Merseyside Police today held a press conference over the gun murder of teenager Ellis Cox.

    Mr Cox, 19, was found with fatal gunshot injuries on the Liver Industrial Estate in Aintree at around 11.10pm on Sunday, June 23. After originally being treated at the scene by North West Ambulance Service paramedics, he was rushed to hospital where he later died of his injuries.

    Merseyside Police erected an extensive cordon around the industrial estate following the shooting. A second cordon was erected the following morning on Grace Road, off Walton Vale, where the street leads onto the Liverpool Loop Line. The ECHO understands Mr Cox lived on Grace Road.

    The teenager was described by one neighbour, who asked not to be named, as a “lovely lad, a really good kid”. She later added: “He was dead polite and friendly – always said hello and smiled. And he was hardworking. You’d see him going out to work early every morning.”

    #liverpoolecho #merseysidepolice #elliscox



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    good afternoon thank you um for attending today and supporting our investigation into the murder of Ellis Cox really appreciate your support as you know uh we were called by the ambulance service at 10 11 on Sunday night about Sunday the 23rd of June to reports that a man had been seriously injured on the liver industrial estate in atry uh when we arrived at the scene it was obvious that the victim had suffered critical injuries he was taken to hospital where sadly he died a short time later we were quickly able to identify the victim’s family uh and they were receiving specialist support from our family leaz officers the family are absolutely devastated as you’d expect they need answers quickly and he want Justice Ellis was only 19 years old we know he’ been out with friends uh to South Port on the Sunday evening he was on his way home when he was shot we know this because he found his mom and said he was on his way home we’re clearly trying to establish uh the motive behind the shooting and also tracing Ellis’s movement on the Sunday night what we know is that Eris sorry had borrowed a bik from a member of his family at about 5:00 p.m. uh to go to Southport we believe that was his intention we think he got the train from anry railway station traveling towards Southport uh with a group of friends he then went to WMS Kirk uh before riding back home with the same group of friends riding back along an unnamed Road near Tasker on the liver industrial estate towards the loop line and this is where he’s been fatally shot we really need to speak uh to these group of friends that Alice was with on the Sunday night we know that they may have some information that would really assist this investigation it’s really important to us that these group of people come forward we recognize as an investigation team that there’ll be fair F distressed and I’d like to reassure them today that we will do everything we can to support them it will take courage to come forward and assist us but that’s the purpose of the appeel today as I said understand that this group of friends will be distressed possibly fearful uh we will do everything we can to support them this is about Justice for Ellis and his family in addition to that would appeal for motorists in the area this is 10 11 at night it’s a busy uh industrial estate there will be people traveling in the area uh they will have dash cam footage we would appeal for them to come forward as well especially if it’s captured uh people cycling in the area we know from the investigation that’s been conducted so far that people are walking and cycling in that locality we think this proved vital uh to delivering Justice for Ellis and his family so please please please encourage people to support us in this investigation gun violence has taken too many lives whilst the last 12 months saw the lowest number of firearms discharges uh in more than two decades our efforts Mery side police to take weapons off the street and put those responsible in jail continue we won’t give up we will be relentless in our Pursuit of those involved in using guns on the streets of Mery side every day our officers are carrying out warrants open land searches stop sear searches remove guns and other weapons from our streets we target all available resources uh in the right areas to remove weapons and those who use them work daily alongside our partners uh in communities affected by gun crime instance such as this a tragic reminder of why we must continue to work together and prevent gun crime we have seen too recently too much recently that gun crime tears families apart and the murder of young GIS is the racest episode if you have any information at all on this inant please call 101 or DM at M mpo Cc or anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 tr51 quoting reference number 11 21 of the 23rd of June always call 999 if there’s a crime in progress thank you and now hand you over to thank you so the community entry has understandably been left shocked and saddened by the Young Alice’s needless and violent death since Monday our local policing officers have been highly visible presence in the entry area working with partner agencies to provide reassurance to the members of the public and will’ll remain there right through up until the weekend this includes officers deployed on high Vis foot and cycle Patrol along the loop line and the surrounding area we know the community of questions and concerns about what’s happened and where we can provide the answers we will I would urge anyone with worries whatsoever to come and speak to our officers we’ve got a Mobile Police Station deployed at Blackthorn Road at the vehicle entrance to the loop line today there will be a community surgery held with partner agencies on Thursday and details of which will be shared on our social media channels this is your opportunity to express your concerns and our officers will be there to reassure and support uh as we share in your shock and upset around this tragic loss of a life at this time local police and officers will continue to carry out houso house inquiries on behalf of our colleagues in investigations gather information we hope will bring uh justice for Ellis’s Family our officers also assist with the management of the crime scenes and crucially continue activity to disrupt the criminal groups are prepared to carry guns and other weapons in our communities we know from the work we do in the community uh all too well uh that the pain and guns have brought to the victims and families um within merys side this is why we’re totally committed to doing all we can to stop more from suffering at the hands of such criminals the way ayses are now thank you okay


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