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    do straight to the your drinks in [Music] [Music] 2 for the M9 got one M shot m62 West Bank [Music] Fair knew all about it we pulled up halfway down the street and waited an hour and a half then the two gentlemen passed us walking and we followed down Baker Street and along you to know that you have been driving Mr shock Bland how I come the name see and you saw no more of him foaming and roaring amid the gray Boulders both Road and stream wound up through a valley dense with scrub Oak and fur at every turn basille gave an exclamation of delight looking eagerly about him and asking countless questions did e do the same with the white car as well white cars off [Applause] [Music] oh God I remember do this look all right what a what a maybe had someone to go oh f a girl in the passenger seat well that’s going on the dash cam trying to impress his young lady His companion female or male St what the hell is this clown doing absolute idiot new bloody new driver [ __ ] perso [Music] came into the room what happened then I do not know I heard OES and the confused sounds of the SK I was too terrified to rap my head and when I did look up I saw Arthur standing in the doorway laughing with a stick in his hand’s [Music] de [Music] for man don’t you sh my secret if you don’t have ears to [Music] [ __ ] sake Oh no interet just be Pleasant police breing the law let’s get out on the camera how they doing that’s what it is too impatient yeah that’s what happens when you’re too impatient they trying to get onto the other yeah Lane pushing in yeah are you an idiot taught me that bad but give me my money Jesus Christ mate Fu you doing stupid [Music] you youing little piece of sh Geniuses H thousands of amazing allinclusive holidays with on the beach go all in on allinclusive leave the bank cards at home on the beach like a genius holiday good great checking me as well you’re in that for insurance that covers you if your car breaks [Music] down 2 Toyota electrified experience and come to the free home box with standard installation included Your Toyota bz 4X test drive and enjoy 0% APR representative and 2,000 deposit contribution when you order available on PCP when finan through Toyota Financial Services by first July option fin payment indemnities may be required box supply retail customers only see website detail with I can get my car insurance from just £299 which is just the kind of price I’m looking for right now and if I’m hit by an uninsured driver I won’t lose my no CLA discount 10% of c99 or less a23 to janary unri only 2 no I didn’t winner no I didn’t there a bingo winner every 5 Seconds use your indicator and mirrors with 7 million worth every week and another play Bingo from just one piece and you could be our next winner or the next a bingo winner every 5 Seconds [Music] [Applause]


    1. 8:31 – Chris decides to close-pass a cyclist in his van with a junction to his right and one ahead to this left with a car emerging. Started off at 28mph but couldn't wait to perform his crazy manoeuvre so sped up right at the pinch point. Chris is a w%^ker.

    2. 9:58 Andy wants to take the A633 at the roundabout but instead of choosing the empty left hand lane he has elected to be in the lane for turning right or for overtaking. Then gets annoyed when someone else travelling faster than him undertakes and then moves into 'his' lane. Beeps his horn and subsequently finds that there is always someone on the road who is an even bigger tool.

    3. How many of the cammers featured on this channel in their 15 seconds of YouTube fame have the time to hit the horn but cannot find the brake pedal. Most of the incidents featured would be non events if the cammers drove properly.

      At least the lad with the bald tyres held his hands up and admitted his error.

    4. I have to say that for most of these I'm left wondering what all the fuss is about and that the problem is in fact the cam driver who thinks everyone should immediately disappear out of their way.

    5. 4:48 HGV did nothing wrong. You can see where the lines on the road lead to. Philip was going to cross into the other lane which many people do here but you aren’t supposed too. Think Philip needs to resit his test

    6. Andy needs to try patience as a virtue. Who speeds up to 40 towards a roundabout, you could tried to close the gap down but the Jaguar still managed to get in front. Then as he was about to turn, I believe you gave him the finger, which caused him to follow you. Only to reprimand him? Andy you need to do better, lose that anger and try to be a better person, he didn’t do good but you could have done better.

    7. 9:10 jollyscarecrow so concerned about his (unrestrained) dog that he doesn't even bother to stop and check if it's OK and just continues speeding down a residential road. Walloper of the week.

    8. 3:31 minutes in, and I’m thinking “hang on, that looks familiar” only to see it’s my own shithole of a hometown. Seen that same merc driver just the other day (20th June 2024)

    9. 6:37 Jediavenger police are not breaking law as its a priviate carpark so RTA doesnt not apply. HOWEVER it is still contovening no entry but not under RTA

    10. No Eddie. They were on their way onto the roundabout when you arrived. You were new once. Cut them a bit of slack and let them build their confidence.

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