This is part 3 of my Ultimate Conspiracy Theory Iceberg series, a mega compilation of the top conspiracy icebergs on the web. I’ve alphabetized this collection of conspiracies to help eliminate duplicate entries as well as removing preconceived notions of obscurity or importance.

    My Rabbit Hole Iceberg will obviously have a small amount of overlap with this, but this will instead focus more on the wondrous, unbelievable, and outlandish side of the views and claims made by certain individuals or groups. While rabbit holes are mostly interesting – Some of these theories get unbelievable, dark and downright weird.

    With that said, this is strictly for entertainment purposes. Nothing stated here should be taken literally or as factual. It’s safe to assume that the greater majority of these are impossible and/or completely fictional – although some have already occurred and are as factual as it gets. Some of these theories and speculations are so unbelievable, complex, or horrifying that it cannot and should not be taken as anything other than fictional entertainment.

    You are highly encouraged to come to your own conclusions about subjects within this video (along with everything you consume online).


    00:00 – Ancient Structures’ Purpose
    02:29 – Androids are Among Us
    04:26 – Animal Spying
    06:30 – Animal-Plant Hybrids
    08:56 – Annunaki
    11:36 – Antarctica Theories
    13:33 – Antichrist Theories
    14:55 – Antikythera Mechanism
    16:08 – Anti-Natalism (Anti-Life Ethics)
    17:35 – Appendix Monkey Tail
    19:13 – Approaching Stars
    20:55 – Aquatic Ape Theory
    22:42 – Ararat Anomaly
    24:29 – Archons
    26:38 – Archontic Genetic Engineered Entities
    28:26 – Area 51

    Watch the part-by-part playlist here:

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    Hollow Earth theory, Atlantis, Ancient aliens, UFO sightings, Area 51, Reptilian shapeshifters, New World Order, Illuminati conspiracy, Moon landing hoax, JFK assassination conspiracy, Chemtrails, Flat Earth theory, Mandela Effect, Project MKUltra, Philadelphia Experiment, Montauk Project, Time travel conspiracy, Bermuda Triangle mystery, Denver Airport conspiracy, Bigfoot sightings, Loch Ness Monster, Cryptozoology, Roswell UFO incident, Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove, Freemasons conspiracy, Disappearance of Amelia Earhart, Nikola Tesla suppressed inventions, CIA mind control experiments, Shadow government conspiracy, Vaccine conspiracy theories, HAARP weather control, Nibiru/Planet X conspiracy, Georgia Guidestones, Simulation theory, Quantum immortality theory, Men in Black encounters, Roko’s Basilisk, Cicada 3301 mystery, Annunaki, Agartha, Agenda 21, Ancient glyphs on Saturn moons, Archons, Black knight satellite, Bloodletting magick, Bohemian Grove, CERN conspiracy, Celebrity cloning, Codex Gigas, COINTELPRO, Consciousness beamed from moon-base, Cosmic censorship, Crop circles, Crystal skulls, Cryptids, Dead internet theory, Dimensional jumping, Disappearance of Ettore Majorana, Dulce Base, Dyatlov Pass incident, Earth is bigger than the Sun, Elisa Lam’s death, Expanding Earth, Extraterrestrial life, Feral children, Fermi paradox, Finland doesn’t exist, Fluoride dangers, Free energy suppression, Gang stalking, Ghost hunting evidence, Giants, Glitch in the Matrix, GMO conspiracy, Greek sky phenomena, Grey goo, Harmonic convergence, Hopi Blue Star Prophecy, Human hunting, Hypnosis, Incorruptible saints, Intelligent design, Jack the Ripper, Jeanne Calment hoax, Kali Yuga, Kurt Cobain murder, Lake monsters, Large Hadron Collider, Lizard people, Lost civilizations, Lucid dreaming, Lunar wave, Majestic 12, Max Headroom incident, Mayan calendar and 2012, Men in Black, Mind control, Missing 411, Mothman, Naga Fireballs, Nazi UFOs, Number stations, Oak Island treasure, Occult knowledge, Ouija board, Oumuamua, Phantom time hypothesis, Polybius, Precognitive dreams, Project Blue Beam, Prophecies, Psychic warfare, Quantum entanglement, Rendlesham Forest incident, Reptilians, Rh-negative blood, Skinwalker Ranch, Skull and Bones society, Sleep paralysis, Spontaneous human combustion, Stargate Project, Subliminal messages, Taos Hum, Tesla’s death ray, The Black Knight satellite, The Chronovisor, The Denver Airport murals, The Dyatlov Pass incident, The Ganzfeld experiment, The Hutchison effect, The Mothman Prophecies, The Overtoun Bridge, The Tunguska event, The Voynich Manuscript, Time travel evidence, UFO abductions, Underground bases, Vimanas, Wormholes, Zodiac Killer identity.

    the enigmatic Origins and purposes of ancient structures like pyramids ziggurats Cliff Dwellings and advanced Water Systems have long fascinated researchers and sparked various theories some of which Venture into the realm of alternative history and extraterrestrial involvement proponents of these unconventional ideas point to the seemingly inexplicable architectural Feats achieved by ancient civilization arguing that the level of sophistication and precision found in these structures exceeds what would be expected given the assumed technological capabilities of the time for example the intricate Water Systems of ancient Persia which transported cold water from distant mountain peaks to cities year round and the complex Cliff palaces of China which required immense skill and resources to construct have been cited as evidence of a higher level of knowledge or assist from Advanced beings some theories suggest that these structures served purposes Beyond mere human habitation or religious worship with pyramids and ziggurats potentially functioning as mining facilities or even as launching platforms for other worldly spacecraft as in the case of the mythical Tower of Babel and its supposed connection to the anunaki a group of deities from Mesopotamian mythology the concept of sacral architecture where structures are built primarily for their sacred SEC or symbolic significance rather than practical utility is often invoked to explain the Grandeur and mystery surrounding these ancient sites Advocates of alternative theories argue that the people of the time would not have invested such vast resources and effort into these projects unless they held a deeper perhaps extraterrestrial inspired purpose while mainstream archaeology attributes these architectural Marvels to the Ingenuity and dedication of ancient human civilizations the lure of alternative explanations persists fueled by the enduring sense of wonder and curiosity that these structures evoke as more discoveries are made and new evidence comes to light the debate between conventional and alternative interpretations of these Ancient Wonders is likely to continue inviting us to question our assumptions about the capabilities and motivations of our distant ancestors and the possibility of intervention from beyond our world this is in reference to a notion that some individuals among us might be secretly Androids or human robot hybrids this idea is only being fueled by the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and Robotics while the idea may seem far-fetched at first glance proponents of this Theory point to the increasingly lifelike appearance and behavior of modern robots arguing that it is only a matter of time before they become indistinguishable from humans some some even suggest that this technology may have already been developed and deployed covertly with Android agents walking Among Us undetected Believers in this Theory often cite instances of people exhibiting unusual or seemingly inhuman Behavior as potential evidence of Android infiltration they argue that certain individuals may display a lack of empathy emotion or social awareness that could be indicative of a robotic or artificial nature additionally The Uncanny Valley effect where highly realistic humanoid robots can trigger feelings of unease or revulsion in observers is sometimes invoked as a possible explanation for why we may subconsciously detect and react to the presence of Androids without consciously realizing it while the concept of secret Androids living among us remains firmly in the realm of Science Fiction at present some researchers have conducted experiments to explore how people might interact with human robot hybrids in social situations ations these studies such as the echor experiments involve a human participant relaying the words of a chatbot through an earpiece creating a sort of cyborg like interaction the results of these experiments suggest that people are often surprisingly willing to engage with and accept the cyborg as a fellow human even when their conversation patterns exhibit telltale signs of artificial intelligence throughout history there have been numerous reports and instances of animals being employed as spies during times of war with some cases being more credible than others confirmed examples include the use of dogs by German forces during World War I to relay messages between trenches as well as the cia’s training of dolphins to gather intelligence and even communicate information about enemy presence more extreme theories have emerged from Declassified CIA documents such as the acoustic Kitty project which allegedly involved surgically modifying a cat with wires and transmitters to serve as a living wireless radio device in another bizarre incident when sharks attacked swimmers in the Red Sea Egypt accused Israel of intentionally training the Sharks to Target people though the validity of this claim remains Highly Questionable one of the most peculiar Tales of animal Espionage involves the heart La poool monkey which occurred during a conflict between France and England in the 18th century according to Legend when a French warship sank off the coast of harle poool England the only Survivor was a small monkey dressed in a naval officer’s uniform the town’s people of Hartlepool having never encountered a Frenchman before allegedly mistook the monkey for an actual French sailor and attempted to interrogate it when the monkey failed to respond the locals supposedly held an official trial and executed the Animal by hanging an event that has become a curious point of Pride for the town with the local rugby team even adopting the name monkey hangers while the veracity of some of these stories may be dubious they demonstrate the enduring fascination with the concept of animals being used as covert operatives in times of conflict the idea that creatures could be trained or manipulated to gather intelligence or even carry out attacks appeals to the human imagination blurring the lines between the natural world and the clandestine realm of espionage the concept of animal plant hybrid creatures has existed for Centuries with mythological beings like the Minotaur and sphinx serving as early examples of this Fascination while these Fantastical creatures have long been relegated to the realm of folklore and fiction recent scientific discoveries suggest that the line between the animal and plant kingdoms may be more blurred than previously thought the discovery of organisms like mesodinium chameleon a single- celled creature that exhibits both animal and plant characteristics has led some researchers to propose that the traditional divide between these two domains of life may be collapsing m shalian a type of pilate typically classified as an animal has been found to engage in a form of photosynthesis by temporarily incorporating algal cells into its own body allowing it to harness the power of the Sun for energy production this hybrid nature combining animal-like predation with plant-like photosynthesis challenges our conventional understanding of what defines an animal or a plant suggesting that some organisms May defy easy categorization other examples of endosymbiosis where one organism lives inside another and contributes to its survival further blur the boundaries between distinct forms of life the evolution of mitochondria the energy producing structures within our own cells is belied belied to have originated from the ancient incorporation of bacteria into larger host cells creating a permanent symbiotic relationship as we continue to explore the diversity of life on Earth it is becoming increasingly apparent that the neat categories we have created to classify organisms may not always reflect the complex and fluid nature of biological systems while the idea of macroscopic animal plant hybrids remains firmly in the realm of Science Fiction the existence of microscopic organisms that bridge the gap between these two kingdoms suggests that the potential for such creatures may not be entirely far-fetched as our understanding of the natural world evolves it is possible that we may uncover more examples of hybrid or chimeric organisms that challenge our preconceived notions of what is possible in the realm of biology the anunaki a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian religions have become the subject of numerous conspiracy theories and alternative history narratives despite their relatively modest role in the original mythology much of this modern Fascination can be traced back to the works of zecharia siten who claimed that the anunaki were actually Advanced extraterrestrial beings from a planet called Nibiru who came to Earth in Antiquity and genetically engineered humans as a slave species to mine gold sitchin’s theories which he claimed were based on his own unique translation of Sumerian texts have been widely popularized in books television programs and online forums leading to a vast array of derivative theories and beliefs proponents of these ideas often point to the advanced astronomical knowledge and Architectural achievements of ancient Mesopotamian civilizations as evidence of extraterrestrial influence arguing that such Feats would have been impossible possible for humans to accomplish on their own they also interpret various mythological stories and depictions of the Anunnaki as literal accounts of alien visitations and interventions in human affairs with some even claiming that the Anunnaki were reptilian in appearance and possessed shape-shifting abilities these theories have been further elaborated upon by other authors and researchers such as David Ike who has incorporated the anunaki into his own conspiracy narratives involving a hidden Global Elite of reptilian overlords controlling the world from behind the scenes despite the popularity of these ideas in certain circles it is important to note that sitchin’s work has been thoroughly debunked by Scholars of ancient languages and cultures who have pointed out numerous flaws in his translations and interpretations of Sumerian texts mainstream academics maintain that the Anunnaki were purely mythological beings embodying various aspects of the natural world world and human society and that there is no credible evidence to support claims of ancient alien visitations or genetic manipulation nevertheless the enduring appeal of these theories may stem from a desire to find extraordinary explanations for the mysteries of the past and The Human Condition as well as a distrust of official narratives and mainstream institutions the anunaki have become a powerful cultural meme transcending their original mythological context and taking on a life of their own in the world of conspiracy theories and alternative spirituality Antarctica theories refers to a range of alternative ideas and speculations surrounding the mysterious and largely unexplored continent of Antarctica one prominent Theory suggests that Antarctica may be home to secret military bases or research facilities possibly operated by governments or shadowy organizations proponents of this idea point to the strict International treaties governing Antarctica and The Limited public access to the continent as evidence of hidden agendas and covert operations some researchers have claimed that satellite imagery and aerial photographs reveal unusual structures or anomalies on the Antarctic Ice which they interpret as signs of underground bases or alien outposts another theory proposes that Antarctica may be the location of lost civilizations or ient ruins perhaps even the legendary city of Atlantis Advocates of this idea often cite the discovery of unusual geological formations or artifacts in Antarctica as potential evidence of a forgotten human presence on the continent they argue that the harsh icy conditions of Antarctica could have preserved the remains of ancient societies waiting to be uncovered beneath the glaciers some Fringe theories even suggest that Antarctica may be the entrance to a hollow Earth or an inner World accessible through secret passages or portals hidden beneath the ice these ideas often draw upon various mythological and esoteric Traditions that describe Subterranean Realms inhabited by Advanced beings or lost civilizations while mainstream science regards many of these theories as speculative and lacking concrete evidence the Allure of Antarctica’s Mysteries and the vast unexplored nature of the continent continue to fuel alter ative ideas and Captivate the public imagination Antichrist theories revolve around the concept of a powerful evil figure who will emerge in the end times often as a charismatic leader or deceiver many of these theories draw from various interpretations of religious texts particularly the Bible’s Book of Revelation which describes a Great Deceiver who will oppose Christ and Lead many astray some Believers point to specific passages that mention a man of sin or son of predition who will perform Miracles and demand worship suggesting that this figure will be a counterfeit Messiah Antichrist theories often incorporate geopolitical events and figures with some speculating that the Antichrist could be a world leader or influential public figure who gains widespread support certain theorists attempt to link the Antichrist to various conspiracy theories such as a global Elite working behind the scenes to establish a new world order others interpret the Antichrist as a metaphorical representation of evil forces or ideologies that run counter to religious teachings and morality while mainstream religious Scholars generally view Antichrist theories as speculative and open to interpretation some Believers find compelling evidence in world events and the perceived decline of moral values the anti-ra mechanism an ancient Greek astronomical device discovered in a shipwreck off the coast of antia in 1901 has been the subject of numerous theories regarding its origin and purpose some researchers believe that the mechanism which dates back to around 100 BCE was used to calculate and predict astronomical events such as eclipses and the positions of celestial bodies the complex gears and intricate design of the device have led some to speculate that it may have been created by r ancient inventors such as Archimedes or hipparchus others proposed that the mechanism could have been used for astrological purposes helping ancient Greeks make predictions and decisions based on the alignment of heavenly bodies the discovery of the antira mechanism challenges the notion that ancient civilizations lacked Advanced technological capabilities as the device exhibits a level of mechanical sophistication not seen again until the 14th century some Fringe theories suggest that the mechanism could have been influenced by extraterrestrial intelligence given its seemingly anachronistic complexity anti-natalism refers to the philosophical and ethical position that argues against human procreation and bringing new sensient life into existence proponents of anti-natalism contend that birth leads to unnecessary suffering as all humans are destined to experience pain loss and eventual death they argue that imposing life on a being without its consent is morally problematic as it subjects the individual to the inherent hardships and challenges of existence anti-natalist often emphasize the asymmetry between the absence of pleasure in non-existence and the presence of suffering in life suggesting that the former is preferable some antinatalists point to environmental concerns arguing that overpopulation strains the planet’s resources and contributes to ecological degradation making procreation ethically questionable others focus on the societal pressures and expectations surrounding Parenthood asserting that individuals should have the right to choose a life without the burden of raising children while anti-natalism remains a controversial and minority Viewpoint its Advocates aim to challenge traditional Notions of the inherent value of life and reproduction they encourage a Critical examination of the reason for having children and the potential consequences of bringing new life into an uncertain world the concept of the appendix functioning similarly to a monkey’s tail known as the appendix monkey tail Theory suggests that the human appendix is a vestigial organ that once served a purpose in our evolutionary past proponents of this Theory point to the presence of the tailbone or coxics in humans as evidence that our ancestors once once had taals and they believe that the appendix may have played a role in the functioning of this now lost appendage some speculate that the appendix like a monkey’s tail could have assisted in balance or Locomotion or perhaps even had a sensory function the idea that the appendix is a vestigial organ is supported by the fact that its removal does not typically lead to any significant long-term Health consequences additionally the theory suggests that the appendix may have served as a safe house for beneficial gut bacteria helping to repopulate the digestive system after a bout of illness or ingestion of contaminated food or water this concept aligns with the belief that the appendix acted as a digestive reboot mechanism allowing the body to flush out undigested matter and start a new as human diets and Lifestyles have evolved over time the need for such a function may have diminished leading to the appendix becoming a largely redundant organ while the theory remains speculative it highlights the ongoing efforts to understand the evolutionary history and potential past functions of seemingly vestigal structures in the human body approaching Stars refers to the concept that certain stars in the universe may be moving towards our solar system potentially leading to significant astronomical events or even catastrophic consequences for Earth some proponents of this theory suggest that one or more stars could be on a collision course with our sun which would result in a massive Stellar explosion known as a supernova they argue that such an event could have devastating effects on our planet including the disruption of Earth’s orbit intense radiation bombardment and the potential Extinction of Life others speculate that an approaching star could disrupt the delicate gravitational balance of our solar system causing planets to be ejected from their orbits or altering their trajectories this idea has gained traction among some doomsday theorists who believe that an approaching star could Herald the end of the world or a major Global cataclysm some researchers have pointed to ancient myths and prophecies that describe celestial events or signs in the sky as potential references to approaching stars and their catastrophic consequences they argue that these ancient accounts may contain knowledge or warnings about Cosmic events that have been passed down through generations while the idea of approaching Stars has captured the imagination of many it is important to note that the vast majority of stars in the universe are incredibly distant and do not pose a direct threat to our solar system astronomers constantly monitor the positions and trajectories of nearby stars and have not found any credible evidence of a star on a collision course with our son The Aquatic a theory proposes that a semi-aquatic phase in human evolution played a significant role in shaping our unique characteristics such as bipedalism hairlessness and subcutaneous fat proponents of this Theory argue that certain human traits like our ability to hold our breath underwater and the presence of webbing between our fingers suggest an adaptation to an aquatic environment they point to the fact that humans are the only primates that can swim instinctively and that our body composition with a high percentage of body fat resembles that of other Aquatic mammals like seals and whales some Advocates of the theory suggest that the need to Wade through water and search for food in an aquatic setting could have led to the development of bipedalism as it would have been more efficient than quadrupedal movement in such conditions additionally they proposed that the loss of body hair and the development of subcutaneous fat could have been advantageous for streamlining the body and providing insulation in water similar to the adaptations seen in other Aquatic mammals while the Aquatic ape Theory offers an intriguing explanation for certain human characteristics it remains controversial within the scientific Community critics argue that there is a lack of fossil evidence supporting a semi-aquatic phase in human evolution and that many of the traits cited by proponents can be explained by other evolutionary pressures such as the need for efficient Thermo regulation in hot dry environments however supporters maintain that the theory merits further investigation and that the potential role of aquatic environments in shaping human evolution should not be dismissed outright the aarat anomaly refers to a mysterious object or structure spotted on satellite imagery of Mount aarat in Turkey which some believe could be the remains of Noah’s Ark the anomaly which appears as a boat shaped formation nestled in a glacier near the Mountain’s Peak has captured the attention of biblical archaeologists and enthusiasts who have long searched for evidence of the legendary vessel proponents of the theory point to the object’s Dimensions which they claim closely match the biblical description of the Ark as well as its location on Mount Ararat which is specifically mentioned in the Book of Genesis as the resting place of Noah’s Ark after the great flood some researchers have even suggested that the formation’s high altitude and remote location could explain how the ark remained hidden and preserved for thousands of years expeditions to the site have been organized to investigate the anomaly further with some claiming to have found additional evidence such as wooden beams and petrified wood that could support the theory of the ark’s presence however Skeptics argue that the aarat anomaly is likely a natural geological formation such as a rock outcropping or a linear Ridge rather than a man-made structure they point out that the harsh conditions on the mountain including glacial movement and erosion could easily create shapes that resemble man-made objects when viewed from above despite the lack of conclusive evidence the aarat anomaly remains a subject of Fascination for those who believe in the literal truth of the biblical flood narrative and the possibility of discovering tangible proof of one of history’s most famous legends archon is a term that appears in various spiritual and philosophical traditions often referring to a group of powerful otherworldly beings or entities that are believed to influence or control the material world and human Affairs in gnosticism a diverse set of ancient religious and philosophical beliefs archons are often depicted as malevolent or ignorant rulers of the material realm responsible for the creation of the physical universe and the entrapment of divine Sparks within human beings Gnostic texts such as the nag hamadi Library describe the archons as emanations of a lesser flawed Creator God called the Dem urge who is distinct from the Supreme Transcendent God some Gnostic teachings suggest that the archons actively seek to keep humans ignorant of their true divine nature and prevent them from attaining spiritual Liberation or nosis components of archon related beliefs often point to the existence of suffering Injustice and ignorance in the world as evidence of the archon’s influence and the need for Spiritual Awakening to break free from their control in some new age and conspiracy theory circles the concept of archons has been adapted to include the belief in extraterrestrial or interdimensional beings that manipulate human society and institutions from behind the scenes Advocates of this perspective May cite alleged UFO sightings abduction experiences and the perceived minations of secret societies or governments as indications of the archon’s ongoing presence and interference in human Affairs it remains a largely speculative and metaphysical idea that lacks substantial empirical evidence nevertheless for those who subscribe to archon related beliefs the idea of powerful unseen forces shaping the world and influencing human consciousness continues to provide a compelling explanatory framework for the Mysteries and challenges of existence the phrase archontic genetic engineered entities refers to a concept in Alternative Health and spirituality circles according to this Theory these entities are a type of parasite that can be implanted into the human body most commonly through the gallbladder Meridian proponents of this idea believe that the life cycle and behavior of SP pees mimic those of physical parasites burrowing into the body’s matrices mostly within their pineal gland altering the reality that an individual experiences the theory suggests that physical parasites in the body create disease energy blockages and increase vulnerability to mind control Technologies which is allegedly what archons or malevolent extradimensional beings desire in order to weaken and control humans add Advocates of this concept argue that if live blood microscopic analysis frequency testing and the acknowledgement of pleomorphic change of microorganisms inside the human body were more accepted in mainstream medicine it would reveal parasites and toxicity as the root cause of all diseases potentially rendering synthetic drugs and certain medical practices unnecessary according to this perspective energetic parasites are believed to be the source of physical parasites and pathogenic microorganisms and the more alien implants one has the greater the energetic parasitism occurring in their life force and vital body Essences subscribers to this Theory assert that if the body is covered with infection and parasites it experiences a rate of Decay that significantly impacts the quality of bodily function which they believe is not adequately addressed by conventional medicine a Area 51 refers to a highly classified United States Air Force facility located in the Nevada desert which has been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories and speculation about its true purpose the facility’s secretive nature and its association with Advanced military technology have led many to believe that it is involved in the study and reverse engineering of extraterrestrial spacecraft and Technology proponents of this Theory point to the numerous reports of unidentify ified flying objects in the area surrounding area 51 as well as alleged accounts from former employees and military personnel who claim to have witnessed or worked on alien technology at the site some conspiracy theorists suggest that the US government has been collaborating with extraterrestrial beings at Area 51 engaging in joint research projects or even negotiating secret agreements with alien civilizations others speculate that the facility may be involved in the development of advanced human technology such as secret aircraft or weapon systems which are kept hidden from the public eye the intense secrecy surrounding area 51 including the Restriction of airspace above the facility and the government’s reluctance to acknowledge its existence for many years has only fueled further speculation and belief in the site’s extraordinary purpose while some of the more outlandish claims about Area 51 May stretch credibility the persistent interest in the the facility reflects a broader fascination with the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the belief that the government may be withholding information about such encounters the fact that area 51 has been used for developing and testing Advanced military aircraft such as the U2 spy plane and the F-117 Stealth fighter lends some Credence to the idea that the site May indeed be involved in Cutting Edge classified projects


    1. Instead of telling me what you think about everyone else (like I care).. just tell me what you're about.
      I DECICE.
      What is wrong with my specie?

    2. Finally, finally youve reached the true "conspiracy" theories. These are the ones i been waiting on somebody to talk about in one setting without dumbass jokes disapproving it just straightforward unbiasd and most points of reference. You did some research on this pretty good honestly, there are lots more tho

    3. Including Anti-Naturalism alongside these conspiracy theories doesn't really fit. Everything else is based on the belief in a global conspiracy and/or hidden information about the past, present or reality in general; while anti-naturalism is rather a philosophical view on life and approach towards it. Exactly there are mostly two different versions of anti-naturalism: one where life in general is meaningless and for the evolve forms like for example humans is mostly suffering; another which isn't critical about life in general, but thinks that humans cause so much harm to other forms that it would be better for others that this one specie would extinct. Both version don't say that there is conspiracy manipulating people to procreate; but are just instincts in animal nature or broader as pessimistic philosopher and famous anti-naturalist Arthur Schopenhauer called "will to live" in all forms of life, what consciously people should not fallow and chose to not procreate (either so your children won't experience suffering of existence or for the good of ecosystem). There may be anti-naturalists who also believe in some conspiracy theories, but anti-naturalism itself have nothing to do with believing in conspiracy, but is either philosophical view on life or radical environmental movement.

    4. I, and many others, tend to listen to videos like this without looking at our phone/computer screen. It would be awesome if you could state the name of each item on the iceberg out loud so that we don’t have to read the screen anytime you get to the next one

    5. We’re nothing but an Ant colony. Just like we did as kids. Put some Ants in a glass tank with dirt and food and watch them build a working society. Think about life and machines like car motors. We all need fuel, we breathe, we have filters like Kidneys, Livers, air filters, oil filters. We have hearts/fuel pumps, spark/electrical signals, computers/brains (well, some). Wires/veins. The single cell is built just like a boat motor. We’re being observed and tested by what we do here. We were designed and built.

    6. hey Maker, I really like your content, but everytime aliens and the sort are brought up, it feeks like their is some bias that completely accepts the plausability of each entry, and it feels very biased. I understand that you have had personal experiences that you confer to be evidence and proof of aliens, but do you think you could try and remove any sort of bias from videos, as with certain topics, such as the nano materials in your rabbit hole icebergs, withheld information that could provide deniability and/or suspicion to the legitamacy of the case (inefficient metal dating which cannot and could not give an accurate dating of when the nano materials were created, even to todays standards; researcher who already worked on the case already having a bias in the belief of aliens have already come to earth; research groups returning to the site and retesting the materials, finding carbon ash, likely meaning thay some form of human-made industry had occured their at sometime, etc).

    7. The theories about ancient civilizations having alien contacts that helped them create irrigation is so fucking stupid and annoying. Imagine if people 3000 yeras from now thought aliens gave us cell phones because they couldn't coprehend being smart enough to create such things. Maybe ancient Sumeriens were a bit smarter than us, has anyone ever thought that just because it was thousands of years ago doesn't mean they were complete dipshits.

    8. I don’t believe past population that built these cities were aliens. They were humans with advanced technology and got wiped out. History is not all truth and who knows how many civilizations were here before us

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