Post Outlaw, we went up 2(!) Tour de France climbs (the Col d’Eze and Mount Ventoux) and then pottered off to the lakes to do the Great North Swim. What a few weeks!!

    [Music] [Music] okay so last time I did a video we were just heading off to France and I was packing my bag so we went to France Friday night and quite late on got up Saturday morning we had a full day in nice we went and got us by it’s from the Cafe De cyclist and we had a full day cycling around nie we went up the cair so big tip there for one of the tour to France climb um great day out really enjoyed ourselves got a bit of food and then we got a car so we got in the car we drove down towards where Monon 2 is had a good sleep got up the next day and just went straight in to man Von 2 so we hired his bikes from the very bottom all had a pitch for a kilm z all the usual stuff and then off up the mountain we went it was extraordinarily hot it was like 29 degrees or something ridiculous at the bottom um and then we set off up just at his own pace or five of us saw rode up separately you know just whatever we fed and I just about scraped up there in under two hours 15831 actually to be precise um me and my dad rote big chunks of it together which was really nice and uh I also made a new friend Vincent and I rode most of it with him completely by accident we all met at the top had some pictures by the thomon memorial stopped halfway down the Descent to go to Cafe for a bit food and then obviously had to drop everything back off drive straight back to the airport and back so a bit of a manic weekend really by all accounts um so I then had two weeks at home uh massive you know a few couple of big well kind of big weeks I guess of training and I had a big weekend in the middle so I went out and did so four and a half hours out of my bike on the Saturday run on the Sunday reasonably big week in the pool a couple of 4K swims um weirdly swam with an Olympian uh going to Paris for the 1500 meters so you know good luck to Daniel Jarvis um and then on the Friday headed up to the great North swim so um there was a load of us doing various different events over the weekend we had someone swimming in the one mile on Friday then my dad and Karen did the great nor swim run together on the on the Saturday and then um me and a few others swam on Sunday so I did the two M swim on Sunday the conditions were I mean they could have been worse they probably could have been better it was very windy um it was very cold the water was 14.4 de it was just under 10° outside it was incredibly choppy um so generally speaking the conditions were actually quite difficult but all in all we actually had a really good weekend um just getting out you know up in the Lake District actually went on my bike on Saturday morning got horrendously wet I was very grumpy I was very cold um hadn’t pack my waterproof because I’m a complete idiot went out for a little run afterwards obviously swam on the Sunday and we headed back on Sunday night so today it is Tuesday the 11th um so yesterday I had a bike to do quite a steady recovery one I saw in my plan recovery and I got really quite excited because it’s the long course weekend next week so I thought fantastic I got like a twoe taper this is not true and I really should have known better so today I had a 9em run just before work and I’ve got a reasonably big week of training now before we head to the long course weekend next Friday morning so all in all it looks like I’m probably going to have I had a 17 hour week before the great North swim looks like I’m going to have something similar over the next seven days heading into long course weekend and that is the real big tester for Iron Man Wales because it is huge chunks of the same course spread over the 3 days so we’ll really be able to see for definite what sort of times I’m looking at to be able to assess the course and fingers crossed we actually get some good weather [Music]

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