There’s a busy few weeks coming up in the UK, so how will the broadcasters cope with it? Will they manage to straddle all of the programming evenly? Or will everything fall into absolute CHAOS?


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    #bbc #itv #chaos

    help support amtv by becoming a patron an amtv staff member and following us over on Twitter hi there guys it’s Adam Martin here and welcome back to another video and today we’re going to be talking about disruption disruption that’s right there’s major disruption that’s going to be happening across the two main terrestrial TV channels here in the UK that being the BBC and ITV now why is there so much disruption what Earth shattering events could be happening to Warrant such a thing well in many cases they’re not earth shattering it’s just a lot of big things are happening all within the same short span of time if you’re a UK viewer you might be aware that we have a general election coming up that’s going to take place on July the 4th but as big as that might be for the UK that’s not the only major thing going on I’m going to take you through it and explain why the broadcasters will have to adapt in the way they will for context we’ve got this article here from RXV as always a great website go and check them out I feel like I can’t say that enough and for those who were like you just cover everything RX TV puts out that’s not true they put so much stuff out I couldn’t even keep up with it all if I tried but there are great resource a great website so go and check them out so it begins by saying the BBC and ITV are going to struggle to cover a clash of multiple major cultural sporting and news events viewers will be pushed towards live streams and pop-up channels on the I player and it tvx to avoid last minute channel and schedule changes whilst on demand Services have taken a growing share of viewers watching dramas and reality shows live TV continues to perform strongly for major events already Euro 2024 coverage has seen audiences exceed 10 million and pre-election coverage is also attracting Millions so yeah the case when people like oh TV’s dying when it comes to live TV it’s actually doing pretty good it seems that we as a nation still collectively will turn on our TVs to watch something big happen if it’s happening live things I can think about off the top of my head obviously like the Queen’s funeral the subsequent King’s coron Sports is another big one as well particularly when it’s these big tournaments like the Euros or the World Cup because if you think about it 10 million viewers you know back in the 70s ‘ 80s even the 90s the BBC and ITV could hit 10 million viewers consistently on a whole range of programs but because viewing habits have changed so radically especially within the last 10 15 years hitting 10 million now feels like a you know almost like a rarity so when these Sports programs still manage to do that on a live basis that is considerably a big deal but the glut of live events during the end of June and beginning of July have forced broadcasters to launch temporary popup channels where viewers can access full coverage of events without interruptions the BBC will carry a red button link on BBC 1 and BBC 2 to the extra channels which will be made available through the BBC I player ITV viewers can access ITV X to view itv’s full selection of programs so all these temporary pop-ups all these different measures it just means that they can get these events without interruptions because on the main channels like say BBC 1 itv1 they might be able to say show a bit of of a sporting event but then they have to they might have to dive away for the news or something else like that so you know say you’ve got Wimbledon on but then they might have to dive away from covering that to cover something to do with the election it’s just it all these things are happening at the same time and for the broadcasters it happens to be the worst time the red button link you know on BBC One and Two the red button sort of survived hasn’t it do you remember ages ago we talked about the red button how it was on the way out how we didn’t think it would necessarily survive for much longer but it seems to keep you know it keeps bubbling away and when things like this happen it’s really proven its dues as to why it should why it should stick around I suppose the BBC’s live coverage means programs like Bargain Hunt the one show and East Enders will either be cancelled or moved to bbc2 ITV viewers can expect ongoing disruption to emale and Coronation Street as well as daytime Staples Tipping Point and the chase the commercial broadcaster has already had to juggle live football with the Royal Ascot this week and this is where I know people will get frustrated because you know humans we don’t like change you know if a program’s set to be on at a certain time to some degree we don’t like it when it shifts however I’d argue this isn’t as Monumental as it might have been 30 years ago say take it back to the 1990s or even the 80s right this is before the internet this is long before streaming services this is long before catchup services in general and if you missed your program live or you didn’t record it on VHS then that was it you’d missed it but it in events like this say 30 years ago if programs like the Soaps the big soaps Cory emale EastEnders if they got moved to bbc2 or Worse cancelled you’d be left without that program for ages now it’s not so bad we’ve got the I player we’ve got ITX to sort of still give us give us those programs just not in the traditional sense I suppose now we come to some of the big events in question the first of which is Euro 2024 the BBC and ITV have yet to confirm how they’ll carve up the live games during The Knockout stages on Monday the 1 Tuesday the 2nd and Friday the 5th of July there will be two games the first game kicks off at 5:00 p.m. the second at 8:00 p.m. UK time so that’s already I mean two football games in the span of the same day that’s a pretty busy lineup already as a result for the week commencing the 1st of July the BBC and ITV have two schedules ready printed listing magazines due out on the 25th of June will carry both versions should the BBC show live Euro 2024 it will move Wimbledon to BBC 2 to allow bbc1 to show Euro 202 4 ITV will move Regional news to midafternoon if it shows live Euro 2024 coverage now historically with these tournaments the BBC and ITV tend to divvy up the games you know the BBC will get a certain amount of broadcast and then ITV will get a certain amount I’m surprised they haven’t confirmed it now but I guess the listings magazine showing two different versions is the right way to go the streaming alternative is the BBC is going to offer a dedicated Euro 2024 channel on the I player ITX is also offering a Euro 2024 stream Channel live coverage of games in The Knockout stages will be available on one or the other streaming service depending on how the BBC and ITV decide to carve up the remaining games I’m not sure what the direct process is between them to carve them up but at least you know they’re going to be on these e you know either popup channels or on the streaming sites so you can watch them specifically it really caters to the modern way of viewing for a lot of people then we have Wimbledon the tennis during the first few days of coverage it’s due to switch multiple times between BBC 1 and BBC 2 from Monday the 1st to Wednesday the 3rd of July 2024 Wimbledon will start on BBC 2 at 11:00 a.m. move to BBC 1 at 12:15 p.m. switch back to BBC 2 at 1: p.m. rejoining BBC 1 an hour later and at 600 p.m. the coverage switches to BBC 2 returning to BBC 1 at 7 and highlights are on bbc2 Wow how convoluted is that now I guess the main reasons why it dips to bbc2 away from BBC 1 is to make way for the news programs you know as the main public service broadcaster and as arguably the flagship Channel of the UK the news you know does take its importance it still has to be broadcast in its usual slots but yeah to bounce around that quickly you know some within 45 minutes of each other I would say audiences would get confused but I mean audiences are really Savvy these days and it is literally flicking the channel but I can imagine the frustration there you know of having to constantly Channel swap now there will be a streaming alternative which we’ll look at in a second in the event the BBC takes Euro 2024 coverage Wimbledon will remain on BBC 2 into the evening on Friday the 5th of July viewers can expect the bulk of Wimbledon coverage on BBC 2 as BBC 1 covers the aftermath of the general election and I guess you’d sort of expect that again with how big the general election is going to be most of the day after is going to cover who’s won where the country lies now in terms of what what political color parts of the nation have turned to it’s going to be the main focus so the streaming alternative for Wimbledon is avoid Channel hopping by going to the dedicated Wimbledon live streams on the bbci player where you’ll be able to choose cours this service replaces the old style red button service on sky freeat and virgin media and viewers using these platforms will still be able to access extra coverage as the red button now links to the I player and that really was the evolution of the of the red button the main service that we knew about it for so many years was to sort of I guess wind down and mainly just link it to I player choosing different courts on the I player I think is a really good idea because I guess in the pre the pre- streaming era broadcasters would have to choose which courts to cover and if they didn’t have the channels available to show everything then some things would get missed out I must say though the way they have to do this really does lean into the streaming model and it really caters to those for that streaming model I’ll talk more about that after we’ve summed everything up but it’s interesting to see there’s also glastenbury which a lot of people are forgetting about live coverage of the main performances from the headliners of this year’s Music Festival will be shown across BBC 1 BBC 2 and BBC 4 from Friday the 28th of June to Sunday the 30th of June BBC 3 isn’t currently scheduled to show any live coverage but it’s due to carry highlights on the week commencing the 1st of July that surprises me BBC 4 makes sense because it’s more of that artsy based Channel BBC 3 considering it’s catering to the sort of you know 18 to 35 demographic the BBC so desperately want and not all but a vast majority of people going to glastenbury are in that age bracket I’m surprised there isn’t anything apart from the highlights package shown there to have it on BBC 1 and two I I know it’s like again Flagship channels you’re going to get the most viewership there but again when youve when you’re juggling that with Wimbledon and then the euros and the general elction as well I can see why everything’s going to get a bit cluttered the streaming alternative is that the I player is going to carry dedicated glastenbury Channels with W to War live coverage and to be honest if this was me I do like to dip in and out of glastenbury but if that was me wanting to watch W to War live coverage then I’d be going with the streaming model you know I’m not going to watch the selected uh or the coverage of the main performances of the headliners you know it’s just whilst they are the biggest draw you want to see the other stuff as well then of course we have the general election where both bbc1 and itv1 are going to screen live coverage from just before 10: p.m. on Thursday the 4th of July in time for the exit poll which is a tradition that’s always sort of happened the BBC and ITV are going to be live throughout the night and daytime on Friday the 5th of July viewers in Northern Ireland and Wales will have a choice between local coverage and the main UK feed across BBC 1 and 2 in Scotland BBC 1 Scotland will have its own program and the network feed will be on BBC News so it seems now what where you are within the regions of the UK you’ll be able to access the main feed if you want to I totally get all this politics stuff is very ill consuming and people might not want to absorb it anymore after the results declared at present the BBC has two schedules for Friday the 5th of July at 4M bbc1 will either switch from covering developments at Westminster to live Wimbledon or show Euro 2024 live the broadcaster will therefore be hoping there’s no unexpected twists or turns following the vote goodness me could you imagine if something really unexpected happened and they were having to scramble to include that coverage before the game I guess if they were showing the Euros but then they had to cover I think they’d have to maybe with the deals they’d have or something I think they’d have to show the Euro game and then I don’t know the stuff at Westminster would have to probably move on to the BBC news feed or a dedicated thing on the I player because you know with contracts and stuff are showing the games I can’t see I can’t see them dodging that even if there was an unexpected turn itv1 meanwhile will also have two schedules should it get to show the late afternoon Euro 2024 kickoff it’ll wrap up election coverage at 3:30 p.m. handing over to Regional news before the match Channel 4 is also getting involved with alternative coverage running from 10: p.m. on Thursday the 4th until 9:00 p.m. Friday the 5th so it’s not just the BBC and ITV the channel 4 is going to do its own election coverage if you want a more alternative style of covering I’ve dipped into their’s before it is quite interesting so I recommend you check at least a bit of it out the streaming alternatives for the general election so I player ITX and STV Player will be streaming the election coverage where you’ll be able to choose between the broadcaster’s main london-based programs and special live programs from the Nations covering events in Wales Northern Ireland and Scotland the BBC and ITV face growing streaming competition with Channel 4 streaming upping its coverage GB news will cover its first general election and Sky News election coverage will be streamed on YouTube in HD quality and I’m surpris well I know why they want to avoid YouTube in a way they want to keep people to their platforms I guess sky has the well the money and the resources to stream to YouTube as well as on its own channels and lastly which is included right at the bottom is the toury France that’s not going to face disruption apparently the coverage of that is going to be available each afternoon on itv4 from the 29th of June so if you’re really into the toy France or you cycling have no fear that’s the one major program that is not going to be disrupted for you so that is the extent of it I mean you know to really have all of these at one time it’s it’s a it’s a tall order you you know you’ve got a big general election that affects whole of the UK you’ve got Wimbledon the biggest tennis tournament in the world arguably you’ve then got also the Euros which is one of the most major football tournaments so it’s a lot to juggle but you know these broadcasters particularly the BBC and ITV they’ve had decades upon Decades of experience with this I have no doubt they’re going to handle it in the best way they can it’s really fortunate now that we have these streaming options you know like the I player ITX so we can get this wall to–all coverage should we want it because again 30 years ago we wouldn’t have had that luxury and neither would the broadcasters this whole thing though as I say does favor those who prefer the more streaming model of TV as opposed to terrestrial and to be honest I don’t think the broadcasters mind that as much because that all of them have said you know collectively at some point or another they want to move to this digital first style they eventually want to I guess hopefully phase out their more terrestrial operations so having a water to war coverage or specific channels on their streaming services you know the different Courts for Wimbledon W toall coverage on the election um the different channels for the Euro games you know that will favor people who access streaming more frequently their disruption is going to be limited the major disruption in itself I guess is mainly going to come if you still watch television in a primarily traditional way you know you prefer your programs being on at a set time and that’s when you watch them because a lot of those programs like it said even the big ones like the Chase and the Soaps like extenders and so on they are going to feel this across that that week two we period but I want to know your thoughts do you think the broadcasters are handling this uh this juggling well do you think they’re doing the right move by including all these pop-up channels or do you think it’s all gone a bit of a mess let me know your thoughts in the comments down below but that’s all for this video thank you for watching if you enjoyed it leave a like on it it does help us out and subscribe to the channel as well because we’d love to have you aboard here with us in the meantime I’ve been Adam Martin from amtv thank you for joining me and I’ll see you next time thank you to our patrons for helping to support the show and a special thank you to MRA Ethan carbur halt Bruce Danton Derek Chambers Shan KN DOD Khan Liam Dain Trev Hughes deck Evan Hart 41 Jen Tim Ripley Mr Eurovision 1986 Ted Elliot John Wakefield and manin El Thurman our amtv staff members


    1. With Euro 2024 there is a split of games for each round:

      For the Round of 16 (29 June-2 July) ITV have first pick

      For the Quarter Finals (5-6 July) BBC have first pick

      For the Semi Finals (9-10 July) ITV have first pick

      They won’t be able to confirm the picks for the Last 16 until the Group Stage finishes on Wednesday as until then they won’t know the full lineup of matches

    2. The juggling of the Wimbledon schedule on BBC One and BBC Two is like a tennis match in itself – that makes my head spin, and I'm not keen on tennis most of the time

    3. 1:00 excuse me?! My point is that MOST of your videos these days are about stuff from RXTV Info (and, often times, with those videos not using any other sources), with videos about other stuff not covered on RXTV Info becoming more and more infrequent and scarce.

    4. It's ridiculous in this day and age that these TV companies are still faffing about juggling programs on tv channels and splitting them over two channels like the BBC showing the general election one one and two. Why don't they grow some brains and use the BBC news channel to show the full election on there instead of bbc1 and bbc2
      No wonder our local TV companies are losing the streaming service war as the ain't got no brains because the keep getting rid of major content and then sky take over and making sky profit.
      If these TV companies actually made dedicated streaming channels for content they would make money

    5. My only problem with Wimbledon coverage is when they suddenly decide to move the programmes scheduled for BBC1 over to BBC2 whilst at the same time , moving the BBC2 programmes into BBC1. Even when they're both Wimbledon coverage. It's totally nuts.

    6. As someone who very much enjoys watching *all* the election coverage live (and precisely nothing else that’s mentioned anywhere in this video), it is a little irritating to see it jumping channels like that for other content that really should just always be on designated BBC Sports channels rather than needlessly interrupting other programming.

      (It’s also been annoying in previous years when programmes have shifted channels whilst we’ve been on holiday with no way to set our TV box to record it on its new temporary home!)

    7. You spend 15 minutes telling people a lot of stuff will be going on at the ame time on various TV channels? Wow that may be the dumbest concept for a video I've ever seen.

    8. You'd think with all the additional channels they have available, they could easily assign each with the events in mind. I thought the idea of having to share air-time and disrupt the schedules was a thing of the past.

    9. Based on Freeview, I don't see any problem. ITV can use it's 5 channels. BBC has 3 channels until 7pm and then an extra 2 channels. At a push, the BBC could even use the UKTV channels.

    10. What about those of us who have no interest in these sports events? We still pay the licence fee, and might reasonably expect more than more reruns on deeply undermined.

    11. Don't forget the 2024 Paris Olympic , bbc proms, Edinburgh fringe festival, and car festival, etc I mean summer of events I cant be everywhere I mesn I hsve to be on Germany to cover the euro 2024 thtn tgus weekend I need to go yo Glastonbury to cover Glastonbury then head to Monday 1st of July to cover Wimbledon thrn head back to Germany by July 14th gor both final of euro 2024 then head to final of Wimbledon then end if July head tonparis cover the Olympic thrn cover bbc proms from.july yo August then cover Edinburgh fringe in August it's a very busy sumner for me I cabt be everywhere so won't be bsck home til.mid September thrn u hsve bbc strictly come dancing which eil take us til xmas to the Yr then u hsve capital Jingle Bell Balls and bbc sports personality of the year to finish off the year but thrn u hsve bbc new yrs eve to end tge yr thtn sl kicks off again next yr time moves on life moves on effin move get over yourself

    12. There are some of us who do not care about sport(of any sort) not just football and tennis, the General Election or some middle class unwashed two faced lefty twats at Glastonbury!

    13. Thankfully with The Euros, Glastonbury, General Election and Wimbledon it would be nice to see different schedules on BBC1 and BBC2, and for the Euros and General Election on ITV1.

      However one criticism is that maybe Wimbledon should be on all day from 11AM to 10PM on BBC1 when the Euros is not on and move the news to BBC2 just for the two weeks in between Wimbledon being shown on BBC2 and on the iplayer for the rest of the time and showing different courts on the iplayer. It would make sense to have most of the BBC1 Schedule moved to BBC2 while Wimbledon is on.

      Also at the end of July and beginning of August the same will be applying for The Olympic Games, where it should be completely on BBC1 and the Red Button for the two weeks and move most of the BBC1 Schedule to BBC2 for the two and a half weeks of sport.

    14. UEFA is based outside the UK so Euros should not be on the A list and Sky should be allowed to bid for these rights the only matches for Euros and World Cup (Mens and Womens) that should be live on terrestrial TV A list Live Coverage are the opening match, all games involving UK Home Nations (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales in their respective countries) If Qualified, Semi Finals and the Final, All other matches to be on the B list highlights and Delayed Coverage

    15. I got clickbaited by a video that's clearly not for me. I couldn't care less about live TV. Especially while it's locked behind the archaic license model. I moved on from live TV a few years back and haven't really looked back. Most stuff would be watched on demand anyway. YouTube has replaced lazy casual viewing. The country is generally slow to adapt and move with the times. Certainly slow to leave the old behind. I don't miss live TV. I don't know why anybody who isn't a sports fan should and even then there are other ways to catch your events live.

    16. When in the mornings BBC2 is simulcast with the news channel and afternoon is mainly repeats it would make much more sense making BBC2 the Wimbledon channel so people know all coverage is on BBC2. That way it doesn’t have to this stupid switching about.

      In previous years the red button used to allow you to select your court. People who make these decisions also need to remember that not everyone has strong enough internet for iplayer whereas the red button is via the tv.

      I think the scheduling also shows how little care is given about the channels anymore. The BBC focuses far more on iplayer. Yes the number of viewers is increasing on iplayer but 70% of viewers are still accessed the bbc through their tv and they’re now getting less attention and care

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