Press conference with England defender Marc Guehi in the building-up to their Euro 2024 last-16 match against Slovakia in Gelsenkirchen

    He says it’s nice to hear people are praising his performances so far, says the team aren’t too focused on the negativity and are remaking calm and focused on the next match, how important Gareth Southgate has been for him and the team as a whole, what it’s been like partnering John Stones – saying Harry Maguire, who he has essentially replaced, has helped him get here, the learning curve he’s gone through alongside the rest of the more established defensive unit, the expectation surrounding them having seen the potential path to the final, how proud they are having only conceding one goal so far, says success depends on a collective – a strong defence to provide a base for the attack, says training has stepped up in intensity as the tournament progresses, where his strength of leadership comes from – saying it’s a continuous thing, why he cites Didier Drogba and Thiago Silva is role models, says he would have loved Palace team mate Tyrick Mitchell to be here but feels his time will come, whether Stones and Maguire have given him any particular pointers about tournament football, what Kyle Walker is like to play with, whether his pace gives England a β€˜cheat code’, how much he knows about Slovakia, says confidence comes from within and their unbeaten run rather than seeing the strong teams are in the other side of the draw, whether the team are still feeling a spirit of togetherness despite the outside questions being asked, Anthony Gordon falling off his bike.

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    Timeline courtesy of Warrior J93
    0:00 Intro
    0:31 Darts 🎯
    2:25 Press Conference Start
    2:41 Best Player of the tournament?
    3:19 England defense
    3:53 Gareth Southgate
    4:37 Harry Maguire
    5:19 Important Role
    5:43 Expectations from the Fans
    6:23 England Defense
    7:33 Training Intensity
    7:52 Strengths
    8:29 Role Models strength
    8:54 Tyrick Mitchell
    9:12 John Stones & Kyle Walker
    9:42 Kyle Walker
    10:27 Slovakia
    11:08 Euro Round of 16
    11:45 Positivity
    12:26 Anthony Gordon
    13:17 Outro | Please like the video and subscribe!

    [Music] you going straight practice [Music] you really confident shoot shoot [Music] as well [Music] [Music] okay good afternoon everyone and welcome to blank and hind for this media conference with Mark gay um as ever if we can keep it to three questions per person in the first instance uh and we’ll have a short embargo section at the end as well think as ever rob Thors you want to get us underway he Mark good to see you and I know the plan players tend not to listen to us a lot in the media while the tournament’s going on but that’s a bit of a shame in your case because the vast majority of us in this room and and the fans have been saying that we think you’re you’ve been England’s best and most consistent player so far how nice is that to hear how much are you enjoying the tournament uh good afternoon everyone um yeah um it’s nice to hear it’s nice to hear um I don’t think I’m I wouldn’t say I’m the best player um I think there’s been quite a few really good performances in my opinion um but yeah I think I’m just really enjoying the tournament enjoying being here um you know just really grateful when you see the way the defense the defensive unit is performing one goal conceded in three I think you’ve restricted chances is it a bit strange from your perspective to hear a lot of the criticism and some of the booing from the fans um I don’t think the team’s too too focused on that to be honest I think we’re just appreciative of those that have actually just come and supported the team in general to be honest um I said I think the Camp’s very calm Camp quite relaxed and focused camp at the moment um but yeah I think everyone’s just just really focused on the next task at hand to be honest Gareth has told the newspapers that he thinks he’s may be the reason for some of that negativity around the place uh with with some of the England’s support in particular I wonder if have if that’s tough for you to here because this is a manager who’s given you your opportunity brought you to the first major tournament how important has he been for you how important do you think he’s been for England General he’s been fantastic I think if you look at his uh record um speaks for itself everyone’s behind the manager that’s that’s for sure um got a really close tight-knit group um just focused on you know the next game and you know I think everyone’s just really appreciative with the manager especially especially me you know him giving me my debut for England um him shown so so much confidence in me um I’m I’m really grateful and I’m sure the rest of the team is as well hi Mark you care good thing what’s it been like playing with Jon stones and has Harry MaGuire or anyone been in contact about your performances so far no I haven’t spoke to Harry um but I think me being here Harry’s played a big part in that um you know his constant consistent performances for our other other tournaments um his help with me on the training pitches before um you know it’s been amazing and I can’t speak highly enough of him and John um playing with John’s a dream to be honest he’s top professional um makes my life so much easier and I’m just following in his footstep so you know it’s been it’s fantastic watching those players over the last few years has that helped you do you think step into the important role you have now yeah 100% um like I said before just seeing them two at you know the the highest level players consistently playing really well um never letting their country down I think is uh you know it’s paved the way for me and I think for so many other us to come through um come through um in the future as well just to follow up on the the kind of expectation there is from fans on on the team are you feeling that as players and you think it will go up as you’re on the perceived favorable side of the draw about the draw I think everyone’s seen in this competition that I don’t think there is a favorable side of the draw um um you know every team every opponent that you come up against is really tough to play against um but I think we just need to to remain calm and that’s I think that’s the environment that we set ourselves we put pressure on ourselves but it’s a very calm and focused environment um I’d have to say so just need to continue focus on one thing at a time really okay we go f and then to Henry Alex hi Mike nice to see you hi um England’s defense is the most successful defense in in the tournament so far how proud are you of that bearing in mind that was the focus coming into the tournament that it was perhaps England’s weakest link I’d say I’m content um cuz the job’s not finished it’s important that we I’d say Carry On Building um and that’s testate to the entire team cuz we’re not out there just playing by ourselves you know it’s the pressure from the front it’s the midfielders helping us and constant communication um so I think if we carry on building we’ll be fine is that something that maybe that the fans and and critics outside maybe need to remember that actually defenses tend to win tournaments and and not necessarily the best attacking side yeah I think um you know it’s a it’s a collective you know being able to defend really well um and if we’re going to go far in this tournament you know your defense needs to be really strong um so I think you know the critics I’m not aware of anything anyone says anyway so you know um I think as long as you carry on moving forward in the right direction uh we’ll be okay just finally how much has uh training stepped up now you’re heading into the last 16 it has a lot um even from just the last game the intensity has gone up um we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to keep high standards um and I think it has to just remain at that level if we’re going to car moving throughout this competition thanks very much hi Mark you you Captain England at under 17s under 21s and you were Palace captain at 21 what what what are your strengths are you just a natural leader is it communication um I said this in in another interview I think my strengths are uh you know to be continued I don’t actually really know I’d say I’m continuously like developing everything at the moment um trying to just get better in every single Department of my game whether that is communication or whether that is distribution or defending so I think um hopefully in the future there’s there’s a few more bits to come from our you told the BBC that Cho Silva and D Drogba were were sort of role models for you what what what were their strengths that appealed to you I’d say resilience um both in their stories growing up um both in what they had to enjo in their careers um in any professional career it’s really difficult to make it to the top and for both of them I think that’s for me one thing that stands out for sure and given England’s issues at left back were you surprised that Tyre is not here I would have loved T to be I thought he’s had a you know he’s had an amazing season very consistent in his performances um obviously it’s a shame um but I’m sure if he carries on um as we’ve seen with so many England players that you definitely are able to get your chance thanks Henry Jack P Brock hi Mark um you talked about Jon Stones earlier obviously him and Kyle Walker have been playing tournament football for England for about 10 years now have they given you any particular pointers on how to get yourself through a tournament like this just to be yourself um you know I’ve relied I’d say on on them as well as the whole team to be honest um we rely on each other um but they’ve just told me just to be myself to carry on do what I’m doing um you know and just to just to support one another I think that’s is mostly the important thing and what’s it like playing with Kyle Walker top unbelievable player um his career shows what he’s already done in the game um but his tenacity his leadership on the pitch really shows especially in tough moments so yeah he’s an amazing player the other day on TV he got called a che code because of how quick he is helping in helping you guys defend against the Counterattack is that something that that you appreciate yeah I think his place definitely helps a lot um in any situation um it’s not just that his reading of the game is fantastic um you know he’s not just like a one trip Pony he’s not someone that’s should just rown in his Pace but his intelligence to the game his position like I’ve said um so he’s a fantastic player and even better person for sure thanks sh question back to Rob Mark how how much do you know about Slovakia cuz we thought for a long period it might be the Netherlands you were playing in the last 16 turns it out it’s Slovakia have you started looking at them specifically yet uh we haven’t done any team analysis on them but we all watch the games and we know they’re really good sides um obviously com in I think it was third in the group they they qualified um but yeah they’ve got some really good players in their team leot K and one um the obvious one from Napoli um but a lot of good players um you know I think it’s just going to be another tough tough opponent tough challenge to deal with um but it’s important that we just have to be ready for those challenges and and match whatever intensity they’re going to bring and I I totally appreciate what you’re saying about every team being a tough Challenge and reputations haven’t really counted for a lot in this tournament so far but you can understand the fans get quite excited when they see that France Spain Portugal Belgium are all on the other side of the draw you can’t meet them until much later in the tournament yeah does that build confidence I think what builds confidence is togetherness performances the fact that um we haven’t lost the game yet which is really important um think all the other things you can’t really control I think it’s important that we just control what we can control and that’s remaining calm focused and dealing with whatever uh you know obstacles in front of us and the manager has spent his entire England career really trying to build a togetherness and and an atmosphere around the England Camp which is great for you guys to go out and do your best is that still there do you still sense that is there still a positivity in in in the camp that cuz it’s your first experience the course of a major tournament yeah I think you can see it every single day in the togetherness we show where you know playing darts or playing paddle or whatever activity is um and it shows that on the pitch you know going through tough moments on the pitch um it all shows I think credit like you say to the manager credit to to the senior players that have been there for so long that allow players like me um that haven’t had that experience at at this level to come in and just feel like themselves um so yeah togetherness is definitely there just going ask one more about Anthony Gordon’s chin it came as a bit of a shock to us when we were doing live training earlier and we saw this big gash on his chin and he got it over his arms as well what happened yeah he fell off his bike um yeah uh boys went out on a bike ride um I actually wasn’t there I heard about it and I was actually talking to him and wasn’t really paying attention to him while I was talking to him turned around I saw you know the massive gash on his chin um but yeah he’s okay he he’s good but he just fell off his bik yeah has it been a bit of a joke in Camp a little bit a little bit um but yeah he’s he’s doing well he’s doing well now uh I think that’s part of the live section and actually you’ll be hearing from Anthony Gordon tomorrow so you can ask more on that um we’ll move on to the Embargo section yeah okay start with for


    1. Top man Marc! You know his dad's a vicar or something,and he enjoys listening to gospel music? Top,genuine lad,grateful he's Palace…..

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