The absolute best way to dip your toes into Killarney National Park in Ireland is to do it by bike!
    We drove to the national park from Glendalough and got there at the perfect time in the afternoon for a lovely ride. Killarney Bike rental has amazing rates online and is the only bike rental we found that has a childrens price which we appreciated. They also provided us with helmets and a bike lock to use while we were out. Parking at the bike rental lot was free and we appreciated that as well as their amazing route mapped out for us to enjoy. The path is well paved and there is plenty of space for passing other bikers, pedestrians and even the horse drawn carriages called jaunting cars.
    If you didnt have kids with you, there is a more difficult path that you could take after the turn off to Torc waterfall that would take you on a spectacular mountain bike style route through more of the park. As we were with kids, we opted for just a few hours doing the loop.
    Our first stop was the Torc Waterfall. You leave your bikes at the entry point that goes under the road and walk up a quick route to the falls. They are beautiful and we were lucky to come at the start of summer with beautiful purple flowers blooming all along our route.
    You can follwow the stairs passed the falls but they dont lead to much besides the main Killarney trail and an upper parking lot.
    Then we turned back towards the Muckross Manor and stopped along the way to take a quick dip in the lake. Even though it was a bit chilly, and we were the only ones getting in the water, the boys loved the refreshing dip in the incredibly cool waters.
    After our swim, we rode over to the Muckross House and decided not to enter. It is 38 pounds for a family to enter and we decided to pass on that. Our travel is extended by being very decisive about where we spend and the kids were enjoying the bikes so much that we decided to carry on.
    Soon after mounting back up, we arrived at the Muckross Abbey. Built around 1445 the property is more accurately a friary as it is a franciscan foundation. We spent about 30 minutes here wandering, taking pictures, and feeling inspired by what remains of the building, which is quite a lot! We loved this stop and its ties to Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
    We dropped the bikes back off and headed to our stay for the night along the ring of Kerry.
    Killarney is a fairly large city with several options of where to eat, where to shop and where to stay for a night or two while you enjoy. There are jaunting cars all over town and boat tours out on the lakes. Make sure this stop makes it on your Ireland Itinerary before or after you drive the ring of Kerry!
    Thanks for coming along with us, Be sure to subscribe to stay up to date on all our latest adventures.
    Who would you go biking with?

    Where we rented:
    Where to eat:
    Where to stay:

    Watch for our next video where we drive to the Cliffs of Kerry!

    we are on to day four of Ireland and today’s adventure is biking through killery National Park so we rented with killery bike rental it’s on mcrose is the street name and it has the easiest access from we’ve seen and the best prices if you book online ahead and just right behind there’s actually a whole Caravan Park so should you like to camp near the national park this would be an excellent option we opted for Airbnb got to catch up on some laundry but we’re going to go pick up our bikes and hit the trail [Music] [Music] after a short ride about a 20 minute bike ride we’re up to the little hiking portion toward the waterfall uh you pass a really cool house and ABY and on our way back we’ll stop at some of those places we just wanted to kind of hustle up to the waterfall and then take note of the things we want to stop and film and see can see a beautiful Bridge behind us with the river within this park if you don’t want to rent bikes you certainly don’t have to you can hike all over it you can even drive all the way up to here no problem as well bonus points for the killer need bike rental because it was the closest to like direct access for the bikes cuz there’s a million places in town some of them then you have to like truck differentes well was really easy and for the whole family we were only €80 which I think is a great way to spend 80 it’s a really fun time and uh so we’ll go check out this waterfall our restrooms up here and then on the trail about halfway there’s a water Filling Station ah love fill our Waters another way to view the National Park is you can actually hire one of these where a horse and a buggy takes you around which would be really fun too but there’s the entrance you see how just beautiful this area is the the natural beauty of Ireland is truly stunning and there is so much to do [Music] mom there’s like tin trees all hello be like a kitty [Music] [Music] after the bike ride uh we walked up to tur Turk torque torque waterfall which you saw and then we decided just to keep they have some stairs to go pth that they keep going up we didn’t know what they went to so we decided to keep going up them they don’t really go to much other than just pristine beautiful Forest there’s a road up here though so I suppose you could park here and then walk down the waterfall and back up if you wanted to avoid all of the grounds of the national park and just do twork waterfall that would be an option yeah it looks like the whole park drivable but also very hikable bikable funable anyway we kind of out of breath obviously but we’re headed back down can find the kids and go down to the house what’s the house amazing I can’t remember can’t remember either it’s so stunning we’ll tell you when we get there though we just had a a little dip see them getting their clothes back in in the lake here and though the air temp is probably only about5 no I guess 65 I guess 65 the water was actually pretty dang warm now we’re headed over to this cool house what’s the house called do you have it on the map huh mro mro house and so I think there they have like some snacks and cafe and I don’t know we’ll go check it out all right here is the entrance to the mck Rock House house look at this place the views from all angle are absolutely amazing been riding the bikes we were just barely swimming in that little Bay and cooling off and now we’re just going to have a Muk have a mooch have a mooch about the manner Rock did you like Tork waterfall yeah she thought that it was twerk waterfall you look a little wet boy y to a swim look how blue you guys all are so much blue I’m wearing blue too only got this one good thing red and black goofball k your MTH [Music] Napoleon I think so [Music] orbs we’ll look for orbs did if we like did a the right filter on this place to be terrifying so you can enter the house in the gardens but it’s € 37 it’s something I don’t know it looks cool enough so if you ever want to check it out check no it’s for the family but it’s probably just not for us there’s probably other things you’d rather from 37 year on so just send to see it from the outside it’s so beautiful I think so too go spend the money on dinner instead but man there’s it’s a what it’s a giant piece of wood I think but there are just walking paths all over the place so great place to come get away from the city get out in some nature if you do want to tour the house by all means go for it I’m sure it’s beautiful inside I had something to say no no rocking with the flow going with the flow ski bro ski wet underwear ski yeah but I mean the uh wait actually the grounds alone are beautiful um when we went swimming in the water the on the beach area you would lay down and there there were these little minnows that would come up and nip at you yeah little skin nipping mow minnows they ate at my old blister right here right on The Middle it’s gross anyway I think we’re going to uh hop back on the bicycles and we’re going to go down to the ABY and there’s a really cool story about this Abby I’ll tell you about it once we get there there are all the horse and carriages that you can uh pay to get taken through the park on so if you want to have another experience don’t want to ride a bike don’t want to walk and let those horses do the work I think we’ve had a lot of fun doing that on our own this is the mro ABY which has a very interesting story to it and that is that a homeless man wandered his way in here and decided to uh sleep out in a coffin it was very cold there was Coffin in the so he slept in it and for 20 years he kept sleeping in it oh Diddy I thought that part was the rumor part well so and apparently also they had a lot of uh garlic they grew here in the field not far away so Bram Stoker this gentleman knew the story and thought huh that’s very interesting and that is where Brown Stoker’s Jack the story actually came from now before all the Romanians the castle insired track Castle but two things can be true this inspired the story Bram Stoker’s version anyway oh so this is a very cool and very beautiful [Music] building let’s [Music] go Church [Music] BR go ahead you can see the FR has similar to lightning the sides on someone just walked past up there you must be able to go up there H dude this is cool find your head indeed there’s stairs okay wow look at the tree look at that that is amazing that is incredible it looks so good holy [Music] cow yeah it’s a it’s [Music] what exactly what matches love dude that tree just blows my mind soor it’s like that like you see where like the Celtic Tree must have been okay so that’s weird how is this wet right here oh that one is too must be [Music] okay this is this is without a doubt the coolest Abby I’ve ever seen it’s so intact you can explore so much of it look at that fireplace [Music] [Music] goodness oh that’s that tree just get a view of this tree from this higher up [Music] angle this is so awesome by far it’s like every turn there’s more you can Roof oh that one’s actually still has a roof on it yeah usually they don’t let you like go on any of the stairs everything’s blocked but this is just pretty open just go up the bell tower 188 okay two more coming okay stay right there for second like three okay three to feel like you’re an Explorer look the that top wood too that this has definitely had a big restoration though CU that Wood’s like fairly new but still and they put some plexiglass in what do you think of that [Music] rocks it’s where the water goes anyway so what do you guys think was this definitely worth the trip even if you even if we ditched you [Music]

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