Mistresses see themselves as winning in a race…that you don’t even know you’re in!

    My husband had a secret. So did she.
    My husband snuck away on “business trips” with his ugly,married coworker Maureen.
    I thought he was traveling with his usual coworkers; Shaun, John, West or Patrick. Nope. Once their affair was off and RUNNING, they traveled far to keep it a secret from the respective spouses. ( He snuck away to her hometown. )

    She publicly posted her “rah rah rah” cheerleading of their affair. They were “living their best lives”, etc. She would publicly post, gushing that they were “becoming”, and “becoming the people they were meant to be before society got it’s hands on you.” These are direct quotes from HER posts on her social media.

    ( Why did I go on her social media? To see what she was/ who she presented herself as.) You see, I thought I knew her. I met her, saw her at the company’s Christmas parties, and we all 3 had traveled in Bologna Italy to be with my husband. They were there as part of a work team for a Pet Industry trade show. I was there too but I was there for our 25th ANNIVERSARY TRIP IN ITALY. She saw that and I believe she started to covet my marriage, my whole life.

    What was her true motivation for her part of the affair??? My honest opinion- She wanted an exciting adventure, she wanted to leave her marriage and have an escape plan first ( these are called Exit Affairs), and she saw a man who was successful, had $, he had a happy long-term wife ( me), and who took his wife on nice trips abroad.

    FYI. Once a cheating husband is caughth they often lose that big ol’ HARDON they had for the mistress. Duper’s Delight is what that’s called; not that into her, but just liked The Hiding and Sneaking part of the game… they’d never actually want to be with such a wh*re.

    #salmonarm #salmonarmbc #mistress #otherwoman #marriedlover #adultery #adultério #adulterous #adulterers #infidelity #infidélité #infidelidad #infidelityinmarriage #cheaters #cheating #cheatingstory #hypergamous #hypergamy #monkeybranching out of her marriage #poaching #matepoaching #exitaffair #escapeaffair #exitplan #hypergamousaffair
    #shuswap #spallumcheen #sorrentobc #kelowna #tappenbc #abbotsford
    #lasvegas #Nevada #nuremburg #berlin #germany #orlando #staugustine #staugustinebeach #hotel #hotelsex #affairsex

    She was planning 3 more trips for them; #seattle #washington #vegastrip and a #cycletouring #cycling trip together to #girona and #mallorca #spain

    how do Mistresses see themselves they see themselves as winners you the wife you’re in the dark and you’re a loser that’s how they say them the wife this was posted 4 days after they had gone away to abbottford for a in quotation marks business trip and they had a three-day long weekend to have fun February 22nd 23rd 24th he went to abbottford he picked her up at her marital home and drove her off for a little weekend if I can’t be the girl who is in first place or 10th or 20th or 100th I want to be the girl who keeps showing up anyway for if I finish the race I have won now this was her new posted Facebook profile picture two days after she was dumped what was she trying to say I’m the winner

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