On this cycle ride video I cycle in a loop from Wetherby, West Yorkshire, through Tockwith where a Stirling bomber crashed onto the village main street killing all on board along with the the Tockwith village postmaster, demolishing houses in its path – then onto the memorial for the Battle of Marston Moor (English Civil War), a church’s stunning Norman arch at Healaugh, the site of a WW2 Royal Ordnance Munitions factory and finally along an old railway line back into Wetherby.

    Cycling over 60 / cycling 60+ : Setting myself a challenge this year to do 66 bike rides with bike ride videos in the year I officially become an Old Age Pensioner.

    Maps: I have an Ordnance Survey Media Licence: ©Crown copyright 2024 Ordnance Survey. Media 057/24

    [Music] n [Music] [Music] hello everyone well I finally got out on my bike and I’m at the Old weatherbe Railway Station um buildings I think were over here and um it’s one of beachings cuts of course nasty Dr beaching famous for decimating our Railways I mean this would have been a fantastic commuter line these days for people in weatherbe to gu in to leads and go to York and all sorts of places cuz that was the old line there up there and it’s on a junction too which leads off down there which we’ll be heading on and we’ll pick up the um Railway path later um and but first of all we go on a little bit of it and you can see where the junction is and today I’ve got my gar in which I haven’t had on a ride for a long time because you can become obsessed with looking at it and working out the heart pulse rate and everything else um I’m also testing out whether I put on my summer Tires correctly or not fingers crossed I did we’ve had a lot of rain recently and this bit here is always very dank even on a sunny day it’s dank and shaded so we go on the railway path for a little bit and then we turn off onto the main road for a little bit o look at this is horrible and then we come back on the weatherbe rail path so this would have been the junction we go up there cuz if you go up there it’s a it don’t actually end up back where you think you’re going to end up you end up going through a housing estate so it’s better to go this way let’s hope it doesn’t rain today I haven’t been able to get out cuz weather has been so awful and if you’ve been following my videos and my shorter videos you’ll know been battling with Care Homes and my mom with her dementia and she’s been in hospital and stuff so now I’m hoping that all being well I get a proper bike ride in but I’m starting with this quite easygoing ride should take a couple of hours and it’s it’s not flat but it’s pretty easy [Music] going it’s one I do regularly and I’ve probably well definitely done another video of it before but back in the days when I didn’t used to talk all the way through videos which Maybe a benefit i w name that depending on how you look at it thank you a lot of dog walkers on here and generally they’re really good they uh hold on to their dog when he cycle past another lovely Bridge morning still very wet very damp the direction I’m heading in you can cycle on the Old Railway track all the way to sper which has a ruined Castle it’s not really a castle it’s called a castle it’s more like a ruined stately home it would have formed a line to harate but we’re turning right here um it’s like a triangle of railway lines here Junction this is where we turn right and we’re heading on the section that goes to our full parch where we will be visit later I think it then went on to oh I’m not sure York I don’t know I’ll check it and let you know thank you I love [Music] it than okay so the dog walkers are really really good around here not like the dog that chased me upon dark mall that came hurling out of a farm entrance and barking hurtle down the road after me and sunk its teeth into my shin and wouldn’t let go that was really scary having a dog with it attached to your shin it was shook me up quite a bit I went back to the farm and complained and got the woman at the farm to dress the wound that was really livid I also told the police and they actually went round believe it or not to warn the farm owner that should keep his dogs on leashes or secure in some way I remember the the women who owned the dog no it was the little boy her boy said to me oh our dog hates cyclists and that’s why he did it and it was on a cycle route as well a national cycle route anyway so I’m a bit worried when I see dogs nowadays well it’s so muddy and slippery here I’m going really easily I wish I’d maybe hadn’t changed from the winter tires which had a bit of tread on cuz these don’t really have any tread and last summer I skidded on some wet sand with these tires on and when I was down in Devon in South Deon I was okay just badly breathed and cut but my bike needed a bit of fixing afterwards so I had to spend the rest of my holiday walking rather than cycling which wasn’t a big deal could have been worse could have been a lot worse so wary of wet sand anyway we go downhill now where we join the main road I think back in the day there would have been a bridge the railway would have gone over the road in a bridge I’ll get off soon and check the traffic right right back on the bike we’re heading towards North Dayton now this is weather bit of course I’ve said that already which was famous for the great it’s races it used to have extra large foot Bridges at the railway station to accommodate all the RAC all the people coming to the weather be races this is the busiest section really after this it gets a lot easier just down there on the right is the Julian noron from the Yorkshire vet his uh veteran Veterinary I get that right surgery standand back we’ll be turning off soon a all right we’re in North Yorkshire cuz weather beers in West Yorkshire Kirk Dayton I think we also go through North Dayton I might be wrong but anyway I should know really shouldn’t I don’t this ride often enough little bit of little bit of a hill a little climb up to the church here nothing to stape of a poor Road surface here lots of potholes a this is the top of the climb at the church I’m doing a shorter version of the ride than the one in my previous videos because it’s the first time being out on my bike for about 10 days and because I’m hoping that the weather’s going to pick up and I’m hoping I’m going to be able to do another ride tomorrow and then at the weekends all being well with the weather and any emergencies God forbid with my mom as I said on my quick video mom has dementia she was in a care home where she wasn’t settling and so we we being my sister and me frantically searched around for another care home we found a lovely Care Home thankfully it was the last last care home we we went to and we’ve been through virtually every Care Home including care homes in Weatherby and teror Gates like all these places it’s eye wateringly expensive so thankfully we can pay for at least one and 1 half years with the proceeds from the sale of Mom’s flat which I’ll be putting on the market probably on Friday this week it’s sad that it eats up all the savings or whatever from people to pay for Care Home costs I was really hoping we’ be able to help my son get on the property ladder but I don’t think it’s going to happen now this is North day we just go through here hi there I was thinking back in 2018 when I bought this bike new it cost me £1,500 and Mom’s car home costs more than that per week it’s ey watering anyway it’s just one of those things isn’t it has to be done there’s no alternative there’s no alternative if we want Mom to have expert care from trained professionals which is why I guess you pay so much for these places because I know neither of us could care for M properly and it was drivers absolutely insane which which sounds cruel and selfish but the nature of dementia I mean I was shortly after or a couple of days after Mom moved into or we moved mom into to the new care home last Tuesday she ended up being rushed to hospital in an ambulance something wrong with the heart and also chest infection and a temperature and I spent nearly a full day with her in a cubicle in A&E at the local hospital while we waited for a bed for Mom and just that was exhausting because Mom just asks the same questions over and over again but hey you don’t want to hear all about my mom do you let’s stop we’re turning right here I don’t want you to stop watching these videos just cuz I ramble on about my problems that would be awful so here we’re going to cow Thorp now Thorp like the suffix b y has in weatherbe are both Northern you find they in the north northern words Northern phrases suffixes whatever you don’t really find them else where apart from as I pointed out last week to my husband T be in um Wales but I think that derives from a Welsh name all now this his this history this ride features items of historical interest or places of historical interest of two Wars that our country was involved in the first would be the English Civil War in the 1640s Cavaliers and Roundheads Oliver Cromwell and the King Charles the first and the second war was of course the second world war and it features on this ride both of them feature on this ride now we are heading to the Village of Tock Wiest where I have my first experience of learning to drive a car I used to be a to drive around the old Airfield I failed miserably at that hated it it used to supposedly simulate um Junctions and this that and the other don’t know if it does that now I know you can learn to ride to drive a lurry there now the old Airfield is not was not called RAF towi as you would think it would be because it’s at towi the reason being that there was an RAF top Cliff just up the road up the A1 I think and to avoid confusion they named it RAF Master Mo because Master Mo as in the Battle of Master MO is just down the road and we shall pass the memorial to that and we’ll also pass a memorial in to with to the crew and civilians that were killed when an RAF bomber crashed in I think it was 1945 I don’t know why it crashed I don’t know obviously it was supposed to land at Raf Master Mo but didn’t more about that later just got a couple of major roads to cross here on on Bridges the first is the old A1 which is now the a168 and the second is the actual A1 um towi is four miles my son did his teacher training at towith Primary School well some of it some of the teacher training before he decided he was going to major in Psychology instead crossing the old day one which back in the day would have gone right through the middle of weatherbe oh bit of a wind today little bit cloudy I understand the sun’s going to come out now and again we’re going to climb up to the bridge across the a1m mot way now here we go back to that bomber crash in towi with apparently it crashed in the middle of the main road right in the main road of swiis Village the High Street and not only did it kill everyone on board but it killed the village postmaster and I assume it injured some people I have to check on that but it did demolish a number of houses so I didn’t know this before I researched it last night and that’s one of the good things about recording these bike ride videos again is that I learn interesting facts about places that I’ve cycle through many many of times but never well just knew the basics that everyone knows here I did know about master Mo cuz I used to be into Civil War history when I was younger English Civil War well also Scottish and Welsh and Irish but it’s known as the English Civil War for some reason so whether be talk with and other places around here bed cromwell’s Army before the Battle of mar Mo so the Army would been scattered around here this is cow Thor hello last summer I tried a shortcut from here along a bridal bridal way it was a bit of a mistake cuz I ended up in the middle of a an enormous field where it’s impossible to cycle so probably won’t do that again if I even if I had a mountain bike I think it would have been difficult is where that white car’s coming out of that’s where you turn off to go on the shortcut which is nice for the first few for about the first mile and then it ends up in a field War Fields L yeah the War battle of Master Mo or yeah it would be the Battle of Master Mo not the second world war there’s a little clim here and I always stop for a drink at the top of it I love those alone boxes that are turned into libraries apologize if this ride is Bumpy the road surfaces aren’t brilliant but also pumped these summer Tires right up the Continental Gator h shells which are supposed to withstand punctures fingers crossed with inner tubes not tubless right we’re heading to talk with now towith is one of the rare places in this neck of the woods that has a thatched roof on a cottage hello I think they use a different read here cuz they never look like the such Cottages in the west country we also visit somewhere else on this ride that has a history based in World War II and I’ll come to that later oh my the apples are starting to grow on the trees in the Orchard and we haven’t really had summer yet I hope it’s not going to be one of those years oh it’s popping then not fail I think the are feels over there somewhere on the right we’re going straight on but if you turn left here you can eventually get to Great urn which is where I started one of my other cycle rides from in this series and B Bridge there’s another ride I want to do at Burbridge now I know a bit more information about its history so I may do that this weekend there’s another ride I want to do in South auction as well I’m trying to do a different ride every time though sometimes it may incorporate sections from other rides yeah sorry if it’s bumpy these tires when they’re pumps right up are a bit unforgiving h so in to I’m on the lookout for where the houses could have been demolished or where where the plane landed and I know there is a memorial in the shape of a plane made out of metal which we will look at and swi with is one of these places in the 21st century where new houses are being built expanding The Villages boundary and those are putting more pressure on local Services I mean good for local businesses not so good for skitts Etc and as my dad would always point out it means more sewage being created for the sewers to cope with my dad was in charge of he headed up yeah leads main drainage back in the day leading expert in the area on C you really wanted to know that didn’t you bumpy terrible so we’ve got the church on the right and I found some old photos online showing the crash and the houses were demolished or hit by the plane see if I can work out where that was look here’s that thatch Cottage on the right wonder if it was here because it was the Post Master that was killed all right thank you this is the memorial let’s go and have a look at [Music] [Applause] it see these are newer houses maybe it was here on the left what an amazing sculpture that is can you see look at it Sterling bomber in the early hours of the 9th of October 1945 whil approaching to land at ARF Master Mall and near the postmaster and then all the others on board yeah so very sad yeah so possibly could have been here [Music] a battle where Prince rert the king’s nephew was absolutely routed he was hammered when I was younger when I was a teenageer i Le have thing about the Cavaliers and Prince rert because I thought they were more handsome they had long hair and I was into heavy metal music and boys with long hair so it wasn’t the politics or anything completely the wrong reason I think nowadays I’d probably have supported cromwells well the round heads very bumpy again I apologize oh God the surface is awful [Music] so this the fields round here are calls Master Mo even though it’s not really what you would think of us some more cuz it’s flat not like Illy more and the memorial is just coming into view I’ve got a biography which I haven’t read yet about Prince ret written by Charles Spencer Princess Diana’s brother he is a good historian and he writes well oh this is so bumpy this is the memorial coming up he also wrote about the regicides who signed Charles the First’s death warrant and about Charles II’s escape to France from the Battle of Worcester when he after he became King on the death of his father who was beheaded outside the banqueting hall that whiteall Battle of a Moore 2nd of July 1644 near this site the Parliamentary Army left to the leadership of Oliver Cromwell supported by David lesie completed the defeat of the forces of Prince rert here in his native county S Thomas Fairfax the famous Yorkshire Soldier fought for Parliament with Brilliance and success Lord general of the Parliamentary Army 1645 to 50 let’s go around the other [Music] side property of the Cromwell Association oh so I’m not going to say anything nice about the round the Cavaliers are they unveiled on the 1st of July 1939 and restored 1973 and here we have all the stuff about it it’s a poem written about the monument it was an evening battle yeah we got towith up there we’ve got longm Village down there which we’ll go through after here so a lot of death a lot of nastiness went on on here we are now heading towards the village of longm here we are long master I’ll have to read up more on the Battle of Maron Mo to find out why the battle was held here and where the which direction the royalists were coming in and where they were buting out strong oh so py terrible state of British roads right here we cross the B roads which is more of a a tiny village hamlets the name of this road always makes me laugh but hedge but according to my mother before she got dementia that is something to do with archery not to do with your buttocks my mom used to know everything I don’t think there was anything she didn’t know you could ask her about anything well not scientific really but history things like that she would know and about places Villages stuff like that and French cuz she was a trained French [Music] teacher here’s a little Hamlet of Hutton Onley I think it’s pronounced like that all we’ve done 11 and a half miles my Garmin B computer is telling me my heart is beating at 127 beats per minute we’re at a very low elevation of 63 ft and I’m cycling at 12 M an hour and I’ve been going for 1 hour they go but you can become obsessed with what the garmin’s saying which is why I didn’t use it last year I’m using it today cuz my bike coach sent me a program which he wants me to do if I can in between all the anything that might happen with my mom when I can cuz exercise is good and getting out is good oh look at these bumpy bumpy he wanted me to do a 2hour ride or gently un undulating which this ride is really short the shorten version of it we’re not too far from York here from South York we don’t cycle as far as Asam Richard where the women’s prison is because we’re doing the shorter version of this regular ride because the instructions are just doe to hours my bike coach says so it means I can paste myself over a few days rather than going hell for leather one day and then being kned there are alternatives for indoor cycling if the weather is rubbish but I avoid that if I can because it’s so boring indoor cycling I mean not his his programs are really good cuz they are there variation and they’re always different so they do keep you motivated as motivated as you can be on an indoor exercise bike and also you get the out of it and that’s when I make good use of the Garmin B computer because his programs they he tells you how many beats per minute you you should be doing or aiming for on your heart ratees now I talking about um bik computers and heart ratees I used to wear a heart rate monitor strap around my chest which I mean it works it works well and it’s one reason why I stopped making my bike videos because there was a bit too much going on there was the the harness for the the GoPro camera and also the the heart rate monitor strap all in the same place but I came out in an allergic reaction to the monitor came out in a horrible rash and so I found I I think it was on Amazon I found a heart rate monitor that you wear on your arm and to be honest it’s as good as a chest strap it’s also 100% rechargeable whereas the chest strap the chest strap used um little round flat batteries which are not very environmentally friendly and also can work out quite expensive oh look we’ve got a bit of nice Rose surface here [Music] I think we’re coming up to the little Hamlet of angram so don’t really know much about these places apart from the fact they all Dat Back many thousands of years so Viking and Saxon days and often the the name can derrive from a name dating back to that and oh this is such a nice road service it is smooth oh enjoy it while I can today the short version of this regular ride I will turn right down a lane when the women’s prison that’s Asam Richard comes into view sh now this is where we turn right cuz you may not be able to see it but straight ahead you can see the Tower of the women’s prison and so that means we turn we turn right sorry right here down this little lane which cuts off a cornner and then we’ll be heading to the Village of I think it’s pronounced Hilo Hilo Hilo anyway we’ll be heading towards there and it is close to the Roman town of tag cter we don’t go into tag cter on this ride it does have a very interesting historic building if you if you have a mountain bike I would suggest that you can cycle past I might risk going down there on another ride cuz it’s a very rough track and it takes you to Hilo or Hilo prior which is which is an ancient medieval Tor building but it’s a horrible track for cycling on the first half anyway and then it gets better the second half which is probably how they get access to the prary which is now a home or a hotel or something I’m not sure which and then you can cycle down to tag Caster hello this is where we turn right hello hello hello I don’t know how it’s pronounced and wig Hill which is pronounced like it’s written you can turn left here and cycle down a very pretty Lane that takes you around in a kind of semicircle back to Hilo but remember we’re doing the short version of this ride elw has a very old church as well which I’ve never been to maybe we’ll go and explore it today maybe so me swallowed a fly I think I spat it out in time sometimes when you do that right sometimes when you do that it gets beyond the point of no return at the back of your throat and you and even no option but to swallow it so I am the old woman who nearly swallowed a fly I wonder why she nearly Swallowed a Fly and the reason is because she keeps talking on the cycle rights they say that people people swallow spiders in their sleep don’t they as well I wouldn’t like to think I did but they do say that oh undulation here bit of a climb mini climb climb X I planned to do 66 rides in my 66th year but it’s not going to happen really but I’ll do as many as I can it’s not going to happen because of the weather and emergencies with my mom but never mind you can always do 67 rides next year but I really wanted to do them this year cuz this year is the year I get my old age pension and become an official oap shuffling around on my stick but more like shuffling Along on my bike coming into Hilo or Hilo Hilo Hilo what I’ve first it’s called pronounced it’s quite a nice little village this all brick because it’s so flat round here near York South of York if you do that cut off that I mentioned not cut off but extra bit back there he come out here quite spacious Village this the hous is Built Well back from the Rays [Music] peaceful the war memorial and the church ahead [Music] I bet that’s the old vickerage there just guessing or it might be [Music] that have a little stop St John the Baptist Church wow it’s a grand building there maybe that was the thck Courage the RO is enormous because of the number of children they used to have back in the day and all the servants that one’s got Stables got clock on the stable I’ve never been up here anyway so let’s see what’s up here I’ve seen this church before it looks like it’s got a Norman entrance and it’s got a funny little roof on the tower let’s go and take a look looks like they’ve removed a lot of the gravestones cuz surely they would have come right down here one reason they built the big Municipal cemeteries in the 19th century because of course there was population expansion and there was more people living in the towns and cities with the Industrial Revolution and the churchyards simply couldn’t cope cuz in some cases it got to the stage where so many people were buried on top of each other that there was quite a hill surrounding the churches full of coffins I mentioned I was going to do some volunteering at the great Victorian Municipal Cemetery of undercliffe in batford and I went to see them which was really good but then all the stuff about my mom kicked off and so it’s not happened not yet anyway it looks like the arch is being held up so it doesn’t fall down got coat of arms you see oh this is really interesting can you see all the figures around the arch and then you got all those heads up there can you see those ooh they’re quite worn now but I bet when they were carved it was quite amazing gosh very old door what are they are they Birds beaks they’re all the same all the way around it must signify something can you see them all the way around I need to look this up don’t I it’s amazing I don’t expect you can use that door to get in no it must be another entrance which I’m guessing is maybe over here question mark maybe I don’t know how you guessing never like so we’re on a little Hill here and we got tag cter is over there yor is over there and weatherbe is over here while we’re going back to it’s very peaceful here so now we’re going to continue and we’re heading to wig Hill and after that we’re heading to the Thor parch trading estate or commercial Estates whatever which doesn’t sound very exciting but it is scene of a World War II Munitions Factory or storage it was run by the Royal ordinance munitions and was well away from an area that could have been bombed and it was cunningly disguised by building much of it underground and you can still see evidence of that um until recently there was a shopping um retail park there which is all closed now cuz it no one ever went really and a lot of the shops are underground well bit like that service station on the M5 Gloucester Services which obviously was built recently but I’ll show you what I mean when we get there right can see the little church up on the hill there the th parch is state is also where you can get back onto the railway path back into weather be it’s also home to the British Library the the second building the building outside London first being near St panas in London I used to work next door to the British library in London on the EAS Road and I lived in London for a number of years and works in an advertising agency on houon Road I forgot to point out the track going down to hill or prior but never mind oh look is it a little rabbit big rabbit a hair is it a hair or is it a rabbit my mom said before she was Ill she used to talk about how in the war they had to eat an awful lot of rabbits um because other meat was in short supply and she said she hates she she can never have rabbit again after the war she has so much of it hi there this is Wake hell [Music] he he oh just past the church which is on our left in the moment we turn right towards thought parch if you go straight ahead here he ends up in tag cter that’s the church and we go right all right right [Music] sh we’re nearly at the retail well it’s not retail park now is it the industrial estate of thought parch another reason for parch was chosen in the war for the Munitions was not only because it was away from anywhere that might obviously be a target for German bombers but it was on a railway line into weatherbe and Beyond and we will cycle along that line can be a bit busy this road cuz people head to weatherbe or to the industrial estate and there are some speed cameras further on which is good that’s a horrible smell something horrible being put on the fields I imagine go straight on and pick up the ra Railway path a bit further on but at TH parch Village but it’s not a very nice Road think you can see the British Library building ahead I don’t know if you can see it on this fishey camera view there is another very short cycle path off road cycle path a bit further on where some someone cut the horor hedges in Autumn the other year and left all the remains on the cycopath and I got a double puncture front and back and not only that but it’s like it’s really hammer it down with rain luckily luckily a local plaster from weatherbe was passing and they gave me a lift back to my car in weatherbe I mean I don’t I would never accept lifts from strangers but I had no choice and he was in a genuine van with his name on so here we are we turn into this rather Anonymous estate with an imaginative names for the streets Avenue Sea always makes me think of that suzan Vegas on Avenue L where the Portuguese women come and see what you sell it’s very flat and very easy cycling though must admit and soon we’ll see evidence of the war time buildings we go ahead Straight Ahead here it’s a bit confusing you can get lost to if you don’t know the way it’s on its strange grid pattern looks like it’s all been nearly surfaced they ought to go back and do the roads I’ve been cycling on you can see evidence of the war time Underground either factories or storage over there for example in a head that hillock will be the roof I think the railway ran over there and down to Boston spar me turn left here but you can see there can’t you look part of the war time stuff do seem to be some things going on at the retail Park I’ll have a look cuz it was closed for a long time maybe maybe it’s reopening very unusual retail Park let’s go and take a look I don’t know places look like they’re closed but you see how they’re all underground part of the old Munitions and yeah it looks like there’s something over there Cafe since we the only thing that’s open open and there’s a car boot sale here ideal for a car boot sale now at the end here we’ll get back we’ll get onto the old rail path or at least the track that leads up to the rail path and you can go left down across the river on the old rail path but it kind of takes you to a main road and then dumps you there you’ve got to get on the main road into Boston spar so I guess if everything was Underground here in the wall from the air it will probably just look like Fields maybe I have to find a a photo from the uh maybe of the back in the day so we go offroads just here past that gray car and we wiggle Along on a path until we reach the Old Railway line so if you go left you can go down through a housing estate down across the river and to the main road this section can be a bit bumpy cuz there’s a lot of tree roots under the TAC see what I mean is good though cuz you can cycle Offroad all the way into weatherbe so oh God these tree roots if you work at the estate hello little dog it’s quite handy the tree roots I don’t think I’d want to cycle along here at night though well I definitely wouldn’t I don’t really do night cycling anyway thank you hello little dog tree rops we cross this road and pick up the track over there but I think I’ll change my battery here [Music] right we cross the roads here just down there if you cycle along this road from Boston Spar you pass on that side the old um I think it’s is it the Thor parch railway station or the Boston Spar one I don’t know which but he passed the old Railway Way Station building this path takes us onto the line or the track bed should I say soon you be able to see how it joins the track comes along there and we join it just up here little dog what this is where we join the old line I think that man’s trying to get rid of some of this Himalayan balsom it’s just all along here every year this beautiful rail bridge this Himalayan bow them all the way and our family we call it evil plant cuz it takes over places and it smells really sickly when the pink flowers come out later in the summer it is one of the top invasive species like Japanese notw and bamboo as well now [Music] non-native species should I say oh the flowers are starting to come out there I hate I hate it it’s everywhere was a walkway there along the river ooze which should have been very Scenic New York but it wasn’t because the path went through something like 10t or 12T High Himalayan Balsam and all you could see was a forest of Himalayan [Music] balom another beautiful Bridge beautifully constructed soon we arrive at the main road again the joining the road that we were cycling along before we turned off into th parch estate we cross that road and then head off down the rail path into weatherbe and a couple of years ago the next section of the rail path was resurfaced cuz it was in a terrible state of repair and it’s quite quite good now whereas if you cycle up to spot from the old weatherbe station car park it uh is unsurfaced for about I would say about 3/4 of it and that bit is very popular so I can’t see why they resurfaced this and didn’t do that one see it’s more popular than this one like the railway would have gone across the past those buildings [Music] we cross the road and this along there is a scene of where where I got the double puncture cuz all these Hawthorne Hawthorne bushes which were just cut and strewn all over the cycle path [Applause] right this is where we head onto back onto the rail path and it moves away from the main road and eventually pass the weatherway race course and then under the A1 and into weatherbe is a nice path this is nice and smooth [Music] my Garmin is telling me we’ve been moving for about nearly 2 hours now doesn’t count the stops so my bike coach will hopefully be quite happy with what I’ve done here this is such easy cycling oh easy easy easy after the after you go under the a1m there’s a bit of a a tiny little mini hike uphill to a housing estate at the beginning of weather be which has been built over where the Old Railway line would have been so just watch out here that um watch out for um anything coming right and left it’s a farm track oh my God look at all these dogs hello hi it’s okay hello little dog hello well behaved dogs more dogs thank you that’s the speed that that dog Farm dog was going when he grabs hold of my sh in in oven right we got weatherbe race course over there on the right the tunnel under the a1m coming up if you do this ge take your gears down because there’s a little climb immediately after so check my G a lot of bags of dog poo I hope they’re going to pick them up then we got this little climb here we go so the railway will probably be continuing over there or it might have gone straight up here I don’t know there was another railway station in weatherbe the first railway station but they moved it to where it where I started this ride I think cuz it needed to be near that Junction more convenience that Junction we turn right the r would have going along there at the te Junction here we turn left and the railway would have crossed this road here that’s the old part of the old bridge we’re not going to go back on the rail path we’re going to go back via road which is what I normally do so we turn left at this Junction this is the road we went out on that went past to Aldi smell fish and chips wait turn oh there’s a fish and ship shop smells go address we turn right at the mini roundabout it’s kind sh Cinema cute little Cinema here and it is open there a little cafe and we turn rise at the junction it’s a bit of an awkward Junction let me turn left got the mini rounds about here on our left we have the river Warf and there would been a Railway Bridge across it there’s a foot Bridge down there which is probably I just say it’s probably the same site and we turn right up here back into the station car park one place I’ve never investigated it’s down here so no better time than the present we’re not in a hurry bit of a steep path so I’m guessing that foot bridge ahead maybe where the railway used to cross the river this is the river Warf I don’t think we’ll go right down to it it’s quite Pleasant isn’t it right we turn right here back up to the station the old station and my Garing tells me it’s Taken 2 hours 11 minutes moving here we are right we’re back and uh thank you for watching [Music]

    1 Comment

    1. My mum is 84, she's already said if she gets dementia not to look after her and put her in a home. Nice route. Do you still use Strava?. I've put a follow request I'd love to pinch some of the maps and try some of the routes. Especially this one I think I could do it pretty flat😂. Keep up the good work 🚴🚴🚴

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