Rewatch as South Africa 7’s take on Great Britain 7’s in the World Rugby Sevens Repechage game to decide who makes the Paris 2024 Olympic games!

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    [Applause] the Paris Olympic Games is the prize South Africa right to left in their green and gold shirts and they have the ball off the kickoff Ryan OAS to shilon fanv to their key TR scorer this weekend Tristan lades rookie season for him gives it to Christy Koba Davids at scrar Tas and fake again that jump step of his to Selvin Davis he has the pace of Q and no and a tackle coming in from Harry Glover saw a gasp in the crowd you got to be careful with tackle height especially in these big games neither side can afford to go down to six players here funv to calar again angled run boot lace tackle from Ken beretto the Scotsman it’s been flicked back to usas and under pressure from Max McFarland no robar again Vin Davids using the kicking game for Q and noia and it sets up beautifully for him the vision of Davids for noria and it’s South Africa who strike first in the Cup Final what about this kick pass from the skip he had a look size up the situation knew wasn’t on through the passing puts it on the left foot puts a lot of air underneath it and that is a perfect bounce that a skill personified by Salva Davis he’s looking at it he’s looking at oh yeah that’s perfect yes sir what a start South AFA it’s his fifth try at this tournament here noia and lades has hit it pretty nicely with the Dropkick conversion the flag is up so South Africa Come Away with maximum points 7 nothing and there’s the subplot for GB this weekend Tom Emory he got injured very early on in their opening game against China they’ve been dealing with 11 players ever since but he’s on the bench the lucky charm perhaps Alex Davis is high lifted high but it’s a loose ball and Zane Davids is onto it now for South Africa but he’s lost control on the deck bangs the turf in frustration that was close another good restart though from South Africa just off the shin there from David just in the act of taking a good defense coming back just whacked out of his hands and they needed that team they’ve been scrambling five yeah they need a break here Great Britain don’t they they need to find something deep in their own Red Zone here they’ve got good ball carries they need to get the ball out of this scrum first there’s Alex Davis on the tight head side sit his sister chlo and M Lindsay here watching on inside the stad Lou Stadium Ferguson at first receiver Harry Glover got the try in the semifinal that sealed their Passage through to this Cup Final Max mcaren scored in that game as well he’s up to the 22 M line good tackle from noia reload for Ferguson to wlon now beretto big responsibility for him especially out that injury to Tom Emory on day one and his Charlton Kerr got a hattrick on day to six for the weekend up towards halfway this is good for GB bit of momentum bit of Rhythm now their first real opportunity with the ball in hand wlon sets it up calar goes digging doesn’t come away with it beretto hit hard chess passes it and the hot dog from AJ to Max McFarland well he looked relaxed at kickoff didn’t he with the smile playing with freedom Alex Davis Glover in Midfield loves to offload can’t do on that occasion wlon Charon Kerr almost through the tackle of Davids held on to that right ankle beretto rips it to Glover Glover drifts in there’s the offload from glov beretto and another one to Davis it might open up for Great Britain now here comes Alex Davis he’s got options right and left but he runs into contacts perhaps should have given it earlier counter Rock now from South Africa penalty comes there away missed chance for Great Britain had probably too many options didn’t he DAV you see had inside and out I thought he was positioning to go on the inside look at the numbers they just hunting from South Africa the counter R comes from noia and they get the rewards that’s great scramble well that is Blitz spot rugby sevens all ends up that isn’t it working back emptying the tank to get back on defense and then putting the shift in at the breakdown to win the decision this hasn’t gone out Charlton ker brilliantly positioned takes it above the head and he’s off to the race as the big man ker dummies he’s been so good this weekend Shelton c as has this guy Harry Glover plays with such composure and now wlon picks and goes Thunders those thighs into noia Glover again double clutch to CER 10 m out now could this be the moment they find their first point to the final Davis Ona tackle now Selvin Davids is there beretto Glover good patient stuff from Great Britain Max mcfar on the quick feet almost through penalty Great Britain he’s got to leave that alone Zan David or could be a yellow card need to be careful you okay no need to rush here from Team GB man was a great sequence of play but it all come from the M touch from South Africa who stays and put a number of telling tackles in his physicality that team GB are bringing this where I think they match up here’s the mistake from South Africa good take and from there they just built phas up after phase after phase and they look very good too and composed you’re right about Ryan what is up he has what is up being the engine room of this South African side this weekend and for plenty events on the series this season as [Music] well still out there knock on the shoulder they’re going to set a scrum here GB and it’s in a razor sharp position oh you have to especially bar off the base with his pass he can get players on the outside will you you need to engage well we thought it’ be high quality you need to respect the law that’s enough okay who St he just complaining that he’s getting held in at scrum time but he’s trying to release early as well so that’s something probably has to look at yeah the hookers often bounce out quick don’t they so they can become an extra Defender see what happens here sitto defeated Alex Davis with the Charon K on that tigh head side keeping his back flat now Ferguson had to get there quickly to beretto to secure possession here’s wlon oh that’s a good carry from Ethan wlon almost got through lades now Charon cerr for Robbie Ferguson the captain’s in the corner they do find their opening try the blitz Bo Dam has finally burst a GB up and running I like the way they just rolled around the corner this is the first one won does extremely well gets them going for it in the skipper just comes around the Blind and finishes strong lows a shoulder right hand out Five Points well how many times have we seen this season when GB had to do something extraordinary in Singapore to finish in the top eight and avoid a relegation playoff in Madrid he was amazing and this Kick’s not bad either but it’s come off the right hand upright but time and time again this Captain for Great Britain steps up when they needed most oh he really has grown throughout the season in the captain’s arm band he’s kept the faith even when the results hav gone their way and he has been fantastic he really been the glue in the score okay two points the difference seconds out here this will be the final play left foot might have overcooked it actually no because climbing High over on the far side but it’s worked out is it for silon fake right place right time [Music] and shilson fake with the runway just what GB didn’t want on the break what is the opposite Skipper with a second assist in the first half here’s the athleticism to keep the ball in but the way Davis just is so aware and his number 12 as well steams onto that ball just when Ching GB have worked their way back into this game South Africa just go bang you’re right it was so quick you blink you miss it that catch and release from Selvin Davids world class stuff lades from in front no problem so South Africa will go to halime with a 14-5 lead over Great Britain in the Monaco [Music] [Applause] final South Africa leading Great Britain 145 in the world rugby Sev repage men’s final one half away from an Olympic Games in Paris in July Robbie Ferguson scored gb’s only try in that first half chips it a little more conservatively this time keeps it in field and Tristan lades brings it down for South Africa Selvin Davids already with two assists in this final here’s shilon fan he going to Chip and Chase he loves this Harry Glover’s back trying to get back for GB or he does absolutely brilliantly Glover anything could have happen there he has Selvin Davids who’s one of the quickest players on the circuit hairing down on him now the carry from Alex Davis Robbie Ferguson to Morgan Williams the Welshman not under Davis again beretto Kerr won and it went forward did it just what you didn’t want your own 22 oh they were whipping the ball across the face of the defense and it’s his last pass here that’s deemed forward hard to tell on that angle number three and number 11 oh but that’s exactly what South Africa thrive on back in their defense and look where they are in the field 6 minutes to go still long time Ethan wlon has been replaced by Ross mccan who made a big difference when he came on the Scotsman in the semi-final there he is at Hooker he’s off to Eden in the united rugby Championship next season he doesn’t want this to be his last game of rugby sevens mine sit S Davis behind the ball gets the ball away to lades Fan vake Glover has missed him with the spot tackle still traveling fanv tan pretorius hits the breakdown but Ball’s loose and Ross mccan has it in fact it’s Morgan Williams knock on by white went forward at the breakdown from Great Britain scrum South Africa you look at Glover when he rushes up on defense he trying to shut down the time and space of fan bake but he comes back see him coming into screen here and he goes straight straight back on the job and right here Dives on the ball that’s fantastic work for on the number six it was first knock on green then knock on white hang on there’s been a change of decision here it’s a Great Britain feed first knock on from South Africa that’s a big moment that you don’t want to concede a defensive scrum there with South Africa already leading by 14 points to five but it’s that type of scramble coming back there that makes a difference keep in tournaments obviously got a call for assistant referee so they’re working as a team good spot Scott riddle bringing on the water couple of instructions as well former captain of Scotland sevens Prince Al his s harness watching on absolutely loves his rugby Six Nations World Cup sevens he’s into it all [Music] sit Ferguson to Glover Good carry McAn bounces it to his fellow Scott Ferguson gets it back Ross mccan from Melrose where this wonderful sport was invented Charan Kerr heavy contact from Zane Davids you could hear the impact noise ring around this stad L Stadium here’s McAn nice inside ball to beretto Here Come GB but groba tack holds him up choke tackle gets the knee to the floor has to let go but then lades arrives on time to win the Jackal watch grar go to work here he has done this time and time again comes across and absolutely manhandles wait for support the Call’s going to come let him go he does and watch lades there straight on that ball that is fantastic recognition for both of those players four minutes to go now gee this is tight it is tense you can feel it between these plays every single tiny moment means something actually a good exit from GB working their way out of their 22 now defensive assignment fan gets us going Shake soap’s joined the freay alongside imp visu has the ball now big unit baretto gets him eventually almost gets in the road before Shawn Williams number seven gets it away Selvin Davis he’s got TI pretorius with him and that’s a beautiful ball but the tackle made by Kurt M puts him on the floor his fun vate long ball over the top to soya zappi inside beretto there’s Charon cerr he’s looking for the Jackal he wins the decision oh that scramble from GB was outstanding Berto was isolated on the wing with soy swappy but he looked for his inside out we talk about manh handy look at that chest on chest releas and straight on the pill former Blitz B Captain there syawa Berto is leaving the field will Homer is out there at number 12 they’re not going to die wondering here Great Britain they are going to use their entire Squad remember just 11 players to call upon he had a cracking start two tries in their opening game this weekend will Homer can play yeah they need something don’t they they’re going to go to the lineer here the two scores behind GB they’ve been stuck in the wrong area of the field so here’s start of for them need something from the skip under 3 minutes to go now need to score next South Africa less than three minutes away from another Olympic Games for them Davis works hard to bring it down in the air there’s Homer here’s Glover double tackle on him because they know his offloading game is dangerous Rosco Speckman there and no number looking for the steel doesn’t get it McAn brings it away Homer puts some Pace on the ball willom needs to stay in field does so Morgan Williams got to be careful with his knees on the floor there Glover Davis Davis dummies and dishes here’s Charon CER six tries already this weekend good tackle on him from Selvin Davids quick reload though for Alex Davis here’s Robbie Ferguson need to score now Great Britain it’s a bounce pass across to Williams Williams Morgan Williams he’ll need support cuz sawy who is there mccan Ferguson Davis changes Direction into the South African 22 for the first time in this half here’s Harry Glover yeah they got a penalty come with me come with me it’s over here offside was it that’s at 30 to go got to get on the bike here I think he go oh they’re going to call the scrum that’s going to take more time off the clock just [Music] go other thing to consider here is if GB were to score he will get a restart before seconds are out when it gets closer to full time you can looks good he looks real good with balling already seen him once with a long break so now technically they’re going to make a change here team be here comes B Jamie B Englishman through the harle age grade system into the hooker position with crucial that was the word we heard that’s absolutely correct they stop the clock as well when you make the sub so that smart play final minutes two-score lead for South Africa GB need to score twice or it’s the Blitz boxer are going to Paris there’s Morgan Williams who’s been bright down the stretch here Ferguson Bon Ross McAn McAn finds the offload to Cur 35 seconds left it’s gone forward South Africa realized the significance of that moment right there because now they’re in control now they’re in in charge now they can manage to watch the shot from so and the rip the ex Skipper comes in and puts the shoulder in on C and South Africa booked their ticket to Paris here yeah good brilliant defensive display from South Africa the Ste glare of Philip snan under huge pressure this season they won the Dubai gold medal didn’t hit a quarterfinal for the rest of the season they knew they had to come here and win this event to get to the Olympics it was always the target this event the ball’s loose but the penalties coming now to the blitz box and now they can truly start to celebrate because that is the end of regulation time they just need to tap the ball here and put it off the park Shawn Williams will do exactly [Applause] that all weekend long the blitz box have been box office [Music] [Applause] the number one ranked team are off to the Paris Olympic Games and it’s heartbreak for Robbie Ferguson and Great Britain Ross mccan is last game of sevens it’ll end in defeat and imp Visa the emotion comes he’ll be going to another Olympic Games alongside the captain selwin Davids and Charlton Ker is feeling the other side of the coin here you’ve got to feel for them CU they came out so close KT well absolutely broken aren’t they the effort all throughout the season knowing they had to come here and try and win an all important spot to go to the Olympics but South Africa have been under pressure pressure internally pressure on the series but now they get to call themselves Olympians


    1. Can someone explain to me why GB didn’t take a shot at the penalty goal with 1:29 left in the game? They need two scores anyways so a goal and a try are effectively the same thing. Are penalty goals allowed in sevens?

    2. Rien a dire sur la victoire sud-africaine, les anglais ont tres mal joué en 2ème mi-temps avec trop de retours à l’intérieur et de lenteur dans les transmissions 😢
      Dommage ce tournoi des JO où de grosses équipes restent à la "rue"!😢😢

    3. It is so obvious the one commentator wants GB to win. sorry pal you lose. GB sux. Oh commentator you wishful thinking. Its all over pal. Feel for thm? No ways pal the winner takes it all. The losers going home. Bye bye

    4. South Africa 🇿🇦 is the best Rugby 🏉 nation in the whole World. Whether 15 men or 7s it's the same. We have moderate structures and foundation but we show Europe and America what 3rd world countries can do!

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