot camera for landscape photography or any type photography for that matter and I think the first one is extremely obvious and that is portability and I’m hoping to prove that in the best way I can think possible today by going on a bike ride I’m probably going to do about 40 km around my beautiful local area it’s a beautiful day as well as you can see and yeah hopefully take some photographs the camera is just in my back pocket here and yeah a lot of these cycling jerseys have got these large pockets on the back and you can hold I suppose your phone in there some water some spare tools whatever but I’ve just got the little cannon in one of those so extremely accessible and like I said before really really portable cuz it’s barely taking up any room or any weight so one thing that I think is really cool about the portability of this little g9x is I suppose to compare it with a phone because it kind of begs the question I’ve got my phone with me anyway why would you not just use that but like I can think of two reasons and by the way this is coming from somebody that would always say if you’ve got a phone for landscape photography and nothing else use it phones are brilliant and they come under that bracket of portability as well but yeah the two reasons firstly this might sound like a weird one but I just like using a proper camera I like the tactile nature of it oh my gosh this is a big hill I don’t know if I’m going to be able to chat and do this at that and then secondly Zoom I’ve got an iPhone 13 mini and I just like having the zoom capabilities now the Canon g9x has got a full frame equivalent of 28 to 84 mm whereas my iPhone 30 mini on the telephoto end anyway it’s got nowhere near that and yeah I think I just like that versatility you know with the with the focal range oh my chain just snapped my chain just snapped there we go Mega ah the old chain snap so I’ve ordered a new chain for my bike but I just haven’t had time to fit it yet I didn’t want to give up on this video on the concept of shooting with a little compact camera so I thought let’s go out on a 10k run so I’ve just plotted a little bit of a 10 km route around this area here quite local to me it’s only about 10 minutes from home and we’re heading down down to a spot called Sunderland point and I’ve been here before with the camera but yeah I just wanted to I don’t know I didn’t want to give up on the video idea and I thought what better way if I can’t go out on the bike I’ll just go out for a run instead I’m mad into running as well and it’s the same as when I’m on the bike I’m always looking around never got a camera with me thinking oh that would be a good photograph and also as well obviously it’s just another great example of an extreme example I suppose of of when we can use portable cameras so this here is actually a Causeway so at high tide this would well it has to be a particularly high tide I think but yeah this should just be covered in water oh there’s an ice to catch a look and uh yeah we’re we’re well the Tide’s on its way out now so we’ll be fine but just going to keep the eyes peeled see if we can get some shots with this again there some really nice spots down here there’s a village at the end of The Causeway and it’s just beautiful like 17th century um little Hamlet really so yeah let’s see let’s see what’s going on here I want a freaking jog another Ro to catch it there right lad l in long enough for him I’m just going to stop and grab a little shot of this this channel here looks quite nice the light’s pretty decent actually I mean look behind there back towards Lancaster goodness me I’m glad we’re not over that way although it could come over here you never know now another thing that I really love about com compact cameras really there a couple of layers to this is just kind of the the lack of faf it’s so easy I’ve got this out in my pocket now all i’ got to do is switch it on the Lens comes out pick my zoom range I’ve got it in aperture priority by the way it’s semi-automatic it’s basically automatic whilst the light’s consistent like this and then I’m just grabbing the shot so yeah for this image here nice and simple I just like the line as it leads out into the beautiful sky the lights pretty nice it’s filtering the sun’s filtering through some of the clouds at the minute and yeah like I said so easy I’ve got the camera out it’s a fixed lens I ain’t got to fuff around with lenses or anything that it’s basically in an automatic mode like I said F4 and we are on auto ISO as well shoter speed I don’t even care what that is and there we go that looks quite nice to me and it’s a raw file as well which is again you know it’s even a little bit more versatility to these files I know that I can improve them mess around with them a little bit at home or whatever but yeah I mean apart from obviously the portability like we already spoke about when we’re on the bike got to be the next best thing hasn’t it it’s out the pocket it’s fat free it’s just good to go man it’s quality now as I sort of alluded to a second ago regarding the ease of use the the lack of faf when it comes to using compact cameras there’s a sort of second lay to this that I absolutely love and it’s something that I’m really passionate about on this YouTube channel and that is it’s kind of easy for anybody to use I think if you’re a beginner sometimes these big chunky camera setups and giant lenses can look really intimidating not to mention they’re expensive you know that’s another little bonus thing I suppose about compact cameras you know generally they’re a lot cheaper than proper camera setups whatever that even means but you know what I mean like I love the idea that it’s accessible to all you don’t have to be so knowledgeable about photography gear you know you can get a little point and shoot like this Compact and it’s just there it just does the job for whatever you want it to do you know and yeah I guess I sort of spoke about this again earlier on in the video when I was talking about using your phone again I want to shine a positive light on going out and using your phone for photography you know it’s accessible to all we’ve all sort of got smartphones get them used you know I love it I don’t like people feeling I have to go out and spend thousands of pounds on camera equipment when they’ve probably got a decent camera in the pocket but yeah for me like I said earlier on in the video as well I’m sort of remembering the cycling Journey the day I just like using a proper camera but yeah so easy to use and accessible to all I’ll spin you around here look some of these boats look quite interesting don’t they oh so look at this here some beautiful little boats to use as subject and then we’re shooting back towards that big massive Moody Sky there I think I’m going to have a little break from the run and just take my time a little bit wander around because I guess you know for me just because I’m using a small little camera like this and not my my big main setup my nickon z7 doesn’t mean I can’t still take my time when it comes to composition but first I’d love to say of a massive thank you to the sponsor of today’s video which is Squarespace so as a professional landscape photographer just a landscape photographer before I even did it for a living it was really important to me to have a website but it was something that I was so intimidated by I didn’t know how to build a website I didn’t know anything about coding I was terrible with software I still am for the most part however Squarespace is a fantastic online platform that you can use and I used to build my own website and it is so easy they’ve got loads of polished professional looking templates that you can use to get yourself up and running you had a few little bits of text and some images and before you know within a couple of hours you will have a website now if like me you’d like to sell things through your Squarespace website you can do that as well I use it to sell prints in ebooks I advertise my workshops on there I sell calendars on there anything really allows me to run my business so if that’s something that you’d like to do as well you can and finally and I always like to say this I think it’s it’s really important is that Squarespace have got incredible customer service so not only is it proper easy to build your website but if you really struggling you can just get in touch with them and they will help you and yeah look I was sponsored sorry I had a a squares Bas website since before I was sponsored by them and yeah I’d like to think that gives it a little bit of extra credibility this is a product that for me is so easy to recommend to use and I’m so proud of my own Squarespace website so if you’d like to give them a go head over to squarespace.com Henry Turner or use the link in the video description below with that link you’ll get a 14-day free trial absolutely nothing to lose you may as well go and give it a go you know and if you enjoy your free trial make sure to use the offer code Henry Turner at checkout to get a fantastic 10% off your first purchase so sometimes I think there’s a fine line between taking your time with composition and overc composing taking too much time unnecessarily and this is perhaps one of those cases it could have been been here for about 10 minutes now and I feel like just simply that is the shot that I think is going to work best I might have a little explore down here because it looks like there might be more opportunities with those particular boats but yeah for me there just something like that looks fantastic there we go we’ve just got the small rowing Bool down in the bottom left and then that larger boat in the top right hand third perfectly placed and yeah the light is lovely nice and subtle and again we’ve got that beautiful grumpy looking Sky up there right over Lancaster of a cler pike off in the background so yeah fairly happy with that one now not that this video was ever meant to be a review of you know the the the Canon g9x here from 2015 that wasn’t really the point the point was just to enjoy coming out and shooting with a compact camera but I did want to mention probably one main thing that i’ much prefer out of a compact camera for me personally and that would be a better lens I think I think I’ve already mentioned this goodness me I keep doing that don’t I but I think it’s a 28 to 84 mm fullframe equivalent which is decent you know you can’t really complain with that too much however I know there’s some compact cameras out there that have got 24 to 200 mm fullframe equivalent you know focal ranges whatever like and I think it’s the Sony RX100 the newest iteration looks fantastic but yeah that’s just me and I guess it’s the same if you’re going to go out and buy a compact camera it’s no different than buying a DSLR or a mirrorless camera or whatever you’ve still got to look into things and make sure that the the specifications of that particular camera are going to suit you oh that’s quite nice isn’t it look there’s three bolts there let’s try and frame up a shot of that so we’re in f5.6 and I’m zooming into about 20 cim whatever that means but it’s just framing up these three little bolts perfectly one thing I do like is the reflection we’re getting of that little cream rowing Bool down in the foreground and yeah again ISO Auto nice and easy simple stuff I was going to do that in a square crop but I think like the sort of 3x two Works quite well I felt like I did try it with the square crop but it felt a little bit too tight you know but again the lights decent nice and quiet you know nothing too harsh but then we’ve got them beautiful clouds off in the background right I’m going to get this in the old Pocky and get a little bit of a little bit of a run you know what be good actually maybe you can get them like a bit of a a of a way of carrying them maybe like a little case and then it kind of crosses over your body something like that you get like little running an cycling carry cases yeah for little compact cameras that’d be decent would it let me know in the comments oh also spoke about the Sony a second ago I’d love to know if anyone’s got that Sony RX 100 they look really good looks like it suit me down down to the ground for a bit of traveling and stuff like that yeah so so let me know right we’re getting into the village now but yeah I’d quite like to get on with the Run cuz we’ve only done about 2 km Fring H only done about 2 km I’ve only done about 2 m since the last spoke to you just going to grab that one there and I am now going to move on I think that looks lovely though that is such a be I love the kind of when they’re a little bit weather beaten you know ah class right time to get a move on [Applause] quick rest I think so we’ve come sort of round the other side of the peninsula now away from the village and I think actually the bottom of the peninsula itself is strictly what is called Sunderland point the of little village I think he just called Sunderland but everyone calls it Sunderland point so yeah we’re around here now how many kilometers are we in only about four no good man good place to stop see this fence here that leads out into the Sands of Moran Bay I got this image from here oh good few years ago now maybe even like five years ago or something at daft I’ve never been back here since but I mean I assume the reason I’ve never been back is because I really did like that photograph it was a beautiful colorful really strike Sunset you know and it’s one of them you ever get that where you kind of get a photograph at a location and you just sort of think is there any point in going back am I ever going to bet at that photograph complete coincidence you may be able to see a little needle off in the background uh that is Plover scar Lighthouse and I got this Photograph amongst a few others over there as well again probably similar time frame about five or six years ago same thing I’ve never been back since just because I loved that photograph it was everything I imagined you know on routee and I mean it’s good going back to the whole thing with the compact camera as supp as it’s good for that reason is it to come back to places locally you might just be going out on a little walk or a run or something like I’m doing and if if you’re able to just bring a little camera with you it’s quality cuz the thing is you might think that you’ll never better an image but there’s always going to be better conditions isn’t there and when you’re out and about you just never know what sort of conditions you’re going to get right terrain’s a bit trickier now at this but onwards so for anyone that’s interested which is probably not many of you you probably can’t even see that as all but uh I run in zone two see on the upper watch showing the sort of oh no it’s tell me there there we go see a little blue zone I’m in zone two there which is kind of like I run really slow I love running slow and steady in fact the kind of non-scientific way of measuring whether or not you’re in zone 2 giving you a good idea is whether or not you can still have a conversation which is obviously what I’m doing now so you meant to be kind of still out of breath like I am as you can tell but still a able to hold a conversation and it’s just what I enjoy so you know for the most part stopping and taking photographs interrupting my runs and cycles and that don’t really bother me man it’s fine I’m running slow anyway so quick update on the Run we are o 7 and 1 12 km so obviously 75% of the way through and yeah last little while it’s got really hot for starters but it’s been a little bit boring just on these sort of you know these like classic kind of Country Lane roads with the high Hedges don’t really feel like there’s been anything to photograph but yeah not too far now from the start back to the car and we will keep the eyes peed still cuz you never know you never know there’s always something to photograph man I’ll tell you what this is quality I’m enjoying this something different if you’re new do hit a subscribe button I’d love to have you along for the journey I’m usually out in the mountains with my big camera first time I’ve ever been out with my little compact camera actually um but yeah cheers let’s get going so I’ve stopped on these unsightly hedge rows as I was sort of calling them and I’ve decided to try and put my money where my mouth is by saying TOS there’s always photographs to be had there’s there’s there’s Summit to photograph everywhere and I’ve noticed here these little I think they’re called dewberries now I only know this because I’ve got an app called picture this it’s brilliant I think you have to pay for it I might have a free trial at the minute but yeah yeah you sort of take a you can do this with the Google Lens as well but a friend told me about this and it’s brilliant you take a little picture of it it analyzes it and yeah European Dewberry so if that’s wrong it’s the app’s fault not mine honestly there’s cars coming past here I’m in the freaking Edge R taking photographs like I must look like an absolute weirdo ear all right anyway um I think this is a really good photograph to take because it’s something a little bit different as well just got this little one here one thing I’ve noticed straight away about the Canon g9x I’m sure this isn’t the same for all compact cameras but it’s close focusing is terrible it’s got a really poor minimum minimum focusing distance you know I’ve got to be like probably about that far away so I can’t really fill the frame with My Little Flower there but I’m trying my best I’m at f2 ISO 200 shutter speeds on 1 250th there’s another taxi going past there what is this lad doing in the bush but yeah I mean I might have to crop in on it a little bit but it looks all right I’ll show you it now it’ll probably be a square crop main thing is and it took me a while to be honest I really wanted to make sure that the flower itself was nice and [Applause] sharp oh I’ve kind of got stuck on like a 60 MPH Road it’s a bit dodgy but it’s the only way that I can get around back to my car where I’ve parked without having to go all the way back around so probably no photographs for this little section here I’ve got to be honest oh that’s nice oh 10 km done it’s quite annoying actually I think I like accidentally canceled the run like halfway through and then I had to restart it so it’s kind of 2 five kiler runs but we’ve ran 10 km with the little compact camera and that’s the main thing you know what I I loved that that was so good that was well good like I really enjoyed the challenge of it I enjoyed the ease of just grabbing this thing out my pocket whenever I fancied taking a photograph which was essentially the whole reason I wanted to make this video you know these little things are brilliant for exactly this and cycling as long as your chain doesn’t snap as well but yeah thank you so much for joining me on this little Adventure something a bit different really hope you enjoyed it if you did um if and you’ve got a quick second please hit the the thumbs up button it proper helps me out and be sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already cheers ladies and gents I’ll see you on the next adventure out [Music]


    1. I agree, it's nice to have such a small camera for certain occasions. I own an older model from Nikon, a CoolPix, but not sure which one right now. And I also use my phone quite often. Very helpful!

    2. I own a Lumix ZS50 – focal length 24-750mm )35mm equiv.), 12mp, RAW, full manual, A & T priority and tons of extras. My "pocket camera", same size approx. as the Canon. An oldie but a goodie for sure.

    3. Your chain snapped, how does that even happen? I honestly didn't know they could – I just thought they fall off 😮 how awful for you! Great recovery though reinventing yourself with a run… I'm now puffed just watching 😂 I have an old Kodak compact somewhere hiding in a cupboard I purchased back in 2004 You have now given me a challenge to bring it out and use it again – I think it's even battery operated 😂

    4. I have a little Canon I tuck in my pocket for the city. Great for street photos when the r5 is too big. I loved the video. Great to sit back and watch other people exercise. You made some good points. All the best from Tasmania🌻🌻🌻

    5. I feel exhausted just watching you run, Henry! Then again, I’m much older than you😊 Lovely video with great scenery. It‘s amazing what those point and shoots do. I still have a little pocket size Sony HX90V and a Lumix TZ90, which I‘m reluctant to get rid of as they are enjoyable to take out when you don‘t want to carry your big camera. I feel the camera companies made a mistake when they stopped making these little beauties.

    6. They are wonderful. I bought the G5x (same generation as you G9x) for a trip and use it all the time. Superb cameras. 20Mp, 24~100 f1.8 zoom, flippy screen and eye-level finder. Three assignable control wheels Brilliant.
      Although, I've never really got my head around the 'macro' or close focusing.

    7. Love this Henry! You show what you can achieve with quite basic equipment. Also, totally agree about preference of using some sort of camera V mobile 'phone. I feel exactly the same as the 'feel' of any camera in my hand is far more satisfying than a 'phone! Also love your 'struggles' with technology! First a broken chain and then cancelling your tracker mid-run! Have frequently suffered similar; punctures on the bike (when as far away from home/car as possible on a circular ride!) and then switching off tracking system so only registering 2Km instead of 20! A kindred spirit!!

    8. I love my Sony RX100 m6. Small, fits easily in my pocket and amazing quality. The m6 has the pop-up viewfinder which is really useful. Like the Canon, it has poor minimum focusing distance and battery life could be better. I always carry a spare.

    9. Morning Henry, I have a little Sony A6300, which I then converted to Infrared. My main criteria for acquiring an IR camera was that it should be small, light, and fit easily into my jacket pocket. It's perfect for what I need, but I must admit I would like a slightly longer reach lens than the 16-50mm that came with it. I would say that something from the A6000 range may be worth checking out for your travel requirements, but possibly a newer model than my A6300!.

    10. Ohh awesome video Henry! Really enjoyed it 😊 I have a compact Camera that I bought before I did the Camino in Spain last year. My phone camera is absolutely pants, and I couldn't bare the idea of walking in that beautiful place and not being able to get a good photo. I always have that camera with me, just in case 🤩

    11. Henry! YES 100% you've got to have a good compact camera in the bag, I LOVE my Nikon Coolpix A, picked it up a few years back and use it daily, fits in my pocket, 16mp DX sensor with an epic 28mm lens. Ive shot wildlife images on it, landscapes and took it on my through hike of the Coast to Coast as my only camera. Can't agree enough about having a pocket cam in the bag, so much better than always resorting to an iPhone!

    12. Love my Panasonic Lumix DMC ZS60. Lightweight, easy to use and it still has plenty of features to play with. I also like to use a “real” camera. I have a wee carry case for it. I hike a lot so this camera is perfect to take along.

    13. Definitely agree that we should bring them back. I’ve got the RX100vii that you talked about and it’s a cracking bit of kit. Even has a really good quality viewfinder. Like you, I like to get out on some long distance hikes and it’s perfect for that. Saves carrying so much weight and the image quality out the camera is very good. I got mine used as the purchase price new is quite expensive

    14. I use the rx100 vi…. almost every day …. i have the a7 too … the rx100 does almost everything the a7 does without the need for carrying a bag.. fits in my cycle jersey too. If only it had a 16mm lens… Not sure if there will be a v8 of to rx100 … I live in hope 🙂 Yes it would really suit you Henry …

    15. I've been trying to find a 'running' camera for a while now… I had a canon G5x which was nice and small but I was worried about it getting damaged bouncing around in my belt pack. Have also tried my Sony a6x00 in a backpack and an om-5, both a bit too big for the occasional photo opportunity whilst running out in the countryside. Am still looking for the best option, maybe a fixed lens compact – I feel that the fewer moving parts the better.

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