Had quite a lot of fun biking around the Acropolis in Athens. Wonderful tour!

    April 2024

    that’s Mel through here everywhere for and that’s marel again guys wow so smooth and quiet riding on the marble I love it yeah where’s the racing line bro where’s the racing line yeah I think we reach reaching a breaking Zone the this is the Apex all right brother this is how you take an apex I he Apex bro Apex late Apex do that let’s do it oh my God you’re crazy do you have any DNA on you maybe I don’t know [Music] on your left on your left on your left stopping here [Music] you look at bikes anyway anyway like going to theik for us don’t worry okay that jump would have been fun honestly no way no way we missed an option so what do we see here cemeter how you figure that out SM like that I mean I just saw I see dead people oh you see dead people oh okay don’t worry there is no more dead people in this old Cemetery because the archeological department remove all the bones to figure it out when these people die and especially now these days with the technology that we have we can figure it out when uh uh what people used to eat back then what diseases used to have all of so many different just from the remaining bone so no more dead bodies on this Cemetery don’t worry only a couple of ghosts that’s it no I’m joking there is no ghosts here uh but you can see uh the ground level in front of us and on our left over there and you can see how deep they excavate to figure it out uh but this is this was the ground level of the ancient city it was a lot lower than the current yeah yeah we can see that all over the planet when we discover ruins in any other old civilization most of the times it’s underground I don’t know what happened we have no idea what happened back in history and uh everything was buried under the ground and this is the oldest cemetery that we discovered here in aens it’s 3,100 years old yeah only 3,100 years old and they start burying people here the same thing as we do today so they start building like wooden boxes put the people on the boxes and coffins and underground and they start making here some plates from clay that they used to put next to the grave and carve the name of the person on that yeah and because they start making those uh plates from clay 3,100 years ago here on the cemetery of keramikos in English you say Ceramics because they start making those here and at the beginning it was just the plates and then they realize that they really can handle the clay and make a pottery and vas and everything and they start making those started from from here yeah w a lot of things they started here it’s a it’s a very old civilization even Athens it’s been occupied at least for 10,000 years as far as we know back in history so goes back thousands of years and even down in uh Keta the island we have a buildings that is five and a half thousand years old yeah that’s one of the theories but uh you know yeah we don’t know Zeus supposedly was a God so yeah we have no idea it’s crazy though the RS it’s everywhere here in grece everywhere so now these days uh it’s a big problem because if you buy a piece of land to build any kind of building when you’re going to do the excavation to the foundation of your building you probably going to discover ruins of the old civilization any uh when you this happens the archaeological department is going to move to your piece of land and uh it’s a very slow process they even use like toothbrushes to clean everything buy it uh basically it’s going to take years before they release the property back to you but if they discover something important like a stadium a temple a library who knows what they’re going to keep that piece of land forever they’re going to give you another one that it’s supposedly it’s going to be equal value but it’s going to be a government’s property so they name the value of the property so it’s not a good deal yeah uh that’s why people they don’t buy empty pieces of land here in Athens now these days they only buy pre-existing buildings even if they’re really really old they just renovate them very unique problem to have yeah yeah only to other civilization yeah in Athens though it’s because it’s been occupied at least for 10,000 years it’s everywhere so when uh they excavate to uh build the subway system here it was ruins everywhere so now if you take uh the subway here in Athens on the stops they have like glass windows and there is a lot of things behind so it’s like an underground Museum it’s beautiful it’s everywhere and and you can even see the size of the stones and the marble that they use even on the cemetery everywhere it’s big pieces of stones and marble and now these days that we have all the machinery and everything we use bricks because it’s small uh lightweight is it toar and back in any other old civilization all over the planet they use huge and heavy pieces of Stone barel Granite and it’s it’s unbelievable it looked like it was easier for them to be buil with huge and small I don’t know any questions anything in your mind the everyone what’s that you say dug everyone up oh yeah yeah I guess not even but okay uh I don’t know now it depends uh What uh religion you believing in but I’m not a religion person I I I believe more of uh the balance in the universe uh than anything else like uh if you’re a good person and uh you do good things good things going to come back to you if you’re a bad person uh but things going to come to you it’s like a it’s a balance in the universe and I believe that our bodies it’s just basically vessels because we are energy we’re spiritually uh energy things that are basically our body it’s nothing it’s just uh how to say that uh just a vessel to put our soul and our energy because we’re energy and even the scientists now these days they realize that we are energy and we have current and electricity and magnetism on and uh even on our brain and everything and uh so energy if you know basically uh physics uh you can understand that energy Never Dies uh so we’re not we’re not we’re not dying or anything or we’re not born we’re just traveling through time and space and uh so yeah so it doesn’t matter about the bodies it’s uh basically nothing I don’t know why I start you see my problem is that I talk too much okay let’s go back that’s the best part oh my God my wife’s telling me that all the time Nick you talk too much of culture you can see basically in any all civilization all over the planet all the gods that they used to have all over the planet not only here in Greece people they used to basically uh yeah have God that used to be the elements of nature so and people used to live with uh uh in harmony with the with uh Earth and the plants and the animals and now we’re have different religions and we’re supposed to be Advanced today but we destroying the planet in nature so yeah it’s a little bit complicated how we involve in that do we have any um big names that have been buried uh we know no nothing that we know about it to be honest nothing that we know about it yeah and this is the major Cemetery that they have back then in ath so there is basically this is a small portion that we excavate of that Cemetery because the AR geological Department estimates that goes like uh four times that size on that direction where the buildings and the big church are over there but the Greek government doesn’t want to take down like uh hundreds and hundreds of buildings they’ve got a nice portion to study here so we have no idea if there’s maybe some uh yeah more famous people on the other part of the cemetery that we’re not going to excavate yeah so are you ready to do wheelies and back sleaves now let’s do it want to race it again perfect let’s go I’m just waiting for 3 2 1 on go go [Music] going out the outside for the swio switcher is complete bro helmet it’s fine bro would you recommend any souvenirs from Athens souvenirs yeah what would you recommend to take home from that’s something uh really it’s up to you I don’t know what do you like and uh they’ve got like a Millions different things from a small little magnets that you can put on your refrigerator to actually start you so uh and paintings and everything that you like I don’t know yeah something small like magnets yeah keychains it depends the person like that yeah exactly I mean yeah traveling with something huge would be tough as well a lot of people they like to take like 1 million photos uh when they visiting other places all over the planet true let’s say but for me I don’t spend I can see the shade that you’re throwing my way oh no no but it’s all right no I’m I mean like uh when I’m traveling to other countries I never uh take photos uh but I’m 50 years old my brain works differently for me my computer and my photo album it’s on my brain yeah I got and you just like to keep something that it’s a m and because you can have a lot of possession in life you can have like money and everything or uh but something happened like a war or something and you can lose everything absolutely whatever I have in my soul and in my mind nobody can take that no one can take it no one can steal it from you true so I don’t have money on the bank not even 5 but I feel very rich inside exactly and also make like a thousands of friends in every country that I travel and I have friends that they sending me messages all the time and they invite me to go and stay as long as I want into their houses and you see this is something Priceless exactly you can have all the billions in the planet and uh it’s something that you cannot buy with money you know friendship and uh so I feel like a the most uh rich men in the planet I don’t maybe town no no no it’s the philosopher in you coming out I wear like € 15 shoes and yeah people wear like € 200 uh sneakers and everything but possession I don’t care about Poss that’s where we are going materialism and so much wastage destroying the planet EXA should we for them oh [Music] yeah where are you guys did you st for cocktails without me all right this is also a nice car follow job [Music] [Music] sure for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and oh [Music] but with the it absor like 85% of the vibration so you you’re doing you feel ah yes it is I can see it too is this a rainbow oh yeah really this s have you seen something similar no no not trade it’s usually on the ground exactly you manipulate the weather as you do back in Dubai sure have you seen anything like that before okay so we’re on the same P I see from behind but now it’s clearly um going to see on the left the person yo Three [Music] Musketeers looking for something that it’s hard to kind of coordinate right hard to coordinate just get one person to plan everything and the other one just have the dates free that’s how we make it work no but it works right not no shade [Music] bro for right behind me catching that slipstream would have been T I don’t have the [Music] yeah s stream down the inside right [Music] sorry what’s happening oh sorry I [Music] you hi guys how are you little okay you want actually yes have cariso Caro taking the shortcut all you can leave the bikes anywh you like and we can M come on guys now we created a problem you going to buy one of those to buy yes I’m going to be on the road like this is perfect for atam cred honestly I don’t see why people are not uh it becomes almost more popular to the month you know you guys started it yeah last year this second year yes okay good but people enjoyed it and it’s ni we also enjoyed it I do it every day I’m never bored yeah crazy I I would love your job as well if I had it I’ll take a picture as well brother yeah got to do it bro for the gr for the GR one more some start a business in Dubai with you guys should do it Go support you guys yeah let’s do it no you know what they are [Music] all on the road you scan the barcode it starts so it’s connected with the application per minute they charge you so it’s expensive but it’s but if you don’t have license you don’t need license this you drive on The Pedestrian you don’t drive on oh one yeah thank you thank that was the address you’re not far away from here yeah you’re only like three blocks away so basically you’re going to go in that direction go left on The Pedestrian area and on the second block go right and you’re pretty much there you’re like a what’s it called the painting area the marketplace uh fio Market fio fio h i s s i o guys try those thank you we want to go there today we can thank you so much thank you it was such a pleasure meeting you and thanks so much for the cookies enjoy every single minute here I’ll do you take care we’ll be in touch it’s been a pleasure thank you amazing thank you so much I think you have a b right don’t forget that yes inde thank you and you know something grab a card

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